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[Drama 2013/2014] Shining Romance (빛나는 로맨스)


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Episode 50

Tae Sik was shocked when his mother called him to say that she had reported Bit Na for abduction. Tae Sik asked how could his mother had done so and Mal Sook insisted it was the only way to get Yeon Doo back.

Bit Na and her family tried to understand what was happening while Mal Sook rushed into the house calling out to Yeon Doo. Bit Na asked Mal Sook what was she doing. Mal Sook told the policemen that Bit Na had abducted Yeon Doo. Soon Ok told the policemen that Bit Na was the mother and how can it be an abduction. Mal Sook reminded that Bit Na was divorced and the child custody was with Tae Sik. Mal Sook said that Bit Na had taken Yeon Doo without permission and that was abduction. Mal Sook added they had searched long for Yeon Doo.

Soon Ok shouted at Mal Sook what was Mal Sook talking about. Mal Sook said she had searched high and low for Yeon Doo and told the policemen that Bit Na's family did not even take her calls. Mal Sook asked what the policemen were doing and asked them to have Bit Na arrested. The policemen took Bit na away as they were just following the law. Mal Sook grabbed Yeon Doo to her side with Yeon Doo crying.

Tae Sik arrived at Bit Na's home and introduced himself to the policeman to verify that he was the child's guardian. Soon Ok ran out and saw Tae Sik and asked how dared they charged Bit Na with abduction. Soon Ok asked how could Tae Sik do this to Bit Na. The policeman told them to stay away. Yeon Doo was crying in the car and Mal Sook told Tae Sik to drive away quickly. Soon Ok and Yoon Na was at lost as the police and Tae Sik drove away.

Ha Joon looked at his phone wandering to call Bit Na as he was sure that Bit Na was hurting as well knowing what he went through with Tae Sik. Ha Joon called Bit Na to let her know he was fine and told her not to worry but it was Soon Ok who answered the call. Ha Joon stood in attention and asked why had Soon Ok answered the call. Soon Ok told Ha Joon that Bit Na had been arrested. Ha Joon learned that Bit na was arrested for abduction and he told Soon Ok not to worry as he will be there with a lawyer. Ha Joon told Soon Ok he will be there as soon as possible and to let Bit Na know not to be afraid. Ha Joon told Soon Ok not to worry as well as he will be there soon. Once Ha Joon was off the phone, Ha Joon cursed Tae Sik for not being a man.

Back home, Tae Sik asked how could Mal Sook charged Bit Na with abduction and complicated the matter. Emma was amused when she heard that Bit Na was charged with abduction. Tae Sik told Emma to be quiet. Tae Sik told his mother how scared she had made Bit Na and Emma chided him fro using "My Bit Na" and he changed his reference to "Yeon Doo's mother" then. Furthermore, Tae Sik told his mother that she had Bit Na arrested in front of her family. Mal Sook said she did not the effect would be so great. Emma further chided Tae Sik who dared to show concern for Bit Na in front of her. Tae Sik explained that Bit Na was after all the birth mother of their child. Tae Sik had a text from the police and Tae Sik scolded his mother that he was busy as it was and she had to create such mess. Mal Sook said she was a person of conscience but she wanted to see her grand daughter.

The police man told Bit Na that nothing could be done as the custody was with Tae Sik. Soon Ok and Yoon Na came over and Soon Ok told Bit Na to wait patiently. Tae Sik also walked into the police station. Yoon Na started screaming at Tae Sik asking what had her sister done wrong. Bit Na accused Tae Sik what was he up to next and asked whether this was his mother's idea. Bit Na accused Tae Sik for wanting to be cordial with her but sent his mother to take Yeon Doo away.

Soon Ok step up and gave Tae Sik a slap and told him that he was bad. Tae Sik told Soon Ok that they were in a police station and everyone had seen her hitting him. Tae Sik said it was an act of violence. Soon Ok said it was and asked Tae Sik to have her arrested as well. Soon Ok said she would take all the wrap but to leave Bit Na alone. Soon Ok grabbed Tae Sik's collar how could he did this to Bit Na who did not have a father and also got cast out. Soon Ok asked Tae Sik why did he do it. Tae Sik was at lost of defense and told Soon Ok to stop and said what she was doing was an act of violence. Tae Sik asked the police to look at it and said it would showed on CCTV. Soon Ok said why did he have to separate Yeon Doo and Bit Na. Yoon Na and Bit Na decided to pull Soon Ok away from Tae Sik.

Yoon Na told her mother not to beg a bad man like Tae Sik while Soon Ok asked how he could do this to them. Tae Sik said he was also very frustrated and asked why Yoon Na was treating him this way. The police officer told them to be quiet while Yoon Na and Bit Na helped Soon Ok to sit down. Ha Joon and a lawyer walked into the station. Ha Joon glared momentarily at Tae Sik. Bit Na asked why he was there. Ha Joon told the policeman that Bit Na's lawyer was here. The lawyer introduced himself as Lawyer Park. Tae Sik let out his frustration on seeing Ha Joon.

Yeon Doo refused to eat as Mal Sook tried to coax Yeon Doo. Tae Yang told her mother she was being too much. Mal Sook told Tae Yang to shut up as she would not allowed another man to take care of Yeon Doo since she had a father who was a doctor. Mal Sook asked Yeon Doo who she preferred to be with. Yeon Doo remained listless and silent. Tae Yang told her mother to stop talking and Yeon Doo started to cry. Mal Sook said sorry as she did not have a choice.

Soon Ok and Yoon Na went into Ha Joon's car. Bit Na thanked Ha Joon and Ha Joon told Bit Na to take courage. Bit Na went into the car. Ha Joon and Tae Sik exchanged glances. Tae Sik showed his frustration.

Ae Sook went to her bar in her alter-ego look. Chae Ri was shocked and wandered what was Ae Sook doing there. Ae Sook brought Chae Ri a drink as she knew Chae Ri would be curious about her. Ae Sook said this was the real her. Chae Ri said she should be ashamed. Ae Sook said she had nothing to be ashamed about and told Chae Ri she also shared her blood. Ae Sook told Chae Ri she had no blood relations with her current family but she shared Ae Sook's blood ties. Chae Ri told Ae Sook to stop talking. Ae Sook told Chae Ri she would show Chae Ri her true self. Ae Sook said because of Chae Ri she hide herself. Ae Sook told Chae Ri to take a good look at her mother. Chae Ri screamed that Ae Sook was just a housekeeper to her.

Chae Ri reminded that Ae Sook tried to seduce Jae Ik and Ae Soo said she did it so she and Jae Ik could marry. Chae Ri shouted at her to stop talking nonsense as it was all lies. Ae Sook showed Chae Ri the flyer that Jae Ik printed. Ae Sook told Chae Ri that Jae Ik was looking for someone and that person was his real daughter. Chae Ri was shocked and Ae Sook said that picture was Jae Ik's real daughter. Ae Sook told her it was not the time whether to believe her or not.

Jae Ik and his friend gave out the flyers.

Ae Sook said this was why she had told Chae Ri the truth. Ae Sook said it did not matter whether Chae Ri acknowledge her for not but as long as Chae Ri listened to her. Ae Sook told Chae Ri's own existence was in danger in light of Jae Ik looking for his real daughter. Chae Ri asked whether there was proof as it could be something Ae Sook had made up. Ae Sook told Chae Ri to come to her senses of the fact. Chae Ri said the one endangering her existence was Ae Sook. Chae Ri walked off.

Jae Ik and his friend returned from their mission. Jae Ik's friend said it was difficult as they were doing it in secret as they cannot go to the newspaper or TV broadcast. Jae Ik's mother came in with some snack and Jae Ik hid the flyers quickly. However, Jae Ik's mother felt strange as the two men seemed to be very uneasy.

Jae Ik's friend commented Jae Ik's late wife and Soon Ok were quite similar and told Jae Ik to introduced Soon Ok to his mother. Jae Ik said he should and from now on he will just think of good thoughts.

Bit Na and Soon Ok missed Yeon Doo. Bit Na apologised to her mother and her mother comforted Bit Na.

Ha Joon sent a text about going together to see the lawyer. Ha Joon said he had to go to the office first. However, Bit Na was going to see the lawyer on her own. Soon Ok told Bit Na to let her know regardless what the lawyer said. Ha Joon called her and asked her why she had not replied his text message. Bit Na said she was now in front of the lawyer office and thanked him for his concern.

Lawyer Park told Bit Na it would be difficult as custody was with Tae Sik. Bit Na pleaded to help her to get the custody. Furthermore, Lawyer Park told Bit Na that she did not have a permanent job which would not be in her favour. Ha Joon learned from Lawyer Park what had transpired. Bit Na was in a daze and Ha Joon was calling her frequently. Bit Na finally answered and Ha Joon asked her where she was. Bit Na said she was outside the lawyer's office. Ha Joon told her not to move as he will come and get her. Ha Joon told her not to cry. Bit Na started to break down and said she did not know what to do next.

Bit Na saw a child looking like Yeon Doo and started to shout out for Yeon Doo but she dropped her phone. Ha Joon on the line was wondering what was wrong. Bit Na ran across the road nearly avoiding an accident. Ha Joon rushed to Bit Na's side after hearing traffic noises.

Chae Ri observed for herself of Jae Ik passing out the flyers. Chae Ri vowed that the real daughter would never surfaced. Ae Sook said to herself she would protect Chae Ri and there was nothing to be afraid.

Chae Ri asked Ae Sook when had Jae Ik know that she was not his daughter and who was her real father.

Ha Joon arrived at Bit Na was and looked for her frantically. Ha Joon even made a call to the hospital but finally saw Bit Na sitting in a daze at a park bench and was crying. Ha Joon hugged her and thanked her for being alive. Bit Na cried when she was cast out, it was Yeon Doo who was the reason she kept going. Ha Joon comforted Bit Na.

Ha Joon took Bit Na home. Ha Joon said he was so worried about her. Bit Na said she was not in her right mind that she did not recognised her own daughter. Bit Na apologised for making Ha Joon worry. Ha Joon said it was fine. Ha Joon told Bit Na to rest but Bit Na refused. Ha Joon said she must be hungry and Bit Na said what right she was to eat when she had abandoned her child. Ha Joon wiped Bit Na's tears as she wandered how was Yeon Doo coping without her.

Preview :

Ha Joon made porridge for Bit Na

Chae Ri tried to get Jae Ik's mother to approve Jae Ik with Ae Sook

Ha Joon feed Bit Na the porridge. Bit Na said she would get Yeon Doo back and Ha Joon promised he will help her as he hugged her

* recap only based on the main couple storyline. Kindly note interpretation is best to limited understanding of the language.

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Episode 51

Mal Sook and Tae Yang tried to get Yeon Doo to eat. Yeon Doo who missed her mother was just listless and refused to eat. Yeon Doo cried that she wanted to go home to her mother. Bit Na on the other hand prayed that Yeon Doo to bear the pain until she was able to get her.

Ha Joon tried his hand cooking porridge for Bit Na.

Ha Joon brought in the food and Bit Na had slept off. Ha Joon adjusted the covers and felt her forehead to check for fever. Bit Na did not have a temperature. Ha Joon watched the sleeping Bit Na and said to himself that Bit Na looked like an angel and was really pretty. Ha Joon complimented her features and gave in to the temptation of kissing Bit Na. However, when he hovered nearing to her lips, Bit Na opened her eyes and Ha Joon shot back up in embarrassment. Ha Joon fumbled with some explanation.

Bit Na got up and she saw the porridge Ha Joon made. Bit Na asked why did he make it when he cannot cook. Ha Joon told her to eat the porridge as he did not know what it tasted like. He scooped a spoonful and blew at it to cool. Ha Joon told her to eat to have strength. Ha Joon said that one need to have strength before one can solve matters. Bit Na nodded in agreement. Ha Joon said Bit Na needed to have strength to gain back custody. Bit Na took a mouthful.

Bit Na said in determination that she would get back Yeon Doo. Ha Joon agreed and said she will. Ha Joon said he would helped her. Bit Na promised she would not weaken until she get back Yeon Doo. Bit Na told Ha Joon to give her the bowl as she would eat it herself. Bit Na forced herself to eat up the porridge despite her emotional hurt. Ha Joon held Bit Na close.

Jae Ik came to Soon Ok's rescue due to a quarrelsome couple. Soon Ok thanked Jae Ik that he had been a comfort to her since her husband died. Soon Ok broke down and told Jae Ik that her grand daughter was taken away from her daughter. Jae Ik asked what did the lawyer said and she told Jae Ik that Bit na had gone to the lawyer but it must be difficult as Bit Na had no call her yet. Jae Ik offered to help in any way he can. Soon Ok thanked him.

Jae Ik's friend asked him whether he gave Soon Ok the gift and Jae Ik said he never got a chance. Ae Sook brought in the snacks and noticed the jewellery box. Ae Sook was worried that Jae Ik and Soon Ok had shown progress. Ae Sook recalled a conversation with Chae Ri who asked who her birth father was. Ae Sook told her not to concern herself who her birth father as the only father she got was Jae Ik. Ae Sook told Chae Ri to help marry Jae Ik as soon as possible. Ae Sook told Chae Ri that Jae Ik was interested in someone else. Ae Sook warned Chae Ri that if the new wife came in then Ae Sook would have to leave hence there was no one who will protect Chae Ri. Ae Sook maintained that in order t protect Chae Ri's identity she must become Chae Ri's stepmother.

Chae Ri was recalled Ae Sook telling her that all this was hers. Chae Ri said she will not worry about the real daughter.

Yoon Na was making progress with Ki Joon

Ki Joon and Ha Joon had a brotherly conversation as Ki Joon expressed his frustration in his love life. However, Ha Joon's mother came into the room suddenly and Ha Joon's father told them that he caught their mother eavesdropping at the door.

Soon Ok, Bit Na and Yoon Na lamented what should they do about Yeon Doo. Yoon Na vowed that she will not let go of Tae Sik and his mother. Soon Ok said it will take time to get the custody but Bit na said she would not give up regardless how long it took. Yoon Na told Bit Na have courage. Bit Na said she missed Yeon Doo as the other family received to take her calls. Bit Na said she would be strong as she cannot falter until she get Yeon Doo back. Bit na said she would succeed.

Bit Na looked at Yeon Doo's picture and hoped they could meet in their dreams.

Yeon Doo came over to Tae Sik and Emma's room insisting she wanted to sleep with her father. Mal Sook tried to coax Yeon Doo over but she refused. Tae Sik gave in and allowed Yeon Doo to sleep with them. Mal Sook was pleased as she knew it would upset Emma. Yeon Doo even kicked Emma off the bed.

Ha Joon texted words of encouragement to Bit Na that she would get back Yeon Doo. Bit Na also vowed that she would bring Yeon Doo home to her.

Chae Ri started to have nightmares of being discovered. Chae Ri woke up and asked Ae Sook what she must do in order to be Jang Chae Ri forever. Chae Ri said she would not loose anything as everything was hers.

Chae Ri started to put a good word with her grandmother to match Ae Sook with Jae Ik.

Bit Na called Tae Yang to find out about Yeon Doo but Tae Yang told Bit Na that something had happened to Yeon Doo. Bit Na asked what was wrong.

Preview :

Chae Ri told Ae Sook  to proceed getting Jae Ik.

Yeon Doo cried to Bit Na saying even her parents were divorced that Bit Na will not abandoned Yeon Doo. Bit Na told Yeon Doo she was her everything. Yeon Doo told Bit Na that she loved her.

Bit Na met Emma and told her to take care of Yeon Doo. Emma just sneered at Bit Na. Bit Na scolded Emma.

Ha Joon's father asked how was it going on with his relationship.

Ae Sook hugged Jae Ik in front of Soon Ok. Soon Ok told Jae Ik to come clean with her.

Ha Joon back hugged Bit Na asking her why she did not know of his feelings.


* recap only based on the main couple storyline. Kindly note interpretation is best to limited understanding of the language.

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Episode 52

Tae Yang told Bit Na that Yeon Doo had not been eating. Bit Na broke into the tears. Tae Yang felt that Bit Na was crying and said she should not have told her. Bit Na asked what they planned to do and Tae Yang said Mal Sook planned to take her to the hospital. Bit Na said not to as it was an emotional hurt and therefore going to the hospital will make it worse. Bit na told tae Yang she will go there and made sure Yeon Doo ate.

Mal Sook took over the phone and told her there was no need as they will know how to take care of Yeon Doo. Bit Na told her that Yeon Doo was not eating and therefore she wanted to persuade Yeon Doo over the phone. Bit Na reminded Mal Sook how hurtful it was for a young child to be taken away from her mother. Mal Sook asked how could she say such a thing. Bit Na told Mal Sook that she too cared for Yeon Doo and now her grand daughter was not eating.

Mal Sook relented and passed the phone to Yeon Doo. Bit Na told Yeon Doo to listen to her. Bit Na told Yeon Doo that she should know that her mother really loved her. Yeon Doo asked when will Bit Na take her home and asked whether Bit Na did not missed her. Bit Na told Yeon Doo that she missed her and loved her. Bit Na told Yeon Doo she had to stayed with her father for the time being and she should take care of her health and eat until Bit Na take her home. Bit Na told Yeon Doo cannot let herself starve. Bit Na told Yeon to stay healthy and bright as Bit Na promised she would take Yeon Doo home. yeon Doo asked that Bit Na still loved her and Bit Na cried out of course she still did. Yeon Doo asked whether it was not that Bit Na hated her that she was put there. Bit Na told Yeon Doo that she was her everything and told Yeon Doo she loved her very much. Yeon Doo also cried out that she loved her mother too.

Mal Sook brought Yeon Doo some rice and Yeon Doo told Bit Na that she was eating now. Bit Na told Yeon Doo she was her smart daughter. Mal Sook took the phone from Yeon Doo and hung up. Bit Na broke and cried. Yeon Doo ate up her meal.

Yoon Na's friend were shocked to hear what had happened to Bit Na and they thought of an idea to teach the family a lesson.

Bit Na texted Emma to meet. Emma was worried that Bit Na might slapped her.

Emma asked why Bit Na needed to see her as she was not comfortable. Bit Na said she did not care about Emma's feelings. Bit na told Emma she was here because of Yeon Doo. Bit Na passed Emma a journal of Yeon Doo's well being. Emma flipped through the pages. Bit Na told Emma that she was now looking after Yeon Doo and therefore she should be aware of it. Emma told Bit Na she had given up on Yeon Doo. Emma said it should be the case so she can remarried. Bit Na scolded her not to be misunderstand as she will take care of her own flesh and blood. Bit Na told Emma if ever she heard that they did not look after Yeon Doo properly, she will not go easy on them. Emma sneered at Bit Na for being scary.

Bit Na took a deep breath and explained that for Yeon Doo's sake she will not continued fighting until she can get back Yeon Doo. Bit Na asked Emma to take care of Yeon Doo for the time being. Bit na started to explained what Yeon Doo liked and dislike and already Emma disagreed with the idea of sending Yeon Doo off to kindergarten. Bit Na explained to Emma that Yeon Doo suffered from Atopic Eczema and therefore care need to be take during her bath and what needed to be done.

Yoon Na's friend a bouquet of white chrysanthemums with a black ribbon. Normally , a bouquet given for the dead with a note of a fake Emma's ex-lover vowing eternal love. This really gave Mal Sook and Tae Yang a scare.    

Emma told Chae Ri about her meeting with Bit Na and all the list of requirements. Emma recalled that Yeon Doo was still sleeping in between Tae Sik and herself.during the night. Chae Ri teased why Emma put herself in such a difficult position and that she should go for a bachelor. Emma then told Chae Ri that Ha Joon came with a lawyer for Bit Na when Mal Sook charged Bit Na for abduction. Chae Ri was surprised.

Bit Na told Tae Sik that she will go to court to get custody of Yeon Doo. Bit Na said she just wanted to ensure she had fair play in the matter. Tae Sik was amazed and Bit na said she had no confidence in him to bring up Yeon Doo and she will definitely get Yeon Doo back. Tae Sik was in disbelief and asked what strength she had now to bring up Yeon Doo herself as she had neither a job or a home. Tae Sik told Bit Na just be satisfied with visitation rights. Bit Na told Tae Sik that if he still thought of himself as Yeon Doo's father and still loved her, Bit Na asked Tae Sik to make sure Yeon Doo did not get hurt. Tae Sik told Bit Na to take care of her own self. Tae Sik lamented that day Ha Joon brought in a lawyer for her and question what was their relationship. Bit na did not answer the question but gave Tae Sik a copy of her journal on taking care of Yeon Doo.

Bit Na told Tae Sik that he should know how to care for Yeon Soo. Bit Na said she had given a copy to Emma but she was no responsive therefore she was going to give one to Tae Sik so he will know as well. Bit Na said this was what it took to take care of Yeon Doo. Tae Sik was surprised to see the details in the book. Bit Na reminded Tae Sik never to forget that he was Yeon Doo's father. Tae Sik held Bit Na's and and apologised and said he will make it up to Yeon Doo. Bit Na threw off Tae Sik's hand and told him she was not giving up on Yeon Doo. Bit Na told Tae Sik like he said she did not have the requirements to get custody but when she did she will make sure she take Yeon Doo back. Tae Sik felt very guilty.

Yeon Doo saw Tae Sik and Emma's wedding picture and called Emma a bad witch.

Bit Na wanted Tae Sik to promise that Yeon Doo did not received hurt like the last time. Bit Na said she will not stand for it. Tae Sik meekly told Bit Na that he understood. Bit Na said Yeon Doo would never forget that her grandmother could charged her own mother for a crime. Tae Sik said he apologized to her  for that. Bit Na told him not to her but to Yeon Doo as it was a great distress to Yeon Doo. Bit Na told Tae Sik that he was the one who broke up the family and send her away from her mother. Tae Sik told Bit Na to stop bashing him. Bit Na told Tae Sik he had to listen even he disliked it. Bit Na told him because of his own selfish desire he had done such a despicable thing. Bit Na told Tae Sik she had nothing to say of him as he was beyond redemption. Bit Na told Tae Sik to treat Yeon Doo well with any conscience he had left. Tae Sik told Bit Na not to worry as he will. Bit Na told Tae Sik to bring Yeon Doo out as Yeon Doo had wished to go to a park with them.

Tae Sik was worried what Emma will think. Bit Na told Tae Sik she too did not wished to be in his company but she was doing it for Yeon Doo to ensure Yeon Doo that her parents still loved her. Bit Na said they must comfort Yeon Doo as much as possible. Bit Na told Tae Sik to bring Yeon Doo over and they will go out together. Bit Na left while Tae Sik buried his head in his hands with guilt.

Ha Joon called Bit Na asking her whether she had eaten. Bit Na had told him she had. Ha Joon was disappointed that she ate without him but cut the conversation short when his father walked in. Ha Joon's father asked to bring Bit Na out for a meal again but Ha Joon hesitated in answering. Ha Joon's father wondered whether Ha Joon was keeping something from him. Ha Joon's father asked Ha Joon what sort of a person was Bit Na. Ha Joon said she was a good person as his father had seen. Ha Joon's father asked why did he kept it a secret from his mother then. Ha Joon's father asked whether Bit na had some shortcomings and Ha Joon said she did not.

Ae Sook came in and Chae Ri told Ae Sook she should be spending time to seduce Jae Ik. Ae Sook asked what her grandmother had said. Chae Ri told her that her grandmother did not object. However, Chae Ri said that Jae Ik did not seen to take a liking to Ae Sook and Ae Sook told Chae Ri she can make Jae Ik liked her. Ae Sook told secretly her plan. Both ladies smiled at each other.

Chae Ri shared a proposal plan with Ha Joon's father. Ha Joon's father arranged for a position for Chae Ri at their hotel.

Ae Sook asked for Jae Ik's friend to help her so she had some time with Jae Ik alone. Ae Sook that it was uncomfortable with him being like this to her when they were living under the same roof. Jae Ik told Ae Sook he did not want to talk about the matter anymore.

Soon Ok checked on Bit Na whether she was eaten. Soon Ok was happy that Bit Na told her she did.

Ae Sook chased after Jae Ik who walked off to avoid her. However, she spotted Soon Ok and faked a faint and fell into Jae Ik's arms. Soon Ok saw them together and was angry. Ae Sook was pleased with the success of her ploy.

Jae Ik brought Ae Sook home and his mother saw them together wandering what was going on.

Soon Ok refused to listen to Jae Ik's explanation and thanked him for all the care but now she told him not to bother her again.

Bit Na treated Ha Joon to a meal at a road side tavern. Ha Joon said he was worried that she was still down from Yeon Doo's matter. Bit Na said she will not starve herself and will eat well. Ha Joon said he was glad that she was smiling again. Bit Na said she would cry anymore as she had promised Yeon Doo. Bit Na told Ha Joon like he said she needed to eat to gain strength to be able to get Yeon Doo back. Bit Na said she can be weak as Oh Bit Na but she need to be a strong as Yeon Doo's mother. Bit Na said in that way she will not embarrassed Yeon Doo.

Bit Na said she was looking for a job and Ha Joon offered to help. Bit Na said she needed to find her own path and even her dream. Ha Joon asked what was her dream and Bit Na said to be a chief.

Bit Na brought coffee to Ha Joon and thanked him for the help at the police station. Bit Na told Ha Joon that she should not depend on Ha Joon so much even though they were friends. Bit Na said she was thankful and regretful at the same time. Ha Joon thought to himself that she still saw him as a friend. Bit Na said to herself asking Ha Joon not to treat her so well because she will not expect there was hope. Ha Joon wandered if he was to confessed now whether Bit Na would run away.

Bit Na started to walk off. Ha Joon caught her and hugged her from behind. Ha Joon told Bit Na that he loved her. Ha Joon asked why she did not know of his feelings. Bit Na looked confused

Preview :

Chae Ri was worried about Jae Ik finding his real daughter. Ae Sook asked what had happened.

Jae Ik told Chae Ri that he had something to do and left Chae Ri at a sidewalk.

Bit Na pointed to a man that he had been pick pocketed.

Emma said she did not know who sent the flowers. Mal Sook questioned Emma what was going on.

Chae Ri found the necklace set at Jae Ik's table and said she will give it to Ae Sook.

Yeon Doo ran crying to Bit Na. Bit Na left standing while a crying Yeon Doo left in a car.

Chae Ri's grandmother gave Chae Ri the baby clothes Jae Ik's late wife made for her daughter.

Chae Ri threw it on the floor in her room.

Soon Ok had one set of the same baby clothes which Bit Na wore when she was left with them.

Bit Na said she was not running away and Ha Joon comforted her saying it was all right as he hugged her.

* recap only based on the main couple storyline. Kindly note interpretation is best to limited understanding of the language.

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I kind of checked out the first episode over the weekend coz my cable was down so there's nothing to watch on TV but BN kind of make me want to slap her with the whole pool incident. I so want to take a shear n trim off the mama boy's hair or maybe his head along with it coz yar he was that annoying. :-S

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Episode 53

Unfortunately, the confession turned out just to be Ha Joon's imagination. Bit Na called out to him as he was not moving along. Ha Joon told Bit Na that if he was in a situation like hers would she not lend a hand. Bit Na said of course she would and Ha Joon said it was the same. Ha Joon asked her to promise that she will help him when a situation arise for him too. Bit Na laughed it off while Ha Joon asked her to honour the promise.

Mal Sook was worked up over the bouquet of white chrysanthemum. Tae Yang asked why she had not thrown it away but Mal Sook said she need to observe when Emma saw it. Tae Yang told her mother to placed in Tae Sik and Emma's room but Mal Sook was worried what if Tae Sik saw it instead and there will be discord. Mal Sook did not want to see her son divorced a second time. Mal Sook had no choice but to take it to her room for the time being.

Tae Sik was reading the journal that Bit Na had given him when his phone rang. It was Emma who informed him that she had bought a handbag. Tae Sik showed his frustrations. Mal Sook asked why Emma had done so much shopping as she give the house some allowance. Mal Sook gave Emma a choice either she did the housework or give the money. Emma said she refused to do the housework as she was a famous food stylist and this household's daughter in law. Mal Sook said as the daughter in law she should pay the home allowance. Emma told Mal Sook to personally asked from her mother.

Mal Sook stopped her and showed her the bouquet. Of course, Emma had no idea who it was from and said she did not know anything. Emma pushed the flowers on the floor and Mal Sook told Emma to clean it up as there was no one to clean up after her. Mal Sook told Emma to watch her behaviour as she will be watching her.

Emma threw a fit in her room wanting whose deed it was. But upon seeing what she had purchased, Emma forgot all about it and tried out her new handbag. Emma screamed when she saw what had happened to her wedding picture. Emma's photo got vandalised by Yeon Doo. Yeon Doo was sleeping soundly.

Ha Joon sent Bit Na home. Ha Joon asked why she had not tell him where she planned to work for. Bit Na said she was not certain yet and will let him know once she was successful and they will celebrate. Ha Joon told her that she would do well.

Soon Ok recalled what she witnessed Ae Sook and Jae Ik. Soon Ok realised the man Ae Sook was going to marry for Jae Ik. In the meantime, Jae Ik was wondering what was with Sook Ok and wandered whether he made a mistake.

Chae Ri brought in a tray of snack and started a campaign to push Ae Sook to her father. Chae Ri even took the jewellery box from Jae Ik and gave it to Ae Sook. Ae Sook was pleased and Chae Ri placed the necklace on Ae Sook. Ae Sook was delighted. Soon Ok refused to answer Jae Ik's call. Jae Ik was in total confusion.

Tae Sik came to Bit Na's home with Yeon Doo for the family outing to the theme park. Yeon Doo was delighted to see her mother. Yeon Doo and Bit Na told each other they had missed each other. Bit Na told Yeon Doo that they will be taking her to the theme park. The three of them had fun. During the meal, Bit Na told Yeon Doo to eat up and Yeon Doo asked when will they go out the next time. Bit Na told Yeon Doo that they will do it again together the next time as well. Bit Na told Yeon Doo although Tae Sik and her no longer loved each other but their love for Yeon Doo remained the same. Yeon Doo mentioned she did not like Emma and Bit Na tried to explain that Emma was not a bad person and to listen to Emma as well. Bit Na further explained that even they were not staying together, they can still do things together. Therefore, Bit Na told Yeon Doo to eat well, go to school and listen to her grandmother.

Yeon Doo then turned to ask Tae Sik why he did not love Bit Na. Tae Sik was surprised. Tae Sik tried to explained that they had a irreversible difference therefore they were separated. Yeon Doo said it was not a difference but Tae Sik was seduced by a witch. Tae Sik faked a stomachache to go to the toilet to avoid Yeon Doo's questioning. Yeon Doo said she knew that it was her father who was the bad person. Bit Na told her it was not so and told Yeon Doo not to hate her father as he could not help himself. Bit Na told Yeon Doo to try and understand Tae Sik.

Ha Joon called Bit Na and she told him that she was with Yeon Doo at the theme park. Ha Joon said he wanted to see Yeon Doo and would come over

It was time to leave. Bit Na was trying to hold back her tears and told Yeon Doo it was time for her to go. Yeon Doo broke down into tears and refused to let Bit Na go. Bit Na explained that they already done the theme park and it was time to go. Yeon Doo told Bit Na that she was not done yet. Tae Sik grew uncomfortable watching Yeon Doo crying for Bit Na. Tae Sik told Yeon Doo it was not that she will never see Bit Na but Yeon Doo answered that she was not staying with Bit Na. Yeon Doo said she missed being with her mother. Bit Na vowed that she will work very hard in order to bring Yeon Doo back to her. Bit Na told Yeon Doo to wait patiently as there would be a day when they will be together. Bit Na told Yeon Doo until that day comes, Yeon Doo was to eat and sleep well and listen to her grandmother and father. Yeon Doo nodded. Bit Na told Yeon Doo that the day will come they will live together. Bit na told Yeon Doo that she was a smart girl and therefore they make a pinky promise. Yeon Doo hugged her mother and cried. Tae Sik pulled Yeon Doo away and took her to the car. Bit Na broke and cried as well.

Ha Joon came upon Bit Na and comforted her. Bit Na told Ha Joon that she was bluffing to herself as she wished to run away from everything. Bit Na told Ha Joon he knew how her father had passed away. Bit Na said her family never had to worry while her father was alive. Bit Na said she just had to do well but when her father passed away, the family had to move into a rented apartment. Bit Na said it was really frightening. Bit Na said although she told herself she was responsible for her mother and Yoon Na, she had stopped school and took up part time work but it was really hard and scary. Bit Na said it was the first time she had experience any hardship and it was really tough. Ha Joon said it must had been. Bit Na said that was when she wanted to run away and she was a coward and married Tae Sik. Bit Na said she never could tell anyone that she was sorry to both her mother and Yoon Na. Ha Joon told Bit Na it was not her fault and it was all right. Bit Na said because she was afraid she was paying for what had happened and therefore was separated from her daughter. Ha Joon held Bit Na while she cried.

Ki Joon called Yoon Na who pretended to be sick. Ki Joon was all concerned. Yoon Na was happy with her "success".

Mal Sook went to see Ha Joon's mother and boasted about her Paris daughter-in-law. Mal Sook told Ha Joon's mother because Emma was a Paris national, Yeon Doo can entered a international school. Ha Joon 's mother teased Mal Sook that Paris was the capital of France hence Emma was a French national. Ha Joon's father played referee between the two women as Ha Joon's mother Tae Ri said she was supportive of the local education system.

Chae Ri looked for Jae Ik at his university for lunch. However, Jae Ik received a call from someone regarding his missing daughter. Jae Ik told Chae Ri that he was busy and will take a rain check on the meal and drove off.

Bit Na thanked Ha Joon for everything. Ha Joon gave a hug and told Bit Na not to misunderstand as he was doing this to a friend who having a tough time. Ha Joon told Bit Na to be strong for Yeon Doo's sake.

Jae Ik sat with someone who might know his daughter's whereabouts but it was just a con to get some money from him for fake information.

Chae Ri told Ae Sook her concern on Jae Ik finding his daughter. Ae Sook told her not to worry as she will protect Chae Ri's position. Chae Ri wandered who was Jae Ik's real daughter.

Chae Ri was with her grand mother when Ae Sook walked in with tea. Chae Ri pointed out the necklace on Ae Sook's neck.

Jae Ik's mother brought out a box filled with baby clothes with a distinct embroidery. Soon Ok had a same set too. Soon OK silently apologised to Bit Na for having to suffer with a mother like her.


Ha Joon let Bit Na listen a recording of him singing a song of encouragement.

Bit Na told her family she wished to work at "Choong Gak"

Ha Joon showed Bit Na all the "superstitious" stuff meant for success. Bit Na thanked him.

Bit Na stopped a pick pocket incident.

The man thanked her while Bit Na rushed off.

Ae Sook slapped Chae Ri. Chae Ri asked about her birth father.

Jae Ik's mother said the interview was over. The man from the pick pocket incident kneel in front of Jae Ik's mother. He was pleading with Jae Ik's mother.

Jae Ik drove passed Bit Na asking where his daughter might be.

* recap only based on the main couple storyline. Kindly note interpretation is best to limited understanding of the language.

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Episode 54

Jae Ik's mother gave Chae Ri the box of baby clothes and told Chae Ri it was time for her to keep it. Chae Ri asked what it was. Chae Ri opened the box to find the baby clothes. Jae Ik's mother said her father had told her to throw them away but she did not have the heart to as she regarded it as something her mother had left behind for Chae Ri. Jae Ik's mother told Chae Ri that her mother made it even in her poor health. Jae Ik's mother said now that Jae Ik was thinking of remarriage, Jae Ik's mother felt she should not hang on to the things and told Chae Ri to take good care of it. Chae Ri was uneasy about the whole matter.

Chae Ri took it to her room and took a look. Chae Ri recalled her grandmother's words and threw the whole box down. Chae Ri screamed out it did not matter as she was the "Choong Gak" only grand daughter and she did not need such things. Ae Sook came in and slapped Chae Ri for making such a ruckus as someone could easily have heard her and to be careful. Chae Ri reminded her that who needed to be careful as Ae Sook obviously forgot who she was in the family and dared to raise her hand on her. Ae Sook apologised and Chae Ri said that Ae Sook was a despicable woman who created this mess in the first place by admitting she was Chae Ri's birth mother and sending her to such torment. Ae Sook told Chae Ri to come to her senses as they can never be found out by her grandmother. Chae Ri asked Ae Sook what was she hiding from her as she had not told her who her birth father was and what was the reason she was not telling her. Chae Ri said she wished that her birth father was nothing like Ae Sook. Furthermore, Ae Sook did not explained how her father knew she was not his real daughter. Ae Sook told Chae Ri to become "Choong Gak" successor before her grandmother find out about the truth. Ae Sook said she would tell when the time was right.

Bit Na informed her family she will be applying a job at "Choong Gak" as it was her dream to be a good cook. Bit Na said she promised Yeon Doo to be  a great person. Soon Ok and Yoon Na was supportive of Bit Na's decision. Soon Ok said she would now just looked up to her daughters' and not hope on anything else.

Jae Ik's mother asked Ae Sook how many candidates were coming for the interview. Jae Ik also informed his mother San Woo who was a childhood friend of Chae Ri was returning from America. Jae Ik's mother asked Ae Sook whether his room had been prepared and Ae Sook told her it was. Jae Ik's mother told Chae Ri to take good care of San Wook as she would be busy with the interviews.

Han San Wook (Park Kwang Hyun - Sweet Bun, Cheondamdong Alice, Ruby's Ring) arrived in Seoul. San Wook asked the taxi to stop at the florist.

Bit Na spurred herself that she could do well. Bit Na looking at Yeon Doo's picture said that her mother will be successful. Bit Na looked at a whole box of items and recalled last night Ha Joon brought her all the items based on superstitious belief or old wife tales meant for success. Bit Na commented it reminded her of school. Bit Na said Ha Joon was always getting 100 while she just get 70s. Ha Joon said it was because Bit Na was looking at his handsome face that she could not study. Bit Na asked whether it was the case. However, Bit Na thanked him and said she would do well tomorrow.

Ha Joon sent a text message to Bit Na wishing her success for her interview. Bit Na replied with thanks and said she was on her way there.

While waiting at the taxi stand, two men approached San Wook asking for a light but San Wook said he did not smoke. His other friend picked San Wook's wallet. Bit Na witnessed it and alerted San Wook that his wallet was taken. San Wook handed Bit Na the flowers and told her to wait for him. San Wook ran after the pick-pockets.

San Wook caught one of the man and Bit Na came running to San Wook with his luggage and stuff. Bit Na told San Wook he needed to be careful. San Wook thanked her and told her to call the police. Bit Na made the call but the pick pocket managed to free himself. The pick pocket moved towards Bit Na and Bit Na panicked and hit him with her bag twice allowing San Wook to catch the man once again. The man said he was not but San Wook managed to retrieve his wallet from the wallet. The police came over but Bit Na need to come the police station as she was the witness.

However it took so long to take her statement and Bit Na was worried about the time. San Wook thanked her for helping him for his wallet. Bit Na asked how long more she had to wait and San Wook said another hour. San Wook said did she had something urgent to do and and Bit Na admitted she had an interview. San Wook felt bad that he had held Bit Na up but Bit Na said it cannot be helped as she wanted to put a bad person away.

San Wook noticed that Bit Na had tore her stocking but he went out and bought her new one. San Wook told her to change her stocking. Bit Na thanked him.

Bit Na ran to look for a taxi quickly after giving her statement. San Wook wanted to take down Bit Na's numbers so he can properly thanked her. Bit Na said it was not necessary and told him it was dangerous to place his wallet the way he did.

Bit Na did not make in time for the interview as it was over. San Wook arrived at "Choong Gak" as well. San Wook dropped his handphone while alighting from the taxi. San Wook took his things from the car boot. As the taxi moved away, Bit Na cried out for the taxi to stop before it rolled over the phone. San Wook was surprised that they were meeting again. Bit Na gave him the phone and said the phone looked expensive. San Wook said it must be fate as she had helped him twice already.

San Wook asked that her interview was at "Choong Gak". Bit Na told him that the interviews were over.

Yeon Doo's school friend tried to comfort her on her current situation.

Mal Sook saw the journal Bit Na had created on Yeon Doo's well being. Tae Sik that Bit Na was diligent with her care for Yeon Doo. Mal Sook lament that it was what all mothers did. Tae Sik asked whether Emma was looking after Yeon Doo and Mal Sook told him that she was not. Mal Sook wandered what was Emma doing that she required so much sleep.

Mal Sook asked whether Tae Sik regretted marrying Emma. Tae Sik said he would worked the marriage out with Emma and told his mother not to worry. Mal Sook said that Emma was the perfect candidate as his wife and her daughter in law.

Tae Sik saw a sleeping Emma and tried to have some fun. Emma did not want to play as she was not getting any sleep. Tae Sik noticed the journal Bit Na had given Emma was in the trash can. Tae Sik scolded Emma for not caring about Yeon Doo. Emma lied she did not know how the book into the trash can.

Jae Ik's mother refused to give in to San Wook's request to interview Bit Na. However, San Wook's explanation, Jae Ik's mother gave in. San Wook told Bit Na she could go in. Jae Ik's mother found Bit Na looked so familiar. Ae Sook found it strange the way Jae Ik's mother was looking at Bit Na.

Ha Joon's father gave Ha Joon the proposal Chae Ri did for him to go through.

Ha Joon wandered how Bit Na did for her interview.

Bit Na went through her interview about her aspiration on what a cook she wanted to be. Bit Na wanted to be a cook for the ones she loved. Jae Ik's mother was impressed with her answers. Ae Sook told Bit Na she will get an answer by tomorrow.  

Jae Ik drove past Bit Na.

Ha Joon waited for Bit Na outside her home. Ha Joon asked how she did and Bit Na said she did not know but she will know tomorrow. Bit Na massaged her tired legs. Bit Na said she did some workout today. Ha Joon said he had a gift for her. He placed at a pair of earphone and played a nursery song of encouragement. Bit Na laughed and found it so funny.


Bit Na made it. Jae Ik's mother told San Woo of it and he thanked her. Soon Ok congratulated Bit Na.

Soon Ok told Jae Ik to go away but he refused.

Bit Na told Ha Joon to meet a nice person and marry  

Ae Sook and Soon Ok met on the matters of men.

Chae Ri peeped into Ha Joon's office only to see him feeding Bit Na. Chae Ri told herself she would make him apologised.

San Wook asked Bit Na when was he able to buy her a meal. San Woo introduced himself as Han San Wook and told Bit Na not to forget his name.

Bit Na injured her hand but insisted to carry on with the test. Jae Ik's mother said no. Bit Na begged for a chance.

* recap only based on the main couple storyline. Kindly note interpretation is best to limited understanding of the language.

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Episode 55

Jae Ik went to see Soon Ok only to be told by Soon Ok never to come looking for her again. Jae Ik said he will not go as he did not understand why was she acting this way. Jae Ik asked what mistake had he done. Jae Ik said he will wait for her in the cafe they used to meet. Soon Ok told him not to expect her but Jae Ik said he will wait for her regardless of the time. Soon Ok told him that she will not go.

Ae Sook saw Jae Ik drove off and went in to see Soon Ok. Soon Ok was surprised that Ae Sook knew where she worked and Ae Sook told Soon Ok that she had seen her when she was out shopping previously.

Ae Sook and Soon Ok went back to Soon Ok's home for a talk. Ae Sook asked about the children and Soon Ok said they were not back yet. Soon Ok wandered whether Ae Sook was curious how her 'daughter' was. Ae Sook gave some excuse that it was heartbreaking for her to have them so near her and wandered if they could moved away. Soon Ok was shocked and told her she need to discuss with her children. Ae Sook asked whether she did not want to move because of the man she was involved with and Soon Ok said it was not.

Ha Joon and Bit Na had dinner. Bit Na told him of the day's event and Ha Joon asked whether she got hurt. Bit Na said she did all in the spur of the moment and Ha Joon said that Bit Na was really courageous. The food arrived and Ha Joon said it was for all her hard work. Bit Na got sentimental when she looked at her spaghetti. Bit Na said that Yeon Doo really like tomato based spaghetti. Ha Joon asked Bit na must really missed Yeon Doo. Bit Na said she missed Yeon Doo and was bearing it but it was really hard.

Ha Joon cheered on Bit Na telling she would be able to have Yeon Doo back. Ha Joon suggested when Yeon Doo came back they will go on an outing. Bit Na and Ha Joon went on a whole list of things they could do when Bit Na stopped talking. Bit Na told Ha Joon how was he planning everything for her. Bit Na told Ha Joon that he should meet a good woman, get married and have a child much like Yeon Doo. Ha Joon made a protest. Bit Na asked why was Ha Joon being so sensitive.

Ae Sook started to tell Soon Ok how good her relationship was with Jae Ik and even that they were already living together. Ae Sook said she will introduced Jae Ik to her. Jae Ik called but Soon Ok did not answer. Ae Sook got Soon Ok to make her a cold drink. Jae Ik texted a message that he will wait as he needed to know why she was being this way. Ae Sook read the message and had it deleted. Ae Sook said she will be leaving and gave Soon Ok a gift which was a scarf.

Jae Ik stayed on until the cafe was closing.

Ae Sook was at a pub enjoying herself when suddenly Jae Ik walked into the same place. Ae Sook went into her somber act and as if she had too much to drink. Jae Ik was surprised to see her. Ae Sook apologised and said she will settled her feelings.

Jae Ik left a voice message that he will wait for Soon Ok to talk to him. Soon Ok was in total confusion.

Ha Joon and Bit Na recalled the day's event with delight.

Ha Joon was smiling to himself while scrolling on his handphone. Ha Joon's mother asked what was doing and Ha Joon put away his phone. Ki Joon asked what was good for curing cold and Ha Joon's mother asked whether it was for his worker. Ki Joon nodded and his father was shocked he was romancing his worker. Ha Joon's mother asked a call in private and Ha Joon's father asked Ha Joon how long more he needed to keep it a secret from his mother. Ha Joon's father stated it was clear that Ha Joon had "I am dating" look. Ki Joon teased Ha Joon of his good fortune being in love.

Ki Joon wandered when will Yoon Na came back to work. Ki Joon had an over active imagination that Yoon Na getting kissed by her senior.

Yeon Doo refused to eat. Mal Sook was at loss what to do. Emma volunteered to look after Yeon Doo and everyone thought it was a good idea for them to get closer.

Tae Sik called Bit Na asking whether she had eaten. Bit Na questioned Tae Sik's intention asking whether she had eaten. Tae Sik wandered whether she was not curious about Yeon Doo. Bit Na asked whether Yeon Doo was eating but Tae Sik told her to come out so he will tell her about it. Bit Na told Tae Sik that she already know all his tricks and not to used Yeon Doo as the excuse to call her out. Bit Na asked now that they were separated he had found her to be precious. Tae Sik denied that he was doing this as Yeon Doo's father but Bit Na told him to stop acting and think about how much distress Yeon Doo was going through. Bit Na hung up the phone. Tae Sik acknowledged that Bit Na was different from the past. Bit Na looked at Yeon Doo's things and vowed she would bring Yeon Boo back.

San Wook was enjoying his meal. Jae Ik's mother told San Woo to spend some time with Chae Ri as she was going through some hard times. San Wook mentioned that he was back because of some business.

Ha Joon was amazed at the array of food that Bit Na brought for him. Bit Na admitted that she did not make for him specially but she made it as a practice. Bit Na asked Ha Joon to try and Ha Joon found everything very delicious. Ha Joon told himself he would be happy if she made food for him everyday. Bit Na asked whether it was good enough to pass a test. Bit Na said the job she was trying for required a test of her cooking therefore she needed Ha Joon to judge. Ha Joon said then he would eat it carefully to judge the taste. Ha Joon judged it to be very delicious and they had a laughed.

Chae Ri dropped by and heard the laughter. Chae Ri walked into the office and spied on them. Ha Joon was trying to feed Bit Na and Bit Na reluctantly took it. Chae Ri was frustrated at the sight when Ha Joon had refused her lunch boxes before.

Chae Ri knocked to announce her entrance. Chae Ri was all friendly and nice with a greeting. Chae Ri said she seemed to have interrupted their meal and that she had come for a contract. Ha Joon went to get it while Chae Ri sat down staring at Bit Na. Chae Ri wandered what was so great about Bit Na. Chae Ri vowed that she would have Ha Joon apologised to her for all that he had done to her. Chae Ri faked the interest in the food and Bit Na offered for her to try.

Bit Na received a call that she had passed the interview. Jae Ik's mother also informed San Wook of Bit Na's passing through the interview. San Wook thanked Jae Ik's mother as he will be forever sorry to Bit Na if she did not get through. Jae Ik's mother said Bit Na passed not because of him but Bit Na's approached to cooking that passed her. San Wook agreed as Jae Ik's mother had an eye for people.

Bit Na informed her family that she had passed the interview.

Bit Na came for the second test which was the cooking. Jae Ik's mother was judging over the test. The test was to cook abalone. A chief explained the rules of the test. Bit Na said she will make it through.


Soon Ok told Jae Ik not to look for her. Jae Ik said he cannot live without Soon Ok. Soon Ok was surprised.

Tae Sik shouted at Emma on what she was doing. Mal Sook added salt to wound and Emma shouted at her.

Chae Ri was shocked to know Bit Na was applying to work at "Choong Gak"

Chae Ri said that Bit Na can never worked in "Choong Gak"

Chae Ri set Bit Na up. Soon Ok felt uneasy.

Something burst and Bit Na got a shock.

Ha Joon received a call that Bit Na was in hospital

Jae Ik's mother told Bit Na can't work there.

Ha Joon ran into the hospital.

San Wook was there and said to Bit Na that meeting again meant they really fated.

Ha Joon asked Bit Na who the guy was. Bit Na said Ha Joon and herself were just under a contract so it was no issue for them to meet other people. Ha Joon was shocked.

* recap only based on the main couple storyline. Kindly note interpretation is best to limited understanding of the language.

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Episode 56

The test began and Soon Ok felt uneasy whether Bit na will be able to pass the test or not.

Jae Ik's mother commented on Bit Na's skill and whether she was a cook but Ae Sook told her that Bit Na was just a kitchen helper at the hotel before.

Soon Ok returned home early and Yoon na asked her why and Soon Ok said she was really anxious about Bit Na's test. Yoon Na assured her mother that Bit Na will do well.

Bit Na's neighbour placed a glass pot to near the heated stove and it exploded injuring Bit Na's hand. Jae Ik's mother came in to check what had happened and she asked Bit Na to be taken to the hospital as her hand was bleeding. Ae Sook came to check the wound and said it needed attention. Bit Na insisted she can continued on. Jae Ik's mother she cannot cook on with an injured hand. Bit Na said it was her dream to work here as she needed to in order to bring home her daughter. Bit Na insisted she can continued on as it was her dream to learn under Jae Ik's mother. Jae Ik agreed to hold on the test until Bit Na returned after her treatment.

Jae Ik and San Wook were playing chess. Jae Ik's friend came in and asked why the house was so quiet. Jae Ik said there was a test going on and the women were busy. San Wook asked Jae Ik to finish the chess quickly as he needed to go.

San Wook recalled what happened after Bit Na's interview. San Wook asked whether the interview went well and Bit Na thanked him for doing her a big favour. San Wook introduced himself. San Wook asked for Bit Na's phone in which Bit Na hesitated. San Wook just took her phone and dialed his number. San Wook asked for her name but Bit Na did not vouched. San Wook maintained he was a person who repay his debts. Bit Na finally gave out her name. San Wook also commented that Bit Na had really sparkling eyes. San Wook keyed in her name onto his phone and he then asked when she was going to have a meal with him. Bit Na was surprised at the question and asked why should she be having a meal with him. San Wook insisted she should received a reward but Bit Na told it was all right as she did it out of civil duty. Furthermore, he had helped get the interview so she told San Wook that they were even.

San Wook said he was thankful that his wallet was returned and San Woo said he was not given her a 20% reward but 50%. Bit Na said it was not necessary and to be burden by it. San Wook said that in that case it would turned the 50% reward money into meals. San Wook smiled with delight at the memory.

Bit Na had some first aid done on her hand. The chief reminded them all on the safety at the kitchen. Bit Na's neighbour will be penalized with a deduction 10 points. Jae Ik's mother still insisted that Bit Na should be taken to the hospital but Bit Na told her she can carry on. Bit Na thanked her for given her another chance once again.

Chae Ri was surprised to see Bit Na on the "Choong Gak" grounds and asked why was she there. Bit Na braced herself that if she wanted to work there she had to face the inconvenience of seeing Chae Ri. Chae Ri repeated her question and wandered whether she was there as a guest. Bit Na said she will be working there and asked Chae Ro to look upon her. Chae Ri was shocked that Bit Na had to work there of all the places. Bit Na said it was aspiration and said goodbye. Chae Ri screamed at Bit Na she would not allowed such a person like Bit Na to work there.

San Wook meet Bit Na and noticed her injured hand. Bit Na said she was on her way to the hospital.

Ha Joon stood up in shock on hearing Bit Na was in the hospital. Ha Joon grabbed his coat asking whether she was hurt badly.

Ha Joon arrived at the hospital and rushed about looking for Bit Na. Bit Na explained she hurt herself during the test. Bit Na told Ha Joon it would get better soon.

San Wook came back with some paperwork and took notice of Ha Joon as Bit Na's acquaintance. San Wook told Bit Na to go with him to collect her medication. Ha Joon asked who San Wook was. San Wook introduced himself as Han San Wook who just returned from New York and shook Ha Joon's hand. San Wook gave his business card that he was an investment consultant.

Bit Na told Ha Joon that he helped her get the interview with the place she wanted to work. Ha Joon thanked San Wook. Ha Joon asked Bit Na to go and get the medication and Bit Na assured that she was fine. San Wook passed the papers to Ha Joon.

As they were walking away, San Wook called out that Bit Na had met him twice and the third time it will all be fate. Ha Joon was a little upset by the statement.

Soon Ok looked at Bit Na's hand and said it was why she had been uneasy. Bit Na assured her mother she was fine. Ha Joon told Soon Ok not to worry and Soon Ok insisted that Ha Joon stayed back for dinner. Ha Joon sat down and asked whether Soon Ok was cooking. Soon Ok said she was and Ha Joon volunteered to help but Soon Ok told him to sit still. Ha Joon maintained that he was a good kitchen helper.

Ha Joon praised Soon Ok's bean paste soup. After dinner, Ha Joon told Bit Na that he ate well. Ha Joon asked what was that guy about and Bit Na said she had explained that he helped her get an interview. Ha Joon said what nonsense to say that meeting again was fate and all. Bit Na asked why was Ha Joon getting upset as she did not know why he had said such a thing. Bit Na found it a little strange. Ha Joon said that Bit Na seemed to be supporting the guy. Bit Na said they were just contracted to be in a relationship and she can meet anyone she pleased. Ha Joon said even it was so it was really uncalled for. Bit na told herself that Ha Joon behaved like he was jealous and wandered whether Ha Joon liked her for real. Ha Joon asked why was she looking at him that way. Bit Na said nothing. Ha Joon told himself that his heart fluttered every time Bit Na looked at him. Ha Joon said that the only one who could moved him was Bit Na.

Ha Joon's mother was still keen to have Chae Ri as her daughter-in-law.

Chae Ri checked her grandmother's things for Bit Na's information. San Wook caught her and spoke of his incident with Bit Na and how he helped Bit na get into "Choong Gak". Chae Ri wandered how she could get rid of Bit Na now.

Mal Sook and Ha Joon's mother, Tae Ri were at loggerheads.

Mal Sook got a call from Yeon Doo's school that no one had picked Yeon Doo from school. Mal Sook said that Yeon Doo's "mother" will have gone. Mal Sook said she would called and checked the reason why.

Mal Sook called Emma to find out she had not gone to pick Yeon Doo. Tae Sik brought back a crying Yeon Doo who told her father she did not want live in the kindergarten with her teacher. Tae Sik apologised and told Yeon Doo to rest at his mother's room.

Emma and Mal Sook walked int the house. Tae Sik screamed at Emma asking what was she doing and if she could not do it then she should had called him. Emma was shocked that Tae Sik was shouting at her. Tae Sik asked whether she knew her duty. Mal Sook rubbed it in that it was relief that finally Emma did wrong. Emma shouted at mal Sook while Tae Sik told her not to raise her voice at his mother. Emma gave up and said it was her mistake and went upstairs.

Tae Sik then started to worry about his outburst to Emma and what she might think. Mal Sook said it will be fine because what can she do since she married into their family. A loud noise coming from upstairs and Emma came down with packed bags. Tae Sik got really worried and both Mal Sook and Tae Sik feverishly apologised to her.

Jae Ik's friend offered some advice to Jae Ik dealing with Soon Ok.

Jae Ik went to see Soon Ok. Soon Ok told Jae Ik not to look for her anymore. Jae Ik said he did not understand and asked her to explain. Soon Ok then explained that her children was having such a tough life and as their mother how could she put her happiness first. Jae Ik told Soon Ok that everyone lived their own life. Soon Ok said her children was her everything and meeting Jae Ik she lost her mission. Jae Ik refused to accept such an explanation. Jae Ik said he will not give up as knowing her had given meaning in life everyday. Jae Ik said he cannot live without her. Soon Ok was surprised. Jae Ik said he will worked harder to gain her trust. Soon Ok was in confusion as she wished to trust Jae Ik.

Ae Sook wandered what was happening with Soon Ok and called. Soon Ok stuttered when she answered raising Ae Sook's suspicion Soon Ok was with someone.

Chae Ri was wandering what to do with Bit Na as she would not allowed Bit Na to enter "Choong Gak". Chae Ri smiled when she thought of how.

Bit Na explained her dish to Ha Joon who was impressed.

Chae Ri planned to embarrass Bit Na in public.


Ha Joon wished Bit na good night and to dream of him. Bit Na told herself it felt real.

Soon Ok wished Bit Na all the best and placed the scarf Ae Sook gave on Bit Na.

Chae Ri plot to destroy Bit Na's dish

Bit Na was shocked that her dish was ruined.

Yeon Doo had her friends ran around Emma.

Yoon Na 'created' a scene for Ki Joon to see

Ae Sook spied Soon Ok with Yoon Na thinking she was Jae Ik's daughter.

San Wook came to the hotel and saw Bit Na. San Wook said they were really fated. Ha Joon was not pleased.

* recap only based on the main couple storyline. Kindly note interpretation is best to limited understanding of the language.

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Episode 57

Soon Ok placed the scarf that Ae Sook gave on Bit Na as a good luck charm. Soon Ok said she received it as a gift.

Yoon Na wished her sister well. Bit Na said she will as she wanted to bring Yeon Doo home. As Yoon Na had a slight cough, Bit Na placed the scarf onto Yoon Na to keep her throat warm.

Bit Na was shown to her kitchen counter and she started preparing her ingredients.

Chae Ri was informed of Bit Na's presence.

Bit Na went out to take a breather while Chae Ri and a staff watched her from the corner.

Bit Na came in again and saw that her ingredient had fallen onto the floor. Bit Na was at a panic. Bit Na asked who had seen what happened but no one admitted they saw anything. Bit Na asked whether they had CCTV and the staff laughed who put a CCTV in a kitchen. Bit Na said her main ingredient was ruined.

Chae Ri was delighted as she recalled she had conspired with the staff to force Bit Na to leave "Choong Gak".

Bit Na was all in tears when Jae Ik's mother walked in and noticed Bit Na's expression. A staff explained that perhaps the cleaners might have overturned her ingredient. Ae Sook said the time was too short for her to redo it but Bit Na hit an idea and asked there was some time before the test started. Bit Na took a basket and went out. Bit Na told herself she will make it through the test.

Yeon Doo finished school while Emma was bored waiting for her. Emma recalled how Tae Sik pleaded with her to pick Yeon Doo from school. Emma told herself if she knew it was so troublesome she would not have married Tae Sik. Emma waved to Yeon Doo as she came out. Yeon Doo's friends who Emma was. Yeon Doo said that Emma was a witch who had cast a spell on her family and cast her mother out. Yeon Doo's friends helped to seek justice. Emma introduced herself as Yeon Doo's new mother and the kids then attacked her by hitting her on her backside at all. Yeon Doo was delighted. Emma was disarray by the end of it.

Emma went crying to Tae Sik. Tae Sik explained that Yeon Doo was still a small child but Emma wanted Tae Sik to make Yeon Doo apologised to her. Tae Sik told Emma to look upon Yeon Doo with kindness as she was a child that was going through a family break-up. Emma told Tae Sik that he did not loved her and it was just Yeon Doo. Mal Sook walked in and asked why was Emma doing there when she was supposed to foster closer ties with Yeon Doo. Emma belated that Mal Sook was getting treatment at her son's centre and left her with such a task. Emma left and Tae Sik told Mal Sook Emma suffered a little under Yeon Doo's hand.

The test was announced to start soon. Bit Na came in just in time with a basket of flowers. Jae Ik's mother signaled for the test to begin. The candidates had 60 minutes to come out with their dish. Everyone was working hard at their dish. Bit na was kneading a dough.

Jae Ik's mother left to take some medication. Chae Ri came in with tea and asked how the test was going on and whether her grandmother favoured anyone. Jae Ik's mother said she will judged fairly. Chae Ri told herself that Bit Na will not have a chance to qualify into "Choong Gak". Bit Na even got a help in one ingredient from her neighbour.

The test ended and Jae Ik's mother went to try the dishes. The first one was a fish dish. Jae Ik's mother came onto Bit Na's table and she had made mini pancakes decorated with edible flowers. Jae Ik's mother took a bite. Jae Ik's mother asked what made Bit Na create the pancakes. Bit Na said it was her daughter as they had spent time before making such pancakes. Jae Ik's mother did not comment further and Bit Na wandered whether Jae Ik's mother did not like her food.

Ha Joon anxiously waited for news. Ha Joon and Chae Ri had a meeting on her proposal. Chae Ri said she had someone to introduce to Ha Joon that will be very useful for business.

Jae Ik brought San Wook to the hotel and they met Ha Joon's parents at the lobby. Jae Ik introduced San Wook as the son of his good friend. San Wook introduced himself to Ha Joon's parents. Ha Joon's father knew of San Wook's firm and asked to have tea together.

Bit Na left "Choong Gak" and they will informed them of the result later.

Ki Joon was upset to see Yoon Na going out with her "friend". Ki Joon wandered whether he should confess liking Yoon Na but told himself it was him to do that.

Yoon Na had dinner with her friend who expressed concerned whether Yoon Na will be all right with her plans as he did not want to see her hurt. Yoon Na said that her whole world fell because of what Lee Tae Ri did to them. Yoon Na said it did not matter about herself as long as she can bring Lee Tae Ri down.

Yoon Na went to see her mother at her workplace. Soon Ok noticed the scraf and Yoon Na said Bit Na passed it to her. Ae Sook was watching them as Soon Ok adjusted the scarf to make sure that Yoon Na did not catch cold. Ae Sook assumed that Yoon Na must be Jae Ik's daughter and wandered whether she looked like Jae Ik or not. Ae Sook said it was a girl after all.

Ae Sook knew that Soon Ok will do a good job raising the daughter. Ae Sook wandered whether Soon Ok was still seeing Jae Ik.

Jae Ik's mother called Ae Sook to show today's test result and the profiles. Jae Ik's mother pondered over Bit Na's profile. However, Ae Sook had praised Bit Na for her personality and attitude.

Ha Joon and Bit Na had a night phone chat of encouragement for the announcement of the result tomorrow. Bit Na commented to herself it really felt like they were dating. Both Bit Na and Ha Joon laid to bed with a smile.

Chae Ri mentioned that she will introduced San Wook to Ha Joon. Chae Ri asked about the result of the test. Jae Ik's mother said that the winner will be notified by phone. San Wook seemed pleased at the result and Chae Ri wandered whether he already knew who it was. Jae Ik's mother asked her to come when the winner came as she should take an interest of the matters in "Choong Gak".

Bit Na received the call that she had qualified and Bit Na thanked the caller profusely.

Chae Ri received a call informing that Bit Na had made it. San Wook was with her and he had asked what was wrong looking at her shocked expression. Chae Ri told San Wook to go in first while she take the call. Chae Ri could not believed that Bit Na had made it.

San Wook bumped into Bit Na at the lobby. San Wook was pleased to see Bit Na and told Bit Na that they were really fated. San Wook said that it will not be by coincidence again when they meet next time. Bit Na asked why was he saying such things to her. Bit Na said he did not even know what kind of person she was and San Wook said he will have to discover that for himself. San Wook said that if Bit Na was a weird person then he was fated to meet a weird person.

San Wook asked whether she was attached with a husband which Bit Na denied. San Wook was happy with just that answer and told her he will call her. Ha Joon was coming down saw them both together. ha Joon looked curiously at the two of them while Chae Ri walked in and saw all three of them standing there. San Wook looked lovingly at Bit Na and Ha Joon did not looked pleased.


 Bit Na entered "Choong Gak". Ae Sook noticed a familiar scarf on Bit Na.

Ha Joon, Bit Na, San Wook and Chae Ri had a meal together. Ha Joon asked whether San Wook had some feelings for the one who was special to him. San Wook told him that he was not one to let go.

Emma asked for a divorce and Tae Sik pleaded with her.

Tae Yang sneaked Yeon Doo out to meet Bit Na.

Ki Joon told Yoon Na he liked her.

Ae Sook was shocked to see Bit Na's mother was Soon Ok.

Ha Joon congratulated Bit Na. Soon Ok fed Bit Na with some food.

Ae Sook realised that Bit Na was Jae Ik's daughter.

* recap only based on the main couple storyline. Kindly note interpretation is best to limited understanding of the language.

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Episode 58

Bit Na asked whether she was late but Ha Joon said it was fine. Chae Ri walked up to them and asked it must be a coincidence.

Bit Na sat down while Chae Ri formally introduced Ha Joon to Han San Wook a investment consultant from the Millennium company from the States and also the son of her father's friend. Chae Ri hoped that the two of them will be friendly from now on. Ha Joon shook San Wook's hands and told him to take a seat.

Ha Joon sat next to Bit Na while Chae Ri told Bit Na to relax. Ha Joon told San Wook that he had heard a lot about Millennium. Ha Joon asked whether Bit Na was uncomfortable and Bit Na said it was better she excused herself. Before Ha Joon said anything, San Wook told Bit Na to stay as today was just to make introduction and San Wook suggested they should go to lunch. Ha Joon asked Bit Na was fine with it and Bit Na agreed. Chae Ri faked a smile and said it was all well and good.

Ha Joon cut up his steak and gave it to Bit Na. Chae Ri looked upset while San Wook told Ha Joon that he was really courteous compared to what he had heard of him. Ha Joon told that was a given fact given to the fact it was for a special person. San Wook repeated Ha Joon's words of a special person. Ha Joon then asked San Wook what he had heard of him. San Wook told Ha Joon that he had heard Ha Joon was rather cold in person and calculating in business. Ha Joon said it was indeed what he was in the past but not anymore. However, San Wook also told Ha Joon if something was important to him, he too would not let go of it. Chae Ri just stared at the two men.

Chae Ri changed the subject by congratulating Bit Na for making it into "Choong Gak". Ha Joon was surprised but congratulated Bit Na all the same. Chae Ri lied that it was she would appealed to her grandmother to give Bit Na a chance after Bit Na made a mistake. Chae Ri said after all they had a special bond. San Wook was surprised and told Chae Ri not to take credit where it due because Jae Ik's mother was a fair person. Nevertheless, Bit Na thanked Chae Ri for helping her out.

San Wook raised his wine glass and asked for a toast to congratulate Bit Na's success getting into "Choong Gak". Ha Joon looked concern.

Chae Ri asked what San Wook thought of Ha Joon. San Wook said Ha Joon was all right. Chae Ri told San Wook to take care of Ha Joon but San Wook said he was had a clear cut line between business and personal matters. Chae Ri told San Wook not to mention about the engagement and told San Wook that she had not given up on Ha Joon and she was sure Ha Joon will come back to her.

San Wook told Chae Ri that was her character but he mentioned that Bit Na was someone special to Ha Joon as it was. Chae Ri told San Wook Bit Na was no threat. Chae Ri told San Woo to just concentrate on the business part. San Wook agreed.

Ha Joon spend some time looking at Bit Na. Bit Na asked why was he looking at her who already getting older and furthermore had a child. Ha Joon told Bit Na she was not old. Bit Na asked whether Ha Joon wanted to give her medication. Ha Joon said he did and brought out oriental herbal tonic from home specially prepared by a Professor Kim. Bit Na said it was all right as without it her health was fine. Bit Na pushed it back to Ha Joon but Ha Joon told her that it was specially ordered by his father for her so she cannot refused. Ha Joon said that his father really had a good impression of Bit Na from that day. Bit Na told Ha Joon she was really scared on that day. Bit Na said she would accepted it today but not the next time as she told Ha Joon to let his father know.

Ha Joon told Bit Na she need to be in top shape to work at "Choong Gak". Ha Joon asked why of all places "Choong Gak" and Bit Na said it was her dream to be able to learn from Jae Ik's mother, Madam Yoon. Bit Na said it was the first step to bring Yeon Doo back to her. Ha Joon told Bit Na that she was great.

Ha Joon's mother was embarrassed being in Mal Sook's company as Mal Sook was rather brazen.

Jae Ik was in turmoil over Soon Ok's words. Soon Ok looked at photos of Bit Na and Yeon Doo on her phone. Soon Ok started to delete photos of Jae Ik but stopped herself after one delete. Soon Ok recalled the day the photos was taken.

Bit Na called her mother to tell her she had made it into "Choong Gak" and will not be an embarrassing mother to Yeon Doo. Soon Ok told Bit Na to call Ha Joon to their home for a party. Bit na spoke to her daughter's photo that she had made it and will make Yeon Doo proud of her mother.

Tae Yang and Yeon Doo sneaked out to see Bit Na. Tae Yang said she did it at a risk and Bit Na thanked her. Tae Yang told Bit Na that she was in charge of sending Yeon Doo to and from school. Yeon Doo told Bit Na said she did not like Emma. Bit Na told Yeon not to speak ill of Emma and it was not nice. Bit Na said she brought Yeon Doo rice pizza and Yeon Doo was excited. Tae Yang was happy as well as it had been ages she had tasted Bit Na's cooking. Tae Yang told Bit Na was always a good cook so she congratulated Bit Na heading to become a chef.

Yeon Doo asked Bit Na that she was going to be a great chef and Bit Na told Yeon Doo to wait for the time she will bring Yeon Doo home with her. All three of them had a good picnic.

Tae Sik was massaging Emma's head and shoulders. Emma asked for her arms and then sent Tae Sik to get her a glass of water. Tae Sik was following her orders like a servant. However, in the end, Emma said she cannot stand it any longer with Tae Sik and wanted a divorce. Emma said the marriage did not turn out the way she thought it was to be. Emma said it was lovely just to have the two of them but having Yeon Doo and a mother in law plus a sister in law was not in her idea of a marriage. Tae Sik said they were family and told her to bear with it. Tae Sik told Emma she will not want him to be divorced twice. Emma said it was not her idea of a marriage so Emma wanted a divorce.

Tae Sik asked what had Emma promised that she will put Yeon Doo into an international school hence he tricked Bit Na into a divorce and married her. Emma said life did not always come out the way one planned and Emma insisted on the divorce. Tae Sik begged Emma not to divorce him.

Ha Joon came over for the home party and brought a fruit hamper for Soon Ok. Ha Joon congratulated Bit Na. Bit Na told Ha Joon to watch out for more of her successes. As the three of them were eating, Soon Ok placed a lettuce wrap into Ha Joon's mouth. Bit Na wished that Yoon Na could had joined them.

Ki Joon was watching Yoon Na's "boyfriend" and was getting upset. Ki Joon made a drink and purposely spilled the content on Yoon Na's friend. Yoon Na came to see what had happened and went to get a change of clothing for her friend. Ki Joon followed her and pushed her against the wall. Ki Joon told Yoon Na he did not like her friend and confessed his feelings for her.

However back home, Yoon Na was uneasy with her success and told her to to waiver from her original plan for revenge.

Bit Na was so excited she cannot sleep. Soon Ok told Bit Na to find her true self rather than being Soon Ok's daughter or Yeon Doo's mother. Soon Ok told Bit Na not to sacrifice herself any longer for other people but just placed importance on herself and her dream. Soon Ok told Bit Na to live the way she wanted. Bit Na said she will. Mother and daughter held hands in encouragement.

Bit Na's first day at work and she made a friend in Lee Eun Young. Madam Yoon made a short speech and Ae Sook noticed the scarf on Bit Na's neck. Ae Sook felt it looked familiar and went in to check Bit Na's profile. Ae Sook saw the same birth date with Chae Ri and her mother's name was Soon Ok. Ae Sook was shocked and realised Bit Na was Jae Ik's real daughter. Ae Sook told herself it cannot be.

Ae Sook asked Soon Ok for a photo of Bit Na. Soon Ok showed Ae Sook a photo and told her that her 'daughter's' name was Oh Bit Na. Ae Sook was shocked. Soon Ok offered more information telling Soon Ok that Bit Na had started working at "Choong Gak" as it was a dream to be a chef. Ae Sook told Soon Ok to stop Bit Na from working at "Choong Gak" Soon Ok was confused.

Ae Sook asked why Soon Ok did not leave as she had asked as she did not want to see Soon Ok in front of her. Ae Sook went totally berserk stomping on the floor like a child who did not get her toy. Soon Ok just watched a distraught Ae Sook in utter confusion.


Bit Na introduced herself.

Chae Ri said she wanted to learn the ropes at "Choong Gak"

Ae Sook told Soon Ok to give Bit Na back to her. Soon Ok was further confused.

Chae Ri told herself that Bit Na should watch her.

Soon Ok found out that Jae Ik was not getting married at all from his friend. The friend told her what nonsense.

Yeon Doo played with Emma's make up with an amazing scary look. Emma was screaming.

San Wook asked Madam Yoon about Bit Na and Madam Yoon think of her quite fondly.

Jae Ik and Bit Na met while Chae Ri learned from Ae Sook that Bit Na was Jae Ik's real daughter. Chae Ri screamed why it had to be Bit Na and that it cannot be true.

* recap only based on the main couple storyline. Kindly note interpretation is best to limited understanding of the language.

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I cant stand AS and CR. The woman just crazy. It is hard to watch that good people didnt know what AS did in the past. AS think she can control BN if she impersonate as her mother but BN never accept her because she abandon her. Anyway based on synopsis SO BN HN have sronger bonds than blood related family. So i hope AS will fail separate them.

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Episode 59

Soon Ok showed Ae Sook a photo of Bit Na. Soon Ok told Ae Sook that they had named her Oh Bit Na as she was always so bright and that Bit Na was very pretty. Ae Sook was totally in shock tried to stand up but was unstable. Soon Ok was concerned and asked what was wrong. Soon Ok asked whether Ae Sook was leaving and handed Ae Sook her purse. Ae Sook made no attempt to hold it and the purse felt on the floor. Soon Ok said that it must have been a shock to her seeing Bit Na's picture for the first time. Soon Ok informed that Bit Na started work at "Choong Gak" as it was Bit Na's dream to be a chef.

Ae Sook just stared at Soon Ok and told Soon Ok that she was a bad woman. Soon Ok was surprised and asked what did Ae Sook just said. Ae Sook was very angry and started to lashed out a Soon Ok. Ae Sook told Soon Ok to leave immediately and disappeared from her sight. Soon Ok was confused. Ae Sook told Soon Ok it was because of Soon Ok she was going crazy.

Soon Ok asked whether why was she at fault as it was Ae Sook who appeared to her first. Ae Sook completely lashed out at Soon Ok that it was Soon Ok to parade Bit Na in front of her whereby she should be living in secret. Ae Sook screamed and said that it was Soon Ok who told her that she did not want to run away. Ae Sook threw Soon Ok's phone down. Ae Sook went berserk pulling at the furniture screaming at Soon Ok to run away and never to appear in front of her. Ae Sook sat on the floor while Soon Ok looked at Ae Sook in total confusion. Ae Sook threw a complete tantrum like a child in a toy store.

Soon Ok sat down as well and told Ae Sook that she had waited for Ae Sook to return. However, she did not she ended raising Bit Na. Soon Ok said at first she did not want to avoid Ae Sook. Ae Sook said that Soon Ok was the good person but Soon Ok argued that Ae Sook was the one who gave no word of herself. Soon Ok asked did Ae Sook knew how important Bit Na was to her as Bit Na had called her mother from the very first time. Soon Ok told Ae Sook that the day Bit Na called her "Mother" she knew that she will never give Bit Na up which was why she made sure that Ae Sook never found them. However, Soon Ok told Ae Sook she was not sure whether Ae Sook even tried to find them. Soon Ok told Ae Sook that looking at her behaviour, it would seemed her marriage was important but her daughter was not. Ae Sook said "What".

Soon Ok told Ae Sook that she raised two daughters and therefore Ae Sook will never understand that she would placed her children above everything. Ae Sook asked whether Soon Ok accused her not fit to be a mother. Sook Ok said she did not understand why Ae Sook was upset but Soon Ok realised that it was partly her fault she could not raised Bit Na herself because they were living in secret. Soon Ok said that why she was apologising. Ae Sook said an apology was not acceptable as it was a stab into her heart.

Ae Sook told Soon Ok to give Bit Na back to her as she will be Bit Na's mother from now on. Soon Ok was shock.

Bit Na introduced herself as Yeon Doo's mother, Oh Bit Na and that she would worked hard and learn. Chae Ri told Bit Na to watch out what she would do her.

Soon Ok pleaded to Ae Sook why the sudden decision. Soon Ok told Ae Sook she had not told Ae Sook but Bit Na had suffered quite recently as she got divorced and her child she loved was taken away. Soon Ok said Bit Na just found the path to her dream and how she could let Bit Na know she was not her real mother. Ae Sook smiled to herself as she knew how Soon Ok would answer and therefore the secret will be safe. Soon Ok pleaded that it was not the time and asked for some time when Bit Na was stable at "Choong Gak" and Yeon Doo was brought home. Soon Ok said she would let Bit Na know that Ae Sook was her mother. Ae Sook accused Soon Ok of raising Bit Na so bad that resulted her daughter being a divorcee. Ae Sook asked what right was she a mother to Bit Na.

Ae Sook felt more confident and said she cannot take back Bit Na under her current circumstances and told Soon Ok to forget what she had said. Soon Ok thanked Ae Sook. Ae Sook told Soon Ok that no one should of this matter. Soon Ok promised. Ae Sook put on an act of a concerned mother wailing how could her daughter turned out to be divorcee and having her child taken away and how much hurt Bit Na most had endured. Ae Sook said she will just bear the pain. Soon Ok apologised and Ae Sook reminded to keep this matter a secret and to ensure Oh Bit Na would always be Soon Ok's daughter and told Soon Ok to be a good mother. Ae Sook left. Soon Ok was left crying and apologised for being a bad person.

Bit Na and her colleague Eun Young was showed around o how the kitchen worked. Madam Yoon came into the kitchen to sample the food. However, Madam Yoon looked confused. A staff explained that Madam Yoon personally see to the food when there were important guests. Ae SOok caught sight of Bit Na as Bit Na bowed in acknowledgement. Ae Sook cannot she brought in a "tiger" into their midst.

Chae Ri was plotting for Bit Na's dismissal.

San Wook came to see Chae Ri informing him that he was back to find a bride. Chae Ri asked was there anyone who interest him. San Wook informed Chae Ri that it looked like he had some fate with Oh Bit Na. Chae Ri was surprised and started to protest. San Wook told Chae Ri that if he got along well with Bit Na will be to her advantage. San Wook told it was a win win if she helped him to get Bit Na. Chae Ri told herself she had nothing to loose. Chae Ri agreed to help San Wook.

Madam Yoon took her medication. However, she hid the medicine when Chae Ri walked in. Chae Ri told her grandmother she wanted to be involved in the kitchen so she can quickly learned the ropes to manage "Choong Gak". Madam Yoo thought it was a good idea.

Ae Sook met Bit Na and asked how things were and Bit Na said it was interesting. However Ae Sook was not so friendly like before. San Wook came upon Bit Na and told Bit Na that it looked like Ae Sook liked Bit Na just like him. San Wook asked why did she not take his calls. Bit Na asked how old San Wook was to play pranks. San Wook said he was not fooling about but Bit Na told him it seemed like so to her. San Wook maintained he was not such a person. San Wook said it seemed like they were fated and he liked her was the reason. Bit Na was surprised and asked whether San Wook really liked her.

San Wook said he did and it was 5 years since his last relationship and she was the person who had since touched his heart. Bit Na told San Wook that it was not possible and San Wook asked whether it was because of Ha Joon. San Wook said he understood that Bit Na and Ha Joon had a special relationship. Bit Na said it was not the case. Bit Na told San Wook that she was the mother of a very cute Yeon Doo. San Wook was surprised to learn that Bit Na was a mother. Bit Na told him therefore to leave her out of it. Bit Na wanted to walk away but San Wook stopped her. San Wook said she had told him she was not attached. Bit Na said she got divorced hence she was not attached. Bit Na said now he knew about her he can now leave her alone.

Ae Sook was very anxious and seek Chae Ri out. Chae Ri told Ae Sook that she now did not even bother knocking her door and just walked in. Ae Sook sat down. Ae Sook told Chae Ri to sit down and Chae Ri sneered and said it was so motherly. Chae Ri told Ae Sook not to be mistaken as she never accept Ae Sook as her mother. Ae Sook told Chae Ri to shut up and listen to her. Chae Ri warned Ae Sook on her tone to her.

Ae Sook told Chae Ri what she wanted was not important because a problem had arised. Chae Ri asked what was the emergency as if Jae Ik's daughter was found. Ae Sook said that was exactly what it was. Chae Ri was shocked. Ae Sook asked why she had to be the one. Chae Ri asked who she was. Ae Sook told her it was Oh Bit Na. Chae Ri asked what did Ae Sook said it was and told Ae Sook to repeat the name again. Ae Sook told her it was Oh Bit Na was Jae Ik's real daughter.

Chae Ri could not believe the truth and said it cannot be. Chae Ri asked why it had to be Oh Bit Na and asked Ae Sook whether she was mistaken. Chae Ri said it cannot be.

Ha Joon had a meeting. After the meeting, Ha Joon looked at his phone to see whether Bit Na had called him. Ha Joon excused Bit Na as it was her first day at work.

Bit Na was asked to clean the store room.

Chae Ri was totally shaken by the truth. Ae Sook told Chae Ri she had confirmed the truth and therefore Chae Ri needed to be on high alert as Jae Ik's real daughter had returned to "Choong Gak". Chae Ri asked when was Ae Sook going to capture Jae Ik's heart as she had trusted Ae Sook. Chae Ri she was anxious like mad. Chae Ri said Bit Na had taken Ha Joon and now she was going to take "Choong Gak" from her. Chae Ri told herself that she will not give up. Chae Ri asked why was her life turning out to be in this manner. Chae Ri screamed that it was crazy. Ae Sook assured that on one will revealed their secret. Ae Sook told Chae Ri they had to work together to cast Bit Na away because Jae Ik must never found out the truth or else it would be the end for both of them. Chae Ri wept bitterly while Ae Sook wiped off her tears.

Jae Ik asked his mother how were the new candidates and Madam Yoon said they were fine. San Wook praised Madam Yoon for having an eye for talent especially Oh Bit Na. Ae Sook and Chae Ri were coming down when they heard the name mentioned. Madam Yoon told San Wook that he must really favoured Bit Na. San Wook said he indeed did. Jae Ik spoke and added she must be a good person. San Wook said she was. Jae Ik's friend told San Wook that he had arrived not long into Korea that he knew the person already. San Wook told him a man and woman needed to know on just one moment. San Wook asked Jae Ik for his opinion and Jae Ik's friend agreed that Jae Ik was much the same.

Jae Ik was sorting out his papers recalling what Soon Ok said about not looking for her again. Jae Ik's friend gave some advice and wandered whether he should helped out on the situation.

Jae Ik's friend went to see Soon Ok asking what happened between she and Jae Ik as Jae Ik seemed down. Soon Ok asked whether he knew Jae Ik's marriage partner. Jae Ik's friend said there was no such person as the person who was holding his heart was Soon Ok. Soon Ok started to wander that Jae Ik might not be Ae Sook's marriage partner.

Tae Sik rushed into his mother's room saying that Emma wanted a divorce. Mal Sook told him not to worry as they had ways to make Emma stayed in the marriage. There was a scream from Emma. Mal Sook and Tae Sik rushed upstairs. Yeon Doo played with Emma's make up and used it on her face. Yeon Doo looked like a monster surprising all the adults.

Ha Joon's father called Ha Joon about meeting up a client.

Ki Joon dressed up to meet Yoon Na. Ki Joon told Yoon Na that he was serious about what he said. Yoon Na said she just thought of Ki Joon as her boss that was it.

Chae Ri sneaked a peep at Bit Na asking herself how could it be that Bit Na turned out to be Jae Ik's real daughter. Bit Na mentioned she was going out to get more potatoes as she was running, she bumped into Jae Ik. Jae Ik caught hold of her. Jae Ik's apologised and asked whether she was hurt. Chae Ri saw them together. Bit Na said she was fine. Jae Ik told her to be careful even when she was busy. Bit Na thanked him and she wandered where she had seen Jae Ik before. Jae Ik looked at Bit Na and walked away but turned around after a few steps. Bit Na also turned and they faced each other. Chae Ri looked at the both of them anxiously.


Ha Joon told San Wook that Bit Na was his woman. San Wook told him that she was just a woman he was meeting that was all.

Madam Yoon asked Ae Sook what was going on between Jae Ik and her. Ae Sook was confused whether Madam Yoon was accepting her or not.

San Wook helped Bit Na to wash the vegetables. Chae Ri verbally attacked Bit Na.

Soon Ok met Jae Ik and Jae Ik commented she had lost weight.

Chae Ri tried to slap Bit na but Bit Na blocked her. Chae Ri threw a tantrum by throwing the things in the store onto the ground telling Bit Na she would make Bit Na regretful.

Ha Joon told Bit Na their contact will need to be extended.

* recap only based on the main couple storyline. Kindly note interpretation is best to limited understanding of the language.

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Episode 60

Chae Ri walked away.

Bit Na was at the store room getting her potatoes when Chae Ri came in and kicked over her bowl of potatoes. Chae Ri onwards started to pulled stuff down in a tantrum. Bit Na asked Chae Ri what was she doing. Chae Ri said it was not enough Bit Na took Ha Joon now she was to pushed her out of "Choong Gak". Chae Ri told Bit Na to pay heed to her warning and leave "Choong Gak" immediately. Bit Na said why should she as she had passed all the tests to be here. Bit Na asked why should she leave. Bit Na said how was she to pushed her out and told Chae Ri not to joke. Chae Ri tried to slap Bit Na but Bit Na blocked her.

Bit Na asked whether Chae Ri will tried the same stunt as she did at the hotel to cast her out. Chae Ri told Bit Na that she would and told Bit Na that she will. Bit Na's phone rang and it was Ha Joon who told her that he was leaving work. Bit Na said she was not done yet and will see him later. Chae Ri told Bit Na to watch how she was going to cast Bit Na out of "Choong Gak". Chae Ri told Bit Na she would made Bit Na regret ever coming into "Choong Gak". Bit Na was totally confused.

Ha Joon waited for Bit Na. Bit Na told Ha Joon that he did not have to wait for here in that manner. San Wook came by them. San Wook told them that he was staying at "Choong Gak" at Madam Yoon's request. San Wook asked Bit Na when can he repaid his debt as Bit Na had helped with his wallet and handphone. San Wook asked whether tomorrow was fine with her. Bit Na told San Wook as she had said before it was not necessary. Ha Joon told Bit Na to get into the car. Ha Joon saw Bit Na into the car and was fuming mad.

Ha Joon went over to San Wook. Ha Joon told San Wook that Bit Na was his woman and not to put forward any requests. San Wook told Ha Joon it did not seemed to him that they had any confirmed relationship. San Wook said they were not even getting married and was there any reason why he cannot meet Bit Na too. San Woo told Ha Joon that he was once a marriage prospect with Chae Ri as well but Ha Joon protest that was different. San Wook told Ha Joon that he was also interested in Bit Na and planned to meet with Bit Na as one never know what can happen. San Wook said they should have a "fair play" for Bit Na's affections.

Bit Na popped her heard out and called out to Ha Joon that it was getting late. San Wook told Ha Joon to go as they seemed to be busy. San Wook wished Bit Na a safe journey and a good night. Ha Joon was just flabbergasted.

Bit Na asked what did San Wook said as it looked to her that Ha Joon was angry. Ha Joon said he was thinking of their contract and to himself he asked whether he was a coward for not telling Bit Na that he loved her. Bit Na apologised that since she started work she could not spent time with him. Ha Joon changed the subject asking how was her first day at work. Bit Na said everything was so interesting. Ha Joon said he will picked Bit Na from work as he was worried that Bit Na will be snatched away from him. Bit Na laughed and told him not to jest. Ha Joon said it was not a joke and told Bit Na not to meet San Wook. Ha Joon told Bit Na he had said it but Bit Na teased him and asked what if she did. Ha Joon was upset and Bit Na told him that she would not meet San Wook. Bit Na told herself what should she do as she dislike breaking up with Ha Joon. Ha Joon to himself said he will never let go of Bit Na and forever be with him.

Chae Ri and San Wook had a drink as they spoke of old times. Chae Ri told San Wook that he must make Bit Na his so that Bit Na would leave Ha Joon. San Wook noticed Chae Ri's anxiety and asked what was happening. Chae Ri said it was nothing. San Wook said he understand what she must be going through but Chae Ri snapped back and said what did he know. Chae Ri stopped herself and drank more. San Wook asked her again what was going on and Chae Ri told him to leave it be. San Wook comforted Chae Ri. Chae Ri asked herself whether if San Wook knew the truth he will also hate her. Chae Ri said that she was having her hard time and did not wished to live.

Ha Joon sent Bit Na home. Ha Joon and Bit Na debated who to go first and they played a children's game. Ha Joon did not follow the rules and told Bit Na to go into her home first. Bit Na gave in and said she would go in.

Ha Joon asked Ki Joon for advice to do a proposal event. Ki Joon was not himself. Ha Joon asked what he must do so that the woman did not leave him. Ki Joon went on about his problem being a Casanova had its retributions and Ha Joon what was going on with his brother.

Ha Joon brought up that she really wanted Chae Ri to be her daughter-in-law. Ha Joon changed the topic telling that Ki Joon had someone. Ha Joon's jumped into the conclusion whether Ki Joon had made some girl pregnant and Ki Joon maintained that he was very innocent. Ha Joon's mother said it was good news but the girl must be from a good family background. Ha Joon and his father was uneasy over that comment. Ki Joon told his mother it was a one sided love.

Bit Na told her family of her first day and when she looked at her mother she recalled when she had seen Jae Ik. Jae Ik helped them to sent Soon Ok to the hospital when she fainted at Mal Sook's home. Bit Na mentioned to her mother that the episode where she had fainted and Jae Ik had helped them. Bit Na saw him at "Choong Gak". Soon Ok asked whether he was a guest but Bit Na said she was not sure.

Jae Ik's friend related to Jae Ik what Soon Ok had misunderstood of him getting married. Jae Ik's friend said now the misunderstanding had cleared they can go on their way now. Jae Ik thanked his friend's help. Ae Sook came upon them but Jae Ik went all quiet avoiding looking at Ae Sook. Madam Yoon walked out and noticed the estranged air between Ae Sook and Jae Ik.

Ae Sook brought in tea for Madam Yoon. Madam Yoon wandered to herself the relationship between Ae Sook and Jae Ik. Madam Yoon then asked Ae Sook when did it begin between Ae Sook and Jae Ik. Ae Sook said it was nothing. Madam Yoon told Ae Sook not be anxious as she knew Chae Ri liked her so she would considered it. Ae Sook faked that she was not worthy. Madam Yoon told Ae Sook she was excused.

Ae Sook was confused with Madam Yoon's words whether she was accepting her ot not.

Chae Ri gave Jae Ik some concert tickets and Jae Ik said he will make the time.

It was announced that Chae Ri will joined the kitchen staff.

Bit Na was asked to wash a whole lot of vegetables on her own. Chae Ri looked at Bit Na from a corner that there would be more hardship for her. 

Ha Joon and his guest had lunch at "Choong Gak". Chae Ri told herself she must get Ha Joon not matter what.

A customer made a scene saying there was a foreign matter in his food. Chae Ri managed to revealed that he was a "black consumer" who was going around tarnishing restaurant's reputation on his blog. Ha Joon was watching Chae Ri. The customer left in a huff after being caught. Ha Joon came over to Chae Ri and asked her was she all right. Chae Ri was unsteady due to the tension and said she was going to get some air. Ha Joon came out to see Chae Ri out of concern. Chae Ri was crying and Ha Joon passed his handkerchief to her. Ha Joon told Chae Ri that she did well.

Chae Ri called someone to let him know that he did well.

Chae Ri called Emma who was packing. Emma asked what she wanted as he was busy getting a divorce. Chae Ri asked Emma to come over to "Choong Gak" to have some fun with Bit Na who was working there. Emma said she will go over as she wished to eat at "Choong Gak". Tae Sik pleaded with Emma to stay but Emma said she will not changed her mind. Emma told her bag to leave. Mal Sook also pleaded with Emma promising Emma can have her way. Tae Sik promised she can but branded stuff. Tae Yang told them to let Emma go as what was so frightening about her. Tae Sik and Mal Sook closed Tae Yang's mouth. Emma was happy she won the battle. Emma let go her luggage and walked out.

Bit Na finished unwrapping the vegetables to be washed and San Wook came over to help Bit Na with the heavy load. Bit Na told San Wook to give it back to her as he could easily hurt his back. San Wook asked whether to take the vegetables and Bit Na told him to the store room. San Wook said a moment ago Bit Na had showed some concern for him. 

Chae Ri came over and noticed Bit Na was gone and told herself there was no way she could have finished with it.

San Wook was helping Bit Na washed the vegetables. Bit Na told him to give the job back to her. San Wook said how could she be doing this alone. San Wook told Bit Na he will have a word with the kitchen head. Bit Na told him that it was all right. San Wook asked for water and Bit Na went to get it. Chae Ri came upon San Wook surprised to see him with the vegetables and Bit Na returned with a glass of water. Chae Ri asked what was Bit Na doing that she dared allowed someone else who was not the kitchen staff to handle the raw food. San Wook told Chae Ri not to be too hard on Bit Na. Chae Ri told Bit Na that this must had been the way she got Ha Joon being so pitiful. San Wook pulled Chae Ri away to have a word with him.

Soon Ok got dressed to meet Jae Ik . Soon Ok recalled that Jae Ik told her that he had something important to say to her. Soon Ok and Jae Ik met and looked at each other fondly.


Chae Ri said that Bit Na was a divorcee with a child. San Wook said so what as Bit Na was not a woman she should looked down upon. San Wook said he was sincere.

Soon Ok said she did not expect anything of Jae Ik.

Chae Ri exchanged something with a staff that was to be served to Emma. Chae Ri hoped that Emma would collapse very soon.

San Wook asked about his treat and Bit Na asked whether he was showing off. San Wook told her it was all about his charm.

Emma collapse while Chae Ri called for help. San Wook came upon them.

Tae Sik, Mal Sook and Emma ganged up to see Bit Na. Emma called Bit Na a murderer. Ha Joon placed his arm up and told them he would not to allow them to disturb Bit Na.

* recap only based on the main couple storyline. Kindly note interpretation is best to limited understanding of the language.

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