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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Translation of the Sportseoul article on SA.

[Running Man Focus 2] Kim Jong Guk X Song Ji Hyo, the chemistry between the two strongest couple.

[Sports Seoul writer]

What would happen if 'Running man's Ace siblings Kim Jong Guk and Song Ji Hyo meet?

In SBS's variety show 'Running Man' there is the sole strongest character, Kim Jong Guk and the Goddess of luck with a strong winning spirit, Song Ji Hyo.

Would Song Ji Hyo be the sole strongest enemy to Kim Jong Guk who no one can mess around with? Because they've been together like brother and sister for years, when they meet each other as enemies [as in in game] they fight even harder.

In 'Running Man - Original big brothers' counter attack race' there was a 3 way underwater basketball and following that a 3 way wrestling match. As soon as the wrestling match started, Song Ji Hyo grabbed and clung onto Kim Jong Guk , and also punched Kim Jong Guk's chest. Song Ji Hyo got her fighting spirit up and bit Kim Jong Guk in the chest, surprising him. Kim Jong Guk couldn't withstand the pain and finally dropped Song Ji Hyo.

Kim Jong Guk is weak to women guests but with Song Ji Hyo who has completely become his younger sister, this didn't apply to her. Kim Jong Guk and Song Ji Hyo faced each other in the pillow fight which was broadcasted on the 29th last month. Song Ji Hyo felt uneasy due to the obvious power difference between each other and so the members shouted "you can do it" and cheered her on.

As soon as the match started, Song Ji Hyo attacked Kim Jong Guk first with an ace-like big swing. But Kim Jong Guk blocked Song Ji Hyo's swing with his left arm and attacked with his right arm. In the end Song Ji Hyo fell down due to Kim Jong Guk's mighty hit, and the members [im not sure what this terminology is they're using here] started laughing at Kim Jong Guk as he didn't go easy on her because she's his younger sister now.

Kim Jong Guk also was the first to playfully tease his younger sister. All the members were busy teasing the cowardly Song Ji Hyo during the episode on February 7th, when the members had to take a courage test and had to find marbles inside a hidden box. Kim Jong Guk teased Song Ji Hyo saying "You've become a lot more womanly after you got married. You've changed. Jin Baek Lim [Chen Bolin] must have changed you~".

"Running Man" members have a variety of combinations depending on the ever changing missions, such as "Unlucky hand trio", "Betrayal club", but there aren't many scenes showing ace Kim Jong Guk and Song Ji Hyo. However they always give great enjoyment whenever they meet [in the same team] and so going forward, they're expected to continue giving lots of fun as the strongest siblings.

cre: @bidovacsb

The article seems like just a promotional article, so at this point, I don't see it heralding anything for SA, either to be put on the same team or for more screentime or hints of a future collaboration. The article just seems to cover the routine stuff. Btw, I thought it was Gary who teased JK saying "Chen Bolin must have changed you". From what I remember, JK only mentioned that JH had become more feminine after getting married. Or am I wrong? There are so many mentions of them as siblings and even the implication that JK does not treat JH like other women nowadays because she has become his sister in the article. Don't know whether the writer is playing safe calling them siblings or giving the rationale for why JK went hard on her this time saying she is his younger sister. By that same logic, JK going soft on her in the three-way wrestling match should be proof that he thought of her as a woman at one point of time. The article stops short at JK making JH fall, and says the members "started laughing at JK because he didn't go easy on her as she is his younger sister now". Was there a pact of some sort by which JH became JK's younger sister all of a sudden? :blink: Also, there is no mention of him pulling her into a hug in apology. If that was such a brotherly thing to do, then why not mention it? The comments to the article @elevenpapitus shared do mention the hug. Considering this is an article that analyzes their relationship, there is also no mention of how JH wanted JK to be the one to hold her hand while doing the nerve test mission which to me shows how close they are than the teasing part the writer mentions.

In all probability, it is just an innocent article highlighting their relationship (which is always welcome) and I guess I am just being nitpicky as a shipper. After all, the average RM fan sees them that way. Anyway, I am happy the writer at least mentioned that though there are not enough scenes of them together, they give lot of enjoyment when they face off and wishes for more of their scenes together.

@elevenpapitus Thanks for sharing the comments. I am happy some fans out there are noticing how close they are.

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Remember the new guests for next episode? They recorded today. There are four guests, 2 ladies and 2 male guests. There are three teams initially, JH with 2 male guests alone, JK teams up with JS and SJ together with one female guests, while HaHa, Gary and KS are in the same team with the remainig female guests. Bad feeling that JH with have less screen time again:(

They changed team during the filming. As shown in the pic, JK joins HaHa's team in the end. So maybe there are some missions that can switch members? If that is the case, the content must be long enough to air a whole episode. However, the chasing didn't end last episode, how will the producing team combine today's recording with the chasing game? By any chance that there are 1.5 episode for the chasing game and 1.5 episode for today's recording? If the team cuts the content of today recording due to the chasing game, there is not need for switching teams. Just see what will happen this weekend.





Cr: as tagged

PS. Cute JK in second pic. Got tease or 'bullied' by hyungs again? Kkkk

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Guest athoughtcloud1
1 hour ago, dragonlovers said:

@athoughtcloud1 For Chinese fan, there are quite a lot comments saying JK and JH did not get much screen time because they are not working hard. After this episode aired, some also mentioned JK is not needed anymore cause he is old and has lot of wounds, KS is young and can take up the role...even though the one mentioned this is KS biased and I am glad that KS can show his ability this time, it is sad to read these comments...

In fact, the harmony and chemistry between members make the show shines. But the harmony is missing from the show long time ago. As I know, lots of JK Chinese fans do not watch rm anymore with the decreasing session for JK to shine, shortening screen time and huge amount of negative comments and hates JK gets from other members fan. (JK Chinese fans discovered that other fans think it is JK's duty to do all the hard work without appreciation, his effort in rm is not really appreciated among Chinese rm fans). Thus, they usually just watch the cut part and seldom watch the whole episode. For those who watch broadcast, they ususally get diasppointed and do not watch the whole episode. Don't know whether the situation will be similar for other members' fans. Even JK chinese fans are starting to point out JH got the least screen time this year...

Not able to gain new audience, rm is losing support from member's fandom as well. So it is essential for the team to think about the balance and harmony of members in the show.

Among I-fans I have noticed almost a similar situation, but they apply to JK, JH and Gary almost equally. Who the fans mention as the least useful member changes from episode to episode. JH almost always gets those comments that she does not talk much and is not contributing to the entertainment, so her scenes are getting cut because she is boring etc. During the time when JK was not doing much in the last few episodes during Taek PD's reign, there were complaints about how he is not even trying and how he is pretty useless as he is not as strong as before etc. Especially after the AS episode where JK said he couldn't do certain missions because of his body any longer, people started blaming JK saying RM had become more a talk show than a running show because JK couldn't do it any longer, that instead of quitting, he was giving excuses etc. When there used to be Gary-centric episodes during the last quarter of Taek Pd's time, there would be be less complaints about him, but in an episode where he was not the centre, those comments about how he was useless other than as the Monday BF would be there. But I agree with you about how people take JK's hard work for granted. When JK does impossible feats like beating more than 50 people at armwrestling, people are like "that is what he is there for". They don't think it must be so hard on him with his injuries or notice that after that day, he has been wearing a tape there as a preventive measure. But still among i-fans (those who are not MC fans) on the streaming forums I have come across, I see more comments that call for replacing JH and Gary than for JK. It is just my observation based on my limited exposure, other fans might have seen other patterns about the members the RM fans complain about the most. But in a few episodes after the AS episode, it was JK they had more complaints about. In all these cases, I guess we are talking about a vocal minority who don't care for the members as human beings, but just look at them as machines who are there to entertain them.

Thanks for sharing the pics. :) I believe they will air the RM vs Avengers next week where they will, according to SBS insta, go against each other in individual missions. The 3 women race they shot today will air on 30th, if I am not wrong. So they might split that into two episodes if there is a segment that involves members changing sides (based on the pics).

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15 minutes ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

Among I-fans I have noticed almost a similar situation, but they apply to JK, JH and Gary almost equally. Who the fans mention as the least useful member changes from episode to episode. JH almost always gets those comments that she does not talk much and is not contributing to the entertainment, so her scenes are getting cut because she is boring etc. During the time when JK was not doing much in the last few episodes during Taek PD's reign, there were complaints about how he is not even trying and how he is pretty useless as he is not as strong as before etc. Especially after the AS episode where JK said he couldn't do certain missions because of his body any longer, people started blaming JK saying RM had become more a talk show than a running show because JK couldn't do it any longer, that instead of quitting, he was giving excuses etc. When there used to be Gary-centric episodes during the last quarter of Taek Pd's time, there would be be less complaints about him, but in an episode where he was not the centre, those comments about how he was useless other than as the Monday BF would be there. But I agree with you about how people take JK's hard work for granted. When JK does impossible feats like beating more than 50 people at armwrestling, people are like "that is what he is there for". They don't think it must be so hard on him with his injuries or notice that after that day, he has been wearing a tape there as a preventive measure. But still among i-fans (those who are not MC fans) on the streaming forums I have come across, I see more comments that call for replacing JH and Gary than for JK. It is just my observation based on my limited exposure, other fans might have seen other patterns about the members the RM fans complain about the most. But in a few episodes after the AS episode, it was JK they had more complaints about. In all these cases, I guess we are talking about a vocal minority who don't care for the members as human beings, but just look at them as machines who are there to entertain them.

Thanks for sharing the pics. :) I believe they will air the RM vs Avengers next week where they will, according to SBS insta, go against each other in individual missions. The 3 women race they shot today will air on 30th, if I am not wrong. So they might split that into two episodes if there is a segment that involves members changing sides (based on the pics).


Thre will always b haters, but these are a minority, especially when it comes to jh, whenever i read the comment section it's usually full of compliments of her despite her not getting much screentime lately. I am also baffled by the new article that called them siblings, haha this is the first time i hear someone call them that.

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Thanks for sharing the translation, @athoughtcloud1 (and great point about the inaccurate recollection of JK's remark in the strongest ep!) and thanks for translating, @bidovacsb!

I knew the wording of the article was biased, but I didn't expect it to be like that to that great of an extent. But after a bit of research prompted by my frustration with the wording, I'm not surprised.

I originally thought the article was written because of the inclusion of "Spartace" in the caption of the recent IG picture, in case the reporter was curious and the combination of their names and related information inspired her to write a piece.

However, the same hour of the posting of this article, there had also been another article on Sports Seoul published about JS (this article), similarly promoting the show with content not directly related to the ypcoming episode, but the history of the show. The knowledge of that made me wonder if SBS hired the reporters/requested the articles for media play. I still think that's pretty applicable in this scenario, but regarding this particular article and its reporter, well the reporter has a past similar to the one who had been behind the TV Daily article a few months back...

If one were to google "jacqueline@sportsseoul.com 송지효" (without the quotations marks), the second and third links would lead to two very long and biased write-ups about MC, including questionable and far from objective observations/comments. So, discovering that, I'm not surprised about the wording anymore, but I am still curious about the intention behind the posting of it.


EDIT: By the way, @athoughtcloud1, I think the "Oh My Goddess" ep will actually still air the coming Sunday since the 6:30 seemed to refer to RM's starting time rather than the 30th (plus, the 30th is a Thursday this month).

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@athoughtcloud1 Haha I always thought the 3 ladies will air first because it is shown on next episode triller. For the Avengers episode, it will be fun too. Many of the guests are friends of JK. It will be interesting to see their interaction.

@mary-ann Same as you that I see more compliment than negative comments for JH. But the negative comments towards her increases recently (not from rm fan but from normal audience). More harsh words are towards JK. As mentioned in the AS service, he knows about it but he does not really care (though as a normal human being, it must affect his feeling deep down). JK is an emotional person actually. So it really shows how mature he is. Hope for the best for our girl and boy.

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Guest athoughtcloud1

@pink007 Yeah, I too thought the timing of the article could have something to do with the insta tagging them as "spartace". But nay, this is old wine in a new bottle though it's a first for me to read an article where they are being referred to in such sure terms as siblings. Thanks for the links. After going through that, the article seems like media play to me too. I too went through some of the other MC articles the writer has posted and they basically follow the official RM script. The Jeju island date and the Dubai trip had provoked negative k-netz reactions, but the article seems to paint a picture of everybody being enthused about the MC loveline moments. Even the MC date article which I guess the writer wrote before the episode aired has some inside info about Gary booking the restaurant in advance and all. So the person has got some inside info that the team wanted her to write about. So no wonder this article emphasizes that JK considers JH like a sister. I am not saying the writer is biased, but she may be writing what she has been told to write about. Would like to read her next promotional article on MC now, hoping it will give some clue about how MC are going to be positioned.

Edit: Wondering if JK hitting JH strongly in an uncharacteristic fashion and then the intimate hug was what prompted a promotional article that paints the whole thing as just play between two siblings.  If RM team is the one which gives the writer the inputs, it could be that? JK is portrayed as this brother who teases his sister a lot. There is no mention of JH specifically asking for JK to hold her hand during the nerve test, only the part about him teasing her about her marriage (the implication seems to be that JK is so brotherly that he teases JH about her BFs and stuff).

@dragonlovers You were right. The "Oh My Goddess" episode is airing this week. I thought they shot the RM vs Avengers episode first (since I saw those pics first), so I thought it might be airing first. Or perhaps they released the pics only late. Thanks for the info, pink.

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30 minutes ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

@pink007 Yeah, I too thought the timing of the article could have something to do with the insta tagging them as "spartace". But nay, this is old wine in a new bottle though it's a first for me to read an article where they are being referred to in such sure terms as siblings. Thanks for the links. After going through that, the article seems like media play to me too. I too went through some of the other MC articles the writer has posted and they basically follow the official RM script. The Jeju island date and the Dubai trip had provoked negative k-netz reactions, but the article seems to paint a picture of everybody being enthused about the MC loveline moments. Even the MC date article which I guess the writer wrote before the episode aired has some inside info about Gary booking the restaurant in advance and all. So the person has got some inside info that the team wanted her to write about. So no wonder this article emphasizes that JK considers JH like a sister. I am not saying the writer is biased, but she may be writing what she has been told to write about. Would like to read her next promotional article on MC now, hoping it will give some clue about how MC are going to be positioned.


some mc fan post that same article on their post and are commenting abt hw they post that article to clarify to us sa shippers that jk and jh are just siblings due to the fact that when they hashtag sa in their caption and we all when overboard with the whole spartace on sbs post and that we are more like 6012 and that we are blaming kg for not letting jk and jh be together they also said that the reason why they stop mc is because jh and kg are ready to announce that they are real come on everybody with eyes can see that jh is more comfortable with jk then gary hw she worries for him when he has something tough to do, celebrate when he won same goes for jk but who care what they think they say we are delusional by the are by far worse.


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Guest athoughtcloud1
48 minutes ago, luvspartace said:

some mc fan post that same article on their post and are commenting abt hw they post that article to clarify to us sa shippers that jk and jh are just siblings due to the fact that when they hashtag sa in their caption and we all when overboard with the whole spartace on sbs post and that we are more like 6012 and that we are blaming kg for not letting jk and jh be together they also said that the reason why they stop mc is because jh and kg are ready to announce that they are real come on everybody with eyes can see that jh is more comfortable with jk then gary hw she worries for him when he has something tough to do, celebrate when he won same goes for jk but who care what they think they say we are delusional by the are by far worse.



All shippers have their delusions. We might also have. But the thing I have always admired about our ship is that we are ready to face the facts. If something contradicts our perceptions, we do not have any worries about admitting that. We don't twist or hide facts to make them suit our delusions. That is the only way we can move forward as rational shippers facing everything head on. If at any point, I feel that this ship is not real, that JK or JH are dating someone else or don't have feelings for each other (anymore), I don't think I would hang on to my delusions with words like 'what if they become real later?'. I will quit right away coz I am shipping them not because I want them to be real but because I think there is a high chance that they are dating. Now this may vary from person to person. Some may ship them coz they think they are suitable for each other. In my case though, it is the other way around.

I know some MC fans may be seeing this article as proof of SA being 'siblings', but then I hope they also take JH's and Gary's brain scan tests seriously. That was not even some article, it was both JH and Gary admitting their real equation to the world. I have never heard of a couple in a relationship doing a brain scan test that reveals they have zero feelings for each other so that they can announce at a later point that they are dating. Anyway, the point is you can't argue with all the fools in the world. I just hope others' standards do not influence us as shippers. Whether some MC fans decide to hide things or distort things, let's face things honestly. If SA are real, then none of what some MC fans say or do matter. If SA are not real, at least we will get to know it at some point if we choose not to hide or run away from things. Even if we hear bad news, at least we can take consolation in the fact that we tried to ship honestly and rationally.

That said, I don't see why this article should make any rational SA fan feel worried even for a second. :) It is just the writer's assumptions based on what she chooses to highlight (where she skips the important things that happened like JH asking for JK's help or JK hugging JH and just highlights the 'brotherly' bits and doesn't even include a direct quote from anyone from the RM family that they are like siblings). At least SA haven't taken a brain scan test that proves they have no feelings for each other beyond that of long term colleagues!

This is how JK and JH used to look at each other (before a match that involved unprecedented skinship). Of course, this is before they "completely became siblings" (as per the article). LOL Call it 'sibling tension' if you will. ;)


cre: 喜欢水的蓝, SA baidu

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40 minutes ago, athoughtcloud1 said:


All shippers have their delusions. We might also have. But the thing I have always admired about our ship is that we are ready to face the facts. If something contradicts our perceptions, we do not have any worries about admitting that. We don't twist or hide facts to make them suit our delusions. That is the only way we can move forward as rational shippers facing everything head on. If at any point, I feel that this ship is not real, that JK or JH are dating someone else, I don't think I would hang on to my delusions with words like 'what if they become real later?'. I will quit right away coz I am shipping them not because I want them to be real but because I think there is a high chance that they are dating. Now this may vary from person to person. Some may ship them coz they think they are suitable for each other. In my case though, it is the other way around.

I know some MC fans may be seeing this article as proof of SA being 'siblings', but then I hope they also take JH's and Gary's brain scan tests seriously. That was not even some article, it was both JH and Gary admitting their real equation to the world. I have never heard of a couple in a relationship doing a brain scan test that reveals they have zero feelings for each other so that they can announce at a later point that they are dating. Anyway, the point is you can't argue with all the fools in the world. I just hope others' standards do not influence us as shippers. Whether some MC fans decide to hide things or distort things, let's face things honestly. If SA are real, then none of what some MC fans say or do matter. If SA are not real, at least we will get to know it at some point if we choose not to hide or run away from things.

amen to that and i do feel like if they were truly dating why hide it when there are so many people out there who are willing to see them together to me the way i see it jh does not see kg  as that kind of a person  i don't ship jk and jh because they look good together i shipped then because of the way they act around each other how jh would rather team up with jk even if he is not on her team was watching 150 when they were to choose either js or jk as a team when js got to jh location he tells jh that she must not forget that he came all the waythere for her and in the end she still choose jk, in jh case when it comes to choosing and she gets the chance it will always be jk and no one else am reminded of ks words when they ask if there is a chance for jh and kg and he respond by saying that their chance to date are lower than that of getting hit with a lighting what i love the most from that ep.is the way jk was quick to respond to ks when he says he would like to be jh and jk was like why why then he look in the direction of the camera and calm down he always look to the camera when he talk about jh that is what i notice about him. i also notice in the last fm when they were all talking abt jh he didn't promote them like he use to and he didn't push them to stand beside each alother he just stand to the side and keep on looking in front of him. don't know if anyone else realize this but after watching ep. 220 and jh got paired up the the guest and he was all  flirty getting close to jh and jk was like if he think they wake up at 4:am for him to be acting that way to me i think jk was jealous in that ep. and after that if u watch frm ep 221-224 you can see that jk and jh doesn't communicate with each other in ep 222 jk help everybody to do their mission but when it came to jh he was not there and also with the name tag elimination it they were on speaking terms jh would definitely team up with jk and while they were ripping name tagged jh was hesitant to go up against jk she look awkward like they are meeting for the first time but still she got the job done. in ep 223 when they were doing the morning mission everybody was staring at the screen but when jh come in and everyone was talking to her he divert his attention else where and during the bottle challenge while sj was hitting the bottles and the were celebrating i think jk was hoping that jh would join in on the celebration but she didn't so he take the time out to look in jh direction (man i which i could post is here but anyway) and the camera even highlight him looking in jh direction i think the finally patch things up in ep 224 jk even call sj and told him that they would sacrifice themselves to buy the time and that they should get going and they will stall them i don't think he would have done that if jh was nt on that team and finally in the end you can see that side by side and even side hugging each other. also in ep 147 when kg jh and sj was in the car and they were talking about the guest and sj come out and said that someone would be getting prissy today and jh said who and he said gary but i have a strong feeling he was talking about jk because after jh shared her towel with ksh and they when to the other location look who was saying that ks should leave jh cause she does not belong to him she belong to gary so let gary go to her also the ep after that haha was telling jk to find a woman and stop bothering ks and he said that he would talk care of it in that same ep he and jh look distance also just my view what do you all think.

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Guest athoughtcloud1

@tuffygarcia I think it is a compatibility reading of JK's horoscope with JH, YEH and MGY based on their date of birth or something like that. Based on translate softwares, I think the writer considers MGY as the most compatible with JK. SJH's compatibility with JK seems to be better than YEH's,but there seems to be some problems which prevent them from becoming a couple? I think I saw a translation of this on SA baidu. Perhaps the Chinese fans here can enlighten us. It is just a bit of entertaining nonsense. Who cares about such readings? :)


Imagine JH pouting and saying 'I want to do my own stunts'. LOL That is our ACE! How I wish she would get to do some daredevil action in RM soon!

@luvspartace I have some thoughts on episode 147. But I will have to re-watch that episode since I have forgotten some of them. I did feel something off in that episode though. I have to rewatch the episodes from 221-224 as well. I have read many speculations about why Jae Suk nudged JH pushing her towards JK in the island race episode. On baidu, one of the speculations was that since the shoot was cancelled coz of rain, JS was nudging JH (while JK was arguing with the guest) to say something like 'the shoot is over for today. Go date'. There were other speculations too about JH's hand being in JK's pocket and that JS might have found that and that is why he was teasing her (but from whatever I saw, that didn't appear to be the case). On SA naver, the speculation was that the shoot might have been around their anniversary (after they started dating) or something and that is why JS was poking JH. Hehe Just fun speculations! Only JS and JH know what really went on there.

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Guest spicystrawberry


I read this thread from time to time :D

I am surprised you all have came this far, If I not mistake, when it begin - it is only few shippers and few pages but wow <3 

Anyway, recently it become more hot regarding JH and JK getting less screen. I don't know what else to express, since majority of you does write everything I feel about it! :blush: 

However, I am little annoying how the RM EP 303 works - too much advantages on Hunters. Fine but at least give another role to Out members rather than push them into Hunters group and gave away the clues.

I hardly complain RM stuff but lately editing, cut important scenes, putting scenes that are not so interesting and of course SA interaction and individually screen time =( 

Though two things for sure, will always support RM and may Spartace is OTP  ;)

--I love this gif below :P Very much <3 


cr: 喜欢水的蓝, SA baidu



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On 6/14/2016 at 3:00 PM, athoughtcloud1 said:

All shippers have their delusions. We might also have. But the thing I have always admired about our ship is that we are ready to face the facts. If something contradicts our perceptions, we do not have any worries about admitting that. We don't twist or hide facts to make them suit our delusions. That is the only way we can move forward as rational shippers facing everything head on. If at any point, I feel that this ship is not real, that JK or JH are dating someone else or don't have feelings for each other (anymore), I don't think I would hang on to my delusions with words like 'what if they become real later?'. I will quit right away coz I am shipping them not because I want them to be real but because I think there is a high chance that they are dating. Now this may vary from person to person. Some may ship them coz they think they are suitable for each other. In my case though, it is the other way around.

I know some MC fans may be seeing this article as proof of SA being 'siblings', but then I hope they also take JH's and Gary's brain scan tests seriously. That was not even some article, it was both JH and Gary admitting their real equation to the world. I have never heard of a couple in a relationship doing a brain scan test that reveals they have zero feelings for each other so that they can announce at a later point that they are dating. Anyway, the point is you can't argue with all the fools in the world. I just hope others' standards do not influence us as shippers. Whether some MC fans decide to hide things or distort things, let's face things honestly.


You hit the nail. As a fan of Leessang's music and a SJH stan, MC fans angered me how much they disrespect Gary and Jihyo by distorting their words. It pained me how in the brain scan episode, both appeared to know what the result would be even before they step in the lab and Jihyo sincerely said to MC fans to accept the upcoming result, but MC fans discredit what she said in that episode AND several instants where Gary and Jihyo separately addressed the loveline. I'm further disappointed when the fans dissed any of Jihyo's (on-screen)/(potential) love interest, be it Jongkook, Chen Bolin, or Byun Yohan or a drama lead. This may not be all MC fans, but that's the mentality of the majority MC fans I encountered. Every time I see comments like "Kang Gary wants his wife back,"Kang Gary dislikes this,"Kang Gary is gonna out X", I thought to myself: Nope, Kang Gary is not juvenile or petty. He has self-respect. He might have been too much with the unsuccessful flirting, but he's a better guy than MC fans are making him be. 

But on the bright side, I'm glad SA fans are not villainizing Jongkook's (supposed) romantic rivals. We're pretty much beyond that.

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Just get back home and haven't watched the episode. Chinese subbed one is out, how about English subbed? I am too tired and will watch it tmr if I have time. Heard this episode (as a whole) is better than the previous ones, but it is a bit rush due to insufficient time again...Anyone watch it already? Would like to hear your voice before joining the discussion^^Nite everyone

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14 minutes ago, AnnJ said:

hoping for more updates about this couple including the POLLS so that i can help in voting the SpartAce Couple. thank you.


Hi, welcome to the forum! All SA couple updates are available here as well on Instagram!

As for the polls, unfortunately, this year's contest is over- and we won! However, any further contests for which our ship is eligible will be looked into and posted here as well.

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Haven't watched the episode yet. But from what I read on other forums, though the episode is better (and funnier) than the previous one, there isn't much of SA moments (since they're on different team, of course).

Need to get myself away from Instagram for couple days, too tired reading those harassing comments towards JH and delusional theory about her unchanged clothes on her way back from Beijing.

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Just started the episode, maybe a little shout out by the editors. When SJH comes out, looking great if i may so add they play the song "Just the way you are". I wonder who has recently sung this on a variety show... hmm maybe the running man x man episode... hahaha just thought it was nice touch. Instantly made me think of who sang it last, will add more reviews about the episode once i finish. Had to share what i found straight away

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I'm in a state of confusion..... about that bite. Is this an act that would be done by a person that we think is trying to get rid of the Monday girlfriend role. Maybe to Jihyo, that action didn't mean anything, it was just an act to subdue KG. But honestly, I think a bite on the ear is far more intimate than a bite on the chest or calf. 

In fact, that action has already made MC shippers more delusional, on top of that Beijing trip incidence. I am not blaming the production team or Jihyo, but this whole thing just doesn't make sense. Perhaps my assumption or prediction about Spartace is going to announce their relationship soon is not right. Sigh......

Anyway, Ep 304 is more interesting than previous episodes, bad Jihyo is in action again, and the screentime of every member is fairly equal.


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