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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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my bad prediction....we will finally get the oolala scene with Th and SN starting the last minute of the show.....she goes in and says..."TAKE ME"...and we have to wait a whole other week to see it happen....AHHHHHHHH...please don't do that to us PD nim!!!!!  This would be me if that happens ~X(

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Guest niknokdagu425

OK! OK! OK! BE STILL MY HEART READING ALL the  spoilers from @pegster ( by the way thanks for always giving us the juicy updates and trans)im squeeeeing madly here in my room, i hope the olalala will happen its one my most awaited part even though its all out of love but just a deal between them, im very much satisfied seeing them together in bed , hehehe sorry pervy mode hahaha. and just noticed the stills SN is in Paeha's quarters so she was brought there for TH to nurse her !Oh My Tana will go crazy again hahahaha

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thanx for the bts pic...pls...tn need to be punished already.....x let her win again ..i gonna seriously flip the table if she escaped frm punishment tis time!!!though tn is most searched character in naver..but still if the plot drags too long..ppl gonna get dissappointed  why BAD/EVIL people alwiz win and GOOd ppl alwiz suffered..

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Guest adjani1430293095

I heart the feeling about the EL T clan always winning.. but er .. lots of kdrama is like this right? I remember watching Jewel in the Palace and going "Oh NO" like 3 quarters of that very long drama .. until she comes back right at the ending arc...  And too many of them spend 3/4 of the show where the baddies win before the good guys finally rout them in the last "2" episodes or something :P  
I doubt TH will jump right into bed with SY right after she has been poisoned... it might be that her plan did not succeed as well as she wanted it to ... and she is upset as many have pointed out.. or maybe, he was just upset that she used herself as bait to trap the baddies and he didn't like that ... we will know soon enough.. but yes if she didn't even get TN to lose an ounce of her power.... I would be disappointed...  considering we have been chasing this... and then making her out to be so "Clever" and then to fail .... as for WY.. doesnt he have to settle "the other woman" first before his return? 

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I wonder what other scenes they are going to have Bi Soo mimick after SN like the attempted killing. She practically used the same words with WY that SN used with TH. Moyah! My eyes are getting red. Not because I'm crying, but because I'm getting a little angry rethinking about it :))

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Guest ziimblu

North Star

He was her north star.   When she lost him, she lost her way...                          

When one loses the north star, does one lose it forever?   But then it was SN who lost it, not the other way around.   I feel  that north star will stay on,  will still be there, waiting, patiently waiting,  whether or not she decides to find her way back… But how does SN find the way back?    Would she even try to look back?  

Recall:  The looks, tears and words in Ep 1  carry  a  loaded giveaway, much more the tough parting words of TH to WY.   And that bridge never looked the same again!    The stills show that ancient bridge is a real work of art.   But no, I could not see anything in that scene (this was ep 1).  My tears, culprit often at the wrong time!



Warning:  Mushy ahead!

In the meantime, that impending & long-overdue  mother of all  lovers' reunion! 

Assuming their “meeting” is kept under wraps;  or even with Bang in attendance, pardon my uncensored longings:    If I were SN,  I would hug WY,  tight, like it's the last night of the world, really tight, tighter still, as if the hug could seal forever.  No words, no more words.   No more pain, no questions, no assurances.   Nothing about his marriage, nothing about my being a concubine.  Love. That’s all.  Love.  That moment. That reunion.  Love must suffice.  Because I may never find another chance again.    

:x :x :x

That moment, I will  will make him feel like he is my heart and soul!   Because he IS.    And then….leave.   LEAVE I will, like any lover leaves, only with a better reason this time.  I leave him, he leaves me.   Because there is no other way it can work out.   Because some of love’s greatest moments is in leaving…in goodbyes! 

=(( =(( =(( =(( =((

How else can it work out?   There’s too much on SN’s road ahead, not to mention her “place” in the present Empire’s scheme of things.    And no, SN wouldn’t risk the life of WY.   She  would  never want to lose WY.  Not to death or in any way, even as she did lose him already, many times over.    Like real comrades-in-arms, SN still has  WY in mind, to protect and love, even in goodbyes.


SN will have to leave WY  and the castle of dreams   she built for the both of them,  “ANEW”,  as painfully as she had left them sometime ago, as if the heart can take further. But she has to.    Although this time, it is a matter of choice. 

I wish it is easier to resolve. I hope there are no  goodbyes like this, and no more goodbyes as a matter of choice.  But as much as I believe in that  “CERTAINTY  in a SEA of AMBIGUITY,  that is WY & SN,” (to paraphrase, “Bridges of Madison C.”),   I am afraid  no  tomorrow will be kind to them:(( :(( :((



Heartbreak, loneliness and pain – these will pierce and rip apart SN’s heart from the moment of reunion until….until  gods of Eden know when!    And how she will cope, (even as she dishes out demons like ET) is some tough job for scriptwriters to tackle. :) I hope to see lots of HJW stellar performance as SN goes thru the “phase”.        In order to stay on course (storyline of the 2nd half of EK),   SN will have to treat  WY like some random invisible Adonis?  How?  But certainly, she cannot do otherwise.    

And WY,  how will he cope with the thought of  “King's woman being a concubine of Yuan”?   He will rise above it like any good monarch should, but deep inside, he will be  living like half-alive?  Or worse, become some viable living thing, at best?    And I bet that JJM  won’t leave this heartbroken WY unnoticed.  No, not at all.

n.b.    I am still thinking of a possible way out for SN & WY, short of forced exile (indefinitely hunted & haunted);    But for now, tears cloud the mind :))   And not to suggest that the love of TH for SN  is negligible,  but really it is another story altogether;   In fact, as many as several  planes of perspectives admit several ways of loving or of having multiple belovedS? Otoke? Arraseo?  :-/ :-/ :-/

But not to digress further, as for the reunion - Isn’t it always sad to see a bond as deep as that of WY&SN headed to some inevitable  “pit or divide”?  Not having the chance, or even just half the chance….

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Guest filchiny

rinchan76 said: According to episode 1, we know WY got his throne back, but the question is when will they give WY back his throne? the thing is if he gets his throne back won't he have to run the country? then that means he won't be in Yuan, does that mean he will be getting another side story or will he have to investigate more goryo related corruption in yuan.

As a side note, I recall when SN was young, she served drinks to only the guy that hit his mark while they practiced shooting arrows. When the other guy who missed asked why he didn't get served, she told him she only serves the best. If TH wants SN to serve him he should probably pick up the pace and become the best lol.
however I am curious if SN will tell WY, he will forever have her loyalty, or will she say, it lies elsewhere now.  

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Guest filchiny

sarah.lina said: @tessieroo : when i saw episode 29 preview, TN seems so confident, i was like whaaaaaaaaaaaat ???? kill that witch already, i want her to suffer !!!!!!!!!!!! (excuse me that's my sadistic side which is speaking), i have nothing against BJH though :D she's cute hahahaha

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@filchiny thank you for your insight.I am more curious as to what they will do with the character WY upon retrieving his throne. I understand it is very likely that ET may not return it to him because he said it himself, that he did not want to give WY the throne back because he doesn't want someone with WY's capability on the throne. He also hinted that he wants to use WY to make Goryo part of Yuan, and I am unsure ET would try to accomplish that plan by allowing WY to take the throne. It would probably be easier for WY to wait for his father to die and hand it to him. It is also likely that WY-TH-SN will team up to get rid of ET, finally. However, didn't SN offer her full devotion to TH if he helps her fulfill her goal of revenge? then she can't use that as a bargaining chip again. What I am wondering about though is, what will they do with WY's character when he gets the throne. He has to run Goryo, so he must stay their, but the rest of the main cast is in Yuan. Does this mean we will have more side stories featuring WY? May be he will have to deal with more Yuan corruption and will confront SN as empress. 

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Guest filchiny

rinchan76 said: @filchiny thank you for your insight.I am more curious as to what they will do with the character WY upon retrieving his throne. I understand it is very likely that ET may not return it to him because he said it himself, that he did not want to give WY the throne back because he doesn't want someone with WY's capability on the throne. He also hinted that he wants to use WY to make Goryo part of Yuan, and I am unsure ET would try to accomplish that plan by allowing WY to take the throne. It would probably be easier for WY to wait for his father to die and hand it to him. It is also likely that WY-TH-SN will team up to get rid of ET, finally. However, didn't SN offer her full devotion to TH if he helps her fulfill her goal of revenge? then she can't use that as a bargaining chip again. What I am wondering about though is, what will they do with WY's character when he gets the throne. He has to run Goryo, so he must stay their, but the rest of the main cast is in Yuan. Does this mean we will have more side stories featuring WY? May be he will have to deal with more Yuan corruption and will confront SN as empress. 

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Guest filchiny

ziimblu said:

North Star

He was her north star.   When she lost him, she lost her way...                          

That SN loved WY the way she did leaves no room  for confusion.   But she has long numbed that “part” of her.   Rather,  she had no other choice.   

When one loses the north star, does one lose it forever?   But then it was SN who lost it, not the other way around.   I feel  that north star will stay on,  will still be there, waiting, patiently waiting,  whether or not she decides to find her way back… But how does SN find the way back?    Would she even try to look back?  

Recall:  The looks, tears and words in Ep 1  carry  a  loaded giveaway, much more the tough parting words of TH to WY.   And that bridge never looked the same again!    The stills show that ancient bridge is a real work of art.   But no, I could not see anything in that scene (this was ep 1).  My tears, culprit often at the wrong time!



Warning:  Mushy ahead!

In the meantime, that impending & long-overdue  mother of all  “lover’s reunion! 

Assuming their “meeting” is kept under wraps;  or even with Bang in attendance, pardon my uncensored longings:    If I were SN,  I would hug WY,  tight, like it would be the last night of the world, really tight, tighter still, as if the hug could seal forever.  No words, no more words.   No more pain, no questions, no assurances.   Nothing about his marriage, nothing about my being a concubine.  Love. That’s all.  Love.  That moment. That reunion.  Love must suffice.  Because I may never find another chance again.    

:x :x :x

That moment, I will  will make him feel like he is my heart and soul!   Because he IS.    And then….leave.   LEAVE I will, like any lover leaves, only with a better reason this time.  I leave him, he leaves me.   Because there is no other way it can work out.   Because some of love’s greatest moments is in leaving…in goodbyes! 

=(( =(( =(( =(( =((

How else can it work out?   There’s too much on SN’s road ahead, not to mention her “place” in the present Empire’s scheme of things.    And no, SN wouldn’t risk the life of WY.   She  would  never want to lose WY.  Not to death or in any way, even as she did lose him already, many times over.    Like real comrades-in-arms, SN still has  WY in mind, to protect and love, even in goodbyes.


SN will have to leave WY  and the castle of dreams   she built for the both of them,  “ANEW”,  as painfully as she had left them sometime ago, as if the heart can take further. But she has to.    Although this time, it is a matter of choice. 

I wish it is easier to resolve. I hope there are no  goodbyes like this, and no more goodbyes as a matter of choice.  But as much as I believe in that “certainty in a sea of ambuiguity,  that is WY & SN,” (to paraphrase, “Bridges of Madison C.”),   I am afraid NO tomorrow will be kind to them:(( :(( :((



Heartbreak, loneliness and pain – these will pierce and rip apart SN’s heart from the moment of reunion until….until  gods of Eden know when!    And how she will cope, even as she dishes out demons like ET,    is some tough job for scriptwriters to tackle. :) I hope to see lots of HJW stellar performance as SN goes thru the “phase”.        In order to stay on course (storyline of the 2nd half of EK),   SN will have to treat  WY like some random invisible Adonis?  How?  But certainly, she cannot do otherwise.    

And WY,  how will he cope with the thought of  “King's woman being a concubine of Yuan”?   He will rise above it like any good monarch should, but deep inside, he will be  living like half-alive?  Or worse, become some viable living thing, at best?    And I bet that JJM  won’t leave this heartbroken WY unnoticed.  No, not at all.

Took a lot  to admit this.   I am still thinking of a possible way out;    But for now, tears cloud the mind :))   And not to suggest that the love of TH for SN  is negligible,  but really it is another story altogether;  In fact, as many as several  planes of perspectives admit several ways of loving or of having "various belovedS" (?);    But not to digress further, as for the reunion - Isn’t it always sad to see a bond as deep as that of WY&SN headed to some inevitable  “pit or divide”?  Not having the chance, or even just half the chance….


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OOT update from some foreign EK's thread:

23th january: my post were at page 60.

10th februari: newest post is at page 688.

Empress Ki daebak!

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adjani said: I heart the feeling about the EL T clan always winning.. but er .. lots of kdrama is like this right? I remember watching Jewel in the Palace and going "Oh NO" like 3 quarters of that very long drama .. until she comes back right at the ending arc...  And too many of them spend 3/4 of the show where the baddies win before the good guys finally rout them in the last "2" episodes or something :P  
I doubt TH will jump right into bed with SY right after she has been poisoned... it might be that her plan did not succeed as well as she wanted it to ... and she is upset as many have pointed out.. or maybe, he was just upset that she used herself as bait to trap the baddies and he didn't like that ... we will know soon enough.. but yes if she didn't even get TN to lose an ounce of her power.... I would be disappointed...  considering we have been chasing this... and then making her out to be so "Clever" and then to fail .... as for WY.. doesnt he have to settle "the other woman" first before his return? 

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WOW, BTS pictures!!! SN looks so down, but I was wondering....TH lately takes advantage of the stuations to have skinship LOL

If @pegster novel's spoiler is true, I hope the writers make it good. They should do it in a way that audience can sense completely SN's changement of feelings for TH (I really hope they'll change before sleeping together [-O< ), otherwise the first night will have the same response as the one with WY: too soon (IMO). And, since it would be the second time, SN's character this time could be misunderstood.

So, if it's not clear SN loves TH, I'll prefer to see only the mouth-to-mouth taking medicine
:x It's TH style ! XD

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