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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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Guest PaiChuengLang

@skyycloud...as much as we love SA we also love them individually too, right?we make a promise that we'll also accept whoever they choose in their personal life (or it's just me?LOL)...so i hope everyone can just let things like that go.we believe in our SA and we believe they know what they're doing... 

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true i agree with you but the difference is it's too obvious that this two are dating. there not loveline on a show that we can differentiate what's real and what's not
dont get me wrong i believe in our sa  no question about that, it's just you can see their individual reaction or expression when one of them is to close to their opposite sex(guest) or one of their (opposite sex) guest is flirting either with her or with him and being in a relationship specially like them whose on the entertainment world they will try to conceal and be a professional about it but not all the time. they can lie about it, but they cant hide specially if  it's happening in front of you

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@skycloud yes I feel the same way, and because we are women we are more emotional and most of the time we can't hide our feelings... That's the risk of dating your co-worker kekeke...

I also like Moon Chae-won when I watched her in Good Doctor but after being flirty with KJK I don't like her anymore kekeke, maybe I am also just afraid becoz there are also some who said that KJK and MCW are dating...but don't get me wrong if ever KJK announce that he likes her then it will be fine with me...

.. it's just right to feel jealous sometimes,  becoz it's part of shipping

Anyway SpartAce fighting...

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@SureworxM they want another loveline for kjk
im not taking it seriously im just annoyed with that actress  i heard is on healing camp im excited to watch it cause from what i know about that show is there asking their guest about their personal life im curious onn how and what kjk's answer will be when it comes to his love life and also if their going to ask  or mention sjh cant wait for that

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the thing  is on the previous episode the pepero game of kjk and sjh it's so  apparent that something between them and the members specially

jsj,lks.kg  made it so obvious  granted it's   her first time in the show but im sure she's not stupid  not to know or she wants to play the innocent naive girl that

you have to explain everything  before she get it and understand  OMG why i'm so workup with this actress she's  the same as kim min jung the 

other flirty actress

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skyycloud said: the thing  is on the previous episode the pepero game of kjk and sjh it's so  apparent that something between them and the members specially

jsj,lks.kg  made it so obvious  granted it's   her first time in the show but im sure she's not stupid  not to know or she wants to play the innocent naive girl that

you have to explain everything  before she get it and understand  OMG why i'm so workup with this actress she's  the same as kim min jung the 

other flirty actress

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hey but I saw something weird too when MCW come near to JK after they did the first game in a beach...lil but suspicious why MCW grabbed JK's hands...

this is me rairamegumi who wrote a lot about spartace couple but smell fishy thing around KJK and MCW..ottoke????

but try to hold on to our couple till the end...till they announce their wed bell...lololol


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I have been hanging around my SA bubble the whole day. Just can't have enough of them in newest episode, so I re-watching one of the old episode. Still not satisfied, keep watching and clicking for another one.
Regardless of how many times I keep repeating, they're still fun to watch and never fail to delight me.Sometimes I smile like an idiot, sometimes I laughed my heads off, and sometimes I even got crazy butterflies in my tummy.
No matter what people say though, they are impossible, or like siblings, but I knew I like their chemistry, I like the interaction between them, and I like how they enjoy playing hide-and-seek. Cold in front of camera, warm offcam (perhaps they thought nobody watching or they believe the PDs will edit that part out even if they caught on cam like someone mentioned before). Still, eyes and ears are everywhere. Speaking of which, actions speaks when words fails.
Pretending or not, I have no intention to judge them. Why should I whilst in fact, I do know for sure that I'm very contented and pleased with what they gave us and with what we have now. Part of happiness is appreciating what you have. I believe so.
*SA moments and RM episodes are food for my soul*
*Spread SA Love and Happy Virus*
*Let's sail smoothly*
*Big hugs everyone*

:x :\"> :-* >:D<

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@rairamegumi I also noticed it but afraid to open it up here after all the sad news last week... actually I watched the raw last Sunday becoz I'm curious of JH cut scenes. At first I'm happy because as usual they stand next to each other. Even in the first game in the beach, it seems JH is trying her best to win first to avoid contact with G* (well maybe that's only my delulu). And KJK also keep on watching them until she scored. But when it's MCW time to score I notice KJK also cheered her and when she scored she immediately come close to KJK (I can't remember if she hugged him or just hold his hand). Even on the next mission they sit next to each other and I don't know but why do I got this feeling that KJK likes her.

Even in the Ep 228, during the last scene when JH left. MCW and KJK seems talking seriously to each other like a couple huhuhu...

But this morning I watched ep 229, MCW said something about screen time. Maybe she just have to do it to be noticed for her movie (but feel sad for JH huhuhu)

For the meantime let's keep sailing until they made their final announcement...

SpartAce fighting...

When everything feels like an uphill struggle; Just think of the view from the top... Never give up SpartAce Family... fighting

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You guys are seriously over reacting. So what if he becomes friends with MCW? If you guys ship SA, you don't have to bring all the other girls down. MCW just seems like she's naturally flirty. She was that way with Lee Seung Gi and he's dating Yoona. 
As a JK fan, it warms me to see him much more open with females now. He was so painfully reserved in the past that it was almost painful. 
I see more chemistry with LSG and MCW then JK and MCW anyway.  SureworxM said: @rairamegumi I also noticed it but afraid to open it up here after all the sad news last week... actually I watched the raw last Sunday becoz I'm curious of JH cut scenes. At first I'm happy because as usual they stand next to each other. Even in the first game in the beach, it seems JH is trying her best to win first to avoid contact with G* (well maybe that's only my delulu). And KJK also keep on watching them until she scored. But when it's MCW time to score I notice KJK also cheered her and when she scored she immediately come close to KJK (I can't remember if she hugged him or just hold his hand). Even on the next mission they sit next to each other and I don't know but why do I got this feeling that KJK likes her.

Even in the Ep 228, during the last scene when JH left. MCW and KJK seems talking seriously to each other like a couple huhuhu...

But this morning I watched ep 229, MCW said something about screen time. Maybe she just have to do it to be noticed for her movie (but feel sad for JH huhuhu)

For the meantime let's keep sailing until they made their final announcement...

SpartAce fighting...

When everything feels like an uphill struggle; Just think of the view from the top... Never give up SpartAce Family... fighting

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Guest brilly1308

hmm.. seems like MCW is close with 2 of the members, LKS and KJK?

kookiemong said: I'm waiting for April I think that month will answer all our question.. Hanging On, guys.. at least for this 3 months.. :) I hope KJK will fulfill his words.. :wink: Bad or Good, sad or happy, just prepare ur self. ^^

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Lol... when i'm almost feel down, suddely @airplanegirl makes me wake up. She's totally right. We don't have to think about others. Keep in faith because we never know the truth until one of them will reveal their personal live. And when she said that jk now is more open with female, i remember how jaesuk in the early eps keep saying that jk being a chat box after sjh appearance (its my thought. Lol) because kjk is a very shy man in old show and when he joins running man, he suddenly said that now he has changed (correct me if i'm wrong)

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secreta said: Lol... when i'm almost feel down, suddely @airplanegirl makes me wake up. She's totally right. We don't have to think about others. Keep in faith because we never know the truth until one of them will reveal their personal live. And when she said that jk now is more open with female, i remember how jaesuk in the early eps keep saying that jk being a chat box after sjh appearance (its my thought. Lol) because kjk is a very shy man in old show and when he joins running man, he suddenly said that now he has changed (correct me if i'm wrong)

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