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[Drama 2013/2014] King's Daughter, Soo Baek Hyang 제왕의 딸, 수백향


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Key: Soo Baek Hyang -SBH, Crown Prince- MN/CP, Seolnan- SN, Seolhi- SH, Grand Marshal -GM, Jinmu -JM,  fake name for  SH  SH/ “SBH”  or “SBH”, Toldae – TLD, Manggu – MGG, BI Moon –BM (spy unit), SL – Soup Lady/Yo Uki, Khobak – KBK, Kucheon –KC, Chae Hwa – CH, Training Chief – TC, Do Rim – DR, Na Eun/SH’s personal maid – NE, Easy Idiotic Spy –EIS (SH’s BM bodyguard)

So I have company recappers – welcome all of you and thanks.  Watched it live today and wanted to swear at certain people namely the queen for her big mouth, not so much (but then at times I think she’s an alcoholic – she appears happy but is unhappy, poor queen) and Easy Idiotic Spy (EIS) who have forgotten all his BM training at the first glance of SH (he is worse, I refuse to use his name because of his actions)– he is an idiot.

There is a reason for me putting the key for the show on every new page of a recap, it makes it easier for new watchers to understand and the regular viewers have an idea as to who is who with consistency being used throughout by all whenever we have something to say about the show.  Plus if there are updates to it we all know what it is or how to identify that character.  Could not download, therefore I’m watching it raw from another location.  Please note in advance that I may use some of the earlier comments to assist in the writing this recap. Thanks to all of you in advance.

In terms of the time that the show airs, what I have done is look at the Korean broadcast time, first page and enter it in the time zone converter for my country.  That way one knows when to watch it live.  For my zone it starts a little before 7:00 am and finishes by/before 7:35 am, which works for me.  You can try that for your respective countries which should help you in your scheduling.   Recent news - we now have subs up to 41 so you should see it by your sites by now. Here’s the main meal recap.

Episode 43

 It starts when SN introduces herself to the king as princess SBH, at the same time all other parties i.e. MN, GM & DR are looking at the interplay between them. The king wants to know if she has anything else to say, more or less mentions that the mission she is on is a suicide one, SN says that she is aware of that etc, the king is satisfied with her response and dismisses her.  Prior to her departure, SN instructs the king as to how to treat her as his daughter princess SBH from now on this, the king is amused but he does so, SN responds likewise. Even though she is being a fake, SN is right because when they meet others e.g. spies/outsiders the behavior has to be natural between them as father and daughter otherwise it can leave room for doubt as to her identity. SN as princess SBH is regal in her behavior.

MN & DR are proud of her, the king is pleased.  SN leaves the king’s quarters accompanied by TLD/MGG.  MN wants to speak to SN alone first meeting resistance with TLD then with KBK not getting the hint until a little bit later (its funny, the PDS are teasing us again).  There is a walk with SN/MN on the grounds with MN first talking about how pleased he and the others were with the act, then he holds her hand using the brother/sister excuse to do so & smiling with the return of TLD/MGG saying that they knew why MN wanted to be with SN alone.  However, KBK is still looking on clueless (PDs give KBK a girl so he can understand the facts of life).  SN/MN are walking, MN is happy holding her hand which she insists that he lets go , he is using the brother/sister behavior as an excuse (let’s be clear MN – that is not brother/sister behavior with that type of hand-holding its man/woman behavior okay).  He then asks if she was cold and puts hers hand in clothes to chest/heart to “keep them warm”.  MN is saying some sincere words to SN using the term princess to say them and I think he is a bit worried about the whole mission while keeping her hands to his heart.  SN responds to his words, he then says that will believe in Baekje's princess SBH.

DR is at the solarium and recalls the connection between SN/MN.  SN enters the  room, DR says that she did well, DR gives her a book tells her what it is etc with some advice.  SN reads the book & notices that some pages are not filled, at night she is at training headquarters debating on what to write.  SN/TLD/MGG are called by TC who gave them their belongings with some instructions to prepare if anything happens to them, SN has SH hairpin which she wraps carefully. MN is giving TC some instructions for preparations etc.

SH leaves her quarters in disguise taking the portrait with her as the fake princess comes over, she sees a profile of SN but does not know it’s her.  SN admires SH’s room, she notes the globe.  SH is introduced to EIS as her bodyguard who has lost all speech & sense upon seeing her which she notes.

The following day the king’s entourage leaves for Koguryo leaving the councilors, GM, queen, & JM behind.  The royal entourage is walking on the main road with the crowds praising them, the king is remembering CH.  MN does not feel comfortable around the crowds, but KBK more or less tells him that it’s nothing to worry about; he has his fan girls calling him (trust the PDs to do that, like it) & swooning at his smile.  Team SN are enjoying the procession.

At the palace one of the councilors met GM mentioning his concern with Koguryo might be able to identify the fake princess. GM remembers that MN took countermeasures to prevent that from happening using the old Koguryo spy from the past.  GM told the councilor that MN took care of it.  The king’s entourage is at a fort where the king is a bit worried; SN is calm telling him not to worry.  A Koguryo general comes in they take SN with them as hostage which got the agreement from MN.  The general places her in a room stating this is where she will stay until something is over with some instructions/warning etc. the general leaves with his guards afterwards.  TLD told SN that they are gone; she and the rest relax as themselves in the room.

The Koguryo general meets the old spy with a bit of respect in his greetings, they talk a bit about the princess, the general is verifying the princess identity using a picture.  The old spy was panicking to the picture, but MN took care of that matter as well so all is fine so far.  The spy & general talk a bit more with the spy being a bit on the nervous based on what the general said, the spy sees a shadow outline of a man to which the general’s response that he did not have anything to worry about (as far as we are concerned that shadow is KC – he will be back soon) says that the person cannot speak.  The spy leaves and he eats his drawing of the princess remembering the warning that MN gave him about it.

SH is doing her dutiful daughter/sister role by praying for the king in the kings’ portrait room for a long time.  JM and the queen comes in, they get her to leave after a mini reverence. The queen gets drunk, they are humored about her behavior and reveal some more facts about the fake princess background to SH (I thought BM was to keep information about its people very private to protect them, so far they are failing as a spy unit).  SH/JM leave they are talking about BM information which is given by JM to SH.  There is a sound and EIS based on his actions just reveal that he is BM (was he mentioned by GM one of the best BMs out there in an earlier episode?  Someone please clarify that for me), which was just a bird; JM admires how EIS uses a sword.  

SH is thinking over the queen’s words, she is starting to get concerned.  She meets EIS and does some sweet persuasion to get him to help her.  Ends with SN in Koguryo eating sweets & remembering SH telling her what she is doing. Preview – SH confirms that SN is the fake princess courtesy of EIS and BM doing a poor job being BM.

Since this is the first episode for the week I’ll restrain myself from angry words at this point.  However when it comes to intelligence at this point the score is as follows SH – 1; BM – 0.  Until next episode.

Other @rhainesu123 - the difference between the sisters is this - SH - SELFISH ; SN - SELFLESS. I stated in a prior post that SN would have done it no matter what given the right motivator because that's who she is.  Thanks for the recaps by the way.

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Guest SasayaH

Ei, finally posting here, for the first time. I read all of your posts from the very beginning. But then, I just comment to myself when an assumption goes ridiculous.
But I have a strong feeling CP doesn't know about SN being SBH. Or if he does, I will hope he doesn't. It beats the essence (of the love story). Lols. (My 2 cents)

This drama keeps me wanting for more... 30 minutes just passed instantly. I wonder why they will let SH know so soon about SN being the doppelganger.
Waiting for the subs...

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Guest rhainesu123

dimples21 said: Hello All,
I am really enjoying this drama and I have a couple questions.
I know that  SH took SN place because she wanted the good life and was jealous of SN. 1) Did she not think that SN would be looking for her.2) Did she ever think that other would recognize her and her sister and make it known that she was the younger sister3) Think about it for a second why wouldn't the palace official not fully investigate who she really was especially since betrayal are normally during this period of time.4) If CP knows that SH is a fake , what he is ultimate end game and why is he string her along.5) Since CP knows how devoted SN is to her sister how will this impact their relationship and will it affect everyone .The king was already devastated when CW died just imagine if he finds out that SH is a fake  and the spy is really is daughter.

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Guest rhainesu123

Hi, @chasen8888, thanks for welcoming me.......as I have qualified in my earlier post, I don't really understand Korean. I pick-up a few words here and there but cannot, for the life of me, understand a complete sentence of Korean. I just rely mostly on actions/facial expressions. That's why, I flopped big-time when @Araminta Jouana translated the important discussions that transpired in this episode (hi, Araminta, you're French? and can understand Korean? how I envy you....) :\">

That was my first recap EVER. That was my first post of more than 1 paragraph EVER. I will try to learn more Korean words so I can contribute more. I simply like this forum and the drama, of course, so I was forced to come out of seclusion. As I have said earlier, people here are trekking intelligently, but making this a fun journey as well.

At the rate this thread is going, it might average 1 page/episode or more. COME LURKERS! Join the fray and enjoy the ride. Believe me......I never thought I would but I am....... >:/

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Photo: '水伯向け'のチョ・ヒョンジェとソ・ヒョンジンが手を握って切ない感情を分けた。  2日午後放送されたMBC一日特別企画'帝王の娘、スベクヒャン'(脚本ファン・ジンヨン・演出イ・サンヨプ、チェ・ジュンベ)でスベクヒャン(ソ・ヒョンジン)は百済の王女のふりをしているソルヒ(ソウ)に代って高句麗に聴者に行くことになった。  スベクヒャンは離れる前日の夜ムリョン大王(イ・ジェリョン)と挨拶を交わす席で"これから私をスベクヒャン王女と呼んでほしい"という大胆なことでムリョン大王を満足させた。  スベクヒャンの明敏さに感心したミョンノン(チョ・ヒョンジェ)は人々を払った後 スベクヒャンの手を導いて公園に散歩に出た。  ミョンノンが「寒いのか」と尋ね、スベクヒャンの両手を包み込んで自分の懐に入れるとすぐにスベクヒャンは顔を赤くした。  ミョンノンはすべくひゃんに「今回の道は容易ではないのだ」と険しい旅に出るスベクヒャンを心配した。  これに対し、スベクヒャンは決意に満ちた目つきでミョンノンを眺めながら覚悟を固めた。  <著作権者© ‘リアルタイム演芸速報、スターの全てのもの’スターニュース、無断転載および再配布禁止>

These articles talk about  the conversation between CP and SN during their walk.  As near as I can understand, CP told SN that he is worried about her about this journey - "this time the road is steep, the journey will not be easy."







<著作権者© ‘リアルタイム演芸速報、スターの全てのもの’スターニュース、無断転載および再配布禁止>


'수백향' 조현재, 서현진 손잡고 후원산책 '서현진 당황'

[TV리포트=김문정 기자] 조현재가 서현진의 손을 잡고 후원 산책을 했다.

2일 방송된 MBC ‘제왕의 딸 수백향’(황진영 극본, 이상엽 연출)에서는 무령대왕(이재룡 분)이 설난(서현진 분)을 만나는 장면이 그려졌다.

무령대왕은 수백향 공주로 위장한 설난을 마음에 들어 했다. 명농(조현재 분)은 "오합지졸일 줄 알았더니 제법이구나. 폐하께서 널 마음에 들어 하셨다. 폐하께는 딸처럼 대해달라 하더니 나에게는 누이처럼 대하라하지 않느냐?"라며 설난의 손을 잡았다.

이어 "공주, 간만에 이 오라비랑 후원 산책을 하자"라며 후원으로 나갔다. 명농은 설난의 손을 자신의 옷 안으로 넣으며 "추우냐? 공주 이번 순회길이 쉽지만은 않을 것이다. 가림에 도착하면 내가 공주를 지켜줄 수 없을 것이야. 하지만 그간 배운 것이 있으니 버텨낼 수 있겠지? 말해다오"라며 걱정스러운 눈빛으로 설난을 바라봤다.

명농의 행동에 설난은 당황했지만 이내 "물론입니다. 전하"라 답했다. 명농은 "그래 난 공주를 믿어. 백제 수백향을 믿고말고"라며 설난에 대한 믿음을 드러냈다.

한편, '제왕의 딸 수백향'은 백제 무령왕의 딸 수백향의 일대기를 다룬 사극으로, 백제국의 파란만장한 가족사와 그들의 처절한 사랑 이야기를 담아낸 드라마이다.

사진= '제왕의 딸 수백향' 화면 캡처

김문정 기자 dangdang@tvreport.co.kr
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Guest blueivy

@ SasayaH

Welcome, i too agreed with you that MN is not aware the SN is the real princess.... MN true intention presently is to protect the king and the princess and is using SN love that she has for her greedy and ungrateful of a sister to trapped her in doing his deeds...::

Hands up for Dorim.... I believed her reasons for letting the MN put the tattoo on SN is for her to listened to him only..... As when the time comes for SH to pay for her ultimate betrayal.... MN will give the go a head for whatever punishment and SN will have to comply.

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@rhainesu123,  @prissymom 
Thanks for the welcome and insights. 
I just finished watching episode 39 - 42 subbed and  it address some of the things I was wondering about.  If CP knows that SH is fake then he  knows that SN is his sister and he cannot have any romantic feelings towards her.
Unless he already knows that the king is not his real dad  then SN would not be his biological sister. I do  believe that Prince Jinmsu and SN feel a kindred spirit towards each other.Isn't it funny how they connect with each other without knowing anything about each other. He is very observant. He already knows SH is a fake  but he is so hurt that  is trying to use SH to hurt the king but he is also falling in love with her. He always digs into her like saying don't try so hard to get their love it should happen naturally. 
I don't completely trust Dolim. I think she has an agenda. I am not sure if she is the CP's mom but there is definitely something holding her there.  The questions is, if Dolim figures out that SN is the king's daughter is this her revenge on the king by letting him use his actual daughter and loving a fake. What a sweet revenge and karma it would be for her.
If we go by the premise that CP knows that SH is a fake did he send that spy to work with SH knowing how she will use her charm to seduce him and discover information about SN. If yes, what is he trying to convey to.
It seems from the upcoming episode that the selfish SH will discover that the person impersonating her is no other than her older sister the true princess SN. What is she going to do. Will she  rat her out , will she hide or will she brainstorm to come up with an evil scheme.
I will say the chemistry and budding love  between the CP and SN is definitely  there. It is very subtle and not over the top.  He does care a lot about her but he has to keep  it in check. I love when is brush her hands against his  by accident and  he pretended at first he didn't  feel it  about he had that smile in his face,
Isn't it funny after they spared, he went  and remove the stones because she almost hurt herself during the sword play. The smile on his face was  wide, when he realized she kept his hand-kerchief.
OMG the scene when he was doing her tattoo was sensual and caring. He was definitely branding her his and making sure she knew it. Is as if, the only other person she is allowed to love is her sister and no one else. He is definitely a jealous man, did you see the look on his face when SN was smiling and talking to Prince Jinmu.  He even asked her do you  have to smile at everyone. The ugly green eyed monster is rearing it's ugly head. I wonder what would happen if she fell in love with some one else during the hostage situation.
Loving this drama and looking forward to the upcoming episodes,

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blueivy said: @ SasayaH Welcome, i too agreed with you that MN is not aware the SN is the real princess.... MN true intention presently is to protect the king and the princess and is using SN love that she has for her greedy and ungrateful of a sister to trapped her in doing his deeds...:: Hands up for Dorim.... I believed her reasons for letting the MN put the tattoo on SN is for her to listened to him only..... As when the time comes for SH to pay for her ultimate betrayal.... MN will give the go a head for whatever punishment and SN will have to comply.

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dimples21 said: . 
I don't completely trust Dolim. I think she has an agenda. I am not sure if she is the CP's mom but there is definitely something holding her there.  The questions is, if Dolim figures out that SN is the king's daughter is this her revenge on the king by letting him use his actual daughter and loving a fake. What a sweet revenge and karma it would be for her.

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 Regarding Dolim, I bet she has her own agenda. She knows that King will someday avenge his father's death. Therefore she can consider SN's birth secret her key to avoid her doomed future.Yet at the same time, if she is not fully sure of SN's birth secret, she might be suspicious if SN has her own agenda/ or if SN is aware of her own birth secret. At this point, I get a feeling that she is not 100% sure of SN's identity. so she has been trying to figure out,,,ie her request to have a flight with SN and CP , or jokingly tell SN that Jimnu might be her long lost brother to see SN's reactions. When she is convinced more that SN is the King's daughter, then she might peek into SH's past and present with her own keen eyes. Dolim gave a book of history of Peckhe to SN to read and SN noticed some missing pages. Are the pages were taken by Dolim on purpose? If so what are written on the missing pages? My guess is 1. Ch JM's switch 2. the detailed account of when the King tried to see SN's mother when the family tragedy stuck. If 2 were the case, why would Dolim not to show the pages to SN?

Yes, Kuchon is back but this makes me feel more uncomfortable. He misunderstood the background of the whole family's tragedy therefore he now hates Peckhe, I think. At one point SN and Kuchon will meet, then Kuchon will find out his own daughter is impersonating SN. Then what can he do? Sh never likes him, she hated the fact that he is mute, uneducated and poor etc. Sh can even kill him, she has no mercy for him since he can somehow help SN to claim her true identity. Sh will see him her great threat. Kuchon will be in great dilemma because if he contribute SN to claim her position, his beloved daughter would be executed. The irony is Kuchon must love Sh more than SN but SN loves him more than Sh can ever love him.

When SH find out that SN and CP love each other, she would be outraged out of jealousy then hell would break loose.

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She emotionally blackmailed him into bringing SN's stuff

SH bawled her eyes out when she was told SN joined binmoo to look for her and she was told of the trials SN went through just to get to this point.

SN spat on the king's face and all he could do was laugh it off

She did the 'grace dance' and even fell with the king and MN picking her up.

Oh my goodness SH confessed to the general that she's the real princess because of her jealousy after seeing the king treat SN kindly. I literally saw this coming yesterday.

This girl is scary ..I tell you, wicked doesn't even begin to describe her.

The king will be forced to choose between both girls who his daughter is.

SN is going to be arrested tomorrow....and MN to the rescue.

I feel an headache and heartache coming up after that preview....JEEZ


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Guest blueivy

@andy78 said she we all know that SN can prove she is the princess...she knows the legend and what her name means...if the general tests them[i hope he will] SH will fail

We know she knows the meaning of her name but since her mother did not mentioned to her who she is ...... She does not think she's the princess

I hope the King found out it was SN told the General......

Did SN saw SH beside her when the general brought her (fake princess) in to see the king as the real daughter

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libby5602 said:

She emotionally blackmailed him into bringing SN's stuff

SH bawled her eyes out when she was told SN joined binmoo to look for her and she was told of the trials SN went through just to get to this point.

SN spat on the king's face and all he could do was laugh it off

She did the 'grace dance' and even fell with the king and MN picking her up.

Oh my goodness SH confessed to the general that she's the real princess because of her jealousy after seeing the king treat SN kindly. I literally saw this coming yesterday.

This girl is scary ..I tell you, wicked doesn't even begin to describe her.

The king will be forced to choose between both girls who his daughter is.

SN is going to be arrested tomorrow....and MN to the rescue.

I feel an headache and heartache coming up after that preview....JEEZ


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