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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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regarding this okcat pic...
question: why is OkCat eating ramen during lunar new year? there seems to be some scrambled egg floating around there as well; this is what I eat when a) there's no food in the house B) am tired of the food in the fridge. there's not even any side dishes like kimchi. what kind of meal is this? strange, this was posted on Jan 31 which is very much within the new year period
and the house should be filled with lots of food..
@packmule3 -- don't think this is Taec related at all. probably some fan sent this pic to the admin and they needed to post something food related and posted it. otherwise, it would mean that his agency is not feeding Taec any proper food or he is eating super unhealthily which is not very smart.....

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@Packmule3 said,lol. He wouldn't have as much as he did with Guigui, if the girl is a native English speaker. 
Would you mind translating this please? I think you can copy and paste it. It's his "ideal girl" -- but he keeps on changing this --, and I believe he mentioned that it would be helpful if the girl spoke a "little" English. 
-이상형은? 여자친구에 대한 기대가 있다면? Your "ideal"type/match? What are your expectations from a girlfriend?
리스트가 있어요. I have a list (list is written phonetically)생활하다가 하나씩 떠오를 때마다 ‘이상형으로 하나 있었으면 좋겠다’라며 적어놨어요.Just going about my life, once in awhile/sometimes, a thought would occur 'this would be ideal', so I'll write it down. 우선 음식을 안 가렸으면 좋겠어요. 제가 엄청 잘 먹는데, 함께 즐기지 못하면 아쉽잖아요.Formost, cannot be picky about food. I eat everything/well/much/alot, if we can't enjoy eating together, it'll be a shame/sad. 그리고 영어는 조금 했으면 좋겠어요.Also/And, the ability to speak some/little English, I would like that. 아무래도 한국어보다는 영어 표현이 수월할 때가 있어요. More so/because, somethings are expressed (easier/more in line/straightforward) in English,than in Korean.그렇다 보니 뉘앙스적인 것을 영어로 표현할 때가 많거든요. Come to think of it, there are more instances to express nuances in English.2세를 위해 유아 교육을 좀 배웠으면 좋겠고… 하하. ....                                                                                 that would be nice/I'd like that... ha ha.For 2nd generation(their children) , study Early childhood education, would be good...키는 168cm 정도? 너무하다고요? Height, about 168cm? Think, too much/too tall?그냥 이상형이잖아요.Hey, this is suppose to be 'ideal'.
@minwooluv78 could you review my translation? Did you pick up something I missed? Hangel may have other meaning...About your statement on GG, @packmule3 ---TRUE That!! (high 5) ;))As I worked on the translation, I realized that TY is quite steadfast. He may phrase his sentences or answer a bit differently, but it is usually the same answer. He has talked about his gf ability to speak more than one languages. Even on GWGM he mentioned 168cm with a questioning intonation. As for Food, come on, he seems to always talk about not being a picky eater and ability to enjoy eating together!! :):D

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Lol. @korchick. It's only because he's got standard answers for standard questions.

But we've been on his case so if he was an embezzler lol whom we've been tracking for say, two, three months now, we should know, at the very least, the name of his bank, his account number, safety deposit box, contacts, etc, and anticipate where he's going to stash a million dollars. His posts are like his messages to his accomplice... partner in crime Guigui.


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packmule3 said: torreydinh said: @packmule3,  I am in California and right you are, those men would be wearing tank tops on top of their boardshorts  because the weather for the past 2-3 days has been in the 60's. As for the man in the speedo his thingy wouldn't be sooo bulgy because of the weather. Safe to say that picture is not recent or it's not in Cali.

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@Packmule3 said,
lol. He wouldn't have as much as he did with Guigui, if the girl is a native English speaker. 

Would you mind translating this please? I think you can copy and paste it. It's his "ideal girl" -- but he keeps on changing this --, and I believe he mentioned that it would be helpful if the girl spoke a "little" English. 

-이상형은? 여자친구에 대한 기대가 있다면? Your "ideal"type/match? What are your expectations from a girlfriend?e-height: 18px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">Just going about my life, once in awhile/sometimes, a thought would occur 'this would be ideal', so I'll write it down. 
우선 음식을 안 가렸으면 좋겠어요. 제가 엄청 잘 먹는데, 함께 즐기지 못하면 아쉽잖아요.

2세를 위해 유아 교육을 좀 배웠으면 좋겠고… 하하. 

2 or more years of studying abroad, that would be nice/I'd like that... ha ha.


could you review my translation? Did you pick up something I missed?

@korchic unnie, just the part about studying abroad is wrong :)) gwenchana gwenchana ㅋㅋ Taec said he would like his ideal aka guigui to study/learn about early childhood education for their child(ren) (2nd generations). :D

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Mwahahaha. I jinxed myself. Sorry @korchick. I accidentally clicked the off-topic button on you. Was at the store buying last minute beer for SuperBowl tonight and I was trying to read your post, while at the same time, hide it from this weird man who was standing too close to me at the check out line.

FYI: to undo a comment (lol, awesome, OT) button, just click on the button again, and it should disappear. Please dont undo an insightful button. Lol.

Thanks, @torreydinh for giving me heads-up.

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Guest bibidep

May be I have to ask @Minwooluv78 to give me a short fortune teller for my 2014 year. Since the New Year until today so many thing happen to me hahaha, I need to see what more do I have to suffer for the rest of the year. Lately Taec so busy, I guess he had no time to make the new wallpaper for the month of Feb. and no more poster to post that is why we saw all the small hanging OKCat type in the pictures posted last few days. You can see on the top of OKCat head both of them had the wire hook to hang the OKCat, it's not a regular OKCat doll. CEO Taec will be back today so will be plenty of the new design come out...especially the one for the Valentine hihihi, can't wait for that. Husband Taec work so hard now and wife GuiGui enjoy by herself, no fun at all. If I was GuiGui no matter where I go with out my man never be happy like I have my man with me.

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Guest bibidep

@Lmangla: You already forgot the reason why OKCat aka CEO Taec eat a lot of noodle lately, because he said right at the beginning of the New Year, a month ago that he needed to save a lot start this year....how can he save if he eat all the fancy meal everyday?? Hahaha we all know by now the reason why he wants to save, to buy car, to buy house, and save for his wedding too. Hopefully our girl is the one in his mind when he think about who he will marry with.

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@Packmule3 said:Mwahahaha. I jinxed myself. Sorry @korchick. I accidentally clicked the off-topic button on you. Was at the store buying last minute beer for SuperBowl tonight and I was trying to read your post, while at the same time, hide it from this weird man who was standing too close to me at the check out line
Thanks for the information on the "comment buttons"I edited the translation w/@minwooluv78 corrections :) Thanks minwooluv78 some of these Korean terms catch me off guard--sorry. Heading out to SuperBowl party now... so till later, Bye! Aneyong! :D

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Guest rose999

Looking forward to OKCAT's response to Gui Gui's recent FB post!! (we need to censor the pic) Taec is going to attack when he wakes up!!!! ATTACK ALERT!!! Clear the path for him! 

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Guest bibidep

Wow TaecGui ship is already hard for me to hold onto and now the new ship coming for GuiGui, no no, no more for me.

I hope GuiGui think about the remake drama Heirs for the role of second or third female lead, the drama only focus on the main female and male lead plus his brother and his family with 3 different wives. the second female was the main male lead ex-fiance show only jealousy, the third female lead only appeared a little bit when ever they need her, and she never need to acted because she was like the vase of flowers for decoration.   This is the remake and the original just finished broadcast last year, will be a lot of compare and bash if the casts of this remake not turn out as good as the first one. 

I wonder why we have another button for off topic...Just use the same flag button is good too hahaha.

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Guest bibidep

@Leechalee said:  My turn.... name tags for the TG ship  I didnt do everyone, Miahne... and if I got anything on your name tag wrong.. ma bad!.... ** @bibidep.... whistle blower= I read a post from @packmule3 , about you 'uncovering secret plots' not exactly a whistle blower but I couldnt think of the right word lol :)**... and @drft oppa (?? donsaeng) your tag... 'just joking, no angry ok' :))

Wow the title is too big for me dear, I'm like Taec, forgetful hahaha.   The thing that I need to remember then I will, otherwise I let it go into the past very quick hahaha.  Not like our King of connect the dot...I have no idea how big is her brain but she remember everything.

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