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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest Mary de Vera

WHAT Just happened?!?!?! All the leading men died and left Ki Seung-Nyang alone with her son to rule Yuan? This was the saddest ending I have seen in my Korean Drama addicted life thus far. I will have to drink some wine to keep me from being depressed that Empress Ki is finally over. Thank you Soompi Forum for allowing all of us to vent, cheer, criticize, joke about everything and anything that happened in this drama. It felt like I attended a Alcoholics Anonymous meeting to talk about our addiction! LMAO!!! See you all in the next awesome KDRAMA to come....

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Guest claracinny

I would have liked to see a "happily-ever-after" kind of ending, even if it was just hypothetical, and not have Empress Ki end like this. That being said, although I don't know about you, I know that I think that this ending was one of the ones that make the most sense. I guess only with everybody dying and a sad ending can the writers put an end to this drama. History is full of tragedy, and this ending, with Empress Ki being a historical drama, had been fated from the beginning of the saeguk.

I'm not particularly upset with TH's death (don't kill me!) since, to me, he has redeemed himself (kinda?) by trying to create a future for Ayu and SN as best as he could. On his death bed, he trusts SN. That was what the entire drama was about for me - earning and creating trust in a place where people manipulate or kill each other for power and wealth without any second thoughts.

As for WY, it seemed as if his death was one of the more necessary ones, central to the plot line since for SN to completely go to TH, WY "must" be eliminated. If I was SN, if WY didn't die, I wouldn't have realized that I loved TH and wouldn't be able to say that to him at the end (since SN had been mostly truthful to TH).

And of course, there's poor TT. My poor babyHistorically Tal Tal was assassinated, and even though his death in the drama actually made me cry, I think we all knew what was coming. TT has been my favorite character since halfway through the drama, with SN a close second (since I normally dislike people who can't seem to make up their mind about feelings and such), and I don't think they should have made him die. But don't all of you (including me) TT & SN shippers out there (and here), we still have our imagination, and I, for one, am on the way with plans for a fanfic for an alternate ending to feed my own feels. Or maybe a entirely different story with a character like TT who will defs not die. YAS. Okay.

It's been nice being a part of this forum where I am able to share my feels with all you out there, so thank you for saying thoughts I'd have never thought of and for all of you knowledgeable, insightful people.
Now I shall proceed to go wallow in my sadness for TT's death. Again.


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Guest Nayuki Tran

@geilbladder me too. Im so sad that I couldnt study or work, I didnt eat super either. I havent watched the ep but recaps and stills tear my heart. I will not ever watch it. I was just badmouthing him a couple eps ago and now hes dead:((( I feel like I didnt even say goodbye to him. I ll mourn him for at least a week. Ill change my fb status and change my profile pic to mourning theme. Huhu...

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Guest bashful

@ tieuyeunu

I don't think SN reaction was in a sense she was already prepared for this moment. It's rather that she was shocked and still stunned by TH death that it took her sometime to realize and accept that he's gone. Instead of crying her lungs out like she did with WY she was tearing from her heart. Towards WY , SN probably felt regretful that things turn out like this. As of TH she was not ready for his death, since she was just talking to TH about traveling with him. SN seems to be shocked and at the very end she was still mumbling about her feeling for TH (even though he was no longer breathing).

This is the first time SN confess her feelings to the man she loves and the PD waited until the very end of this drama to finally reveal SN feeling to the audiences. If ppl still question about her feeling for TH then I don't know what to say. Since I have been watching this drama from ep 1 to 51; SN and TH life and death experiences and all their hardship together is what made their relationship become love.  I am satisfy with the ending even though SN was the only one who survive but she still has Ayu so she is not a lone. Now she could finally live in peace since TH eliminated all those who could become a threat to her.

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The ENDING was SOOOOO, SOOOOO SAD!!!!!!  :((
Overall, I like the drama. Empress Ki did not drag considering it's 51 episodes. Every episode seem to fly by, me wanting more! I think they could have turn it into a 60 episodes drama cuz I felt that the last few episodes was too rush(?)
The only purpose that Maha serve in the drama was act as a reason for TH to kill WY. Cuz if not for that, WY would not have died. It's true that TH only kill WY to protect SN, to me there was no jealousy. Maybe it's just the TH bias in me, which led me to believe that everything TH do was for SN. Honestly, when WY said that SN did everything for TH and that TH did not do anything for her.. I begged a different. I just wish that SN and TH would talk things out more .. SN never tell TH about any of her actions, so I understand TH completely when he find he hard to trust SN now and then. If the emperor wasn't TH, SN as the concubine would have been killed long time ago. but the love that TH have for her kept her alive. 
I shipped SN-TH, but when WY died.. I was like "No!!! I want WY-SN" and when TT died "No! WY died, why must TT die too? I want TT-SN" lol and then our ending came when TH died! "No!!!! TH, you were my first and last hope for SN, why must you die?" :((
I think it was the first time for SN to say the words "I Love You" to anyone in the whole 51 episodes if I remember correctly. She had never said it to WY?? She just accepted the hairpin he gave her. 
Oh well, that's drama life for us! it always have an ending, and we move on to the next drama! This was actually the first longest drama I've followed religiously every week. Usually I wait until it end and I'll start it. But not for Empress Ki! And I'm glad I need! Bye my Empress Ki's friends! I'll see you all in other dramas page!  :-h

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Guest lorac

claracinny said:

As for WY, it seemed as if his death was one of the more necessary ones, central to the plot line since for SN to completely go to TH, WY "must" be eliminated. If I was SN, if WY didn't die, I wouldn't have realized that I loved TH and wouldn't be able to say that to him at the end (since SN had been mostly truthful to TH).

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I dislike the ending, I don't think I will ever like it , I understand that's how it had to be, but I feels very very wretched for nyang, she fought so hard only to be lonely at the end ( set ayu aside since I'm talking about them "men" in her life) .

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Guest Nayuki Tran

I never ship hjw with someone else this hard. Hyun bin, no. Lee seungi, no. In secret garden when joo wopng was crying and sacrifice d himself for Ra Im, it was sad but I didnt cry because I know they would see each other again and have a happy ending. But here, with TH. I cry every time thinking about their last conversation. They wanted to have a horse rides together in the field again, but its too late. How sad it is. It must ve been the first time she ever confessed her love to Th. Why? Why didnt they appreciate theirntime together more? Why didnt they spend so much time arguing and drifting from each other? If I were in Sns situation, my weak heart would not be able to bear the loss. I would die after him. I wouldnt endure that pain, that loneliness. I hope there would never be that tragic love in real life.

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Good drama with every episode exciting and look forward to watching.

Though sad that SN is alone at the end...but I suppose this is very real given the way things have unfolded. It would be impossible for SN to return to WY so removing WY in the script probably lessen her pain. 

TH has ruined his own health so badly that it would be unreal to expect him to live so long..so his death was kinda expected.  Besides, he has always been weak in his ways so even fighting his sickness would be tough.  But I respect his love for SN and happy for him that in the end, he earned her love in return and passed away peacefully.  Though it was a sad scene when he was lying on SN's lap breathing his last, I actually felt a sense of relief and happiness for him for holding to the end to get his true love endorsed.

TT and SN are never a couple but they would have made good companion in ruling the country if he has been alive.  Out of the 3 men, I find the most unfortunate death is TT for SN, even if no couple relationship exists between them.   They both represent a sense of justice and love for the common people they rule.

And of course HJW did a great job to keep me interested in watching! :)

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Thank you to all again. Nice meeting to all of you here new and old ones. I am still enjoying reading the post, insights and comments of everyone. We enjoy watching empress ki even some of us want to change ending. Like what I said before empress ki provoke us to be writer. He he he he.......... Anyway God bless everyone. Enjoy watching empress ki all the beautiful scene again so that your heart will not be broken. To be happy back to the episode when people are nice to each other.let us recommend empress ki to our friends and love ones because it is worth to watch. Now I am ready to watch other k drama but for sure I will never forget the happiness that empress gave to me. I feel all the emotions here. All actors was great in their acting. Thank you everyone. No good bye for us because in every end there will always again a new beginning for another journey who knows we might cross our path again like in this soompi forum. We can still connect . I love you all and thank you again . I become happy here in Canada watching the show and I fought my homesickness while working here my daughter Jewel who was in the Philippiness which I miss her so much.

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Guest Nayuki Tran

It s still weird to me why Sn didnt find out about GT earlier. They did great things and discovered the most horrible scams, but still didnt figure out Gt? I guess Gt has a head up and the most fortunate in this drama. He fooled the whole nation and all the heroes. Th's dead in Gt's hands is the most stupid plot ever. That tonics from Gt is just a retarded excuse for Th's death. Couldnt the writers find any better way? I personally see that Th might be weak mentally but never physically.  Compared with the girly weak Jang geun suk in Hwang jin yi, jck looks so well-built that I couldnt imaginen his young death. Th shows symptoms of heart problems at times, but besides that he usually looks strong and animated. Thats why im so pissed off at his death. The pd nims should ve cast some weak-looking guy like jgs or yoo seung ho for TH role. The same goes for the chinese drama Scarlet Heart Bubu jing xin. The girl lead Ruoxi was so energetic and healthy that I couldnt imagine she would die from a long term illness. I just couldnt bare it. So heartaching. Make me wonder if healthy and lively ppl like us here would some day end up being terribly sick and vulnerable like our pitiful Th and Ruoxi.

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Guest larabn

Thanks @pegster for providing us with the translations after every ep  :)
I'm actually probably weird for thinking the ending was good
it was a bittersweet ending and after reading comments about the beach scene
I have more than one scenario, which was what the writers intended
I thought a few times that I would have liked it if they show SN have flashbacks of her times with TH right after with soyo ost maybe
but then I know what the writer's were doing, they were trying to balance the ending between them
not giving more to one and not the other, to keep people making their own conclusions from the beach scene

I wanna know something.....SN after she knew TH did this to protect her, she told him, she will tell him when they grow old
I'm still curious about that , what was that she is going to tell him, is it the I love you part or is left for us viewers to predict too
After watching the ep with subs, I also came to an understanding that TH seems to have done what he did thinking of protecting SN
I don't agree about the solution but from his point of view, he did it to protect her.
But, even though, since WY had to die by TH's own hands to save SN, the best fair ending was TH dying too, these 2 men who loved SN both died and TH also protected his family and redeemed himself with a plan he conducted by himself. He was a savior for Ayu and SN before he died, The last words from SN to him were I love you, I sincerely love you , while WY was a savior sacrificing and giving up his life for SN to save her and saved her from DK, and he is now with Maha. I think I'm okay with the ending and there were also 2 years jump for TH and SN together so it's better. Although, the last scene makes me cry everytime TH's hand drops and SN realizes he is dead and SN being alone breaks my heart but she is also with ayu. The writers did that with that ending to serve justice to everybody and balance it between the characters in the end.
That's just how I see the ending.

Thanks for the BTS video :) , I will have to try watching it later, cuz IMBC doesn't work for me

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@yoonmi66   regarding YBS, I remember in an early episode when Ki Jaho asked him why he became a traitor to their country, Koryo.  YBS said that Koryo was the one who betrayed him 1st (or something like that).  His female relatives (i think his sisters) were taken away as tributes to Yuan and some, if not all of them (sorry my memory about what he said here is a bit sketchy) committed suicide as a result.  Tragic, right?  Although I'm not excusing his evil behaviour, knowing his past kind of helps me to understand why he became like that -- a cruel, unforgiving, and bitter person.

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The palace represents the real world. It is a place of splendor, greatness, wealth, power, and happiness. But at the same time, a place of sadness, loneliness, grief, pains, and struggles. It is also a place where goodness dwells and evil lurks. Once you are in it, there is no turning back. There you will meet those who are loyal and true from those who wears masks and takes the opportunity to attack when they see you weak. 
But there is just only one way for you to survive, either you choose to stand and fight for what is right and true and face every challenges head on up to the finish line or let yourself just go with the flow and be consumed with selfish desires.

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Guest Nayuki Tran

@lorac I agree. Ill never watch a saeguk while it airs ever again. I have a weak heart so I fall in love with the characters  easily. And when I do, I stick with the drama like 20/24 and I cry I laugh with the characters like they r a part of me:( I took so much of my time too. I slacked on hw and my grades suffer (just an excuse but honestly this is a first time I ever put a drama before my study...shame on me:() Btw, Im sure Th loves Sn as much as Wy that he could die for her too, and two death are both lame, killed bh a mentally weak love opponent and killed by tonics from the closest eunuch. Too lame tsk tskEmpress ki is the longest drama I ve ever watched, and watch live. I guess I will not watch another tedious one like this in ag least a couple yrs. The cast would be tired of it too. I doubt Jcw would take a similar in the near future, and for hjw, his might be her role for life. I would die from heartache if she s playing another role like this again. Overall, EK has made my life worse, mentally and academically hahaha 

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Guest lindearist

So I woke up early as 4:00 am and i don't know why.. but the first thing I remembered was the ending of this drama.. Then suddenly tears start to fall from my eyes.. (and now my eyes are too swollen XD)
Every endings of kdrama, i actually cry.. and this is the first kdrama (& saeguk as well) to leave me crying everytime I see that TH & SN *sobs* last *sobs* scene..
The ending was so good. It happened in real life.. so it's sad because there's a reality in it (w/c I hate the most) but fantastic as it shows contentment to everyone.. What I love the most was to hear SN saying "I love you paeha" to TH.. and TH still regarding SN as Nyangie.. *omygod tears falling again*   :((
I am never wrong of following HJW into her acting trip.. All are just excellent.. all made my laugh and cry SO HARD at the same time (am I crazy? loljk) And even introduced me to another actors and actresses that I have hardly known..
AND FOR THE PEOPLE IN THIS THREAD: I LOVE YOU ALL !!! THANK YOU FOR BEING A LIKA-A-FAMILY HERE IN EK !!! Thank you for the recaps, vid, thoughts, gifs, and even your.. pervy s-stuffs !! At first I don't understand these thread-thingy but now, I understand the FUN AND CONVINIENCE I CAN ONLY FOUND HERE :)
:x :-h

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