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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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I was reading over Instagram posts and this one person pointed out a comment from LKS in episode 251 (Love and War). During the first round of bingo (the topic being dating locations), when it's KJK's turn, before KJK can speak, LKS says, "It's not "my house", right?" The quotation marks were part of subtitles I read, so if someone wants to clarify the actual translation, that'd be great. That being said, if "my house" is the term then it's not suspicious, but I can't see how LKS would make a joke about someone writing down their own house, since that's a pretty normal thing. However, as the person on Instagram said, LKS says, "It's not MY house, right?" As in, KJK would right down LKS's house as a dating spot. This is an interesting comment in regards to the SJK fanmeet where SJK said that KJK and SJH came over to LKS's house. Now, we just have reports of the fanmeet, so maybe things are being misinterpreted, but most spartace shippers know that LKS, KJK, and SJH hang out a lot, so it's very possible that spartace did go over to LKS's house when SJK was there. And if KJK dates at LKS's house... hmmm... I wonder who that is. 

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Guest athoughtcloud1
10 minutes ago, linzer03 said:

I was reading over Instagram posts and this one person pointed out a comment from LKS in episode 251 (Love and War). During the first round of bingo (the topic being dating locations), when it's KJK's turn, before KJK can speak, LKS says, "It's not "my house", right?" The quotation marks were part of subtitles I read, so if someone wants to clarify the actual translation, that'd be great. That being said, if "my house" is the term then it's not suspicious, but I can't see how LKS would make a joke about someone writing down their own house, since that's a pretty normal thing. However, as the person on Instagram said, LKS says, "It's not MY house, right?" As in, KJK would right down LKS's house as a dating spot. This is an interesting comment in regards to the SJK fanmeet where SJK said that KJK and SJH came over to LKS's house. Now, we just have reports of the fanmeet, so maybe things are being misinterpreted, but most spartace shippers know that LKS, KJK, and SJH hang out a lot, so it's very possible that spartace did go over to LKS's house when SJK was there. And if KJK dates at LKS's house... hmmm... I wonder who that is. 


I also saw that comment. I am also waiting for the clarification since it could mean one's own house or LKS' house. If it is the first, LKS might be meaning to criticize JK if he writes something so boring as 'my house'. Let's see. If it is really LKS' house that is meant, wow!

I also think it is highly possible that it was only JK and JH that SJK mentioned. The news article posted here seemed quite a legit translation of what SJK said at the fanmeet. We know JK usually hangs out at KS' house. JH is also really close to LKS and the way she was moving around in LKS' kitchen, gave me the feeling she had been there plenty of times before. KS was sitting with the others and JH was alone in the kitchen for the most part. KS would have gone and assisted her if she was new to where things were kept. JK, JH, LKS and Gary are the single members in RM. Hence they are the most likely to visit an RM member in late hours. Gary is not that close to LKS and we haven't heard of him visiting KS alone. Hence, it is more probable that it was just JK and JH, who are both really close to LKS and who Suk Jin says usually hang out together. I don't really see the whole RM cast landing up at KS' house in the late hours just like that after a dinner gathering/RM shoot. They have families waiting at home. Anyway, let's see.

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So I watched ep 295, and I'm curious as to how many "I'm Sorry, I Love You" episodes there will be. They said it's the 300 episode anniversary, which sounds like there will be five. (Which is worrisome because a premise could get tiring for five episodes, but I liked this one, so hopefully they'll all be good). I would think that 300th episode would be the cast members apologizing to each other, but they sort of did that in this episode, so I don't know what they'll do for number 300. As we've all seen, there are tons of spartace moments throughout the episode, but the most interesting part for me were the confessionals at the end. We got KJK/YJS (which was awesome, mainly KJK-centered, but honestly think they're the best team on RM so it was cool to see them acknowledge it), SJH/LKS (the history of their friendship), KG/YJS (this one wasn't as interesting for me), JSJ/HH (revealed a lot about JSJ in the early days), HH/LKS (lol), and KG/HH (I absolutely loved this one, "You're my role model") in this episode, but I'm curious if we're going to get the rest. It'd be awesome to have the entire cast have one-on-one conversation with each other (at least for me because I like hearing about their interactions outside of their characters, but I know some people just like name tag ripping). But anyways, I'm curious as to whether or not we're going to get the rest of the conversations. I think we will. I can't believe they wouldn't show us KJK/LKS's conversation, since they have the history of being the tiger and the giraffe, the same with LKS/JSJ. Besides those two, I really want to see SJH/KG's talk session just because I think it would be interesting to see what MC would apologize for. And, of course, I really want to see spartace have a confessional. I was curious if they had one and the staff chose not to show it, simply because there was a time where KG and YJS were talking and JSJ, HH, and LKS were talking, leaving spartace unaccounted for, but they could have just been on break. Anyways, the point of this is - do y'all think we're going to see more of the confessionals? Are we going to see spartace's conversation? What would they apologize for?

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I have not watched the episode yet, but saw a couple of articles about the one on one session and it is making me nostalgic and sad and anxious at the same time (JH/LKS article made me teary eyed) . Is this the beginning of the end? I mean the things that are happening can't be just coincidence right? Or maybe I am just over analyzing things. Lol. 

I saw a IG post about there might be CRM vs KRM episode again so I think that might be their 300th episode? 


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Guest athoughtcloud1

@linzer03 I don't think there are going to be any more confessionals, at least for the time being. I think the 'I'm sorry, I love you' theme will end with the next episode. I read on insta that there are rumours of an RM China Vs RM Korea episode and that it may be shot this week. This PD usually does the same theme for just 2 episodes, so don't think it will be there after that. I also found this episode really interesting and would have liked to hear many more confessionals. But at the moment, I think a JH and Gary confessional can't take place or a Ji Hyo and a Jong Kook one. However, I am amazed by how the PD let them be more of their real selves in this episode. I didn't think RM team was going to be so brave. That way, it was a very honest episode for me.

Honestly, one of the major reasons RM had become such a mess where the games and the interactions had all become so mechanical was because it had ceased to be honest about itself. I am sure JK had plenty of concerns about his health for a long time and may have wanted to voice them out loud, but he must have been told to pretend to be what he was not - the invincible commander. The Monday loveline had lost its charm and meaning long ago, but still Gary and JH were told to pretend as if there was still something about to happen between the two of them. I actually found Gary's segment with Jae Suk really interesting. Gary has been someone who has found it hard to find an identity for himself apart from the Monday BF one. Since he is not that comfortable with variety, he is usually the type who does what he is told to do rather than try to find an image for himself/experiment with it like a KS or Haha does. When he was fresh on the show, he was chosen as the Monday BF and he came to believe that he was going to be non-functional if he lost out on that role. I am sure Gary must have also been frustrated at trying to play the ever eager Monday BF even when he was well past the age to play it. However, the RM team down the years just was not ready to face its demons head on and just wanted to maintain the status quo. For Gary, RM does bring lots of profits and popularity, some of which he may require to get fans for his music as well (though he is a well-established musician, it is not like he is part of a big company).Gary's primary concern is his music, but he requires RM to support it or that is how I read it. In the case of JK who admitted that he thought of quitting coz he felt his health was not letting him perform the role he was supposed to play, but couldn't coz he worried he might not get other programmes to do as well as Gary who felt it was better for RM that he quit it coz he felt there was no role for him, sometimes one's own interests come into the picture and make one keep on doing the same thing even if one is not convinced about it. In the case of MC loveline, what with the profits from the fanmeets and I guess a PD who thought the only way to go on was to pretend like nothing had changed, Gary was also made to feel that he required MC to stay on in the show. Gary's character used to puzzle me a lot. From his interviews, he comes across as such a free spirit and yet the kind of stubbornness with which he clung onto being the Monday BF seemed out of character. For somebody who initially wanted to keep his real image and Monday BF image separate, down the years, Gary let himself be identified more and more as his RM image. I do not know what happened in between for Taek PD to go, but I do feel there must have been some kind of a showdown between him and the members. Now that Monday Couple is at an end, more than any other member, Gary is the most worried. You could see that in his confessional to Jae Suk. Jae Suk, I think, knows it well and his talk was all about the need to re-invent one's image and how one has to let go of things that no longer work. I really hope Gary can find a new image for himself coz he is so entertaining when he can be himself like in his confessional with Haha.

I was wondering whether there were going to be any hints about spartace that one could read between the lines in JK and JS' conversation. As of now, I don't see any hints and think any such conversation even vaguely hinting at something beyond the obvious must have been edited out. However, from the way JS said "I knew it was going to be you" the moment JK walked in, it is quite clear that there must have been previous conversations between the two. I don't know whether the segment was only meant as a confessional. I get the feeling it was also about airing one's concerns. In the recent episodes, we have seen JK looking quite detached from the things happening around him. I wonder whether he has discussed with JS before his thoughts on quitting the show. Somehow, the way JS was responding, I got the feeling many of the things JK told him were not new to him. We all know of JK's health concerns coz of his own confession about it in Healing Camp. But RM has never let him speak about his health issues. Even in the recent smile cup, JK was not healthy right from the moment he boarded the plane and yet he was supposed to play the role of the super fit commander who was just bad at football. I know JK is not that great at soccer as he often claims to be, but he is better than most. Yet there was never any acknowledgement that he was injured at that time. For someone who takes so much pride in his athleticism, it must have hurt JK a lot to get off the ground like that and watch the match from the sidelines. So, I am really glad JK could talk about his health problems and was allowed to do so by the team. I thought it was really brave of him to admit that he had at times been over-aggressive with the members and the guests since he was frustrated with his own health and was trying to cover up his own worries. That is why I love him.

I have often wondered how JK gets away with bullying Jae Suk who is Korea's darling. Got to know it has created trouble for JK and that yet he has gone on doing the same thing not worrying about how people perceive him. I sometimes wish people could see JK beyond his RM image. On the one hand, he is supposed to play the Mr. Capable whom some of the other underdogs of the team are supposed to defeat by hook or by crook and on the other hand, he won't get the popularity that is reserved for the popular underdog whom the majority identifies with. We know JK is really vulnerable and extremely warm-hearted, yet his softer side rarely comes out on the show coz his image is supposed to be the exact opposite. His only vulnerable quality that was allowed was that he was gentlemanly towards the female guests letting them win, but even that got repetitive after a while. One of the reasons I want spartace dating news is also to see the change it would bring to JK's image. The larger audience has never got to see his warmer side and unless you are a family man in Korea, I feel, the larger audience would always feel like the celeb lacks something. JK is now the gym-obsessed, super-man kind of guy many admire and quite a lot love. I feel that if his romantic side is also known a bit, more making him more accessible, there will be many more who will love him. YJS is pure gold in his variety skills (the way he was calling KS a permanent guest for 6 years is just the kind of humour only he can create) and is loved for his manners, humility and his long struggle for success, but one reason he is well-loved is also coz he is such a respectable family man. I hope JK's image can also transform like that down the years.

I had given up on RM team and had felt that they were just counting their steps to the abyss, but the new PD has really surprised me. What he has done with this episode is take a huge risk telling the audience that the members are not really their images and that is something gutsy for a well-loved variety show to attempt. I get the feeling RM has realized that it runs the risk of cancellation if it ignores its korean audience for the i-fans. Nametag ripping may be what the majority of the i-fans want, but unless RM gives its korean viewers a more honest version of themselves and get back that connect with their domestic fans, the show has not many days left. I wonder if it is too late for RM to try to re-invent itself, especially with the images of the members, but still it is worth a risk taking. This episode, whatever its flaws, was the most refreshing one in a long long time. And that is something we need to be thankful to the new PD for. RM is now in its transition phase and let's hope they are able to tide over this period.

I got the feeling JH was waiting for JK while sitting in KS' van. The way she was looking out through the window at JK and JS's cabin and worrying about the oppas taking too long over their conversarion, it seemed like she was waiting for JK. I wonder whether the plan was for JK to join her in the van. I am sure there ought to have been a segment between JK and LKS since both have been known for their love-hate relationship on the show. So, perhaps JK was also supposed to do his apology with or after JH. Perhaps, JK joined them both once he left JS' cabin since we didn't get to see JH going out of the van like we got to see JK and Gary doing with JS' cabin. LKS then came to join Haha and SJ, perhaps leaving spartace alone in the van having their confessional (which we will never get to see :( )? LOL  I mean even if you look at spartace just as RM members, don't they have many things to apologise to each other for? JK for the number of times he has betrayed JH and JH for the number of times she has tortured JK?

JH's segment with LKS was also really interesting. She, LKS and SJK were the maknaes of the show and were the closest in the beginning. LKS soon became close to JK as well. Looking back, JK and JH were framer KS' regular targets for his outlandish rumours which shows he was the most comfortable with them among the cast (except for SJK). KS was also responsible for creating JH's bad Ji Hyo image with all the female gangster stories he used to make up about her. Good to know JH still remains the Song Ji Yok for him even in episode 295. LOL

I was also impressed with SJ's self-awareness. In the beginning of RM, many a time, I have felt that he was being unfair to some of the members for his own lack, especially JK and often came across as short-tempered and critical of others. Looking back, it must have been really hard for him since he was supposed to be one of the twin poles of the show along with JS, a role that JK soon made his own. It might not have been easy to compete with the younger and much more fit RM cast members and be ridiculed for his weakness and yet he learnt to deal with it by being positive about it. I am sure the cartoonist got his pride back in yesterday's episode coz unlike others, SJ let him win. For someone who is ridiculed for his weakness to do it for the show, I was really impressed with SJ. This episode really showed me a more honest side of all the members and I am happy I could understand them all a bit more.

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Maybe some of you have came across the article before. But i believe jk's confession part was aired for a gd amount of screentime was new pd's effort to show different sides of him - rather than just the always angry guy/commander. Im so happy his part got aired because I believe that viewers who are not his fan have no idea just how fragile this man actually is (literally) haha. So next week, it'll be the loving/mama's boy/"daughter like" side of JK that we will get to see.

Afterall, just how long more does Jk have to endure doing his current role when his body's already not in a good state. Never wanna see him break one day.

He's so precious that I just want him to be healthy. :')

and i honestly think that jh was genuinely curious(?) or concerned that jk and js were talking for long. She kept saying "oppa blah blah blah." Must be referring to JK XD

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@athoughtcloud1 part 2


"We'll finish off with this, while everyone else is focusing, he alone seems like he's daydreaming?"

Picture 1 - Picture 12


"He's normally quite fidgety while standing up, but this one's a bit excessive so I've uploaded it"

Picture 13 - Picture 16


"Also this time, he looks at that person {probably talking about Ji Hyo] and gives a big laugh and (everyone was laughing too this time, but this laugh was done while looking down at the ground, and since there isn't many cases of this happening, it seems to give a different meaning) lowers his head."


"This is similar to the above scene. [We] know it as the longest and strongest. [i'm guessing the writers talking about Jong Guk's laugh?] (He always did it in 2013, so we're not caring about that.)"

"I haven't taken much [photos] but he moves around in his chair about 3 times, he moistens his lips, touches his stomach, touches his hips, touches his sunglasses, touches his bracelet, touches the metal part above the mike, raise his pants, lowers his head."

Picture 17 - Picture 30


"Quite fidgety indeed."

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Interesting scene from episode 163, Dae Sung complains that they're going to lose for being the weakest team with Jong Guk and Gwang Soo together. Ji Hyo's reaction to that was a strong objection of "WHY?? WHY??" lol

Looks like things are going in the right direction now.

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Yes, I had read that article. Looks like the PD is following up on his words. :) I also get the feeling JK trusts the new PD. Though JK has been on RM for many years, his family has not been featured in it. His mother is also generally shy of taking part in such shows. Now both his bro and mom have taken part in RM within a short interval of time.

Find it cute how JH laughs the loudest at his mom's 'He is really a daughter' comment and Haha seems to be looking in her direction.

Had read something like filming will be there till 20th. So is there a chance they will film an episode that will be aired in Korea too? Or will they finish the China RM face off today and shoot the Korean episodes back to back. No idea! Hope since AB is married now, they won't again go for the Monday CP vs Friday Partners face off. Oh please!


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Guest athoughtcloud1

@bidovacsb Thanks a lot for the translation. When you re-watch episode 163, there are so many moments like that which make you go 'Hmm..'

Btw when you watch episode 295, if you find something interesting  that has not been subbed, please let us know.

Last part: This has more text towards the end to translate.






cre: Cookie Cookie, SA naver cafe

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5 hours ago, bidovacsb said:

Interesting scene from episode 163, Dae Sung complains that they're going to lose for being the weakest team with Jong Guk and Gwang Soo together. Ji Hyo's reaction to that was a strong objection of "WHY?? WHY??" lol

Looks like things are going in the right direction now.

Lol, look at gary trying to join in on the dancing but look who push him aside, no one by jk is just too funny, like he's saying what are you doing  move aside. by the way jh look so happy their

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Finally done watching the episode. I think the main purpose of apologizing part among the members is for the audience to value the RM members more. That they've had hard times during filming, and JS words, "We all used to play in a playground when were young, but as we get older, we can't play in the same place forever" hit the main point why RM changed. I do appreciate the PDs for showing this, as the old PDs used to hide their lack and any injuries happened to the members.

I don't ever think JH wanted to quit RM, so it surprised me a lot. It's a luck for her having those oppas and dongsaeng around her taking care of her so much.


What makes me confuse is, even now JH is doing WAIL, our SA like glued lately. Not only on-air closeness, but the dinner photos and Joong Ki's statement seemed obvious. One can say it's because MC has ended. But look back to the Q/A episode, the reason why they did use the brain-scanning test was to give MC an end so JH can get her new image in WAIL. I mean is it okay for her now being attached to JK while doing WAIL?

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this is as you say very confused , when all these spartace moments come out after long time .. its make me feel uncomfortable lol , i don't know until now how the one who always put jihyo as least members close to him and who know his name is attached with jihyo in naver , people ask him about jihyo in safety first (although he wasn't denying only explain) and say some times it's just family (as to prevent any news ) but as all we knew the titles come out in news (spartace marriage ) , then another news (who is close(or real ?) to jihyo ** or KJK ? ) and most these news comes and makes spartace fans nervous but people still leave that news as nothing happen . now seem nothing gonna stop them (his close friend tiny update with spartace pic ) . . . kjk in last episode is the one who is freely going to jihyo , laugh with her , hug ,as korean say more skinship .she now freely can stand beside him , no more warning to choose arrangement , this is feel like old spartace moments before late 2014 and of course 2015.

but now ..?

(can she able to interact freely with all members ? )

and as it seems , now kjk will try new character .. we can't ever think about being couple with jihyo (pd will never do that ! as strongest or any different name ) , i believe he will only try being more talkative as much as yjs do .so this question im sure most of spartace fans keep asking : why now ?and .. no clearly answer , nothing to do with any industry media or contract make them act recently like that ..we can only wait few months ..so the new environment will become more clear and see .

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I definitely agree that the new PDs seem to appreciate the RM members a lot more, they even had giant banners up to apologize to each and everyone ("Song Jihyo sshi, we're sorry for ignoring you whenever a female guest comes around" - lol).

I think JH had her doubts in the early years when she couldn't quite mingle with the sunbaes she respected very much. I can understand that she was worried about her acting career because after all, Kwangsoo's fans used to have the same concern until Kwangsoo took a leading role and acted along Jisung and Joo Jihoon. For Jihyo, she hasn't had a lot of domestic films in the recent years. She was also hospitalized when she was filming Gyebaek, so I can only imagine being physically and mentally drained :(.

JH-KS's confession is my favorite part of the episode. KS looks so genuinely sorry when JH cried, and she, as the noona, is genuinely embarrassed xD. It's good to see that after all that bickering, butt-kicking, hair-grabbing, hand-slapping, and general sibling quarrels, these two always got each other's back.

Another favorite is how JK is opening up on RM. Even though I really like him as a person, I feel like he was the most closed off on RM. Part of it is his professionalism and commitment to maintain a certain show persona, but part of it *I think* is that he wasn't comfortable showing his vulnerability. Not only that JK didn't show when he's physically hurt, he also didn't show much affection or jealousy. He also kept families and personal life largely off the show. But these days he's bringing his brother and his mother to RM, he's laughing freely, purposely bumped into JH whenever he's within 3-feet from her, and he's genuinely apologetic to the hyungs that he's always been too close to be formal with. Granted, he started rambling when JS listened to him intently, but still I think JK's showing affection in a gruff way. At the end of the episode, I love that he looked happy to be where he was, hugging the people next to him, JS, and then JH.

Here's when my delulu mode's turned on: JK's changes could be due to his newfound trust in the current PD team, but I think it could be that he's made up his mind, y'all. If there's any time when JK and JH were unsure about their relationship or their future with the show, then now it seems like he's just going to follow his feelings and worry about the rest when the time comes. He's made a choice to be around JH as much as he can, and as far as I can see, the message is clear: It's my turn, I'm chasing you from now on. :phew::D

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I just finished the episode too and omg, the cast being awkward sharing their feelings is hilarious. And KwangMong siblings is just too precious, they will always be my favorite relationship in RM.

I think it was a lot harder for JH to be in a variety show because she has a lot to lose but I am so happy she pushed through. Glad that the other guys are supportive of her. 


@assyl4 I really think that they did the brain scanning thing as to put an end of MC permanently. Like JS said, It is time to play in a new place and i think it is a step forward to making new characters/teams for the cast. Although I am still conflicted if this episode is the beginning of the end or the beginning of something new. 

One thing that I am most curious about is how the general public in Korea/China sees Spartace. I feel like they only see them as co-workers thus JH and JK being close was never a threat to JH's WAIL character. 

@merada i agree with you regarding not wanting JK/JH in a permanent team. I would prefer them to pair up once in a while but not always. :)

@Chii Le i like your delulu. Hehehe. 

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Guest athoughtcloud1

@assyl4 Agree with @tee2015 There have not been any serious SA rumour in Korea with really scandalous pics or information. So, I don't see why SA being close with each other in the recent episodes should affect JH doing WAIL.

Based on the close SA interaction in the episodes after the death of the MC loveline, it seems to me that MC was the chief reason SA was being forced to stay away from each other in RM. Now that JH is no longer the Monday GF, she can stand wherever she wants and it is no wonder then that she chooses to stand besides the man she is closest to among the cast. I really hope that both JH and JK will become more active on RM with their banter now that the ban on their interaction has been lifted. Sometimes, it seems to me that it affected JH's participation in the cast banter greatly since she had to be with Gary whom she was close to, but didn't hang out with that much compared to the other members like JK, KS and Haha whom she regularly hung out with.

While the theme of this episode seems like something made up on the spot, I am sure it had been in the works for some time. Neither JK nor Gary would have talked so openly about their roles on the show unless they had come prepared for it. The letters that the RJ read out in the car was an indication that the members knew the theme of the episode beforehand and perhaps even something of the last mission. Let's see what kind of an image change JK goes through. While I don't want spartace on the team always, I would like to see them talk more naturally towards each other on the show, giving us glimpses of their real life interaction. In the recent episodes while JK and JH are for the most part standing/sitting together, they have openly addressed each other rarely . Whatever SA moments there have been of the two addressing each other have been largely instinctual like JK running to JH when she mispronounced the word as 'australiapithecus'. However, there have been signs of the beginnings of a closer interaction - JH talking about going tanning with JK openly, revealing that JK had scolded her for choosing 9 am in episode 293. Even in this episode, JH was the one who introduced the pics of Hee Jun's humiliation. Similarly, JK asked the cartoonist to fight with JH. I hope we get to see bits of what we get to see in the PC or interviews of their fanmeets - where JK teases JH about her having no abs or saying she has a power in her that can discipline bad kids etc. I don't want a loveline or lovey-dovey moments, but as the show enters a revamped format where the members seem to be acting a bit more like their real selves, I would like to see at least a bit of real SA interaction.

However, the skinship has been really extraordinary. Before the recent episodes, we could not have imagined JK turning to JH's side and hugging her as he does at the end of the episode. Either JH would have been sitting far away from JK or even if near him, he would have ignored her completely.

Can we also have more of candy alliance? It was so heartwarming to see Jae Suk going and picking up the sheet with the word on it and hiding behind everybody, trying to show it to JH so that she would not get punished. Their love and care for each other really melts your heart.

Btw read on SA baidu that in the shoot for Chinese RM, Li Chen is JH's partner. If it is true, it would be interesting to see JK and Angela Baby going against Li Chen and Song Ji Hyo. If twe get a final face off between the spartas of the two formats, I would like to see a one on one between both the teams - JK against Chen and JH against AB.


In this one, they totally look like a couple


cre: SA baidu

Oh and btw, JH and JK's massaging styles seem to be very similar. LOL

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