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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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labbit said: Taecgui.......Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary......Always happy.....always jump!Just saw this in baidu so I shared it here....this been sometime back in Jul 13....time stamp is all there. Fan asked Guigui, will you date with Taecyeon in real life?We are waiting for your yes and please reply..at least a hi...Then Guigui replied hiiii yes. 

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Here you go, @labbit. This is for the newcomers, too, who probably didn't have a chance to go read all the pages 1600+ pages like @korchick did. lol. 
I copied-and-pasted this from our http://taecgui.blogspot.com/2013/09/guiguis-wgmg-interview-on-weibo.htmlCredit goes to the translators. :) And to @b8l8 and @lmangla who compiled everything. 
Q: #Global We Got Married# GuiGui, jia you!A: I will….[this is written in English] 
Q: GuiGui, did you bring the silver shoes back with you?A: Yes!!
Q: I sent several [weibo posts]…did you see me? Ten points out of ten! Ten points out of ten!A: Ha ha ha!! Ten points out of ten (laughing)
Q: Hu hu hu, GuiGui, which details were the most memorable?A: They were all very memorable~it’s hard to choose
Q: Giving up on asking questions! Ultimately hope that GuiGui and oppa are both happy fast! [“fast” may be a typo for happy]A: (kiss)
Q: Dear, do you like smiling/laughing, are you very happy every day?A: I like it! I like spending every day happily!! Everyone should (keke)
Q: Did you have any crazy shopping sprees while you were in Korea?A: (hehe hehe hehe)
Q: What was your favorite Korean food?A: I really liked all of it, like/miss Korea!! [My Chinese kind of sucks, so to the best of my understanding, this can either be translated as “just like I like Korea” or “I miss Korea.”]
Q: What are the Korean phrases that you still remember now? xDDDA: There are a lot~~
Q: If you watch all of them, right now the fourteenth episode has been broadcasted, which episode do you like most?A: Each episode is full of memories…I really like all of them!
Q: GuiGui, seeing the things given to you by “We Got Married,” how do you feel? Are you sad?A: Not sad, but I really miss the people from “We Got Married”
Q: Class Leader, what was your most memorable moment from Korea???A: They were all very memorable!! What I miss the most are the people from “We Got Married” and the delicious food (hehe)
Q: GuiGui, I was wondering, when you were filming, which meeting left the deepest impression on you?? The first time you met?? Or when you were separating? >.<A: Every time we met left a very deep impression, they were all very beautiful memories 
Q: Will you collaborate with any other Korean artists? Have you ever thought about going to Korea to film dramas or movies?A: If there are opportunities, I’d really like to!!
Q: “Love is Meters Away” is really good!!! GuiGui really likes to tease Hu Xia!A: I also really like this MV (heart)
Q: Did you cry at the end when you were leaving “We Got Married”?A: Watch the broadcast of Episode 15 and you will know
Q: If I am so lucky as to get a response!! Episode 15, I…enduring the torture, will continue watching! …Eh…even though…even if you don’t reply, I’ll still watch it…the disappointed me T_TA: No matter what happens keep supporting [the show]!
Q: The show is ending soon, please say something to the fans that love you~~~A: Thank you to everyone for supporting TaecGui! (love)
Q: TaecGui fans from around the world want to “jump” with GuiGui. We’d like GuiGui to post the dance steps to the song I LOVE YOU (with GuiGui오영결) online, if you could do an MV for it afterwards, that’d be even better!!! We really want to “Jump~Jump~Jump~” P.S. Your older sisters from Taiwan love you, be HAPPY every day (haha) [No idea what that Korean phrase means…]A: Thank you older sisters! [Referring to fans]
Q: Have you ever seen the “Making Film” videos for “We Got Married”? They are really very interesting! Other people have asked the same question, why have you answered them and not me? GuiGui, you are biased ><A: I love all of you, each person that loves me, I don’t play favorites!
Q: GuiGui, tomorrow night will you also watch the last new episode~A: Of course I will!!!
Q: GuiGui, what are you going to do after this interview is over?A: Continue filming! I’ve been filming while answering you all!
Q: During the filming for “We Got Married,” what do you feel was the most important thing that you gained?A: I got to know oppa!! and every Korean staff member…
Q: Class Leader Gui must be particularly envious of the three-eyed alien right now, hahaha, because it has many eyes…there must be so many questions that you can’t read them all, right?A: If I had three eyes that would be great! Then I could read everything!
Q: Miss Gui, did you like the styling in “We Got Married”? You were very beautiful.A: I liked it a lot! (love) I’m very thankful to the makeup unnis
Q: Thank you GuiGui and Taecyeon. You’ve made me very happy for these past three months. (heart heart)A: Bring happiness to you all is the most important!
Q: Take care of yourself well! Looking forward to even better work from you in the future!A: I will ^_^ Thank you for your consideration!!
Q: I’ve always wanted to ask, do you always smell your food before you eat? (*^__^*) Hehe…A: Yes! I think it’s a habit.
Q: You’re responding very slowly. Are you busy?A: I’m responding while filming!! Please forgive me, won’t you!! I’m working hard to respond ^_^
Q: Miss Gui, are you still learning English? This is the first time I’ve participated in a Weibo interview, I sent several, did you see mine, it’s ending soon, please respond to me!A: I am! I want to improve myself more (hehe)
Q: Class leader, what time did you think oppa was the most romantic~~A: Probably when he proposed~
Q: GuiGui hasn’t answered me. I am hurt. But I still really like TaecGui! Ten points out of ten!!A: It’s not that I’m not answering, it’s that I only have two hands! If I had a hundred, then I could reply to you all!
Q: (cry cry cry) GuiGui, GuiGui, GuiGui, have you met the other members of 2PM~~~~~have you seen my posts?A: I have~ while recording the show
Q: Do you have anything to say to Taecyeon?A: I’m very happy to have had the opportunity to work with oppa! I will always remember this time 
Q: Would you want to do other collaborations with oppa!??A: I hope there will be!!
Q: GuiGui, do you ever take out the proposal letter that oppa wrote to you and read it?? When you read it, do you think of oppa???A: I’ve kept that letter very carefully~~
Q: I love U [written in English]A: Love uuuuuu [written in English]
Q: If there was a second season, would you continue to participate? I hope you are still everyone’s pistachio~! (hehe) [Pistachio in Chinese is “happy fruit.”]A: If there was a second season I’d also look forward to it!!!
Q: When you saw Nichkhun, were you happy? HahaA: At the time, I was a bit shocked, and very happy (keke)
Q: Looking forward to the last episode! GuiGui, is there anything that you can tell us about it in advance? Is the atmosphere very sad at the end (cry)A: Unending surprises!!
Q: Were you happy during your marriage?A: Very happy~
Q: GuiGui, did you learn some things from Taecyeon to improve yourself?A: I learned a lot from oppa
Q: [Removed by the user, but probably something about if Taecyeon came to Taiwan]A: I would! I would bring him to fun places and good places to eat
Q: GuiGui, how has your work been going recently, remember that you must eat in a timely manner, do not fatigue yourself. Don’t worry, no matter what happens, these fans of yours will never stop loving you. Just wanted to say I will support you. My Korean is not bad! Qingjiangyo! Hehe. [i think it’s supposed to sound like something in Korean]A: Recently, I’ve been filming “Amazing Benevolent Teacher”! Being happily tired is not being tired at all (keke) [Not sure of the English title of the new drama, but the Chinese is 犀利仁師]                
Q: Finale tomorrow night. It will definitely be torturous. Your appearance on Happy Camp the day after tomorrow will make us feel betterA: Haha~Must also watch Happy Camp when it airs (love)
Q: Gui-er, the shoes, rings, caterpillar, and other gifts that oppa gave you, did you take them back with you?A: I brought all of them home! They accompany me every day…
Q: Miss Gui, are you laughing as you respond?A: Change “laughing” to filming
Q: Since “We Got Married Global Edition” began broadcasting, there have been many, many TaecGui fans…TaecGui fans are called San Yan Zi [this is the word for “three-eyed alien,” but with the middle character replaced with one of the characters from Taecyeon’s name]~~do you have anything you want to say to us San Yan Zi?A: Thank you to all of you for liking our couple~ you must continue supporting me and oppa
Q: If you filmed “We Got Remarried,” would you be very, very happy?A: I’d definitely be very happy!
Q: (love love love) GuiGui, did you like the hanbok-wearing you?(love love love)A: I liked it a lot! We were very cute wearing hanbok
Q: Watching We Got Married, I’ve discovered that Taecyeon oppa has been affected by you in many ways (such as in the strict rules of ganbei (hehe)) What about you, then, Miss Gui?? Have you found yourself now being affected by oppa, and in what instances? (sun) (haha)A: I have! Now whenever I drink anything I drink it in one go!!
Q: While you were in Korea, which place did you like the most?A: I really liked all of the places that I went to with oppa (☆_☆)
Q: GuiGui, I really like you, and I was wondering, what thoughts did you have about “We Got Married”? Quickly reply, quickly reply. I’m online watching #We Got Married# Because I like you too much, I’ve been spending a bit too long on the computer? My eyes are bloodshot, quickly respond, ten points out of ten~! I’ve sent a lot~! Please respond~A: Marriage is a matter that requires impulse!!
Q: Were you satisfied with your solo performance on “We Got Married”?A: Were you all satisfied?
Q: I Love You Forever…I feel that this song is really nice to listen to, do you ever secretly sing it?A: I do! The week after we finished the recording I kept singing it~(haha)
Q: GuiGui~~~~~~What was your first impression of Taecyeon oppa??? After being together, what was your impression of him??? Please respond!!!A: At first I thought he was cool, afterwards I discovered that he is actually very attentive and cute.
Q: GuiGui, what do you really want to say oppa right now? (heart heart)A: Miss u…u???? [written in English]
Q: In reality, would you like the kind of guy that is like Prince Taecyeon oppa? [“prince” may be a typo for “Ok”]A: I would!! Very much!! [she uses “ten points” for “very much”…pun intended? O_o]
Q: If pretending became reality and you were allowed to be together, would you fall in love with Ok Taecyeon??A: Didn’t I already answer this question? Haha
Q: How did you feel about Taecyeon oppa’s kiss scene~~~please replyA: Very shy.
Q: GuiGui (heart) You and oppa are really well matched!!! (love) Reply to me!! Please!! (upset) I am a fan from Hong Kong, even a “hi” would be great (heart) (love)A: hello~
Q: If you had an opportunity in the future, would you attend one of 2PM’s concerts?A: I most definitely would!! I really want to go!!
Q: Please respond…next, other than filming dramas, what other plans do you have?A: I want more and more people to know about GuiGui Wu Yingjie!!
Q: GuiGui ah~ Ever since you debuted on “Hei Se Hui” I’ve liked you, now you are becoming more and more amazing and more and more beautiful! I hope that you and Taecyeon film a drama together!A: This isn’t a bad suggestion!!!
Q: GuiGui, what happened to the wedding photos of you and oppa? Did you bring them back to Taiwan?A: I did! There are also some hanging in the company building
Q: After you separated, did you miss oppa?A: I missed him a little bit, I don’t know if he missed me!?
Q: [post has been removed by user]A: Please don’t hate me, okay?
Q: Now do you like Nichkhun or Taecyeon more?A: Take a guess, take a guess, of course it’s…
Q: I really like your smile, it’s infectious, when I’m watching “We Got Married, I also can’t help smiling. GuiGui, what was the most sincere feeling that oppa gave you? I really think you two could be together.A: Oppa is a man that is just like a flower~Ha! Very attentive
Q: When you are with Kwanghee, it’s very happy. How do you feel about Kwanghee?A: Kwanghee oppa is a very interesting and cute person.
Q: Do you feel that foreign love is possible? Or can you accept foreign love? Please reply~~A: If there is love there is no need to consider country (haha)
Q: GuiGui~~After these three weeks of being with Taecyeon, has there been a change in how you see him as opposed to when you first met? How do you feel about him now?A: Oppa is a very attentive guy, he really understands what girls are thinking
Q: Kekekekeke, honestly speaking, have you two had secret contact~ (haha haha) Leniency to those who confess, severity for those who resistA: What do you all think? Haha
Q: GuiGui-ya, that yes of yours means you feel there is a possibility that the relationship between you and Taecyeon oppa could develop. We are all anticipating it. Reply reply, you must reply to me, at least a hiA: Hi!!!! Yes!!!! [written in English]
Q: The presents that you gave to each other during “We Got Married,” were they ultimately taken by the program, or were they really yours to keep? The cups, lunchbox, letter, shoes that oppa gave to you; also the three-eyed alien pajamas, alien to tie on the shoes, letter, shoes…where are they now? Please respondA: Some are at home and some are with me as I am filming (love)
Q: Were most of your actions scripted or most of them natural???A: It was all natural!!
Q: Miss Gui, do you think Taecyeon oppa is better, or Nichkhun oppa? Haha, I’d also like to ask, which other “We Got Married” couples have you watched? Khuntoria?A: My oppa is Taecyeon not Nichkhun (keke)
Q: Which guests on “We Got Married” left the deepest impression on GuiGui??A: Kwanghee and Nichkhun (haha)GuiGui: #Global We Got Married# Weibo interview has ended, I’m really sorry that I couldn’t answer all of your posts! If I had a hundred hands then I could answer all of you…so I’ll attach these pictures of the happy times I had in Korea for you all to see…so don’t be angry, all right? Chirp chirp~~~

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Guest xybershock

Just in time Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary TaecYeon And Emma (Guigui) Wu. I don't have special computer ability to make GIF/MV/Pics, this is what I'm able to contribute:

#guigui &#8220;Today is the wedding day&#8230;2013.3.6 Glad to know you.Although you love to murmur&#8230;You will be happy.&#8221; #taecyeon &#8220;Today is the wedding day 2013.3.6 From today to whenever it may be&#8230;Let us have fun and fill our memory with happiness.&#8221; #taecgui #wgm

#guigui “Today is the wedding day…2013.3.6 Glad to know you.Although you love to murmur…You will be happy.” #taecyeon “Today is the wedding day 2013.3.6 From today to whenever it may be…Let us have fun and fill our memory with happiness.” #taecgui #wgm

Cr: Gooland @ tumblr

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Guest lok2ming

Filming of uri guigui today!!

with Aoquan~~


How do you feel, taec?!

=)) =)) =))

Are we going to see OKCAT cry again?!

=)) =))
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They greet each other at the beginning and at the end of the day ... 
Good morning, I'm going for breakfast.1535400_10153761932145038_238721304_n.jp


In my delusional mind, the writer and director of this drama are TaecGui's fans (Lmangla)Candle%20Sun.gif
I start my day with you,I end my day with you.
Like A Star by K.Willhttp://youtu.be/6H5hq93Bzqk  

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This ship is moving too fast i always saw 30+ new posts every hour. i can barely catching up..all of u are daebak! To our beloved couple,Taec & Gui Gui, Happy 1st Anniversary.All ahjummas were here during your first year and will always be here for your many more anniversaries.just hope that i still remember my soompi password years from now. 
and to unnie @pluie625 who underwent surgery yesterday,hope everything went well and u can come back spazzing with us very soon. U are in our thoughts and prayers. 
 To all new shippers,welcome aboard...please keep posting and spazzing with us. #TaecGuiFighting

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Since I see that there is a lot of interest in the Chinese DVD…just called 光南 and they say that it was supposed to be released end of February.  But February went by and still nothing.  They are accepting pre-orders but they don't know when it will be released yet. 
End of report :)>-

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Editing this post since the photo doesn't even show and yes, because I forgot to place the watermark. Lol

Now, prepare yourselves :))

I just can't believe that it's already been a year! TaecGui is still alive and in fact, it's out there dominating the worlllld! Hahaha! #TaecGuiWorldDomination :-)) what's so amazing is that it's not just us shippers who are alive and still burning with passion for Taecgui... but even Taec and Gui themselves... With all that connect-the-dots we've been doing, albeit a dash of delulu thinking included... It just makes me so happy that we have that here. It makes me happy that we are a bunch of different people sharing the same love for these 2 people individually, moreso together... and here's to more pages... and years together... (Until we all celebrate the real wedding anniversary next time)

Cheers, TaecGui! and to the micheosso family!❤️❤️❤️

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@bluemoonrising, I spotted your but.t jello pudding and nearly cracked in laughter.   Everybody here, who's of legal drinking age in their country or state, may have a French Kiss cocktail to celebrate our couple's first wedding anniversary. (Hey! you lurkers from the other camps. Please don't copy our ideas.) 
Ingredients: champagne, vodka, raspberries, lemon and mintFrenchKissCocktail3.jpg

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Guest spicystrawberry

TY: oh eat eat. eat anything you want.
Khunkay: *pretend to eat the food* ahh its so good. really we can order anything?
TY goes to the cashier(JH as a staff)
JH: its 1000000 yen
TY: WHAT?!?!
JK: oh its otoro!
NK: maguro maguro
TY: i forgot my wallet.....
JH: oh you forgot your wallet? then you should show something. *meaningful smile*
chansung butts in
CS: yeah you should show something matches 1000000 yen.
TY: ahhm.....*looks at the big screen an touches his shirt*
fan screams but no yet showing it...
Then puts up his shirt a bit
JH: ahh thats it? you should show something. 1 2 3...
Ty: *lifts up his shirt for a second*
CS: thats not 1000000 yen worth!! show more.
JH: whats that not enough
but taec was hesitating to show it so junho nods and shook hand with taec
khun does the 2nd punishment

cr : 2PMFah@twitter / im_cun@Soompi 

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