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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

Guest msmall

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Guest fantast1k1

I thought hard about the character of YJ. The show demonstrated to us many times that there are no such things as cut out good and evil with clear borders: every character is multi-dimensional and has a lot of shades (besides DH mom). And another all encompassing idea: your every deed has a price that needs to be paid. So, what about our heroine? At first sight YJ is sterile pure and white without a speck of dust, never a bad word about anybody, never hurting anyone... So why does she has to pay such tremendous price? I think there are two factors that contributed to her misery:

1) believing in the best of every person. While not a bad strategy itself (it worked with her cellmates and MH), it gives off a scent of psychological lazyness, self-centeredness and cowardice. Thinking that all people behave decently and fairly you dismiss the possibility of them having their own agenda and interests. Knowing that DHmum trying to set her son up with different women YJ never openly confronted her as never idea of DH protecting himself slipped into her mind, she also never blamed DH and his family for San's death though it's obvious he died because of their negligence.

2) not knowing her own worth. Remember the scene in 1st ep when YJ father feeding her outdated food? It's not like they are starving. Why put yourself so low? She's a beautiful young woman with perspectives - why did she so easily give up her future? That's the only flaw I can find with script - we were not shown the origins of such big complex and only HJE'sacting makes the character believable.

In Happy Together HJE told the story about demanding a big diamond ring from her bf for proposal. 'Because I'm worth it!'. YJ hever feels she's entitled to anything: good and fair treatment, equality, love. May be now she'll think she's entitled for justice?

If my English is too weird, that's Baileys fault.

Aigooo! Your mentioning of that despicable ring touch several of my nerves! It's too early!

Your English is perfect!

Some of the previous post stated that DH loved YJ in the beginning. I don't think he loved her enough. The way he behaved on their 7th year Anniversary...YJ received no text or call, he was super late for dinner because he went on a blind date (the nerve of this guy) and then that that tiny, weeny aargh! Is that LOVE? In love comes respect...but then again YJ was also at fault...YJ was an enabler...She let him get away with his lame excuses...its always Kinchana! To me, it's not a normal reaction for someone who values themselves and sees themselves as equal partner in a relationship...just saying, if my boyfriend of 7 years did that, Ha! Asta la vista baby! But that's just me [-X

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@cahya, yep the Korean title is "Secret"  then why this title for the preview?
id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 13px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 24px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-weight: normal; overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"KBS 수목 드라마 비밀(secretlove) 11부 예고(preview-11)
I tell ya, they are messing with our heads :)

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Guest serenity003

It's Wednesday now in my place but still like 10 hours to go before live and waiting for the subs is kinda painful  :-S
I'll rely on our best live recappers and screen cappers  :D

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Guest fantast1k1

I find it strange that although South Korea is a modern country, why is there still a class or caste system? Why are people still trapped in their medieval thinking of upper class, middle class and low class? Are they still living in the Joseon era? Some rich people only have money but have absolutely no class. Prince William married a commoner without anyone raising any eyebrows.

Darling.. Korea is like India. Caste level has been ruling this country since their stone age. In Goryeo and Joseon era was the worst! You can buy slaves and you are a slave if your parents were ones. It is beyond craziness. I'm from Bali and we are familiar with caste as well but Korean caste is another whole different level. Chaebol family must and need to marry the same league or their social level might harm by it. All the lovey dovey true love beautiful and dreamy Cinderella stories that we're all watch in Kdramas are hardly or never happened in real life. Except if you are the most beautiful Miss Korea with a great family background and still virgin when you meet your chaebol prince. PS. chaebols are not as handsome as in the kdrama. They are old, fat and short..

Thank you SeGafanlady for clarifying this strange quirk of the Koreans ..... I

suppose to a certain extent, people want to think and feel that they are better

than the average Jane or Joe but such false sense of superiority can be the

death of us all. I pray that the Koreans reading this posting will not get

offended but some investigators have pointed out that Korean Air had more plane crashes than

almost any other airline in the world for a period at the end of the 1990s. They

surmised that the airline crashes are not due to old planes or badly trained

pilots but the Korean cultural hierarchical legacy.  A person is obliged to be deferential toward ones

elders and superiors in a way that would be unimaginable to most people in the


In K-dramas, I gnash my teeth in frustration seeing the daughters-in-law practically grovelling and giving in to their husband's parents and siblings whims and fancies ... "Cook for me ... I'm hungry" at 2 a.m. etc ... with nary a "thank you". If that is enough to drive me batty, I think marriage to a chaebol is a sure fire way of sentencing

oneself to a mental institution … If ever DH marries SY, he will just be a "dog" to her. If not in real life, I hope that in this drama, YJ will be treated with respect when she marries into

MH's upper class family.  ^_^    

WARNING: Off topic...

I luv flying Korean Air or Asiana...the seats are wider, all you can drink beverages including alcohol, the flight attendants are attentive and

friendly...I think each culture

has a way of showing respect to elders...there's good and bad aspects to it...

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"If you had been just a little more careful, it was a life that could’ve been saved. Defendant Kang Yoo Jeong’s irresponsible behavior took a precious life of a young person, and even took the life of the one who has not seen the light of day. It’s the absolute truth that cannot be excused in any way. For this the prosecution team sentences defendant Kang Yoo Jeong to 5 years imprisonment.” - Ahn Do Hoon


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@cynkdf: Hmmmmm.... then I think KBS use "Secret" for domestic Korea & "Secret Love" for overseas (KBSW). Maybe "Bimil" word is a complex word in Korea so they think it would be enough to just use that one word? But they maybe think it's too simple for overseas therefore added the 'Love" word, beside maybe to attract more attention too (in that, here this drama is a love story. That kind of promo).

Regarding the no extension, honestly I'm not surprised. As my knowledge (feels free to correct me if I'm wrong), KBS usually the rarest to give extension for drama among 3 main stations. SBS & MBC often do it to shows with big ratings, or if the next show weren't ready yet to air. MBC is the worst, b'coz they also often cut the number of eps if ratings were very bad.

Hope for some special eps, though.

@fatma_1 said: the ad was cuteeeeeee!!!!! *replay mode*

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fantast1ksuae said:

I thought hard about the character of YJ. The show demonstrated to us many times that there are no such things as cut out good and evil with clear borders: every character is multi-dimensional and has a lot of shades (besides DH mom). And another all encompassing idea: your every deed has a price that needs to be paid. So, what about our heroine? At first sight YJ is sterile pure and white without a speck of dust, never a bad word about anybody, never hurting anyone... So why does she has to pay such tremendous price? I think there are two factors that contributed to her misery:

1) believing in the best of every person. While not a bad strategy itself (it worked with her cellmates and MH), it gives off a scent of psychological lazyness, self-centeredness and cowardice. Thinking that all people behave decently and fairly you dismiss the possibility of them having their own agenda and interests. Knowing that DHmum trying to set her son up with different women YJ never openly confronted her as never idea of DH protecting himself slipped into her mind, she also never blamed DH and his family for San's death though it's obvious he died because of their negligence.

2) not knowing her own worth. Remember the scene in 1st ep when YJ father feeding her outdated food? It's not like they are starving. Why put yourself so low? She's a beautiful young woman with perspectives - why did she so easily give up her future? That's the only flaw I can find with script - we were not shown the origins of such big complex and only HJE'sacting makes the character believable.

In Happy Together HJE told the story about demanding a big diamond ring from her bf for proposal. 'Because I'm worth it!'. YJ hever feels she's entitled to anything: good and fair treatment, equality, love. May be now she'll think she's entitled for justice?

If my English is too weird, that's



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Guest liyirna

If only YJ lent money to DH and his family through official contract (and may be even with moderate rate) - Dhmum would treat her a helluva better. Or DH could simply buy out his freedom and she wouldn't stuck up with this piece of Richard Simmons.

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Guest fantast1k1

@fantastic1ksuae - Oh, I like Secret Keepers. I've wanted to be one of those since I read the last Harry Potter book.  :D

@Ldy Gmerm - 
YES, exactly - I agree 100% with what you said about Chairman Jo:

"Daddy is very shrewd. He may say nasty things to MH, but he will never allow anyone else to take advantage of him or their family. He would have done whatever is needed to protect himself, MH and K group. "

@tessieroo I'm not good at keeping secrets...can't you tell? I'm in Secret Society's Team Stalkers...I have all the gadgets for stalking B-)

Team Kwang Soo , Fighting!

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fantast1ksuae said:

@fantastic1ksuae - Oh, I like Secret Keepers. I've wanted to be one of those since I read the last Harry Potter book.  :D
@Ldy Gmerm - YES, exactly - I agree 100% with what you said about Chairman Jo:
"Daddy is very shrewd. He may say nasty things to MH, but he will never allow anyone else to take advantage of him or their family. He would have done whatever is needed to protect himself, MH and K group. "
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Guest fantast1k1

Guise!!!! How do you make the pictures like this with the big heads?????? I saw it a lot till this time and I still don't know how to make them like this  :((

Someone tell me how to make pictures like this >.<

Joke only chin guu!

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Wow this page is definitely moving, gotta go back and start reading. Before just wanted to post what happen to me last night in chem class.
So I went organic chem last night and had this irking headache that wouldn't leave me alone. I pretty much try to concentrate on what my professor was saying and ignore my headache but it wasn't working. So i just started to think about Secret and all the wonderful possibility for ep 11. Next thing you know one of my classmate asked me what I was thinking about and did i solve the problem the prof gave us. I turned around and did thisimage-97D1_523175DE.jpg
lol this secret is to good

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Guest YUIAyuNamieUtada

ck1Oz said: You guys all know know that any site besides the actual Korean networks on YT ,DF,Viki,Hulu,Netflix and the cable channels showing Kdramas- all don't have legal rights to the the videos? The raw video is copyright to the Korean stations. The actual fan subs like WITHS2 and DarkSmurf give give out srt subs provided it's not for for commercial use.DF and viki subs are supposed to stay on the home site only. Anything using them outside is is performing an an illegal act. I have no idea why some fans still think these streaming sites besides these mentioned are legal.I learnt this pretty fast within a year of of starting K Kdramas. That's why I volunteer at viki, so I don't have issues getting subbed Kdramas legally.

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Guest fantast1k1

I totally agree with you, YJ allowed DH to treat her that way. Her self respect was awful. She did enable him to continue to be a complete prick to her. Had she called him on his crap earlier he would not have thought he could continue to act that way. I can understand wanting to please your parent, but Dude come on. You go on a blind date on your anniversary to YJ. Let a guy I EVER dated do some fowl mess like that.. lmao.. well lets just say they truly find out what I mean about its over and don't ever contact me again.!!!!!! She should have called him on it. She was just so grateful he decided to marry her (I had a magnifying glass up to the screen to look at the ring.) that she forgot to love herself and know her worth. She let him run wild doing what he wanted all because she thought his future was better then hers. (SOOOOOO  NOT!) This I think is why she has reach her emotional peek. She has realized that all the sacrifices, all the support financial, emotional and physical have been for naught. I really believed if he had even gone through with marrying her he would have been cheating on her as soon as the honeymoon was over. YJ would have been the maid and cook and bed warmer still being grateful for a small portion of his affections. aughhhhhhhhhhhhh , now I want to kick DH square in the .. .... you fill in the blanks. 

@Ldy Gmerm A+++!!! I hear ya doengsen! >:D<

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I choose to look at it like this. YJ needed to experience all that she has. The same as MH. I wished she had more self worth then to work herself to death for DH, I wished she had thought of her father instead of DH. I wish she did not take the blame and endure 4ys in hell, with the loss of her son. I wish that the small torment she received for the crime she did not commit did not happen I wished that she had not lost her dad. But I think if she had not gone through this she would have continued with her Pollyanna attitude and continued to be a doormat for DH whenever he felt like it. Sure the reality of the situation is a B**** and the pain for her has to be horrendous but to never go through certain life events how will you ever learn. Now we can get the new version , the one that will know her self worth, rely on her intelligence and see people from all angles not just the good ones. The one that will have MH  by her side (swooning) and realize that not everyone you thought was bad is bad. We saw that from Gangster Unnie. GO YJ!!!!! Cheering Loudly.. 

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This is the first time that i post something  . I just started this drama . I was asking myself why this drama had a better rating than heirs so i started it  yesterday and i have watched all the episode and i finally understand why this drama have a good rating !! It's such a great drama i! I'm addicted now !! All the actor have a very good acting !  But i'am little scared for the end i hope we will have a happy ending :) ( sorry for my english .. :)

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