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[Variety] Happy Sunday -1 Night, 2 Days (1박 2일) S3 :KBS 1N2D S3 MISS ALL MEMBER -STAFF EXCEPT JY :PAGE 447 END MARCH 2019

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@Sujin-a Just like to add that DG isn't afraid of ghosts like Joohyuk. They have the same reactions too. Good thing he isn't so he helped CTH with the camera. We finally got stable shots. :P

I love the editing and the captions were so funny!

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Can't wait for the next episode! :w00t:

Anyone's watching W? JJY sang the OST.


(Credit to owner)

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Kim Sae Ron Denies Responsibility For Yoon Shi Yoon’s Failed “Boyfriend Look”

Kim Sae Ron Denies Responsibility For Yoon Shi Yoon’s Failed “Boyfriend Look”

On July 28, actress Kim Sae Ron gave an interview in which she talked about her “Mirror of the Witch” co-star, Yoon Shi Yoon, and his program “2 Days & 1 Night.”

“If he asked me to appear, I would,” she said. “But he probably doesn’t have any thoughts about it.”

During “2 Days & 1 Night’s” Ewha University special, the cast was asked to dress up in a “boyfriend look.” Yoon Shi Yoon shocked the members by showing up in jean shorts and a hot pink shirt and claimed that Kim Sae Ron had been his stylist.

2 days & 1 night

Kim Sae Ron protested, “I never recommended those clothes. I wanted to see him dress nicely on TV for once so I sent him photos of various styles. I told him to copy the picture exactly and not to mention me if he wore something else. But he went on broadcast and said I recommended it… I never told him to wear jeans and a hot pink shirt!”

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Guest psycheros

In the latest episode with Dong Gu's grandparents, the background song that played during the montage showing the cast visiting their families was Kim Bum Soo's "Home Meal". Looking at the lyrics, it was a spot-on choice.



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both pd - pd yoo + pd iiyong  enter water today

hope after this viewers can give support to pd iiyong .. i know someone can't/never  watch ths show becoz new pd 





today have int. viewers  1st time  watch this show + even watch live streaming & they  not happy today + say this show boring.. that why sometimes i hate guest from idol  group come  to my fav show becoz their fan...  


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1n2d trademark .... they not depend guest for rating ..  preview next epi also not  made any screen for guest... if you watch this show every week   will understand .. twice only come few minute  just singing  cheer up maybe play 1 gms wth member (for  mission ) .. they not guest as han hyojoo  --.. fsnpic twice only at river ....  


updated again 




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40 minutes ago, Sujin-a said:

@kjmcth Read those tweets. Twice needs 1n2d more than 1n2d needs them. They weren't shown in the preview last week in the first place. These fans *sigh* 

 fortunately   they not guest full epi if not these fan will be busy with comment   why  their idol can't  eat -sleep.-- outdoor .... becoz they never understand abt concept this show 

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 .... who read this forum understand pd yoo stilll with team  when   filming on 22 july   ... again  posted fanpic (lazy to check prev pages)  pd yoo just oficially pass baton  to new pd on e134 .. 








Producing director Yoo Ho Jin has given his final farewell to KBS2’s “2 Days & 1 Night.”

The cast explores the outdoors for the show’s summer holiday episode on July 31.

To mark Yoo Ho Jin’s final day of filming, the cast urges the producing director to share some final words.

He states, “I had a good time spending the holiday here. All this time I have received more credit for my ability than I deserve. Now that two years and six months have gone, I thought it would be good for the show to be supported by someone newer and with more energy,” as he passes the baton to producing director Yoo Il Yong upon his exit.

kim joon ho kim jong min defconn jung joon young yoon ho jin

He continues, “I think I can entrust you to Yoo Il Yong from now on and and go. You might have many worries as you take over, so I’m sorry and thankful. Work hard to maintain this good atmosphere,” before he obeys the egging of the members to dive into the water with them.

Yoo Il Yong also speaks up, saying, “I might be immature because I’m not experienced, but I hope you keep smiling even when I’m lacking.”

Watch the latest episode of “2 Days & 1 Night” below!


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13.0% (-0.6% )



13.6% (-0,9%) -

14.5% 160717 (+1.4%) -

13.1% 160710  (-0.6% )

13.7% 160703 (+1.4%)

12.3 % 160626



2nd slot 






1) KBS 1N2D S3 EPI 134  160731

15.7% 160731 (-1.5%)




 17.2% 160724 (-0.5%) 

17.7%   (+1.6%)

16.1% 160710 (-1.4% )

17.5% 160703 (+1.3 %)

16.2 %  160626 


2) MBC Real Man 2

9.2 % 160731 (-0.2%)



9.4% (-1.3% )

10.7%  (+1.3%)

9.4% 160710  


3) SBS RM 

6.8% 160731 (-0.3 %)




7.8% 160717 (+0.4%)

7.4% 160710 








10.8% (-0.1 % )



10.9% (-1.4% )

12.3%  160717 (+ 1.0% )

11.3%  160710 (+ 0.2)

11.1 % 160703





12.3% 160731 (-1.3 %)



13.6% 160724 (+0.2%)

13.2% 160717 (+0.4)

12.8% 160710  (- 0.9% )
13.7 % 160703 



3)SBS Fantastic Duo

5.2 % (-1.0% )


6.2% 160724 (-0.3% )

6.5%. 160717 (-0.7%) 

7.2% 160710(+ 1.8%)

5.4% 160703




 1) KBS 1N2D S3 EPI 134  160731
15.7% 160731 (-1.5%)

12.3% 160731 (-1.3 %)

10.8% (-0.1 % )

4)MBC Real Man 2
9.2 % 160731( -0.2%)

5) SBS RM 
6.8% 160731 (-0.3 %)

6)SBS Fantastic Duo
5.2 % (-1.0% )



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8 hours ago, RiRiyellowbellow said:

Looks like there's a drastic change in the ratings. Not going to lie, I feel sorry for the new pd after all the negative criticism he's been getting lately :( 

last sunday all show rating down...   even mbc masked singer  down -1.3% with 1n2d (-1.5 %)

rating 1n2d under pd yoo

15.7% 160731 (-1.5%)

17.2% 160724 (-0.5%) 

17.7%   (+1.6%)

16.1% 160710 (-1.4% )

17.5% 160703 (+1.3 %)

16.2 %  160626 




now  summer  season ---- if pd ilyong made idea  drive car/van  with no aircond  he will gain more hater .. member still lucky get on bus ....... they protest with not out from bus ... and they happy becoz twice coming out 


pd na always  made they need choose best  car   to  bad car from gms.. and always have member need drive without aircond in summer .... if winter  car with open appear ...



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9 hours ago, kjmcth said:


now  summer  season ---- if pd ilyong made idea  drive car/van  with no aircond  he will gain more hater .. member still lucky get on bus ....... they protest with not coming out from bus ... and they happy becoz twice coming out 


pd na always  made they need choose best  car   to  bad car from gms.. and always have member need drive without aircond in summer .... if winter  car with open appear ...



Ikr, Ilyong PD is getting hate for what a PD of 1n2d always does. And for god's sake, it's not only him who came up with these games and missions, there are team of PDs and writers behind it, there is ALSO HOJIN PD behind it but all the hate was thrown at him. As if Hojin PD never made an uninteresting episode before. Well, haters are gonna hate anyway. So all we can do is wishing Ilyong PD to be strong and overcome this transitional period. In Yoo Producer & Yoo PD we trust!

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45 minutes ago, xxPeepsxx said:

LOL, I had no idea that TWICE was coming out in the next episode and randomly guessed that as the reason JunHo was so happy in the previews.


BASED fanpic twice coming out at river with member wear these clothes.... so they happy even taehyun with dance cheer up...

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Guest pink_dolphins

                     Don't hate me ------- What I don't like of the 'new' 1n2d is the editing (the slowmotion) and the music and sound effects. Dmn it is soooooooooooooooooooo annoying me!!! :tired:They don't have to do that because 1n2d is all about the members and their interaction with each other. geez...

                      But it is a treat to see our 'open fly' PD again. LOL.:sweat_smile: I never realized how much I miss him until i saw him today. Though it was a goodbye speech i sort of 'accepted' him leaving because he really gained weight and he looks happier. It must be so stressful to carry on the shoulders maintaining a great show. sigh... 

                      What I'm going to do is to accept the changes of 1n2d with an open mind and heart - because it is only me suffering if I won't be enjoying the eps. ........... but it still hurts to see it is not the same anymore.... :anguished:

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