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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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WOW...went missing for 5 days and 100++ pages to catchup on ....  ~X(  Just managed to watch  Ep 19 & 20...sob!  =((

Why Do People Pull The Wishbone?

The 'wishbone' is gripped by the pinkie finger of each person, who then both pull in the opposite direction.

When the bone snaps, the winner is the one who ends up with the largest piece of bone. The winner must close his eyes and make a wish.

This wish must never be spoken out loud and must remain a secret or else it will never come true.

The name 'wishbone' is believed to have come from the ancient Romans who removed the birds entrails and read the future in them, meanwhile they laid the collarbone out to dry in the sun and people seeking special knowledge from the gods made a wish upon this bone.

Another reason that it is believed that people started thinking the wishbone lucky was because people were sure that hens and cocks were fortune tellers in spirit, since they were able to foretell the break of the day.

So it mean that Hyun Joo wish is not coming trueeee?! 
  Well as long as they still love each other and I believe they still can overcome this obstacle and be together someday...maybe 3 years later since he has made that promise!  

We… even if we sat close to each other, we were distant strangers.


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Episode 19 - the adorable before the end

I know I'm a little bit late but Christmas time is always so busy and this weekend was the premiere of the Hobbit...so I didn't have a lot of time, I'm still trying to catch up with this thread...200 pages...*sigh*

The episode continues with the birthday party and the more distant family members who exchange polite phrases. Everybody asks after the health of the chairman, when they’re only waiting for his demise and to take his place.

BN's brother shows up and it's nobody else than coach-nim from 'Operation Proposal' or the guy who had stage fright from 'Heartstrings'. *fangirling* This drama keeps making it difficult to pick a favorite male heir. Won, Tan, YD and now my favorite coach, this cast just keeps getting more attractive.  *sigh* Unfortunately, CY isn't very happy when BN suddenly cries out 'oppa' and links arm with a stranger. The ugly green monster doesn't seem to have solely overtaken Kim Tan but it can occasionally also possesses the sweet CY. Lol He threatens to break BN's legs if she doesn't let go of the other man's arms and BN's brother sweetly informs him that he shouldn't do that to his sister. I love CY's uncomfortable face and that the brother puts an arm over CY's shoulder.

Tan and ES arrive at the party and of course, everybody stares at them. They hold hands and Tan's father seems to be torn between keeping up the happy charade in front of the reporters or unlinking their hands with force. Tan introduces ES as his girlfriend to his family members and the world, making it harder for the chairman to make ES disappear. Kim Tan, ES and his father talk privately. The chairman is furious about their behavior. But Tan only replies that the wants his permission to date ES, he isn't afraid anymore of the world's opinion or his father's anger. The chairman allows it but informs them that both of them will regret their decision at one point of time. ES and Tan are happy, ES wishes Tan a happy birthday and they hug. They decide to go to Kim Tan's mother who is alone in her hotel room and have the real birthday celebration with her.

Tan's mother sits in her room looking lonely until Tan and ES arrive with a cake and a present. Mother and son say that they're happy about being born or giving birth to the other. And in comparison to other k-dramas where the female lead gets a necklace, Tan gives his mother a key necklace in celebration of leaving the house and becoming free. I just love the way ES looks lovingly at this scene.

The next day, ES and Tan's mother visit ES' mother and my second OTP is finally reunited. Bless you writer-nim. The two women hug and Tan's mother complains that the other didn't say goodbye, only left a 3 sentence letter and didn't even text her. It's so cute how much mother and son are alike. Best couple of ajummas and future in-laws ever! They drink together and ES' mother scolds Tan's mother for leaving home at her age. She isn't young or has any particular skills. And Tan's mother cutely feels bad about the two exclamation marks at the end of ES' mother sentence. And she repeats Tan's words from the early episodes that she desired another woman's purse, husband and house, so she has never been able to be one man's wife or her son's mother. She cries at the beach but ES' mother sits with her.

Meanwhile, Tan visits YD to thank him for his help in taking care of his mother. They both sit awkwardly in YD's room. And when Tan finally manages to say something, YD gets flustered and angry, and just when Tan is about to leave, YD finally says the thing that has been weighing on him. He acknowledges that it wasn't Tan's fault that he lost his mother and that he needed Tan to be angry at. I just love their bromance, they still might deny their returned friendship but it's so obvious in their behavior. Tan and ES meet by coincidence in a cafe, ES was about to meet another man. Tan's brother Won. Lol Tan and ES bicker about where ES is going to live now. ES only wants to return to her old neighborhood, Tan and Won want her to move in the apartment. They both confess to not being able to live without each other, making even Won break into a smile.

Tan and ES visit ES' mother, he is asking for her official permission to date her daughter. But she says no because of all the things ES suffered from his family. Of course, Tan's mother decides she can't take it any longer and butts in, not being able to understand her refusal, she praises her son. But ES' mother thinks that ES is just as precious, so they're at an impasse. lol When ES translates her mother's words wrongly and is about to get hit, Kim Tan moves in front of her and takes the hit. He's obviously not hurt and both Tan and ES' mother stare awkwardly at each other, not knowing how to react. So ES urges Tan to do his best aka whine about getting hit. lol Their plan works and they fist pump behind their mothers' backs.

ES moves back to her house and Tan is already there waiting for her. He has prepared something like a welcome surprise. I still have trouble understanding why he is showing ES a video of herself for her return but ES seems to get the message and gets tears in her eyes. But she doesn't say that she is moved by it and only reminds him that she likes horror or thriller more than romance and kisses him. They joke around and chase each other through the small room and seem to be really happy.

The exam result is out and Kim Tan tries to hide it. At one point, he simply tears the sheet and runs away with it, chased by ES. When ES complains that Tan promised her to always stay behind her, he immediately stops and tells her to go in front of him. I just love the way ES skips the last steps to Tan and with a mischievous smile steals the test result from him. Those two are really having fun. Although Tan manages to steal it back, it's inside her wallet; it doesn't keep the result hidden. CY simply uploaded it to the internet. And Tan is pleasantly surprised to learn that he managed to place 50th, he was scared of being last again and not wanting to worsen his trauma, he stole the result. He gets jealous when ES praises YD for being 27th and CY for being 1st. At school, Tan asks BN for help in buying ES a present. And although still denying their friendship, BN proves the opposite by knowing what ES wants to have.

ES and BN meet with a broadcast club from a different school famous for its handsome students. BN, ES and the two male students flirt a little bit until CY and Tan show up. lol HS called them to cause trouble, turning the meeting in some kind of double date between the two couples. ES wears even a hairpin which irritates Kim Tan. Everybody insults everybody and we end things on the other three making fun of Tan.

ES and Tan continue to bicker with Tan confessing that he's just the jealous type and he can't stand it if other boys just think about her, claiming only his own love is innocent and pure. Obviously, ES doesn't buy it. I mean, hello closet! Just before Tan is leaving, pouting, he gives ES a bag with a new wallet and a picture of him in it. He also says that he's happy that they can now fight about small things like this.

YD decides to take more lessons in Judo to win over his father fair and square and when he finally manages it, he only wants to know where his mother is but his father doesn't know. YD is relieved because at least his father didn't try to keep it from him but at the same time it's sad because it's obvious that he misses her. He once again is at the dukbokki place. But this time the owner reads his name card and gives him a business card from a place called Secret Garden from a pretty lady. Just when you think YD's father doesn't own an ounce of humanity, you feel for him and YD when the prosecutors ransack his father's office. No matter that YD's father's methods of raising his son, e.g. hitting, are not always right, you cannot say that he doesn't care about his son. The way they look at each other in the office is just heart-breaking: YD not understanding how something like this can happen to his all-powerful father and his parent not wanting his son to see him this way.

The chairman collapses alone at home, having a flashback about Won and Tan. After running after his unresponsive older brother, little Tan goes to his father for a hug but the chairman seeing Won watching them doesn't embrace him. Tan, Won and Tan's mother rush to the hospital. He needs surgery but the doctors have to wait until the wakes up before they can operate. Meanwhile, the official wife sees her chance to move and have the chairman dismissed by the stockholders. She meets with the chairman's other family members and ask them for their support to take their brother down. Later JS goes to the hospital and meets Tan there. Tan's mother left to not run into her and cause problems for the company.  JS upsets Tan by pointing out she is now his legal guardian and welcomes him to the adult world of ambition and greed.

Tan and YD meet on the rooftop of hotel Zeus, looking into the night, trying to process that their mighty fathers are only human and can be taken down, e.g. disease, law. They're both clearly shaken by having to experience the vulnerable side of their parents and how there is a point where children start to take care of their parents and become adults themselves.

All in all, this episode was a nice change from all the heartbreak in the previous episodes. Tan and ES behaving like a cute high school couple, after watching them struggle, was satisfying to see. I like it if the pain and suffering isn't endless and we also get to see a different side of the characters after they overcome the hurdles. One reason, why I really have a difficult time watching straight-up revenge dramas or melodramas no matter how awesome they are, I simply get bored if the suffering drags on and on. Therefore, I really like KES' writing style which is always a nice mix of angst, comedy and a love story. Besides our OTP acting all adorable in this episode, I also liked how writer-nim removed the over-whelming threats of Tan and YD's father by simply taking them down by outside forces and letting them appear smaller, having their sons face the reality that although as a teenager your parents seem like a big strong mountain, they're also only human and have a vulnerable side. I liked how we didn't focus much on why YED's father was under investigation or wasting time on the question if his actions were morally OK, since it was more than once shown on the drama that his character likes taking risks in business, so I didn't find it surprising that he would do things that will be questionable and bring him trouble with the law.

Visually there wasn't really a scene that stood out for me but I simply liked every shot of ES getting a chance to smile. 



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The Flower


The Flower by Kim Chun-soo (1922-2004)

Before I called her name,
she was nothing
more than a gesture.

When I called her name,
she came to me
and became a flower.

Like I called her name,
will someone please call my name
that suits my light and fragrance?
I, too, long to come to her
and become her flower.

We all long to be something.
You, to me, and I, to you,
long to become a gaze that won’t be forgotten.



내가 그의 이름을 불러 주기 전에는
그는 다만
하나의 몸짓에 지나지 않았다.

내가 그의 이름을 불러 주었을 때
그는 나에게로 와서
꽃이 되었다.

내가 그의 이름을 불러 준 것처럼
나의 이 빛깔과 향기에 알맞은
누가 나의 이름을 불러다오.
그에게로 가서 나도
그의 꽃이 되고 싶다.

우리들은 모두
무엇이 되고 싶다.
너는 나에게 나는 너에게
잊혀지지 않는 하나의 눈짓이 되고 싶다.

출전: “김춘수 시선집” (민음사)


This poem related to Young Do's line in Episode 7 when he made Eun Sang came to his hotel room.

Eun Sang: Then... are you really going to drop the lawsuit? Why?
Young Do: Because you came.

Eun Sang: How does my coming here make things change?
Young Do: My feelings change.

Eun Sang: Why do they change?
Young Do: Your coming here made my feelings change into flowers... something like that.
Young Do ya, we love you and your hidden romantic soul...:)

‘The Heirs’ Kim Woo-bin ‘lively facial expression & attractive speaking lines’



Thanks, @corearen, for posting the link to this beautiful poem many many pages ago...

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Here's something more interesting than the previous one...


@Kris Silva
Out of all the other actresses, yes, she looks like she's in pain.

I guess it is because in this episode's kiss, she wasn't ready for things to happen between her and Tan; mainly because of the consequences and she knows that he is "out of her league".

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Aigooooooo :((
For ten weeks, i have watched the beautiful story of Choi Young Do by KES nuna.
It was a great story and he has developed so much. Like a bad boy turned to be a good boy.
Well, i was unsatisfied with the ending and i fell like a trolooollolll to see his crying in his mother arms. ( Honestly, i was thinking those scene like a nuna with her little brother :| )
But who cares, my Youngie had a beautiful and a cliffhanger ending for me :|
Youngiee yaaa, i didn't even say a proper goodbye for you because i didn't want and really didn't want to say, good byeee for my boy :(( :(( :(( :(( :((
Aishhhhhiiii, i'm gonna miss you my boy :(( :(( :(( :((
Don't forget to call me dear because i always miss you and also this thread

I'm gonna miss @sia3 @simplemebeingcrazy @eva23 @enanone1 @daunkayu and other people that always saying me the first girl of Youngie. Gonna miss you unniedeul :* :X :(( =((

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@ruzikie, don't cry, chinguya, we can always rewatch The Heirs and repeat the scenes we love most.
I love Young Do now as much as I love Kim Tan. Watching his scenes and feeling his pain.
You're truly Young Do's first girl. He'll be proud of you :D

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Heirs. We've all heard of it, we've all watched it, and we've all wondered why such a good thing has to come to an end. Well, this good thing shouldn't have to come to an end. Here are six reasons why Heirs needs a season 2!

Read more at:http://www.dramafever.com/news/6-reasons-why-heirs-needs-a-season-2/?utm_source=sendgrid&utm_medium=email&utm_term=heirsseason2&utm_content=newsletter100&utm_campaign=email_weekly&utm_campaign=DramaFever%20newsletter&utm_source=sendgrid.com&utm_medium=email

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@daunkayu (leafwood) thank you for all those pics you posted Love each one of it...@ruzikie..must you say good byea nd cry .I love Youngdo too..but you are the 1st.....@corearan love you pics too and thank you..to everyone in this thread I enjoyed my journey with you after lurking on and off for more than 2 years..another drama made me sign in but this drama made me want to press those buttons and left my comments to join in the gang...THANK YOU...awesome place to be in ..will always dropping by here..

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