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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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valsava said: Good Morning My Ki people ... No episode today..? They killing me here will it be the rest of the week with no dramas... 
I want my Empress Ki.. :(( :(( As per what @Cherkell said, "MBC just posted an official statement that both EK episodes will air as scheduled on Monday and Tuesday, but they may have to break in for news reports (like they did with the Malaysia Jet disappearance awhile back) or if President Park decides to make a statement to the country."

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@CherKell - Thanks for the update! I just logged on to MBC but news is showing right now. 
@kenneth123 - Oh, don't get me wrong! I completely agree with you, I would have been heartbroken if TH had slept with anyone else after SN went to him! (pretty sure I would have been screaming the loudest of everyone here) It's just the bits I've read of history about concubines told me Emperor's/King's were expected to sleep with many women. I totally agree, I pretty much demand my couples in dramas be faithful to each other all the way. No, I don't know that story - is it a drama or book? :D  It sounds like something I'd really like. 
@valsava - You mean these scenes? I enjoyed these too and I miss the playfulness between them. 

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I'm logged on, and the usual programming pre-EK is airing ("Real Story" and it's focusing on the tragedy), and the show is listed as going forward at 22:00 PM, so I guess we're golden.  Time to ingest massive amounts of coffee and wait....

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Guest geilbladder

I am streaming now to test before EK starts since MBC will air the episode tonight

seems like they are showing about the current tragedy. It's so devastating to watch. 


EDIT: Empress Ki is next guys.. the reality show is done. 

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The streaming seems to work for me right now.  Fingers crossed!

I'm curious, what have the stations been broadcasting the last few days when they stopped all of their regular programs?  It would be so heartbreaking and depressing for the stations to all be broadcasting the ferry incident non-stop.

Not to say people, or I don't care, I read up on the it, and it's upsetting to know it was a tragedy that could have been avoided if the those responsible took the proper responsibilities.  What makes it worst is knowing that these young people were on their way to a trip.  The articles I read even posted some of the text messages from those who were onboard sending their last messages to those they love and care for.  It's just saddening, I mean I teared up reading those, imagine the locals who have to watch this continually?
I'm just wondering, would it not become a burden to then entire nation, and would it not have a negative impact to everyone?

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It must have been an intricate situation, whether to move on while keeping the tragedy in mind or put full focus on it as it is a pain shared by the whole nation (and the world even) and it's the least that could be done

oh wells...

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I've been meaning to ask this, in that heartburn medication CF, the girl sitting to the left of the main girl, does that look like Lady Oh to anyone?

  • Cruella comes in asking if she can talk to TH, GT has this look on his face.
  • As she starts, TH seems to be in pain, and she stops, just as she's about to start, something about MaHa and Gwibi, SN comes.
  • SN has this suspicious look on her, and Cruella says MaHa is dead.
  • SN is shocked, TH is saddened, Cruella takes a look at SN.
  • HD and PBH are outside and hears the news, both are saddened.
  • PBH takes Cruella out and says something to her, about not coming back again.

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StartedMaid came to Th to tell him about Maha...that he died....SN cames  to TH and stops maid from telling him he is her son.....SN hears about Maha death and is shocked...PBW waits ouside while hearing as well..takes evil maid with him prisioned ...she tells her not to come again because she will kill her....TH says Maha for sure hated him and asks if SN is okay...SN put TH to drink something but made him sleep and took him herself to take care of him with Golta madSN wants PBW to kill KT Bayan when she goes down from the mountain and YBS as wellbANG BRINKS mAHA TO sn IN THE TEMPLE

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  • TH says something to SN about MaHa, and SN's out of it
  • HD comes in with medicine for TH, he doesn't want to take it, but SN insist, so he takes it.
  • Uh...oh...after TH takes the medication, he starts to feel faint...SN goes to get him, GT looks worried and asks what she gave him.
  • SN orders her people to come take TH to her quarters, GT wants to object, but PBH tells him to give it up.
  • GT wants to stop them, oh here's the first clash between Gwibi and GT.

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