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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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Chingus don't be sad. I know we are all gearing up for this Friday's last episode but before we start crying again, I wanna share the following with you:These are what I've read from the ever so resourceful Chinese FBIs at Baidu.Based on the translations on these 2 pic, the crew here were being briefed that Taec would be preparing a surprise event so he would be coming back first.
All credits as taggedPD2_zpsd6cb0cec.jpg

Here it said; while Taec's preparing the surprise event, each respective group was to get ready to film.
So the FBIs over at Baidu believed that the surprise event was the exhibit of all the pictures/memories both Taecgui had taken over the three months. In short, it means the parting at the train station where each went on a different train might not actually be the end. Guigui was kept in the dark so she would have thought the parting then was final hence the tears, while Taec was planning to surprise her when she returned to the station later. Anyway both of them would be viewing their pictures together as seen here
For me, if their final goodbyes have been at the train station, it would be soooo... heartbreaking. At least now I know Taec wouldn't want to end it there like that, instead he had a sweet gesture up his sleeve and maybe when Guigui arrived back at the station to see what he had actually planned for her, she would be moved to tears again. It was afterall their one and only romantic trip together.  Wooden boy Taec may be but he has his own way of showing his love and care for Guigui, I don't know how in the end the show would wrap up but as long as I have another minute or two of my favourite couple together, I'm all for it!! Come this Friday, whatever it may be, we'll be here to share and cry together. <3 <3

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Guest bluemoonlight

Screencap from the final ep preview...so bittersweet...Taec feeding GuiGui... :x
(sorry it's blurry...the baiduers did the best they could)9kdj.jpg
cr: as tagged
@bluemoonrising That's great news...at least it'll be tears of joy instead of sadness (although I'm sure there will still be a hint of sadness). Btw, are we the "bluemoon" twins...LOL

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Guest slydreamerr

jcruz said: I don't think Hongki and Mina fans should get upset with Taec GuiGui fans and I don't think Taec GuiGui fans should get upset with Hongki Mina fans. Everyone has different things they enjoy watching and I never knew about FTIsland until I saw this show, but now I really like their music because he is such a good singer. It is just hard for me to get emotionally involved in the Hongki Mina couple because Hongki seems like he is much less interested in Mina than Mina is in Hongki and that makes it a little sad for me to watch their scenes. Hongki says stuff that hurts Mina's feelings but explains it by saying he has to be honest- but no man should ever tell his wife on their wedding day ( real or fake ) that you think another women is prettier than her. It can only hurt the woman. Who knows, maybe Taec and GuiGui will never see each other again after the show and Hongki and Mina will end up married with 9 kids. But right now, i just don't feel the emotions between them when I watch their scenes. As for popularity, celebrities have times when they are really popular, then it weakens, then it could pick back up again. Hongki seems to have a lot of things starting to happen now that will make him even more popular in many countries. With her personality, GuiGui could end up the biggest start of all of them so who knows. But if nothing happens between Taec and GuiGui after the show, I will have more respect for Hongki because he didn't pretend and say things to lead Mina on where Taec has definitely given Emma ( and us ) the idea that he wants to get to spend more time with her outside of the show. If that doesn't happen, I think I will feel fooled.  :-?

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I agree with you @robotbunny, on several points. 

First, events. That’s my beef with WGM. I think the notion that men (and women to a lesser extent) MUST hold events to be deemed romantic fosters this false expectation of what marriage is. Unfortunately, the show perpetuates this fantasy in almost all of its couples. Khuntoria may perhaps be the worst offender, followed by the Adam Couple (although their squabble at the music studio for the couple song-making event IS classic comedy). Leeteuk’s events were sappy and self-promoting (surprised?) but his girl’s event (with her Dora backpack) was hilarious. Ssanchu couple were 4-D. But I prefer Taecgui’s style of all.

Taec didn’t have to “stage” events like Nickhun or Hongki did, because Guigui had a knack of making each meeting EVENTFUL. I believe that if he were left to his own devices and imagination, Taec’d have gone the clichéd event-filled route, like surprise her with a serenade or decorate their room with rose petals. But she was so refreshingly “random” in their encounters that he had no choice but to follow her lead and respond to HER. He can’t pre-planned or pre-packaged an event AROUND her. I’m interested to see how this camping trip will turn out.

Second, it’s troubling for me, too, how quickly some Taecgui fans erased from their mental tally-cards the number of good things he did for Guigui, in front and behind the cameras, just because he failed to measure up to one of their expectations. They accused him of being wooden but then resented it if he doesn’t act like a wooden marionette that dances to their whims. Sigh. IMO, if he was wooden, then he’d go to the motions perfunctorily, with little regard for Guigui’s responses and focused solely on his own image (or image-preservation). Yet, in every episode, and as you pointed out, @robotbunny, he cared for her in HIS own fashion, and was keenly attuned to HER own ways.

Like that breakfast.

Yes, we all know that he doesn’t eat breakfast but he prepared one for her anyway because she needed all the energy that day. That, in itself, would have earned him a few BS merit points (Boy Scouts, not bull&hit. lol) for thoughtfulness. I’d give him a “romantic” merit badge. Yippee!

[An aside: what IS this buddy badge or name-a-friend badge that @soompi is giving out?! Can I buy a McDonald Happy Meal with it?]

But for me, the striking part here was he kept gauging Guigui’s reactions. In the interview, he expressed dissatisfaction with himself for opting for the seafood breakfast instead of the American breakfast, but was glad that the macaroons saved the meal. See that?  If he didn’t care for her, he wouldn’t bother to accumulate data on her likes and dislikes. It sufficed that he had prepared breakfast. If he was just wooden, he’d be content to say, “I’ve done this much but no further.”

Perhaps the word isn’t wooden but "reticent," as in reluctant to be demonstrative or to share one’s feelings....Which brings me to my final point, the event at Everland:

My question is this: If Taec sings and dances professionally on stage, then why on earth would he be embarrassed when the attention was on them outside a food hall of a theme park? The audience numbered less than 150 people, give or take a few curious passersby. He could have easily faked it and aped Tom Cruise’s infamous Oprah interview, jumped on a table and gone bananas for Guigui BECAUSE he IS a trained performer. Why didn’t he do that?  

My answer is this: Although their WGWM relationship is public and televised, the EMOTIONS he feels for her, be they deep liking, affection, nurturance, early onset of love or just a hodgepodge of feelings, are NOT a performance. They aren’t an act. They’re real enough that it embarrasses him to lay them out in the spotlight. For me, and I’m assuming for other introvert, cautious people like Taec, my sincerest & truest feelings are personal, only to be shared in private. They’re not meant to be turned into a spectacle.

If anything, I cast blame upon the writers for forcing this awkward scenario upon the couple. They knew that Taec is a cautious person and is reluctant to display affection publicly. And they knew it was going to be an emotional, high-pressured day for Guigui, too. Perhaps, they could have done the event in a less conspicuous place, away from the un-welcoming jealous oppa fans. Perhaps, they didn’t have to cram all the activities: rollercoaster, the watergun, etc. in a single day. There are so many variables that they could have fiddled with, to make the event more relaxing and natural for Taecgui. BUT again, I also understand the time constraints. They have to wrap up the show and that the fans demand that things come to a climax then be tied up in pretty little yellow bows like Guigui’s headband.

So it’s a no-win situation. Or as I love to say, Taecgui was given a whole gamut of choices, from A to B.

Anyway, these are my random musings. I’m off for some music therapy (opera seems to suit my mood, but which one? Figaro?) then back to work.

I’m leaving you with a grin…like the original lurker in literature, the Cheshire cat.  

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Guest Thet del Rosario

Could not sleep last night ( as like many other nights these past weeks lol) and was thinking about finding done videos if wooyong's bday bash but then I realized that I will probably just be saddened if I see taec partying like crazy haha so I decided to just try to sleep in the hopes that in my dreams gui gui was invited to the party ( warning !!!super delusional mode on)am she walked in with taec(squeeeeelllll) as all the girls looked at them with raised eyebrows at that

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Guest Thet del Rosario

Could not sleep last night ( as like many other nights these past weeks lol) and was thinking about finding done videos if wooyong's bday bash but then I realized that I will probably just be saddened if I see taec partying like crazy haha so I decided to just try to sleep in the hopes that in my dreams gui gui was invited to the party ( warning !!!super delusional mode on)am she walked in with taec(squeeeeelllll) as all the girls looked at them with raised eyebrows at that

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Guest slydreamerr

robotbunny said:

Everyone is different. Every man is different. Every woman is different.
We are caught up with what's "ideal" and "romantic" from Korean dramas and Hollywood movies. Extravagant and grand gestures equals love and affection? I think not. For all I know, when a husband knows that his wife doesn't like cleaning the kitchen sink dandruff (leftovers in the sink) and yet helps her with it and doesn't complain, that's love and affection. It isn't grand but it means something.
Yes, I admit that Oppa is wooden sometimes, but that's just who he is. We can't change him, no one can. He grew up to be the way he is, to think the way he thinks, to act the way he acts. Like one commentor mentioned, Oppa has been conditioned to be like that due to the things that he and 2PM went through. He's extra cautious of every little thing.
If Oppa didn't care and isn't affectionate in his own ways, he wouldn't have warmed Guigui up with the hot drinks and his breath, and that's just their first meeting. He looked after her making sure she doesn't fall. If he didn't care, he wouldn't have helped her with the chicken soup she was making, he wouldn't have picked something out from the corner of her eye at the pool, he wouldn't have bothered to propose to Guigui in such a way. Really, it was unnecessary for him to be honest and prepare a letter. He could have said "Would you marry me" after playing the piano and they'd get married the next day.  If he didn't care, he wouldn't have woken up to eat breakfast with her during the wedding day. He wouldn't even allow her to put lipstick on him if he wasn't "affectionate". He wouldn't play with the sea elephant, or feed the giraffe. He wouldn't even catch the hula hoop if he didn't want to. Oppa wouldn't hug her in front of the public, and he for sure wouldn't have shaded her from the rain with his hand, if he didn't care.
There's so many things that Oppa has done but they go unnoticed to some because these things seem too "normal" and "plain ordinary things that anyone can do". But when you put all of these things together, they mean so much more. People would say "If he really liked Guigui he would do something more special", but this is what Oppa could manage. He gave Guigui his time and himself entirely, and truthfully, anything she wants he'll do his best to grant them. And he's always by her side
My favorite comment by far was from @catncookie1. Oppa and Guigui have been together for only 3 months, and for our wooden Oppa, 3 months and doing these types of things is something. Expecting him to kiss Guigui or other more romantic stuff is pretty far fetched, but it's never wrong for us to hope and wish because it may come true one day. But yeah... Hongki has his ways, Oppa has his ways. So no matter what any lurker here has to say, be reminded that us TaecGui fans will stand united for one reason: our super big love for Taecyeon and Guigui.
To whom it may concern, you may say that you like both couples, but apparently you prefer the other couple better. Comments are welcome but when you start comparing... it only gives reason for a response.
Peace. Have a nice day everyone!

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Guest yokalana

taecguifan said:

kwan33 said:

Oh my heartaches seeing this...i want to cry...huhuhu..

@taecguifanMe too~ let's cry together  :(( :(( :((

Oh my goodd!!., HUHUHUHUHU :(( :((

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Guest tweetm9

jcruz said:

I have some random thoughts I want to share with everyone.

I am from the US and obviously English is my first language. I am very impressed with how well everyone from other countries is able to communicate using English. In America, most people don't know or understand any other language. When we travel to foreign countries, no matter where we go, we  expect people there to speak English for us or know enough to communicate with us ( and sometimes we think if we shout what we are saying, it will somehow be easier to understand, lol). I am trying to learn a few languages and it is very hard. Particularly trying to learn Korean and I keep trying to translate every letter in Korean to English but that doesn't work. So I appreciate the efforts of all the posters. We aren't here for a spelling contest, so don't worry about your language skill level- emotions seem to transcend language differences.

I have been trying to figure out why I am so interested in this show and in this couple. They are obviously very fun to watch and GuiGui genuinely makes me laugh out loud some times- just like she does for Taec.  As the final episode comes close, I am feeling sadness because I have read some about GuiGui's background and many of the hardships she has gone through. She feels like my little sister and I want to protect her from getting hurt.

Also, reality shows have been very popular in the US for a long time- and many of them have similar couple relationships. I have given up on the US shows because every time when you start to root for a couple, they end up being fake or taking advantage of each other or just doing things to try and get famous. So I like WGM because the people are already famous and don't need to do the show to become celebrities. But watching GuiGui and Taec feels different- any woman that can make a man laugh as much as GuiGui can with Taec is special to that man and has to be appreciated. No actor in the world can fake the gestures GuiGui has shown to Taec- it has become more obvious as the season goes on that she is liking him more and more.

I do know that they both did this show for their careers. But I am sure they did not expect to have the type of interaction that they do. Even many of Taecs' friends that have done similar shows can recognize that his interaction with GuiGui is different than what they experienced and what they have seen from him.

Much of Taecs' adult life has been decided by his management company and what the expectations are from his fans. He says he can't hold hands in public and he can't hug someone he is dating- why? You can't always choose career and business over family. He keeps saying having a family is important to him but if he keeps making choices based on his career and his fans, he will end up very unhappy.

They have both had dating experiences with other celebrities, so I don't expect them to make some big splash or announcement if they do end up dating. I just hope they don't pass up an opportunity because they are too worried about what their fans, or the magazines, or their managers will think.  I don't want a season 2 because then it will mean they are doing it for their careers and I think the fans will lose interest. I don't want to see some big fake marriage proposal because that will seem like a TV ending and I don't believe they are at a place where they would really get engaged. The happiest ending for me is if they agree that they want to stay in touch and learn more about each other- and every once in a while we can hear about them meeting up somewhere or spending some time together.

Life is too short and before you know it you are looking back and asking yourself why you didn't choose differently. This may sound kind of sad, but I actually mean it to be very positive and I am writing this to remind myself as much as share it with everyone else.

Hi everyone, I've been lurking in this thread for a while now and enjoyed every single one of your comment.  But I felt like venting today, so here are my thoughts. I've never got emotionally involved in any TV show like I have for this couple, in fact this is the first time I watch WGM.  I feel very saddened for their parting but more for Gui Gui after watching Ep 14. There's no doubt that Taec had developed some feelings for her during the show as we all see, that's why we all here falling in love with this couple. However, based on my observations and my gut feeling I am not feeling his sincerity to continue to have a relationship (can be any) with Gui Gui after the show even though he kept pestering Gui Gui about the YES/NO game. He confused the hell out of me. Was it Gui Gui's answer hurt his pride for an Idol? or he just wanted to paint his character for the show? because it looks like they have not been communicating since the filming ended (even though I hope that they've been doing it secretly). Taec's schedule is extremely busy, it seems like he appears on every tv shows in Korea there are and of course his priorities now are his career and fans. It breaks my heart with the train station scene when I look at Gui Gui and her longing gaze for him .  She's helplessly falling for Taec and probably knew that it was one-sided love.  It must have been really hard for her all these times and I want to give her a "BRAVO" Gui Gui for staying so strong; You've led a hard life.  I hope her career will boost up after this show because she deserves it.  I am sorry for ranting, but I just wanted to put in my 2 cents. 

I saw this on YT and I just wanted to share with you guys to see what you think on this clip. Sorry I don't know how to embed the video.  If someone can read lips to see what Taec was saying to the person filming him.  It seems like the person holding the camera is just not a "fan" to him by the way he's talking and giving sign signals. 

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Guest chu3x

angelangie said: somehow even though Taec didnt directly responded to her confessions somehow his smiles says it all :) and that all she need
Credit: Gooland & tumblr.comiloveyou_zps96ede05f.jpg

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Guest avrilcassiopeia


but i love their height diff,,, taec can hug her tightly and guigui just lean on his chest

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