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[Drama 2013] Goddess of Marriage 결혼의 여신

Guest jobogae

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xopo17 said: JH in TW's house now.
After FIL talked to JH then FIL asked TW to come with him to talked in the office room
then MIL with JH , only 2 of them.
and as always, MIL said sarcasm word to JH.
MIL = ALIEN , i want to tearing up her until the smallest pieces

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SexyDolceVita said:Seriously...whenever TW is topless on his marital bed with JH lying beside him...
It is very obvious that they had done it the night before...
I don't want to imagine how passionate it was because most likely it would be routine for JH...no major passion. It would be just like doing homework for her.
And JH would have gotten used to TW's body by now...
Hello...living together for 1 year?

But I have to say...Nam Sang Mi and Kim Ji Hoon look really good in bed together...
Wahahaha... as in when they lie in bed, sleeping next to each other...
It's a beautiful poster indeed.

I hope to see Lee Sang Woo and Nam Sang Mi living their marital life in the future if they could ever reunite and consummate their love eventually....
So we can see a more loving image of Hyun Woo and Ji Hye sleeping on the same bed...spooning I guess?

Hahaha...anyways....thanks for agreeing with me on that "kinda did it..." part in my recap for Episode 30.

BTW, I don't know since when I've become the official recapper for GoM episodes...
It would be good to see other members recap for GoM too...

I'm so not good in my interpretations sometimes!

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Thaila said: paradicez said: My parent's case are similar to the Kang's household...the only difference is that my grandma is not super wealthy.

We are still stuck under my mom's mom which is my grandma. She dictates our lives for years...(ever since I was a child) My grandma is the MIL that likes to nit pick at everything and well...she caused a lot of fights and stupid argument among the family. Throwing stuff that is "breakable" is also something that happen in my household. Not fun. I don't think I'll ever be happy being stuck here.. Lol.

So I wonder why am I even watching this drama! lol. It brings me BAD memories but I still have hope that it might end well...PLEASE END WELL!!!!!! I was actually excited for HJ...
Time to watch the 2 latest episodes...reading the comments on here...it seems like bad things happened. :/

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jayakris said: But @Thaila, he has been doing that all along, and nothing has changed.  There are many many husbands in this world who sleep into the day when the wife gets up and starts the day (and some vice versa too).  But most of them don't get divorced.  Especially if they seem to be still "kinda doing it" (I am still LOL at that stuff in @SexyDolceVita recaps!) ...

I guess I am the "brutal reality" guy in this thread...

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Guest SexyDolceVita

Thaila said: SexyDolceVita said:Seriously...whenever TW is topless on his marital bed with JH lying beside him...
It is very obvious that they had done it the night before...
I don't want to imagine how passionate it was because most likely it would be routine for JH...no major passion. It would be just like doing homework for her.
And JH would have gotten used to TW's body by now...
Hello...living together for 1 year?

But I have to say...Nam Sang Mi and Kim Ji Hoon look really good in bed together...
Wahahaha... as in when they lie in bed, sleeping next to each other...
It's a beautiful poster indeed.

I hope to see Lee Sang Woo and Nam Sang Mi living their marital life in the future if they could ever reunite and consummate their love eventually....
So we can see a more loving image of Hyun Woo and Ji Hye sleeping on the same bed...spooning I guess?

Hahaha...anyways....thanks for agreeing with me on that "kinda did it..." part in my recap for Episode 30.

BTW, I don't know since when I've become the official recapper for GoM episodes...
It would be good to see other members recap for GoM too...

I'm so not good in my interpretations sometimes!

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SexyDolceVita said: Oh man... don't remind me of my heart wreck from watching EoG!
Hahaha... I have never seen the concepts of FRIGID and ASEXUAL so well portrayed in a Korean drama!
SY and TJ...together...on the same bed? Sigh... NEVER HAPPENED AT ALL.
EoG is textbook material for that!

At least GoM has some skinship scenes...to satisfy us audiences...
Episode 29's french kissing between SK and HW...although i didn't really like it...looks a little forced..no?
Episode 30's kiss on JH's forehead by TW and TW and JH sleeping on their marital bed after a night of intimacy...I mean TW is topless! And JH is in that sexy black night gown...
The last time they were on the same bed together was Episode 12.
My god...it was 18 episodes earlier...how fast time flies..when we are watching GoM!

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Guest jdkk09

jayakris said: elzbth said: That is wonderful for you but then again love was probably your reason for the marriage but in the case of JH and TW, it was a one sided love.  I don't sense any return of love from JH except for loyalty and a sense of commitment to the marriage.  In that last scene where TW pulled JH and hugged her, she closes her eyes for a split second and then stares into space.  I could feel her cold sad heart, and instantly compared it to the hug HW gave JH, in Jeju and when she ran to him in the middle of the night.  In addition there are all the scenes of when TW clutches her hand to reassure her but you see how distant they are.  Who knows maybe JH will be grateful to TW for saving HW and that is the turning point of her emotions towards TW?

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Guest SexyDolceVita

SexyDolceVita said:

Oh man... don't remind me of my heart wreck from watching EoG!

Hahaha... I have never seen the concepts of FRIGID and ASEXUAL so well portrayed in a Korean drama!

SY and TJ...together...on the same bed? Sigh... NEVER HAPPENED AT ALL.

EoG is textbook material for that!

At least GoM has some skinship scenes...to satisfy us audiences...

Episode 29's french kissing between SK and HW...although i didn't really like it...looks a little forced..no?

Episode 30's kiss on JH's forehead by TW and TW and JH sleeping on their marital bed after a night of intimacy...I mean TW is topless! And JH is in that sexy black night gown...

The last time they were on the same bed together was Episode 12.

My god...it was 18 episodes earlier...how fast time flies..when we are watching GoM!

When I realized that he was 40 and virgin, I coudnt believe hahahI was like SY find another man coz with TJ nothing will happen.

Yeah, this drama has a lot a lot more skinship, the first couple ep had a lot of good scenes hehehei didnt see the kiss btw SK and HW coz I knew I would get pissed, so i just fast forward. I dont really see any of their romantic scenes anyway, i want to see jh and hw so badly that i cant take it hahahaAnd even when they dont show any kiss, I think the actors and actresses here are doing a great job showing emotions. I have many problems with this drama as I pointed many times before, but I think the cast is doing a great job.

You totally get me Thalia...

I really like the cast...and i also think they have done a very good job so far...

Everyone is really into their respective roles....

Even kim ji hoon says for GoM, he has injected lots of emotions into his role...and his off camera mood is visibly affected right before he enters the set...

This has never happened to him in his past dramas before...

Kjh really gives his love towards nsm during their scenes together...

I hope they become good friends after this drama wraps up...i mean gu hye sun is kim ji hoon's longtime good friend, and ghs is good friends with nsm...so if nsm is good friends with kjh, it will be fun to see the three of them having fun together...

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Guest SexyDolceVita

jayakris said:

elzbth said:

That is wonderful for you but then again love was probably your reason for the marriage but in the case of JH and TW, it was a one sided love.  I don't sense any return of love from JH except for loyalty and a sense of commitment to the marriage.  In that last scene where TW pulled JH and hugged her, she closes her eyes for a split second and then stares into space.  I could feel her cold sad heart, and instantly compared it to the hug HW gave JH, in Jeju and when she ran to him in the middle of the night.  In addition there are all the scenes of when TW clutches her hand to reassure her but you see how distant they are.  Who knows maybe JH will be grateful to TW for saving HW and that is the turning point of her emotions towards TW?

I'm not  so sure @elzbth that she is THAT cold to him.  Check her hands at the end of the hug scene when the camera panned up.  Solidly wrapped around.  That is important in Kdramas (and in life too).  She is indeed responding to him, and she feels enough love (or pity) to him to try to toughen it out with him for a while longer.

Plus, as @SexyDolceVita said in her recaps, it looks like they even "kinda did it last night" too :)

Forget the old passion for the other guy.  That is old story.  That will remain in her heart and all that, like she has repeatedly said, but she is going to love her husband and stay with him, if he will give her a chance to survive somehow.  For that, he may eventually have to grow those proverbial pair of round ones and leave the house, but if he does that, she has no intention *at all* of leaving him.

All of those here who are expecting her to run to HW in the end, are unnecessarily setting themselves up for disappointment.  That ain't happening, unless TW gives up and lets her go.  I guess he could, though there's only a very low chance for that.  I don't see anything important-enough out there that will force his hands to let her go, instead of their leaving the castle together.  Or he needs to die or something. 

But on JH's part, the writer has done a very good job of steadfastly showing all along that she WILL stay with her husband as long as the husband does what is required of him.  That she might even love him.  That has all been written very very consistently in this drama.

That has been my opinion also, since she decided to marry him.  She told TW at that time she would give it her all. And she really has.  She told him she wants the divorce not because of him anything he has done (TW) but because she and his family don't fit together.  Since they've spent the night together there is the highest possibility the writer will now play the pregnancy card with TW and JH.  TW/JH will definitely stay together.  Perhaps the breakup that KJH spoke of in an interview, is this one they have already had for a month of her living at her sister's house.

IMO, when HW tore up the picture of himself and JH, it signaled his choice to move on from JH.  He may keep her memory in his heart but he's decided to stay with SK.   

Yes....i must prepare myself for pregnancy possibilities of jh and tw...

Jh was very relaxed while staying at ji sun's place... it had been one month plus...jh could be ovulating...

Then after that one night with tw....after she returns to their villa...

Yeah possible pregnancy card...dealt by writer jo...

Let's wait and see...

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kaciemom said: I have to disagree with you @jayakris.  I have been married to a wonderful guy for over 18 years.  It is a give and take relationship and this has help us from filing that paper.  Yes, all wife/mom do get up early to get their family off to work/school.  But in the end, the husband do contribute by either taking the kids to school or sport activity.  With TW - he does nothing - period.  He is all words and he can't even commit to helping JH at all.  The classic case, yes she does have to get up at 4:30 to go to the "h*ll house" but he can wake up with her and give her encouragement.  No, as you had said, he is sleeping through at 4:30 as nothing really change.  I really don't get him at all!! >:P >:P

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Ah, you women note the kind of things men wouldn't.  The one month thing, and timing for pregnancy and all... Interesting.  I don't think the writer would bring the pregnancy story into it, as that would kill the possibilities of a divorce, for suspense-reasons.  The writer may only use it in the final episode for a time advance to show her being happy with a kid and her husband in some other house  (with the MIL, FIL and TJ in jail and JH running the company, of course -- we can hope no?)

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when the mil was arguing with tw over jh in ep 20  she said something like 'i also went thru what she is going thru, i paid my dues ...'  i think  korean mothers-in-law are suffering  suffering from some psychological problems experienced when they were daughters in law themselves.  they want to take it out and dish out to their daughters in law what they suffered in the past.but do these things really happen in real life in present day korean society?  korean workers are protected by 8 hour work hour laws, minimum wage etc, don't tell me they're not covered by such things.  also, isn't it a form of human rights abuses?  korea is a first world country, the 7th largest economy in the world, the most wired country in the world,  are korean women still living in the dark ages?  do these things really happen? or the drama writers are just not keeping with the times

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I'm not married yet, but I have this notion that marriage is all about compromise, on both parties.  But why is it that in GOM for a marriage to work the women needs to debase themselves and cater solely to the needs of the men and their families.  The male parties' needs and wants takes precedence over everything and everyone else.  Every female characters (HJ, JH, EH, SK and even her mom) except for JS and MJ are/have sacrificing/sacrificed their identity for the marriage to work.  And I thought GOM is gonna be a modern drama portraying modern conflicts and solutions, but I guess I was WRONG.  And the writer is a female.  WOW!!!!!!

=D>        [-(

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Guest SexyDolceVita

I'm not married yet, but I have this notion that marriage is all about compromise, on both parties.  But why is it that in GOM for a marriage to work the women needs to debase themselves and cater solely to the needs of the men and their families.  The male parties' needs and wants takes precedence over everything and everyone else.  Every female characters (HJ, JH, EH, SK and even her mom) except for JS and MJ are/have sacrificing/sacrificed their identity for the marriage to work.  And I thought GOM is gonna be a modern drama portraying modern conflicts and solutions, but I guess I was WRONG.  And the writer is a female.  WOW!!!!!!

=D>        [-(

Hey... eun hee found her own independence no...?

Her life is textbook material for women who depend on their husbands for income...and their husbands do not appreciate them...

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akikisetsu said: I'm not married yet, but I have this notion that marriage is all about compromise, on both parties.  But why is it that in GOM for a marriage to work the women needs to debase themselves and cater solely to the needs of the men and their families.  The male parties' needs and wants takes precedence over everything and everyone else.  Every female characters (HJ, JH, EH, SK and even her mom) except for JS and MJ are/have sacrificing/sacrificed their identity for the marriage to work.  And I thought GOM is gonna be a modern drama portraying modern conflicts and solutions, but I guess I was WRONG.  And the writer is a female.  WOW!!!!!!

=D>        [-(

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Just finished episode 30. Wow! I can really feel TW's love and concern for JH, and I actually liked it. I loved how he looked at his wife when his father asked him to join him to talk. I was really touched by that. Another scene I enjoyed was the smile that HJ gave to JH when they met again at the cold castle's kitchen. I feel a special friendship is going to develop between the two of them. Having said that..I also feel that future angst and heartaches are going to center around HW and his arrest. It will be interesting to see how this story unfolds. I'm sure SK will come to the rescue...no doubt. But my interest lies in what JH will do. Will her feelings for HW come to focus and will she stand by his side? Will her heart have it's way this time? What conflict will arise between SK and JH?
I am once again excited.. Thank goodness!

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