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[Variety] The Return of Superman 슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다 7th anniversary NOV 2020

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*sigh* everyone the show was around before the song family. The show wasn't all triplets. The whole premise is about dads taking care of their kids without moms for 48 hours. Technically it's about the dad's with cute kid stuff thrown in. Haru, sarang, song trips, all left at the right time. They are all at the age when they become more aware of people noticing them, understanding why the notice, etc. I'd say the parents did the right thing. 


Tros producers did a genius move by bringing two families in with babies and toddlers.

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10 hours ago, unkyung said:

*sigh* everyone the show was around before the song family. The show wasn't all triplets. The whole premise is about dads taking care of their kids without moms for 48 hours. Technically it's about the dad's with cute kid stuff thrown in. Haru, sarang, song trips, all left at the right time. They are all at the age when they become more aware of people noticing them, understanding why the notice, etc. I'd say the parents did the right thing. 


Tros producers did a genius move by bringing two families in with babies and toddlers.


Agreed! I'm sorry to say this but the show was already famous before the triplets. The show made them famous, not the other way around.

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This is so cute. Seojunie saying "bless you" to his uncle (mom's younger brother) who sneezed.

In the recent ep LHJ was too funny. He let the twins play with flour but was too scare to go into the room knowing the twins were making a mess and then telling Seojun he was going to regret it in 5 years when Seojun got naked and started spreading flour on himself. 

Sad that Sarang's leaving but I like the way her family is leaving the show by having a party and inviting all the families.

Lohee playing with the other babies were so cute. It funny how the babies were only fighting over the same toy. 

Daeul is really a funny kid. I like how the show compares him at home vs school. 


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well, i read your post. Seems like you leave post because you read mine. 

from my point of view, im not talking other family was bad, i just mention, if they still okay? If the triplets leave the show? IT MEANS I WONDERING WHO WILL BE THE NEXT NEW FAMILY THAT REPLACE THE TRIPLETS ! WONDERING IF THE NEW FAMILY CAN MAKES THE SHOW MORE ATTRACTIVE,BECAUSE THEY WERE NEW.

So i mention about rohee and lee bum soo child.how i love the new family. Im not mention the old family was bad, i also mentions, without triplets, i would never watched the whole ep of the return of superman. 

Ppl have different taste. So please understand ppl opinion as long they love this show :)

Did you understand now?

once again, we are from different country, not everyone here great to leave a nice "grammar" in english. 

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Guest Tinkiebell

Hi @snowangel358 and @unkyung , looks like it was just a bit of misunderstanding. Nobody was trying to pick a fight. English is indeed not the native language for many people here, so if you're not explicit about something, your words may be misunderstood. 

I think what @snowangel358 was trying to say is that he/she would have never come across the show, had it not been because of Song triplets, because they were so popular and all. Not that he/she wouldn't watch the show because the triplets aren't in it anymore.  

Having said that, @snowangel358 , the topic of this thread is the show "Return of Superman". And since Song Triplets are no longer a part of the show, discussions about them here in this thread would be considered off topic. If you would like to talk about them more, you can do it in their own thread: Please click HERE.

Thank you. 


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Seo Jun Picks Out a Bottle of Soju for Lee Hwi Jae on “The Return of Superman”

On the March 20 episode of “The Return of Superman,” twins Seo Eon andSeo Jun do chores for their mom.

The episode titled “Mischief makers” featured the twins vacuuming the floor, watering the plants, and going to the mart with their dad Lee Hwi Jae. Seo Jun in particular does the best job, faring well under his mother’s directions through the phone.

seo jun chores

However, Lee Hwi Jae gets a bit of an embarrassment when they go to the mart to pick up cotton swabs and toilet paper. Seo Jun grabs a bottle of soju (Korean liquor) and a bottle of Coke, saying, “This is something that Dad likes!” In the end, Lee Hwi Jae promises to be more careful around the boys.



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Seo Jun and Minguk - I remember thinking they were like ajusshis when I first started watching and now I finally am seeing that they really are like old men in terms of their development :D these two overtook their older brothers like in the episode I am watching Daehan still look blank a lot of times lol and Seo Eon has just started to talk. 

Cute Sarang sweet goodbye! She has really grown up to be a nice young lady. I hope she and So Eul will continue to be friends. It is a pity So Eul has joined just as Sarang was leaving. 

Which family will come to take the space left by the Choos? Ahn Jae Wook? Hopefully it is someone with a child around the age of Daebak. This guy really looks lonely and in need of playmates. Da Eul too while it is sweet that he looks up to his sister he also need same age people to socialize with. 


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[200316] Assorted Return Of Superman Articles


  • [+1126, -4] Su Ah and Seol Ah were really taught well. And Daebak is really dignified. I love seeing him trying to do things himself
  • [+787, -10] Daebakie is so cute.. 
  • [+681, -8] Daebakie really loves bananas ㅋㅋ He cried because of bananas the one time
  • [+662, -5] Look at Su Ah pushing the swing ㅋㅋㅋㅋ As expected, she’s Lee Dongwook’s daughter
  • [+514, -7] Kids really grow in a blink of an eye ㅜㅜ I understand the reason why parents say they wish their kids don’t grow. They’re so loveable now
  • [+429, -7] Su Ah is cute ><
  • [+377, -12] Daebak-sh, congrats for making a friend. Get along well with Daeul-ieㅎㅎ
  • [+314, -6] ㅋㅋㅋ Thanks to Su Ah’s power, the swing became a Viking~


  • [+624, -2] Daebak fits right into the carry-on! The more I see him, the cuter he gets
  • [+583, -2] Seeing this, Daebakie must hate not being by his dad’s side… I could feel that Lee Dong Gook didn’t want to leave, and that Daebakie didn’t want to let him go with how he keep on calling ‘Appa’… Daebakie is totally smart!!!
  • [+520, -4] He seemed sincere ㅋㅋ I’d want to take Daebak with me too
  • [+419, -4] It’s a shame that his dad is so busy..
  • [+369, -2] By the time he gets back, Daebak, Seol Ah and Su Ah will have grown a lot..ㅋㅋ


  • [+1992, -5] This family’s dad is so funny ㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+1140, -3] He’s the most realistic dad of all the dads that have appeared on a TV show ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+930, -3] Lee Bumsoo’s son is so cute ㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+639, -1] You fall right for Soeul-ie and Daeul-ie when you watch them ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ♡♡♡
  • [+572, -3] Daeul-ie looks so cute wearing that hat ㅠㅠ And Soeul-ie takes care of her dongsaeng so well!!!! The both of them are so pretty ㅎㅎ
  • [+487, -1] It’s so obvious that Soeul-ie receives a lot of love and was taught really well.. She washes and puts lotion on her dongsaeng for him - how can she only be six? Her parents must be proud
  • [+363, -1] Ah, Soeul-ie ㅋㅋㅋㅋ She takes care of her dongsaeng so well and is really pretty ㅋ
  • [+270, -0] Her dad didn’t even tell her do it, but she went back and said, “Daeul-ah, while Dad is paying, let’s be here with Noona!”. Soeul-ie’s heart is so pretty.


  • [+620, -7] Daeul-ie is a cutie ❣
  • [+424, -2] Soeul-ie looks like a young Kim Yeon Ah~~ Daeul is good-looking too
  • [+366, -3] “Seaweed seaweed, me too me too” ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+355, -2] How’ll you live if you didn’t have your noona, Daeul-ah ♡♡
  • [+352, -3] How can Daeul-ie be so good-looking… Soeul-ie is cute too ㅜㅜ


  • [+560, -18] Seoun and Seojun have their own charms ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+489, -22] Seoun-ie, you rascal, you’re a guy too ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+250, -22] You’re so pretty, Seol-ah~ Seounie is cute too ㅎㅎ
  • [+242, -31] Seounie is a romantic…ㅋ So cute
  • [+216, -19] Why are the twins so charming…♡
  • [+186, -15] Seojunie and Su Ah beside them were so funny~ They’re all pretty~♡


  • [+5098, -49] Since they’re an original family, they must be more attached. I really loved how they gave their proper greetings as an original member…
  • [+4645, -61] I hope that we can meet again on Superman with Sarangie’s dongsaeng. I enjoyed watching the loveable Sarang during this time.
  • [+3520, -29] Grow up healthily, Sarang-ah!
  • [+2527, -28] Ha.. Such a shame. Sarang-ah - Thank you~♡ Always be healthy ♡


  • [+801, -9] I’m falling for Rohee ㅠㅠㅠ She’s so cute ♡♡♡
  • [+712, -3] When Eugene smiled while talking with the PD, it looked exactly like Rohee’s smile….
  • [+665, -3] It seems like Rohee got confused for a few seconds too ㅋㅋㄱ Dad on this side, and Dad on that side ㅋㄲ
  • [+482, -8] Don’t they say that good-looking baby girls grow up to be really pretty?
  • [+353, -4] Rohee is so cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠ… Ha ♡


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@flybabyfly I don't think the show will bring in a new family. They have already brought in Lee Boom So family before the Choovely family left. Lee Boom So family was the replacement for the Choo's family, just like Lo Hee family was the replacement for the triplets and the Lee 5 siblings were replacement for Uhm Ji On. The original format for this show has always been to showcase 4 families. So now they are back to the original format and will remain that way for sometimes. They will only bring in a new family if someone leaving the show so i hope for now they will not bring in a new family. :)

It was sad to say goodbye to Choovely family. This is the first time a family decided to throw a farewell party. I guess it's hardest for the family to say goodbye since they have been in the show the longest time. So its good they had the opportunity to thank everyone.  I'm  also happy they showed a glimpse of all the previous superman kids including Daehan, Minguk and Manse, Haru, Junu & Junseo in the farewell segment. It was done so beautifully and it showed how everyone meant so much to this family. Thank you Choovely family and let's meet again some other time. Like Choo appa said maybe they will have a 2nd child and joined the show again LOL.

I love the Lee twins segment. Seojunie impressed me  the most by being able to follow through omma instructions. He vacuum, water the plant and even remembered what items omma wanted them to buy. It's funny how he did them while not wearing any pants tho hahaha .Their shopping was a success too. Seoeon again able to find both items on his own ..what a smart kid. LHJ appa was caught having such bad drinking habits when Seojun decided to bought appa's favourite drinks "soju & soft drinks" hehehe..

The SoDa segment was fun.. LBS appa was so unprepared for their mountain hike. I felt sorry for the SoDa siblings when appa only brought cucumber and sweet potato for them huhu. They didn't even have water to quench their thirst & had to borrowed it from the staffs. It funny how LBS appa always tell them stories how things were back in his old days hahaha...

Daebakie was awesome. He can even peel his own banana now. So cute. He's also a caring boy by trying to feed Da Eul and even offering his food to the VJ. I guess being the youngest in the family he had to grow up fast to catch up with everyone and learnt to be kind by following his sisters example. Seola was trying to feed Seoeon too but ended getting a noodle kiss instead. Seoeon is such a lover boy hehe...

Can't wait for next week to see Lo Hee in Guam to meet Eugene's family. I didn't even know where Guam is so it's interesting to see how life is over there. . 

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