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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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what do you guys think this mean? is it like telling us that it's almost over but not exactly over??? TINY tweeted smth like "and it comes to an end!......" but those emojis stood out for me. Idk if anyone saw it


or maybe my delusional mind is just so sad over Spartace that I'm over thinking things

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Running Man is a brand and a show with tons of sponsors, even the members were sponsored from head to toe in clothes. so i think that SBS will definitely try to get a season 2 once everyone has forgotten and current members moved on with their careers. And let's be honest, if they bring some "it" celebs of the moment or change the format to not be so physical with Kang Ho Dong or someone else, I think korean fans will watch. I dont think international fans will bother, we loved the show becausr of the members, thats why we never cared for IC or 1n2d or Real Men. SBS will try to get their domestic audiences back but i think they lost their international audience forever.

Also, RM occupies an important primetime slot so getting it to stretch till February allows them to find something to put in its place. Losing that timeslot means that everyone will go watch KBS 1n2d and get them some 20+% rating amd pple at SBS headquarters will jump off a window if that happens.

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Guest athoughtcloud1
19 minutes ago, bogummish said:

Running Man is a brand and a show with tons of sponsors, even the members were sponsored from head to toe in clothes. so i think that SBS will definitely try to get a season 2 once everyone has forgotten and current members moved on with their careers. And let's be honest, if they bring some "it" celebs of the moment or change the format to not be so physical with Kang Ho Dong or someone else, I think korean fans will watch. I dont think international fans will bother, we loved the show becausr of the members, thats why we never cared for IC or 1n2d or Real Men. SBS will try to get their domestic audiences back but i think they lost their international audience forever.

Also, RM occupies an important primetime slot so getting it to stretch till February allows them to find something to put in its place. Losing that timeslot means that everyone will go watch KBS 1n2d and get them some 20+% rating amd pple at SBS headquarters will jump off a window if that happens.


Don't think they have lost their international audience for ever. I think it is people's nature to forget and they keep looking for new avenues of entertainment. If the other 4 members stays or at least if Yoo-Lee are in a new show, I think a bulk of the RM fandom will stay. Once JK and JH get a good send-off and RM ends with a 'beautiful' farewell episode, much of the i-audience will feel nostalgic for the show. I can't blame them. This is how it works. If all this mess had happened to another member who was then brought back, while we may have lost some of our faith in SBS, provided JK and JH continued to work in the 2nd season, we would have tried to watch the new show for their sake. RM appealed to those fans who were regulars of FO and Xman and liked the member combinations and games in there.The new show may be a continuation in that way.

If none of the original members except YJS stays, it may be harder for the i-fans to connect with the new RM. But if others stay, it will be an easier job. Like you said, there are many RM fans who haven't connected with 1N2D or IC. Those people will be looking for a new show that they can enjoy at that time slot. I know I am sounding cynical, but if SBS hires good PDs for the new format and the member combinations work, sbs might still retain its i-audience.Even RM was initially intended for a domestic audience, but then caught the fancy of the i-audience. Now sbs knows how to target the i-audience, so it is not impossible. :anguished:

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19 minutes ago, chelseafjl8 said:

Oh, I didn't pay attention to those emoji before why would he put a heart in the middle? Although it's possible that it's just our delulu.

Tiny oppa has been known to be EXTREMELY biased towards SA and their fans. He has ever got into an argument with a mc fan, when the mc fan asked him if 'gary and jihyo were dating'. He is currently following at least 2-3 SA accounts on Instagram. 

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3 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

Would love to read the k-netz responses to the SJH article. @bogummish I hope this one re-stokes the netizen anger against SBS all the more! I knew right when they put out that first statement that they were trying to keep her dignity with all that 'she has been thinking of quitting RM all along' statement. In the case of JH, from whatever I have seen of her, she is really careful about whom she lets enter her private world. She doesn't let many enter that world, but those she lets, she guards with all her heart. She loves the members, she loves the crew. That is why I suspect that in the Sechs Kies episode, when one of the Sechs Kies membes joked that he wouldn't give the kimchi to the camera crew, she went around and gave a piece to each one of them. So this must have hurt her a lot since it came from the last place she expected - from RM which has been her home for these 7 years. Being the sole woman in the cast, she had to change herself in many ways to fit in with the gang. I remember her saying that though she used to take her shower really fast to keep up with the guys, she could never get out of the shower as fast as them. She was always wondering how they did it and what she needed to do to be as fast as them. To be treated as just a member and not a female member, there must have been many a little thing she did like this which may not have been known to the cast or the crew coz she never made a big deal out of them. I don't know if even JH realises that the things she never made a big deal out of were actually really hard things for a person to do. The statement of the agency about her planning to quit at one point to focus on her acting career, I feel, was to preserve her dignity. I think she would have stayed till the end of RM.

I don't think we should go by JK's agency's statement to gauge what he is really feeling. His eyes were looking really puffy in the birthday video with Jessi, but he can never say he cried coz there are different societal expectations from him as a man and that too a 'strong man'. Again, if you look at his agency's statement, it says he wasn't upset about being fired, but at the way he was fired. As an industry veteran, he can never say that the production team had no right to fire him from a show that he may feel was built on his sweat and blood. That would not sound appropriate. He can only criticise them for firing him that way. Look at the tone of one of those articles written about the firing! It said entertainers had become freelancers and should not ask for job security in today's world, that the real victim was Kang Ho dong. It said Ji Hyo was also a victim since she was not given notice, but implied that JK should not complain since he was given notice, even if it be of just 2 days! That even after all this fiasco, no other entertainers have sided openly with these two show how these things are considered pretty routine in the entertainment industry. There might be scores who are fired but say they resigned to put up a face! 

But from JK's point of view, that he ditched other stations to side with SBS for RM may hurt him more. It may be really hard for a man like him to understand, someone for whom loyalty is the last word on any matter. Look at Turbo! What does he get out of reviving a group whose other members don't add in any significant way to its popularity? If he wanted, he could have started Turbo with a younger rapper or focused on his solo career. Mikey though he knows English isn't the popular celebrity he used to be. Kim Jung Nam, when he brought him back, was a 'deadweight' (sorry to use that expression) - he hadn't been in the industry for a long long time and neither had the physicality nor the energy to perform for a long time. If he wanted to, he could have relaunched Turbo with Mikey alone. It is coz he wanted to help Kim Jung Nam who had taken care of him during his early Turbo days that he brought him back to the group. Yes, Turbo may have created some excitement in the first year of reunion coz of the nostalgia factor, but it is really hard to keep up that excitement unless they continue to produce quality work. At the moment, the audience for Turbo comes in for him, not for the other two, so the burden on him is huge. The production costs of his albums all are from his pocket - neither of the other two Turbo members are even financially stable enough to stand on their feet in S.K. Yet he continues to ignore his solo career to focus on Turbo. To such a man, this betrayal may seem really hard to digest. He has always believed RM to be his show and you can see that in how he keeps inviting celebs he meets in other functions or on other shows to guest on RM believing that his word is enough for the production team to invite them. It must have certainly dented his self-esteem and his assessment of his status in the entertainment industry. Also, JK had no real plans to quit RM. He has never really wanted to quit being an entertainer to focus on his music unlike Gary or JH who might have thought of doing so from time to time.

Betrayal is always something that cuts him deep. Remember that shoe-stealer episode where his Cordi 'betrayed' him by giving his shoes to JS. He got upset at her, but he wanted her to give him her reason. If it was a valid reason, he would have accepted it. KS also once told the guest that you could do whatever you wanted with JK, just that you needed to apologise to him afterwards. So he is the kind of guy who gets upset when he is betrayed but forgives that person quickly if he gets a decent apology. In this case too, I think he would have come to terms with his being fired from the show, however unfair it was, if he had got a decent apology from the Chief Producer. But I really don't think he got one. 


I got teary eyes reading your post. Before I got the news about KJK & SJH getting fired, I just finished rewatching eps 58 (in Jeju). The ending is YJS betrays KJK to make sure the guest win and YJS win the bet. KJK reaction after that betrayel (even tho it is only a game) is heartbreaking. He almost cry and said "why? It's me hyung" to YJS. That moment I know (and I agree with your post) KJK is very loyal and take betrayal really hard (YJS even have to hug him to calm him down).

This incident must be really hard on both of them. I just hope both of them stay strong during this hard time. 

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Someone released a pic of the RM members who were at Myuk PD's wedding, idl when he got married but KJK and JSJ showed up in shorts lol

@chelseafjl8 i think he's just thanking the fans for their love and support of KJK

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@athoughtcloud1 idk abt international fans but korean fans will move on very quickly. They're fickle like that. They will check out whatever show SBS comes up with next. 
I was in the middle of rewatching RM from the beginning when this mess happened. I reached that episode where Gong Yoo guested (around 145), but after all this, I cant even look at them anymore. I need to see how the show ends first then i decide if i ever watch a RM ep again with the same joy and anticipation i used to have. For now I will focus on dramas and the occasional 1n2d here and there. For whatever reason, i dont like IC.

@airplanegirl Tiny follows spartace accounts? I didnt know that

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16 minutes ago, airplanegirl said:

Yea. He's well-known to be very supportive of SA. He has even commented on a SA video on Youtube. 

 Lol, what did he say? 

Btw an article from yesterday. Their headline : The Cruelty of Running Man. They mention fans boycotting SBS Insta and flooding the comments with protests. http://mstoo.asiae.co.kr/view.htm?no=2016121617293649969#_adtep

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28 minutes ago, bogummish said:

@athoughtcloud1 idk abt international fans but korean fans will move on very quickly. They're fickle like that. They will check out whatever show SBS comes up with next. 
I was in the middle of rewatching RM from the beginning when this mess happened. I reached that episode where Gong Yoo guested (around 145), but after all this, I cant even look at them anymore. I need to see how the show ends first then i decide if i ever watch a RM ep again with the same joy and anticipation i used to have. For now I will focus on dramas and the occasional 1n2d here and there. For whatever reason, i dont like IC.

@airplanegirl Tiny follows spartace accounts? I didnt know that

Hey, i also had a marathon of RM up til baseball players 1st appearance. For me, these episodes had given me so much laughter and joy that I guess I will still watch previous episodes. 

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Never imagine a variety show will become like this.. The end of RM just like watching a drama.. 

No matter how many times SBS say sorry , the pain in her heart keep remain...

Than to say its all about misunderstanding or whatever.. just say sorry without a reason is sounds better and sincere more.. 

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I love this, this is true royality:

" Prior to the emergency meeting, reports claim that "Running Man" cast had earlier organized another secret meeting to discuss on how they would leave the show together. Although it is not clear if it happened, the departure of Jihyo and Jongkook was the main bone of contention. "




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On 07/12/2016 at 10:14 PM, chelseafjl8 said:



This was from13/7, the fan said they were having a meal with a pd but not sure who specifically.

Not too sure if someone corrected you alr, they never said anything about a PD.

the correct translation from the highlight box phrase and the phrases below is "last night, I went to have dinner with my Korean friend at _____ restaurant, and when we were eating half-way, we saw song jihyo and Kim jongkook!! We were hesitating whether to ask for a signature, in the end, they were super nice and even asked if we wanted a picture"

i took Chinese as a 2nd language since I was born, and I am 100% sure that they didn't mention anything about a PD!

Sorry can't take it when I read wrongly translated articles, have this nazi thing going on with me! Hope you didn't mind! 

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Honestly it has been long since I actually sat down and start writing a post. 

Before the removal thingy, the pages was moving so slowly, but after the removal thing, in 3 days or so there are so many pages awaiting for me to read.

i just wanna say, let's all gather hope and positivity, we will be able to walk out of this, let's think positively. Maybe after leaving RM, they might announce that they are getting married? we never know. 

I just hate how the PD eruptly remove them, without even telling jihyo, the latest news is that she is wailing and is mentally tired. Gosh, all I want now is really to give her a hug, but sadly she doesn't even have any sns for us to give her a virtual hug. Now that running man is ending, honestly I would miss this spartace community so much, I was a silent reader for so long, then comes the period of time when I started posting actively and it go back down to me being a silent reader bc of national exams.(ps. I lose my previous account)

Lets just hope for the best for the all of the running man members, and for our sad heart. 


Edited by spartacemanse
Adding informations!
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