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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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So at last, she disappears like a midsummer night's dream.

What pains me most are her words that she would be waiting for him until he gets back. He held onto those words and believed in them, he thought she would be there. Her words were nothing but an empty promise, as empty as the place he returned to. I just wish she would have at least given him a sign, because had he known, he would have never left her side.

“During the past 18 years, I loved you and dad a lot. But that love has ended now. And the only thing left for me is that child.” -KT

She was the only thing he had left to hold onto. And I'm wondering, what did he ever do wrong to be so undeserving of everyone's love? He never received love from his father or his brother, and the last person he wanted to keep close to him left him to cry alone in the cold bitter darkness. Over and over again, the people he loves hurt him. It's sad that his love is so precious and pure yet it is the deadly weapon against his own heart, because he loves, he hurts, because he loves, he chases everyone away. Just when will this tragedy end for him?

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@daunkayu thanks so much for the PM ... because of you I was able to see the whole drama in RAW

What a heartbreaking ending ... LMH is such a good actor. I wonder if he saw JDG crying scene in AGD? It is the same intensity. I guess no matter what, ES knows she has to leave KT because he is not yet matured enough to fight his father. It shows on her actions, the way she was inconspicuously trying to say goodbye to everyone, especially CY and BN. BN has been entertaining me to no end in this drama, she is priceless. I think her and ES would become best friends as well.

I am proud of YD for being ES knight at school. He still loves his childhood bestfriend KT and has accepted defeat in trying to win over KT's woman. I am glad they stopped fighting and has reached a mutual understanding. I think KT never let go of YD as his best friend, it was just YD's actions that keep them apart.

I knew it! Rachel and HS will be romantically linked in this drama ... I saw their chemistry from the beginning....

Won was surprised by KT's determination to continue with ES despite their father's opposition to their relationship and I think this would make Won fight for his own woman. I guess he melted a little and learned to love his dongsaeng more because of that so he is helping KT become independent of their father. Maybe all this time Won believed in his heart that KT has no plans of ousting him as the rightful heir of their company.

I felt sad for KTM because ESM left and now she doesnt have a companion. I think despite the fact that ESM is just a housemaid, she is the closest to a friend KTM ever had while staying in that house.

Again I just want to give props to the writer, KES ... I love your dramas!

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I was thinking... we still have like 4 episodes to go. Lots of things can happen in that 4 episodes... Heck, just 1 episode alone can cause a major roller coaster mood swing on us. So if there's no time jump, and if ES seriously ran away... wouldn't it be too weird to NOT have any female lead scene in the drama slot? I don't think they can afford to shoot overseas etc. 
But if there's a time jump... I will feel so heartbroken knowing that uri Tanny has to suffer that long. That's why speaking for myself, I would love to see YD outsmart KT (again) by following ES and her mother, and then somehow work his way out to help KT reunites with ES. It is cheesy, but I just cannot process another heartbreaking moments for uri Tanny. This man has suffer since birth!
Sigh~~ Sunday, please come fast. I wanna see the preview and continue assuming and predicting what's gonna really happen next. The first time ever I watch an airing drama, never again. It's exhausting!

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Guest Enonane1 .

I have finished watching Heirs without English subtitles - thanks to everyone that filled us in on what was happening during the live broadcast - because of that I understood what was going on.I must say this has to be one of the top tear jerker dramas that I have watched.....it is just so good that words fail me. Addiction is a cruel thing to happen ..... makes one do really weird things like stay glued to the Heirs thread on Soompi or Tumblr or actually go to fanfics that friends suggest.....geez .But how do we ween ourselves of this drama? what happens when Shin Hye and Min Ho and all the rest of the cast aren't here for us to be delighted over or mad at or just everything? I feel a major depression coming on.........
The closet kiss scene - no words can do justice. It was way more than just that good....I swear I am beginning to think this isn't ES/KT but PSH/LMH on screen.......maybe it is just me but I am seriously shipping these 2......their actions seem to go beyond just the directions and writing but maybe I am just feeling too much with this drama.....
and I just ship Youngie no matter what .....but not with Rachel....Rachel and anyone else is good but not with Youngie.....HS is good as a potential suitor....after high school and his mess with his parents is cleared up....HS and Rachel can fight together to get away from their cruel parents.......
My Youngie is so growing up! I knew he would become awesome and he is getting there.....It is so heartbreaking that he has to witness the emotions between ES/Tan....but he has to in order to become their biggest shipper...ahem.....I do believe he will be there to help them no matter how much it hurts his heart.  Who would have thought he would be a romantic also?  I just worry that the writer will bring in a girl as a love interest for Youngie......at this point or even for however many few episodes are left - it is too soon.....talk about a rebound....he needs time to settle his heart and to be the black knight for our couple.....and I just know he will always be that shining behind the scenes knight for Eun Sang.....she may not even know he is helping but it will help his heart to help her......
So......since it has been suggested that the writer/pd/staff someone is lurking to see how the episodes are being received.......Please do be careful how you handle Youngie's future scenes....do not stick him in a rebound relationship.....it might be cute for him to suddenly be confronted with a girl he fights with or one he suddenly starts doing all the things ES suggested but it will feel false ..... or it will make me feel all the things he went thru to get to his confessions to ES were just word play and meaningless.....let him have a girlfriend down the road .....after the drama is over .... but his heart and mind has to have time to let go of ES and as deeply as he felt for her there isn't enough time left in the drama......
And seriously I did not know music or a song was playing in the background during the closet kiss scene!!! that is one hell of a kiss to make a few of us blank out on everything but the kiss..... Now back to waiting for the next episode..... and to helping Mom and Grandma with the Thanksgiving dinner b/c I locked myself in my bedroom to keep all pesky cousins out of my hair while my addiction was being satisfied.....Heirs.......

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Guest Spring Andrew

BEST second of the KISS.just when PSH thought ok i will show people i can kiss.LMH takes it one notch stronger.. n i can hardly see PSH lips.. lol

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Guys, this ep is supposed go be sad for me. I was bawling my eyes out then I came here. Yep, here, in soompi. And what do I see? Gifs of the kiss scene. That started my laughing spree and am still in it. ROFL. OMG. Hahahaha! You pervies! And yep, just like most of you, I didn't notice the song playing in that scene. My focus was totally on everything about the kiss. Analyzing it, questioning the angle, expression, etc.

So.. ahem.. @iamafan1 how do you know LMH is into INTO it??? (your words!haha!) I haven't real ship anyone in my whole kdrama life.. and these two are changing my mind. Hahahaha!

aha @akane_tran! you're heeeeeere! yep! they're so practical, this couple. heehee. :)

@enonane1. OMG. Same thoughts. Also, I think ES is the biggest YD-KT shipper. Hohoho!

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What I am trying to understand how KW is going to HJ now can they be together now? is Daddy not going to bother them? then why he would let KW stay president why play that warfare and keep them like that? why take ES away from Tan and not HJ from KW? I don't get it I am dying I am totally a mess crying and screaming I just saw the RAw and I am total mess buaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :((

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Decided to live stream this morning for the first time, and it was the best decision of my life! :)) I didn't see that kiss coming, omg it was like ahhhhhh...as a LMH's fangirl, I waited for more than a whole year for a passionate kiss. And the kissing beast did not disappoint ;)) And the way PSH responded to that kiss :x First, she was a bit resistant, then she let her guard down and enjoyed the moment. Perfect. Not to mention, I love the fact that it was done in a closed and dark space, so intimate. 
Episode 16 is my favorite so far. I'm just gonna gush over Lee Min-ho's performance in this episode for now because he was so good, and I'm not saying this because I'm his fan because I don't usually shower acting praise if it's not warranted. But today he was just on! 
He was sort of hot and cold in the first ten episodes, but something must have happened from Ep. 11 onward because I could tell he was growing more comfortable with the character, so he's become a bit more animated. Those tears at the end T.T
I thought yesterday's tears when he confronted dad resembled BOF's tears when JP confronted his mom in Macau, but yesterday's tears were a bit more dialed down, still that scene was beautiful to watch. Even more impressed that he only used one take for that scene. 
Today was all around excellent, he especially hit all emotional low points. He usually doesn't do a lot of angsty outbursts. His acting tends to be understated, so maybe that's why I enjoy watching him be expressive once in a while. It's also just to confirm that he does have what it takes to deliver a moving scene. Episode 16 ranks up there along with BOF's episode 14 as my all time favorite LMH's episodes.
Overall, I LOVE today's episode. It was painful, but everyone did a really good job elevating the writing. The plot is standard, but actors/actresses interpreted their characters so well. Three people got their heartbroken today - Young-do when he witnessed the "happy" moment between Tan and ES; Eun-sang when she pecked Tan on the cheek, then started sobbing :(( Then Tan. Gahhhh...sincere angsty moments I love :x

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so.. um, I know am supposed to be talking about the new ep.. hm.. but you guys said it all already.. let me just describe it in one word then.. Polarizing.. Hahaha! :)) :)) :))

(sigh) imma look at the kiss again.. hihihihi.. i know, hopeless.. hahaha! this is your fault @iamafan1, you created that list about this being the best kiss of LMH! so naturally, I looked for all that within that kiss.. and damn, you got good eyes! hahaha!

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Guest iamafan1

stucked said: Unlurk.

Guys, this ep is supposed go be sad for me. I was bawling my eyes out then I came here. Yep, here, in soompi. And what do I see? Gifs of the kiss scene. That started my laughing spree and am still in it. ROFL. OMG. Hahahaha! You pervies! And yep, just like most of you, I didn't notice the song playing in that scene. My focus was totally on everything about the kiss. Analyzing it, questioning the angle, expression, etc.

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well, it's safe to say that you aren't alone then @iamafan1.. hahaha! i see what you see.. :D maybe that's why i'm all giggly and my toes are curling! and we didn't even notice the bgm. maaaan! hahaha!that scene has been on repeat for hours now.. even without real shipping them, he has got to feel some physiological rxn so yeah.. that's why the kiss is dae to the bak! hohoho!

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Guest Enonane1 .

@iamafan1 - yep you take the words right out of my mouth........I actually understand what you are saying about the emotions and intensity and realness of the kiss....
do you think anyone that sees that kiss will be able to focus on anything else for awhile? not me.....
My brother says I am a pervert......b/c I am too caught up in watching a kiss scene.......how can he say that when I haven't watched it more than a hundred times???? 

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