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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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this was such an awesome episode, Ki was really at the top of her game here, she played everyone and no one could counter her.

I like that it focuses on Ki and her relationship with her Maha. I hope its not the last we see of him.

ED is just blowing steam now and BY is obviously desperate enough to implicate the innocence but since TH had given him that seal, even if he is found to be guilty he will still get off scot free.

On the bright side, Ki's new dress is looking mighty fine.

Since they are outside the palace and TH collapse they could be staying outside for a bit, DK, now without Maha, will attack them and I think WY is going to save them, I hope he doesn't and should just stay away, Ki can manage this.

This will give Ki a chance to take on DK and kill him to avenge her mothers death.

BTW...I will be calling SN Ki from now one because I think she's really passed onto the next stage wherein she is no longer the SN, she has declared war on BY and ED in front of the governors, she is on her way to being Empress Ki now.

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After watching the raw, since the livestream was upset today. I realized this is the second time that SN almost lost Maha to YBS, to an arrow. Sadly again SN and Maha must seperate, and again become strangers. When seeing Maha, again as her son in that state, the regret was tantamount. She probably felt sad that she couldn't protect him in the past, and now she is in a fix to protect him at present. It probably already stings that she couldn't protect him from the arrow strike. For him to be in such a sad state where she can't do much for him again must tear her apart. The saddening part is, anyway you look at it Maha can be used against her, whether he is used to force her hand or take her position. Also, if he is left as the son of TN and TH, he will also pose a threat to Ayu. In light of this, she definitely made the best decision. Sending him away spares everyone lives and provides the optimum solution in which there is at least hope for a happier future for them all, with the exception of SN who knows the truth though. I am worried she will feel like she does not deserve the right to be Maha's mother, because she didn't fight hard enough to keep him alive. Or try hard enough to find him. If she could prevent the series of events, she could even have prevented Maha from hating her. Unfortunately with the way things are, although she gave birth to him, as long as they are separated like this where they are in two different countries, she can't take on the role of mother, but at most benefactor. She will always be his biological mom, so that does not mean there is no recourse in terms of one day building a relationship. It is just circumstances do not permit it now. TH's dreams are reminiscent of when SN was cursed and she was being chased by the demons that make you die from fear. The concept is the same, he is being chased down by his fear, which in terms of the dream, his fear is SN's love for WY and all the things that would manifest from that love such as her wrath and revenge. And just like the curse this fear will kill him. His fear has heightened to the point where, seeing WY is a trigger, reliving his conversation with SN in the dream, as well as hearing any connection between SN and WY is becoming a trigger. Really WY-SN relation relates back to his initially spoken fear of losing SN. The situation has deteriorated to the point where, anything related SN leaving him is bringing on adverse reactions. This was also seen when they were trying to kill WY and the crowd asked to kill SN as well, we saw he started showing signs of panic, only to stabilize when the crowd stopped. SN and TH needs to reconnect, and TH needs to start believing SN won't leave him, and not those stupid letters, because she can shout I love you every day and show it in every way, but it means nothing if he does not believe her. On another note, KT's presence was a total waste of time, SN at least needed to do more scheming with TN, all of KT's plans were easily foiled. She was suppose to be clever, but she didn't cover her tracks well at all. Even something like using Maha to frame SN for abuse, all she had to do was use a little bit of common sense to show it wasn't hurt. KT must have thought SN was simple, but BA warned her when she first showed up. SN took out TN, and her entire family. KT was just another full of herself empress that was moved aside by SN. Now BA wants to use brute force to get rid of Ki? He is probably mad that SN revealed that his sweet niece, who can make Buddha smile is actually a raving psycho, and it can't be a family secret because everyone will know now. Also it is a great dishonor upon him and his clan. It would have even been a bigger blow to his power, if it wasn't for that seal. The seal will probably come in handy soon I bet. 
Then there is BS, I felt so sad when she died. When I heard thorn love playing, I just knew they were going to kill her, especially after they had her be all girly and sweet with WY. She couldn't even confess her love, it's too sad. However, they needed to kill her so that WY would have a reason to go back to Yuan. Come on, the man is on a never ending quest to get his throne back. He can't just go to Goryo and live as a dead man when his country needs him. It also gave him the opportunity to find out he has a son. This is another waste because it would be nice if Maha could be given the Goryo throne, which is rightfully his. Maybe WY can say it was his kid with BS that was lost and he just randomly ended up with TN. Basically switch SN with BS in the tale of what went down. Or he can try adopting him. Simply put Maha has one real complicated family situation going on here. 
This ep was good though, now I am just hoping Tal Tal will  foil his uncles plans in favor of SN@larabn Ayu is sooooo adorable, he can barely sit on the throne lol. I too want to pinch his cheeks. thanks again for the gif.        

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Guest geilbladder

@jessie15‌ i believe that he is not cunning enough to plan a thing like that. :)) Omo!! Sorry Paeha sorry! I love you forever and ever till death do us part!!!! =)) :x :\"> =))

I will not think of the possibilities as of the moment since everything will be revealed tonight. I want to rest my brain that has been half burnt since Episode 1. :P


I'm going to seoul korea for a holiday this April 18. Can someone living in korea now help me know the temperature and please advice me what to wear. I dont know what kind of jacket or coat to bring. A big big thanks!! >:D<

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@Miky88 - Oh, that's right! I've heard "dangshin" used for terms of endearment too. *hee* What governor's daughter are you talking about? I didn't see any of the consorts in the preview. 
@pegster - The person in jail is that main governor? I also see a few other guys in white being tortured so I wonder if BA goes after more than one governor? (or more than one of Ki's allies) Stupid of him really, he just witnessed more of Ki's awesomeness in bringing down scumbags like his niece but he's going to continue going against her? Pfftttt - idiot. 
I agree with @kiyokotsubasa - new Empress wasn't as smart as we were led to believe. (wasn't she supposed to be like Tana but much smarter?) Was she just stripped of her title? I thought (since she tried to have Maha killed) she would be put to death? I think Tal Tal has already betrayed BA, he didn't say a word when BA and TH were discussing WY (and BA was trying to blame it on Ki) about finding WY with Bi-Soo and letting them go.  
I'm most looking forward to finding out what WY will do now. And how angry will he be that his men kept this from him. (SN being pregnant, having his son and his son is Maha) :-?
Why is El Plague still alive?  X(  And they got away again? 

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My Mom went home after work, and guess what is the first thing she asked me? "Is the next episode of Empress Ki coming out yet?"  :):)>- Anyway, there's no English sub yet for international fans. @ChelSeaS, the stills for ep 47 give me hope! I don't think it's a dream because the color look so vivid and bright there. Usually they make the lightning kinda blurry for a dream scene. 

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Guest ThaoL1430293631

SN knocked out KT easier than TN coz now TH is the true Emperor. in the past, YT is more power than TH, YT can cover TN. Now, diffrence, TH can stop BA and ED.

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C-subs to English summary/translations for EP 46

SN is still in shock from finding out that MaHa is Byul, PBH asks EB where MaHa is now, EB tells him he's at the monastery.  

MaHa is paying respects to his 'mother' as El Plague attacks, DM tells MaHa he needs to hide now.  By the time El Plague enters the monastery MaHa had already left, DM tells him the prince isn't here.  They realize MaHa had ran away from the window and start to chase after him. DM tries to stop him and end up pulling the ring off his neck.
MaHa meets SN, SN tries in vein to bring him to her side, but he's not sure which side to go to.  El Plague tells him that he's with his uncle, DK, SN tells him not to believe them, they want to kill.
El Plague asks MaHa if he remembers who killed her mother, as MaHa moves toward El Plague DM shows up and tells him that's the wrong side, they're the assassins, and he needs to run over to Gwibi mama's side.
El Plague shoots an arrow at MaHa and SN immediately runs over to catch him and tells him to stay conscious, and he'll be alright.  MaHa asks Gwibi mama why she's crying, then he passes out.
TH is having a nightmare.  Turns out he's running away from SN who's trying to kill him.
TH: Nyangyi-ah, why, why are you trying to kill me?SN: You killed WY.TH: WY crushed my dreams!SN: Paeha ruined my loveTH: Nyangyi-ahSN: WY is the only person in my heart.TH: What about me?  What am I to you?  You're also the only person in my heart.SN: I will never forgive the person who killed WYTH: No, Nyanyi-ah, no....
TH wakes up from his nightmare and wants to go look for SN immediately, but then he changes his mind and tells them to bring him paper so he can write to calm down.
DM removes the arrowhead from MaHa and tells SN it's poisoned, as long as it doesn't get into his organs he should be able to recover, but they still need to monitor him for the time being.
DM sees the suddenly worry SN has for MaHa, and sob face EB.  DM asks EB why SN is that way, why is she shedding tears and is sad for MaHa when he's competing with Ayu to be crown prince.  EB tells him he'll tell him later when the time is right.
PBH returns to tell them El Plague escaped and asks how MaHa is doing.
SN checks MaHa's feet for the birthmark, and we're shown flashbacks of her promising to keep him safe, giving birth, losing him on the cliff, and trying to find him in the frozen river (EP23).  
SN: Sorry, Byul.  My son, Byul, I'm sorry.  How could I not have recognized you, I couldn't hug you tightly, I didn't do anything for you.PBH: It's not your fault, you shouldn't blame yourself.SN: I once hated this child, I hated my son, my Byul.  I even didn't want to see himPBH: Mama...SN: What should I do now...What should I do now to guard this child?  My son, Byul...sorry...
El Plague goes to meet KT and tells her he got hit with a poison arrow and probably won't survive.  He also tells KT that SN was there.  KT thinks this is perfect since they intend on blaming it on the Goryeo people anyways, so now she tells El Plague to spread the rumours that Gwibi tried to kill the prince.  El Plague is happy to do anything that can take SN down.
TH is talking with BA and TT, they tell him that they didn't find WY's body.  TT thinks that if he's still alive he'd be returning back to Goryeo.  TH asks if someone is helping him, and again BA tries to say that it might be SN because of the crown prince appointment, and she did try to save him before.  TH tells him it's enough, and not to mention that again.
TH tells TT to send an order to the new Goryeo king that if WY shows up they are to kill immediately and to deliver WY's head to him.
ED comes to tell him something has happened, MaHa was attacked by Goryeo people last night, and he's was hit with a poison arrow.  ED adds that Gwibi was also there.
KT pretends to be surprised to hear that Gwibi tried to kill MaHa and asks if Paeha knows about it. Curella tells her it's all over the palace now and tells her they have to leave soon as MaHa is about to arrive.  KT is looking for her ring, the ring that TH gave to her during their coronation, but it's gone now.  We know where it is.
MaHa arrives, ED is all sad and worried saying how can a child so young be hurt like that.  
TH orders them to bring him inside and to have the royal doctor look at him immediately.
ED again tries to black mouth SN saying she's an evil and vicious person, and TH still wants to appoint Ayu as crown prince.  TH tells her to watch what she's saying as nothing has been proven yet.
TH goes to see MaHa, and as he's about to hold his hands, he pauses and retreats.
TH: I don't remember when was the last time I held MaHa's hand.  This child's hands have already grown so big.  GT: Paeha...TH: Don't tell MaHa I was here.DM: Paeha, why do you want to hide it?GT: If the prince knew you came to see him he would be really happy.TH: Don't give him any useless hope, that would be even more cruel to him.
SN runs into KT, KT pretends to be all concerned and asks if she's heard about i t yet, and if SN needs any help to come to her.  SN tells her not to worry, and KT says in all of the palace, she's the only person who's still standing on her side.
SN flashback to when DM gave the gold ring to her.  DM tells SN he got this ring off of El Plague, and that El Plague is working for KT.  The ring would be an important evidence to proof KT's crime.
TH is waiting for SN in her room.
SN: Paeha...TH: Thoroughly, you need to tell me in detail why were you at the monastery last night?  Why was MaHa hit with the poison arrow?SN: Paeha also believes that I wanted to kill MaHa?TH: You said so yourself, you will do anything for Ayu.SN: I swear to the heavens I didn't do it.TH: Then who dared to commit such a heinous crime?SN: I will reveal this person in the grand hall.TH: Gwibi...SN: When I reveal the real culprit, give me the right to handle the punishment.TH: And if you can't find the real culprit...SN: At time time you can punish me in anyway
At the grand hall TH announces that Gwibi will explain, ED is shocked and asks what Gwibi is going to explain, she should be punished for her crimes.
SN: I saved MaHaED: Are you trying to cover the heaven's eyes with the palm of your hand?SN: Once the prince wakes up the truth will be revealed, how can I lie about it.ED: Look at this Paeha, Gwibi knows that MaHa won't wake up, that's why she is saying itSN: This ring, do you recognize who's it is?TH: Isn't this Hwanghu's ring?SN: It was left behind by the assassin who tried to kill the prince.TH: What's going on Hwanghu?KT: Someone stole my ring.  So it's Gwibi who did it!  She stole my ring to frame me!SN: It wasn't me who found this ring, it was Dok Man who found it.TH: Dok Man is what Gwibi just said true?DM: Everything is true Paeha.  I was in scuffle with the assassin, the ring came off from him.TH: Did you see his face?DM: Yes Paeha, he was once a guard commander in the palace, YBS.  It was Gwibi mama who saved the prince from YBS.KT: DM I heard you were originally from Goryeo!  Paeha, can you still not see, just like the rumours, Goryeo people are conspiring together to kill Prince Maha!  Gwibi initiated all of this!ED: Right, now the real truth has come to light.  Hwang Sang, have Gwibi sent to jail immediately.  Begin the trial with DM and the Goryeo people.TH: Hwanghu you're lying.KT: I didn't...TH: YBS killed Gwibi's father.  How could Gwibi conspire with her enemy!  You better confess quickly, did you meet YBS?KT: I don't even know who YBS isSN: Paeha, if Hwanghu had met with YBS, Seo Sang Gong would know.  You have been the one caring for MaHa all this along, did Hwanghu ever met YBS?TH: Seo sang gong respond quickly, did you see?SSG: Yes, Paeha.  Hwanghu mama did meet YBS.  I never thought it was a plan to harm the prince!KT: You tramp! (stealing a word from D. Bannon) How dare you lie!TH: Take Hwanghu away!Guards: Yes!KT: Paeha, this is a trap, someone is trying to frame me! Uncle, please help me!  I'm innocent uncle!  Uncle! Uncle! I'm innocent, uncle, uncle!BA: Paeha...TH: Dae Seung Sang you should stay out of this.  I've already granted the permission for Gwibi to handle this situation.SN: You don't need to worry, I will handle this accordingly.
KT gets dragged out, and HD and PBH arrive at the same time with a nun.  PBH whispers to SN that the nun has arrived.
SN: Paeha...I have one more thing to report to you...Prince MaHa...is not Tanashili's real sonTH: MaHa is not my real son?ED: What nonsense are you talking about!SN: Bring her in.
Nun comes in and tells how her friend found the newborn baby and Tanashili took the baby away and burned down the monestary, Hwang Gak Tsa.
ED falls down at the news and TH says to take her away to be looked at by the doctor immediately.
MaHa finally wakes up, but he pretends to be unconscious again as he hears someone coming in.  It's SN and DM.  
SN: When this child wakes up, you can tell him the truth.DM: Mama, isn't it better to not let him know?SN: After he's banished from the palace, he'll know sooner or later.MH: Gwibi mama...DM: You're up!MH: What did you mean with what you said earlier?  Why am I going to be banished from the palace?SN: You're not Paeha and Tanashili Hwanghu's childMH: It's a lie, stop lying!SN: It's not a lie.  You can't live in this palace anymore.MH: Then who is my father and mother?  I must be a child who also has parents.  My parents, who are they?SN: You were once a baby who was abandoned in the mountains.  You need to be strong!  I told you to stop crying!  There is no one in this world who will guard your live.  That's why you need to become strong.  Also, don't expect anyone to be good to you.  Only this way will you be able to survive.  You must remember what I've said.
SN thinking to herself outside of the room:
SN: Byul, my son.  This is all I can do for you.  You must, you must persist.  Byul, my son...
Over to the borders, WY and his gang are heading over to meet WY and Bi-Soo.
WY and Bi-Soo are resting near the borders where they've planned to meet WY's gang.  As Bi-Soo brings food over to WY, WY tells her she has something on her face and is about to wipe it off for her, but she says she'll go clean her face.  
As she gets up, she sees DK's gang coming toward them.  Bi-Soo tells WY they have unwanted company and for him to drive the wagon why he stays behind to defend, WY wants it the other way around, but Bi-Soo insist.  Bi-Soo tells WY trust her just this once, no matter what, not to turn back, and to keep going forward.
During the chase, Bi-Soo gets hit with an arrow to the chest, and two to the abdomen. WY is continually calling out to check on her.  They finally lose DK's gang, and stop.
WY: Bi-Soo ah, Bi-Soo, are you ok, Bi-Soo...BS: Wang-Yoo gong, WY: Bi-Soo-ah, you can't die...BS: Do I still have a charcoal mark on me?  Thank you.WY: You're so foolish.  How could you not have said anything with all these injuries.BS: I'm really happy to be able to spend time alone with you.  My wish is to die in your arms.  I can fulfil my wish now.  WY: Bi-Soo just hang in there for a little longer.  I'll save you, hang on for just a little longer.BS: Wang-Yoo gong, occasionally, just occasionally is enough, can you just think of me?WY: Just a little longer, please hang in there.  I'm going to save you!  Just hang on for a bit.BS: Please don't forget me, absolutely not, Wang-Yoo gong...
MS hands something over to WY and tells him that was on Bi-Soo, MS says Bi-Soo is a lady from the heavens.  Bi-Soo's man tells WY that she has always loved him.
WY thinks of a conversation he previously had with Bi-Soo:BS: If I live in Goryeo, is that ok?  I've been to many places, but none matches Goryeo's landscapes.WY: That is not something you need my permission for.BS: Wang-Yoo gong...WY: Is there something you want to say?BS: After we reach Goryeo, I'll tell you then.
WY says he wants to go back to the capital.  MS and JB are a bit shocked.
Back at the palace, BA goes to see SN.
SN: Is there something you need to say to me?BA: I will not oppose to Prince Ayu to become the crown prince.SN: Are you using this as exchange for Hwanghu mama's deposition?  Unfortunately, I don't need your help.  However, I never would have thought that you'd give up your beliefs for your family.  Hwanghu mama deposition has already been decided.  Paeha should be preparing the decree right this moment.BA: In the past, I wanted to guard/protect Gwibi mama, I've told you this before, do you still remember?  Now, I will no longer consider any personal feelings.SN: The person Dae Seung Sang wants to guard/protect, is me (I'm not really sure what this line means...)
KT is wondering why BA hasn't come with any news yet.  At this time, DM comes to tell her she's being removed as Empress, and to strip her down.
KT is dragged out in the open and thrown down in front of SN.  SN tells Jang to read the decree now.
KT yells at BA to save her, but BA tells her not to embarrass herself anymore.  KT retorts back to say how can he not win over just a Gwibi.
After Jang reads the official decree to depose her, SN walks up to her and tells her:
SN: Bayan, you will be exiled to a remote village.  KT: What exile?SN: Not only will you not be allowed to ever step foot out of your home, you are forbidden be in contact with anyone, also you will receive not more then one picul of grain annually.KT: Your plan is to starve me to death?SN: The depose Empress, take her out of the palace.
As KT is being dragged away, she yells for BA to revenge for her, and to kill Gwibi. Tsk, tsk, tsk, they never learn!
KT is being dragged through the streets as El Plague and JC are watching from the side.  Both of them are afraid now that they've lost their support.  DK shows up and puts his sword to El Plague, saying how dare he try to kill MaHa.  As he's about to strike, El Plague tells him MaHa isn't Tanashili's son, and he can confirm for himself if he doesn't believe them.
WY finds out that MaHa isn't TH's son.  EB asks why he's back in the capital. WY says Bi-Soo is dead.  He heard that DK was backed by the merchant group, and he wants to find out who the real leader is.
JK tells WY he's tried to find out himself, but some say ML is a women, some say he's a mean, other say he's a foreign person.  WY says ML is shadow warrior, someone who uses decoys to hide his real identity.
Over at the ML side, the side kick reads out a paper to say that the time has come, the world is about to fall in their hands, and for everyone to give up their lives.
SN 'visits' ED and brings her some Goryeo ginseng tonics.
SN: I made you some Goryeo ginseng tonic.  You have to get well soon, you're the oldest elder in the royal family.ED: Since when have you known that MaHa's a fake?SN: I thought I would receive a 'you did well' praise from you.ED: Praise?  How dare stand over my head and play me for a fool! You're asking for praise?SN: Isn't pure bloodline of high importance to you?  I stopped you from committing a grave mistake.ED: What did you say?  How dare you wench (sorry I couldn't find a better word)!  SN: Wench?  My son will be the crown prince soon, I'm the mother of the next Emperor.  So, from now on, please watch your manners, Taehu mama.
DM comes in to tell ED that MaHa is here to bid his farewells as he's leaving the palace today.  ED tells him she doesn't need it.
SN goes to tell MaHa that ED will not accept his farewell and for him to leave now.  TH shows up at the same moment.
TH: Not willing to accept the farewell?  Are you leaving now?MH: Yes, fa...I was about to go see you PaehaTH: You didn't do anything wrong, everything, all of this was my fault MH: Taehu mama was the person who had raised me all this time, please tell her thank you for me.
TH goes to see ED.
TH: You really are cold and heartless.ED: Cold and heartless?TH: You used to circle around MaHa, now that he's of no use, you immediately abandon him.ED: Hwang sang, please understand how I feelTH: I can't speak for someone else, but Taehu mama had insisted on taking care of MaHa to the end, is that not true?ED: This child, we don't even know where he's fromTH: Your blacken heart, I can see it clearly now.ED: Hwang sang!TH: When my brother was Emperor, I was exiled to Goryeo, you were also cold and heartless at that time.ED: That's enough!TH: But, when I became Emperor and returned, at that time you welcomed me back with a smiling face.  The you now is not one bit different from before.ED: Hwang sang, you had always trusted and relied on me like a mother, but now...TH: Because I was truly lonely.  Even though I knew your goodness was all so fake, because I was too scared, too lonely.ED: This is...it's all Gwibi's fault! Ever since that succubus appeared...TH: Taehu mama, Gwibi is different from you.  Gwibi to me is...
TH thinks of what SN said in his nightmare again:
SN: Paeha you truly love meTH: Nyangyi-ah...SN: But Wang-Yoo gong is the only person in my heart.
TH starts to feel pain in his head and falls to the ground.
SN takes MaHa and Cruella to settle in a home outside of the palace.
SN tells MaHa from now on, he's her responsibility.  If anything happens to him, she'll be responsible and tells him he needs to watch his health and get well soon.
SN tells Cruella she let her live because of her loyalty to MaHa.  Once MaHa recovers, she is to bring MaHa to Goryeo.  Cruella asks why, SN tells her is because MaHa is an eyesore to her and wants to send him far away to Goryeo.
SN tells Cruella that once they reach Goryeo, she can do whatever she wants, and tells PBH to get in touch with trusted people he knows in Goryeo to make living arrangements for MaHa.
Stupid EB is watching from outside, I wonder if SN knows and is letting him hear it intentionally so that he can take care of MaHa...
EB is talking with the gang how Gwibi knows MaHa is her real son now, and how they need to keep it a secret to Cheona that MaHa is his real son.  Couldn't they have talked in a room!!!??  Of course WY walks by and hears them talking.  
WY: What do you mean?  How is MaHa my real son?EB: Cheona...WY:  MaHa...is my son...
Ayu is officially appointed as the official successor to TH's throne, crown prince of Yuan.  SN raises and thanks the Emperor for his grace after the official appointment.
ED is outraged that the son of a low born Goryeo woman is now the crown prince.  BA says they need to get rid of Gwibi.  ED says they need to be careful, she's someone who even ET was not able to eliminate, they need to be careful not to be eliminated by her.  BA says he has a plan to eliminate Gwibi...is that a hint he's made contact with the ML, that's why we see what's in the preview?  As usual TT has a concerned look on his face.
The governor's are at SN's quarters to congratulate her for Ayu becoming crown prince.
SN: Thank you.  However...I'm not satisfied yet.  Within this palace, there are people who wants to take away mine and the crown prince's livesGovernor Oh: You're the mother of the future Emperor.  Who is it, who dares to challenge Gwibi mama's authority?SN: Dae Seung Sang and Taehu mama needs to be eliminated.  Dae Seung Sang and Taehu mama, I will eliminate them.

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@tessiero I'm not sure if it really is the main governor, but it kind of looks like him.
@nploan my mom did the same thing today!  Usually I have to turn it on after I download the HD version, but today, she asked me if the episode was out yet, when I told her I didn't download it yet, she went and turned it on from the streaming site herself hahaha.  I guess she was really eager to find out about what SN would do now that she knows MaHa is her son.
@jessie15 good old times like this:13863783563_61432dfd9c_b.jpg

(Image CR: EK DC)
If only, these are times we can't return to...well I guess we could re-watch those episodes  =))
It's sad, even back then when SN wanted to kill TH, their relationship didn't seem as intense as it is now.  Hopefully SN will be able to bring TH back to himself again, quite frankly I'm getting sick of this TH and about ready to just let him die of whatever illness he may have.  I'm just worried about how sad SN will be.
@ThaoL yep that's right.  Before with Tanasmirky they had to worry about ET backing her up, but now KT doesn't have the same backup from BA like Tana had from ET.

EDIT: I forgot to mention this in my last post with the summary/translations, but it seems that TH has been having nightmares regularly as well.  When he woke up from his nightmares, GT said to him 'did you have a nightmare again?'

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This thread is moving so really fast..... I can't catch up...

i'm so grateful @pegster for the translation...
At least WY now has come to know the truth, he can at least take good care of our poor Maha even though EK is not around there to be his mother...

It's really so sad to see this complications.... Oh my....

Im afraid for TH if he found out the truth about EK-Maha-WY. This definitely will crush him inside because MH is still a connection for EK and WYl. They still had a son.

OMG TH will increase his insecurities again...

:-S :-S :-S

I wonder what will be the ending the Writer will gonna give us ...

I just hope it wouldn't be too tragic to the point of having the breathing hard syndrome Paeha was experiencing in every heartache...


i'm so looking forward for a happy ending even though it may seems so impossible for this kind of drama. But I still wanna believe that the writers will still give us one... a happy and satisfying ending....

[-O< [-O< [-O<

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In the picture where nyang was wearing a pink attire, standing infront of ta hwan, is it just me or he look sort of afraid/surprised? Someone tell me he's just surprise, because in his dream she was going after him and tried to kill him. I don't want him to be afraid of her.

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Apologies if this has been shared already... Thanks @deagorr for Ep 47 Text Preview 악몽에 시달리던 타환은 겨우 정신을 차리고, 승냥은 그런 타환을 안타깝게 바라본다. 왕유는 가슴 아프게 마하를 지켜보다 진심 어린 위로의 말을 전한다. 승냥은 백안의 폭정을 알리기 위해 타환과 함께 빈민촌에 가고, 타환은 갑자기 쓰러지는데... Ta Hwan who has been suffering from nightmares barely regains his senses, Seungnyang looks at him in pity. With a pained heart, Wang Yoo watches over Maha and offers his heartfelt words of comfort. To inform TaHwan of Baekahn's tyranny, Seungnyang goes with Ta Hwan to the beggar's village, but Ta Hwan suddenly faints... Source: http://mbcinfo.imbc.com/index.aspx

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I watched episode 46… love how SN got rid of KT so easily! & the look on SN’s enemies’ faces when they learn the truth about KT and Maha!!!! love it!!! ^-^ i’m so sad, though, that Bi-soo ends up dying in order to save WY (I hate that my prediction about her was correct) and that SN had to be cold to her son in order to save him ;_________; I can’t wait for TT to save SN from his uncle and the ED!! pls, show, no more deaths of the good guys…& please heal TH. Seeing him having nightmares of SN trying to kill him is breaking my heart and him collapsing from that… ;__________________________;
Oh yeah, TT's bangs when he's with the bad guys (excluding TH) looks so off, right?  But whenever he's around, not just the bad guys, but also the good guys, like SN, his hair is back to normal. LOL.. Have you noticed that?  TT should realize that he'll have a bad hair day if continues to side with the bad guys…LOL
Also, didn't ED looked like she was constipated at seeing Prince Ayu become the Crown Prince?  LOL
Thank you all for your live recaps, comments, pics, videos, gifs, and other posts for this episode!!! ^__^ I and many others appreciate it a bunch 


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Just watching the scene where SN reveals NE's scheme and her and ED was trying to say SN was working with YBS. I love how everyone was looking at them, they are so clueless to the relationship between SN and YBS to be saying that.

TH, BY, TT and even Cruella saw right through it because they all know YBS and SN hates each other.

We need to see this side of TH a lot more, he was very regal and firm in his decision.

I demand less sickly/weak TH and more kingly TH.

And more TT talking please, he didn't even say a word in the whole episode. Just because he has a pretty face doesn't mean they can use him as a flower vase.

I want to slap BY as well, he dares comes to SN and talks about how he tried to protect her, I call BS! Besides buying her from the merchant and hiring those people to teach her he did nothing else. It was SN who did everything and protected him and he tried to get her killed last time by using WY.

He also admitted previously that he bought SN because she saved his life, he allowed her to take part in the consort choosing because he didn't want to send his niece and because he thinks she's the winning hand.

I say she did a lot more for him then he ever did for her. Even TT knows that.

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Guest Nayuki Tran

Hello Ki ppl:)))) only 5 more eps to go. Is the final ep a special ep or what?
Watching the last couple eps, I feel so upset for Sn. Shes a victim after all. The more I love Sn, the more I hate Th though I m their fans since the beginning. What has he done for Ki to demand that much from her? Ok, he saved her a few times, but that s the least he could do as a human being since Ki has helped him so much. he once said that Ki being by his side is enough, how come he changes his mind? who the heck does he think he is? He should be grateful that Ki bears him a prince. This character is similar to the guy in I Miss You, full of obsession and lame ambition. Th is even worse since hes not as smart as that guy. This type of guy is one of the worst. honestly, if its not for jck's stunning face and body I d hate Th to my bone .sorry if I offend TH's s fans. I used to love him dearly but I just cant hold it in.

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