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[Drama 2013/2014] Shining Romance (빛나는 로맨스)


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Hope this will help : Episode 1 to 5

Tae Sik had been chasing Bit Na since school

Ha Joon returned from studies to take over the running of his father's company

Bit Na's father ran a medium sized business of electrical shop

Bit Na has a flair for taste

Chae Ri was to go to UK to study fashion but studied culinary. She wanted to open a Italian Family Restaurant. Grandmother would not be pleased if she knew as Grandmother was liked the custodian of traditional Korean cuisine.

Chae Ri thought Jae Ik was cold to her because she was responsible for her mother's death as Chae Ri expressed Jae Ik showed no feelings when she was leaving for her studies.

Bit Na and family went to a resort as Yoon Na was leaving for overseas studies.

Bit Na's father received a phone call that his store was no fire and set out. Unfortunately, his car ran out of gas. Ha Joon's mother was driving to the resort where Ha Joon was working but was fiddling with a CD when she knocked into Bit Na's father. Ha Joon's mother left Bit Na's father on the road think she had killed him.

Ae Soo becomes a "femme fatale" at nights and go on stage to sing. (Scary)

Ha Joon helped Bit Na and her family to rush to the hospital. However, Bit Na's father passed away.

However, Bit Na's father's business was heavy in debts.

Mal Sook did not approved of Bit Na and furthermore after the family went bankrupt, she disapproved.

Mal Sook wanted to match Tae Sik with Chae Ri.

Bit Na finally accepted Tae Sik because Bit Na's father gave his approval before he died.

Ha Joon did explained to his parents that if Bit Na's father was brought early for medical attention he could have been saved.

Bit Na told her family she would stop school to earn a living. Sook Ok said she will anything to ensure they finished school.

Ki Joon met Chae Ri at the club and she got herself drunk. Ki Joon tried to help her only to have Chae Ri peed on him while piggybacking her.

Ha Joon returned back to school to dig up the time capsule he and Bit Na buried as children. Ha Joon noted the resemblance between the young and current Oh Bit Na.

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Highlights : Episode 6 to 10

Ha Joon got Bit Na's address and phone number but it was too late as they were forced to edict their home.

Yoon Na gave up her studies being a cellist.

Ki Joon and Chae Ri landed themselves in a hotel as Chae Ri did not have a phone hence Ki Joon cannot contact anyone. Ki Joon explained how Chae Ri peed on him and he sent their clothes to be cleaned. Ki Joon explained he did not touched her as Chae Ri knew in her drunken state to remove her clothes by herself. Chae Ri was greatly embarrassed.

Looked like Bit Na consented to marry Tae Sik because she was grateful he helped the family in their dire straits.

Mal Sook was unkind to Bit Na.

Ha Joon's mother paid a staff to take the blame for Bit Na's father's accident.

Ha Joon went about trying to find Bit Na

Bit Na tried to break up with Tae Sik after his mother did not approved her.

Tae Sik did go against his mother in order to be with Bit Na

Soon Ok decided to accept the compensation money for the sake of Bit Na's future

Tae Sik did a proposal event for Bit Na but Bit Na returned Tae Sik the money and told him no. Bit Na said taking care of her family came first.

Tae Sik attempted suicide.

Mal Sook begged Bit Na to save Tae Sik. Tae Sik called out to Bit Na and somehow Bit Na agreed to marry Tae Sik in an effort to save Tae Sik. This was overheard by Ha Joon who just found Bit Na.

Ha Joon to himself wished Bit Na every happiness.

Time Jumped : 7 years

Oh Bit Na won prizes from radio show. Yoon Na worked in a restaurant.

Yeon Doo praised her mother's cooking

Tae Sik by this time probably begin his affair with Emma

Ha Joon's mother planning marriage dates for Ha Joon

Soon Ok worked at a supermarket. Yoon Na came by to pick her mother so they can spend her birthday together. Jae Ik saw Soon Ok for the first time from a distance and wrote a short passage for his novel based on the mother and daughter scene he witnessed.

Soon Ok and Mal Sook's birthday were on the same day.

Bit Na do well in competition like identifying which part of the meat in beef and won a beef set.

Mal Sook and Ha Joon's mother take singing lessons together.

Ha Joon returned from US after being 3 years away

Mal Sook want to match her daughter Tae Yang with Ha Joon but Ha Joon's mother had seen Tae Yang threw a tantrum before in public.

Ki Joon is such a player until he dressed as a woman to break up with girlfriends when he got tired of them.

Bit Na won the beef set and gave it to her mother for her birthday saying it was a present from Mal Sook. Soon Ok rang up to thank Mal Sook and Mal Sook thought Bit Na stole money from their home to buy the expensive beef set. Mal Sook sent Bit Na out of the house in the cold.

Ha Joon started work at the hotel as a bell-hop to learn from bottom up.

Chae Ri actually had a blind date with Ki Joon but Ki Joon had Ha Joon take his place as he doubled booked himself.

Chae Ri liked what she saw in Ha Joon but Ha Joon told her that he borrowed the outfit for today and was actually there looking for a job. So he cannot afford the prices in the hotel restaurant. In her mind, Chae Ri had titled Ha Joon a commoner. Ha Joon suggested they went to a rice soup shop nearby. Chae Ri said that she will pay for it.

Ha Joon managed notes of the situations in the hotel for his reference.

Chae Ri and Emma were friends from school.

Emma knew Tae Sik was married and worked to get him to divorce Bit Na so she can marry him.

Yoon Na and Chae Ri had a misunderstanding while Yoon Na worked as a waitress in Chae Ri's grandmother's restaurant.

Ha Joon's mother paid a lot of attention on family background while Ha Joon's father did not mind as Ha Joon's mother's own background was not much to speak of as well.

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Highlights : Episode 11 to 15

Mal Sook discovered Tae Sik having an affair with Emma

Bit Na first met Ha Joon again after she had an escaped live chicken at the subway station. The chicken headed Ha Joon's way but Ha Joon had a childhood fear of chicken. The chicken flew up and Ha Joon fell back startled while Bit Na came running and fell on top of Ha Joon. Both of them felt somewhat familiar.

Ha Joon was Chae Ri's ideal type.

Bit Na and Ha Joon got into an argument over the escaped chicken episode but Bit Na asked for contact details to compensate Ha Joon. Ha Joon said he was busy. Bit Na dropped her wallet which Ha Joon picked up.

Bit Na managed to remember Ha Joon as the person who helped them during her father's accident.

Tae Sik told his mother he wanted to divorce Bit Na to marry Emma

Soon Ok was reading a novel that Jae Ik wrote.

Ae Sook started on her seduction path on Jae Ik.

Chae Ri learned that Ha Joon was called "Department Head" and her interest in him grew

Ha Joon's mother received a call from the staff who took the blame 7 years ago

Ha Joon looked into Bit Na's wallet and found her identification card. Ha Joon was happy to have found Bit Na.

Ma Sook got Bit Na to cook to impress someone who owned a A class kindergarten

Yoon Na learned of Ha Joon's mother involvement in her father's accident as she recognised the staff from 7 years ago.

Mal Sook agreed to Tae Sik divorcing by plotting to get Bit Na to sign the divorce papers. Mal Sook told Tae Sik that Bit Na must never learned of his affair.

Chae Ri learned that Ha Joon was the heir of J Group

Mal Sook and Tae Sik were impressed with Emma's rich background.

Ha Joon once again bumped into Bit Na who purchased his elephant figurine by mistake

Ha Joon returned Bit Na's wallet as well as he wanted the elephant figurine back.

Yeon Doo refused to give the elephant back and Ha Joon tried to exchanged it with a toy. However, Yeon Doo was impressed with a caricature drawing and Ha Joon drew one for her. Yeon Doo agreed the exchange.

Bit Na gave Ha Joon the elephant as well as a shirt as his was torn the last time with the chicken episode. Bit Na also thanked for his help 7 years ago.

Mal Sook suggested to Bit Na a fake divorce

Bit Na gave Ha Joon a flowery shirt

Soon Ok collapsed while preparing dinner for Mal Sook's guest. Jae Ik was a dinner guest offered to take Soon Ok to the hospital

Mal Sook's daughter, Tae Yang fancied Ki Joon.

Yoon Na learned the real truth of her father's hit and run accident.

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Highlights: Episode 16 to 20

Yoon Na vowed revenge against Ha Joon's mother, Lee Tae Ri

Mal Sook tried to convince Bit Na to agree to fake divorce.

Chae Ri was on stalk watch on Ha Joon.

However, she and Bit Na were loggerheads beginning with Yeon Doo spilling ice cream on her coat then again at the hotel. Chae Ri teased that Bit Na must be at the hotel searching for her "cheating" husband. Chae Ri had learned that the man Emma was going out with was Tae Sik.

On seeing Ha Joon, Chae Ri called out in pain touching her ankle. Ha Joon rushed to her side. Chae Ri pretended to be nice to Bit Na while screaming in pain. Chae Ri asked Ha Joon to help her to the hospital. Ha Joon said he got to help since she was a guest. Ha Joon took out his phone and called for the ambulance. Bit Na was amused while Chae Ri was in total frustration as it was not what she intended.

Bit Na was surprised that she thought Ha Joon was a corporate man and now he was really a hotel bell-hop.

Bit Na started work in the hotel kitchen.

At the police station, Yoon Na realised she would not be able to do much with real evidenece against Lee Tae Ri

Ha Joon learned that the hotel buffet was not to par to the guests' taste

Ha Joon was shocked to see Bit Na working in the hotel. Bit Na said she had to work to pay back the extra 450,000 for another elephant to Ha Joon. Ha Joon said there was no need to but Bit Na argued that it was a must on principle.

Jae Ik find himself attracted Soon Ok.

It seemed Jae Ik's father had a concubine.

Tae Sik was dallying with Emma at the clinic when Bit Na dropped by with some snack. Tae Sik pushed Emma under his desk to avoid being caught.

Chae Ri started stalking Ha Joon. Ha Joon showed no response to her charms.

Ha Joon assigned himself to the kitchen looking out for Bit Na.

Ha Joon got angry as he wandered what Tae Sik was doing making Bit Na suffered by working in a part time job.

Yoon Na started her revenge plan on Lee Tae Ri

Bit Na and Ha Joon began working as colleagues in the kitchen. Ha Joon asked why was she had to work part time. Bit Na said it was not of his business.

Ha Joon and Bit Na also started on the wrong foot as well.

Ha Joon was tearing cutting onions but Bit Na stuffed an onion into his mouth telling him it would stop him from tearing.

Bit Na was such a good cook. Tae Sik and his family ate well.

Chae Ri was stalking Ha Joon right to volunteer at a dog pound. Chae Ri really suffered due to the cleaning chores. Furthermore, she suffered an allergic rash from the animals

 Yoon Na started doing her own research on Lee Tae Ri

Mal Sook gave one of her favourite ring to impress Emma

Mal Sook and Tae Sik conspired to trick Bit Na that they were heavy in debt.

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Thank you !!! I will try to be more active when my favorite drama will end (still 2 weeks).

mizkorea said: Gosh how could BN ex & MIL just took her daughter from her. I hope these 2 will pay for such despicable act. Hope the ex will lose his practising license & go bankrupt. MIL got kicked out of the house.

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Episode 46

Ha Joon's father told Bit Na to have a relaxing conversation. Ha Joon told Bit Na that his father was not a frightening person. Ha Joon's father confirmed that it was not because he did not started out as a President. Bit Na also told Ha Joon's father to speak to her informally as well. Ha Joon praised that Bit Na had a flair for taste and Ha Joon's father noted that the two them were quite alike as he noted Ha Joon also spoke formally. Ha Joon's father said he understood why he cancelled his engagement as Ha Joon had such a pretty woman by his side already. Ha Joon smiled with embarrassment. Ha Joon's father of Bit Na's name and agreed the name suit her as she was shining like the stars. Ha Joon added on that Bit Na's character was just as shining. Ha Joon's father told Ha Joon to leave out giving out compliments would be favourable to Bit Na. Ha Joon's father saw that Ha Joon was so delighted and wandered why Ha Joon had hid the truth for so long.

Ha Joon's father asked when and where they first met and Bit Na said while they were in junior school together. Ha Joon told his father that they even promised to marry each other even then. However, when Ha Joon's father asked what Bit Na liked about ha Joon, Bit Na could not give an answer. Ha Joon grew uncomfortable and asked his father how could he asked such a question. Ha Joon told himself he knew that Bit Na could not tell a lie but had wished she could have lied and said she liked him. Ha Joon's father looked at them intensely.

Ha Joon sent Bit Na home. Ha Joon wondered when would Bit Na sincerely liked him. Bit Na apologised as she said she must had made a mistake in front of his father. Ha Joon told her it was all right as his father really liked her and he knew she could not tell a lie. Ha Joon said he was the one who was sorry knowing that fact. Ha Joon asked Bit na that could she not say he was a good person and wandered was there nothing good about him. Ha Joon said he was sad and disappointed. Ha Joon said where there was a man like him, good looking, did his job well and treated her very well too. Bit Na admitted that when he told his father that she was his woman was very dashing. Bit Na said as his friend she was telling him so. Ha Joon tried to fetch for more compliments and move nearer to Bit Na. Bit Na felt flustered at the close physical contact and said she got to go. Bit Na said she was going in while Ha Joon told her to call him. Bit Na tried to make out what she was feeling. Bit Na told herself to come to her senses. Back home, Ha Joon was happy with the evening.

Ha Joon's father recalled Ha joon asking him what his thoughts on Bit Na. Ha Joon's father said Bit Na was the first woman he had introduced and he was pleased with her. ha Joon thanked his father and his father said was it so good. Ha Joon's father told Ha Joon it was not to say it was leading to marriage but he should slowing try out dating first. Ha Joon asked his father a favour to discourage his mother about Chae Ri. His father told Ha Joon that he should introduced Bit Na to his mother and Ha Joon told his father he should know his wife all too well. Ha Joon said that they were not at a stage yet and his father did noticed that Ha Joon was the one who liked Bit Na a lot. Ha Joon said he did not wished to make Bit Na uncomfortable and Ha Joon's father teased him that he was already so defensive. Ha Joon's father did smiled at the recollection.

Ha Joon was at the front house waiting for Bit Na and Yeon Doo while Tae Sik was stalking at the corner. Ha Joon complimented that Yeon Doo looked pretty and yeon Doo said she ate her mother's cooking. Bit Na thanked Ha Joon for doing this everyday. Ha Joon reminded that she did not call him last night. Bit na told Ha Joon that she was starting a part time job at the restaurant. Ha Joon told her to get a full time job instead. Bit Na told him so he did not have to worry if he did called her. Bit Na promised she will called her boyfriend and Ha Joon was so pleased. Ha Joon paid Bit Na a compliment in his head that she was lovely today. Bit Na asked herself whether she was someone who should not be so greedy. Bit Na took Yeon Doo to the car. Tae Sik said that Ha Joon was really something.

Bit Na was washing the dishes when Ha Joon called. Bit Na told him that she was busy and called him later. The Chief walked in and told her to come out as her work for done for the day. Ha Joon was waiting for her at the restaurant and told her she should received her boyfriend's call. Ha Joon told her to sit down as he was going to faint from hunger. Bit Na asked whether he had not eaten and the Chief brought out their lunch. Bit Na told Ha Joon not to waste money. Bit Na asked what his father had said about her. Ha Joon said his father was satisfy as his father believed in him. Bit Na said she was worried what will happened in the future. Bit Na complimented Ha Joon for having a really good father as he reminded her of her own father as well.

Preview :

Tae Sik and gang made a grab for Yeon Doo

Ae Sook was shocked to see the flyers Jae Ik made to find his daughter. It was obvious that Jae Ik never gave up looking for his real daughter.

* recap only based on the main couple storyline. Kindly note interpretation is best to limited understanding of the language.

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Episode 46 (other happenings)

Chae Ri suffered shock from the discovery. Ae Sook told her to accept the truth and Chae Ri told Ae Sook to get out of her life

Jae Ik made flyers locating his real daughter from an aging composite picture taken from the baby photo

Ae Sook tried to discourage the Soon Ok and Jae Ik romance.

Tae Sik did a proposal event for Emma in order to get her mother to fund the clinic (Same venue and trimmings he did with Bit Na)

Mal Sook and Tae Yang got to cook french food for Emma in order to get to her good books.

Emma told Tae Sik she was willing to take in Yeon Doo.

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Episode 47

Tae Sik grabbed Yeon Doo despite Bit Na pleading him. Yeon Doo cried the whole time in her father's home and refused to acknowledge Emma or the plan to live with her father. Bit Na went to the house but Mal Sook threw salt on her to cast her away.

After his meeting, Ha Joon tried to call Bit Na but her phone was off. Ha Joon searched on the web on a nice place to take Yeon Doo to eat.

Ha Joon was drawing caricatures of Yeon Doo when he noticed that Bit Na had not call him yet. Ha Joon tried to call but the phone was still off. Ha Joon sent a text asking what had happened and said he will go to her home.

Soon Ok found a crying Bit Na at home and told Bit na they would go and get Yeon Doo. Outside their home they tried to look for a cab only to find Ha Joon standing in front of them.

Tae Sik and gang tried to appease a crying Yeon Doo. Emma was not pleased.

Ha Joon arrived at Tae Sik home with Bit Na and Soon Ok. Bit Na said they will be unable to go in. Ha Joon thought of an idea.

Emma went upstairs sick and tired of the scene while Tae Sik followed giving up on trying to calm Yeon Doo.

Ha Joon pretended to be a delivery man and Mal Sook opened the gates for him. Bit Na and Soon Ok rushed into the house.

Mal Sook called Tae Yang to take Yeon Doo inot the room and locked themselves in.

Mal Sook pushed them away and asking what were they doing. Bit Na told Mal Sook to return Yeon Doo to her. Soon Ok told Mal Sook that they should not do this to them. Mal Sook reminded Bit Na she gave up the custody right but Bit Na said Mal Sook tried to trick her. Bit Na reminded Mal Sook had forgotten that she did agreed that for the custody she gave up receiving any alimony. Mal Sook threatened the law.

Soon Ok said that they were good people not to be bullied that way. Soon Ok said Yeon Doo was the reason her daughter was living. Soon Ok asked how Mal Sook can used Yeon Doo as a bargaining tool to get their way and asked whether Mal Sook was human. Bit Na said she would rather die than give up Yeon Doo. Mal Sook told them to leave but Soon Ok said they will not leave without Yeon Doo

Ha Joon waited a while and decided to go in. Mal Sook tried to force Soon Ok and Bit Na to leave while the two protested they will not leave. Mal Sook called for Tae Sik and walked into the kitchen. Tae Sik and Emma came down about the time Ha Joon walked in. Tae Sik was shocked to see Bit Na with Soon Ok. Ha Joon saw a distraught But Na and Soon Ok.


Ha Joon arm twisted Tae Sik and warned him never to make Bit Na cry. Ha Joon pushed Tae Sik down.

Bit Na begged Tae Sik not to separate her and Yeon Doo

Chae Ri grabbed Bit Na but Bit Na said she had no time for Chae Ri

Bit Na said she will returned the money and Ha Joon asked Bit Na whether he did it for the money

Ha Joon said he loved her and she did not even know

Bit Na was surprised.

* recap only based on the main couple storyline. Kindly note interpretation is best to limited understanding of the language.

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Episode 47 (Other happenings)

Jae Ik's mother know of him seeing a woman and was pleased.

Ae Sook noticed that Jae Ik hid something and opened up the locked drawer she had made a spare key to.

Ae Sook was shocked to see the flyer and it was obvious that Jae Ik had not given up looking for his real daughter.

Jae Ik saw Ae Sook coming out from his room. He went to his desk and checked and saw the little piece of paper he had set between his drawer had fallen. Jae Ik realised that Ae Sook had accessed his drawer and knew Ae Sook plotted the similar dressing to his late wife as she had read his journals.

Jae Ik realised he was been fooled and was relieved. He called on Soon Ok and looked like they made a date. They will be seeing each other a lot soon.

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Highlights: Episode 21 to 25

Mal Sook and Tae Sik did a big show of being hounded by creditors tricking Bit Na to divorce Tae Sik. Bit Na finally agreed to sign the divorce paper.

Chae Ri informed the family that she will meet Ha Joon formally as the families were keen on a match.

Ha Joon discovered Bit Na's talents for taste as she tasted some of the ingredients were not fresh. Bit Na was able to explain her theory.

Ha Joon and Bit Na got scolded for peeling quail eggs too slowly. Bit Na was trying to teach Ha Joon how to peel the eggs

Tae Sik and Emma had dinner with Mal Sook to celebrate the divorce. Bit Na spotted them but thought she was mistaken. Tae Sik and Emma was teasing each other with Ha Joon standing behind them. Ha Joon overheard that the wife did not even know the true reason for divorce. Ha Joon was so disgursted with the two.

Ha Joon practiced peeling quail eggs at home.

Ha Joon's mother planned a formal introduction between Ha Joon and Chae Ri. Chae Ri pretended to be surprised. 

Chae Ri was so pleased but Ha Joon looked upset.

Bit Na helped Ha Joon with an excuse for being missing from work

Chae Ri said it must been fated to be able to meet the previous times. Ha Joon said he was still working and can't stay long. Ha Joon told Chae Ri to let her grandmother know he had never met Chae Ri those previous times. Chae Ri asked whether he was not happy with her. Ha Joon said it was nothing except he had not plans to marry. Chae Ri asked why but Ha Joon refused to answer.. Chae Ri insisted as she needed to inform the elders. Chae Ri just bulldozer her way and even left her mobile number on Ha Joon's phone.

Ha Joon did a investigation on the raw vegetables.

Mal Sook started to be more cruel to force Bit Na to leave.

Yoon Na got her friends and sabotaged Lee Tae Ri's business that Lee Tae Ri's wedding dresses were copies.

Ha Joon's mother pushing for Ha Joon to go out with Chae Ri.

Ha Joon's mother was chasing a staff running for with company secret when she fell down the steps during a tussle. Bit Na came to her assist first but Chae Ri came by and took over from Chae Ri sending Ha Joon's mother to the hospital. Ha Joon and his father were grateful for Chae Ri's help.

Ha Joon's mother was unconscious for a while.

Both Mal Sook and Tae Sik started to feel guilty as Bit Na still in the blur was still going about treating them so well.

Tae Sik brought gifts to Bit Na's home but Yoon Na found the gesture suspicious. Soon Ok still treated Tae Sik with affection.

Chae Ri brought a lunch box to Ha Joon but he did not want it.

Ha Joon's mother woke up and was pleased to see Chae Ri.

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Highlights: Episode 26 to 30

Despite what was happening, Bit Na was keeping up with things in good spirits. Ha Joon did showed some concern.

Chae Ri trying hard to impress Ha Joon's mother with her cooking.

Ae Sook starting to wondered whether Jae Ik had a woman

Ha Joon's mother asked Chae Ri whether she had seen the account book that she was chasing after. Chae Ri said she had not but wondered whether Bit Na might had picked it up. Bit Na said she did and Chae Ri wanted it immediately. Bit Na said she was still working and can only do it after work.

Tae Sik and Mal Sook was entertaining Emma when Bit Na came home to collect the account book. Mal Sook tried to stop Bit Na from bumping into Emma. However, Emma hid in the wardrobe when Bit Na went up to the room. Tae Sik took Bit Na downstairs so that Mal Sook can sneaked Emma out. Bit Na noticed three places but Mal Sook said that it was Tae Sik, Tae Yang and herself. Tae Yang had something important left before she had her meal.

Ha Joon notified that he was leaving the kitchens. Bit Na congratulated Ha Joon for finding a better position. Ha Joon was a little upset that Bit Na did not missed at all. Bit Na told him that he was being childish.

Ha Joon pushed Bit Na to the wall with close contact but this was witnessed by Chae Ri who was surprised to see Ha Joon with Bit Na. Ha Joon just removed some dirt from Bit Na's face.

Ha Joon and Chae Ri started to see more of each other. Ha Joon will be going back to his original post as the Vice President.

There was a farewell dinner and one of the senior kept pushing Bit Na to drink more. Ha Joon was watching them carefully.

Ha Joon called an order of Bit Na's favourite dish.

Ha Joon spotted the senior pouring soju into Bit Na's glass of soft drink. The senior proposed to drink up once again. Bit Na started to drink when Ha Joon grabbed her glass and down the liquid. The Senior asked what he was doing and Ha Joon said he was thirsty. Ha Joon poured her a fresh glass of soft drink. 

The dish arrived and Bit Na was happy and she loved to eat the dish.

Bit Na, Ha Joon and gang adjourned to a karaoke lounge. The staff asked him to say something but Ha Joon spoke so formally about his thanks that the staff felt weird. Ha Joon realised his mistake and thanked them more informally.

Ha Joon found Bit Na in drunken sleep in a corner. Ha Joon tried to wake her up. Ha Joon placed his jacket over her. Bit Na managed to wake up and Ha Joon wanted to take her home. Bit Na said she can managed. Ha Joon left his number on Bit Na to call him in case of anything since they had been colleagues. Bit Na wished him well. Ha Joon got Bit Na a cab to go home.

Ha Joon's family met with Chae Ri's family for a meal. The door opened and Ha Joon spotted Tae Sik and when he heard the name Yeon Doo mentioned, Ha Joon recalled who Tae Sik. Ha Joon got angry and stood up suddenly surprising everyone in the room.

Bit Na got worried about Tae Sik who went off to spent some time with Emma

Ha Joon's father thought Ha Joon wanted to go to the toilet and told him to go and come back soon. Ha Joon walked out of the room and ran off to look for Tae Sik. Ha Joon remembered what transpired in the lift and said that Tae Sik was a bad man. Ha Joon wandered why Bit Na had married Tae Sik who was now cheating on her.

Chae Ri told Ha Joon of their engagement date. Ha Joon thought it was too soon. However, ha Joon did seek Chae Ri advised whether he should tell her friend the truth after knowing it. Chae Ri said that he should tell as there was no secret in this world. Chae Ri also told him to do it as soon as possible.

Tae Sik and Emma went shopping. So was Bit Na with Soon Ok at the same store. Bit Na spotted them but she was not sure.. Bit Na started to get suspicious. Bit Na started to question Mal Sook but Mal Sook started to question whether Bit Na had a man instead. Bit Na said what nonsense and told Mal Sook she will go to Busan to look for Tae Sik. Mal Sook told Tae Sik to come out clean.

Tae Yang learned the truth behind Tae Sik's scheme. Tae yang said she would tell Bit Na. Tae Sik and Mal Sook tried to stop her as Ha Joon drove to the front of their home. Ha Joon learned of Bit Na's divorce.

Mal Sook informed that they wanted a French daughter-in-law. Tae Yang said she will tell Bit Na.

Bit Na cut herself while thinking what was going on. Ha Joon attended to her cut and Bit Na was surprised to see Ha Joon in a suit.

Yoon Na caught Tae Sik and Emma at Lee Tae Ri's shop fitting bridal clothes. Tae Sik was shocked to see her.

Emma asked who was Yoon Na and Tae Sik told she was Bit Na's sister. Yoon Na asked who the woman was. Yoon Na asked for an explanation. Emma said they were getting married. Emma said that Tae Sik was married. Yoon Na threw a glass of water and when Tae Sik asked what was she doing Yoon Na threw the second glass of water at him. Emma said that they were two single people getting married. Yoon Na told Emma if Tae Sik was single then she was a man. Emma told Tae Sik to tell Yoon Na what was going on. Tae Sik admitted he had divorced Bit Na. Yoon Na was shocked.

Ha Joon asked Bit Na to wait for him after work. Bit Na asked what was going on.

Yoon Na said that they had an affair and now Tae Sik divorced Bit Na. Emma maintained they were in love. Yoon Na grabbed Emma and the two women tussled. Yoon Na asked how dared they cheated on her sister. Tae Sik managed to break the women up but Yoon Na the pushed both of them onto the floor. Emma fell on top of Tae Sik. Yoon Na told them to be careful.

Ha Joon took Bit Na out for a meal to get her to evaluate the taste of the food. Ha Joon said he needed her help. Bit Na was happy to help out. Ha Joon said to himself asking Bit Na to eat a lot and gain strength.

Chae Ri spent time with Ha Joon's parents.

Bit Na was shocked that the meal was so expensive. Ha Joon took her home and packed the leftover for her to take home. Bit Na told of her dream to be a chief as she wanted to cook good food for people. Bit Na broke her shoe while coming out of the car.

Chae Ri threw a tantrum that Ha Joon never once called her and she had to spent time entertained two old people.

Tae Sik still carried the "creditors" lie with Bit Na

Yoon Na told Bit Na about Emma.

Finally, Bit Na caught them in the act.

Bit Na recalled the times she had met Emma.

Bit Na approached them and asked Tae Sik how could they do this to her. Bit Na slapped Emma and Tae Sik tried to stopped her. Bit Na started to bashed up Tae Sik who cowardly ran off without facing Bit Na.

Bit Na faced Emma telling her she had ruined her family and she would not forgive both of them. Bit Na said that Emma was trash. Bit Na told Emma to give back her family. Emma said they would be getting married.

Bit Na ran out and cried.

Ha Joon's mother arranged Mal Sook to meet Jae Ik so Mal Sook would not tried to match Ki Joon with her daughter, Tae Yang. However, Mal Sook felt that Ha Joon's mother would tricked her.

Ha Joon was looking at his phone wondering Bit Na had not call him yet. He sent her a text to remind her of their appointment at 6pm. Chae Ri came over with a lunch pack.

Bit Na cried over her daughter's drawing of their family.

Ha Joon apologised for not calling Chae Ri at all and Chae Ri asked whether they were in love as that was something basic one should do. Chae Ri wandered whether he liked someone else instead. Ha Joon asked Chae Ri to give some time as he did not know of his feelings for her. Chae Ri asked whether Ha Joon disliked her in which Ha Joon said "No". Ha Joon stood on his ground that he had no wish to get married yet. Chae Ri stopped from going on. Chae Ri said she would worked harder and would wait. Chae Ri did warned she would not wait forever.

Ae Sook learned that Jae Ik had a marriage date and Ae Sook wandered why Jae Ik's mother never saw her as daughter-in-law material after she had served the family for so long.

Mal Sook came and saw two men. She wanted to head for Jae Ik but another man called an old, bald guy "Professor Jang" and the Professor also said he was here for a marriage date. Mal Sook was so disappointed and knew that Ha Joon's mother tricked her with an ugly match. Mal Sook saw Soon Ok in the same place, pretended to have a fever and asked Soon Ok to go in her place on the marriage date with Jae Ik.

Soon Ok came out to the restaurant and our bald Professor Jang's date had arrived so Soon Ok looked out for a single man in the room. Soon Ok introduced herself as Heo Mal Sook and Jae Ik was surprised to see it was Soon Ok. However, Soon Ok apologised that she came in placed of her in-law as Mal Sook was unwell. Soon Ok said she would leave now that she had explained. Jae Ik wanted to stay on and have a meal but Soon Ok felt uneasy and left. Jae Ik asked for her name in which Soon Ok did not disclosed as well.

Bit Na cried bitterly at home.

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Highlight: Episode 31 to 32

Ae Sook and Tae Yang were having a bowl of bimbibap when Bit Na came to their home.

Yoon Na got a job at Ki Joon's place after failing to pay for her coffee. Yoon Na kicked up a fuss earlier on the coffee on being done right to her taste. Ki Joon agreed to her working there for 6 months without a complaint. It was exactly what Yoon Na had wanted.

Ae Sook asked why Bit Na was at her home without a call. Ae Sook asked Bit Na to leave as she was very busy. Bit Na asked why she did it as Mal Sook must had known from the beginning that Tae Sik had a woman outside. Bit Na said it was because of the contract. Ae Sook asked what was Bit Na talking about and Bit Na told Ae Sook to stop acting as she had seen Tae Sik and Emma together and the two of them were talking about marriage. Bit Na warned Mal Sook not to lie about anything. Mal Sook silently scolding Tae Sik for revealing everything.

Bit Na asked when this all this started. Bit Na asked what of her that they were not satisfied by. Bit Na asked what would now happened to Yeon Doo. Bit Na told Mal Sook that Mal Sook should not allowed them to get married and that way Yeon Doo would not now be abandoned. Mal Sook said it was all for Yeon Do as it was Yeon Doo's future therefore it was important for her to attend an international school. Mal Soo said therefore it was vital Bit Na pretend to divorce and Tae Sik pretend to marry Emma in order to get Yeon Doo qualify for the school.

Bit Na told Mal Sook not to lie any further as it was not the case. Mal Sook grew angry on how dare Bit Na started to shout at her mother-in-law and asked Tae Yang to bring a bowl of salt. Bit Na just shouted at Mal Sook and Mal Sook told Bit Na how dared she stared at her that way and slapped Bit Na. Bit Na told Mal Soo that she would not allow Tae Sik to marry Emma as what would happened to Yeon Doo as she would not allowed Yeon Doo to be hurt at such a young age. Bit Na decided to beg Mal Sook not to do it as she did not want Yeon Doo to have divorced parents. Bit Na said she never allowed Yeon Doo to received any hurt and therefore she would not divorce Tae Sik. Bit Na begged earnestly.

Mal Sook walked away and Bit Na cried what she should do and Tae Yang came to comfort her apologising on behalf of her mother and brother. Bit Na asked Tae Yang to appealed to her mother. Mal Sook came out with the salt and threw at Bit Na. Mal Sook grabbed Bit Na and threw her out of the house.

Ha Joon tried to call Bit Na but it went into voice message. Ha Joon texted asking whether all was all right then changed asking whether she had forgotten about their appointment. However, Chae Ri called at the moment and Ha Joon just answered where was she as he had been waiting for her call. Chae Ri was so excited that Ha Joon had waited for her to call. Ha Joon sounded startled and Chae Ri realised that Ha Joon was not expecting her call. Chae Ri asked whose call was he waiting for. Chae Ri said she would be really happy if he had been waiting for her call that way. Chae Ri said he must be still busy. Ha Joon said it was a business call that he was waiting for. Chae Ri reminded him that tomorrow was the dress fitting and he would attend as his mother will be expecting him. Ha Joon said a simple acknowledgement. Chae Ri said she would worked hard on their matter as she will wait for him. However, Ha Joon left his office after that.

Ae Sook advised Chae Ri that a man like Ha Joon would never betrayed her. Ae Sook said a man can never refused the woman who treat his parents well. Ae Sook asked Chae Ri on her view of having a stepmother. Chae Ri said she was fine whether she had one or not as her father was not one to look at another woman before. Ae Sook said she had wished all remained as it was.

Ae Sook overheard that Jae Ik was not against with the woman from the marriage date.

Ha Joon was outside waiting for Bit Na. Ha Joon walked over and upon looking at her face asked her what had happened out of concern. Ha Joon asked whether she had been crying as well. Bit Na asked what did he want and Ha Joon reminded her of their appointment. Bit Na apologised saying she was not up to it and Ha Joon told her to go in and rest. Bit Na called out and they went for the food tasting. Bit Na said that just because of her own problem, she cannot allowed Ha Joon to falter in his work. Ha Joon told her that her part time fees was 30,000 won when Bit Na though it was only 5,000 won. Ha Joon asked whether she though it was too little but Bit Na said she did not realised it would be so much. Ha Joon excused himself to the gents and outside he took a look at the size of Bit Na's shoes.

Bit Na thought to herself whether she should seek the help of a lawyer and wandered Ha Joon will know of a lawyer. Ha Joon asked Bit Na was there something she wanted to asked but Bit Na thought against it saying Ha Joon would not know of a lawyer and he was busy as it was. Bit Na started to comment on the food but then broke down into tears and could not continued on and left. Ha Joon took her home. Bit Na apologised and thanked Ha Joon. Ha Joon told her to go in.

Chae Ri was at her fitting. Ha Joon's mother called Ha Joon asking what was taking him so long to come over. Ha Joon said he would be there soon. However, Ha Joon was at the store buying up all the shoes of the size 245. Ha Joon held a red pair of high heels.

Ae Sook asked Ha Joon's mother on who was the woman she had arranged to meet Jae Ik and Ha Joon's mother said her candidate had stomach pain and another person stand in her place.

 Jae Ik brought his friend to view Soon Ok. Ae Sook overheard the conversation of the two men where his friend teased Jae Ik liking Soon Ok. Jae Ik told him to keep it a secret from the family.

Ae Sook delivered Jae Ik a lunch box and was shocked to see a family photo of Jae ik with his wife and their baby. I guess the baby in the photo was the real daughter. Jae Ik walked in and Ae Sook left in a hurry.

 Bit Na went to see Tae Sik who insisted that it was a business marriage. Bit Na will not believed him and asked when did it all started. Tae Sik finally admitted that they were just be Yeon Doo's parents. Bit Na told Tae Sik that it was all for the sake of Yeon Doo making her to have parents who were divorced. Bit Na took a glass of water and splashed it on Tae Sik's face. Bit na warned that she would not allowed him to remarry and she will make sure yeon Doo have a complete family. Tae Sik maintained that they should go their separate ways.

Bit Na consulted a lawyer which did not turned to be favourable to her.

Ae Sook asked Jae Ik's friend why was Jae Ik buying so many vegetables from this particular market. Jae Ik's friend decided to revealed that Jae Ik liked a lady there. Ae Soo huffed at Jae Ik's poor taste in women.

Chae Ri came visiting Ha Joon's home. Chae Ri went up to Ha Joon's room and said it was her first time in his room. Ha Joon told her that she can leave now as he was leaving for work. Chae Ri was surprised that Ha Joon was still working as working hours was over. Ha Joon said there was something he needed to do.

Ha Joon called Bit Na out for another tasting session. Bit Na was all quiet even when ha Jon asked whether she was feeling all right. Bit Na said she was fine and started reviewing the food.

Ha Joon sent Bit Na home and told Bit Na that he had something for her. Ha Joon lied that his friend had a shoe shop and they were getting rid of their samples. Bit Na said it was in her size and that her sister as well. Ha Joon said that was good and gave her the whole three big bags of shoes. Bit Na thanked him that she seemed to benefit every time she see him.

Bit Na told Yoon Na it would be difficult to form a case against Tae Sik.

Tae Sik and Emma practiced their wedding march for tomorrow.

Soon Ok went to Mal Sook's house and found the wedding invitation card. Soon Ok asked how a married man can marry again. Soon Ok cannot believed the truth.

Yoon Na ran to Bit Na telling that their mother found out the truth.

Bit Na and Yoon Na Ran rushed to see Soon Ok.

Ha Joon saw the two sisters rushing off.

Soon Ok told Bit Na that something unbelievable had happened. Soon Ok asked what was happening that Tae Sik was getting married.

Ha Joon wandered what was going on.

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Highlights: Episode 33 to 35 

Yoon Na saw the wedding card and said that the wedding was today. Ha Joon overheard Soon Ok asking Bit Na who was Tae Sik getting married to. However, Ha Joon was called away. Soon Ok asked the two sisters what had they been hiding from her. Soon Ok said that Bit Na had not been herself these days and what was happening between Tae Sik and her. Bit Na apologised and Soon Ok said she did not want to hear an apology but the truth.

Yoon Na explained that Tae Sik tricked Bit Na to a divorce after having an affair. Soon Ok was shocked to hear that they were divorced. Soon Ok said she would tried to get Yeon Doo back. Soon Ok cannot believe it.

Bit Na asked what he mother wanted to do. Soon Ok said they should go there and stopped the wedding. Yoon Na agreed to ruined the wedding. Bit Na reluctantly followed.

Ha Joon recalled the past and asked how dared Tae Sik did what he did in the past (attempt suicide) and still dare to marry another woman.

Soon Ok, Bit Na and Yoon Na arrived at the wedding hall. In anger, Yoon Na smashed up the wedding picture in the front of the hall.

Mal Sook walked out and asked what were they doing. Soon Ok asked what was going on and screamed for an explanation why her daughter was tricked to a divorce. Bit Na told Mal Sook that Tae Sik and Emma cannot marry. Mal Sook told them how dared they to come to this place. Mal Sook accused Bit Na for infidelity. Yoon Na started to shout out that it was Tae Sik who had the affair and Bit Na said she was tricked to sign the divorce papers.

Mal Sook said she did not care and told them to leave. Soon Ok slapped Mal Sook on how dare she bullied her daughter and warned that she will make sure that Tae Sik paid for it.

Soon Ok ran to Tae Sik and told him not to do it. Bit Na also pleaded Tae Sik. Yoon Na went ahead and grabbed Emma's hair and told her that she will not be happy. Tae Sik pushed Soon Ok and Bit Na down and got into the car and drove off.

Back home, Soon Ok said she did not realised how much pain her children was going through. Soon Ok said this would not happened if their father was alive. Mother and daughters comforted each other. Yoon Na told herself that it was all Lee Tae Ri's fault.

Ha Joon was worried about Bit Na

Ae Sook was told to attend a party much to her happiness. She imagined herself to be a Cinderella Ajummoni.

Soon Ok told Bit Na they would make through this together.

Mal Sook said they will bring back Yeon Doo to their home.

Bit Na collapse from all the stress. Bit Na woke up in hospital determined for Yeon Doo's sake to work hard for the money.

Ha Joon called Bit Na but Soon Ok answered on her behalf and informed Ha Joon that Bit Na felt ill and was unable to attend work.

Ha Joon informed her colleague of Bit Na on sick leave. Her colleague who thought it was odd that Ha Joon was the one to tell. He wondred what was their relationship and Ha Joon told not to speak nonsense as he was a single man while Bit na was married. The colleague said it did not look so from his eyes.

Bit Na saw Jae Ik's book.

Ae Sook asked Jae Ik why was he buying some much vegetables home. Ae Sook went to the market to have a look at who Jae Ik was interested in.

Soon Ok was shocked to see Ae Sook.

Mal Sook found out what Jae Ik looked liked.

Tae Yang called Bit Na to apologise and Bit Na told Tae Yang that she always like Tae Yang and now their relations had ended.

Ha Joon called Chae Ri to his office. Ha Joon actually wanted to invite Chae Ri to bring their Korean restaurant to their hotel. Chae Ri was not pleased and just told Ha Joon that she would speak to her grandmother.

Bit Na's colleague told Bit Na that their new President was really handsome and a single man.

Ha Joon looked at Bit Na's profile and said she had done well with her studies but did not have any luck with her husband.

Bit Na was offered a transfer to another position which Bit Na found strange.

Bit Na helped serving in the President dinner. Ha Joon saw her and knew that Bit Na will know who he was.

Chae Ri spotted Ha Joon looking at Bit Na.

Ha Joon did his speech and Bit Na was shocked to see Ha Joon on stage that she spilled champagne on herself causing a stir in the crowd.

Chae Ri cornered Bit Na in the toilet scolding her for disrupting the speech with her carelessness.

Bit Na came out and Ha Joon called out to her. Chae Ri was standing there.

Ha Joon wanted to speak to Bit Na. Bit Na said she had nothing to say to the President. Ha Joon apologised for the deception and Bit na said she did not know why he did this to her and walked away.

Chae Ri asked whether Ha Joon knew Bit na and Ha Joon said Bit Na was his friend. Chae Ri was shocked that Bit Na was Ha Joon's friend.

Tae Sik and Emma got robbed during their honeymoon.

Chae Ri purposely bumped Bit Na who was bend down trying to retrieve something. Bit Na landed her head onto the noodles. Ha Joon went to her rescue much to the dismay of Chae Ri

Soon Ok had nightmares of Ae Sook.

Ha Joon called Bit Na to see him and Bit Na got angry that Ha Joon played with her for fun with all the dinners and shoes. Bit Na said was she was an easy target. Bit na said was it fun for him as she had anyone who deceived her. Bit Na said she felt liked she was being conned. Ha Joon tried to apologise but Bit Na refused to listen. Ha Joon explained that he did her talent for the food and Bit Na asked about the shoes and Ha Joon said it was because he had seen she broke her shoes. Bit Na said a pair would do and there was no need for the lie. Bit Na left in anger. 

Ha Joon visited Chae Ri's grandmother. Ha Joon asked Chae Ri's grandmother about having her Korean restaurant in their hotel. Chae Ri wanted to invite Ha Joon to her room but Ha Joon refused indicated he had worked to do.

Tae Sik came to see Yeon Doo and Bit Na told Tae Sik they will keep their divorce a secret. Bit Na told Tae Sik she would allowed him to see Yeon Doo twice a week. Tae Sik reluctantly agreed. Bit Na said she will tell Yeon Doo about the divorce herself. Bit Na was worried how Yeon Doo will take it.

Ae Sook tried another ploy to seduce Jae Ik

Ha Joon brought out the photo and toy from their childhood to speak with Bit Na. Bit Na came in and asked that she was receiving a pay therefore cannot stay long. Ha Joon asked whether she was still angry. Ha Joon's secretary brought in the coffee and Ha Joon asked Bit Na to drink the coffee and even knew how she liked her coffee. Ha Joon asked Bit Na whether she had thought why he treated her that way. Bit Na said she did not think. Ha Joon told Bit Na that she was needed in the hotel management and not to get the wrong idea. Bit Na said she will not. Bit Na asked what else did he called her in or else she was leaving.

Chae Ri sneaked into the room.

Bit Na said she had loads to do and got up. Ha Joon pulled her down again and asked how come she did not recognised him. Bit Na asked what was he saying. Ha Joon told he was Kang Ha Joon and told Bit Na to look at him carefully. Bit Na asked what was going on but spotted the toy on the table and recalled the past where they were 10 and the promise to marry each other. Bit Na finally realised who Ha Joon really was.

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Episode 48

Mal Sook held onto Soon Ok to try to dragged her out but Soon Ok stood firm and said she would not leave without Yeon Doo. Bit Na was holding onto her mother try to add weight so that Mal Sook cannot dragged Soon Ok away. Mal Sook called Tae Sik down and she left go of Soon Ok to walk to the kitchen.

Tae Sik came down with Emma and shouted why Bit Na was there. However, Soon Ok shouted back at him on how dared he raised his voice at them. Soon Ok told Tae Sik that she would stand for any of this. Mal Sook came out with a bowl of salt asking who was she to shout and was about to tilt the bowl towards Soon Ok. However, Soon Ok grabbed the bowl of salt and threw it at Mal Sook who suddenly consumed a whole mouthful of salt. Emma just sniggered at the side watching the whole drama.

Tae Yang was in the room with Yeon Doo was wondering what was going on. Tae Yang told Yeon Doo to stay put and open the door to take a peep. Yeon Doo saw an opportunity and pushed Tae Yang aside and ran out. Bit Na caught her at the time Ha Joon walked in. Bit Na in seeing Ha Joon told Yeon Doo to run towards Ha Joon. Ha Joon picked her and Bit Na asked Ha Joon to take Yeon Doo out while Soon OK and Bit Na held onto Tae Sik and his mother. Once, Yeon Doo was out to safety Soon Ok pushed them aside and told Bit Na to run out as well. The women went into the car with Yeon Doo.

Tae Sik ran out and saw Ha Joon. Tae Sik tried to punch Ha Joon who avoided his punch but caught Tae Sik's arm and arm twisting it. Ha Joon told Tae Sik that they had been through this 7 years ago and pushed Tae Sik down onto the pavement. TeaSik then recognised Ha Joon from 7 years ago. Ha Joon warned Tae Sik never to make Bit Na cry again. Mal Sook asked Tae Sik who was Ha Joon. Emma was enjoying the scene.

Emma was delighted that to see Chae Ri's fiance involved in this domestic drama and made a call.

Chae Ri told herself that it did not matter she was not blood related as she was the only heiress to the family business. Chae Ri switched on the phone and received Emma's call who gloated that her fiance was helping another woman fighting for her child. Emma said it was so heroic but as Chae Ri;s friend she felt she needed to let her know. Emma told Chae Ri she would be sending her a photo so to ensure she make the wrong move and just end in a divorce. Chae Ri saw the photo.

Chae Ri read the text from Ae Sook whether she wanted to give up on the family and told her to come home immediately.

Ae Sook looked worried over the poster.

Jae Ik laid in bed thinking about the lovely date he had with Soon OK. They even held hands.

Ae Sook walked in and Jae Ik came cleared that Ae Sook had deceived him that night. Jae Ik's mother was trying to thread a needle and was looking Ae Sook. Jae Ik asked why Ae Sook had gone through his desk. Jae Ik asked how did she managed to find the keys. Jae Ik told Ae Sook to stop her nonsense. Ae Sook grabbed Jae Ik and held him that she did it because she wanted his heart and that she loved him. Jae Ik pushed her away and told her to stop it and it was very awkward. Ae Sook admitted that she made herself looked like Jae Ik's late wife but she said it was no different as that night Jae Ik told her he loved her and held her.

Jae Ik walked towards Jae Ik's room only to hear Ae Sook said Jae Ik called her "Dear". Jae Ik's mother then mistaken that Jae Ik and Ae Sook had feelings for each other.

Yeon Doo was still crying from fright while Bit Na tried to comfort her. Ha Joon brought out a caricature of Yeon Doo and told her her that she was the prettiest when she smiled. Yeon Doo saw the picture and immediately stopped crying and said it was pretty. Ha Joon told Yeon Doo if she smiled then he will give her the picture. Yeon Doo said she was smiling now and asked Ha Joon to give her the picture.

Soon Ok sighed with relief while Bit Na thanked Ha Joon for everything. Soon Ok also expressed her thanks and wanted to get Ha Joon some refreshment but went weak on her feet trying to get up. Ha Joon told Soon Ok that she was still recovering from the scare and told her to stay put. Soon Ok said she was still shaking from the incident. Ha Joon told Soon Ok to stay still.

Soon Ok told Ha Joon if it was not for him, it would be difficult for Bit Na and Yeon Doo to be together. Bit Na told Ha Joon they were in debt to him for the help he had rendered 7 years ago for her father's incident. Soon Ok found out Ha Joon was the same young man from before. Soon Ok apologised for not recognizing Ha Joon. Ha Joon said he was at the right place to help. Soon Ok said she heard Ha Joon and Bit Na were school mates and asked him to come over often as she will make him a meal. Ha Joon told Soon Ok that they were really good friends since school.

After sending Yeon Doo to sleep, Bit Na started to worry what Tae Sik might say about her being in the company of another man.

Jae Ik's mother was looking at both Ae Sook and Jae Ik. She asked Jae Ik when was he going to introduce the woman he had the marriage date with and said she had to approved. Jae Ik's friend said she will be pleased. Jae Ik's mother thought it was strange since the friend had expressed liking Ae Sook before.

Chae Ri came home. Ae Sook went out to meet her but Chae Ri dislike Ae Sook on sight. Jae Ik came out and Chae Ri went to his arms. Jae Ik's mother came out as well and Chae Ri then hugged her. Ae Sook was happy Chae Ri came back to the family.

Chae Ri said she will accepted her fate as she was brought out as the heiress and therefore the family business was hers. Ae Sook walked in and Chae Ri stated the rules. Chae Ri said she did not care whether Ae Sook gave birth to her or not. Chae Ri told Ae Sook that she herself had said there was no difference as she was Jae Ik's daughter. Chae Ri said she was the heiress and therefore Ae Sook was never to call her by her name and never to expect her to ever acknowledged Ae Sook as her mother. Ae Sook said that was what she hoped for and told Chae Ri to live the way she did now. Ae Sook as her mother she would watched over her. Chae Ri shouted never to call herself her mother as the mother she only had was Jae Ik's late wife. Ae Sook said she understood that she should never hoped Chae Ri to accept her as her mother.

Bit Na informed her mother and Yoon Na that Tae Sik's family to take away Yeon Doo. Soon Ok said they cannot sit idle any longer. Bit Na agreed as she cannot let them take Yeon Doo away.

Ha Joon took a photo of himself and sent to Bit Na.

At the breakfast table, Ha Joon's mother again brought out the fact she really liked Chae Ri as her daughter-in-law and asked Ha Joon to reconsider. Ha Joon eyed to his father for help and his father told his wife that Ha Joon knew what he was doing.

Ha Joon called a friend for a recommendation of a divorce lawyer. Bit Na came into his office with similiar colour as Ha Joon wanted a couple look.

Ha Joon asked about Yeon Doo and Bit Na said Yeon Doo was fine now. Ha Joon sent her a text on a lawyer's phone number. Ha Joon said that was the bext lawyer in town and he was doing it not just for Bit Na's sake but also Yeon Doo's too. Bit Na thought to herself and grew worried that there will not be a solution and therefore Yeon Doo would suffered. Bit Na thanked him for his help. Ha Joon looked at Bit Na's worried face and asked whether Bit Na had something to tell him. Bit Na told ha Joon that it would be difficult to carry on with the contract relationship. Ha Joon asked whether Bit na wanted to breach the contract. Bit Na said above everybody, Yeon Doo always come first to her and asked Ha Joon to let her go. Ha Joon asked whether she was a fool. Bit Na said she spent a whole sleepless night thinking and felt this was the right thing.

Ha Joon asked what was right and Bit Na said that Tae Sik had seen Ha Joon picked up Yeon Doo every morning and it could be the reason why Tae Sik had taken Yeon Doo from her. Ha Joon asked Bit Na that because of Yeon Doo she had intended to stay alone for the rest of her life. Bit Na begged his understanding that she had no wished to upset Tae Sik. Bit Na said having Yeon Doo was enough for her. Bit Na said she wished to protect Yeon Doo. Ha Joon said it was to protect Yeon Doo that he had recommended a lawyer. Bit Na said she was thankful but she asked Ha Joon to see her point of view. Bit Na said she would returned the money. Ha Joon asked Bit Na that she had thought he had did it for the money. Ha Joon told Bit Na that he thought so hard to come up with the contract idea so he can be with her. In anger, Ha Joon got up and asked Bit Na how come she never knew of his feelings and left his office. It then dawned on Bit Na wondering whether Ha Joon really liked her.

Chae Ri called Ha Joon and spoke of business. Ha Joon told Chae Ri that he was busy and told her to arrange a time with his secretary to discuss. Bit Na saw them and walked away. Chae Ri called out to her. Chae Ri said it looked like they were not together and wandered whether they had a quarrel. Bit Na said she did not have to explain anything to Chae Ri. Chae Ri grabbed Bit Na's hand and said she had to because it was Jang Chae Ri who asking her. Bit Na told Chae Ri she had wish to argue with her and shook Chae Ri's grip off. Chae Ri was all huffed off that Bit Na did not take her seriously.

Chae Ri thought about Ae Sook had said that Chae Ri's life will be difficult if it was known that she was not Jae Ik's daughter.

Soon Ok told Jae Ik what happened. Chae Ri called to ask her father to get her mango. Soon Ok and Jae Ik compared their daughters were the same age. Soon Ok said her daughter had a beautiful heart but had bad luck having found a bad husband. Jae Ik said he will find out about a solution to the matter. Soon Ok thanked him. Soon Ok said that her daughter did not wished to returned to that family but just wanted to take care of her own daughter.

Tae Sik was hopping mad about the whole incident. Mal Sook wandered whether Bit Na had an affair since those days but Tae Sik said Bit Na was not that type of a person. Tae Yang rubbed it in that Bit Na was so lucky to find someone who was so handsome looking like a movie star. Tae Yang said that Bit Na was 100 or 1000 times better with a man like Ha Joon than to be with Tae Sik.

Emma returned from seeing her mother and Tae Sik and Mal Sik straight when to "servant" mode. Mal Sook even had to get Emma a glass of water.

Jae Ik sent Soon Ok home but they were being spied by "Purple Woman" Ae Sook. Jae Ik thanked Soon Ok for being able to able to share her problem to him. Ae Soo wandered what they were talking about. Ae Sook was worried that Jae Ik might had mentioned he was looking for his daughter.

Bit Na went to see Tae Sik and asked what can she do to solve the matter so that he would not take Yeon Doo from her. Bit Na said she would do anything he says. Tae Sik asked Bit Na asked when did she meet ha Joon again. Tae Sik asked whether during the marriage she was already meeting with Ha Joon. Tae Sik commented that Ha Joon was forever running to her aid. Bit Na asked whether Tae Sik was jealous but Tae Sik said he was not. Bit Na said it was unfair that Tae Sik planned to hold on to two women. Bit Na asked when was Tae Sik stopped torturing her. Tae Sik told Bit Na to mind her words as he can take Yeon Doo away at any time.

Bit Na was fearful and told Tae Sik that Yeon Doo had such a fright that she could not sleep that night. Bit Na asked as a father to Yeon Doo that he had wished Yeon Doo to receive such hurt. Tae Sik told Bit Na it was her to hurt Yeon Doo for having a amn other than Yeon Doo's father. Tae Sik said Bit Na was so great. Tae Sik said he was also think about Yeon Doo as well.

Bit Na got on her knees which surprised Tae Sik. Bit Na told Tae Sik that she would not see Ha Joon anymore so she pleaded with Tae Sik to let Yeon Doo be. Bit Na told Tae Sik never to allow anything to hurt Yeon Doo. Bit Na begged Tae Sik not to take Yeon Doo away from her. Bit Na said she will do anything Tae Sik say and no longer see Ha Joon. Bit Na said Yeon Doo was her everything.


Meeting with Tae Sik, Bit Na and Ha Joon. Bit Na told Ha Joon not to appear in front of her and Yeon Doo. Ha Joon looked at Tae Sik and told him to stop the nonsense

Bit Na said having Yeon Doo was enough for her and apologised to Ha Joon

Chae Ri asked Ha Joon that he had always loved Bit Na ever since.

Ae Sook said that Jae Ik was looking for his real daughter. Chae Ri wandered what a kind of a person Ae Sook was. Looked like Chae Ri followed Ae Sook.

I think Mal Sook charged Bit Na with abduction.

* recap only based on the main couple storyline. Kindly note interpretation is best to limited understanding of the language.

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I see trouble ahead in regards to BN and HJ's relationship. BN is stupid to let TS dictate her. I hope that HJ will not give up BN eventhough she is rejecting him. 
I also hope that Emma might be a fake and she is not rich as she claimed to be. That will teach TS and Mal Sook a good lesson for being so greedy. 
Can't wait for the next recap by Jackie1048. 

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To be honest this drama almost become watchunable.MS and TS really annoying +CR and AS. It is too much for me. I will watch the show but just fast forward. Maybe around ep 60 i will be back. I hope that time Jae Ik knows that BN is her daughter.

I cant wait what Jae Ik will do with TS and MS.

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Episode 49

Tae Sik felt bad and told Bit Na to get off her knees. Bit Na asked whether she can have Yeon Doo and Tae Sik said he would think about it. Suddenly Tae Sik thought of something and told Bit Na to go somewhere with him.

Tae Sik brought Bit Na to a fancy restaurant and even pulled a chair for her to sit. A waiter came over and Tae Sik ordered that the special on the menu. Bit Na asked what was Tae Sik doing as he never take her to eat in such a place and now that they were divorced he brought Bit Na to the place. Tae Sik told Bit Na that she looked really lovely these days and wandered was it the result of dating Ha Joon. Bit Na told Tae Sik to stop it as she was only just friends with Ha Joon and not in a relationship. Tae Sik said was it so then he and Emma were also friends. Tae Sik refused to believe it as it was obvious Ha Joon had spent some money furnishing Bit Na with clothes and bags.

Bit Na told Tae Sik once again to stop it. Tae Sik said he had seen her with ha Joon with his own eyes. Tae Sik asked how long had they been together. Bit Na told Tae Sik that she had said she will not see Ha Joon and asked how long was Tae Sik going to blackmail her with Yeon Doo. Tae Sik said that Bit Na used such hard words and that she must really liked Ha Joon. Tae Sik said it would seen that Ha Joon was her everything.

Tae Sik said he will not believe her empty words of not meeting Ha Joon. Bit Na asked Tae Sik how did he accept people's word. Bit Na told Tae Sik tried learning how to be a good father to Yeon Doo. Bit Na then pleaded Tae Sik that she can bring up Yeon Doo. Tae Sik told her the decision will not be so easy. Tae Sik told Bit Na to prove to him that Ha Joon did not meant anything to Bit Na. Bit Na was surprised and Tae Sik if she did not do so then he will take Yeon Doo away.

Bit Na called Ha Joon. Ha Joon told Bit Na he wished to discussed what he had said before and Bit Na agreed as she had something she needed to tell him. While waiting for Ha Joon, the food arrived and Tae Sik ate heartily while Bit Na never touched her food. Tae Sik told Bit Na and to loose that expression on her face as it would just tell him that she liked Ha Joon. Bit Na looked at Tae Sik in frustration and just drank water. Tae Sik cut her a piece of meat and Tae Sik reminded her that she had to prove to him that there was nothing between her and Ha Joon. Bit Na asked whether Tae Sik seriously needed to confirm. Tae Sik told Bit Na if not then he would take Yeon Doo away.

Ha Joon walked into the restaurant. Tae Sik spotted him and waved him over. Ha Joon was surprised and walked over to the table. Tae Sik told him to sit down. Ha Joon just looked at Bit Na and asked what was happening. Tae Sik poured Ha Joon a glass of wine and told to drink it as it was expensive. Ha Joon just ignored Tae Sik and asked Bit Na once again what was going on.

Bit Na told Ha Joon that she was going to repeat what she had said earlier. Bit Na told Ha Joon she would only think about Yeon Doo and it was for Yeon Doo's well being that she also did not want quarrel with Tae Sik. Bit Na told Ha Joon that she had said it before to Ha Joon but she would repeat in front of Tae Sik that they were not in any sort of relationship. Bit Na said she was sorry but she hoped that Ha Joon will not appeared in front of her or Yeon Doo again.

Tae Sik rubbed it in that Ha Joon being a single man did not understand how the love in married couple were like. Tae Sik told Ha Joon to accept what was said to him. Ha Joon told Tae Sik to stop talking as he understood what had been said. Tae Sik added that Bit Na and him got married and even went on honeymoon. Ha Joon interrupted Tae Sik to stop talking. Bit Na got up really upset and left the table to cry in a corner.

Ha Joon was in his car but parked his car one side of the door as he recalled the remainder of the conversation. Ha Joon asked Tae Sik whether he really did care for Bit Na. Tae Sik asked of all the choices why did Ha Joon had to picked Bit Na. Ha Joon said that was not the discussion. Ha Joon told Tae Sik had abandoned Bit Na for another woman and what was his reason holding to Bit Na now. Ha Joon said Tae Sik would just caused Bit Na more hurt. Tae Sik said Ha Joon like Bit Na that he would say so but Tae Sik said they never know with love. Ha Joon that said it was love that Tae Sik was behaving that way. Tae Sik told Ha Joon that he wanted Bit Na to be forever to be just Yeon Doo's mother and therefore that was why Ha Joon got rejected. Ha Joon warned Tae Si never to cause Bit Na to cry again and Ha Joon said it would be the last warning. Tae Sik just sneered.

Bit Na went home and hugged Yeon Doo as she told herself it was enough that she just had Yeon Doo. Yeon Doo asked whether she had to go back to her father's place and Bit Na said "No". Soon Ok was worried and said she also asked someone for help. Bit Na disclosed that Ha Joon had introduced a lawyer to her. Soon Ok said they should be really thankful to Ha Joon.

Ha Joon went drinking with Chae Ri and the co-workers. Chae Ri was singing while Ha Joon was downing glasses of liquor.

Tae Sik went home to see his sleeping wife with a face mask on. It was obvious that Tae Sik already great bored and irritated with Emma. Tae Sik must be pleased with the result of the night.

Ha Joon looked at his phone wallpaper which was a photo of Bit Na. Chae Ri walked over and had a drink with Ha Joon. The colleagues asked Ha Joon to sing and he complied. Ha Joon made a call to Bit Na before he sang. Bit Na at home watched the video Ha Joon made for her birthday. Bit Na answered the call only to hear Ha Joon singing a love song. Bit Na was listening happily when Tae Sik's voice came on to her that she cannot have Yeon Doo. Bit Na hung up suddenly. Bit Na grew confused and she wandered whether she was starting to like Ha Joon.

Yoon Na continued her plan to get Ki Joon as part of her revenge plan against Lee Tae Ri.

Ha Joon's mother, Lee Tae Ri had a nightmare of the accident.

Chae Ri recalled the conversation between her and Ha Joon after the co workers left. Ha Joon told Chae Ri that he would take her home. Chae Ri said she was not drunk and looked liked Ha Joon was not either. Chae Ri asked Ha Joon whether the song was him confessing his love to someone. Chae Ri asked whether it was Bit Na. Ha Joon grew uneasy. Chae Ri asked whether all this while Ha Joon had liked Bit Na. Ha Joon told Chae Ri he was uncomfortable with such questions.

Jae Ik got dressed and gone out. Jae Ik's mother asked Jae Ik's friend and found out that the woman Jae ik was meeting was called Soon Ok. Jae Ik's mother showed great relief on hearing it was not Ae Sook (Me too). Jae Ik's mother then wandered what was going on between Jae Ik and Ae Sook. Jae Ik's friend assured Jae Ik's mother not to worry.

Ae Sook was also off on her leave.

Chae Ri suddenly grew curious about Ae Sook and wandered how Ae Sook came about having her.

Chae Ri followed Ae Sook and wandered what her birth father was like. Chae Ri noticed the floor Ae Sook stopped and she started to look at the mailboxes for the 13th Floor and found letters addressed to "Kim Ae Sook"

Ae Sook got dressed for the night and she noticed Chae Ri. Ae Sook smiled.

Jae Ik and Soon Ok had a small picnic. Jae Ik complimented the food was delicious and he even had Soon Ok feed him. Jae Ik told Soon Ok that he had not laughed for a long time. Jae Ik said it was an amazing thing for him and he looked forward to seeing Soon Ok everyday. Jae Ik thanked Soon Ok for such a gift. Soon Ok told Jae Ik that her daughter had found a lawyer and Jae ik said he too had spoken to a lawyer. Soon Ok thanked him for his help.

Mal Sook was regretful she did not hold on to Jae Ik. Mal Sook was angry that Yeon Doo was with Bit Na. Tae Yang said that they should be happy that Bit na had some happiness after all the suffering she received in their household. Mal Sook asked Tae Yang whose side she was on. Mal Sook said she will think of something drastic. Mal Sook called someone to make report of abduction

Yeon Doo was drawing and asked her mother she wanted to learn to draw from Ha Joon. Bit Na told Yeon Doo later. The ladies were settling to make dinner when someone came to their door. It was two policemen who told Bit Na and her family that someone reported Bit Na for abduction


The two policemen arrested Bit Na.

Soon Ok told Ha Joon what had happened.

Yeon Doo crying bitterly at Tae Sik's home.

Ae Sook told Chae Ri to take a good look at her mother. Chae Ri was shocked.

At the police station, Soon Ok grabbed Tae Sik's collar and she slapped him.

Ha Joon came to the police station with a lawyer much to Tae Sik's disdain.

Jae Ik given out the flyers. Chae Ri looked sad watching Jae Ik passing out the flyers. Ae Sook standing in hiding said to herself that she would protect Chae Ri.

Bit Na running looking for Yeon Doo.

Ha Joon was hugging Bit Na thanking her for being alive.

* recap only based on the main couple storyline. Kindly note interpretation is best to limited understanding of the language.

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