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[Drama 2013] Her Legend / Her Myth 그녀의 신화


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Yes. I don't think there's any problem with comments, or even with translated/ recapped tidbits, on a currently streaming episide. What's not supposed to happen is a full-on live commentary on an ongoing episode, except in a thread specially designated by mods for that specific purpose. I think the ban dates from long-gone days when if more than half a dozen people posted at once the soompi server fell over. But it's still sometimes enforced (though it's also quite often ignored, as well).

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More teaser tricksiness uncovered. When KH called out "Dad" to her real father, her adoptive father, standing just behind him, thought he meant her.  So it wasn't the give-away that the teaser made it look. She explained her agitation, and her real father's distress by saying they'd just heard that her "aunt" had been injured, so she needed to leave with her "uncle" right away.  But the incident has added to her adoptive father's growing suspicions, especially when he recounts the event that evening to his wife and she reveals to him her discovery of the torn up picture of JS's mother.

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Guest prosperity

Does the new technician do the same thing as JS' uncle? If so if they encounter problems, couldn't they just hire him, or use him as a freelancer? I think that would be great revenge against KH.
Also what did KH say to her bio father when they were outside? The man looked like he could have had a heart attack right there.
I also wants to know what JH said to JS after meeting the drunk technician that led to her realizing that JH does like her.

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Based on the translation of the preview from Epi 13 - He said something like he is very frustrated that he can't help her regardless of a small or big matter and he is so angry to death with himself. Another important sentence which is the ending of Epi 14 is JH telling JS to do all she can, to go to his side. I am quite sure this sentence is correct based on my limited Korean.  Why no preview!!!! :((

She started to reminisce about all the previous encounters and realised that although it sounds crazy and unbelievable, JH might have like her so she went to his house.

Anyone knows if this drama is 16 or 20 episodes in total? Now is already Epi 14 and I can't tell MK actually like JS, maybe just a little bit . He is still hovering around KH and not much progress with JS, nothing like the character still *sigh* Can we have some real competition please and just let that KH suffer. She deserved it.

I really hope we can see some affection/ huge development between the leads or even with the second leads. My hope went up when JH was injured but my happiness only lasted for 5 mins ><

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Thanks @Rubysing & @baduy for comments/ live recap =D> I didn't know that posting the live recap was against the rules, learned something new about soompi every time I post. I watched it stream live for this first time today and streaming was great, no buffering at all. Back to the drama, while watching, I was like, wow, how many times has JH been there for JS...watching her sleep, cooking/buying lunch/dinner for her, protecting her....such a perfect boyfriend:\">
@prosperity, the live streaming link: http://www.jtbc.co.kr/onair/onair.aspx

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The text teaser was also misleading in saying that at the gallery DY gives JS a "severe scolding" (나무라다 is the verb in the preview, which I bet Mr Google Translate thinks is something to do with swinging from trees). In fact, she speaks to her firmly but calmly and considerately. Even to the extent of suggesting that they should go somewhere more private than a Kdrama ladies washroom, which as we know is is a prime eavesdropping spot in many dramas.

Once they are in a spot where JS needn't fear the embarassment of being witnessed receiving a rebuke from an elder, DY says she can understand why JS feels resentful towards KY since she blames her for getting her fired over the alleged plagiarism, but she assures her that KH was entirely innocent in that matter and she knows her daughter would never do anything like that, whatever JS may have been told.

She adds that she is not without influence in the company where JS now works (though again, we appreciate that DY has gone out of her way not to let her friend, the Shinwha boss's wife, hear this exchange) and she'll feel obliged to take steps to defend her daughter if JS persists in threatening her. But she also adds, with evident sincerity rather than in any menacing way, that she feels sure that now JS has been assured of KH innocence, she won't misbehave in that way again, and that she's sorry if a mother's wish to protect her daughter has led her to be rude to JS.

JS hastens to assure her that she hasn't been at all offended by DY's words, and that she fully appreciates that every mother does whatever she can to protect her daughter, right or wrong. Which leads DY to make the remark that really devastates JS, saying that she's sure JS's mother feels exactly the same way about her and would leap just as eagerly to her defense.

Seeing how moved JS is by those words, but not, of course, really understanding why, DY's tone becomes warmer and she says that she has a distinct feeling that they've met somewhere before. To help her fathom out where and when that might be, she, very politely, asks JS's name. Which is when JS hesitantly tells her her family name, then after a long pause, comes out with Kyeong Hee as her given name. At which point I lost the stream, so didn't catch DY's reaction to that.

However, we recall that in the earlier episode where DY told her husband about discovering the name "Eun Jeong Soo" in KY's log of calls received, she remarked that although "Jeong Soo" was a fairly common name, the family name "Eun" is by Korean standards relatively unusual, so it was indeed a remarkable co-incidence that KH should be working as the same company as someone with her own supposed former name. DY may well in due course apply the same logic to the name "Eun Kyeong Hee" and probe further.

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blyssxoxo said: Anyone knows if this drama is 16 or 20 episodes in total? Now is already Epi 14 and I can't tell MK actually like JS, maybe just a little bit . He is still hovering around KH and not much progress with JS, nothing like the character still *sigh* Can we have some real competition please and just let that KH suffer. She deserved it. 

I really hope we can see some affection/ huge development between the leads or even with the second leads. My hope went up when JH was injured but my happiness only lasted for 5 mins ><

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It just occurred to me that there's something the DF subbers may on past form neglect to translate, but which it's rather important to know to get the drift of the last sequences of ep 14.  We see in ep 13 that JH has changed his cellphone nickname for JS (I explained his previous four-character name for her in an earlier posting). His new name for her is "Dimwit", alluding to how slow she is on the uptake about him, though in Korean it's often used as a term of endearment, rather like "pabo", which can mean an affectionate "silly thing" as well as an offensive "idiot"  He's infuriated by the way her "dimwittedness" comes up against his shyness, especially after he hears her singing that song about confessing love "by installments" which he tries to explain to her is the most he too can hope to manage. His closing remarks at the cliffhanger are installment #1.

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Come to think of it, there's a connection between this drama and the relentless anguish of GoM. To find GoM enjoyable, you have to be a designer bag. I mean, just look at them, sitting there on their shelves, grinning away. This could also be the origin of the phrase "grin and bear it".


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Guest Morgaroo

When the Kims' lawyer started the adoption process, he was given KH's papers and KH's mother explained that JS's name is actually Kyeong Hee and Jung Soo is her nickname. Now JS to,d Mrs Kim that her name in Eun Kyeong Hee. I wonder if this will raise a red flag with the Kims.

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Morgaroo said "When the Kims' lawyer started the adoption process, he was given KH's papers and KH's mother explained that JS's name is actually Kyeong Hee and Jung Soo is her nickname. Now JS to,d Mrs Kim that her name in Eun Kyeong Hee. I wonder if this will raise a red flag with the Kims."

You're right.
Strange though: how could KH's parents fool the lawyer?
It's not merely a matter of names, but also parents ID....
JS was supposed to be an orphan while KH was clearly their daughter  and that would show on her paper work right? (Unless Korean ID's and paper work don't mention  who your parents are, which I doubt) and the parents must have had to give permission for their daughter KH to be adopted...
Strange and not -realistic indeed !!!
Guess, no logic in Kdramaland right?    :))

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I don't know of any jurisdiction where identity documents distinguish between adoptive and biological parents. That's because, legally, adoption *is* parenthood, period.

Some years ago my wife had to deal with a case which would have been dismissed as incredible in a Kdrama plot, but actually took place. A man who had been given up for adoption as a baby and placed with parents in Australia discovered in late middle age that his birth mother had won the lottery jackpot, married, and had several legitimate children. She had then been widowed and subsequently herself died without making a valid will. Hence her large estate was divided up equally among her legitimate children. Discovering this had happened, the adoptee tried to bring a court action claiming his share of her inheritance, but had to be told very firmly that in the eyes of the law he was simply not that woman's child. (Had he never been adopted he would have had a valid claim in law, because he would have remained his birth mother's legal offspring, even if he'd had no ties with her).

JS's aunt and uncle didn't adopt her. They merely assumed guardianship.  As her mother's elder male sibling her uncle did not need to take any steps to be given full guardianship rights under Korean law, though in most Western countries such guardianship, even by close relatives, has to be legally documented and approved by a court.) So the extract from the family register (the closest document to a birth certificate which Koreans have) which the lawyer is given shows the aunt and uncle as having two children only, Kyeong Hee and her brother. As such it's perfectly genuine. 

But the aunt tells the lawyer that she and her husband had only one biological child, their son, and that the girl they are giving up for adoption had in turn been legally adopted by them which is why she appears as their second child on the document.  She then explains the name Kyeong Hee on the family register as being indeed the girl's legal name, but says that for family use they changed her name to Jeong Soo because a fortune teller advised them that the misfortune of losing her parents was down to an inauspicious choice of name. 

So it's not as unrealistic as it seems from the perspective of Western practices. Of course, the aunt can only risk this scam because she's been assured that Do Yeong has lost all her memories, and she knows, too, that DY's husband never knew KH even existed. Remember too, that the day of the lawyer's visit, JS was fatefully late home from school, so that not only did the lawyer jump to the conclusion that the girl who came in from school was JS, but he was also ushered out of the house before the real JS got home, so he never knew there were two girls of the same age under that roof.

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