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[Drama 2013] Princess Aurora 오로라 공주

Guest YunRa1430270238

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Guest atomickitty

OK, guys..
My Korean is not the best, but in ep 48, are these witches using the fact that they never got married to guilt MM? Are they for real? Didn't they have options and turn them down. I remember some guy courting the eldest sister at the very least. Why is it on him that they didn't get married. Their mother said to take care of MM, did she also say don't get married? I can't with these women. I don't think I'd want anyone I know marrying MM, no matter how pretty he is. You'd have to live with those women. Insane!!!

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Guest gnaveyar


Yes, they used that as a reason

W1: At our mom's deathbed, we promised to take care of MM and make sure he grows up well, even if we were to give up on our own happiness. "Mom, don't worry and go in peace
W3: Booooooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
W1: That's what I promised our mom. And yet you want to marry this pauper with a bad temper?
MM: We haven't talked of marriage yet
etc etc.

W3: We have been living for you this past 20 years. You will know when you have kids in the future. Three women not getting married because of you, this isn't an easy thing.
W1: Is RR more important than us (blood relations)? Is that really what you think?
MM: It's not that
W1: Then listen to us
etc etc

W1: If you choose RR in the end, what does that make of my life (and sacrifice)?
etc etc

W1: (to sisters) If he continues to be this way, I might as well go to the mountains and be a nun. It's for real. I would not have any more will to live in this world. For your happiness, I will go away
MM: I get it. I will end it.

Woah...talking about using GUILT. Did you guys see the sisters wiping off their tears and back to normal right after MM surrenders? YIKES!

Random tidbits E48
- It has been reported that the monsoon season has finally arrived in Seoul, especially in areas of Seocho-dong. The rain is expected to hit a certain author hard, and he may be the one to pull the plug on a certain RoMa ship.

- It has been discovered that the witches, especially W1 and W3, have been honorary students at the same school that PJY attends. They both have majored in Delusional Women 101, with a doctorate in Crying 104. They seem to think that the reason that they are still unmarried is because they have devoted their entire lives to MM. Hmmmm.. Have they perhaps not think that their personality and uppity nose-in-the-air attitude are some contributing factors as well?

- PJY is increasing her money offer to scout SH as her manager, thinking that money can solve anything. We continue to wish her luck.

- Big brother receives a call from overseas, likely from the brothers in the States. From the looks of it, it seems to be a bad thing. Oh man, I hope big bro doesn't have to "make a trip to the States too". It seems like a one-way ticket, judging by what happened to bro 2 and bro 3

To be continued....working on the dinner date from hell now.

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atomickitty said:OK, guys..My Korean is not the best, but in ep 48, are these witches using the fact that they never got married to guilt MM? Are they for real? Didn't they have options and turn them down. I remember some guy courting the eldest sister at the very least. Why is it on him that they didn't get married. Their mother said to take care of MM, did she also say don't get married? I can't with these women. I don't think I'd want anyone I know marrying MM, no matter how pretty he is. You'd have to live with those women. Insane!!!

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atomickitty said: OK, guys..
My Korean is not the best, but in ep 48, are these witches using the fact that they never got married to guilt MM? Are they for real? Didn't they have options and turn them down. I remember some guy courting the eldest sister at the very least. Why is it on him that they didn't get married. Their mother said to take care of MM, did she also say don't get married? I can't with these women. I don't think I'd want anyone I know marrying MM, no matter how pretty he is. You'd have to live with those women. Insane!!!

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Guest gnaveyar

Reports from the dinner date from hell

JY: Did big sis talk to you about anything?
MM: About you? Yes, I've heard about it. I told her that it is impossible. You're going to become a superstar soon, I won't be able to match your status. Don't be burdened by this.
JY: I thought the elders (his sister and her mum) have almost agreed to it?
MM: What difference does it make even if the elders have made an agreement? There are 3 chances in a person's life, don't lose this chance now (of becoming a star), and hold on to it tight.
JY: It seems as if you have someone else in your heart
MM: You can never predict another person's life
JY: After I've spoken to big sis, truthfully I have become interested in you. One can never go wrong if they listen to what the elders say. Let's meet like this once in a while, what do you think?
MM: You're going to be recognised by people soon, this wouldn't be too convenient for both of us
JY: Are you not interested in me?
MM: That's right. I don't know how to please a woman
JY: Are you not interested in dating/marriage?
MM: No.  [Hahahhahaha....cannot be more obvious. He's just not interested in you!]
JY: Tell me what you look for in woman, I'll help you search for her
MM: I'm not interested in dating someone introduced by others. Looking at my friends, those that married through introductions (kinda like matchmaking), a lot of them became enemies, and feelings are hurt. I think it's better that way (not through matchmaking)

MM: Do you watch movies frequently?
JY: Not....not recently, since the filming started


MM: Do you have any actors that you like?
JY: From our country?
MM: From our country, from overseas
JY: I like Ben Affleck after watching Argo. I used to think of him as just a handsome actor, but he turns out to do well in producing films as well.
MM: I see

JY (thinking to herself): If he expresses his love for me using those eyes, that expression and that voice, how wonderful would that be? I, PJY, am not one to give up so easily.  [excuse me while i go puke :-&   ]

JY: I acknowledge what you have said (about not interested in marriage with her), but promise me one thing.
MM: What is it?
JY: It's nothing important. You didn't drive here, right?
MM: Yep.
JY: I would like to drink some wine  (shyly smiles) [excuse me again while i go puke some more :-& :-& ]


PJY thinks back to what a man said about his wife in the past. The man mentioned that he met his wife in a matchmaking session, but he wasn't interested in her back then, and told her that he doesn't want to meet her anymore. Then the woman ordered a bottle of soju and got tipsy, and asked what is wrong with her that he's not interested, and the man looked at her differently then. He felt that she was very charming and different. (that's why PJY wanted to order wine. hahahhahaha)


JY: The story is quite different from your novel, are you not upset about that?
MM: It's not too interesting if it follows the novel exactly, it won't be able to attract the audience
JY: What do you think of your looks?
MM: I don't really like it
JY: Why?
MM: It's too striking
JY: MM, you don't know this, right? Your eyes, they look so sad. I've tried to think of the reason, and I could only think that it is because of your parents
MM: Perhaps.

[Yikes, now PJY has taken up Poetry 101.]

PJY thinking to herself while she attempts to seduce MM with her eyes

(A Drinking Song     - William Butler Yeats)

Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye

That's all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.

I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.

[i shall attempt to write a poem entitled PUKE :-& :-& :-& :-&  ]

JY: Are there times when you feel lonely?

-------------------------- end ------------------------------

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Guest dramaok

thanks @gnaveyar. lol on the doctorate on crying. but seriously how evil to guilt him like that.i think that counts as psychological abuse.
darn golden opportunity wasted to send witch #1 to mountain for good.actually the only way to stop her and witch #3 is to get them some men and get them laid.
for some reason PJY goes home tomorrow and is mad seeing Rora so I have hope that Mama shut the psycho up for good for her dreams of seducing him. Mama politely but clearly told her no way but she thinks she can get herself drunk and seduce hm. yikes. 
btw this drama got some broadcast warning for explicit content inapproriate for this timeslot and network drama. like 3 warnings i think. you always get them for Im dramas. it was for the towel opening scene in the beginning of the drama (warning received for expropratiation) where brother #2's wife show him her body and bitccheed about how good she looks while he is a rabbit (what does that mean? ) and how all the other women her age are pestered by their hubbies mauling them (boobs) and the husband goes something like 'of course i'd do a cold cup of noodle in a couple of minutes why would i waste 20-30 minutes' (warning for vulgar sexual content). and also the constant use of 'bittch' equivalent in the show (warning for language).
it's not uncommon though. i hear your voice got a warning of some sort too (for cussing too much i think). but Im drama tops them. lol 
puke buckets for everyone.scrunch_bucket-400x170.jpg

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>>is a RR/SS shipper...MM is a mansy pansy who wears a dress....what a lame tactic to use a dead mother....they have no shame....think I'll just hold off till episode 60 or something...

my prediction is that MM/PYJ will get married....

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I question if PJY was ever a reporter. Does she really think wine/soju will seduce a guy or make the guy change like them all of a sudden?! Did MM ever show her any signs that he was interested? He surely did not! MM needs to flat out tell PJY wake up from la-la land and stop dreaming cause he ain't into her nor was he ever into her!!!! Oh, MM, please grow some balls and just flat out tell your sisters & PJY "NO, HECK NO, HELL NO!!!!!" 
I also have a feeling that RR & SS as well as PJY & MM will get together first, then when we get to episode 100 or so, RR & MM will start to gravitate towards each other, they split from their significant other and get back together just as the show ends. It seems to always be like that. I have a feeling I'll be checking out midway and then check back in towards the end to see if they get a happy ending. That's why I try not to watch daily dramas. They're just way too long, and it'll aggravate you to no end. The story gets boring and stupid along the way as if the writer got bored and loses her/his way before realizing "Oh crap, it's coming to an end and I have to tie up loose ends!" It feels as if the ending is sometimes pieced together sloppily. 

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Guest greenian

I am so glad I found this forum.  Your discussion have helped me understand some intricate parts of the drama.  
What great crocodile tears performance from the 1st and 3rd s/witches.  Emotional blackmail on their brother.  Felt like jumping into the screen to give them a good slap lol.
I hope they get back as much or two to three fold of their own medicine from PJY in the future!!!

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Guest guccigal

For the 3 witches' sake (esp. Witch #1), I really hope PJY marries MM and let her go ballistic, freak out with Witch #1 andhave RR marry SS and live a queen's life.
It was those witches' choice to stay single. WTF!! 
I really hate this drama [but I'm still here ].  (Dont mind my rants)
Oh! And come one, Writer-nim, you only gave us two episodes or soof RR and MM back together with no kissing scene to boot.What the heck is that???

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I cannot believe the Sisters!  Well, 2 of them anyway. At first, I thought that it was just a misunderstanding and first impressions and all that.  Now, I see how evil Sister 1 and Sister 3 really are.  Sister 2 seems ok.  Oh well, it's K-drama and you always need the blind people who think really highly of themselves.  Sister 1 and Sister 3 remind me of the motehr in Oh Ja Ryong is Coming (they're rich and think they are soooo cultured and classy, but they are really blind, Call A b****es.

Park Ji Young is also very strange.  When she was first introduced, I felt sorry for her for having such a miserable half-sister.  So it's almost a very strange complete 180 character change that the writers have written for her.

And when will this show get eitehr (1) a new director or (2) a new editor?  Whey do we still cut a scene with a 1 minute break to another completely random scene that has nothing to do with the plot?  None of the scenes flow well at all.  But I still watch this becasue I love how RoRa is doing well and Park Ji Young has brain farts every day.  But, we're early into this series yet and I'm afraid that it's going to reach a point soon where RoRa is crying every day.  I wonder if MM is going to be stupid and fall for PJY.  If I were him, I'd say either fine, I'll marry the b*** you picked out, or OK I'll make the same sacrifice you did and never marry.  Hah!  That would teach his interfering sisters.

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Guest dramaok

ep. 49 preview:http://takeswf.imbc.com/wwwflv/Content/20137/49fjfja.mp4

- Why are you so attracted to Oh Su Jung?
yhxs.jpg- You are so cruel.
zt2m.jpg- Feel Rora's pulse.
1qu0.jpg- ( Such a great couple they make )
dttd.jpg- Since the manager's good support is needed. Please look after my daughter.
d0hu.jpg- I told Park Ji Young today. That I have no interest in her as woman.
u4pt.jpg- The commercial.  It's a go!

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Guest gnaveyar

preview for E49
- PJY launches a small missile at MM (not sure why)
- RR has been offered the advertisement (yay, at least something good happening here!)

Hahah~ I look forward to seeing PJY take one more step towards la-la land when she finds out RR is getting an ad offer before her, the big superstar. Though I may have to mute the sound when the screaming and shrieking takes place...

Hmmm. Maybe MM will develop an interest for Natasha, and save her from the dreadful servant girl life in the Park household. Take that, b**ches! =))
Then I will gladly root for this MaNa ship, and happily wave a bye to W1 & W3 as they leave for the mountains and be a nun!

At least Sis2 is slightly more sane, and remains sliiiiiiiiiiiighty uninvolved in all the witchy business.

I think PJY's mom is an honor student at the same school as well. It seems this Delusional Women 101 is a really popular course. She seems to really think that Sagong will be interested in RR (and vice versa) and is plotting to put them together in the same place. (E48, she asked RR to come to her house for a talk, and lied to Sagong that she's not feeling well and to come home quickly). As usual, PJY doesn't get what she want (SH as manager) so she's asking her mum to do the dirty job personally.

I wonder when PJY will go bonkers. She's already a ballistic nutcase these few recent episodes. WOOO~ Can't wait to see her launch her scream missiles at W1 and W3 =))

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dramaok said: ep. 49 preview:http://takeswf.imbc.com/wwwflv/Content/20137/49fjfja.mp4

- Why are you so attracted to Oh Su Jung?
yhxs.jpg- You are so cruel.
zt2m.jpg- Feel Rora's pulse.
1qu0.jpg- ( Such a great couple they make )
dttd.jpg- Since the manager's good support is needed. Please look after my daughter.
d0hu.jpg- I told Park Ji Young today. That I have no interest in her as woman.
u4pt.jpg- The commercial.  It's a go!

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Guest gnaveyar

Oh thanks @dramaok for explaining the preview!

Haha~ the wonderful courses this school provides! Hmmm. It's ONLY ep 49+ out of 100+ episodes, maybe we are still at Intermediate courses. I dread to think of expert/ masters levels....hahahah  =))

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@gnaveyar ~ you always make my day! 

I love to read everything everyone says about this drama that gives us indigestion and so much angst!  There will be a day that i will definitely bail out of this ship if the writer does not give me enough RoMa romance eventhough it seems hopeless to hope :(

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