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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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Guest spicystrawberry

Hooray I know I am housekeeping my room but how about you guys???

It seem much more popular than their last Japanese song, Winter Games - I hope I can get their Genesis song :( Lets see ! :D

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Guest spicystrawberry

Taecyeon brothers...or his another half? xD



Apparently Taecyeon look like Andre Kim fashion designer 

cr : as tagged. 

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Guest spicystrawberry

Found on one of thread on Soompi.



credit : forums.soompi.com/discussion/63973/%E7%B6%B2%E8%B7%AF%E5%B8%A5%E5%93%A5%E7%BE%8E%E5%A5%B3-%E5%A4%A7%E9%99%B8-%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3/p731

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Guest spicystrawberry

packmule3 said: angelangie said: #CommentSpam
OMG i TOTALLY LOVE THIS PICTURES!!!!! :D seee seee.....tell me what you girls seeing or that u girls are seeing what im seeing.....lets puts on our michesso HAT!!! :D 

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Guest spicystrawberry

Anyone went to Zoom In shop before? All of their stuff look really awesome and of course expensive + I really love GE cap :D 

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Guest spicystrawberry

@packmule3 found it :D


Credits to GuiGui’s Wretch Album

GuiGui wrote “HK” under these pictures so I guess she went to HK a few days ago? Or maybe she’s IN HK right now, haha. It seems like she’s not busy at all nowadays. >.< I wish she would go on more variety shows and I have NO idea what happened to Golden Taxi. :3 No episodes nor new pictures. >.<


cr : as tagged 

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Guest spicystrawberry

class="entry-title" style="line-height: 1.2; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 1.571428571rem; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both; font-weight: normal; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: 'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"[TRANSINDO] 2PM at NHK Studio Park Kara (20/01/2014)


Bagaimana perasaan Anda tentang ketika Anda mendapat tawaran dari NHK untuk melakukan acara pelajaran Bahasa? (How's your feeling on offer from NHK for teaching language studies?)
TY: Pada awalnya kita benar-benar gugup dan merasa jika kita benar-benar bisa mengajar ppl Korea, tetapi ketika setelah mencoba kami merasa benar-benar menyenangkan. (Earlier, we were really nervous about it and don't know able to teach Korean to all of you or not but after few tried - it felt good )

Apa yang Anda lakukan untuk penonton untuk belajar & memahami Korea dengan mudah? (What would you advice to the viewers to learn and understand Korean in easy way?)
JH: pengucapan nya. Just speech
MC: Oh pengucapan? Oh speech?
JH: ya, kami memperhatikan itu karena kita ingin mengajar serius.We focus on that because we really wish to teach it seriously

MC: Tapi kalian berbicara Korea biasanya benar?
TY: Ya, tapi kami benar-benar tidak keberatan pengucapan kami biasanya seperti Annyeonghaseyo Annyeonghaseyo BUT (ENGLISH) <2PM tertawa>
TY: Tetapi ketika kita rekaman kita berhati-hati seperti “Ann-yeong-haseyo” Seperti perlahan dan benar.
JH: * menepuk TY * Mari kita melakukannya lain kali. Ann-yeong-haseyo Taecyeon-shi.
TY: Ann-yeong-haseyo Junho-shi seperti ini

LOL IS THERE ANY Indonesia TaecGui shippers here? I am so confused with Malay & Indo @@ I don't understand what they talking about *sweat*

Apa metode yang Anda gunakan untuk belajar jepang? What's the method of you guys by learning Japanese language?
TY: Saya suka anime.lol Jadi untuk menonton mereka tanpa henti. haha. Dan mendengarkan mereka. I like anime. Watch it without stopping
JH: Film & drama atau seperti Manga (komik) Film and drama or Manga (Comic)
JK: musik. Mendengarkan musik. Music. Listen Music

Apakah Anda memiliki sesuatu yang membuat Anda berpikir itu pilihan yang baik untuk bergabung dengan program (Hot blood)?
What would you wish to have that make you think a good choice that combine with the program of Hot Blood?

TY: * Memalingkan wajahnya kesamping & dan tidak mengatakan apapun ** Look aside and silet*
CS: Setelah kami memiliki waktu yang paling sulit, guru Yoga datang dihari berikutnya …. Dan Kami .. * tertawa * After we choose a good time- Yoga teacher will come the next day and we *laugh*
<2PM tertawa keras> 2PM laughed hard
CS: yoga … seperti bersantai … lol Saat itu … haha (no idea how to translate...about this)
MC: Tapi Taecyeon-san mengatakan ia tidak memiliki memori yang baik ..But Taecyeon told that it doesn't have good memory
TY: Ya, tidak ada satu pun. Oh yes. None of it
JK: Chansung-san benar benar (suka) pada guru yoga …Chansung really really like the Yoga Teacher
JH: Apa lol What?
CS: Saat pemulihan yang baik … * tersenyum * Anyone translate it?

** Pada acara berakhir Taecyeon berteriak “saranghaeyo ~” Last scene - Taecyeon shouted I LOVE YOU ~ 

credit : http://bighottestindonesia.wordpress.com/2014/01/22/transindo-2pm-at-nhk-studio-park-kara-20012014/#more-2695

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Guest spicystrawberry

I go out dinner and movie now :D Ciao! You ladies drop by a hi or something ~ ! So quiet :( 
TaecGui Fighting!!
#TaecGuiDominateWorld Tehehehe 

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10 Ways to Make a Long-Distance Relationship Work.
#Three. Send Each Other Gifts.
We know: Guigui loves surprises. She started falling for TY when he gave her the silvershoes, and she was absolutely  “gandong” (meaning touched) when he gave her that caterpillar stuffed toy. The items don’t have to be expensive like jewelry.  She’s independently wealthy and she can buy her own things, but when HE giveS her something without her asking, HIS gesture demonstrates that he’s thinking of her the whole time. In return, he’s making HER think of him, as well.
Here’s a partial list of things they may give each other:
1. Playlist of songs that HE personally chose for her. 
When she says this on her FB:Jan 16: Listening to music, (one) can always live in his/her own world. Jan 22: These days living the dream life abroad driving a convertible car ... listening to music ...️
it would have been nice had she been she listening to the music that he arranged for her. HE may even include some songs that he composed like the Torawa (Come back to me). 
2. Handwritten notes. Because he likes them. 

3. Pictures of cats. This is easy enough to send daily via internet. 

4. I Love You Pillowcases. Like this: 
credit: as tagged

5. Your scent. Guigui, if he’s missing you terribly, send him a scented letter, like for Valentine’s Day. You may spritz some of your favorite perfume on the letter or mail your letter with rose petals. 
Lollia in Lovez4ga.jpg69012dbdjw1e6us9q5a5ij20sg0qy76i_zps7ab0

6. Food. Find out his favorite restaurant that delivers food, and send him a snack or a dinner.
credit: airybutterfly
7. Macaroons. TY, did you send her these? If not (lol), it’s about time you did.
Check out: http://taecgui.blogspot.com/2013/09/chatter-sleuths-mysterious-gift-of.html

8. Mizpah charm. This piece of jewelry is often a heart or a medallion (ahem. like a MOON) that is split zig-zag in the middle. Engraved on it are the words: The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another. 
credit: amazon
9. Subscription to Dramafever or any K-drama site, so they both can watch this Man From Another Planet and talk about it.  Of course, he understands Korean, but for her, watching the subtitled show on Dramafever will also help improve her English.
10. Underwear. lol. Because nothing will send him into a memboong like brassiere and other lingerie. 
The new definition of Thank G--, it’s Friday! 23851-week-of-undies-cotton-underwear_5-

Tried to put spoilers. Will try again later. Gotta go...breakfast date at IHOP. 

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