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[Drama 2013~2014] The Woman Who Married Three Times 세번 결혼하는 여자


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X-Japan said: I think the ending was fantastic to be honest. I think the problem a lot of people had with this drama is that they get emotionally attached to the characters and become too involved. This really isn't the type of drama where such a thing is appropriate, since its purpose was to get across to the viewer themes and motifs that are symmetrical to the realities of this world. This wasn't the type of drama that people should have expected to end in a flurry of bells and whistles. In one of the final scenes of episode 40 when Eun Soo is talking to her sister, one of the big themes of the drama is made clear by Eun Soo herself: sure, a lot of mistakes where made by several characters, but Eun Soo realized that she got herself into all the problems since, in her own words, she tried to "manipulate life". There are some Buddhist sentiments in this line, since Buddhism teaches that things go wrong when you attempt to manipulate and control life (and this is often true). We also see a lot of these teachings verbalized by Aunt Bo Sal (especially since she went through much of the same thing; marriage and divorce). Aunt Bo Sal who got married and divorced in a similar fashion represents the archetypal wronged woman who left her husband when she got into a marriage she didn't want to be in and later learned a lot through life's lessons and things she learned from her religion, making her wise. Eun Soo represents the tragic continuation or progression of this tragic character or cultural reality, that is, "history repeats itself". I could literally go through paragraphs of motifs and themes hidden through the drama. The fact is, this drama is more like a novel or literary composition than it is a drama, and it should be thought of in that way. I just hope people try to see things from a different perspective. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ross27 said: I skipped episodes 37 to 39 and decided to watch episode 40. The rich and powerful will have their way (ES's mom said to JG's mother when she came to the hospital to collect the baby : we are not powerful). Whine and be pitiful from an abusive family and you are forgiven for abusing a young child! I really could not watch all the scenes of Chae Rim and Tae Won.Cling on to your man through drink and attempted suicide and finally you will get your man. Poor ES's baby boy will have an extremely unstable step mum.Seul Gi has to grow up so much faster and be a kind and dutiful daughter. She said to her paternal grandma that she would need to protect her mother.Eun Soo, due to the errors of her life's choices, has to be punished repeatedly. I feel it is really unfair that she has to suffer so much - well life is not always fair but in dramaland, surely, we can expect some happiness. I must commend LJA on her acting - the suppressed, barely controlled emotion when her baby was taken away and giving in to her anguish and tears when she was alone was so well done. So marrying the third time is marrying oneself - I don't know whether to laugh or to applaud the writer for such an unusual idea. 

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@X-japan I see, interesting take on the parallels between ES and Aunt's lives, and I agree, it's realistic for the context she lives in. One would think things would change for the better in a new generation, maybe they did but not that much.

I think the biggest mental breakdown for viewers came in the form of Chae Rin's 180° transformation. The way everything turned out so nice for her looked so fake. The biggest wtf was seeing her and Seul Gi being so chummy (not to mention the fact that her parents encouraged her to be nice to the person who abused her). They just used it as a plot device to keep her married to TW, maybe to fit it into the theme they were going for, and ignored the fact that this is not how it works... while making TW look like a Richard Simmons in the process. I don't think I'd have been so upset as to write this drama off if Chae Rin's story turned out differently, even if everything else stayed the same.

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@joojanah I think you are spot on, the portrayal of CR's transformation and the other character's response to it was so farfetched that it was laughable.  I really didn't care who ended up with who as long as it made sense with the rest of the story as it unfolded. 

I don't think it's a cultural thing either.  I know that child abuse in South Korea is no more accepted as being ok than anywhere else in the world.  Child abuse exist in all of our countries and the countries have laws in place to address child abuse.  In all of our countries there are people who turn a blind eye toward child abuse or don't think it's a problem ie. spare the rod spoil the child.

The problem was the reaction by the other characters was not realistic with how they were portrayed in the previous 36 episodes.  SG is not going to be miraculously no longer afraid of CR just because CR was abused as a child, ES is not going to suddenly be comfortable with CR being around SG just because CR was abused as a child.  CR's problems will not be magically fixed because everyone loves and accepts her now.  It's not even realistic in fairytale terms.  It's ridiculous.

I really don't think the problem was that 95% of the people just didn't get it while 5% did.  I'm sure the networks don't try to make dramas that target only 5% of the people.

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It would have been better if they had shown Chae Rin getting professional treatment. The theme of a bad person becoming good is common in literature. Tae Won's reconciliation with Chae Rin should have been tentative until she followed through with some type of rehab.
Still, I do not want to place too much emphasis on Chae Rin. She is a secondary character whose part in the drama is simply to reveal more about Tae Won's personality.

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Aloha..I haven't been part of the discussion before, but I really did like this drama until the ChaeRim reversal…it just didn't fit in with anything…EunSoo giving the baby to the father's family is deeply rooted in old Korean culture where the child is not a personal possession but part of the father's clan and it was probably understood that way in Korea.
 Over 20 years ago I lived in a neighborhood  where there was a child who was abused and cried unceasingly ( in Seoul).At that time i was told there was nothing to be done, but I believe the laws have changed.So i was really happy to have the characters all aghast at ChaeRim's behavior.  However, other facets of CR's personality were not caused by childhood abuse; her rudeness, lack of courtesy toward the housekeeper, reluctance to do her household responsibilities etc. The only thing I can think of is karma in inflicting her on the TW's mother and sister..They'll all be stuck with her..
Both ES and HS came from an exceptional family with happy parents, but they seem to be of a generation which doesn't want all their fulfillment with family and marriage. 
JG is off the hook having produced a son and heir so he can now dally with the actress and play house to his heart's content. They cannot realistically marry however so Da Mi should work hard and save her money :-)
I was horrified at the turn of events in the last few episodes re ChaeRim as much as anyone, but on the whole I enjoyed the drama…and I hope the mystery of the change is explored and found out.
PS…I even grew to understand TW"s mother, the screeching harridan who outfoxed herself..loved TH's comment " you chased out a bunny and brought in a fox"….she out-manipulated life indeed...

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All I Can Say About This Drama Is This: This Ending Was By Far The Worst In Any Kdramas I've Seen To Date! It Was Lame, Last Two Episodes Where Boring and In My Opinion Not Necessary. Absoluetly Dreadful and People That Shouldn't Be Together Got and Stayed Together. This Drama Had A lot of Potentail Before The Writers or Writer Had A Brain Fart and Gave Us A Big Bowl Grabbage! I'm Not Recommending This To Anyone New or Older Kdrama Fans.

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ross27 said: I skipped episodes 37 to 39 and decided to watch episode 40. The rich and powerful will have their way (ES's mom said to JG's mother when she came to the hospital to collect the baby : we are not powerful). Whine and be pitiful from an abusive family and you are forgiven for abusing a young child! I really could not watch all the scenes of Chae Rim and Tae Won.Cling on to your man through drink and attempted suicide and finally you will get your man. Poor ES's baby boy will have an extremely unstable step mum.Seul Gi has to grow up so much faster and be a kind and dutiful daughter. She said to her paternal grandma that she would need to protect her mother.Eun Soo, due to the errors of her life's choices, has to be punished repeatedly. I feel it is really unfair that she has to suffer so much - well life is not always fair but in dramaland, surely, we can expect some happiness. I must commend LJA on her acting - the suppressed, barely controlled emotion when her baby was taken away and giving in to her anguish and tears when she was alone was so well done. So marrying the third time is marrying oneself - I don't know whether to laugh or to applaud the writer for such an unusual idea. 

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@8jadecloud8Don't worry about assumptions. It is difficult for all of us to notice gender differences from posts. One of the reasons that I was interested in this drama is because I have two daughters of my own.:)

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@smhelen I watched the last two live without subtitles and that was more than enough for me...I couldn't understand a word they said (though others elaborated on conversations).

I won't go back and watch them with subtitles, all it was was a bunch of long drawn out conversations about dribble and shorter ones trying tritely explain the wackiness of the previous twp episodes.  The were really disjointed to watch.  It's like someone wrote: let's write a conversation to show CR's cured, let's write a conversation to show SG hasn't been affected by the psychotic stepmother and having her brother given away, let's show that DM magically cured of her mental problems not that she's with JG again...

It's really too bad that psychiatrist and psychologist in the real world don't realize if you just give people with psychological problems what they want they'll be cured.  If only they knew.

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thegoldbug said: @smhelen I watched the last two live without subtitles and that was more than enough for me...I couldn't understand a word they said (though others elaborated on conversations).

I won't go back and watch them with subtitles, all it was was a bunch of long drawn out conversations about dribble and shorter ones trying tritely explain the wackiness of the previous twp episodes.  The were really disjointed to watch.  It's like someone wrote: let's write a conversation to show CR's cured, let's write a conversation to show SG hasn't been affected by the psychotic stepmother and having her brother given away, let's show that DM magically cured of her mental problems not that she's with JG again...

It's really too bad that psychiatrist and psychologist in the real world don't realize if you just give people with psychological problems what they want they'll be cured.  If only they knew.

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Haven't checked into to this forum since this crazy drama ended and was pleasantly surprised to see that we are still posting.  I love seeing new members which didn't post during the drama but chimed in on the ending.  If this drama did anything, it certainly brought a lot of new members together...well done!

Inkyiv,  loved your insights  regarding the drama.. BTW are you in Hawaii?

jwand - WOW..really enjoyed your posting. Your points of view were awesome and I sure can understand your interest since you have 2 daughters.

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Guest missred123

My two cents!

I think the drama was very good.

I was very, very disappointed with ES decision. I thought she would sacrifice for her kids and go back to JG, but she gave the child up and did not wish to see, or have anything to do with the child. It goes to show how selfish she is, so selfish that she marries herself. Hahahaha!! (Still laughing). Now she has a daughter who is just like her, will she be able to deal with it? Thank GOD for family!! What would ES do without it!!

It was fun guys!

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missred123 said: My two cents! I think the drama was very good. I was very, very disappointed with ES decision. I thought she would sacrifice for her kids and go back to JG, but she gave the child up and did not wish to see, or have anything to do with the child. It goes to show how selfish she is, so selfish that she marries herself. Hahahaha!! (Still laughing). Now she has a daughter who is just like her, will she be able to deal with it? Thank GOD for family!! What would ES do without it!! It was fun guys!

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