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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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pegster said: So now that we've had all this baby talk, does anyone want to move on to the next topic :P
I was thinking about WY, what did TH mean that SN saved him.
Now that we see in EP35, WY was on TH's side, helping him take down ET.  Since TH, and everyone else is aware of this, there is no way that TH would try to link him with ET when they take down ET.
What could be the reason that WY would need SN to save him?

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Did anyone else notice that Dankisee did not seem to be amused when Tanasiri was telling her fabulous story about pushing Lady Ki down the stairs?

I wonder what is going on in his mind?

Tanasili, that heifer. I wish she would get lockjaw-so tired of her mouth. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

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Me,me,me me!!! I will gladly do it .I will  slap TN so hard it will make that heifer's teeth rattle in her head lol.I have been thinking why did SN chose  that time to sleep with  TH. I really believe SN make love to our baby emperor   because he had done so much for her in the way of showing his love ....taking an arrow for SN, saving SN from getting sent to the cold palace(while he was filled with poison) and the man  SN had been loving so fervently in heart had just betrayed her. (WY) I think SN threw a dog a bone; not to say she did not mean it/or she did not have genuine feelings for him TH but think SH did it for many reasons, to further uplift TH self esteem and in everything TH did their was a silent  plea in it love me, come to me don't make me wait too long seeing how much  I love and cherish you ( plus WY had hurt SN by supposedly betraying her) all those things.went into her SN decision. Let me ask the ladies this question  when you  make up your mind to make love to a particular person your hubby, your man, someone you want to be your man you certainly don't have that pensive  face on and you don't have to think that hard on it, you are  all smiles :) thinking about the coming attraction at least I did when my hubby was alive.I would be singing in the bathtub lol  I still say SN is deeply in love with WY and even though she has a deep affection for our baby emperor TH is certainly not WY Now that is ALL man baby!! No boy in sight !!! makes an old ahjummas heart flutter  Boy is it getting hot in here >3

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@tessieroo I thought you were giving @pegster the finger on her post with the recap for episode 35, lol....I had not seen the "promote" symbol yet.  I was like "wow, that was harsh!"....I should have known better coming from you...you are too sweet and kind to give the Great One the finger!!! :D

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PeggyM said: @tessieroo I thought you were giving @pegster the finger on her post with the recap for episode 35, lol....I had not seen the "promote" symbol yet.  I was like "wow, that was harsh!"....I should have known better coming from you...you are too sweet and kind to give the Great One the finger!!! :D

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Guest hunterdd

It is interesting to see how different people see things totally differently. 
If you are an Empress Ki fan, you might also want to check out EK shipper threads in the Shipper's Paradise forums. Just click on the shipper's paradise link in the link on the left and look for TaNyang(Empress Ki) and WangNyang.

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Isn't it possible instead to leave Maha to WY (but SN wouldn't say that that he is the real father) because WY is already a "family" to ET's clan? I mean, his queen (wife) is the niece of ET and I don't think they have a baby yet and we all know WY doesn't have anything to do with ET's deeds.. And in that way, SN will be settled (happy) because her son is in Goryeo where he should be, he is with his father at least he is in good hands, and hopefully WY would be happy too. 

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Episode 35 is up on Hulu: 

Already counted three "tramps" and two "brats," and I'm only 15 minutes in!!!

@shedevil77, I took a look at your postings.  You just did a cut-and-paste with the images instead of uploading them to a photo hosting site and using the picture attachment link to properly embed them into your post.

Regardless, this thread is for 'Empress Ki' news and pictures and observations only.  Personal pictures of HJW, JJM or JCW (or the supporting cast members) and any of their non-EK activities should be posted in their respective Actor Threads on Soompi.  Please edit your posts accordingly.  Kamsahamnida!
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@SeGafanlady : i don't know, maybe i'm wrong but after El Temur demise it was near the end of the Yuan Dynasty, he was a powerfull ruler no? TH didn't had interest in politics and Empress Ki was not that great either. :-? :-? (in History of course :D)

El Temur was powerful but he was gone by the time Togon ascended the throne. It was Bayan who replaced him.

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Guest adjani1430293095

Ok a lot of discussion about TH and his treatment of Maha.
Well, nevermind whose child it is, TH has no suspicion of sort that Maha is not TN's child (nevermind whether he is the father or not, think he suspects he isnt.. but it is clear that he feels "left out". He openly admitted to SY that he fees that Maha is merely TN's child and El T's grandchild. I think part of that is because of how they have placed Maha.. TN has left no doubt that he is "HER child" and that He should be the crown prince. He didn't spend much time when she was "pregnant" since EL T was so busy causing distress for him.. and then she goes off and comes back with a child! Hella he was more concerned about Lady Park's pregnancy. So some of the blame must be placed on TN.
Plus they have never once stopped making use of Maha to put pressure on TH and his throne... especially EL T.. that does not inspire love. SY has not breathed a word about prince or anything, just well ... her first thing was .. whats his name! 
If TH finds out that the child is not his, and not TNs! I am sure it would be tough... nevermind that the child is actually SY! The blow is no joke. Ask any man and they will tell you that raising another man's child as his (without knowing and thinking its his) is about the biggest betrayal to him ever.... and you cannot blame him for any reaction at all. 

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Guest adjani1430293095

@tessieroo: of course I get you babe. But you know.. Kdrama is not about to care for our feelings, considering making a "fuss" and causing distress for fans and the characters is their middle name ,... "Oh let there be angst" :P 

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No,I did not copy and paste. I think I have that part figured out since I have been visiting these forums since 2009 . I did post the pics from  tiny pics and I posted the actor Ju Jin Moo who plays Wang Yoo in this particular drama. I did add one more   (Gong Yoo) though but that was because Gong Yoo is so cute but if it offended any of the Empress Ki fans my deepest apologies and I will most certainly delete the posts

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Rumour has it there's a new cast joining EK, she will likely appear in the middle of this month, so probably ep.38-39.
Im Joo-Eun, I'm speculating this is going to be BA's niece who we have been guessing if she'll appear or not appear ever since forever.
My guess is if she does appear in EP38, maybe the rumours about the ET Clan going down in EP37 is true.  Only time will tell.


Found it on Baidu, and also saw it on EK DC as well

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Guest hunterdd

pegster said: Rumour has it there's a new cast joining EK, she will likely appear in the middle of this month, so probably ep.38-39.
Im Joo-Eun, I'm speculating this is going to be BA's niece who we have been guessing if she'll appear or not appear ever since forever.
My guess is if she does appear in EP38, maybe the rumours about the ET Clan going down in EP37 is true.  Only time will tell.
...Found it on Baidu, and also saw it on EK DC as well

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I have seen posts comparing how TH treats his sons with the King in Dong Yi. I could be wrong as I have seen this drama only once, but I think that King is probably the nicest one ever. :D :D

Just to even out the comparison, I have seen another drama (not KDrama though), where the Emperor refused to see his son merely because he did not like or favor the mother. Even bringing up the topic of the boy is taboo, not even his most favored concubine can bring up this topic. And the mother here is not even like Tanashiri. The mother was lowborn and the emperor, before he ascended the throne made the drunken mistake of getting someone (a Palace maid, I think) pregnant. This son was borne out of that mistake.

Not all rulers are great father figures.

I am not saying TH is justified in treating Maha like that. Heck, I cringe at people who treat their children like that even if they have a valid reason to do so (psychological reasons). But I don't agree that this is pure childishness on his part. Also, we cannot use the 'Lady Park' analogy because as one post said earlier they were both victims. Moreover, there was no Lady Park kid to begin with, so we cannot speculate how he would treat this child.

Regarding the competition, this is not rare. Emperors or Kings pass on the throne to someone more competent (even if he is not firstborn) all the time.

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@shedevil77 - No, slapping isn't enough. I've put myself in charge of Tana's demise - she's to be drawn & quartered as soon as I gather 4 oxen and some rope. (google "dismemberment")  :D
@PeggyM - That wasn't being sweet & kind - it was FEAR. leaving.gif   I'm still afraid @pegster might slap me into next week if I misunderstand her. 
@pegster - Can you imagine this place if we were able to give each other the finger? OMG!  =))  (thanks for the info about the new cast member! She was the teacher in "Heirs") 
@adjani - Oh, I know. *sigh* I'm ready - bring it on! MORE MAKJANG! 

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Guest critics

@sarah.lina said:

@SeGafanlady : i don't know, maybe i'm wrong but after El Temur demise it was near the end of the Yuan Dynasty, he was a powerfull ruler no? TH didn't had interest in politics and Empress Ki was not that great either. (in History of course )


OMG! You made my heart beats faster, as if I was told, I am not my parents' child.

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