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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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After Heirs, Wednesday and Thursday will never be the same. Thank you for the fun and sweet memories Heirs. I will only reminisce the good ones. :x
We can fall down again. And maybe we could kneel again. But despite that we…move on forward.

-The Heirs
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Guest sachaaimee

This is reality.... Yes it was a good drama, a very nice played cast, beautiful character, and some scene left close to my heart. But we can't please everyone... yup the quote seems to be true... I am still thinking the ending not fair, it's not meant to be one. Some questions are left by KES eonnie hanging in the ceiling, she just seems to rush anything just to wrap the ending....

  • Yes KT and ES finally climbover all the stump, mountain everything that blocks their happiness, love to see the last scene. But I just hope writer nim canmade the ending more wow and more fulfilling everyone dreams and expectation.... I read some of the posts that commenting about her last drama, it was beautifully told... why failed to do this?
  • KW and HJ. They finally apart, though in our mind they will be together eventually, but someone must sacrifice for the crown. And its Won oppa, the crying scene is just sad, and when Tan narated it, we found that Won cry everynight. Why make Won oppa breaking in the last minute? and how about HJ? how about her now? is she still teaching at Jeguk? or she was going somewhere.... how about she?
  • uri YD.... he is now more happy. his mom was found, but then how about that? Is he still eating alone at the convenience store? are they now live together now? .. what happen to the mother so she left? is daddy Choi really goes to prison? or the case ended with victory in Zeus part as we know there were 7 lawyers behind them...
  • KA and daddy Kim... daddy Kim file a charges for divorce to JS, then is he going to marry KA then? or are they comeback living together without any legal status? it will be a pitty for KA....

But in the end I just have to face it..... there's no middle like Tan said.... take it or leave it..... there's not such thing as perfectness.... but it was really a memorable journey to me become an Herilings. this may be my last post in this thread... see you in another thread.

Goodbye Kim Tan, goodbye Cha Eun Sang, goodbye Choi Young Do (huaaaaaaaaaaa....... it felt so hard for me this part), thank you for the midsummer nights dream you gave me...... goodbye Heirlings it is a honour for me to know each one of you.......

:x >:D< >:D<
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Guest Startulle

I started crying with the last scenes kind of saying farewell and already missing the Heirs dream team. I will remember this drama by Kim Tan ALWAYS but ALWAYS choosing his real mom and revealing the truth, it was memorable and beautiful done!

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Guest Startulle

Also I forgot to say THANk YOU to all of u guys Heirs lovers who shared the love, recaps, bts pics, links, almost everything that warmed my heart!!!!!. And my days for the last few months!!!!! Thanks!!!!!

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it's all happy ending...and i dont think it was a sad ending for won because, come to think of it, it was what he wanted. the crown.Kim Tan on the other hand choose to live surrounded by the people he loves. His mother, Eunsang etc..he didnt interested with the crown to begin with. He was suffered due that he's related to the crowned and realise from the start that if he choose the crown. He must live by hiding his mother. He can't bear to see that his mother couldnt claim him as her son. And off course, he couldnt be with Eunsang. He must marry someone to his level..whether it's Rachel or someone else, he already saw what's the impact of the marriiage by forced in his family.Youngdo...uri Yongdo..you're everyone's crown of heart, ok. dont be sad. at least he has his buddy and mother back. he would find a girl anytime soon with that look and personality. any girl would lining up for him..just please...dont be mean to her when you has a crush on her.Bona & CY..could you be more cuter ??Rachel and HS..good. be nice Rachel, ok?? Hyosin, rthank God he finally doing what he wants..i can imagine one day HS, KT, CY and MS, YD meet and remembering their stupid Highschool moment. i think the only true for them is Eunsang...they never realise the real world untill Eunsang came to their world..

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This was the best ending ever for heirs I simply loved it!

Main theme in this dramas was dreams, its okay to dream just that at times acquiring that dream it is painful,it is no walk in the park with daisies. For some those dreams are realized for some no, dreams can change, or people can regret them,but the thing is to dream. Also dreams can clash with others, not only do we have dreams for ourselves ,but also for are loved ones and that is where pain hits, when the dreams you have for the ones you have are not what you expect or they have a different dream for themselves. I am glad this drama wasn't all happy ending for everyone because realizing now the KES worked alot on realism in this drama, in the real world not everyone has a happy ending and least of a  fairy tale happy ending.

KT: His dream was to have a normal family and of course ES, for the most part this was granted, his dad approved of his relationship to some extent, although he mentioned he was just letting KT off the hook, in reality he had lost and was letting go of his own dream for his son. He is in good terms with his brother and stepmom is out of the picture also his mom is no longer rapunzel.

ES: Her dream was to live a stable life and later it was to be with KT. Her struggle was whether she was allowed to have such a dream ,but in the end she was allowed. I liked that she didnt accept KT and KW offer to live in the apartment they offered because nothing lasts forever and if she does succeed in life, it is by her own merit and not cuz she has a rich bf and gives more emphasis that she is with KT because she loves him.

KW: His dream was to reach the highest place and that is the presidency of Jeguk,but dreams come with sacrifices and his sacrifice was his love for HJ. He can still dream who know if HJ returns.

YD: His dream was to find his mom and he did, it may seem that it wouldve been great for YD to find his mom before,but given his character pre-ES he wouldve shunned his mom and hated her, also sad there is no girl for him,but his priority was his mom and now that in a way he has healed his greatest wound ,he can now be in a relationship when the time comes and not carry emotional baggage around

RH: Her dream was to be loved,but she appraoched it wrong, with selfishness and arrogance. No step for maturity or change was done in her part,looks like she has more growing up to do. Also with HS in the picture it  can lead to a positive journey.

HS: His dream was to be free of his parents and chase his own dreams not theirs, his sacrifice was to leave to the military,but he will return ready to pursue his dreams head on..

HJ: her dreams was to be with KW but it didnt happen, but at the same time she didnt want to bare the weight of his family's opposition.

CY: his dream is BN and being successful and he has accomplished that with ranking #1 yet again, he has a promising future.

BN: her dream is CY ,enough said

MS: Just being happy is his dream lol

YS : couldnt get a read on her.

for the adults:
Papa Kim: His dream was to have his family , especially have his two sons united, That was accomplished as well as his divorce with JS and also his company secured.  Instead of his sons fighting against his sons, they fought for him agaisnt the real foe! He put his trust in the wrong person,but his sons proved him wrong. He may seem hesistant with ES , especially with not making eye contact with her, I see it as more of a way to hide his feelings than utter repulsion on his part toward ES also him saying that she and KT dont need to visit to me seems like he will be home soon .

Papa Choi: His dream was to also secure his company ,he always had trust in YD to take over but he needed training. His dreams had dire consequences becuase his method was cheating, YD beat him by doing it the right and honest way, the Judo fight were highly symbolic in this, now papa choi can rest assurred that he leaves his company in good hands and there will be no need of looking back since YD willl take care of the company with honesty and integrity.

Esther: Her dream was a little complex, she wanted success but she wanted YJH at the same time. Proof that you cannot have everything in life.

KA: Her dream was to be her son's mother and be the wife of the man she loved. She has gotten that, although it wasn't mentioned about if dad will marry KA, but that is left to viewwe's POV, and in my POV she has that secured.

JS: Her dream was to take over Jeguk and get even with papa kim, she failed miserably. In the toughest time for daddy Kim she betrayed him. She may have half of Jeguk,but not all of it and the fact that she is divorcing him, is enough to say she has lost lots of power, When she shook at the news of Kim daddy's recovery, she knew then it was all over, cuz while he was comatose she took the opportunity to reclaim what was "hers" cuz if he died immediately then all would be left to KW and KT and she wouldve be able to persuade the board as easily and now she wont at all.

YJH( CY dad): His dream, at least to me, was to be recognized for his hard work and move up and he has! NO Esther sadly,but he was realist to finally let go.

ES mom: Its simple to see her daughter happy or should I say daughters and of course be stable, that is reality in the fact that, KT mom is with her as a friend, and she has a more stable future.

NOt sure if I left anyone else out but I think I covered my bases.

Loved this ending at first I was hyped and excited at the start, then I grew frustrated and bored to some point ,but the ending sold me completely. The dream of KT, was his dream and in a way a time jump in a sort of strange way, it may happen it may not, or it may exceed his expectations. Whatever they're dreams maybe in the future whatever it may have in store for them all,but even if the journey was full of pain and of goodbyes and hellos, of letting go and hanging on , at the end they can look forward together.

thanks everyone for this journey it was worthwhile really !!!

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Guest lmhfans

prosperity said: I did not cry for Young Do and his mom's reunion, the only time I cried was when KW and his girl broke up. I don't know, I love when actors just deliver the emotions with little need for story build up. CJH did that for me, the look in his eyes when she said lets break up and Lim Ju-Eun acting did it for me. I don't know why I was teary eyed, because I didn't think the writers gave their story enough to make it work, but these actors really made that scene work, and it went straight to the heart. CJH is a very good actor, and I didn't realize it until these past 2 episodes. He has great screen presence and he doesn't need to smile or do cute things to command your attention IMO that is what makes a great actor, and he has it in spades. I want to see him in a leading role, I will tune in for him (hopefully it is not a show about doctors bc I don't watch those for anyone :)).
My complaint for this episode, this writer knows how to kill a moment that is supposed to mean something, by creating all this build up and not delivering. YD had a way more emotional scene eating ES' mom cooking. The reunion scene just came off rushed, and I felt nothing, well I felt like I should have felt something but it didn't materialized into actual something. I felt the same way when ES came back.

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I haven't seen episode 20 yet. Lucky me!


The Heirs is really ended. Why does good things always have to end? No more seeing Lee Min Ho every Wednesday & Thursday. How can I go on? haha I need my weekly dose of Kim Tan. It's ridiculous to be sad over a drama but I really am!!! Ottoke!

I gotta check in rehab cause Heirs is my disease. Anyone feeling the same way? *Bear hugs everyone*

Plan for this weekend: Rewatch Heirs - episode 1-20 & repeat. Story of my life~

#LeeMinHot #CutenessOverload #Fangirling

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