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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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sorry if its been posted before!!

TV: [spoilers!!!] The Heirs
Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Article: 'The Heirs' hits 20% in viewer ratings instantly after 'Secret' ends

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+1,937, -141] Tan's just so amazing, gogo straight to 30% ㅋ

2. [+1,938, -242] If you haven't started watching The Heirs yet, just give it a try~ I guarantee you won't be able to come out of it. I've been obsessed ever since I started..

3. [+1,237, -107] I predicted this ㅎㅎ but it needs to go up higher!!! It will, I know, it's such a fun show!!!

4. [+460, -27] Probably proves that the people who chose to watch 'Secret' still watched 'The Heirs' reruns and have now just switched over

5. [+362, -19] We've gained a lot of the 'Secret' viewers ㅋ


Article: 'The Heirs' The rebellious Kim Woo Bin, has there ever been a 'sadder' bad boy?

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+678, -9] Kim Woo Bin really pulls off the Youngdo role well... I would've hated the character if an actor who couldn't act portrayed him ㅋㅋ but Kim Woo Bin makes it so that you don't hate his character but feel bad for him ㅠㅠ

2. [+537, -17] He's so handsome.. ㅠㅠ Kim Woo Bin really knows how to act! He breathes life into those scripts

3. [+409, -10] I feel so bad for him... Youngdo's the type of guy you want to just pull into a hug whenever he does something bad ... ㅜㅜ


Article: 'The Heirs' Lee Min Ho has certainly become one with Kim Tan

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+428, -16] I was so happy to see that there were a lot of Eunsang and Tan scenes... Eunsang's so pretty and I'm so thankful she acts well... Thankful to Tan as well for being handsome and good at acting..

2. [+380, -17] Ta Eun couple is the truth

3. [+345, -18] Eunsang Park Shin Hye is so good at acting... She made my heart flutter with the way she tippy toed for the hug.. I live for this couple lately. I was happy to see her smiling lots in yesterday's episode


Article: 'The Heirs' Park Shin Hye, the difficult road to taming the immature Lee Min Ho

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+202, -5] Park Shin Hye has so much chemistry with both Youngdo and Tan. There's a different emotional boundary that is required to acting with both of them but she molds herself to each of them well

2. [+196, -4] Eunsang is a really smart, realistic, and caring yet chic character. It was cool of her to confidently speak her mind to Youngdo yesterday and she's always calm even when people bother her. Park Shin Hye is really good at acting out Eunsang's character~~ I'm Eunsang obsessed!

3. [+176, -3] Pretty.. such a great actress.. She has such a youthful beauty to her that makes her really look like a high school student. The aura of a natural beauty.

source: Netizen buzz

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Guest jjsweeter0211

class="titleNews" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 5px; font-family: arial, dotum, Helvetica, AppleGothic, tahoma, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 23px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); line-height: 28px; border-bottom-width: 3px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(80, 80, 80);"Lee Min Ho Gets Romantic at a Party in ′The Heirs′

Getting more romantic by the episode, Lee Min Ho really outdid himself and caused hearts to flutter with just still cuts alone. 

On November 21, SBS’ The Heirs released new pictures for upcoming episodes. 


In this particular scene, Cha Eun Sang (Park Shin Hye) arrives at a party to deliver drinks, only to find out it’s a party held by her peers. 

When Kim Tan (Lee Min Ho) arrives to the scene, he takes off her apron and unties her hair, transforming her from a worker to a party guest. He then plants three kisses on her forehead in front of everyone, not giving a care in the world who watches. 

The scene was filmed on November 17. Despite the large number of people on location, the set was silent as Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye carried out the romantic scene that deepened the relationship between Kim Tan and Cha Eun Sang. 

“We continue to become shocked to see the two actors’ growing passion, which is supported by their excellent acting that just melts into the characters as well as the efforts and responsibilities they show towards their roles,” said Hwa and Dam Pictures. “Please continue to look for the romantic spark that The Heirs has prepared.”

Episode 14 will air on November 21. 

Photo Credit: Hwa and Dam Pictures

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Guest funtimes

@shenny: I think you're right.  I just rewatched the preview, and KT didn't flip the table because he was mad at her.  He wouldn't scream at her or bring attention to her in front of others.  He was saying it throughout to the last scene of the preview it seems.  The question is, are the events related or not.  :)  I guess we'll find out soon.  Also, it looks like ES only brought drinks.  Not the cake.  The cake seems to be there already. :)

I think the whole party scene makes me want to go back to high school.  But there was no KT in high school, unfortunately.  Wouldn't we all love to have a KT at least once in our lifetime?  Only the cute, cheesy side, maybe not the stalkerish side.  I love how ES hits him.  Hitting him like that is also a kind of flirtation don't you think? ;)

I wonder what it was that ES gave YD.  Hotel key card?  It looks like some kind of key.  Dont' think it's going to happen but I kinda do want to see her ride on the back of his motorcycle.  Is this consider cheating?

YD really did fall hard didn't he to say that he'll save her and let her live without him.  That's quite a statement.  But nope, I still don't want ES with you, sorry.  KT would probably answer the same way as well.

Good night, y'all!  Until next episode!  I wonder what kind of cliffhanger the next episode will be.   Ugh, It'll probably make me want next Wednesday to come faster! :((

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OMG, So many pages to backtracked after being away for a week! I'm still catching up w ep.11 and I loved that the story is progressing nicely and I'm beginning to feel for YD. Maybe YD will slowly change because of ES and he will start developing real feelings for her coz all this while he was only trying to pissed off KT though YD already said that he liked ES but he still didn't realize his real feelings. Well, can't say much coz still need to finish other episodes n tonite will b another new episodes. Hopefully KT's mom will not treat ES so bad after finding out abt his son n ES's r/ship. Off to watch some more, ciao!

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Guest shimmeringoasis

Annyeong chinguz  :-h  Thursday!! Another Epi of The Heirs *enormous joy* \m/
I hve been unconsciously humming love is the moment all the way back to my home lol :)) :))

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I was thinking about this:
Why Young-do-ah?
Is it because only your mom called you that way?
That makes sense to me... :-w
What a wounded soul, you are, Young Do-sshi!
I am so sad for you, but what you have just done to Eun Sangie is just so wrong. It's wrong, period.

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My heart is stronger today. :D
Even though I'm jelly but seeing it doesn't hurt my heart as much, LOL. I think yesterday's came at the wrong time, I just finished watching Mi Rae's Choice E12 where all 4 main characters dealt with heartaches so my own little own was vulnerable too.

What about you? Jack is sinking into the deep ocean. :))

I'm just going to rant about this: I think the antagonistic act between YD and Tan are going on longgggg enough. It's getting tiresome and repetitive. I prefer to see new development now. If Rachel wants to turn evil then let her while YD can step down and be good so he can be likable for good reasons. I quite like E13's cafeteria scene, Ye Sol deserves that and she has Tan to thank for from further embarrassment.

Another disappointment I have would be 13 episodes in, Tan is still 'thinking', obviously he hadn't realised how business works between the adults and I think KES needs that extension to give Tan enough time to 'think' and 'fight' for real. I get that he is 18 but since she keeps stirring us away from a story that involves the adults, she might as well give us a Tan who is intelligent enough to use his brain to fight the kindergarten Young Do and the oldies like daddy Kim. Esther, his legal mother and so forth.

I do love the brotherhood scene but if only Won can stop his act already, aish... frustrated.

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