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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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charlie said:

Forgive me asking this question as it's a bit off topic. Is there anyone here who can speak English without accent? If there is, is it because you guys are tone dead or in monotone? I am a bit confronted by some people who make fun of Min Ho's accent in spoken English. One of them use the word "hilarious" to undermine his hard work in learning and speaking English in the drama. When I say, I have never met anyone who can speak English without acccent, one of them even say she is a foreign nationals whose mother tongue is not English but can speak English fluently without accent. Is it possible? Or am I just over defending Min Ho?

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@charlie, @awesomeduck, thanks for your explanation and outlining when Min Ho arrived at the US. I fail to learn when he came to the US. :-) It's fabulous to learn more about Tan Tan.
@prosperity, thanks for explaining in this clear and lucid manner. One of my fris has a Geordie accent and Americans find hard to understand it but they never say hilarious to her accent which is a very famous accent in Britain. :-) N she speaks English in pride and dignity. I wish our Min Ho speaks English in his own style and accent, needless to care those criticism around him. :)

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After watching the two episodes, I am looking forward to the development of the characters as the drama progresses. They all show promise in being very interesting in their own way. I am very curious about their future relationships and how they develop in the coming episodes.
Let's see what KES, the writer has in store for us. I, for one am not imagining but leaving it to her to take me wherever she is going with her story and characters. I have a feeling this is not going to be just another drama.
KT, CES, YSY,YD,Rachel and Lee Hyoshin are all being played well by these young actors and actresses. But, my favorites are the main leads, Minhyuk and KWB with marvellous screen presence.

Although it seems to be an old issue now but please bear with my two cents too.......
I fail to understand all the fuss about LMH unable to speak English without an accent. I would love it if any foreigner would attempt to speak my mother tongue. I would appreciate and encourage him. Many people who have lived longer than KT in America have more pronounced accent and worse spoken English.
Another criticism about portraying America in a bad light reminds me of what Khalil Gibran said,
” two men looked out of the prison bars,
one saw mud and the other stars.”
Instead of focusing on American characters in the drama, one just have to observe the surroundings and the people to realize what it’s like over there. The setting of the school when CES observes the different students interact as she waits outside for KT is just one such example…..teacher, classroom, students, policeman all seem good to me. Just one or two characters do not represent any country.
My focus remained on the main leads throughout the drama though I did wish his blonde friend less screen time.

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Guest leshora

Newbie Soompian here. I'm relatively new to kdrama (have seen a few in the past) and it was Park Shin Hye from You're Beautiful that led me to looking forward to the release of the Heirs. I've been trying to keep up with the posts past 300pages and every time I thought I was near the end, it's up to 420+!
Absolutely loving the 2 episodes thus far, the tension is great. I do hope PSH character retains the pluckiness seen in ep1 when she responds to Bo Na's jealousy in the cafe she works in. In future eps, I really really do hope she stands up to Rachel rather than being walked all over as she had when her suitcase was tipped over. PSH was considerate not to cause a scene with the fiancee to LMH's character who let her stay overnight.
So excited for the upcoming episodes!
For those asking about streaming, I've watched mine from Hulu+ (accredited to DramaFever). I wonder how many episodes this series will have?
Slightly OT, does anyone else think PSH is the Asian look-a-like for Blake Lively? Sometimes I see flashes of Blake in her. Especially from the Jambangee ads.212.jpg

Any of the boys will all be chasing after PSH if she wore this to school  :))

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With all the negative issues against LMH as KT , I strongly believe that he is still the best actor to portray the role. When he was asked to become Choi Young in Faith,the writer had doubts because of his age. But the writer later on became one of LMH biggest fans as CY. LMH will never let us down. I am loving the OTP like a kiddo. And KT, you are so fast. In, Faith, it took more than 20 episodes for that "one of a kind,swooning proposal", but here in Heirs, at the end of the episode 1, you already want to bring home the bacon.:) The " do you want to come to my house" scene (with the perfect scoring, absolutely perfect background music) is gorgeous. PD Nim may not be a a big fan of the close-up act, but if this scene has a close-up shot, I dunno what will be our reaction. LMH eyes can truly act and I am really pleased that PSH reciprocated the acting. No words were spoken but KTs and ESs stares are equally beautiful and speak volume. Hello to all Faithlings and Heiresses. :)>-

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leshora said: Hello!
Newbie Soompian here. I'm relatively new to kdrama (have seen a few in the past) and it was Park Shin Hye from You're Beautiful that led me to looking forward to the release of the Heirs. I've been trying to keep up with the posts past 300pages and every time I thought I was near the end, it's up to 420+!
Absolutely loving the 2 episodes thus far, the tension is great. I do hope PSH character retains the pluckiness seen in ep1 when she responds to Bo Na's jealousy in the cafe she works in. In future eps, I really really do hope she stands up to Rachel rather than being walked all over as she had when her suitcase was tipped over. PSH was considerate not to cause a scene with the fiancee to LMH's character who let her stay overnight.
So excited for the upcoming episodes!
For those asking about streaming, I've watched mine from Hulu+ (accredited to DramaFever). I wonder how many episodes this series will have?
Slightly OT, does anyone else think PSH is the Asian look-a-like for Blake Lively? Sometimes I see flashes of Blake in her. Especially from the Jambangee ads.

Any of the boys will all be chasing after PSH if she wore this to school  :))

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Guest leshora

hnin wintnaing said: Contrary your point, I do not see Blair Woldof in her. Rather, as dramafever suggests, I see Dan's personality in her. She is not that playful or seductive as Blair but as intelligent and charming as Dan. Perhaps, I may change my perspectives if you can telll me which part of hers make you think of Blair Woldof. :D

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sia3 said: Yes, I think we will see another Kim Tan. A colder and darker him towards everyone else but Eun Sang. I don't think he will make fun or belittle anyone; I think he might actually help and go up against CYD if need be. What we learn from his character description is he was the most evil bully and he realised he was nothing after being exiled by Wonny. So my guess is he'd just act indifferent to everyone and shows no interest or reactions to anyone but Eun Sang or Eun Sang related.

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Guest leshora

@hnin wintnaing I cheated a bit... I only read from pg 300 onwards... it was heavy reading in between clicking links, checking videos, my eyes were bleeding at the end of the last few nights. 8-} I'm pretty sure I was seeing double vision of Lee Min Ho and everybody else whenever the pictures comes up! 
Mmm double vision, I should go back to the surfing scene when he takes a shower...
Oh loving that PSH's character is the catalyst that's bringing Kim Tan out of his laziness stupor into caring about what's going on around him, as it looked like surfing was the only thing that seemed to be giving him a thrill for life otherwise, so sad :(

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LovelyJM said: *High5*lol me too chulteee i want that Rachel to end up with my Handsome YD,i cant stand her ~X( :-t if YD won't get ES than i dont want  him to end up with anyone else [-( btw i also love how @jjsweeter0211 spoils us with  those hottt KWB gifs/pics  :xlol komowoo

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