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[Drama 2013] Her Legend / Her Myth 그녀의 신화


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 My thoughts for this week

JH is getting more appealing by the minute. He did everything right this week.

 I like the drunk dude, everyone with a great talent has some quirk.

 The spy chick needs to go.  They should feed her wrong information.

I like evil JS.

I like seeing KH run, It is so desperate, I knew she had a factory of lies.  Almost I feel sorry for her but not quite.  To hell after death she thinks.  I think her hell is now.

Uncle! Uncle!  I say no more.

MK! MK!  I say no more.

DY knows the truth but is afraid to admit it.  She remembers nothing about KH but feels as though she knows JS.

Next Week (My hope)

KH lies to JH I think he will be less believing than MK

KH lie about Evil Aunty will send DY over to their house.

DY will begin to see the truth.  She will go back to JS for answers.

Next few weeks (My hope).

KH checks into a mental unit.

JS and JH find love. Their team win the competition.

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Choi Jung Won's latest me2day posting at the top of this page has apparently nothing at all to do with this drama or her work in it, and it might be questioned whether it really belongs in this thread.

However, that can be fixed. I can make anything relevant to anything else, given time...

Jung Won's message starts by saying that someone has just pointed out to her that it's 50 days to go till the dreaded Korean SATs. So she's wishing all her high school senior followers the best of luck in the exam and hoping they get the grades they want.

Now, tying that in to Her Legend might seem like a much trickier problem than the one JH posed for JS. But it can be done.

CJW says she's making these wishes as "The Candy Girl who stays strong".  꿋꿋하다 means to stick at something determinedly despite all setbacks, though it's rarely encountered in that form, and you'll mostly find it transformed into a noun 꿋꿋함 meaning "determinedness". And most Kdrama watchers or manwha readers know what a Candy Girl is, deriving from the Japanese cult manga, movie and novel series  キャンディ・キャンディ, the saga of an ("American") girl abandoned in an orphanage and her subsequent high-flying fortunes. I don't think however, that the way "Candy Girl" has also come to be used in Japan as a term for a certain lifesize inflatable item which if you don't know about, you probably wouldn't want to know anyway, has made its way to Korea, otherwise wholesome-imaged young ladies like Jung Won wouldn't be quite so keen to have it applied to them.

However, there's a connection between candy in its common-or garden sense and Korean SATs, which is going to allow a link to our current drama. Eventually. (I really am heading that way, trust me.) It's to do with the Korean variety of taffee that's  called 엿. It's very hard, and, once licked and chewed a bit, gets very, very sticky. Prising it off your teeth with your fingers and taking your fillings with it kind of sticky. Because of its stickiness, 엿 is given by relatives and friends to students about to sit their SATs, or other important exams, though different people offer different explanations of why this stickiness is supposed to help with exam success. Some say it's a metaphor to encourage students to "stick at" their exam preparations, others suggest that it symbolizes "sticking" them to the top College they hope to enter as a result of getting high grades. Whatever, school janitors have a busy time on SATs day stopping anxious moms (the ones who aren't performing multiple ritual bows in a temple or lighting rows of candles in a church) from sticking wads of half-chewed 엿 to the schoolyard railings in the belief that it will help their offspring get those vital grades. [All the same, despite the association of 엿 with exam success, if a Korean tells you to "Go eat 엿" they aren't wishing you luck. 엿 in that particular expression is a euphemism for something else which you certainly wouldn't want to eat.]

At last, I can get round to our present drama. Remember this scene from episode 5?


It's breakfast time on the morning when JS is expecting to hear whether she's through to the final selection round at Shinwha. JS has just dipped her spoon into the bowl Evil Aunt has placed in front of her when Kyeong Ho comes in, notices to his horror what Jeong Soo is about to put in her mouth, and knocks the spoon out of her hand, so that the piece of seaweed JS was on the point of eating ends up sticking to his mother's cheek. What's his mother thinking of, he yells, feeding JS seaweed soup on a day like this?  And his father does a double take and says, yes, come to think of it, Kyeong Ho's quite right, JS certainly shouldn't be eating seaweed soup today, and he motions her to put her soup bowl to one side and just eat the side dishes, at which Evil Aunt goes into a huff and snatches the seaweed soup away from her husband and son as well, despite their protests that it's fine for them to eat it.

So what's this all about?  JS's remark to her uncle, excusing her aunt, "오늘은 시험 날 안이고", nicely subbed as "It's not like I have an exam today", provides the clue.  Most Kdrama viewers know about serving up seaweed soup for someone's birthday, a custom that stems from the practice of feeding seaweed soup to women who have just given birth, because it is rich in iron and so beneficial after blood loss. But less well known (and I think this is the first drama I've seen in which this particular supersition has figured) is that there's another, contrary, folk belief, which says that seaweed soup should never be eaten before taking any kind of exam (even if the exam day falls on your birthday). As with the positive effects of 엿, the negative consequences of eating seaweed soup at exam time are given different explanations by different people, but the general idea is plain. Anyone about to take any sort of test should stay clear of seaweed soup, and anyone inducing someone about to face such a test to eat seaweed soup is trying to sabotage their chances. Which is of course exactly what Evil Aunt was trying to do to JS, and that's why she's so cheesed off when she's rumbled.

So the seaweed soup breakfast in this drama is the exact opposite of giving 엿 to the SAT candidates CJW is wishing good luck to.

Connection made.  Coffee time.

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Guest compasswise

baduy said: A sentence with Please at the beginning & Thank you at the end is far too polite  to address the inappropriate action. However, if you wish to construe it as public scolding, you are at your own liberty to report the matter to appropriate host. Action (no proper citation) speaks louder than words (of apology).
  compasswise said:
Excuse me, the picture of Choi Jung Won was reproduced without giving the proper citation. It was photoshopped by Choi Jung Won Fan Page. Please don't copy and paste or doing a screenshot without giving naming source. Thank you.

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Guest prosperity

So I just finished watching episode 14 and it looks like MK might just be ES' brother (based on what SH's wife told DY in the gallery)!!! I think that would work out great, as she will end up getting both men (and KH gets none!), and it would explain why MK is drawn to her without it having to be anything intimate. If you really think about it, MK hasn't done anything to make you think this is more than genuine concern for someone he is drawn to for some reason. It can't be like/love because he clearly still have feelings for KH.
I also think ES telling DY that her name is KH will also help DY solve this mystery. Because if they were to ever look up the adoption papers they will find that the child they adopted had the same name. An alarm will most definitely go off, and not to mention the same family name. I don't think ES necessarily did anything wrong either. After KH took ES place, KH basically became ES, and ES is now KH.
I hope that in next week episodes, the misunderstanding that will occur between JH and ES because of KH' lies, will lead to ES telling JH everything.

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@prosperity, I remarked a long time ago that jtbc character profiles are generally much more reliable in their plot predictions and hints than those of other networks, and this is a case in point. That profile of Soo Ho's wife that I translated a while back where it was said that she suspected MK might be her husband's son is now duly being borne out.

What you say about JS calling herself KH makes excellent sense. Come to think of it, it may well be that DY was never made aware of the business about the girl's "real" name turning out to be Kyeong Hee. Perhaps the laywer did what good lawyers ought to do to earn their fees, namely handle all the details diligently at their own discretion then get the clients to "sign here". He certainly made it clear in his meeting with Evil Aunt where she spun him her yarn about the names that it was his brief to get the girl's name officially changed to Seo Hyeon as part of the adoption process which he was charged to push through ASAP.   So maybe the name issue was never brought to the attention of either DY or her husband.  And if the lawyer put through the name change first before finalizing the adoption documents, it may not even be recorded in the adoption papers themselves. But you're right. That name is bound to be in the documents somewhere, and if either DY or her husband dig into those documents, the can of worms will be well and truly opened thanks to JS's spur-of-the-moment fib about her name.

Or another explosive possibility might be if either JS's Uncle, out of guilty desperation, or her Aunt, in a moment of heedless panic, call their daughter "Kyeong Hee" in the hearing of DY or her husband...

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i am hoping DY and her hubby figure this out by themselves rather than JS dirtying her hands although one could say she has already done that...
It is also interesting that the pouch is with KH now... i thought it might have played a role (maybe it will) in identifying JS later one since it was a unique item...
Do you guys think there's enough time for KH to be misidentified as SH's child or that would take too long and would be a bit rushed with 6 left?

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Guest Littlezaznangel

im seriously going to get mad if Kyung Hee gets ill or if she faints when everything is about to get exposed.... this past episode there were no signs of her getting any sorts of pain..

i think in the end Eun Soo would give up her adoptive parents company to Kyung Hee. While she and Do Jin Hoo takes on the Luna brand....

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Littlezaznangel said: im seriously going to get mad if Kyung Hee gets ill or if she faints when everything is about to get exposed.... this past episode there were no signs of her getting any sorts of pain..

i think in the end Eun Soo would give up her adoptive parents company to Kyung Hee. While she and Do Jin Hoo takes on the Luna brand....

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It would be sad if she ended up with no punishment and with the adoptive family because while it seem that they have genuine affection for her it seem that she has none for them. Her concern is selfish, she has so far done nothing to suggest that she cares for anything more than the luxary she gets from them. And that is what is unfortunate.

How can she care about them and continue to lie to them like that.

But more than that, can DY forgive the deception. She looses her memory and the very person who is expected to help her is the one trying to keep her in a haze.

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I got 2 tell u" That KH is 1 BAD MAMMA JAMMA... She said she's gonna wait until her adoptive parent's, find out about her lies and evilness and will continued 2 lie about it [-X  Oh No" That's where she's wrong, because when they do find out. Sweetie... You'll be taken away in a straight jacket, or a body bag.. either 1"  That YR is still up 2 no good, a little spying wench 8-| I'm just hoping that it won't take the last episode, for everything 2 be revealed [-O<  I just love JH he's such a Gentleman ;)) We need some romance from our couple right about now, Please don't let JS start being evil, not a tick for a tack.. KH will get hers, and can't hardly wait. Last but not Least' The previews with JH and JS, really doesn't look good at all, But we'll all see won't we...  KH just thinks she'll be with JH, as long as JH's grandfather is alive... But I also know that it's really nice when you can DREAM about it too I-) Because" that's actually what she's going 2 be doing  8->

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Not another grandfather who wants his grandson to be with a woman that he thinks she is nice and sweet and all she does is lie

i mean come on what does she wants more she has every thing good education,good job, money ,a man that she loves and mybe he is

still in love with her just stop and live a fresh life with a fresh start and dont get into web of lies

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