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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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전국시청률수도권 시청률
 1 KBS1 일일연속극(사랑은노래를타고) 
 2 SBS 드라마스페셜(상속자들) 
 3 KBS1 KBS9시뉴스 
 4 MBC 일일연속극(오로라공주) 
 5 KBS2 일일드라마(루비반지) 
 6 KBS1 시청자칼럼우리사는세상 
 7 SBS 순간포착 
 8 KBS1 6시내고향 
 9 KBS1 KBS뉴스7 
 10 KBS1 인간극장 
 10 KBS2 TV소설(은희) 
 12 KBS1 한국인의밥상 
 13 KBS1 KBS뉴스광장2부 
 14 SBS 아침연속극(두여자의방) 
 15 MBC MBC아침드라마(내손을잡아) 
 16 SBS 일일드라마(못난이주의보) 
 17 KBS1 아침마당 
 18 MBC 특별기획(제왕의딸수백향) 
 19 KBS1 세상은넓다 
 20 SBS SBS8뉴스 


전국시청률수도권 시청률
 1 SBS 드라마스페셜(상속자들) 
 2 KBS1 일일연속극(사랑은노래를타고) 
 3 MBC 일일연속극(오로라공주) 
 4 KBS1 KBS9시뉴스 
 5 KBS2 일일드라마(루비반지) 
 6 SBS 순간포착 
 7 KBS1 시청자칼럼우리사는세상 
 8 KBS1 6시내고향 
 8 KBS1 KBS뉴스7 
 10 KBS1 한국인의밥상 
 11 KBS2 TV소설(은희) 
 12 KBS1 인간극장 
 13 KBS1 KBS뉴스광장2부 
 14 MBC MBC아침드라마(내손을잡아) 
 15 SBS 일일드라마(못난이주의보) 
 16 SBS 아침연속극(두여자의방) 
 16 SBS SBS8뉴스 
 18 MBC 특별기획(제왕의딸수백향) 
 19 KBS1 세상은넓다 
 19 KBS1 아침마당 


Pretty boy: Not in table

Medical Top Team: Not in table
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Guest park_shindae

i am happy that heirs is living up to the sbs wed-thur royalties. 
oh young --> jang hye song --> tae gong shil --> cha eun sangoh soo --> park so ha --> joo jong won --> kim tan

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Guest park_shindae

yeah park shin hye's acting prowess is shining these past episodes. the eye contacts, the silent stares, both of them are proving why they are hallyu stars. lee min ho is doing a great job as kim tan. 

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Guest sapphire_dreams

I found the scene where he was removing her apron and ponytail so sweet and hot. And then I realize... how appropriate was it for him to strip her by the stripper pole? :))

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Guest kaleidoscopegirl

Yey, for the rating! Congrats Heirs team! Well deserved! I do hope too that they would change their mind and extend. All the fans want it, theres 3 more weeks, maybe they will be moved by the fans' sincerity to have an extension  :)

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Wiwi said: my GOOOOOOOOOOD just finished watching the heirs eps 14 i will dieeeeeeeeee, finally messy wet hair my young do yaaaaaaaa *bite pillow*gaaaah i need the wall *banging my head*
kim eun sook nuna, i forgive you as a heirs fans. because you give me more than sweet scene but very touching, ending esp 14 so romantic, i feel happy for eunsang and kim tanehem am i only person that imagine while seeing kim tan untied eunsang's hair..they like newly married couples in the first night marriage hahahaa i blame the lighting effect!pleaseee get me out of this illusions  

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Guest rain_drops

WOOOO!!! today's episode was wow!!!!!!!!!!! made me have all kinds of emotions from the beginning of the episode to the end!

i was nervous before starting the ep because of the cliffhanger of the previous episode and so did not know what to expect, and
then became upset with YD for what was happening in the room with KT and ES and
then i started laughing bc ES told KT to take off his school jacket,
then smiling at BN for faking a broken leg to get CY's attention,
laughing at YD for asking for the band-aid lol that was really unexpected!,
angry with RH for being a stupid [insert favorite curse word here], 
then back to being happy with KT and YD being in the same room and sitting next to each other even though they were getting in trouble, at least they were sitting there reminiscing...
then happy for BN and CY

then felt bad for HS, then laughing at YD trying to measure his love for ES, this went on and on and on til the end of the ep and now i can't wait for next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the writer definitely took me on a roller coaster ride of emotion on this ep and i loved it! although if someone was watching me go through these event of emotions during that one hour, i'm sure i would be in the hospital right now being examined :P

also, YD looked innocent today! i don't know about you guys, but i prefer his hair down. sure, he looks hot with his hair all up and waxed up as he should since he is the model for gatsby hair wax, but he looks so cute and innocent with his hair down...

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Guest feliciawst

loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove today's episode. 
we get to see more bromance between Won and Tan and i'm so glad that Won is not so cold towards Tan any morethere's so many skinship between Eun Sang and Tan. the hug, back hug, forward hug and of course the forehead kiss. (i'm glad love is the moment didn't start playing here..it would be such mood ruiner :)) )Eun Sang standing up to Rachel and the long deserve slap that Rachel needed. Tan and Young Do might finally make up soon and be best buds again. i need to see their bromance at least once before this drama ends. writer-nim please do that for us.Young Do's unwaxed hair! gosh he looks so handsome with that hair but it makes me more want to protect him because with this hairstyle, i don't know why but he just looks so vulnerable. the way he waited for Eun Sang to tell her that Rachel knows about her workplace and apologized because it was his fault was such an aww moment and even aww was when he told her the time when he started falling for her...Bo Na and Chan Young made up! i can't stand to see this couple fighting or being angry at each other. 
super excited for next week's ep!! can't wait to see what is going to happen now that Eun Sang's secret is out there, both Tan and Eun Sang are dating openly although this leaves a heartbroken Young Do. hopefully someone will come along and heal his scars and pain and care for him genuinely just like Eun Sang did. 

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Ahhh this episode was like a sweet serenade to love; it was charming, warm, funny and dramatic all at the same time - it definitely has KES written all over it. And that for me is a sure winner. 
Lovely heartfelt moments, not only between Kim Tan and ES, but the others too. There was a lot of skinship this ep too which just made my day lol. Tan's hugs were so spontaneous but warm and cute at the same time. Love the way he teases her at every given opportunity. And yes, the final scene was to die for, slow, sensuous and pretty tantalising considering all he did was remove her apron and hair band!! But that's one thing I love about KES, she doesn't shy away from romance and always delivers it tastefully. The meaning behind such subtle actions really gets the heart racing, and you feel it along with the characters. Just beautiful.
Although I loved the end scene where KT was mentally undressing her, my favourite moment of the two has got to be the conversation they had outside the coffee shop regarding ES's big reveal and acknowledging their status in life. In fact, make that two, I equally loved the conversation they had about "running away" and "abandoning their mothers". Both conversations were so meaningfully layered and sincere. It also presented us with a breakdown on how both these characters view their circumstances. And I must say, it was handled with a great deal of maturity. I loved how ES's reasoning never fails to look at the bigger picture; it really makes her character a lot more appealing and smart. And it's nice that her vulnerability doesn't push her into making stupid decisions, like you normally expect from lead characters in dramas. She's sensible and has pretty much remained consistent with that side of her character. I also find that it's during their heated exchanges that they become completely honest with each other, especially KT, who otherwise makes a joke of it by putting on a front. But I'm glad ES sees right through him - it's the moments when he tells her to exit the scene by walking "straight". Love how she returned that comment, with the added implication that their hurdles in life are not all that different, and there's pain and heartache on both ends. Basically, we had characters talking to each other this ep, rather than evading the issue, and that seriously gets the drama moving somewhere!! 
Another scene I loved was between KT and his bro at the hotel lobby!! I'm so glad they're focussing on their relationship a lot more, but dammit I want more!! Even though it's mostly Tan who does most the talking, there's a lot to be said whenever the two brothers just sit there, reflecting on their own. It's moments like that that I just love. Having said that, I would have liked to see Won warming up a lot earlier, even if that just means him acknowledging Tan's presence. But the fact he actually made a point of sitting next to him was just great. I can't wait to see more of the two brothers. 
And what can I say about YD!? YD, YD, YD, that guy is just...sigh. He really did make me a proud viewer today, especially after his crazy antics continuing from yesterday's ep!! But he completely turned it around for me again today with his subtle approach. It was like he needed that outburst at the beginning to get it out of his system before retuning to a more calm and collected state. And though I don't condone what he did with ES, in that he physically held her captive, it clearly pained him more than he'd bargained for. He's brash and ill mannered, but his heart's in the right place. And you can see that because of the way WB plays his character. He really does capture the nuances very well. 
moscowhippos said: YD seriously scared me in the beginning of the eipsode! If I were ES I'd be totally scared and freaked out! I know YD did it just to see ES for a bit, and could therefor be seen as "romantic" or "cute", but holding on to her in such a violent way is FUDGED UP!! I mean - imagine trying to break up with YD! Its like he would "let" you! And even after he's been all psycho toward her she's nice to him giving him a bandaid and talking to him nicely! I know he's in pain but that kind of  behaviour is not okay!!! I really feel like YDs character makes it seem ok for men to behave like this and for women to accept this kind of behaviour and it scares me! Its not romatic or cute its really sick! There is a lot thats problematic  with KTs character too that I wont go in to  (being really possesive of ES amongst other things) but I just thought this scene with YD and ES  was too freaky not to comment on.

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