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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Guest Jesiica

I LOVE heirs very much Week after week the STORY is very interesting the episodes are very light.and not at all boringthe contrary are so interesting that when the episode ends this is my reactiontumblr_muvmowWkU91r4t7nto1_500.gif
I think the kissing scene is coming next week HOPEFULLY 

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Guest Enonane1 .

I have realized after re-watching the episodes and reading everyone's comments that Heirs is a really deep and compelling drama. The underlying life lessons/morals are so subtle throughout the episodes. KES is really a genius.I've been thinking about it and a bit of discussion has been given to the fact that the kids are 18 and too young to really understand love and some of the other issues they are facing. But I am rethinking my attitude on this. An 18 year old is old enough to enlist in the military here and I did before graduating high school and upon graduation went straight into the army. Talk about being thrust into the mouth of the lion....being a female soldier for 6 years is a continuous uphill battle. But I realize at 18 I knew right from wrong. And I think these kids all know right from wrong but just haven't had their chains yanked hard enough to make them decide how they will live. I suppose because they come from backgrounds of excessive privilege - top of the food chain - they have never had to consider whether what they do is reprehensible or not - probably don't even think that way. That thought made me wonder if they are programmed to act/think/live much as a soldier is programmed to act/think/live? Obeying authority for an 18 year old is so ingrained and so powerful.....I am loving this drama and the cast!

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Guest mystisith

NileRose said:


said: I hope people dont misunderstand my post...but I really think that the director is not doing any good for this drama...like for examplethe drama nice guy...even though the storyline is a bit all over the place...the good directing and cinematography really made the drama interesting...kes is a very good writer but I think the director do not give her script any justice...the editing is choppy and the scenes are very slow...I hope the director does not take the drama lightly and step up his game...I wish they used another director instead..if I violated any rules please inform me

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Congrats to the Heirs team! <:-P Both Heirs and Secret's made a big jump up in the ratings on the second episode of the week! Seems like the audience starts to like both dramas more and more! Hopefully, next week's episodes will have even higher ratings! :D
Episode 5: I'm experiencing serious second lead syndrome with Kim Tan. He does all the cute, adorable things, the second lead usually does. And I love KWB as an actor,I think he's doing a great so far as YD, but I still have trouble routing for the YD/ES couple because his character hasn't stepped out of the jerk category yet. Please writer-nim let him do swoon worthy things as well for ES, I hate it that he scared ES with all the bullying. 
I know the story feels a bit slow with Tan looking with sad/love puppy eyes at ES or the audience, but LMH is just sooo good at it. And it's actually one of the things that is working really well for 'Heirs'. My brain tells me this is the 100th time Tan is staring at ES but I can't help but swoon nonetheless. So I guess kidneys are a thing for 'Heirs'. I can't wait for ES or Tan to confess their love with declaring they would exchange kidneys or sell both of them for the other. 
Oh boy, was that Tan in a sparkly golden sweater! Now I get it. I liked Tan's sweaters so far, I just wondered about that blue coat but Kim Jo Woon in Secret Garden wore those hideous blue track suits defending his taste by stating their expensiveness and foreign origin. So what if writer-nim give Tan also a 'little' questionable sense of fashion. The black leather jacket YD was wearing in the bike job is definitely the better choice. 
Seems like Won and Tan have a similar taste in women and the same problems in their love life. The two Kim brothers are really breaking my heart over and over again. Poor Won seemed really disappointed that his father didn't come and instead told the hotel staff to let Tan in his room. This family is so complicated! On the other side, seeing Tan waiting for his big brother didn't make me feel better.
Tan's shocked face when his mother called ES to bring wine was hilarious, he was such a cute gaping fish. Being in love means putting on the lights, unfortunately ES wonders more about the bill and doesn't get Tan's display o puppy love romantic.
Seems like Won likes secretary Yoon a tiny, tiny little bit, even if it's just respect for his attitude, no wonder secretary Yoon still has his job despite reporting to the Chairman and working for Won at the same time. I loved Won's little speech that Yoon can hurt YD's father. So far YD's dad is winning the prize for most unlikable person in this drama by a mile. Do we know if something happened between Won and YD's father, I got the feeling he disliked him more than other people.
Now that's what I call a kiss!  Rachel's mom and CY's dad fighting! I admit I laughed as well because there was that kissing poll in the thread and not many people had those two on the list including me. But seriously, the kissing scene was great, really passionate, it gives me high hopes for the OTP and YD/ES. They can't loose to the elderly people. lol
ES thinking about Tan and their time in the US was a positive sign, I definitely can't wait for her to fall completely in love with him. I just know Tan would be grinning like an idiot all day the moment he finds out.
Tan asking for CY's phone number because ES refused already to give him hers was adorable. That boys is definitely a cheesy romantic. The SNS scenes are definitely working for 'Heirs', Tan posting a selca of himself on ES's account was hilarious. Looks like Tan will be No. 2 on the customer black list behind CY. Congrats Tan for getting ES's phone number! It took a while, compared to YD who manages to get it in one try. 
Tan hiding from ES behind the wall was hilarious. Tan is just enjoying it too much when ES is grabbing his hand dragging him away. Lee Bo Na's reaction to Kim Tan's return was adorable. This girl has definitely no self-esteem issues. Everybody is in love with Bo Na.   :D
The reason why ES' mom agreed to Tan's father suggestion of transferring to Jeguk high shool is that  ES wrote in her report that she didn't have a dream and Tan's father said that a kid needs a dream even in a harsh environment. Unless Tan's dad hypnotized ES and made her write the report and watched ES' mom getting teared up reading it. I don't really see him as an evil person, sorry. Who knows what he will do in the future but so far I see nothing but a very controlled, calculating older man who obviously held a position in power for many years. He doesn't look threatening when he talks to either ES' mom or ES about the transfer. So I see no reason, why a polite refusal by ES or her mum would result in ES mum loosing her job and living on the streets. Tan's father didn't send Tan to his exile in the US, he let Won do it because he felt guilty for hurting Won feelings. Also his comment to Tan's mother in a previous episode that Tan should only return if he has the courage to do it, suggests that he doesn't have a favorite son but rather wants both of them to compete for the successor position. So the only major flaw I see is that he seems to be more businessman than a good father. Maybe he will be revealed as evil, manipulative master mind in the next episode but so far I simply don't see it. I just find him refreshing compared to the usual chaebol dad who demands that his child leaves their partner of choice because of their lesser social status with throwing a tantrum and getting all dramatic. So what if he makes ES see the darker side of Tan's world, it's also true that attending Jeguk high school can be an opportunity for ES as well. Sure, her life could be hell but bullying also happens in not so 'rich' high schools. 
YD and Rachel on a motorbike was awesome, I just ship these two so much, it's like watching a tennis match between equally strong players, I can't wait for the real flirting to begin. The scene between YD and ES was actually cute with him telling her that he couldn't possibly block the entire road when she tells him to move :D I'm really happy that Tan told the truth to ES about him being the second son of the house at the end of the episode. I really liked the ending scene, the first meeting of frenemies Tan and YD, you could fell the intense atmosphere between the former friends. 
Episode 6: I thought this was a light romance drama but the intensity of the bullying scenes took me by surprise. I think it's a good thing that they were portrayed as disturbing rather than in a funny or light way but it still made it very uncomfortable to watch. I really didn't expect the drama to get this dark. Respect director and writer-nim. If people saw similarities to BOF and Gossip Girls before, you could say Episode 6 could be inspired by 'School 2013'. 
Bo Na is getting more and more adorable, I've really come to love her scenes. And finally, they let her speak English, the actress is from the US after all, it would be waste if she didn't get to use her English at least once. And kudos for BN for keeping ES' secret that she is not rich.
There were a couple of confrontation scenes between Tan and YD in this episode (in front of the school, in the cafeteria, the music room) but I was disappointed with the one in the music room. They both threatened each other but nothing happened, only a cut to a scene to YD in the bike shop. The last face-off would have been the perfect opportunity to at least show a flashback of YD and Tan's past. But no, we magically end up in the bike shop. I just don't get it director-nim...
I know many see the chairman as being evil for dragging Tan to the office and introducing him as his second son in front of Won and the other staff but I think that was to show off his power. Won didn't come home when Tan started to live in the house and ES' mom sent ES out of the house because the chairman was being upset about  it. So I think it's his way of showing Won that despite him being old and retired, he still holds power and can cause trouble for his son if he wants to. So I guess, the message was 'return home or  face the consequences'. There are probably nicer ways to do this but I think of the chairman as a proud, king-like old man is used to get his way, so I don't think he would be capable of telling Won  to come back with words.
I also liked that Tan for the first time didn't just look heart broken when his brother scolded him. He fought a bit back by calling his brother out that no matter what he doesn't know or doesn't do, it doesn't help because Won is upset about his mere existence. Now I hope that by continuing to confront his brother, Won and Tan could actually become a bit closer. 
ES sleeping in front of the white sheets, Tan watching her sleep and then leaving  the dreamcatcher to protect her dreams, to only see him in bed looking even more sad than usual was so awesome. It makes you wish to just skip all the rest of the episodes and let those two be together and happy. 
Now I'm 99,999% sure Rachel's mom and CY' dad will end up together at the end. She seemed really angry that he didn't call after their little make out session and the song playing when they meet again in the hotel lobby 'Just the two of us'...
I think I like episode 5 a bit more than 6, I just can't stop watching Tan in panic mode trying to hide from ES. So funny!
I love the soundtrack so far. I can't wait for all the songs to get released, I want the song from the opening so bad! My personal favorite is 'I'm saying'  because they use the beginning of the song for most of the ending scenes (Kim Tan running to see ES drinking water in his kitchen, Tan and YD's first meeting in school). It gets me all excited and giddy for the next episode. What's your favorite?1. I'm saying  - Lee Hong Ki (FT Island)2. Love is... - Park Jung Hyun and Park Hyun Gyu3.  Moment  Lee Chang Min (2AM)4. Name of Love - Ken (VIXX)5. Two People - Park Jung Hyun 
The preview:d-translation: She will hear 100 kids tell her why she shouldn't get along with Tanv-translation: To show her why she shouldn't be near Tan, she'll hear it from 100 people.I think it will depend what else the chairman says about ES in this scene because to me it only sounds like a warning that people will oppose Tan's and ES' potential relationship, not necessarily the chairman himself. Maybe he wants ES to fight for Tan knowing what problems she will face being together with him (the chairman's first wife). Or he wants ES to give Tan up because it's too difficult. So far, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. 

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Hi everyone. I'm new here. Just want to say that I'm obsessed with this drama. I can't concentrate on my study  hope that this drama  will end soon:))About lead characters: I steal can't believe that PSH and LMH are filming together. They had a great chemistry. 

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Ok, my thoughts on the 2nd episode.

The stare Tan gave to Eun Sang was like "wow there's a cute girl who just woke up in my own house, standing on the balcony in the light". I think it had something to do with sharing a part of your intimacy with someone (here, his house), especially for someone who got used to live alone.
Living together made them bond somehow, as well.

Nothing about the thief sister...I'm going to wait.

The 2nd episode doesn't really inspire me, but a few things:

-Why did Tan's dad say that Americans love companies held by families? Is it really true?? He was acting like his eldest son has to be more filial or something in order to make a good impression on American CEOs...it seems odd to me but you guys can probably explain it to me.

-Eun Sang is really portrayed as just a poor thing who only has pride to keep going...I'm skeptic about the way the scenes were written (too kdramaesque to be taken seriously), I'm not criticizing Eun Sang or the actress herself (by the way in some scenes she looks like the main actress in "Goddess of Marriage" (Nam Sang Mi). I'd love to see an interesting side of her soon...for now she's boring.

-Tan is supposed to be a nice guy but he's "hitting" on a girl while being engaged and give his fiancé a cold treatment when he sees her. I'll need to pay more attention to their storyline but it seems like it is an arranged thing for money and shares of companies. I see Tan as a lonely puppet but I'm not siding with him yet. I need more episodes to make my mind.

-Tan confessing his feelings is too quick to me...you've only known her for 2 days, dude! It's not love yet at this stage. He's even a bit weird for getting hooked to a girl he just met that fast...looking through her texts and getting jealous of her male friend...not a very good sign to me no matter how the scenes were funnily written.

I'm watching ep 3 now...the older bro seems interesting enough, and I keep noticing how the housekeeper is smarter than the 2nd wife...it looks like it was done intentionally, to make fun of Tan's mother. I like that some dramas have characters with disabilities while keeping their dignity and showing their intelligence.

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I noticed that some of you criticise this drama too much. 1) its just beginning of drama2) I it's a drama, anything can happen3) the reason why I personally like this drama is because, although this guys are high school students they act as adults, I mean without that naive and childish acting that usually happens in dramas.  Also my english is not that great, please excuse my mistakes))

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zulya said: Hi everyone. I'm new here. Just want to say that I'm obsessed with this drama. I can't concentrate on my study  hope that this drama  will end soon:))About lead characters: I steal can't believe that PSH and LMH are filming together. They had a great chemistry. 

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So many cute moments in ep5. And I like most is the early morning scene as KT watching ES running off to school. Must say Shinhye is so cute in that scene as a school girl.

As for Woobin. I'm not a fan of his and not bashing or anything. His look just freak me out. But he acts well and yeah I also like him with Rachel. People believe ES gonna change him. I'll wait and see how.

I wish see more of Rachel. Even if she's a bad character still like her.

Look like KT hits YD in the preview and YD got hurt?

Wonder how ES will cope once everyone knows she's living in KT's mansion? How YD gonna feel?

What a shocker Secretary Yoon's kiss. As for ES and KT, the director just keeps teasing us with the almost hand kiss and the white romance...I thought he's gonna kiss her there and then because he seems like teasing her whenever they together.

I don't find the bully scene disturbing. Nothing new that we haven't seen from Jdramas.

Like someone mentioned before. I'm also glad it's a 20 episode drama. The more Minho and Shinhye the better :-D, and fingers cross for smooth production.

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Guest goodjobbear

Hmm, how did you guys feel about episode 6? 
After such a fantastic episode 5, I feel like episode 6 was mostly a rehash (and a poor one) of episode 5. Just a lot of LOOKING going around, but not much action. You have the usual verbal confrontation between the two moms. Tan looking at ES. Tan hiding behind something. YD sitting next to ES. YD sitting next to ES again. Tan sitting there. Tan standing there. Tan looking at YD. YD looking at Tan lol. you get the point.
What I'm REALLY waiting for is for Kim Tan to get that FIRE in his eyes. Determination. And purpose. And I think ES will push him to finally do something. Not going to lie, it really bothered me when I saw Tan deliberately pull a blind eye to all the bullying going on. I know he doesn't want any more trouble, but fact is, war has already been declared on him whether he likes it or not. So he can't' just "hang around" no matter what. He's in a position where he kind of HAS to make a position whether he wants to or not. If he was able to implement those "rules" before, he has the power to counter it as well.
But, I will say that I do think his action in Ep 6 was consistent with his character. He's barely done anything in the last 3 years, and he's just got back and doesn't want trouble- so it's hard for him to just jump out of that little bubble he's got hanging around.
Anyways, I don't think that ES will stand for any kind of bullying later. And least I hope not. She may be on the bottom of the ladder there but she's strong enough to stand up for herself. She doesn't need to take any of that. 
And hopefully her actions will make Tan finally WAKE UP.  The sleeping dragon needs to wake up already.  Like I love seeing you laying around all all, LMH, but it's time to go all badass on people. Yeah? pull your city hunter move, already. :D I need to see your leather jackets and not that grandma sweater anymore. heh. B-)

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