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[Drama 2013/2014] Ruby's Ring 루비의 반지


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Ep 7

Ruby asked what Luna is doing, slamming her laptop. Luna is angry that Ruby didn’t bother talking to her and asked if Ruby is her sister. Who is Ruby to look down upon her. Luna told Ruby that she always thought that of her. Luna said that Ruby thinks she comes first and she (Luna) is always second. Luna told Ruby to eat and live well and she stormed out of the room.

Ruby went after Luna and bought her refreshment at the café. Ruby asked Luna what is the matter with her and if Luna can tell her. Luna told Ruby that she is pregnant. Ruby was shocked. Luna asked if Ruby got a fright and is laughing at her in her heart. Luna told Ruby that she knew that would happen. Ruby told Luna that it is not the case. Luna told Ruby that her heart was about to explode in the recent time as she is unable to tell anyone. Luna asked Ruby what she should do. Ruby asked what the other party says. Luna told Ruby that he wanted to take up responsibility and marry her but she doesn’t want it and she never thought of it. Luna told Ruby that she needs to abort the baby. Luna said even though it is said in the newspaper that abortion is murder, Luna told Ruby that she cannot bear that responsibility of the child. She cannot let her life be ruined by this child. Luna asked Ruby to accompany her to the hospital. Ruby asked Luna to reconsider. She also asked Luna if she loved that person. Luna asked if Ruby believed in love and told Ruby that she doesn’t. Luna said everything is only a transaction. Luna said Ruby will not choose that person whom she is currently dating if he is from a poor family background and without experience. Ruby told Luna that it is not so and that love will conquer everything. Luna disagreed and said she doesn’t know if Ruby will be like that but not her. She asked Ruby if she can go to the hospital with her tomorrow.

Kyeong Min’s mother told the father that Kyeong Min is late today. The father told the mother to let Kyeong Min be at this time. The mother claimed that Kyeong Min might be tired from traveling so far to work in the morning. The father told the mother that Kyeong Min will be most willing to go to work as he is going there to see his beloved. The father asked about the date when they will meet Ruby’s parent. The mother told the father that it has been scheduled for next week at a hotel. The mother wondered if it is the right decision as she only agreed because Kyeong Min likes Ruby. The mother felt that she should meet that lady in the broadcasting station. The father doesn’t like the idea.

Ruby waited for Luna to the hospital. Her friend at work tried to get in contact with Ruby due to the urgency of a project submission but Ruby didn’t answer the call. Luna came out of the doctor’s room shaking her head. The doctor refused to abort Luna’s baby. Ruby’s hand phone rings again. Ruby answered, telling the colleague that she is on her way back now. Ruby told Luna that she needs to go back to the company. Luna asked Ruby if her work is more important than her. Ruby apologized. Luna told Ruby to leave then. Ruby advised Luna to reconsider the matter again. Luna nodded and asked Ruby to keep it a secret. Luna told her not to worry. Before she left, she told Luna to go home and take a good rest.

Ruby came back to the office. The friend asked if Ruby had prepared the project plan. Ruby answered no as she was told it was not due till tomorrow. The friend told Ruby that it is an urgent matter as it seems they will have submitted the project plan immediately.  The friend told Ruby to print it out first and they will hold a talk with them. Ruby told her that it is saved in her laptop at home. Ruby tried to call Luna to bring her laptop to work.

Luna came to Ruby’s work. Ruby apologized profusely to Luna for bringing the laptop to her. Ruby told Luna that she has to back first as she is very busy.  As Luna walked down the stairs, she suddenly felt a pain in her head and fell a few steps down the stairs. Kyeong Min came by and saw her. Kyeong Min went up to Luna and asked if she is all right. He noticed a cut on Luna’s knee and applied his handkerchief on the cut. Kyeong Min helped Luna got up. Luna broke one of her heel. Luna told Kyeong Min to buy her a cup of coffee or dinner as she entitled to such treatment from her brother in law.

Kyeong Min brought Luna to a top class restaurant. Kyeong Min was on the phone with Ruby and said to Luna that Ruby wanted him to give her (Luna) the best treatment. Luna said of course as she is Ruby’s only little sister. Kyeong fixed Luna’s broken heel. Kyeong Min told Luna that he will treat her like Cinderella and put the shoe on her foot. Kyeong Min told Luna that he wondered if she will really become Cinderella in the future. Kyeong Min told Luna to remember him then as it is all due to him and wanted Luna to repay him. Luna said yes and thanked him.

While Luna and Kyeong Min were having dinner, Luna asked what Kyeong Min find so good about Ruby. Kyeong Min said that Luna, as her sister, should know better than him. Kyeong Min said it is fate. Among so many girls in the first year of university, Ruby was the first to catch his eye. He wondered if Ruby gave him a good impression or it was attraction. Kyeong Min said there was no special reason. He just felt they must live together for the rest of their lives, that sort of fate. Luna asked if it is just like how they meet. Kyeong Min looked at Luna curiously and wondered what Luna means by Luna and him. Luna explained that they will become a family if Kyeong Min marries Ruby and their meeting can be considered fate. Kyeong Min told Luna if she can call it that way. Kyeong Min asked Luna if she has a boyfriend. Luna told Kyeong Min that she doesn’t have one and she will wait until she can meet someone like him. Kyeong Min told that someone who is cooler than him will definitely appear. Kyeong Min also told Luna that the Cinderella shoe really suited Luna. Luna told herself quietly that she wished that someone is Kyeong Min. Kyeong Min told Luna that he needs to go somewhere after dinner and asked if Luna wanted to come along. Luna asked where.

Kyeong Min brought Luna to a place and asked Luna how she feels. Luna told Kyeong Min that it is too beautiful and grand. Kyeong Min told Luna that he is going to do a surprise proposal. Luna asked if it is here and now. Kyeong Min wanted to become both their memories and so when they had their unhappy times after their marriage, they will remember this moment and bear, forgive and love. Luna told Kyeong Min that she is too envious that she is jealous. Luna asked Kyeong Min about the ring. Kyeong Min asked if he has to reveal that too. Kyeong Min showed Luna the ruby ring and told her that he only guessed the size. He said that Luna should roughly have the same ring size as Ruby since they are twins. Luna asked Kyeong Min if she can try it on and they will know if it is suitable or not. Luna tried on the ruby ring. Luna told Kyeong Min as she took it off that Ruby will be so happy. Ruby called Kyeong Min and he directed where to go.

Ruby came and the band was playing “She”. Kyeong Min came up from behind and led Ruby to the chair. Kyeong Min told Ruby that he loved her and asked if she will marry him. Kyeong Min asked if Ruby is not going to give him an answer. Ruby nodded her head with a smile on her face. Kyeong Min kissed Ruby’s hand and placed the ruby ring on her finger. Kyeong Min told Ruby not to be disappointed for not having a diamond ring. Kyeong Min told her that the ruby ring represents his unchanging love for her. It also holds a special meaning along with her name. Kyeong Min told Ruby to vow not to take off this ring no matter what even if they parted or die. Kyeong Min asked if she can make that vow. Ruby with tears in her eyes, nodded. Luna watched on from afar as they kissed. Her jealousy and anger fuelled before she walked away.

Cho Rim can’t go to sleep as she recalled the moment in the truck with Dong Pal. Cho Rim told herself that she is going crazy to be thinking of Dong Pal. She reminded herself that Dong Pal is a playboy. Gil Ja asked Cho Rim is she is sleeping. Cho Rim answered not yet and said she should be doing so. Gil Ja told Cho Rim that she cannot go to sleep. Cho Rim suggested that they go out and have a drink of makgeolli.

Gil Ja told Cho Rim that they should be drinking at home. Cho Rim told Gil Ja that it is refreshing to come out and do it sometime. Cho Rim said that Gil Ja has grown old and commented how beautiful she was in the past. Cho Rim said that Ruby will be married soon and they should go for a massage to make themselves look beautiful. Cho Rim told Gil Ja that it is the current trend among the mothers of the bride as they are afraid of the comments that the bride is ugly as the mother. Gil Ja said that her two daughters are so beautiful that they can give Miss Korea a run for the money and she need not worry about that. Gil Ja said she is worry over quite a few matters since Ruby is about to be married. Cho Rim reassured Gil Ja as Kyeong Min said his family will see to the preparation. Cho Rim said she would have some money if she wasn’t being scammed and wondered where the scammer is doing right now. Cho Rim said that the scammer must be scamming some stupid woman right now. Cho Rim suggested to Gil Ja that they should go to the shopping mall to by some clothes since they are meeting Kyeong Min’s parents’ next week. They cannot wear so shabbily. Cho Rim wanted to take the opportunity to buy Gil Ja a set of clothes. Gil Ja asked why.  Cho Rim told Gil Ja that she had worked so hard all her life and she, as a younger sister, should buy Gil Ja clothes. Cho Rim said people need clothing and they should wear nicely. She said young and old go for plastic surgery nowadays and said those who have their natural beauty to come forward. Gil Ja laughed. Cho Rim held Gil Ja’s hand and said it had been tough on Gil Ja all these while. Gil Ja was left to herself to take care of Ruby and Luna as well as her insensible sister in law since brother died. Gil Ja was glad that Cho Rim knows. Gil Ja told Cho Rim that it had been hard on her too. Gil Ja was apologetic for unable to support Cho Rim to study in university. Cho Rim said she is not smart from the start and told Gil Ja to forget it since it is a matter of the past. Cho Rim told Gil Ja that they should proceed to the karaoke lounge to sing. Gil Ja asked if Cho Rim is drunk so quickly. They laughed as they drink.

Luna came home to an empty house. She recalled the proposal scene and anger rose. She told herself that she is going to live like Ruby no matter what. Ruby called and asked why Luna left so quickly. Ruby asked if Luna has time tomorrow as Kyeong Min wanted to greet Luna formally and give her a treat.

They went on a yacht. Ruby told Kyeong Min that it is amazing that she can go on a yacht. Kyeong Min told Ruby that such bridegroom in South Korea is rare. Ruby wondered. Kyeong Min told Ruby to admit it. Ruby told Kyeong Min that it depends on Kyeong Min’s performance. Kyeong Min wondered how to make Ruby completed bewitched by him. Ruby told Kyeong Min that she is very thirsty right now and asked Kyeong Min to bring him a cup of cold water. Kyeong Min happily agreed.

Luna was sunbathing on the deck. Kyeong Min passed by and told Luna to be careful not to get sunburned. Luna told Kyeong Min to apply sunscreen on her. Kyeong Min hesitated and told Luna to ask her friend to do so for her. Luna told Kyeong Min that her friend is sleeping and said she prefers Kyeong Min to apply it on her. Ruby came down.  Kyeong Min told Ruby that Luna is looking for her to help apply the sunscreen on her back. Ruby was willing to do so but her help was rejected by an unhappy Luna. Luna’s friend told Luna that someone’s stomach should be in deep pain. Luna’s anger welled up as she heard the happy laughter of Kyeong Min and Ruby in the background.

Gil Ja and Cho Rim close for business during the day as they went out shopping for clothes and shoes. [i won’t elaborate on this part.] They went out to eat afterwards. Cho Rim paid for everything. In Soo saw Gil Ja at the restaurant and he went to greet her. Gil Ja remembered In Soo and introduced In Soo to Cho Rim. In Soo apologized for interrupting their dinner. He asked if Luna is well. Gil Ja said of course. Gil Ja asked In Soo if he is not working with Luna. In Soo told Gil Ja that he is in charge of other program recently and wasn’t able to work with Luna. In Soo excused himself but before he leaves,  In Soo can’t help himself to enquire after Luna’s health. He asked if Luna is in good health. Gil Ja said of course. In Soo bid them goodbye. Cho Rim asked how Gil Ja knows In Soo. Gil Ja told her that she met him on the way with Luna once. Cho Rim commented that In Soo looked quite handsome and he seems good. She also said that In Soo must be well educated to be a PD. She told Gil Ja that Luna should meet and marry that kind of person. Gil Ja agreed with Cho Rim. Cho Rim said that Luna had a string of boyfriends since senior high school. She wondered why Luna can’t find a decent/normal one. She said Ruby doesn’t care about boys and got herself the best in one hit. Gil Ja told Cho Rim to eat up.

There was a knock on the shop that woke So Yeong up. It was Dong Pal. He was doing delivery. He asked why the shop suddenly closed for business. So Yeong told Dong Pal that Gil Ja and Cho Rim went out shopping at the mall. Dong Pal asked why. So Yeong explained that they will be meeting Kyeong Min’s parents the next day and they went to buy some clothes. Dong Pal asked if Ruby is getting married. So Yeong told Dong Pal that Ruby is getting married to the successor of JM Group.  Dong Pal asked if it is a fraud and asked why would a chaebol wanted to marry the daughter of a chicken rib shop. So Yeong told Dong Pal how remarkable Ruby is; she is smart, beautiful and has a good character. But So Yeong told Dong Pal that Kyeong Min is even more outstanding; he has lots of money, manners and handsome. So Yeong said that Kyeong Min has three ‘M’; money, manner, mask. She said Kyeong Min has lots of money with lots of manners and a perfect looking man. Dong Pal said that is him. So Yeong asked what. Dong Pal said he has the looks and the manners. So Yeong asked what about money. Dong Pal showed So Yeong a coin and said he has the money. So Yeong laughed. So Yeong asked what relationship Dong Pal has with Cho Rim. Dong Pal asked what So Yeong is talking about. So Yeong said she will keep it a secret and asked if they are going to get married. Dong Pal asked if So Yeong is mad to think that he will marry that old lady. Dong Pal said that Cho Rim likes him too much and he is only coordinating. He told So Yeong not to misunderstand. He told So Yeong that she is his type. So Yeong told Dong Pal that their age gap is too wide but reckons that her style is better. Dong Pal said that So Yeong is Chuncheon style and he is oppa Gangnam style. Both were mucking around, making the waves when Gil Ja and Cho Rim came in. So Yeong said they came back early. Cho Rim asked if So Yeong is unhappy that they came back early. Cho Rim told So Yeong that she should have cleared the table when they were not around.

Kyeong Min’s mother is getting ready for the meeting. Kyeong Min’s father told the mother that Ruby’s family is not wealthy and advised the mother not to dress too gorgeously or diamonds. The father said that the mother’s face is already very gorgeous and anything she wears will stand out. The mother agreed to go along. She asked the father if he is not getting ready. The father wondered which tie to wear. The mother teased the father and said he is just like her. The father wondered and laughed. Kyeong Min came home. The father wondered whose son Kyeong Min is, looking so handsome. Kyeong Min said he is his father’s son. The grandmother asked the father if he wanted to hear that from Kyeong Min. The father said yes as such a son is very rare. The grandmother said that the father is without shame. The mother told Kyeong Min to get ready. Kyeong Min said he will take a nap as there is still time.

In his room, Kyeong Min looked at picture of Ruby and said that Ruby is his for sure this time.

Cho Rim came into the room and asked if have sufficient time and is not late. Gil Ja asked why Cho Rim is taking so long at the beauty parlor since it is not Cho Rim going on a blind date. Cho Rim said she only has the beauty and when she is going to start dolling up. Cho Rim told Gil Ja that there was a new staff at the beauty parlor and made her hair so old fashioned and she looked as though she has the head of a chicken. Cho Rim is aggrieved that she has to touch chicken bottom for the rest of her lives and now her hair is like this on such an occasion. Gil Ja laughed and said they should still like chicken as since they relied on it for their livelihood. Cho Rim laughed and asked what happens if it is pig. Cho Rim asked why Gil Ja is wearing Hanbok to the meeting. She asked what Gil Ja is going to do with the clothes from the shopping mall. Gil Ja felt that she is more comfortable in Hanbok since she is meeting the parents. Cho Rim is surprised that Gil Ja is going to wear such an old clothes (antique) to the hotel. Cho Rim told Gil Ja that she cannot do so. Gil Ja should have discussed with her first if she wanted to do so in the first place so that they can be a set. Gil Ja told Cho Rim to go ahead and wear her newly bought clothes and shoes. Cho Rim refused to do so and called Ruby and Luna. Cho Rim dragged Gil Ja out of the room and showed her to both Ruby and Luna. Cho Rim told Ruby to stop Gil Ja from doing so. Luna agreed with Cho Rim and told Gil Ja that nobody wears that nowadays. Ruby told Gil Ja that she need not wear Hanbok and asked Gil Ja to wear the clothes that Cho Rim bought for her. Gil Ja told them that she is afraid of wearing heels. Luna said it is only for a day. The door bell rang. Luna wondered who that could be.


Ep 8 Preview

Luna said that they should live for the moment. Fighting for this and that only leads to finding useless things. Scenes showing Luna having a fun time at the night club and In Soo fighting with the guy she is with. In Soo asked if Luna is having fun playing.

Ruby looking up on information on pregnancy and recalling Luna telling her that her life cannot be ruined by this child. Her friend saw what she is looking up on the computer.

Gil Ja told Ruby that she is feeling good. Ruby told Gil Ja that she will do better in the future.

Kyeong Min’s mother said she heard that Ruby has an aunt. Cho Rim was shown rushing somewhere in a taxi with Dong Pal. Cho Rim caught the scammer who scam her money.

In Soo told Luna on the phone that he had never met a woman that he is so in loved with. Luna told In Soo not to love her. Scene showing Luna looking at Kyeong Min hugging Ruby.


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Guest azjhoon

@Gene71632...thank you so much for this very detailed translation...have a nice day....
BTW, are you from the East Coast? See you later!

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Guest azjhoon

@Gene71632, all along  I thought you're Korean and live here in the States. One of my URI buddies post the  56.com link of the chinese subbed drama@ URI and that's from where I watch the video.  Subbing it in Chinese was pretty fast,too. It could have better if I can read and understand Chinese or Taiwanese. Nice to meet you here! Thanks for everything you do for me and us....
Actually , I have quite a few childhood friends who have been residing in Sydney for almost 2 decades now. I wish I can visit them in Sydney, but for now my priority is to visit SK first.

Thanks again  and talk to you later!

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Ep 8

It was Dong Pal at the door who wanted to give them a lift to Seoul for the meeting. Gil Ja glad accept the offer. Cho Rim wasn’t willing to take the ride in Dong Pal truck smelling of chicken. Dong Pal claimed that he had washed his truck and that Cho Rim need not worry about that.

In the house, Cho Rim dragged Gil Ja aside and asked how the four of them are going to fit in Dong Pal’s truck. Gil Ja told Cho Rim that Ruby and Luna will be taking the coach while the both of them will be taking Dong Pal’s truck to save money.

In the coach, Luna wished that Kyeong Min would have sent a car to fetch them. She asked Ruby if she is really going to be the wife of JM Group’s successor.  She isn’t happy with the treatment. Ruby laughed and agreed to lecture Kyeong Min over it, telling him that Luna is not happy. Luna told Ruby to protest by refusing to marry Kyeong Min. Ruby asked Luna about how she feels lately. Luna told Ruby that she is fine. Ruby asked about the baby. Luna told Ruby that she hasn’t made any decision whether to marry or…. Ruby told Luna to consider carefully. Luna told Ruby not to interfere since she is about to be married. Luna told Ruby to do well for herself.

Cho Rim was sniffing around in Dong Pal’s truck. Dong Pal assured Cho Rim again that he did wash his truck. Cho Rim asked why Dong Pal suddenly wanted to give them a lift to Seoul. Dong Pal told Cho Rim not to worry as he was only thinking of Gil Ja. Gil Ja thanked Dong Pal for his thoughtfulness. Dong Pal commented how beautiful Gil Ja looks today. Cho Rim asked Dong Pal how she looks. Dong Pal told Cho Rim that her hairstyle is a problem. Cho Rim told Dong Pal that she had spent a lot of money on her hair. Dong Pal told Cho Rim that her hair looks like a lion’s head. Cho Rim angrily pinched Dong Pal causing the truck to swerve. Dong Pal told Gil Ja that as long as lion head Cho Rim doesn’t move, there will be no problem.

Cho Rim and Gil Ja arrived at the hotel. Gil Ja received a call from Ruby, telling them that they have arrived and to wait at the lobby to go in together since they have plenty of time. Cho Rim suggested that they wait at the coffee lounge. Cho Rim was telling how expensive a cup of coffee is at the hotel. Gil Ja got a shock of her life. She told Cho Rim that she might as well drink cold water. Cho Rim told Gil Ja that even cold water is expensive and showed her the price. Suddenly Cho Rim spotted the scammer that scammed her money and ran away, sitting in the coffee lounge. Cho Rim told Gil Ja that she had looked everywhere for him and now he’s here. Cho Rim went up to confront the scammer who scammed her of 50 million won. The woman told Cho Rim that she must have got the wrong person as he is President Yoon and not President Byeon. Cho Rim advised the woman not to be scammed by the man and told Cho Rim to call the police. The man flung Cho Rim to the floor and ran. Cho Rim took her heels off and ran after the scammer. Ruby and Luna came, stopping Gil Ja from chasing after Cho Rim. Kyeong Min’s family just walked into the hotel lobby as Cho Rim was chasing the scammer to the entrance. The scammer got into a taxi. Cho Rim and Dong Pal went after him in a taxi too.

At the meeting, the grandmother told Gil Ja that Kyeong Min’s older sister cannot come as she is in the States but will be back for the wedding. Kyeong Min’s father apologized for making them come all the way to Seoul. Kyeong Min’s father asked how they came up to Seoul. Ruby told him that Luna and she came by bus and Cho Rim and Gil Ja were dropped by someone they know. Kyeong Min’s father told Kyeong Min that he should have sent a car to fetch them. The grandmother agreed. Kyeong Min apologized for not being thoughtful. The mother asked after the aunt (Cho Rim). Luna explained that Cho Rim had to leave due to an urgent matter.

Cho Rim and Dong Pal lost the scammer and cannot pay the taxi driver as they left them money back at the hotel. Both of them were being dragged into the police station.

Gil Ja, Ruby and Luna were sent by the chauffeur. Gil Ja wanted to Ruby to thank them on their behalf. Luna went into her room. Gil Ja told Ruby that she is feeling good. She told Ruby that she is worried how the people are like when Ruby mentioned that Kyeong Min came from a rich family. It is fortunate that they are a kind family. Gil Ja said that Ruby grew up in a difficult environment without good parents and told Ruby to enjoy life after getting married. Gil Ja told Ruby that she is blessed because she is kind. Ruby on the contrary told Gil Ja that she has such blessing because Gil Ja had gave birth to such a good daughter. Ruby told Gil Ja that she had let Gil Ja worried a lot by insisting on studying abroad when they financially incapable. Gil Ja apologized for not being able to send Ruby abroad to study. Gil Ja said Ruby would have become a far more outstanding person if she can do so. Ruby told Gil Ja that it cannot be any better than now since the life of a woman depends on her marriage. Ruby told Gil Ja that she did mention that marrying someone good is the best and she has met a good man. Gil Ja agreed and said that is filial piety. Ruby promised Gil Ja that she will do even better in the future, giving Gil Ja the decease father’s portion (she is talking about filial piety). Gil Ja wondered what happened to Cho Rim and why she hasn’t rang after running out like that. Gil Ja asked if Cho Rim had been bullied by the scammer.

Cho Rim tried to call someone but she cannot remember any telephone numbers. Dong Pal too was chided by the police officer for not being able to remember phone number. Dong Pal told the officer that nobody remembers telephone numbers nowadays since they all uses hand phones. Cho Rim tried to get the officer to let the taxi driver to permit them to send him the taxi fare tomorrow so that they can be released. The officer explained that the taxi driver is determined not to let them suffer by not answering the call. Cho Rim asked what to do. The officer told them they will be punished for mild offences and will have to wait for judgment. Cho Rim begged the officer to let her make one last call. Ruby’s hand phone was ringing but Cho Rim’s handset was taken off her by the police officer. Cho Rim explained to the officer that she was trying to catch the scammer that scam her money and asked shouldn’t the police be first to help her. She said to the officer that he shouldn’t be looking down upon her for not being able to remember the telephone numbers. She asked if she is a thief or a murderer. For just a mere taxi fare that she is being treated as a criminal not allowing her to make calls. Cho Rim told the officer that she had provided her address as well as her identity card number and yet she is not being released nor allowed to contact anyone. She asked if that makes any sense. The police officer told Cho Rim that it is not the problem of the police but it is the taxi driver who reported the matter. The officer asked why Cho Rim uses force when she didn’t even have the money and begged. Cho Rim was shocked and said how can such a weak woman as her uses force. She said that the police officer should have eyes to see that she is not a person to use violence. Dong Pal urged Cho Rim to be quiet. Cho Rim refused to do so since she is already in a situation. Cho Rim told the officer that she has a lot of things to say to them. She said she is in here because of the police. She said if the police caught the scammer 4 years ago, she wouldn’t be here like this. She had paid a lot of taxes and asked why the scammer is wandering the streets, scot-free. Cho Rim got worked up and accidentally hit the officer. Cho Rim regretted what she did.

Ruby finally called back and Cho Rim told her about the situation and asking her to transfer the money to the taxi driver. Ruby told Gil Ja what happened. Gil Ja said that Cho Rim should have gone back to the hotel. Luna said that Cho Rim doesn’t think. Gil Ja can’t believe that Cho Rim had been captured to the police station instead of the scammer.

Cho Rim and Dong Pal had finally been released. Dong Pal told Cho Rim that he will change what he said about Cho Rim having a lion’s head. Cho Rim angrily asked if Dong Pal is playing with her to say this kind of them at this moment. Dong Pal told Cho Rim that she is a chicken head instead of a lion’s head. He asked how Cho Rim can’t even remember a telephone number. Cho Rim said it is laughable and told Dong Pal that he is the same. They kept arguing and Cho Rim suddenly said she is very hungry. Dong Pal told Cho Rim that they should go and eat tofu so that they won’t be arrested by the police again. Cho Rim told Dong Pal to forget it and as she walked away, she fell due to her heels but Dong Pal managed to catch hold of her. Dong Pal asked if it was because of the heels and if her foot hurts. Dong Pal helped Cho Rim to the bench and massage her foot.

In Soo called Luna out to have a talk after shooting his program. He told her that he will go to her house nearby. Luna told In Soo that she doesn’t want to meet with him as she is tired. In Soo asked if Luna has made a rash decision regarding abortion. Luna shouted no to In Soo. In Soo let Luna be but before he hangs up, he told Luna that he loved her. Luna cried.

Ruby is looking up on pregnancy/abortion and recalling Luna’s words to her that she doesn’t want the baby to ruin her life even though abortion is illegal. Ruby’s colleague saw what Ruby is looking at. I think they got the wrong idea that it was a shotgun marriage between Ruby and Kyeong Min. Ruby’s friend approached the two colleagues and asked who is pregnant.

Ruby’s friend was having coffee with Ruby. She told Ruby to stay at home and raised children instead of working. Ruby told her friend that Kyeong Min and his family is letting Ruby decide. Her friend asked if Ruby is really planning to carry on working and what about the child.  Ruby told her that she will have children slowly. The friend said that Ruby already had a child and asked how she can do so slowly. The friend started to tease Ruby that a baby is the best dowry. Ruby asked her friend what she is talking about. Her friend chided Ruby for pretending. Ruby got a call from Kyeong Min’s mother telling her that she is looking at the present for her wedding but she wanted Ruby to take a look for herself. They arranged to meet during the weekend. The mother told Ruby she will call her again.

Luna was out at pub drinking with some people. Luna was telling them that life is to be enjoyed. She said that some girl (Ruby) just waited and was lucky just like a lotto ball. Whereas some girl (herself) kept trying hard to find but get nothing. Luna went clubbing after that with those people. Luna was full of sorrow even though she seems to be enjoying the moment.

In Soo saw Luna with those people. The man wanted Luna to get into the taxi but Luna refused and slapped the man. The man slapped Luna back. Luna and the man got into a struggle. In Soo went up to them and punched the man. Luna wasn’t happy to see In Soo.

In Soo took Luna back to his apartment. In Soo asked if Luna finds it fun to live like this. In Soo said he doesn’t know what to do with her. Luna told In Soo not to care. In Soo said he cannot as his child is growing in her belly. Luna said that they are over and asked if In Soo doesn’t want that to be so. In Soo told Luna that it was her who wanted to end their relationship. Luna asked why In Soo is so persistent and said they had finished their talk. Luna said she will see to it no matter whether she has the child in her belly or not. In Soo told Luna that he had thought a lot about it. In Soo said it is not that he cannot understand from her position. He said that Luna must be sad and disgusted that he thing she wanted to do was ended due to her pregnancy. But he told Luna that they loved each other and they should live happily after the child is born just like other people. He asked Luna if it is a hard thing to do and she can’t do it no matter how. Luna cried and hugged In Soo. Luna apologized to In Soo and said she did wrong.

Kyeong Min was walking Ruby home through a long route. They passed by a car showroom. Kyeong Min point out to Ruby that the color of a particular car looks great. Kyeong Min asked Ruby if his mother rang her regarding the presents. Ruby told Kyeong Min that she did and said she only needs the ruby ring. Kyeong Min said that the ring is from him but his parents wanted to give her something else. He asked Ruby to receive the gift from them with thanks. Ruby told Kyeong Min that she is unable to give them anything. Kyeong Min told Ruby that she is the precious present and she only needs to come over. Ruby laughed and asked if Kyeong Min is joking or if he is sincere. Kyeong Min said he is sincere. Ruby laughed.

In Soo watched Luna sleeps. Luna woke up. In Soo told Luna to sleep some more. Luna stared at In Soo. In Soo asked why. Luna said it was nothing. In Soo told Luna to stay a bit longer. Luna asked if In Soo loved her and said to him not to do so. Luna got up and told In Soo that she is going home.

In Soo sent Luna home in a taxi. In Soo asked if Luna is feeling better health wise. Luna nodded. In Soo told Luna to look after herself until he returns (business trip) and relax. Luna told In Soo not to worry. In Soo hugged Luna and said he had never loved a woman like he loved her before and he had never had a woman like her that waiver him so much. In Soo told Luna again that he loved her. Luna told In Soo to leave in good health. As Luna turned, she saw Kyeong Min taking Ruby home in his car. Ruby spotted Luna and In Soo. So, Ruby and Kyeong Min went over to greet them. Luna introduced In Soo to them and vice versa. In Soo congratulated them for their impending marriage. Ruby thanked him.


Ep 9 Preview

1.      Kyeong Min took Ruby to buy some clothes.  Cho Rim said that Ruby looks like a different person.

2.      Gil Ja told Ruby that it is the last time that she is preparing her birthday celebration for her.

3.      Kyeong Min gave Ruby a car, telling her that it is a present from his father.

4.      Luna borrowed Ruby’s new clothes bought by Kyeong Min to wear to an interview as well as her Ruby ring. Ruby remembered Kyeong Min’s words that she is not supposed to take off the ring as it is a sign of him.

5.      The car accident happened. They were serious hurt in the face and head. The doctor told them that plastic surgery were required. 

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Ep 9

In the morning, Gil Ja called everyone out for breakfast. Cho Rim asked why Gil Ja prepared such an elaborate spread of breakfast. Gil Ja said it is the children’s birthday today. Cho Rim asked if it is her brother’s death anniversary too today. Gil Ja slapped Cho Rim’s wrist and said theirs is according to Gregorian Calendar and chided Cho Rim for not remembering it clearly every time.  Cho Rim said her memory is bad some times. Ruby told Gil Ja that she shouldn’t have gone through so much trouble as it is quite tiring for her. Gil Ja told Ruby that it is the last time she is preparing the birthday table today. When Ruby gets married, it will be her husband and her mother in law that will be doing it for her. Cho Rim agreed and told Ruby to eat more to give birth to more children and live well. Cho Rim asked what present she should give to Ruby. Ruby told Cho Rim that it is not necessary. Cho Rim said that it is true since Ruby will be receiving a lot of presents from her husband. Gil Ja wondered why Luna hasn’t come out from her room for breakfast.

Gil Ja went into the room to wake Luna up for breakfast. Luna told Gil Ja that she will eat later as she is tired. Gil Ja urged Luna to get up as it is their birthday today and she had made a lot of delicious food. Luna finally relented.

They were singing happy birthday at the table. Luna wasn’t enthusiastic. Luna said they should have done the celebration at night as she is still tired. Cho Rim explained that Ruby had to go to Seoul today to prepare the gifts with the in laws. Luna wasn’t happy that they followed Ruby’s schedule without consulting her. Cho Rim asked if Luna had to be like this early in the morning and ordered Luna to eat up quickly. Cho Rim complimented Gil Ja’s culinary skills and told the other two to eat up. Ruby thanked Gil Ja for the spread and started to eat. Cho Rim wondered if they should call Kyeong Min to come. Gil Ja finds it embarrassing to ask Kyeong Min to come to such a small house. Cho Rim said no matter whether the house is big or small, it is his in laws’ house. Cho Rim told Ruby not to be disheartened just because she is living well at her in laws’ house as she is not lacking in anything in looks or qualification or character. Luna said that there is one thing; Ruby is the daughter of a penniless widow. Cho Rim told Luna to watch her mouth and asked if she is going to be so ill mannered. Luna asked if what she said was wrong as they really don’t have money and Gil Ja is a widow. Cho Rim said Luna is great and asked if Luna had given a cent to the family. She said that Luna had spent Gil Ja’s hard earned money on her clothes and cosmetics as well as on her loan. Cho Rim asked Luna how much her loan was and told Luna that she cannot be like that. She asked Luna how Gil Ja brought them up. Gil Ja told Cho Rim to stop since it is the children’s birthday. Luna angrily got up and went into her room for a temper tantrum.

Ruby’s friend as her two subordinate what relationship they are in since they knock off work and come to work together. The girl denied it. The guy told the girl to tell the truth that they are dating. Ruby’s friend said that the company has emerged another new couple. The guy asked if Ruby is going to submit her resignation. The friend said that it seems Ruby is going to hang on until the end. Her friend wanted to be transferred to Seoul as she doesn’t want to serve Ruby. The other two also wanted to be transferred too. Ruby came to work and all have got quiet. Ruby asked why. The girl said it was nothing and started to talk about the weather. Ruby got a text from Kyeong Min wishing her a happy birthday and will meet her for lunch. All three were peeping at the text from Ruby’s back. Ruby’s friend commented that it is so sweet. Ruby laughed.

Luna recalled In Soo’s words regarding marriage as she was getting herself ready. She shakes off the thought and the sight if Kyeong Min hugging Ruby emerged. A call came for Luna from PD Oh asking if Luna can do a segment of the program in Seoul. Luna readily agreed. PD Oh told Luna that his friend wanted him to recommend someone. Luna wrote down the details and thanked him for that. Luna wondered what to wear and started looking through her wardrobe.

There was a basket of flowers being delivered to the chicken rib shop for Gil Ja. Cho Rim asked if Gil Ja is dating someone behind her back and asked who the person is. Gil Ja said she will have no other wish if that is true. So Yeong commented that the flowers are beautiful and found a card. It was from Kyeong Min thanking Gil Ja for giving birth to such one and only precious Ruby in the world. Cho Rim told Gil Ja that it is the blessing of raising children. Gil Ja agreed happily.

Ruby tried on a dress. Kyeong Min commented that it looks great on her and told her to choose it. Ruby reckons that the length of the dress is a bit short. Kyeong Min said it is all right since Ruby has got a slender pair of legs.

They were walking in the park, Kyeong Min noticed a man passing by was looking at Ruby. Kyeong Min commented that the man is envious of him since Ruby is so beautiful. Ruby laughed. Kyeong Min started to do a spot check on Ruby if she has worn the ruby ring. Ruby showed her hand to Kyeong Min. Kyeong warned Ruby again not to take the ring off until the day she dies as it is a symbol that she belongs to him. Ruby asked what happens when she grows fat and the ring becomes too small. Kyeong Min told Ruby not to grow fat but stay the same size. He said Ruby will get into big trouble the moment she took off her ring. Ruby laughing said she is so frightened and told Kyeong Min not to be like that. Ruby asked why they are walking this way. Kyeong Min said there is a reason. He told Ruby to close her eyes and placed a car key in her hand. He then showed Ruby the car for her birthday present. Ruby was shocked. Kyeong Min said he wanted to imitate the actors in the movie for once to look cool. Ruby told Kyeong Min that it is too exaggerating and wanted to hand the key back to him. Kyeong Min refused and told Ruby to open the car door. He told Ruby to drive it to Seoul later. Kyeong Min told Ruby that it is a present from  his father who gave him money to buy it for her. He said that his father hasn’t been feeling good since Ruby came by coach during the parents’ meeting. Kyeong Min therefore told Ruby appear in front of his father in this car and thanked him. Or else, his father would have thought that he had embezzled the money. Kyeong Min led Ruby into the car and asked Ruby to drive.

Ruby came to the shop with cake. Gil Ja asked why Ruby came at this hour. Ruby said she came by on the way to Seoul to give Gil Ja the cake she bought. Cho Rim said that Ruby is completely looking like another person and wondered who she is. Ruby was pulling the hem of the dress and asked Cho Rim if she looked okay. She told them that Kyeong Min bought the dress for her as birthday present to look pretty since she has to go to see his parents in Seoul. So Yeong told Ruby that it really suited her and said she completely looked like another person. So Yeong said it is not a fault to look like another person. Cho Rim told So Yeong to shut up as So Yeong is going to dribble on Ruby’s new clothes. Ruby saw the basket of flowers and asked who it is from. Gil Ja told Ruby that it was from Kyeong Min and showed Ruby the card he wrote. Gil Ja told Ruby to thank Kyeong Min on her behalf when she sees him later. Ruby told Gil Ja to come out of the shop for a moment and showed her the car. Ruby told Gil Ja that her father in law bought her the car. Cho Rim and Gil Ja were pleasantly surprised. Cho Rim said the rich people are different and asked when they can go for a ride in the car and wanted to take it for a drive immediately. Gil Ja stopped Cho Rim and told her that Ruby needs to go to Seoul right now. Ruby promised Cho Rim that they will go for a drive next time. Cho Rim is so happy with the shiny, sparkling car.

Luna still cannot decide what to wear. Gil Ja called Luna telling her to come to the shop as Ruby is here with a birthday cake.  Luna told Gil Ja to forget it as she is very busy as she has to go to Seoul. Gil Ja told Luna that Ruby has to go to Seoul too and they should go together. Ruby took over the phone.

Ruby came into the bedroom. Luna asked where she got the dress from. Ruby told Luna that Kyeong Min bought it for her. Luna ordered Ruby to take the dress off for her to try it on quickly. Ruby asked why. Luna stripped Ruby’s dress off her. Luna wore Ruby’s dress and said it really fitted her well. Luna told Ruby to wear her outfit and said she has to go for a very important audition today and it may get broadcast in Seoul. Therefore, Luna told Ruby to lend this dress to her for a day. Ruby told her she cannot do so as Kyeong Min bought that dress as her birthday present. Luna begged Ruby just for today and she will repay her back double fold after she finished her business in Seoul. Luna said it is also her birthday too. Luna told Ruby to lend the ruby ring to her too since it matches the dress. Ruby refused to lend Luna the ring. Luna asked if Ruby will not be able to get married just because she took off the engagement ring. Luna said that Ruby will receive another wedding ring and told Ruby to lend it to her. Ruby refused. Luna managed to took the ring off Ruby and put it on her finger. Luna was so happy that the ring matches with the dress. Ruby recalled Kyeong Min asking her to vow not to take the ring off no matter what even if they are separated or if they die.

Ruby was driving the car to Seoul. Luna is starting to sprout words of jealous. She said that it is good to have money and how successful Ruby is to be able to get a good man. Ruby asked if Luna has to say it that way. Luna told Ruby that it is a fact. She said she is so envious and jealous of her that her tummy hurts. Luna said it is normal for any human being. There are not many people who can touch this type of car in their lives. Luna asked if Ruby is tired from driving. Ruby said she is all right. Luna offered to drive the car for her since Ruby should be tired after having such a busy morning and told Ruby to stop at the side.

Kyeong Min’s mother told him that Ruby had called telling her that she is on her way. Kyeong Min is instructing his mother not to be an awful mother in law. The mother said it makes her sad for Kyeong Min to be telling her this. Kyeong Min told his mother that he doesn’t mean that but for his mother to treat Ruby well. There is a call coming in for Kyeong Min and he told his mother that he will call her back later. Kyeong Min cannot believe that his mother is jealous of Ruby.

The other caller was Ruby. Kyeong Min asked about Ruby’s trip. Ruby told him that they are stopping for a rest and will call him once she reached there. Luna playing the chauffeur, jokingly asked where Ruby would like to go.

Cho Rim lit up the candles on the cake. She told Gil Ja to make a wish and then blow out the candles. Gil Ja said it is not her birthday and told Cho Rim to do it. Cho Rim told Gil Ja to do it since she gave birth to the children. Gil Ja is grateful that Ruby met a good man and will be married into a good in laws family. Gil Ja also wished for Luan to find a good man and married into a good family. Cho Rim told Gil Ja to make her own wish and not just for the children. Gil Ja wishes that Cho Rim will get a good man and So Yeong to marry a good person. Gil Ja blew out the candles after that. Cho Rim jokingly said that the chicken rib shop will be in trouble as all will leave after finding a good man. She asked who is going to look after the shop. So Yeong told Cho Rim that it is better with men and there will be more people working. Gil Ja commented that both know how to talk and laughed. Gil Ja said there are no plates. Cho Rim offered to get them but the birthday cake got knocked accidentally on the floor, a sign of a bad omen.

Luna was happily driving the car at fast speed. Ruby advised Luna to drive carefully. Luan asked if Ruby doesn’t trust her ability. She said she is a better driver than Ruby. She said Ruby is a beginner whereas she had many boyfriends before and she can read them. Luna asked how much this car cost. Ruby told Luna that she is not sure herself. Luna said it must be expensive since Ruby is the daughter in law of a rich family and it is nothing. Ruby asked about Luna’s health. Ruby asked if the child belongs to In Soo, that PD she met the last time. Luna’s mood is starting to get foul. Ruby advised Luna to have a good talk with him since they loved each other. Luna told Ruby not to say it anymore as she doesn’t want to talk. Luna started to get angrily and driving erratically as well as accelerating in speed. Ruby calmly advised Luna to forget it and drive slowly. Luna kept accelerating the speed. (Luna was also wearing her Cinderella shoe) Ruby told Luna to slow down. Ruby told Luna to stop it. Luna refused. The mobile phone was ringing. The car collided with an oncoming truck. The windscreen shattered. Both were rushed to the hospital.

A call came for Gil Ja at the shop from the hospital. Gil Ja nearly fainted upon receiving the call.

Cho Rim and Gil Ja rushed to the hospital. Gil Ja anxiously asked where her two daughters are. The attending doctor came to Gil Ja telling her that the two patients are in very critical condition. Gil Ja fainted. The nurse told Cho Rim to confirm the identity of the patients. The clothing was wheeled to Cho Rim for identification. The nurse showed the reddish clothes and asked the name of the patient wearing it. Cho Rim answered Ruby.

Kyeong Min couldn’t get hold of Ruby. A call came and Kyeong Min thought it was Ruby and he demanded a blow kiss from her for not answering his call. It was his mother. His mother told Kyeong Min to give her a blow kiss first. Kyeong Min told his mother that she has father. The mother said that to her, her son is her lover and her husband is just the husband who is another man. Kyeong Min told his mother that he will blow her a kiss when he gets home. The mother asked if Ruby left on time as she should be here by now. She told Kyeong Min that she is worried that Ruby cannot find the place and she cannot get hold of her. Kyeong Min assured her that Ruby should be arriving soon and told her that he will contact Ruby. The mother told Kyeong Min not just cherished Ruby as she will get jealous. Kyeong Min laughingly agreed. The shop assistant told the mother that it seems her son loved her daughter in law very much that he doesn’t had his mother in his eyes. The mother told the assistant that it was only a joke and asked how many carat that is.

Kyeong Min is getting worried about Ruby and tried to call but he can’t get through. Cho Rim called Kyeong Min telling him that Ruby had got into an accident.

The doctor asked if the patient (Luna) condition is stable and if the nurse have confirmed the patient’s identity. The nurse said the patient’s name is Jeong Ruby. She also told the doctor that the other patient is in another operating room with Doctor Ryu.

Cho Rim was in tears when she met Kyeong Min at the corridor. She asked Kyeong Min what to do. Kyeong Min anxiously asked what happened. Cho Rim told Kyeong Min about the accident at the highway and they are in the operating room. Kyeong Min asked where she is hurt. Cho Rim told Kyeong Min that the face and head had been seriously hit. She asked what to do as the wedding date had been set.

Cho Rim went to see Gil Ja who is still lying unconscious on the bed in the ward. Gil Ja woke up and Cho Rim poured Gil Ja a cup of water. Gil Ja asked after the children. Cho Rim told her that Ruby is fine and she need not worry. Gil Ja asked if Cho Rim is lying. Cho Rim said she just came back from seeing the doctors. Gil Ja asked about Luna. Kyeong Min told Gil Ja not to worry as Luna will wake up and Ruby will recovery very soon. Gil Ja said it should be so. The nurse came in asking for Ruby’s guardian.

Gil Ja and Kyeong Min met with the doctor. The doctor told them that they have to first perform emergency operation. Both patients had serious fractured and external injuries as well as hemorrhage. Their face had been covered with many glass fragments. The doctor told them that Ruby (which is Luna) is not so serious, just that her facial appearance had been damaged. Her life is not in danger. The doctor told her that her face had suffered serious external injury and Ruby (Luna) may have to undergo plastic surgery after some observation of her condition. The doctor said that the plastic surgery operation these days are very good and keeping the same appearance is not too hard. But concerning Luna’s (Ruby) condition. Gil Ja asked what happen to Luna.

Scene showing Gil Ja and Kyeong Min going into the ward to see both Luna and Ruby. The doctor said that the impact was more towards Luna (Ruby) during the accident and Luna (Ruby) is more serious injured. Her whole body suffered more fractured and the damage to the brain is also more serious. The doctor said they cannot confirm if Luna (Ruby) is going to survive. Kyeong Min went to hold Ruby’s (Luna’s) hand.

So Yeong was pacing up and down in the shop, waiting for news. Dong Pal came to the shop with delivery and asked why the shop is empty. So Yeong told Dong Pal about Ruby and Luna’s traffic accident and how they were driving the newly bought car by the father in law to Seoul when the accident happened. So Yeong expressed her worry as she couldn’t get hold of Cho Rim. Dong Pal said that the accident should be quite serious. So Yeong said they are quite pitiful and wondered what to do.

Kyeong Min’s family gathered in the lounge together. The grandmother wondered why it happened and asked if Kyeong Min called. The mother asked if they should give Kyeong Min a call. The father told the mother to forget it as Kyeong Min is not in his normal state to bother him with calls. The mother said Kyeong Min is so pitiful. The father said that the in laws should be sadder as both daughter had become like this at once and wondered if he had exaggerated by buying Ruby the car before the marriage.

At home, Cho Rim told Gil Ja to come out and have dinner. Cho Rim went into the room and saw Gil Ja looking at the clothes Luna (Ruby) was wearing and crying. Cho Rim asked why Gil Ja is holding that. Gil Ja said how painful Luna (Ruby) must be feeling looking at the blood stain on the clothes. Cho Rim saw the ruby ring on Gil Ja’s little finger and asked if that is Ruby’s. Gil Ja said that the nurse gave the ring to her. Cho Rim said how happy Ruby was when she was given the ring during the proposal. Cho Rim told Gil Ja not to be like this but to take a rest after eating dinner so that she can go to the hospital tomorrow. Cho Rim said both the children’s faces were damaged. She said the face to a woman is their life. Gil Ja wondered if Kyeong Min will still marry Ruby when her face is so seriously damaged. She asked what to do if Ruby becomes ugly and Kyeong Min doesn’t want to marry her. Cho Rim told Gil Ja that it couldn’t possibly be so and asked whose fault it is. If the father in law didn’t buy the car, such a thing will not happen. Cho Rim said although the women of this generation are very beautiful, they (in laws) know about the accident.  Cho Rim told them to watch out if they dare to be like that. Cho Rim assured Gil Ja that the plastic surgery these days are very good. Nothing will happen if they do the operation. Gil Ja started to cry over Luna and wondered what if she never regains consciousness. Cho Rim told Gil Ja not to be frightened by those people’s words. She asked Gil Ja not to be like this and eat something. She told Gil Ja to get her act together so that Luna can live and look after Ruby.

Kyeong Min is still at the ward. It saddens him greatly looking at Ruby’s (Luna) state.


Episode 10 Preview

  1. Gil Ja was told by the doctor that Ruby (Luna) was pregnant but had a miscarriage during the accident.
  2. Gil Ja put the ring on Ruby’s (Luna) hand and asked what exactly happened. Ruby (Luna) was starting to regain consciousness.
  3. Ruby’s friend said the Kyeong Min that it seems the wedding had to be delayed.
  4. Kyeong Min’s mother said to the father that they don’t seem to be fated for marriage. The father leaves the decision to Kyeong Min.
  5. Gil Ja told Ruby (Luna) that Luna (Ruby) is still in the serious ward and may be unable to regain consciousness. Luna looking at the unconscious Ruby blames herself saying it is all her fault. Kyeong Min came in and hugged Ruby (Luna) telling her that she has him. Luna wondered what to do as everyone thinks that she is Ruby.  
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There are face switched, birth secrets of one of the girls as well as amnesia (Ruby) played here. I am sure Ruby is going to wake up forgetting who she is and everyone telling her she is Luna. The thing is that the face may changed but the character will not. 

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Guest azjhoon

@gene71632, thank you so much! Exactly ,the same thoughts I have. I'm also wondering when she talks, shouldn't the voice be recognizable? And KM held her hand, didn't he notice that she has nail polish on which is a complete opposite of Ruby? Yes, we know there will be loopholes, but people around the 2  can't be that dumbed for so long.

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I think I'm seeing things, because Park Kwang-hyun is beginning to look serious like So Ji Sub's doppleganger. Holy cow, does he look like him! Are they related in real-life? Or am I just seeing things?

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Ep 10

So Yeong asked why Cho Rim came to the shop so early as she should be resting instead. Cho Rim told her that she didn’t sleep the whole night. Gil Ja wasn’t around at dawn and must have gone to the hospital. Cho Rim is not just worried about the children but for Gil Ja also who might fall sick. So Yeong wondered if Gil Ja might catch a breath since both of her daughters got into an accident together. So Yeong asked Cho Rim if she is not going to take a look at them at the hospital. Cho Rim told So Yeong that it is going to be a prolong battle and what is the point of going there. Doing more business here to earn money will help. She told So Yeong that she cannot let her take responsibility alone. So Yeong agreed that she cannot do it alone. So Yeong asked Cho Rim if Ruby’s (Luna) face is completely ruined. Cho Rim said that Ruby’s face is completely smashed and is unrecognizable. They cannot stitch up as the glass shatters went into her face. Even though it is so, Cho Rim is grateful. She told So Yeong that Luna (Ruby) also suffered serious injuries all over her body and wondered what to do if she is unable to regain consciousness. She said Gil Ja is crying non-stop. So Yeong asked what to do if it really happens. Cho Rim chided So Yeong not to say those scary things as she knows that Luna (Ruby) is a very strong child. Cho Rim asked shouldn’t So Yeong be making the soup. So Yeong told her that she has already got it ready yesterday and she needs to heat it up.

Dong Pal came and said to Cho Rim that he came with concern upon hearing what happened to Gil Ja. Dong Pal said although he only got a rough picture, he asked how such a thing can happen.  Cho Rim broke out in tears. Dong Pal told Cho Rim to cheer up since the operation is successful and Luna will wake up soon. Cho Rim asked what sin they’ve committed even if that is so. Ruby’s wedding date was set and now it has become like this. Luna was about to be selected to Seoul but had become like that. Cho Rim said she should have suffered on their behalf and started to cry. Dong Pal sat next to Cho Rim, giving her a hug to comfort her. So Yeong came to tell them that coffee is ready and saw them hugging. Cho Rim violently pushed Dong Pal to the floor and awkwardly said to So Yeong that she wants it stronger. Dong Pal asked what woman uses so much force and told Cho Rim that his back is about to break. Cho Rim angrily asked what man is so weak that he would fall to the floor with one push. Dong Pal asked who would not have fallen like that with such a push. Dong Pal asked if Cho Rim is a boxer or such in her previous life. So Yeong stopped them from continue to fight.

The two colleagues in the marketing department were surprised that Ruby and her friend are late. Ruby’s friend walked into the office looking sad. She told the other two that Ruby will not be able to come to work temporarily as Ruby had been in a traffic accident on the way to Seoul yesterday. She told them that she had just went to see Kyeong Min and was told that Ruby’s life is not in danger but her face is damaged as well as suffering hemorrhage.  The girl wondered what to do since Ruby was about to get married. Ruby’s friend wondered too for Ruby to face such a thing when she is about to get married. She advises the two to be careful when driving.

Ruby (Luna) was transferred into a normal ward. Gil Ja tried to wake her up, asking what sin they committed for her to become like this.  Gil Ja took the ruby ring off her finger and placed it in Ruby’s (Luna) finger. She told Ruby (Luna) to wake up quickly to get married. She asked what this is. The attending doctor came in. She told Gil Ja that the operation is successful even though Ruby (Luna) hasn’t regain consciousness yet but she should do so by today. The doctor therefore told Gil Ja not to be too worried. Gil Ja asked the doctor about Luna (Ruby). The doctor told Gil Ja that Luna (Ruby) is still in critical condition as her hemorrhage and fractures to her whole body are very serious. Gil Ja begged the doctor to save Luna (Ruby). The doctor told Gil Ja that he cannot guarantee the result but he will try his best and told Gil Ja not to worry too much. The doctor asked the nurse if Ruby (Luna) is the last to be operated on. He told Gil Ja to come to his office for a chat.

At the doctor’s office, the doctor told Gil Ja that Ruby (Luna) was pregnant but had a miscarriage during the accident. Gil Ja told the doctor that she didn’t know about it at all since Ruby (Luna) didn’t mention to her. She told the doctor that Ruby was about to be married.  The doctor said he mentioned it to Gil Ja just in case. It is why he called her to the office purposely to inform her about it.

Gil Ja cannot believe that Ruby had a miscarriage. She thought that is why they wanted to marry so quickly.  She wondered if Kyeong Min knows about it. Gil Ja said that Kyeong Min mustn’t have known about it. He wouldn’t have let a pregnant person drive herself to Seoul since he has such a kind character. Kyeong Min came and said he heard Ruby had been transferred to a normal ward. He asked why Gil Ja didn’t stay at the ward.  Gil Ja told Kyeong Min that she is going over to see Luna and told Kyeong Min to stay at ward with Ruby.  Kyeong Min went. Gil Ja wondered whether to mention it to Kyeong Min. She told herself that she should tell him since it is their child.

Kyeong Min’s mother was on the phone with someone to cancel the booking for the wedding at the hotel. Kyeong Min’s mother asked the father what to do with Kyeong Min and said she felt it is absurd.  The father said they can only leave it with Kyeong Min. The mother said that they don’t seem to have the fate to be married even though Kyeong Min said he felt Ruby was his when he first laid eyes on her. That is why he didn’t complete his study abroad and came back earlier to Korea. But things turned out like this.  The father told the mother not to say useless things and told her to get dress to go to Chuncheon. He said they should go to the hospital. The father told the mother that he had arranged a hospital ward to transfer the girls to Seoul. The father felt he is responsible and is feeling very uneasy about it.

At the ward, Kyeong Min is holding Ruby’s (Luna) hand. Ruby’s friend came by to visit. She was shocked at Ruby’s (Luna) state. Gil Ja came in. Gil Ja thanked Ruby’s friend for coming. Ruby’s friend told Gil Ja not to worry too much as Ruby will hang in there.

Ruby’s friend asked Kyeong Min if the wedding will be delayed.

Luna’s finger is starting to move. Luna dreamed how Ruby was well favored than her when they were growing up.  Her relationship with In Soo. Luna started to wake up.

At the café, Ruby’s friend told Kyeong Min not to be too worried as things will get better. She said the doctor had mentioned that Ruby wasn’t hurt anywhere else. Kyeong Min received a call from Gil Ja telling him that Ruby (Luna) has regained consciousness.

The doctor came to see Ruby (Luna) who had regained consciousness. He asked if Ruby (Luna) knows where she is. Ruby (Luna) cannot talk. Gil Ja asked the doctor why Ruby (Luna) cannot talk. The doctor told Gil Ja that the voice box is also greatly hurt and it will be hard for Ruby (Luna) to talk for a short period of time. Gil Ja asked Ruby (Luna) if she recognized her. Ruby (Luna) blinked her eyes when she was spoken to. The doctor told Gil Ja not to brink too much food for her as it will be very hard for her to take in. The doctor told Ruby (Luna) to take as much rest as possible. Kyeong Min and Ruby’s friend came rushing in with Kyeong Min asking if Ruby (Luna) is awake. Cho Rim came bolting in too. Luna said to herself it is so strange that they are addressing her as Ruby.  Luna told Gil Ja in her heart that she is not Ruby and violently shakes her head. Gil Ja asked Ruby (Luna) what is happening and where she is feeling hurt. Luna tried to talk but she can’t. Kyeong Min told Ruby (Luna) not to try to talk as her voice will get better. Luna violently shakes her head and felt her face being covered in bandages. Gil Ja said that Ruby (Luna) had come back to life after the traffic accident. Luna cannot believe that her face has become like this. Cho Rim went to fetch the doctor while Kyeong Min tries to calm Ruby (Luna) down. Luna told Kyeong Min in her heart that she is not Ruby, stupid but his sister-in-law, Luna. Luna violently tries to shake Kyeong Min off her as she doesn’t need him.

Scene showing the real Ruby fighting for her life.

Gil Ja told Kyeong Min that she has something to say to him. A call came for Kyeong Min before Gil Ja can go any further. It was from Kyeong Min’s father, telling him that they are at the hospital entrance. Kyeong Min told them that he is nearby. Kyeong Min’s parents appear and their conversation was stopped.  The parents gave their regards to Gil Ja. Gil Ja apologized for making them worried. The father told Gil Ja that it was his fault and said he had contacted a doctor he known. He asked that Gil Ja leave the matter to him. He told Gil Ja that he wanted to transfer Ruby to Seoul to conduct a thorough examination. He said he had treated Ruby as his only daughter in law even though they haven’t gone through the marriage. The mother told Gil Ja not to worry about Luna too as she will also receive treatment as Ruby. Gil Ja wanted to turn down for Luna but the father told Gil Ja that he will take responsibility and asked Gil Ja to allow him to do so. Gil Ja accepted the father’s help with gratitude.

Gil Ja told Cho Rim that they have to move since the in laws wanted to let Ruby and Luna to receive treatment in the best hospital in Korea. As a mother, she cannot do business here without any care or concern. Gil Ja said that she cannot leave an unconscious Luna (Ruby) to herself and stayed here. Gil Ja told Cho Rim that she is going to moved on her own even if Cho Rim objected. Gil Ja said that Cho Rim has Dong Pal who although is younger than her and is a virgin. Gil Ja told Cho Rim to express her feelings to Dong Pal before it is too late. She told Cho Rim that she will only get hurt if she hesitate  and said she will lose Dong Pal if she keeps up the pretence.

Luna woke up. She touched her bandaged face and asked what to do since her face if her life.  She saw the ruby rice on her finger and remembered that she borrowed Ruby’s clothes and ring and was driving Ruby’s car given by Ruby’s father in law to Seoul for the audition with Ruby in the passenger’s seat. Luna wondered what happened to Ruby and if she is dead. Luna said it is all because of her and all her fault. She screamed within her for Ruby.  Kyeong Min came in and saw Ruby (Luna) in a depressed state. He asked what is wrong with her and hugged her to console her. He told Ruby (Luna) that she still has him and he will look after her, and be by her side until not a scar remains. He told Ruby (Luna) to trust him. Luna said within herself that she is not Ruby. Kyeong Min told Ruby (Luna) not to worry about Luna (Ruby) as he will look after her too until the end. He will make sure that they are in their perfection state just as before the accident. Luna was relieved to hear that Ruby is alive. Luna figured out that Ruby’s face is in the same state as hers. Kyeong Min told Ruby (Luna) that they will get married when she recovered. Luna said within herself that Kyeong Min and everyone around must have thought she is Ruby now. Kyeong Min thanked Ruby (Luna) for being alive and hugged her. Luna hugged Kyeong Min back.

Gil Ja came in. She told Kyeong Min that he should take a rest. Kyeong Min said he should do so and told Ruby (Luna) that he will be back shortly. Kyeong Min left the ward.  Gil Ja told Ruby (Luna) that she should have told her earlier about the baby since she is about to get married and it is nothing to get embarrassed about. Gil Ja told Ruby (Luna) that she has lost the baby. Gil Ja comforted Ruby (Luna) that she can have the baby later. She asked if Kyeong Min knows about it. Ruby (Luna) shakes her head violently. Gil Ja said nothing can be done even if she tells him now as both of them will only be in agony together. Ruby (Luna) asked Gil Ja about unnie (Ruby). Gil Ja asked what unnie and gave Ruby a pad and pen.  Luna wrote Ruby’s name. Gil Ja said that Ruby (Luna) hasn’t come to her senses completely. She told Luna that her name is Ruby.  Ruby (Luna) quickly wrote Luna on the pad.  Gil Ja told Ruby (Luna) that Luna (Ruby) is all right and she is in the critical ward. She told Ruby (Luna) that Luna (Ruby) had an operation as she had serious head injury. She also informed Ruby (Luna) that she might never wake up and may even die. Ruby (Luna) is very upset. Gil Ja tried to calm Ruby (Luna) down.

Luna is thinking over Kyeong Min’s words to her at the ward. Luna asked why they have mistaken her for Ruby. Luna also recalled Gil Ja telling her of Ruby’s condition. Luna asked herself what to do since everyone had mistaken her for Ruby. If she can completely become Ruby and take Ruby’s position... Luna asked if she is crazy and if it is possible. Luna is completely obsessed on possessing Ruby’s position.

Luna went to see Ruby in her ward. Luna apologized to Ruby and said it is fate. She drove and the accident happened. She wore her ruby ring in her hand and since Ruby is not going to wake up any time soon and may not wake up at all, she said it is not a sin for her to take Ruby’s position. She told Ruby someone else will take that position even if it is not Ruby and it might as well be her who takes it.  She apologized to Ruby and told Ruby to forgive her. She said she wanted to have it this time and she must do it. She said it is a god given opportunity for her. Luna said she is Jeong Ruby from now on.


Ep 11 Preview (I am going to use Ruby for Luna from this episode onwards. It is going to a mess translating.)

  1. Kyeong Min said that Ruby has become a child since she can’t speak.
  2. The grandmother told Kyeong Min that he is not fated to marry Ruby.
  3. In Soo asked if the child Luna is carrying is all right as she is pregnant.
  4. The grandmother told Gil Ja that they should end the wedding plan.
  5. Cho Rim told Kyeong about his family wanting to end the wedding plan. 
  6. Kyeong Min said he is nothing without Ruby.
  7. In Soo recognized Ruby is Luna. He asked “Ruby” in front of Kyeong Min if she is Luna.
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