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10 hours ago, julia147 said:


I have seen people talking about Lizzy in almost every post about anniversary ep, to be honest, i dont really remember who is she even though i started to watch RM very early...

Is it a girl from SNSD?  i dont like that group. I remember there is ep where that group was invited and everyone ignored JH because it was female idol group. They didnt do that good in the game and JH looked somewhat sad in that ep. It is the ep in waterpark. JH didnt get used at first so she couldnt be so playful and welcome the guest like now. They also cut alot of her scenes.

I cant erase that image out of my heart, so i dont like that group at all. (It has nothing to do with their talent or beauty. I dont care about them that much to check)

There are plenty of eps with female guest, like the villain ep, all the female guest tried their best to have their scenes but i still love that ep. One of my favorite. SNSD is the only group give me uncomfortable feeling.


in the other hand, i was surprise that SJK made a big came back when he first out of army. 

I watched his movie before. 2 hour-movie, didnt watch his drama, but it was good.

He is good looking and these expression on the movie suit him well. Im not surprise that he is so popular now. His newest drama is a hit though. They talked about it for months.

But there is still alot of people didnt have great come back. 

I dont think SJK is famous because of RM though. He is noticable just by his movie. Compare to that, the image of him in RM was more like a little cute brother. 

lizzy was from idol group After School


(lizzy's first appearance episode 13)

the only episode where SNSD came to RM in group as far as i remember was episode 63-64 (JH wasn't there because she's sick) and episode 254 (JH was there, but the game was in a beach) so the girls group you've mentioned might not be SNSD. the episode in waterpark as i remember was episode 255, but the guest was from several girls group : seolhyun (AOA), Soyu and Bora (Sistar), Bomi (Apink), and GookJo who is a comedian.

for me, SJK image in RM that stuck in my head would be as one of three competitors (along side HH and KG) for SJH's partner in loveline. yes, he have another image which is a positive thinker but bad in result and also the "brain" of RM. but once again, his biggest image was KG and HH rival for SJH loveline. 

so i agree with you, he didn't famous because of RM, or RM only give just a little push to his career.


anyway, i'm totally fine if other fans ship SJH with any other male, there's nothing wrong with it, as long as the male is single

hell, i even think sometimes, IF by any chance that SA were just really close friend, that somehow SJH dating other guy who's close to her other than KJK, i'm still okay with it, as long as she's happy

i totally like her, "worship" her in a way

that's why i won't burden her by saying "you have to date that xxx guy" or "why did you do that to him ?"

it's her life, it's her choice. she's mature enough to know the consequences of every choice she made

but, if some fans cross the border, accusing her with something without solid proof (SJH pregnancy, she's secretly marrying gary, cheating with KJK, and so on), that's too much.  and i pitied them to some extent

and KG is a married man. still linking him and SJH to just a loveline in the past, is disrespectful specially to KG's wife 




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2 hours ago, Adines Nugraha said:

the only episode where SNSD came to RM in group as far as i remember was episode 63-64 (JH wasn't there because she's sick) and episode 254 (JH was there, but the game was in a beach) so the girls group you've mentioned might not be SNSD. the episode in waterpark as i remember was episode 255, but the guest was from several girls group : seolhyun (AOA), Soyu and Bora (Sistar), Bomi (Apink), and GookJo who is a comedian.

i dont remember which ep, but i remember they checked their mascara a lot because of the water

JH seemed sad during the introduce and she didnt have much scene in that ep, it was so long ago. I dont know if i mistake the group, since i dont care about any other female K-celebrity beside JH, but i have huge expression that it was SNSD...

it is neither ep 254 nor 255.

I remember they was in a house with water park pipe, kinda huge. but maybe im wrong, i was so upset watching that so i didnt want to find any further information. 

8 hours ago, staxcope said:


Sorry, I don't belong here but I think you guys do exactly the same. You are creating theories that don't make ji hyo and kook look good at all. If you're right, they've lied for a long time that they are like siblings. Ji hyo participated in the we are in love and spoke several times that chen bolin was her luck, also said she didn't want to date a celebrity. Kook had his blind date on running man, and ji hyo even spoke 'fighting' to the girl (If it was already a mess simply because they did it with a non celebrity, imagine if they knew he did it and was dating ji hyo at this time). What you do is also make them look bad, you do not know how to wait for the truth, and your theories are often so delusional that it would be funny if it were not sad. like those richard simmons about ji hyo having a boyfriend but not loving him? Or maybe she did not even had dated him? with all the photos and she confirming... you guys don't listening to yourselves?

...Im so sad reading your post, i feel offended.

I love JH anf JK, i also love SA. I will be very happy if they are a real couple, i also find that they are close.

But even if they love someone else, i will support them as long as they are happy, it happened when JH was known to be in relationship with CEO,

I believe all shippers here think like that. We try our best to support them, separately and together.

We didnt force them to be together. We didnt go to other shipper's forum saying "SA is real" and "MC is not" or anything like that.

We have right to talk about what we think here, in our topic.

Which make us uncomfortable is people writing on our idol page,  telling them what to do.

The last time i checked, someone wrote on JH and JK instagram that KG is back, JH should follow KS's instagram, JK is bad because ...ect.

I know there is some SA shipper who saying thing like that in JH and JK official page, and we hate that too, not only when MC fan talk like that.

I don't think it is their fault to make the situation turn out to be like this.

Showbiz is complicated, they can't make everything to be as they want and, they can't make sure about their relationship.

In the first 100 eps, MC had already settle, Was that their fault? No, it wasn't. It was the PD team's idea, the company idea and fan loved it. What can they do?

Let's not talk about SA. I believe that JH doesnt like the loveline, it is not because of KG but because the affect of it on her life.

When she attended the dating program with china celebrity, noone believed it was real, yet, when it came to KG, "Marry him" "She is pregnant." "They are really dating"

Still, she has to do it, because it is her job.

And what can they do but explain they are sibling? There is no other choice. 

You can't just quit the program and bravely say "No, i dont want to do it." right?

In the other hand, if SA is real, it take time for them to get to know each other, to fall for each other, to make sure about anything else.

If it is real, their feeling started pretty late after MC was settle. I dont think anyone will stand out and break every contract when they arent make sure about their relationship yet.

Do you give up your job to someone you have just known and only like for alittle?

I dont blame them for this.

Real relationship takes time. 

Decision takes time.

yes, it is sad to think that they are in love with someone else, but at least I, myself, will still support them whoever they are with.

JH, JK, SA or JH, JK with someone else.


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*Sorry for double post, i accidentally posted a new one instead of quote in the one above*

6 hours ago, sana82 said:

I'm also his big fan. high five:)

I know they were doing their job still there are some fans out there that think jh and jk are victims and sbs is at fault for every thing. they could keep it just a loveline like how they did till 2012 but from 2013 and after fan meetings they went along with i-fans and pretended there is a possibility for mc to be real and at times like that they are really dating. you know how it affected cast dynamic in the show and even their other jobs out of rm. then they saw how fans thought about it but still didn't try to keep it just as a love line and milked their delusion even more. like that poca pic that made lot of mc fans to think mc is real. so what I want to say, i totally support them but fans reactions to them is consequence of what they themselves did before and unlike the firing incidence they are not victims and made this situation themselves. some think they had no power to say NO but I think they could refuse and just give up on what they earned from mc if they really wanted to do it.

 I respect how others think about this matter and it was just my two cents and i would be happy to know how others think about this.

I think it is hard to not 'come along with it'.

For example: If SA is real now.

1. Maybe they didn't think about this situation that time 

2. Maybe they didn't like each other that much that time to break the contract.

3. They can't make sure about their between their relationship and career.

4. The loveline is there, they came to RM fan meeting, they couldnt say "No, MC isn't real, JK/JH is actually in relationship with me"

How can they explain after that? Then, the sibling theory is the best one in result.


I also think that SA wasn't dating that early. I think they only have feeling for each other, but they didn't express their feeling to each other. So they have to come along with with the loveline.

And now, when they are closer to each other, but it isnt the time to announce it. 

In the fortune telling ep, JK was said that "He shouldnt think that much about it, just follow his feeling", i think it is what really happened and it make sense to me about their relationship, why they didn't official it if they are really dating.

Thing is complicated, their career can be ruined by just 1 event. they are human after all, They can't plan everything, and they have to consider  about other thing, not just relationship.

So it is reasonable to me.

In the other hand, you guy are not wrong, even though i think it's not something to blame them about, because if think if they know what will happen in the future, they wont accept MC from the beginning which is unable for human being to do. Knowing the future and changing the past.

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13 hours ago, saissuspicious said:


Seems like there has been a lot since yesteday, I wanted to quote many posts as there was so much to comment about, but as I read one post after the other, I found that you answered almost all of my frustrations lol. Whats important is that this forum is getting livelier by the day and it's a good thing :) 
Anyways, it seems off topic but I wanted to share this with you gyus, since Busan event was remarquable and I really wanted to share the similarity about Byul standing in front of HAHA and how SJH stand in front of KJK :wink: I searched for something similar, but didn't find it so I had to do it, I wanted to do better but I didn't have the time, I'm really busy lately. 

i'm pretty sure this is just me in delulu mode, but seeing SJH choose to stand in front of KJK, and not in the middle like byul, makes me smile. 

there must be a simple reason why SJH stand there, but as i've said before, i'm in delulu mode, so forgive me :D 

2 hours ago, chelseafjl8 said:

the first one is SJH talking to KJK by phone

KJK singing "don't be good to me" so maybe it was a karaoke mission ?

KJK touching SJH's shoulder while making jokes about JSJ, KJK lean to SJH's chair, and they sit side by side

since i don't understand korean language, i'll have to wait for the sub version  

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11 hours ago, sana82 said:

I'm also his big fan. high five

High five back! I would love to find out why you're a fan, too, but I'm sure that once I start talking about him, I'll spend way too much time fangirling, so I'd better just get back to SA. :) 

I want to first of all quote @sofiemarz:

11 hours ago, sofiemarz said:


I agree also that they might be at fault for promoting mc too much,  but that is part of their job.  They are on the show which is mc is the main loveline, so it is just right for them as a member of the show to promote their loveline.  If they dont agree on that well they should have leave the show a long time ago.  We never know how they felt while they are doing it but its part of their job so they have to do it. And i guess they wer not a couple yet (if they are now)  when mc was introduced.  So if and only if they became a couple later that time they just cannot simply tell the pd "we dont want to promote it bcoz we are a couple now"...they knew it before they entered into a relationship (again if they really are)  so they have to face it professionaly (you dont earn money the easy way right, its part of their job). As an entertainer they have to separate their professional and personal life.  



And @julia147:

5 hours ago, julia147 said:

Thing is complicated, their career can be ruined by just 1 event. they are human after all, They can't plan everything, and they have to consider  about other thing, not just relationship.


Just to rehash a bit - As I posted previously, they all have a job to do: YJS because he's the leader, SJH and KG because they're MC, and KJK because, and this is where sometimes I get really frustrated with him, he's too responsible, loyal, and dedicated to RM. On the show, everyone pushes MC, but overseas it's mostly KJK, even going so far at one point to say that SJH belongs to KG. WIth MC, they also took that infamous photo. So, yes, I see how these things could lead shippers to believe that MC's real. But, again everyone was doing the job they signed up for, just that they did too good of a job. After years, things kind of got out of control. If as many of us believe, SA started liking each other more than colleagues, MC has already been established, so what could SA and everybody do but to keep going with the script? Also, it's not only part of the job for promoting the loveline, its also part of a contract. There are legal issues involved, I'm sure. 

As entertainers in a very tough industry, no one wants to be develop a reputation as unreliable, irresponsible, etc. no matter the reason, but especially a personal one. So what do you do is you're SA and you're real? You put up with things, and you do the best that you can in a tough situation, and you hope for the best. Fans and other people may feel hurt and call you liars or more horrible names, but they don't live your life and don't pay your bills. 

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18 minutes ago, Adines Nugraha said:

i'm pretty sure this is just me in delulu mode, but seeing SJH choose to stand in front of KJK, and not in the middle like byul, makes me smile. 

there must be a simple reason why SJH stand there, but as i've said before, i'm in delulu mode, so forgive me :D 

the first one is SJH talking to KJK by phone

KJK singing "don't be good to me" so maybe it was a karaoke mission ?

KJK touching SJH's shoulder while making jokes about JSJ, KJK lean to SJH's chair, and they sit side by side

since i don't understand korean language, i'll have to wait for the sub version  


Watched it live. There's nothing new, and by nothing new, I mean JK and JH standing together (tho there are times that they don't but still find their way back to each other and being extra touchy) and of course, their scenes are cut. 

Don't know if this is spoiler but just a heads up, JK mentioned YEH in the JSJ game (I don't understand Korean but based on the scene and some words I recognize, that's probably it). Surprisingly, there aren't any reactions from other RM members like before. Let's just wait for the subs to know the question. Don't know if it matters but I'll just throw this out there. 

I think there are a lot of SA interactions here. You'll just need to pay attention because, as always, it's fast or gets cut. Especially in the bus and in the restaurant. 



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15 hours ago, sana82 said:

may i ask why do you think they are future of the show? somehow it looks really interesting.

@athoughtcloud1 -- Hi, I just want to add my request to @sana82's. Can you expand on your comment about SA's being the future of the show? I would love to get your extended take on this. Thanks. 

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5 hours ago, julia147 said:


*Sorry for double post, i accidentally posted a new one instead of quote in the one above*

I think it is hard to not 'come along with it'.

For example: If SA is real now.

1. Maybe they didn't think about this situation that time 

2. Maybe they didn't like each other that much that time to break the contract.

3. They can't make sure about their between their relationship and career.

4. The loveline is there, they came to RM fan meeting, they couldnt say "No, MC isn't real, JK/JH is actually in relationship with me"

How can they explain after that? Then, the sibling theory is the best one in result.


I also think that SA wasn't dating that early. I think they only have feeling for each other, but they didn't express their feeling to each other. So they have to come along with with the loveline.

And now, when they are closer to each other, but it isnt the time to announce it. 

In the fortune telling ep, JK was said that "He shouldnt think that much about it, just follow his feeling", i think it is what really happened and it make sense to me about their relationship, why they didn't official it if they are really dating.

Thing is complicated, their career can be ruined by just 1 event. they are human after all, They can't plan everything, and they have to consider  about other thing, not just relationship.

So it is reasonable to me.

In the other hand, you guy are not wrong, even though i think it's not something to blame them about, because if think if they know what will happen in the future, they wont accept MC from the beginning which is unable for human being to do. Knowing the future and changing the past.

well it will be mostly repeating my other posts.
The question was why some of fans can't give up yet and still sent hate comments for kg when he married or have ridiculous theories now.
my answer was because they sold out this idea that mc was real or it has high possibility to be real when they knew lot of their fans were young and believe it.
I never said why they did a loveline. Of course in this age I know it's a part of their job. But being professional means like how your job shouldn't be affected by your personal life,your job  shouldn't affect your personal life as well.
 And this is not related to sa and how and when they started dating or how much they love each other oe even how they want to explain it for their fans . They are dating or not , the fact that they were unable to keep mc just as a loveline for the show and that affect their other jobs out of rm won't change.
And lot of things they did couldn't be in the contract. They did it because as celebrities it's not a big deal for them but they knew it is for their fans.  
Still i should repeat that i had no problem with what they did. If they were okay to do it who am i to say do it or not. I just didn't watch those parts that i didn't like.
 What i said was about those times when they were in other events and they were asked about mc and didn't like it or those fans who were wondering why mc fans can't give up and when mc ended long ago they still don't want to see them with someone else,  they can be sad about it but should remember it's consequence of what they did before themselves.

I know people can see things under different lights but still it annoys me when I see some in ig act like they didn't want to do none of it and pds forced them . i think it was also their choice not what they are totally forced to do.


I watched this ep and it had some cute moments. that part when jh said I'll kill you and jk told her just say don't come here not something harsh like that was so cute but personally I found that part when she elbowed him even more cute. 

and did you guys hear about jk new album? honestly it was obvious even before news. it's been 2 weeks that they are using his songs in rm more than usual.

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10 minutes ago, tunanoona said:


Watched it live. There's nothing new, and by nothing new, I mean JK and JH standing together (tho there are times that they don't but still find their way back to each other and being extra touchy) and of course, their scenes are cut. 

Don't know if this is spoiler but just a heads up, JK mentioned YEH in the JSJ game (I don't understand Korean but based on the scene and some words I recognize, that's probably it). Surprisingly, there aren't any reactions from other RM members like before. Let's just wait for the subs to know the question. Don't know if it matters but I'll just throw this out there. 

I think there are a lot of SA interactions here. You'll just need to pay attention because, as always, it's fast or gets cut. Especially in the bus and in the restaurant. 




Why the heck was he mentioning yeh?

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19 minutes ago, mary-ann said:


Why the heck was he mentioning yeh?


Well, just like what I said, they were playing the JSJ game where the PD will ask some questions but the answer they have to give must not make sense. We'll just have to wait for the subs to know what the question is. For more context, when it was YJS's turn to answer the same question, he answered Jun Ji Hyun and that's when the RM members reacted. 

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Guest athoughtcloud1
21 minutes ago, sofiemarz said:

I cant understand korean,  but someone said it's the answer to the question,  i dont know what's the question though! 

From what I gathered, it was the respond immediately with the right answer quiz or something. Everyone had to come up with an answer to a general question and if you did not answer correctly, you got penalized. If you did answer correctly, the same question would be passed on to the next person. I believe the question was about naming actresses who have acted in MVs (perhaps JK initially thought it was about naming actresses in his MVs ) and he named YEH. Nobody went "oh, YEH! you still remember her". JS answered "Jun Ji Hyun" and the game continued. No big deal there! JH seemed fine too.

After JH appeared in the the second episode, JK teased her saying she looks like an animal trainer (or something like that) and said that Haha who was dressed weirdly is her puppy (?). When Hong Jin Young was about to appear, JH shouted loud "oh, jong kook oppa's woman" and JK was like "no,no".LOL So think JH is more than okay with JK being paired up with HJY. Almost like the way she responded when Jeon Do Yeon was JK's partner, "you can look forward to it". 

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40 minutes ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

. I believe the question was about naming actresses who have acted in MVs (perhaps JK initially thought it was about naming actresses in his MVs ) and he named YEH.

I believe the pd asked the most popular singer right now, that's what I saw during live. Nobody picked up on that, the game just went on smoothly.

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35 minutes ago, chelseafjl8 said:


1 hour ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

. I believe the question was about naming actresses who have acted in MVs (perhaps JK initially thought it was about naming actresses in his MVs ) and he named YEH.

I believe the pd asked the most popular singer right now, that's what I saw during live. Nobody picked up on that, the game just went on smoothly.


I think it was about naming a singer they think is hot/popular.
Something else I find interesting is after they praise Lee Tae Hwan's body (not so sure, maybe even comparing it to KJK's), HAHA said something to KJK with his nauthy smile, the smile he shows when he tells an inside joke lol and at the same time YJS nudged LTH and told him something. Regarding SA's inetraction in today's episode I can't comment much as I didn't watch it yet, I just watched the segments shared by SBS on youtube :(  
I think next week's episode is gonna be a good one, I think we will see the usual teasing between KJK and HJY but more in the cute side than the seductive side, what I'm looking for is SJH's partner, from next week preview, he seems like the daring yet cute type (JH Noona Saranghae!) , I really hope KJK would make a comment at least, like how SJH did with Hiolyn and HJY. But I think he is not the type to make those kind of comments lol JK oppa fighting!!! 

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Guest athoughtcloud1
1 hour ago, saissuspicious said:

I think it was about naming a singer they think is hot/popular.
Something else I find interesting is after they praise Lee Tae Hwan's body (not so sure, maybe even comparing it to KJK's), HAHA said something to KJK with his nauthy smile, the smile he shows when he tells an inside joke lol and at the same time YJS nudged LTH and told him something. Regarding SA's inetraction in today's episode I can't comment much as I didn't watch it yet, I just watched the segments shared by SBS on youtube :(  
I think next week's episode is gonna be a good one, I think we will see the usual teasing between KJK and HJY but more in the cute side than the seductive side, what I'm looking for is SJH's partner, from next week preview, he seems like the daring yet cute type (JH Noona Saranghae!) , I really hope KJK would make a comment at least, like how SJH did with Hiolyn and HJY. But I think he is not the type to make those kind of comments lol JK oppa fighting!!! 

Thanks for the clarification.My livestream was lagging here and there. Heard JH was asked her ideal type among entertainers as one of the questions and that left her stumped. Somebody on naver was speculating about the way her lips were moving (have to see for myself). Didn't Se Chan also answer some question with "Song Ji Hyo" and JK looked slightly awkward? JK's, JH's and JSJ's team do a mission together next week and if her partner answers like that during that mission, would love to see JK's reaction. LOL But it is good to see JH have a partner who is a fanboy.

Also, after the nametag ripping game when SM was hugging JH in apology (reminded me of KS doing the same to JK), Haha was pointing to them and telling JK something.

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Guest athoughtcloud1

@sana82 and @mn0096 These are just my speculations. I said SA are the future of the show with reference to MC which is dead at this point. The reason the PDs kept referring to Gary even after he quit was to make use of the nostalgia factor about MC. Now that Gary is married, it won't work any more. At the moment, I see the show investing more in SA compared to JH's other shipper fandoms since there is the possibility of developing a KwangMin loveline(there hasn't been much focus on KwangMong for a while). While I don't think SA will stay on the show for long after if they are real and declare in the future, they are the present and will continue to be important for the show till they declare. So focusing on them will do the show good in the long run from a business perspective. Even if SA quit the show after a declaration, a couple on the show turning out to be real will help the show with its promotions and business. Again, if KS and SM develop a loveline or at least some kind of romantic equation, SA turning out real will help the show attract a shipper fanbase who will hang on to the possibility that another ship may turn real. Again, we see SBS marketing the animation show without so much as informing the members, so RM is a franchise they want to expand in as many as ways as possible and an SA declaration will lead to much more interest in the show in terms of selling merchandise etc. That is why I don't see the PDs continuing to give a lot of importance to MC even if Gary comes on the show.

As they say with politics, there are no permanent enemies or friends in showbiz too. So while SA might have had issues with SBS (some of which have hopefully been resolved), I think SA will not sever ties with the station till they can afford to. At one point in 2015 before the Chinese ban came, SBS had mooted the idea of starting a food travel show with JK and JH as MCs in collaboration with tieba. Since both would become a power couple if they declare and their domestic and overseas popularity would skyrocket, wouldn't SBS or any other station want to capitalize on that and give them some other show (perhaps of shorter duration) as MCs or something? So I do see a future where SBS needs them. They were milking the real life variety couple Chihuahua couple for all they could at the awards last year, so don't think they will let go of SA in case they turn out to be real. Whether SA would oblige them at that point remains a question.

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Guest athoughtcloud1
6 minutes ago, sana82 said:



I don't know it's working or not. but if it does show the gif it's the moment i mentioned earlier. look at what he did under the table  after she nudged him while maintaining that serious face.

I can see the nudge, but nothing under the table.Huhu

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1 minute ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

I can see the nudge, but nothing under the table.Huhu

he slightly pushed her .

i was watching this with my sis and after that we both asked did you see it?

the quality of my gif is low . you can find it in min 50 in this ep.

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