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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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kelly023 on IG posted a timeline of KJK's stay in LA. The Dodgers games (5/15 and 16) were obviously the big events he went to, and other than the 5/19 post there has been no other evidence that he's in LA. KJK uploaded a photo in the last few hours, but that was of the Dodgers game and therefore took place in 5/15 or 16. Kelly023 pointed out that in the 5/19 photo KJK is wearing the same hat as the 5/12 photo so its possible that the picture was taken then but posted on 5/19 (he' wearing a black hoodie in the first pic so we don't know what this shirt underneath looked like). We really have to wait until the end of the trip to know but its possible that he left LA after the Dodgers game. Jkt1ny uploaded frequently at the beginning of KJK's vacaton with the longest gap being a day in between posts. But it's been three days since jkt1ny uploaded a pic of KJK. I also noticed that when KJK uploaded his most recent pic he used the hashtag #OnlySleptForTwoHours. He's over his jetlag by this time so why only two hours of sleep? Flight to catch? Most likely he's still in LA (as a spartace fan, I of course want to believe they meet up but they might not), but since we haven't yet had any more posts of KJK in LA from jkt1ny, its possible that KJK went to Hawaii.

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@linzer03 possible! however, there was a snapchat from that jeweler taken on the 5/19, which supposedly was when the 5/19 photo was taken also. unless, i don't know if it's possible to record a video and upload it to snapchat later. but it's too much of a coincidence that the snapchat was uploaded on the same day that the 5/19 photo was uploaded (if in fact, they were all taken right after jk arrived in los angeles).

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Guest athoughtcloud1
1 hour ago, linzer03 said:

kelly023 on IG posted a timeline of KJK's stay in LA. The Dodgers games (5/15 and 16) were obviously the big events he went to, and other than the 5/19 post there has been no other evidence that he's in LA. KJK uploaded a photo in the last few hours, but that was of the Dodgers game and therefore took place in 5/15 or 16. Kelly023 pointed out that in the 5/19 photo KJK is wearing the same hat as the 5/12 photo so its possible that the picture was taken then but posted on 5/19 (he' wearing a black hoodie in the first pic so we don't know what this shirt underneath looked like). We really have to wait until the end of the trip to know but its possible that he left LA after the Dodgers game. I noticed that when KJK uploaded his most recent pic he used the hashtag #OnlySleptForTwoHours. He's over his jetlag by this time so why only two hours of sleep? Flight to catch? Most likely he's still in LA (as I spartace fan, I of course want to believe they meet up but they might not), but since we haven't yet had any more posts of KJK in LA from jkt1ny, its possible that KJK went to Hawaii.


I know we are into purely speculative territory here since we don't have any proof, but seems like spartace fans are all noticing the same things and reaching the same conclusions. LOL It is definitely too much of a coincidence that they are both taking such a long break at the same time abroad (around the same location). We wouldn't have suspected a thing if there hadn't been a precedent before. But there has been and that too both were found on the same flight. Also, JK has said U.S is one of his favourite dating spots. This time, JH even missed her Chinese movie premiere coz of this. JK did post a gym pic after 16th, but it could have been from any day. We definitely know for sure he was there in LA till 16. But beyond that, we are still in the speculation stage. But all the recent pics his friends/acquaintances seem to be posting are from the days 12-16 (based on the clothes he is wearing).

JH's make up artist started posting her pics only recently.

She is wearing the same dress she wore at the airport and the same shoes. She also has that garland around her neck. So this must have been taken on the day of her arrival.

The other picture posted of JH is this


It was taken on the same day as this though we can't say what day it was.


But I find it interesting that they started posting JH's pics only now (kind of like saying JH is with them) at a time when we are left wondering where JK is. May be we will get some kind of clue when they go back.


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@pink007 @cindyjulia To be honest, I don't really think that KJK's in Hawaii and those are both valid points, but (since this is a place of spartacers) I thought I'd point out the change in jkt1ny's postings and the possibility. I haven't seen or heard about the snapchat so I wouldn't know. Do you have a link to it? If I was in KJK's shoes and was trying to hide that I was meeting up with SJH in Hawaii, I know I would have my friends post pictures of me taken earlier in LA while I was in Hawaii so that fans would think I was still in LA. Which is probably why I find the 5/19 picture suspicious even though its not really anything to be suspicious of. But like I said I don't think he's in Hawaii, but I do find his disappearance from jkt1ny's IG strange. But a picture could be posted five seconds from now and prove me wrong.

@athoughtcloud1 I just saw your post after I posted mine but I want to comment. Similar to what I said about friends posting to prove KJK is still in LA, its like SJH's staff is posting to prove that SJH is with them in Hawaii. It's use of social media to prove a point. I'm not saying that this is proof that they've met up or anything, but it's totally what I would do in a situation like this (assuming KJK and SJH are dating). If I were KJK, I'd also fly back to LA and make sure that when I returned to Korea, my flight connected from there. So don't be surprised if we get a picture of KJK in the LA airport or a goodbye party on the last day with jkt1ny. 

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1 hour ago, linzer03 said:

@pink007 @cindyjulia To be honest, I don't really think that KJK's in Hawaii and those are both valid points, but (since this is a place of spartacers) I thought I'd point out the change in jkt1ny's postings and the possibility. I haven't seen or heard about the snapchat so I wouldn't know. Do you have a link to it? If I was in KJK's shoes and was trying to hide that I was meeting up with SJH in Hawaii, I know I would have my friends post pictures of me taken earlier in LA while I was in Hawaii so that fans would think I was still in LA. Which is probably why I find the 5/19 picture suspicious even though its not really anything to be suspicious of. But like I said I don't think he's in Hawaii, but I do find his disappearance from jkt1ny's IG strange. But a picture could be posted five seconds from now and prove me wrong.

@athoughtcloud1 I just saw your post after I posted mine but I want to comment. Similar to what I said about friends posting to prove KJK is still in LA, its like SJH's staff is posting to prove that SJH is with them in Hawaii. It's use of social media to prove a point. I'm not saying that this is proof that they've met up or anything, but it's totally what I would do in a situation like this (assuming KJK and SJH are dating). If I were KJK, I'd also fly back to LA and make sure that when I returned to Korea, my flight connected from there. So don't be surprised if we get a picture of KJK in the LA airport or a goodbye party on the last day with jkt1ny. 


To be honest i think it's kind of expected for us/people to want to think they're together. To be honest they're both very busy people and they may not have the time to meet up anyway. It's not as if this is their only chance to date if they're hanging out at LKS's house privately. I guess we just want them to have the chance to be in public together and be happy. I think that's one of the greatest feelings of being with the person you love out in public and getting the chance to just be a normal couple in the US. Only thing is their popularity is getting quite out of hand where they could be recognized anywhere. This might be one of the few chances they have if they don't plan on announcing it anytime soon. 

100% agree with your second point. KJK will leave from LA. Even though I really don't see what's so suspicious about 2 friends and coworkers taking a flight back together. If i were to travel somewhere abroad and found out my friend was heading back at the same time or going to the same place at the same thing. I would definitely want to be on the same flight. Just feels like the media making something out of nothing. 

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Guest athoughtcloud1
1 hour ago, linzer03 said:

@pink007 @cindyjulia To be honest, I don't really think that KJK's in Hawaii and those are both valid points, but (since this is a place of spartacers) I thought I'd point out the change in jkt1ny's postings and the possibility. I haven't seen or heard about the snapchat so I wouldn't know. Do you have a link to it? If I was in KJK's shoes and was trying to hide that I was meeting up with SJH in Hawaii, I know I would have my friends post pictures of me taken earlier in LA while I was in Hawaii so that fans would think I was still in LA. Which is probably why I find the 5/19 picture suspicious even though its not really anything to be suspicious of. But like I said I don't think he's in Hawaii, but I do find his disappearance from jkt1ny's IG strange. But a picture could be posted five seconds from now and prove me wrong.

@athoughtcloud1 I just saw your post after I posted mine but I want to comment. Similar to what I said about friends posting to prove KJK is still in LA, its like SJH's staff is posting to prove that SJH is with them in Hawaii. It's use of social media to prove a point. I'm not saying that this is proof that they've met up or anything, but it's totally what I would do in a situation like this (assuming KJK and SJH are dating). If I were KJK, I'd also fly back to LA and make sure that when I returned to Korea, my flight connected from there. So don't be surprised if we get a picture of KJK in the LA airport or a goodbye party on the last day with jkt1ny. 

We don't really know anything and are just speculating. Anyway, we know for sure they will both come back by Sunday since they might have RM shoot on Monday. We are all thinking of JK flying to Hawaii, but it could be the other way around too since it is JH's pics and whereabouts that seem more suspicious now. JH's photoshoot must have been over long back. Besides, the pics that have been posted of her are by people close to her (so it is more difficult to guess when they were taken since they must be in the know), unlike with JK whose pics have been posted by fans or new acquaintances who will most likely post them on the same day or the very next. Of course, some fan might post a pic of JH in Hawaii tomorrow and this theory might just fail. Anyway, looking forward to the next RM episode.

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@athoughtcloud1 True. I assumed that it would be Hawaii since that's the more exciting/different vacation spot but perhaps because KJK goes to LA often its the safer place. If they did meet up, it would have been after the Dodgers game. If spartace are in the same location, I doubt KJK would go anywhere super public and announce that he's there (since that increases the likelihood of being seen). So if we get another post of KJK being at a major event then I'd say they're not in the same location. And obviously it could be proven that they're in separate locations at any moment.

@seabear11 Of course we want them to meet up, we're spartace shippers. We should definitely all believe that they didn't meet up (because that's the most obvious and least scandalous explanation) but at the same time hope in the possibility of them meeting up (because we're spartace fans). And just because they don't meet up in the USA, doesn't mean they're not dating. We just all want them to because it'd make for a cute vacation.

I don't think the flight problem is that two coworkers can't fly on the same plane together but rather it'd be really suspicious to have SJH fly out from LA or KJK to fly out from Hawaii. Yes, they're in the same country but California and Hawaii aren't close enough to justify coworkers casually taking the same flight back together.. 

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While my expectations for these two meeting up have quickly dwindled, and are borderline non-existent, I do have to admit that some of the points brought up have definitely caused me to stop and momentarily reconsider.

Just throwing my two cents in (which is probably a moot point, but whatever...)...my guess is if they are together at this moment, I'd put my money on Hawai'i. From what I know, Maui and Hawai'i tend to be the most overrun with tourists, especially those from Asia. But the smaller islands are still accessible, while being less popular. With all of the photos of JK with fans in LA, I'd say he's become kinda well-known in the US, and if Tiny lives in the K-Town neighborhood of LA, I think it may be a bit hard for these two to be out and about without being noticed, if they are indeed together. It may be better than being in Seoul, but I'd guess not by much. In my mind, one of the smaller islands would be the perfect place to be together, away from prying eyes.

I agree with you, @athoughtcloud1, that JH's photo shoot has had to have wrapped up by now, and @linzer03,your observations are definitely worth considering. Like it's been said above, we're definitely into speculation territory, which runs the risk of getting out of hand quickly. Besides, chances are good that JK is laying low in LA, and JH is having fun in Hawai'i. And I doubt we'll ever know exactly who was where, when. But, in the life cycle of a Running Man/Spartace fan, these moments of speculation are just enough to get us by until the next episode or next IG post :)

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but for me if this delusion is true that they make alot of evidence that they are in their place (jk in LA, and JH in hawaii),

meanwhile they together in hawaii or LA, for only date????

why they must do such difficult things as in kwangsoo house and Han river is the biggest chance they can date on.

my bet this maybe something more than date.....

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Guest athoughtcloud1

On SA baidu, found that they are discussing Ruby Lin's and Wallace Huo's dating news since they feel it has echoes of the SA situation. The official version is that Lin and Huo got together this year after having been friends for many years. But there are reports that they have been dating secretly for 4 years. Lin had participated in WAIL last year with someone else. Moral of the story : You can't say for sure someone is single just because they participate in a dating show like WAIL.


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As a spartace fans we definitely want them to have a vacation and relax with the one they love by their sides. But I'm pretty sure that they will be cautious enough for not being seen, especially when they had been spotted a year ago. Well, as you guys mentioned, even we do not have proof, it doesn't mean they are not dating. So no need to be disappointed if JK iis back from La while Jh is from Hawaii.


Btw, as a new spartace fan, I am womdering why many of you mentioned they date in Kwangsoo's house? Hoping somebody can explain to me...

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@dragonlovers there has been rumors here and there about how they supposedly date at kwangsoo's house, but i think it also stemmed, if not strengtened, from what song joong ki said during his fanmeeting recently regarding sukjin, jongkook and jihyo visiting kwangsoo's late at night after filming. to my knowledge, there has been no real or accurate account on any sightings of jihyo and jongkook at kwangsoo's house from a credible korean source.

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On 5/20/2016 at 2:10 PM, dragonlovers said:

As a spartace fans we definitely want them to have a vacation and relax with the one they love by their sides. But I'm pretty sure that they will be cautious enough for not being seen, especially when they had been spotted a year ago. Well, as you guys mentioned, even we do not have proof, it doesn't mean they are not dating. So no need to be disappointed if JK iis back from La while Jh is from Hawaii.

Btw, as a new spartace fan, I am womdering why many of you mentioned they date in Kwangsoo's house? Hoping somebody can explain to me...

It's page 375 and 376 if anyone interested in reading what happen in real time and what people said on the forum. In regards to them taking the same flight.

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I saw the interview of new pd today about rm,what appeals to me is that whether he has some plans to expand the members after HKH in the infinite challenge and YSY in two days one night,he said both HKH and YSY brought the energy for the program,so although rm seven members are indeed good,they are considering the changes of the composition of the members.He thought the attendance of new character could bring new interest.

From his thought,we can see rm pd have the idea of bringing new members and characters to rm.As we all know,if rm haven't new big changes,it can last at most 2 years,despite the fact that rm has a high popularity overseas.

And after bringing new members,what will pd do?In my opinion,he will cultivate a new loveline in rm.

Plus,due to the higher average age of rm members,how long will they last?They have still four members are single,they will marry eventually.

Having a conclusion of all the cases,it's a big deal of the current rm.



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Guest athoughtcloud1
1 hour ago, elevenpapitus said:

I saw the interview of new pd today about rm,what appeals to me is that whether he has some plans to expand the members after HKH in the infinite challenge and YSY in two days one night,he said both HKH and YSY brought the energy for the program,so although rm seven members are indeed good,they are considering the changes of the composition of the members.He thought the attendance of new character could bring new interest.

From his thought,we can see rm pd have the idea of bringing new members and characters to rm.As we all know,if rm haven't new big changes,it can last at most 2 years,despite the fact that rm has a high popularity overseas.

And after bringing new members,what will pd do?In my opinion,he will cultivate a new loveline in rm.

Plus,due to the higher average age of rm members,how long will they last?They have still four members are single,they will marry eventually.

Having a conclusion of all the cases,it's a big deal of the current rm.




This is quite an interesting development. I wonder whether the PD is just talking in general about this or whether there are definite plans of adding in a new member. Adding in a new member will definitely shake things up a bit. RM has a huge international fandom which considers the 7 members as family, so they have to do it carefully if they are thinking of adding a new member. Most probably,  it will be a maknae who will be added to the cast. Whether it will be a male or a female member is the question. Would they want a female member (an idol/actress with some variety sense) to set up a loveline with KS (who may perhaps want an image change at some point?) or will it be a new male member? I honestly can't at the moment see RM trying to create a new loveline for Gary with the addition of a new member. It would be plain awkward because of the Monday couple history.  JK has stayed away from lovelines in RM, so I don't think it will be him either. It may happen later for Gary, but at the moment, I don't see it.

If you think objectively, what the show needs more at this point is a female member more than a male member. The official loveline is no longer functional, so they need a new female member to create a  loveline. But the new female member would need to have a completely different image from that of JH (if not, there will be unnecessary fan wars and comparisons). However, since the athletic aspect of RM is coming down, perhaps what they are looking for is not another ACE at this point. A new male member can also help in shaking things up a bit if he is quite popular, but it is quite a hard job for them to create an image for him which is different from that of the other male members. Isn't there a chance that adding in a new male member would create some insecurity among the male members who are already 6 and have among them some who might be already worried about their screentime and roles in the show?

Anyway, any changes in RM will give us a sense of where the show is headed. If they are planning to add a new member, that will show RM is thinking of a longer future. It might also give us clues about what they are going to do with spartace (will they continue on the show even after a dating announcement or will there be a gradual phasing out of the old members)? Will the addition of a female member help in creating a new cast dynamics that may help take some of the pressure off JH? I know it is quite hard to imagine spartace continuing on the show in case there is a dating news. However, one of the major impediments I see with spartace dating news is how it would affect JH's equations with the other male members. Being the only female member, she has an equation with all the male members which can no longer be what it used to be in case spartace are revealed to be dating. That will definitely affect the show dynamics. Having a new female member would help in creating new team combinations while spartace can perhaps then go in for a couple concept in case they plan to continue doing the show even after a dating announcement. Just thinking out loud. We don't know what is in the PD's mind. Anyway, the news of the PD admitting to thinking of adding in a new member is definitely interesting.

Edited by athoughtcloud1
Had a re-think
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I'm not entirely sold on adding a new member being an improvement for the show. Because a new person is joining a group who has been together for six years. And while I'm sure all the RM cast will be welcoming, that's really a wall that's hard to overcome. Plus, some of the fans are all about the seven members and they may have trouble accepting a new one. Think about CRM for comparison. Anytime KRM and CRM collaborate there will be a tirade of comments about how awful CRM is and how great KRM is. I'm afraid that will happen if they add a new cast member - especially a female. Some SJH fans always compare the female guests to SJH and insult the guests while saying SJH is the best, so I'm afraid that will happen to a new female member. That being said, I do think a new member would do a great job of shaking up cast dynamics, and I agree that it should be a female. Besides me wanting more females in the variety world because females are awesome and badass, I think a second female member would give SJH someone to compete with and even things out when its just the cast members. She could also create a new love line with LKS (which would make an interesting change to his character). I kind of see KG as taking over the playboy role, which RM hasn't had since HH got married. Obviously KG's style of playboy would be different from HH's, but it's certainly a role that's I can see sort of being created around KG (the cast members have mentioned how he tries more when there are female guests and matching him with females). 

In my opinion, the best way to have spartace during the show is to not make a big deal of it. I mean, obviously there are times where you can't avoid mentioning it or making jokes about it (such as if they go up against each other in a game or during a couple race) but don't turn it into MC with captions on the screen and romantic music whenever they look after each other. The effects turn it into something manufactured for the cameras rather than something genuine. Fans might start to expect moments between the two, and eventually, spartace might start to feel pressured to act as a couple for the cameras - which would be MC 2.0 and we don't want that. But I think if spartace was introduced at the right time and presented correctly, it could continue into RM. It would certainly change KJK and SJH's characters.

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