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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Scrolling to your discussions especially about marriage... We are all aware about how the show affect how Spartace handle their relationship and as @Adines Nugraha said, a few fans also believe that the addition of JSM and YSC will lead to KJK/SJH leaving in the future, but seeing how the fandom reacts sensitively about KJK and SJH especially after the way they were treated by SBS, I personally think it won't happen (at least in the near future). I believe SBS and the production team won't let it happen either even if any of the members want to quit bc it'll ruin RM brand and the international following and we all know the international fans are the only ones keeping RM alive lately.

Trying to see another alternatives, do you think it's possible to announce relationship and get married and be a married couple while still filming the show? Or if they're suddenly outed by media outlets, for example, do you think both of them will stay on the show? I mean, they're not getting any younger. As YJS said, "It'll be great if both of them get married this year."

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Guest athoughtcloud1
1 hour ago, delusionalduckling said:

Trying to see another alternatives, do you think it's possible to announce relationship and get married and be a married couple while still filming the show? Or if they're suddenly outed by media outlets, for example, do you think both of them will stay on the show? I mean, they're not getting any younger. As YJS said, "It'll be great if both of them get married this year."


If RM continues for a few more years, I think they will have to quit. But as of now, think they will continue for a while longer. I suppose they have the desire to continue with the show as long as they can since they have so many memories and identify with it so much. Even after all that happened, for them to come back to the show, think it means something more.

I think that scenario is possible if they have a good understanding with the production team. If they are gonna continue as entertainers even after marriage, then they will have to be comfortable before the camera as a couple and RM is a good place to begin. Let's see! Depends on them!

So happy to see SJH come for the opening. Didn't quite expect it. She is like a ray of sunshine at the event with her infectious enthusiasm. They must have planned this in advance for JH too to attend and JK promoted this on his insta as well! I suppose this is the only part we got and they may have sung a bit more, just that I find it quite apt that JK is singing this line here "Whoa niga naui yeojaraneunge jarangseureowo" and sort of looks at her. (Whoa I'm so proud to to have you as my girl). Cute!


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Hi everyone, here we have a side hug and I don't know if the screams are for SJH's entrance or for the side hug lol :wink: 
I think most of you know how korean are very aware of skinship in public especially between different gender and here we have two celebrities side hugging in front of their fans. Usually celebrities avoid skinship in public because it can cause misunderstanding and lead to useless rumors and gossip about them. But here we have those two love birds showing this much cuteness. I love the smile on their faces when they sung "I'm so proud to have you as my girl." It reminded me of their sweet moments in FM and I really miss it. I was waiting for their next FM in Australia but it got cancelled :( Hope it get rescheduled once again.

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48 minutes ago, saissuspicious said:

Hi everyone, here we have a side hug and I don't know if the screams are for SJH's entrance or for the side hug lol :wink: 
I think most of you know how korean are very aware of skinship in public especially between different gender and here we have two celebrities side hugging in front of their fans. Usually celebrities avoid skinship in public because it can cause misunderstanding and lead to useless rumors and gossip about them. But here we have those two love birds showing this much cuteness. I love the smile on their faces when they sung "I'm so proud to have you as my girl." It reminded me of their sweet moments in FM and I really miss it. I was waiting for their next FM in Australia but it got cancelled :( Hope it get rescheduled once again.

I'm reminded of the recent fanmeets, as well. I don't remember which one exactly, but during one of the  instances when they spontaneously side hugged while singing and dancing, the fans screamed extremely loud. I'm sure that was because of the skinship. Here, I had the same feeling, but then I'm completely delulu so, LOL. But, it does feel like the past weeks, SA is really ramping up normalizing to the public their spending time together both on and off RM. It's also very good to see that she came with her little brother. We've all observed how among the cast members SA, LKS, and to a certain extent HH hang out more after the show. If SJH came to the restaurant for no other reason than to support her 2 "brothers," at least this is one more proof of how very close the members are. It feels good to see this, especially how happy everyone is. 

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9 hours ago, yumiyumi17 said:

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Yay!!! Uri Spartace really looks good together~ I'm thankful to dongsaeng HH that he and JK partnered together in opening the resto~ Uri Spartace would have excuse to see each other and have fun even in public kekeke~ 

It's just tooo cute and heart skipping to see them outside! 

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1 hour ago, saissuspicious said:

Hi everyone, here we have a side hug and I don't know if the screams are for SJH's entrance or for the side hug lol :wink: 
I think most of you know how korean are very aware of skinship in public especially between different gender and here we have two celebrities side hugging in front of their fans. Usually celebrities avoid skinship in public because it can cause misunderstanding and lead to useless rumors and gossip about them. But here we have those two love birds showing this much cuteness. I love the smile on their faces when they sung "I'm so proud to have you as my girl." It reminded me of their sweet moments in FM and I really miss it. I was waiting for their next FM in Australia but it got cancelled :( Hope it get rescheduled once again.

Like what you said, uri Spartace is so brave to show their closeness while side hugging and JK's arm on JH' shoulder in front of the crowd.

I meant...If some celebrities would have a dating issues I'm sure they would stop seeing each other for a while or they will stop being sweet to each other even outside to seize the fire however for uri spartace in front of the crowd it's more like " we dont care about the dating rumours as long as we are happy" which is too cute (please correct me if what Im saying is not applicable to the resto opening)

And Im just thankful to HH that he is in partnership with JK! JH got to attend the opening the they just had fun! Good to see them outside RM!

I just hope that spartace should not lessen their interaction in RM (if that's the case but if it's the pd who is cutting some spartace scenes then ok and Im thankful they are still leaving some sweet scenes for us to see)  there's no point on lessing their interactions in RM if they will be like this too in front  of the crowd outside the filming!


Uri spartace hwaiiting!!!~

Tomorrow is a Sunday! Another RM episode waiting for us! yay!! waiting for Spartsce interaction!~

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9 hours ago, delusionalduckling said:

Scrolling to your discussions especially about marriage... We are all aware about how the show affect how Spartace handle their relationship and as @Adines Nugraha said, a few fans also believe that the addition of JSM and YSC will lead to KJK/SJH leaving in the future, but seeing how the fandom reacts sensitively about KJK and SJH especially after the way they were treated by SBS, I personally think it won't happen (at least in the near future). I believe SBS and the production team won't let it happen either even if any of the members want to quit bc it'll ruin RM brand and the international following and we all know the international fans are the only ones keeping RM alive lately.

Trying to see another alternatives, do you think it's possible to announce relationship and get married and be a married couple while still filming the show? Or if they're suddenly outed by media outlets, for example, do you think both of them will stay on the show? I mean, they're not getting any younger. As YJS said, "It'll be great if both of them get married this year."

Obviously there are other variety shows that offer glimpses of how celebrities go about their daily lives, whether as singles, or how dads raise their kids while moms are away, but the only one I can think of that has a real life couple is the one that met on their drama, Blood (?). I think she played the lead in Boys Over Flowers, and he played the little brother in My Love From Another Star. I honestly haven't seen that variety show, so am not sure how the couple maintains its privacy while still offering bits of it to the public. To answer your question, I think it's possible, but I also agree with @athoughtcloud1 that if SA declares and decides to stay on the show, all parties (SA and the production team) will have to understand boundaries. Also, serious thoughts will need to be given to modify some aspects of the show, especially pairing members with guests both male and female, without compromising the show too much. Still, it won't be easy since SA are notoriously private. For example, we've all seen inside the homes of other cast members, except SA and YJS's.

Re: some fans' thoughts on the introduction of the 2 new members as preparation for SA's possible exit -- We'll have to wait and see, though I've had similar thoughts myself. On the plus side, if there is one good thing that came out of that horribly brain dead debacle is that SA and all the other cast members are assured employment as long as RM is not cancelled. If anyone leaves, it will be their choice. SBS cannot afford another PR nightmare. I think that even if SA declares, SBS will not push them out. If anything, SBS will rejoyce. Imagine the ratings.

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17 hours ago, Adines Nugraha said:

i think so too,

JK must have give her some instruction on what to do to finish the game, since JK-KS couple was the first one to succeed finishing the game. 


and as an asian man i totally understand how JK feel :D although i'm nowhere near his age, but getting question from the elders of your family whether you have a GF or not, or when will you get married, sometimes make you sad, it is as if you are failing to live up to your family expectation........but, i understand their concern. they didn't want their children to be all alone when getting old, knowing that your son/daughter is married meaning that they have someone who will take care of them.

don't quite understand why people keep pairing KJK and YEH. if they are real life couple, they would already announce it, right ?  i mean, they have the support from many fans, they once in one of the legenday lovelines, and if they are real, they're not breaking any contract or whatsoever...........unlike, let say our SA,  who have so many consideration before they make a declaration

i always found JK's mother adorable and very cheerful, a perfect match for JK's father who is very strict, and i have huge respect toward her. one thing that's funny about her is when she became RM's guest, CMIIW, she said that she really wanted a grandchildren from KJK, he doesn't have to be married, he just have to get her grandchildren :D LoL

"was not sure whether she would get married"  >>> hearing this from any woman, not just SJH, makes me really sad.  specially a woman of JH's caliber.......

i believe and still believe until now that adding  2 new members is some kind of preparation for the departure of some old member (which is KJK and SJH in my opinion). once the new members can adapt to the variety world of RM and fully accepted by the fans, SA would make an announcement about their true relationship and their withdrawal from the show.

but again, this is merely my imagination, we'll just have to wait  

loving it how you explained JK's side as a man's perception. It somehow makes me sad thinking that the probability of what you said at the last part is somehow can happen. And it's still a puzzle to me why the pd decided to pick JH and JK to leave RM. I meant they are one of the strongest pair...Was it revealed why they chose JH and JK?

but somehow thingking about the probability of JH and JK being inlove with each other and maybe getting married makes me happy and at ease

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1 hour ago, mongkook said:

loving it how you explained JK's side as a man's perception. It somehow makes me sad thinking that the probability of what you said at the last part is somehow can happen. And it's still a puzzle to me why the pd decided to pick JH and JK to leave RM. I meant they are one of the strongest pair...Was it revealed why they chose JH and JK?

but somehow thingking about the probability of JH and JK being inlove with each other and maybe getting married makes me happy and at ease

they never revealed why they fired SA from RM.

there are a lot of speculation, them getting married was one of them. the other one would be the plan to change RM into more comedy show. so they need to get rid of the members who's less funny than the other (after KG leave, the less funny member is KJK and SJH).  this speculation getting more convincing when SBS planning to make RM season 2 and bringing Kang Ho Dong to the show (although later he refuse the offer)  

a lot of fans were shock, mad and sad at the same time (including me). after KG leave, now SA ? watching RM with only half of it's members is not enjoyable anymore........and at the same time makes me happy too. maybe because of this, our SA can finally revealed their relationship (and maybe getting married)

but, eventually the show is not getting canceled :D 

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3 hours ago, Adines Nugraha said:

they never revealed why they fired SA from RM.

there are a lot of speculation, them getting married was one of them. the other one would be the plan to change RM into more comedy show. so they need to get rid of the members who's less funny than the other (after KG leave, the less funny member is KJK and SJH).  this speculation getting more convincing when SBS planning to make RM season 2 and bringing Kang Ho Dong to the show (although later he refuse the offer)  

a lot of fans were shock, mad and sad at the same time (including me). after KG leave, now SA ? watching RM with only half of it's members is not enjoyable anymore........and at the same time makes me happy too. maybe because of this, our SA can finally revealed their relationship (and maybe getting married)

but, eventually the show is not getting canceled :D 

I got the same feel with you~ KG leaving already broke my heart since I love 7012 then I saw the news of S.A leaving and not even informed I got furious and somehow my interest on watching RM decreased. I just hoped that they will not push through SA being kicked out of RM after the two added members adapted into the environment. If they are planning to remove one of the member/s esp. SA they better stop the show from airing because it's no fun anymore ----just my opinion thou~ 

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15 minutes ago, mongkook said:

I got the same feel with you~ KG leaving already broke my heart since I love 7012 then I saw the news of S.A leaving and not even informed I got furious and somehow my interest on watching RM decreased. I just hoped that they will not push through SA being kicked out of RM after the two added members adapted into the environment. If they are planning to remove one of the member/s esp. SA they better stop the show from airing because it's no fun anymore ----just my opinion thou~ 


I think the issue has been resolved, so there is no need to keep speculating about it, if they had decided to continue the show without half the original members to make t more comedic, then the show would not be able to call itself RM.

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3 hours ago, mary-ann said:


I think the issue has been resolved, so there is no need to keep speculating about it, if they had decided to continue the show without half the original members to make t more comedic, then the show would not be able to call itself RM.

yup, speculation will always be speculation since they never publish the real reason when they fired SA

i'm just really happy that i could still watch SA through RM. yes, i can watch them in their other shows/drama/movie.......but, RM is the only one show where i can see them together regularly, even if they're not in the same team

14 hours ago, mn0096 said:

Obviously there are other variety shows that offer glimpses of how celebrities go about their daily lives, whether as singles, or how dads raise their kids while moms are away, but the only one I can think of that has a real life couple is the one that met on their drama, Blood (?). I think she played the lead in Boys Over Flowers, and he played the little brother in My Love From Another Star. I honestly haven't seen that variety show, so am not sure how the couple maintains its privacy while still offering bits of it to the public. To answer your question, I think it's possible, but I also agree with @athoughtcloud1 that if SA declares and decides to stay on the show, all parties (SA and the production team) will have to understand boundaries. Also, serious thoughts will need to be given to modify some aspects of the show, especially pairing members with guests both male and female, without compromising the show too much. Still, it won't be easy since SA are notoriously private. For example, we've all seen inside the homes of other cast members, except SA and YJS's.

Re: some fans' thoughts on the introduction of the 2 new members as preparation for SA's possible exit -- We'll have to wait and see, though I've had similar thoughts myself. On the plus side, if there is one good thing that came out of that horribly brain dead debacle is that SA and all the other cast members are assured employment as long as RM is not cancelled. If anyone leaves, it will be their choice. SBS cannot afford another PR nightmare. I think that even if SA declares, SBS will not push them out. If anything, SBS will rejoyce. Imagine the ratings.

yup, SBS did a really horrible PR back then, and how they treated SA was.......terrible.

i think so too, the ratings would probably skyrocketing :D

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16 hours ago, mn0096 said:

I'm reminded of the recent fanmeets, as well. I don't remember which one exactly, but during one of the  instances when they spontaneously side hugged while singing and dancing, the fans screamed extremely loud. I'm sure that was because of the skinship. Here, I had the same feeling, but then I'm completely delulu so, LOL. But, it does feel like the past weeks, SA is really ramping up normalizing to the public their spending time together both on and off RM. It's also very good to see that she came with her little brother. We've all observed how among the cast members SA, LKS, and to a certain extent HH hang out more after the show. If SJH came to the restaurant for no other reason than to support her 2 "brothers," at least this is one more proof of how very close the members are. It feels good to see this, especially how happy everyone is. 

Yeah me too, I think those two are trying to show their closeness to their fans and to korean people in particular, because for so long even now people think those two aren't close either in or out of RM, I remember how many viewers were shocked when they saw the excessive skinship between those two  back in 2013. So if they are going slowly toward an open relationship, I think the best way is not to shock people, especially those who deny SA and think of the two as brother and sister. Seeing how they have been using siblings excuse for so many years now, it could back fire when they suddenly announce an official engagement. So showing the closeness they share with each other would make people question their relationship and gradually accept it if they plan to make an official annoucement in the futute. Regarding yesteday's event, maybe it's a coincidence that SJH was in Busan with her brother too and then she attended the event later on. Many speculated that she was in Busan because of filming, yeah it's one of the most logical superposition I think. But what's important is that she took time to go there and support HAHA and KJK and she looked the happiest when she was there, especially when dancing and singing with basically KJK :wink: 

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Guest athoughtcloud1
10 hours ago, mongkook said:

. And it's still a puzzle to me why the pd decided to pick JH and JK to leave RM. I meant they are one of the strongest pair...Was it revealed why they chose JH and JK? 


We had discussed this quite a bit at that time. Nobody knows the exact reasons even now and can only speculate. But based on Tiny's tweets and insta posts about one person being responsible for the whole mess and veiled references to Gong CP, would think it all came about coz of one person's failure to recognise the team dynamics. Chinese fans who had done some research on Gong CP found out that he had worked on 'People for Laughs' before and hence the speculation that he may have wanted to turn RM into more of a gag show. Hence,firing  JK and JH who were not your typical 'gag' artists . Nam PD, who had worked with JK and JH before on FO and Inkigayo had been the main producer in charge of RM before Gong CP replaced him and the replacement happened just 2-3 months before the firing. So seems like a new CP came on board who wanted to suddenly bring about a turn around in the ratings and perhaps based on his working history, thought RM should be turned into a gag-show. Speculating here - JK, according to JH and Gary, gets paid the second highest on the show, so perhaps bringing KHD  on board (who would need a lucrative offer and salary to join the show) while retaining JK may have seemed to the CP as not worth it. There were initial speculations that JK was fired coz there would have been an overlap between JK's and KHD's variety characters (both pretty athletic), but if RM 2 was gonna be more of a gag show, think that wouldn't have been the reason. I also wonder if getting rid of JK who is the person mainly in charge of the show's international promotions especially the fanmeets (since he knows English, is the main singer for the fanmeets, has a huge fanbase in China and also has a Chinese agency to look after his deals there) was intended to get more control of the show's international saleability. I think JH was fired coz she wouldn't fit in with a gag show and since Gary had gone, couldn't be used as the Monday GF any longer and also perhaps coz they knew she wouldn't stay if JK was fired. Since he was the one who was first fired and JH later, get the feeling her firing had something to do with his. Think Gong CP had  quite some influence since SBS only relented after a long fight when it became obvious that the public was against them and that the rest of the cast didn't want to continue without SA. Think the higher-ups ditched Gong CP to appease SA and hence he was demoted and Nam CP, the former in-charge of RM, re-instated. 

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