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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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You all shouldnt be this nervous, the fact she responded QUICKLY means she did NOT want any MISUNDERSTANDING  which in this case is MC

What do you mean by that? And, Leessang make that statement? So, our sa should have higher hope lol. :wink:

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Really? The smile is a bit similar... but I can never trust my eye, am so bad at looking at pic LOL

I thought his appa is a big, burly man. I think his built is more or less the same with JH's dad. Again, I might be way off the track here!

I also don't believe that he's JK's appa. Because JK's appa in my thought is a big guy who is very strict and has a serious face...an ex-military type of man.

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Hello, I am a new comer here. I ship KJK & SJH since the early episode of RM. At first, I love KJK since the 1st episode caused of his strong image & everyone afraid of him. Then, when SJH come as permanent member (it was episode 4 if I’m not mistaken) & JS and HH teased them, I start ship this couple. Even at that moment I had a thought or hoping  that this two will build something(Love line) in RM. Unfortunately, it turn out MC became the official love line in the show. (T.T) And I always disappointed at that time (even nowadays), that the PD always makes this two in a separate team. If only the PD always make this two in a same team that time, I think chemistry between them clearly could been seen by many people. Early episode of RM, it was hard to find any article or page about shipping this two. So, I was little bit sad as I thought I am the only one who ship this two. But then, after few more episode, especially after the Sherlock Holmes episode, I find out that there also lot of people had a same thought with me.

Before this, I always visited SA page in isubs. I also had posted there once (which I decide to post there after I had a dream this two getting married…hahahaha). But then I was disappointed when I could not open that page anymore. Luckily, I found this page few months later. I become a silent reader since last year. Thanks a lot to people who created and posted in this page. You all always make me happy and my feeling about this two will become something(husband&wife?) is grow day by day.

Anyway, since last Saturday everyone here posting very exciting opinion about SA & it really make me feel excited too till I hope someone in here give a good news about this two announcing they’re dating. This few months, there was a lot SA moments that make us believe there are something going on between this two. But the yesterday,  POP!!! a negative vibe(MC pic issue) popping in this page. Thanks to the negative vibe, finally I decide to post in here to give my LONG, VERY LONG story & opinion about SA.

1)      Song Ji Hyo: I think SJH was fan of turbo back then. The way she acted towards KJK in Family outing and the way she reacted when KJK sing or make something big, it show like she like KJK as a fan. Well, many of us hoping marry or have a crush with  idol we like…hahahaha..So when, SJH went into RM, it was a dream for her. She meet her idol every day. Unfortunately, she had no chance with him as she could not always be with KJK in early episode and the MC thing happen.

2)      Kim Jong Kook: As we know KJK always had love line with girl everytime he was in a variety show. So, maybe he tired of those things so he told PD not to make a love line for him in RM. I can’t say KJK like SJH from the 1st time they meet but I can say that SJH is beautiful in his eyes. Then day by day, he always meets SJH and he found SJH really attractive, slowly he like SJH too.

3)      If this two are not dating now, then I assume that this two like each other but have no courage make future action. If they’re not dating, then they’re flirting because as I look their action towards each other, it looks like it! Heheehehe… Anyway, I still had this feeling this two are dating. All evidence I see in this page, FB, twitter & IG make me believe this two are dating and will get married soon.

4)       When I see the RM members and crew reactions towards them during the pepero game I have this 3 thought. First, KJK & SJH not dating but they found out or feel that this two are flirting or like each other, that’s why they excited and teased them. Second, as rumors about this two a spreading nowadays, RM members & crew also suspicious about them. They excited because they also want to know how would SA acted during the game. Third, they’re dating!!!!!! The scene look like a wedding day. I don’t know about you guys, but I always see this scene during wedding day.  The moment the man open the veil, the audients will shout excitedly told and teased the man to kiss the bride. My point is, RM members are excited to see them because they know they’re dating & teased them because they indirectly told KJK & SJH to get married soon.

5)      Let me give my opinion about someone who said SJH not interested with KJK anymore. I don’t know what make you feel SJH lost interest with KJK but if it true that there are moment make you feel like that, then let me say a positive thought about that. Okay, you said she don’t like him because she not fangirling him anymore. But as for me, if that happen, then my feeling about this two dating become high. Why? As I said before I think SJH was KJK fan. But now, she is his lover. So she doesn’t need to fangirl him anymore because he is hers now. Well, my experience, when I had a crush with someone everything he do will make me excited. But later when I have him as my bf, I would stop become so excited about him because he is mine now. Hahahahaha….

      Anyway about the MC pic issue I think it just for the show. This few days, there are a lot of people talked about SA. SA fans grow, lots of people know the existing of this SA fans and many decide to join us. So it make  MC fans become wary & angry. As we know, MC is one of the reason many people watch RM, so maybe the PD afraid MC fans will lost interest to watch RM anymore, so they decide to make MC happy too. They want to make it fair for everyone, SA happy with the latest episode while MC happy with the picture. Why I have this thought? Because I feel it little weird why the PD has to mention MC in his caption. Don’t you guys feel something fishy is going on? I mean, if he only post the pic & not mention MC maybe it look much more natural instead of look like he is promoting.  But if my opinion is wrong, then I am sorry to the PD and MC fans.



This is my own opinion. If anyone who read this don’t like my opinion then, I am SORRY!. Errr….I will stop here now. Sorry for my long post…huhuhhuhu


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Guest Spartace4ever

Hi all, I used to visit this page frequently and today I decided to post here...In my opinion the PD post this pic (JH & KG) just for the show..as we know JH was not that close to KG..Even in SBS award recently JH close to JK and not KG..No matter how much they try to bring MC..e can't deny that there is something between SA..http:

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Guest ligercouple

I see this at mongji-fans tumblr. Just want to share with our cingu here.

Someone asked about gary-jihyo hugging photo and this is what the admin said:-

Anonymous asked:

Have you seen the latest photo of RM cast with the staff? I guess it's a gathering after the awards night. Jihyo and Gary are the center of attention as they hugged each other on the picture. The two makes mc shipper proved that they are real.

People look at her life like a drama, te and imagine it all to be real.

People choose to believe in that little world they created and seek possibilities of it being real.

Is it wrong, no it is your imagination, it is your freedom.

But at the end of the day, she is the one leading her own life anyway.

Her happiness, sadness, tears, anger whatever not belongs only to her, we may think we can share it with her, but can we really?

At the end the day she is only person capable of being responsible for her own life.

The photo, depending on who interprets it, it means different things, people call them a family yet when they hug it is wrong/it means something. Well, to us it is just another photo(that related to probably CP looking at the war outside which we do not want to be a part of XD), is it common for her to take such photos, yes(same position, yes!). We call her the hugging monster cause she often offers hug to others(guys and girls alike), and hug anyone(literally). Does it really mean much to us, no, until it pretty much escalated into what we term fandom world war. If she doesn’t think it matters and if she doesn’t think she should avoid physical contact(with anyone like literally anyone), then well, it just doesn’t matter to us too, at the end of the day it is still her life anyway, she should be clear about what she is doing~ XD so well evidence or not, to us nope, just a potential cause for war XD 

C-JeS has spoken, they were playing theme photos that day so a bunch of photos were taken, this photo was themed “Monday Couple”(translations for a news report (who asked C-JeS) via Chinese translations from SJH Baidubar), apparently the original uploader(the PD) has taken the photo off his Facebook…

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our couple is on the top



Song Ji Hyo, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Jong Suk and more were featured in the most searched actresses and actors on Chinese search engine, Baidu. 

On January 7th, Top Star News revealed that there are eight Korean actresses who made it to the Top 50 chart for most searched actresses through Baidu’s official page. The list of actresses includes Song Ji Hyo at the top of the list, alongside Park Shin Hye, Bae Seul Gi, Han Ye Seul, Im Yoona, Choo Ja Hyun, Yoon Eun Hye, and Jun Ji Hyun.

Meanwhile, due to theses actresses being mentioned in the Top 50 Charts, most fans continue the search as they revisit their pictorials online.

Baidu also shared that Kim Jong Kook was also very popular amongst the top searched actors. It is speculated that the popularity of the program Running Man is highly evident as both Kim Jong Kook and Song Ji Hyo placed well in Baidu’s most-searched list.

Another Korean actor present in the list is Lee Jong Suk, who has been active in his career, further receiving Grime Awards‘s “The Best Male Actor Awards.” The correlation between popularly searched Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye may prove that the drama Pinocchio has many Chinese fans as well.

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now that the picture ordeal has passed, lets get into detective mode shall we :)

1) on the snow white episode, check out minute 
46:38 to 46:59 - you can see jongkook asking the pd a question, thinking that he may be the prince. and then sukjin said "don't assume it'll be you" and then the members started arguing with him all of the sudden, especially jaesuk (it seemed like he was warning him to not be obvious?), and note haha's expression throughout, he was only being quiet. and also see jk's expression when jaesuk keep reminding "stop provoking us!" at minute 46:58. 
2) jk's clue for that episode was too straightforward. his clue was "you are not the prince.". while others' clues are worth investigated, and leading to gary (obviously). his clue was spot-on, no-argument kinda clue. which i find weird.
3) obviously, jk's non-stop emphasis on "its just a forehead kiss" i think stemmed from his unconscious reaction to it. 

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Finally i come back after took a long hibernation, but i always open this thread everywhere and everytime,,,hoho
at first, i was shocked with the picture and apparently so sad... then, when i saw many confirmation from the both jihyo unnie and kg oppa, i felt like, if they have real rl, i didnt think they have to give confirmation, and because they just work partner then it a must... sorry for bringing up this topic again, i really cant keep it up to my self,,,

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Shipping aside... I hope Jihyo and the other parties involved are all okay. Next time maybe be more careful when taking pictures in case an over zealous spreads a pic that is supposed to be private. 
If you go to Naver, the search results are of K-Netz digging up stuff like Frozen Flower and Baek Chang Joo and surprisingly JK is in second place. Hope they don't use it against her if anything else crops up. 

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Speaking of BCJ... I come to wonder why, in that statement from her company, there's not a mention of the other party. What I mean is that, if she is still dating him (like some claimed or choose to believe), a statement like 'She is still dating blablabla' will have come out too (and to me, this just confirmed that she is not dating him anymore).

In shipping this couple, I have never imagine to come across such thing as what we see now. I don't know how bad things are going to turned out, and at the same time feel a bit helpless because there's nothing I can do to make things better (yeah, not that it's needed, but that's my feeling just the same LOL).

Not trying to be sappy but, I remember a quote saying that, the one who loves you will never leave you because even if there are a hundred reasons to give up, he'll find one reason to hold on. So we love SA, and despite everything, we are still holding on. If only JH knows how much we here supported her... and likewise, supporting SA all the way. Please be strong... and this too, shall pass.

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Guest ligercouple

You guys should read this:-

This is from soompi..

Gary’s Agency Claims That Song Ji Hyo Is like a Sister to Him



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