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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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AS to why TH favors BA so much.
Because BA makes Paeja think he is importantbecause BA makes PAeja think he is part of the plan, that he gives the final order.because BA makes Paeja feel his loyalty.
for a very lonely person like TH, making him feel he is important, needed and someone worthy of loyalty is everything. 
Although SN cares for Paeja a lot, she makes him feel she doesn't need him, i know her reasons, i know her stand but again I try to think how Paeja thinks. 
TH's insecurity and lack of self confidence is something that he has developed since he was growing old, he masks it with arrogance and his title. For a person who can read other's heart SN failed in reading Paeja's. 
If it will boil down to TH's insecurity and lack of self confidence, I will not have hope for him. Especially, if he learns about Maja next week, he will be worst, its like confirming all the letters he'e been reading for the past 5 years. 
If Golta is really drugging him, I hope he dies in ep 48. 
Will TH be sober and normal again?
Will everything be resolved after the coronation?

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I still think TH might be being drugged. How does he go from this:

o this if it's a serious heart condition? Is he still supposedly drinking in the above picture when he can't even sit up? 


I'm more convinced now Gol-ta is drugging him or poisoning him with something. (in order to control him or allow BA to take over) It's proven too hard to get rid of Ki with TH still fully functioning and alert so he needs to keep TH unconscious until BA can get rid of Ki. (if he's awake, he'll stop it from happening) 

Darn I stop our friendship to soon.... Golta got goods better then the royals doctors... Well off to buy him more Ice Cream... Think he would share...   

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@pegster do u als thing SN will soon have her mental breakdown with the upcoming events or what...curious if she will yell at TH soon...at the moment i'm starting to be more than sure Th will do a big mistake only to find after that he was used and fooledand i expect WY to find Golta identity....maybe he will also corner TH and tell him as a second option...finding out from Golta shi mouth he used him or from WY own nemesis that SN is innocent and never cheated on him after she became his concubine...what do u guys find more satisfying?

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did Cruella know anything about fake letters or Golta secret, hope she just tell about it for TH. watching today episode again,phew, writters really made WY become the most miserable character in history... 

I think Th will find out who is writing those letters to him... Th didn't burn them all he will match to one of the official hand writing or Sn will do it and lay a trap for that person.. Which I'm starting to believe Golta is behind those to...  I'll take care of him for you guy's but first I got to get my hands on some of the good stuff he has... That stuff looks like it would have me done cleaning my house in and hours time.. Say you think I can buy some over the counter... 

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@valsava the letters were written all this time by YBS and he delivered them...so i'm sure he will put the blame on him and DK that came with this plan in the first place...if it's fair YBS was the originator wanting TH to toss SN away as his revenge after seeing her meet in secret with WY...after that he told the organization and Golta used it,i'm sre he told YBS to write one letter each months or time and deliver it to the palace and from there on we saw...
i was curious about Easter because i know Korea has more than one religion belivers to say it like that,buddist,cristian,atteist to say it 

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She may have been happy initially but I don't see her being happy at all despite having a family now.

I think she feels more burdened having to fend away enemies coming her way, take care of her sick and mentally ill husband and protecting her Ayu.

She is not happy.

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Guest x1102107

gwibi kept many things all to her self..she really need to let go once in a while..i'm glad gwibi is a strong woman...if not she might become crazy already...everytime TH doing his crazy antics we can see gwibi disappointed looks..HJW is so good i can really feel gwibi disappointment

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I think Golta never sensed SN would be able to be so near the Empress position...he would know she was smart and had it in her but still would't think she could reach it meant that till then it was never seen that a concubine could be made Empress,so he acted after he saw the danger of this becoming reality...i guess he didn't mind taking ET out and letting TH rule seeing he won't be a problem for his Organization...

Golta biggest fears are about to come to the light... Golta is very much aware of Sn influence over Th so he will take sides with someone to take Sn out... So there she be and attempt on her life this may wake Th up.... Th fear her right now but he don't want her dead especially after she tells him she sacrifice Maha life for him and Yuan... The people that don't want her becoming Empress should be acting against her next weeks episode... So her coronation will be the last episode.. If this is so I'll have to eat crow.. Because this ending is a very good one...  

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Killing Maha is the worst decision the writers have made.

It's irrelevant and too makjang.

He doesn't even know that he has parents and they are SN and WY before he passed away.

And how can they let him die after SN and WY only knew about his real identity just an episode ago.

The writers also said he plays a pivotal role in the future(now) in the drama and they just kill him like this? Wow... What a big role, only surviving awhile in the future and dying just because of poison!

It's just too unbelievable and unrealistic!

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Guest avocado1430291863

When I watched the cliffhanger and Cruela wanted to speak...my mind keep saying...omo writer just kill uri Paeha...you want to make him suffer more...just look how pale uri paeha was...could he survive from another bad news...unlike all of these problems do not enough to kill him already..he just gain his conciousness and you the writer want to throw another bomb for him....  :-SS could you wait for few days before get him struck by that thunder....oh yeah..you run out of time... there are four episodes left.....

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Guest p0seid0n

WHAT the flying eff is going on?! 
Can't WY be happy for even a second? First he loses the love of his life, then he loses the woman who cares so deeply for him and someone he could've made a new start with, and then he finds out he's the the father of little boy who's been near him all this time, who then later dies in his arms. WTF!!??!?!!??! Now I really question the purpose of Byul's existence in the first place. Him dying off like that negates all reason for having him exist in the first place. What's with this stupid plot device? To give both SN and WY a bad day? Geeezus. 
The writers must like trolling people. I can't even O_o;;;;;;;;;;;   

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so do u guys think WY will come to SN rescue if TH banish her next?

I had totally forgot about the Wy issues when I was talking about Cruella... But for this question no way Wy will rescue her this time he would be blaming her for Maha.. And the fact that she never told him they had a child... But from episode one before Ki's coronation... Th tells Wy he should be happy that Ki save his life and that's the only reason he was allowing Wy to live... 

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Guest lunatiger14

I haven't been able to post that much but I've been lurking on the forums once in a while. Just have to say that I was pretty upset that they killed off Maha. WTF? Are they writers content to torture WY till his last dying breath??? Can't he have one small happiness in his life that last more then a mere few days? Nope it doesn't look like it. And Maha had a shitty short life as well. Spent his time with TN witch. Unloved and used as a pawn for most of his life, died not even knowing his parents. Guess Koryo royals are just cursed from day one.

I'm also upset that they just used Maha as a plot device to separate SN and WY and have her all focused on revenge. I hate it when they do that to a character. UGH! He survives a fall off the cliff, but he can't survive this? Guess WY and SN's superhero genes didn't last until adulthood for Maha.

This is just not my day. All my fav shows like to continuously torture the characters I love and have them separated, die horrible deaths, and be miserable for the rest of their lives. How depressing. I wanna see some hope in these shows. All I see is depressing "life sucks" mottos on television nowadays.

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@Milky88 I don't think SN will breakdown after all of this, she can't, because like she said to MaHa, there's no one who can protect her or Ayu.  TH is completely useless at this point.
I can see her losing it, and going hysterical, then she'll realize that it's no point trying to play nice, and love does her no good.  She might turn on TH and forget about his well being (for a short time), and just take all extreme measures to take revenge against BA and ED.

I don't think SN will get banished from the palace at this time, there's not enough time, plus I believe that happened before Ayu was born.  Also, WY has no powers to help her back to the palace, he's a fugitive himself.

Did someone mention this already?  Does anyone think that maybe, just maybe Cruella actually poisoned MaHa?  That look on her face when she left PBH, and what @Milky88 mentioned in one of the earlier posts, it's such a suspicious look.
The reason why I think she may have poisoned MaHa is that SN said MaHa is now her responsibility, if anything happens to him, she'll be responsible.  If she's still dead on revenging for Tanasmirky, now that MaHa's birth secret is out, there's no point in keeping him safe.
It's just odd though, because if she was so loyal to Tanasmirky, why would she hurt MaHa who Tana loved so much.
@jenee there are so many reasons as to why people want to get all the wealth they can get their hands on.  It's pure greed.  I mean GT's life isn't all that bad in the palace, he just serves TH, but below him are other maids and servants who works below him.  Aside from TH, there's really no one else who he has to report to.
GT can leave the palace, when you're of a certain level, you can leave the palace for 'errands' like GT did before when he said he went to see his 'sick mother'.

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