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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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@KINGGNIK‌ welcome aboard to our ship.... Try to search you tube for spartacr monebts and you will find loads to prove why we just love and ship them kekekeke.... Im working today so i wontbeseeing the subs until later but thanks for thise insights... I will be smiling whilst waiting for time til i can get on the laptop kekekeke

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Oh My God...finally they did that pepero game...and I'm so happy they failed it...

WHY am I so happy that they failed...coz as 'tuna' noona said that you'll fail if you have feeling toward ur partner...lol

I notice that all members reacted crazily when they know jh and jk would do the game...they all cheered, Gary said 'kiss her', jsj said 'it's decided' that jk and jh did the game and said that that was the first time 'this couple' doing the game (this couple), Haha also gave a 'suspicious' hint, and also what the pd put on footage that 'feeling that they were unaware' (what's the meaning pd nim?)...

and when Gary blocked the camera and the pd told Gary not to block, Gary happily said that the scene between jh and jk was so interesting and everyone there got interested to watch them...

and it's suspicious when the pd put BGM and the scene when jh and jk did with diff partner before (what's the meaning?...)

even in the end they failed to accomplish it but I'm quite pleased to see the game...

will we get the wedding announcement this year from our spartace couple?....


and of course our commander is MC supporter...he always point that out which make me think that he push MC a lot because he wants to cover the real thing...hohohooho

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Are the comments from knetz?
If the PDs/writers or just JK-JH themselves are testing the water as one posted here, the outcome is uplifting... assuming all the commenters are bias-less in the first place. :)
Though JK didn't care whatsoever about negative effect on or bad talk about him (but on JH, another story, I think) having RM viewers accept them is a much favourable circumstances. A new year, a brighter setting for SA. If it's true, I'm so happy for them. :)

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Wow , i'm so happy that knetizens are finally noticing them. but frankly speaking one must be blind to not notice that something is going on btw them :) :)

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Guest arriejjang

@airplanegirl i was read that comments on your latest post from kshowonline. it felt so relieving because finally i can read tons of Spartace supporters comment on that page, after too much M* comments before. I think SA ship will gain more and more crews after this episode, hehehe...

And daddy Suk Jin is awesome!! He posted SA kissing (edited) pict in his twitter before and made us go crazy. And now he insisted to refuse peppero game, which it means that he insisted JK and JH to do that game... fortunatelly that the fate was helped him. hahaha...

JK is a variety expert, he knows when he must lies and when he must says the truth. so you can't 100% believe in his words in front of a variety' s camera. but his spontaneus act is different matter.
While JH is more trustable with her words, moreover her act. we could see clearly when she was upset, annoyed, or happy. and we know which member she was seen happiest with.

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what i found funny in the last episode, is that you can clearly see the confused look of the guests during the pepero game (esp. Moon chae won) she was like oh something is fishy here... wth is going on??

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As discussed in this thread before, there might be a reason why he said what he said.And maybe JK and JH didn't intend to give out any hints in the first place... who knows... *shrugs*But let's focused on the good things shall we?Because it is rare enough, and we were let down many times enough so... cheer up! :)
And other good things after the said concert... the recent KBS award, where we can see many SA interactions.They don't have to sit side by side but they did, very closely at that.

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My heart is soating reading allthe comments by knetizens posted by airplanegirl.... And hood that there is a positiverespinse to this event for our SA.... Am soo happy for them.... Hope we can see more appreciation for them abd hope to hear good news soon❤️❤️❤️

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We can see clearly how jk and jh react in this ep. And looks like there are the main topic in knetizens. But I hope our sa won't be the main topic in the show. I prefer mc couple takes the main topic so we can see some of their "hidden feelings" naturally on camera. I wonder what would those haters comments when they saw our sa in this ep. :D

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Hi, I have looked at the Chinese subs and did a translation from Chinese to English of the peppero moment, because I feel the Eng subs do not really capture it. If you look at the Chinese, at no point did YJS or Gary say "They are not meant to be". They are just referring to the game to say SA cannot make it

All the translations were done by me, if you are going to take out, please credit 

JH: Actually for my team, I reject and Jong Kook oppa also rejects

其实我们组的 我也拒绝 钟国哥也拒绝


SCREEN TEXT: Yellow team Wangko Hyung, Kookie and Mong Ji all reject

黄组 王鼻子哥,国儿,懵智全部拒绝


JSJ: The two of you play



JK: Let’s decide through scissors, paper, stone



JH: Let’s decide through Scissors, paper, stone!



JSJ: The two of you play!



JH: [Pointing at JSJ] He even says he’s shy!



SCREEN TEXT: The shy middle aged Wangko Hyung



JK: This is a game



YJS: You all decide through scissors, paper, stone



KG: Let me do it for you. Black Knight



SCREEN TEXT: If its with Mong Ji, even doing it 100 times is fine



JSJ: Just the two of you. Hurry up and start, hurry up

就你俩做吧 赶紧开始吧干净的


KG: If its with you, even doing it 100 times is fine



JSJ/JK/JH: Scissors, paper, stone!



JSJ: That’s it



Gary: OMG!

JSJ: It’s the two of you, isn’t it?

就是你们俩了 是吧


JSJ: I’m speechless



SCREEN TEXT (Gary on screen): Trying hard to squeeze out a smile



SCREEN TEXT: Careful, do not hold the centre part

小心 不能抓中间


JH: Do not hold the centre part



*Gary’s kiss comment was not subbed

SCREEN TEXT: Running Man the first time – Kookie and Mong Ji’s peppero game

Running Man最初 国儿和懵智的饼干游戏


JSJ: Finally, the two of you, their first time playing this game

终于 你么俩 你们俩这是第一次做这个游戏


PD: It will be more difficult the first time playing it



JSJ: This is only a game



PD: Get ready



JK: Hold on

等一下 等一下


JSJ: This is just a game, a game

这就是游戏阿 就是游戏

SCREEN TEXT: Yellow team’s strategy: Both sides get closer by biting

黄队战略 双方都边吃边靠近


JK: Just bite it bit by bit. Because you can’t eat it in all at once

就一口一口的吃 因为一下子不能吃进去


JH: I understand



JSJ: Game, game

游戏啊 游戏


PD: Get ready



SCREEN TEXT: Too interesting



PD: Gary, please move back a little



Gary: This is too interesting



JSJ: It’s a game



SCREEN TEXT: A lot of preparations – Moving the cap backwards

万般准备 把帽子也向后戴


JSJ: Do it seriously



JH: Oh I got a shock






JSJ to JK: What are you doing?



JK: It’s inconvenient



Gary: I cant look on anymore



SCREEN TEXT: Fully satisfied

尽情的 满足~


JSJ: This is the first time both of you are playing this game



SCREEN TEXT: Jong Kook and Ji Hyo’s first icicle game



LKS: First peppero game



SCREEN TEXT: But Ji Hyo – the Ace who succeeded with a 0.4cm length with Park Seo Jun

但是智孝 过去和朴瑞俊以0.4cm的长度成功的ACE


SCREEN TEXT: And Jong Kook also – achieved a great record of 0.3cm with Ha Yeon Soo. Commander



SCREEN TEXT: Commander and Ace. Their first peppero game?

能力者和ACE 他们的第一次饼干游戏?


LKS: Both may have developed feelings never known before



SCREEN TEXT: Both may have developed feelings never known before



SCREEN TEXT: Seeing them getting closer bite by bite



JSJ: Maybe the two of you like…



SCREEN TEXT: A futile ending!



BACKGROUND: What is this?



SCREEN TEXT: What is this?



Blue team: We won!



SCREEN TEXT: Yellow team Jong Kook and Ji Hyo achieved the worst result



YJS: The two of you cannot make it, the two of you cannot make it. They two cannot make it

你们俩不行啊你们俩不行啊 。他俩不行啊


Gary: If you can’t make it, you just can’t



JSJ: Wanted to create a new budding relationship



JK: MC’s strength has blocked us



SCREEN TEXT: MC must hang on even in the new year

新的一年也要坚持下去 周一情侣


Gary: Went all the way…



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