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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest redhazel

Oh my god, I'm LOL ing so hard here at 10 pm. WY hair is a big NOOO =))

Is it Golta who blew your hair to make some revenge for TH?? =))

JJM is far from his cool aura. He's like super dorky :D

@misstear - hahahhaa that picture is epic! =))

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Guest walkingintherain

Okay, since I'm a no-shipper, I had a hard time figuring out the ending that will satisfy me (I wanted SN to be with both TH and WY ) :(( But after rewatching all of the episodes of empress ki, here's the ending that I think will satisfy me most :-SN as empress will be by TH's death bed (I search on the net, and it states that TH died at an early age), TH will tell SN that he knows that all along she still loves WY and ask whether she felt at least a tiny bit of affection towards TH after all that had been through.SN with tears in her eyes will reply that though she still care about WY all along, but part of her heart already belongs to TH and that she do love TH.TH feels satisfied and touched by SN's answer, the burden that was on his heart after all those years of guessing whether or not SN cares about him finally vanished.TH now with open heart, finally allows SN to leave the palace to be with WY, and orders Golta to help her to escape the palace safely.SN with tears in her eyes persists to stay by TH's side, but TH demands her to leave by stating that it's an imperial order.SN with tears running down her face finally left, leaving TH staring after her faded shadow and whispers his love for her.SN escapes the palace (which explains her disappearance in history) and went to find WY. She found him and they fell into a deep embrace both crying with tears of joy.TH in his deathbed slowly closes his eyes with a soft smile on his face before falling into the deep slumber he shall never wake.
I know this ending may seemed sad, but to know that both men can have SN really comforts my heart :') it's a bittersweet ending, and TH finally does something manly which is letting his beloved to be with someone else just so she could be happy.
But! That's just my opinion!!! I know everyone will want different ending for this drama, but so far this ending is the only one that I can think of that can put my heart at peace hahaahah!!!  :))

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Guest larabn

Thanks for the pics, glad to know HJW is the only one keeping her sanity balanced :))
I think the cast have gone crazy too, so then we fan can't be blamed for our craziness
JJM's hairstyles reminds me of bellatrix's in HP :)) and I never liked HP :(
while Tal Tal is imposing as the hairy nose dragon :))
yes I saw the girl in purple and I think it's HJW :)
actually the only thing I see is Tal Tal and HJW in those pics
why didn't they make him her loyal childhood friend who develops feelings for her :))

and thanks everybody for the pics and videos :)
2 days to go.......this waiting reminds me when I was a child nagging and waiting impatiently for the plane to land :))
it feels like being stranded on an island without technology :-w
Sorry can't read all your lovely comments now :( but hope I will be able to come back later and read them

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Hello everyone! :D
Good, as in these days I could not come here, I'm catching up right now.
, Ah~ ! Are many pages~~ from page 449 at p467.. and as 4
pages more to get at p471.. I think. :-<
So if you had already changed the topic.. sorry. :(

shaym said:
Ha Ji Won is really shippable - I have shipped her to a lot of male celebrities already: Jo In Sung, So Ji Sub, Gong Yoo, Lee Seung Gi, Hyun Bin, Joo Jin Mo, Ji Chang Wook, Jin Yi Han, Taecyeon, etc. Pardon me for being off-topic. Can't help it. Haha.

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walkingintherain : please do not be so mean to me =(( Your story is too sad for what I dream about the end of this drama...I agree with one thing you've said: my sweet Huyzong will die of despair if hopelessly lost Seung Nyang ...and so do I ...
:( really want us to die ?!! 
quickly change the end like this : SN + TH will live happily ever after end of storyTKS >:D< :\">

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Guest walkingintherain

carmens said: walkingintherain : please do not be so mean to me =(( Your story is too sad for what I dream about the end of this drama...I agree with one thing you've said: my sweet Huyzong will die of despair if hopelessly lost Seung Nyang ...and so do I ...
:( really want us to die ?!! 
quickly change the end like this : SN + TH will live happily ever after end of storyTKS >:D< :\">

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shaym said: You are correct about the relationship between Wang Yoo and Wang Go, Ate. Wang Go is Wang Yoo's uncle as per mentioned in one of the previous episodes. No wonder both of their surnames are the same making their names similar. Lol. Hihi.

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CherKell said: Actually, those are not surnames -- "Wang" means "King" in Korean.  Wang Ko was the King of Shen, the title given upon him by the Yuan Dynasty when El Terror was attempting to take over Goryeo and Wang Ko jumped ships to assist the Yuan instead of his birth country.  Remember when Wang Ko was putting together all those plots to get rid of Wang Yoo so Wang Ko could be installed as the King of Goryeo instead?  When Wang Yoo ended up still alive in Yuan after his forced abdication and Wang Yoo's father returned to the throne, that's when El Terror ordered Wang Ko back to Goryeo at his current position as the King of Shen.  El Terror saw that he was fighting a losing battle at Goryeo and decided to keep the status quo over there; appointing Wang Ko as the King of Goryeo would have caused even more turmoil for Yuan.

Regardless, Wang Ko is still Wang Yoo's uncle, which I'm sure will come back to bite everyone in the butt in future episodes. :P

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I saw prediction for the ending, i will do mine too

SN and WY finally are together, while they are walking together WY is shy and keep his distance to SN but SN approches him and hold his hand while staring intensely at him, WY look at her breathless, tightens her hand and keep staring intensely at her, they finally confess their feeling for each others and share a sweet and passionate kiss, their love story begins.
TH knowing that WY and SN are now together orders to his people to kill WY because of his jealousy, childishness, selfishness. SN discover TH plan to kill WY and she knows that even if she stops him once he will try again so beg him to spare his life and give him back his throne in Goryeo and she will never leave Yuan and will never see WY again.
SN says to WY that she doesn't want to stay with him anymore because she doesnt love him and he can't give anything to her. WY is in dispair and don't understand but accepts her decision, his only reason of life now is Goryeo.
WY go back to Goryeo, meanwhile SN is full of anger and swear that she will make TH pay for his father death and for what he did to her and WY. She will do what LP said to her, she will have everybody that hurted her under her feet. She becomes concubine, conquering every heart, including Tal Tal, the smart and sexy warrior, but her target is TH and she will take advantage of his obsession for her to become the most powerful woman of the empire. She becomes close to Tal Tal, he falls deeply and deeply in love with her and helps her in every way he can but she is so blind by revenge that is incapable to feel love again. Theirs will always be an impossible love.
SN is swallowed by the darkness and becomes one of the most ruthless Empress of History.
When TH is in his death bed asks to SN if she ever loved him, she laugh at him and said that she was waiting this moment just to tell him how much she hates him he is the reason of all her misery and she only used him for her revenge against him and all the people that made her suffer.
After TH dies, SN has not more reason to hate and her anger disappear leaving her wonder and reflecting on every bad thing she did. She disappear, and spend the last years of her life refletting on what she did and if it was the best decision, she decided to repair for her bad action and help people in need.
The End

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