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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Hahahahahaha!!!!..According to this article:

http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn-Heirs is the most famous drama abroad and in Korea....So,to haters go and find holes to hide yourselves!!!! =)) =)) =)) ..And to that someone who wasted time watching till ep18 n not liking it(I dun even want to mention his or her name as its a waste of my precious time n #whyshouldievenmentionit),listen to my advice-.#DON'T YOU EVER DARE WATCH THE FINAL TWO EPISODES!!!# :-t :-t :-t [-X [-X [-X

So to all Heirs fanatics,Wednesday is here which means the finale is coming soon..Lets enjoy ourselves watching the final 2 episodes..While I am feeling sad about this drama ending,I am feeling sadder coz we are going to leave this awesome,superb,wonderful thread with all the wonderful people who had provided all the pictures,gifs,recaps,previews,translation n everything,thank you soooooooo much from the bottom of my heart!!!You guys are simply AWESOME!!! \m/ \m/ =D> =D> ..May we meet another time when another awesome drama comes out!!!! :-h :-h

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Can't believe there are still people who keep on hating this drama. C'mon you guys! It's already ending and based from the ratings and popularity, majority begs to differ. 

Kim Tan is not amused, okay.tumblr_mxljffJu0i1sayarjo1_250.gif

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Guest feliciawst

reading everyone telling their favorite scenes, i'm getting teary eyed for two reasons. 1. heirs is ending this week. 2. we're preparing to say goodbye to this drama and the cast...so sad..what am i going to do after this ends? :((  can't it never end, [-( can we keeep watching new episodes of heirs weekly pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee??? why is this not 50 or even 100 episodes, a weekend drama...  :(( :(( :(
i want more....~~ :(

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Guest kathevangelie

Annyeong! I'm a newbie here..

This is my Heirs appreciation.. My most favorite scenes in Heirs..

1. When Eun Sang's sister left ES outside the restau and get all the money ES has and ES was crying like mad... I cried a lot in that scene.. I pitied Eun Sang a lot.
2. Rachel Yoo at the US airport scene... I find her so pretty, cute and smart.. I love her hairstyle and clothes plus she spoke Japanese so convincingly.. and fluently.. she has great diction when speaking english too
3. When Young Do first met Eun Sang at convenience store..... like that was the first scene that really got me interested in the show. =)) one of the cutest scenes.. I'm a sucker for cute people.. everything was done so naturally =)) 
- the cute background music
- the half awake cute Eun Sang
- the legit and cute facial expressions of Young Do when he was staring at her while ES drank everything from that bottle straight. thats just so legit hahahaha.
- how Young Do ensures eun sang is asleep.. 
- how Young Do stare at Eun Sang while she was sleeping.. that's just so sexy 
- how Young Do eats ramyun haha!
- how Young Do protects Eun Sang from the kids..
- how Young Do was offended by the kids when they cried "Omma!~" That's just so hilarious =))
- how YD said "at your age, I have a mom too!" and "they were picking on me because I don't have a mom" =)) I REMEMBER EVERY DETAIL =))))))))

4. The Young Do, Kim Tan and Eun Sang lunch scene at school.. when Eun Sang decides to leave I felt how mad Young Do was with his facial expressions and voice and he stopped her..
- and YD's killer line "Mani mogo chonakseng" haha I don't know how it's spelled "Eat a lot transfer student
- and how he said "Look at her, how can I not be interested." =))

5. and who can forget ES and YD second encounter at convenience store =))
- I love How YD said... "Why do you sleep here... makes me want to protect you.." I don't know how to pronounce it in korean but the line lingers in my mind
6. When Eun Sang was at YD's hotel room eating jajangmyun...
- when YD said.. "you came to me and became a flower.." kyaaaaa~
- WITH THE BACKGROUND SONG PLAYING.. that song with guitar intro
- and YD said to rachel, he's eating with an important person
7. When YD came to Mango Six.. and said to ES "I came here because I'm lonely."
- with that background music again that always plays in YD's scenes
8. Choi Young Do at Myung Soo's studio scene.. thinking about CES.. THIS IS LEGIT..
- when he said to MS "I'm thinking about why I'm thinking about her."
- when YD asked to changed the song, MS danced and YD left =))
9. When Choi Young Do saved Eun Sang from customers at Mango Six.. and he confessed to her.. CYD the poor puppy..
10. When Young Do helped ES to set up tent.
11. Kim Tan, Hyoshin, Rachel and Young Do at the same table
12. When Young Do let go of Eun Sang at the pool =)) warning Eun Sang
13. When Eun Sang slept over to Lee Bona's house
14. When Eun Sang saw Young Do at the convenience store eating ramyun..
- how he said "It's about time you look for me." "I lost this first question to you just like that." "Eat this.. this is more delicious.." "I've ate everything here.. believe me.." "Because when I eat here alone it doesn't look strange.." "Don't look at me like that.. it makes me tremble.."
15. When CYD ask Eun Sang to eat noodles with her.. YD ask her to wait but ES left him.. and YD discovered who ES mom is.. - that's so heartbreaking
16. When Lee BoNa and MyungSoo discovered Young Do likes Eun Sang
17. When Lee BoNa told Eun Sang that CYD likes her..
18. When Esther broke Rachel's engagement and she cried.. and said.. "I like Tan at the least.."
19. When Won and YD's dad came to school =))
20. When Young Do was rejected by Eun Sang at Mango Six.. poor puppy.. that was very emotional..
21. When Young Do made Eun Sang to go to the broadcast room..
- when he said.. "I'm going to let go later so I'm not going to let go now.."
"I'm doing this for just this brief moment so endure it.."
- when ES said "Young Do-ahh".. and how YD said "Don't call me like that."
(this is very intense and emotional I teared up for Young Do)
- when Kim Tan broke in the door and YD shield himself for Eun Sang..
- Kim Tan and Young Do's conversation at the broadcast room.. when Kim Tan said.. "if I'm going to kneel I'll kneel but I'll stand up again.."
- when Young Do said "Everytime I see you I want to kill myself" aawww my baby Young Do
- when Young Do is looking at Eun Sang when she stopped Tan from hurting him
22. When Eun Sang said to Kim Tan.. it's like "You and Young Do looks like the ones who are in a relationship.."
23. When Eun Sang gave YD a band aid but he ignored her.. Young Do waited outside and ask Eun Sang for the band aid.. =)) YD is just so cute
23. When Young Do, Kim Tan and Eun Sang are grouped for an assignment.. =)) the return of the bromance =)) the setting was in Mango Six
24.  When Young Do gave Eun Sang a ride to Kim Tan's house.. that whole scene
- esp. when he said "when things happen like her hands getting cut off.. she'll regret and will say "I should've put my hands on his pocket whether he likes me or not.." =))))
25. When Young Do said to Eun Sang.. "who said we're friends?" "don't draw the line.. before I cross it"
26. When Eun Sang sat with Young Do for lunch. :D
- YD said "Fear me a little" something like that =))))))
27. When Young Do save Kim Tan from the bodyguards... This Choi Young Do has some legit facial expressions and movements... I love it so much.. he's so cute and manly at the same time
28. When Eun Sang and Young Do ate Dokboki? as ES's payment
- when YD said.. "we didn't eat noodles so I can see you again next time.."
- Eun Sang wrote on the wall "I will eat noodles with Choi Young Do :"""""">
29. When ES left and Tan came.. the bromance.. the bromance just returned right there...
- when Kim Tan said "Stand up.. don't eat there alone.."
- and when YD said "Stop before getting hurt.."
30. When Young Do was waiting for Eun Sang outside Kim Tan's house
31. when ES and YD met again at the convenience store.... aaaww that's very emotional.. with the background music
- when ES said " I'm just someone who's passing by.."
- YD said " I know a lot about fairwells and goodbyes.. that's not a face that will meet someone but who will lose someone."
32. When Kim Tan called Young Do because he saw Young Do's message to ES on her Kakaotalk acct.. that's cute
- YDLOVER HE TYPES =)))))))))))))))
34. when Choi Young Do hugged Eun Sang at the Police Station
35. when ES and YD were walking at the beach
- YD said.. "don't ask me not to come.. I came here knowing I made a big mess and I might be hit by my father
36. when Eun Sang's mom made a meal for Choi Young Do.. poor baby
37. when Choi Young Do saved Kim Tan's mom, ran fast to Kim Tan and he thought of how his mom was looking for him before.... I never cried so much in awhile, I was bawling at this scene

thank you Heirs....I kept thinking about you this past few weeks.. this has been like a rollercoaster ride.. I will miss waiting for you every Wednesday and Thursday.... I'm used to watching Kdramas within 2-3 days but you... I'm waiting for you every week.. I just couldn't help not watch it every week..
and not wait for you to finish =))) Kamsahamnida..

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@kathevangelie, wow, that's awesome :)>-
Reading your long post I might consider jumping ship :D
It's really detailed, you love Young Do so much and remember every scene of him.
I just can say seeing Young Do's growth is a wonderful journey. His eyes, his expressions, so much fun seeing him on screen,
Strong performance of Kim Woo Bin.

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bd937db8jw1ebeymmxox6j20k00qowfw.jpgLee Min-ho's autograph to the fans at DC Inside Heirs Gallery. He wrote, "I love you, DC" at the bottom *I really want this poster; he looks so hot*

Notes to the Heirs staff. (Translation by hishotnessminho: Being with all of you in 2013 has made 2013 brighter. I'm really honored and also blessed. In the future, let's thrive toward our goals healthily. Everyone, fighting! Post Script: "Kim Tan is really good looking.")bd937db8jw1ebezk0d8s3j20bo08rmxm.jpg
PSH's notes to the staff (sadly I don't have the translation for this :( ) Edit: Wrong note; should be this one (I think)bd937db8jw1ebeymvo6d1j20bo08rt90.jpg
By Eun-sang's mom, Kim Min-kyung. She draws really well!

(via nunbit_suda @ weibo)  

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Guest uriminjongoppa

I think I'm hallucinating...

Straight backwards this thread searching for the recap and review from all of you for eps 19, I feel strange bcs didn't find anything but your thought abt fave scenes.

Until I found out that...


Okay..keep calm and LOVE IS THE MOMENT for tomorrow.

X_X 8-> \:D/ [-O<

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Does anyone think that Papa Choi has been treating YD the way he has so that he can toughen him up for situations just like the investigation?  Although I don't like his methods, it is clear he loves and respects his son's decisions.  It's as if he's saying don't start anything unless you can finish it.  I am even more curious as to why the mother left and had to leave in such a hurried way.

Since Secretary Yoon has finally chose a side (Won's), I think the spy's role for Daddy Kim is to fulfill all the duties that Yoon did.  That may be why he's always at his side.  We all know that Spyman could not possibly be in all of those places at the same time.  :-B  He would have to be super human to take pictures in the US, KW&HJ and, catch Yoon getting jiggy with Esther.  I think he coordinates the spies and he's become Daddy Kim's eight-hand.  Daddy Kim better be careful because there's no telling what pictures Spyman's taken on him.


@guadi, OMG that DC poster definitely brings on carnal thoughts for an ahjumma like me!  WOW!     :\"> :\"> :\"> :\">

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6e81e5f5gw1ebevkbq83ej20bv0hc752.jpgKorean fans are having fun with the test score, aren't they? It's about who will place last :))
(cr. as tagged via weibo)
lol, wut? Fans took utensils used by LMH after he had lunch here :-O :-/
Edit: Heirs comic book being sold in Korea now 

For a show that people seem to hate, it's been doing rather well commercially :)

@hell59 - DC is a South Korean internet community forum. One of the largest in the country. There's a lot of sections within it. Each section is called gallery and is devoted to a certain topic. So Heirs has its own gallery where people post thoughts and stuff about Heirs (much like we do here). There's Lee Min-ho's Gallery, Park Shin-hye's Gallery, KWB's Gallery, etc...So just think of it like soompi, except larger in size and much much more influential. 

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