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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Prediction for tomorrow. I think KA got into the car to chase after someone quickly. Car got into accident and KA is the one at the hospital.

YD hears about it and tells KT. He is repaying his favor from when they were younger and did not want KT to lose his mum like he did back then. I think YD is the one who understands KT's feelings the best but just doesn't say it. He understands the loss KT is facing after ES left and doesn't want him to lose his mum as well. Because no one understands losing a mother like he does.

Then KT went to Daddy Kim and says he will leave the house to take care of his mum. Because Daddy Kim can't take care of her.

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Guest dijerusli

adlyn13 said:


Welcome to the thread! I think here you will find a more warmer atmosphere and less hostile.

However as a LMH fan,I ask you please don't bask KWB for the sake of making LMH look good cuz its not. If others bash on LMH let them know that its not right with politness and proper decorum.If they keep on doing it ,it will make you the better person.

Each person deserves to praise KT and YD as well as the actors that portray them there is nothing wrong with having preference for one over another.Just calling the actor names is not right,your acting like those you say that bash LMH.Be different :)

@adlyn13 You can say whatever you want but i am not like you who only thread the middle, i state facts, you either accept it or not and i don't appreciate you trying to school everyone. That is not how the world works.

You better make a decision, indecisiveness is a weakness. You gain allies and you gain enemies that is how the world should work for remember when good men do nothing that when evils thrive. It's only a suggestion and i am not schooling you like you are doing trying to be the smarter one.


Schooling everyone? Wow you're such a character to be able to snap at a person who's calmly trying to reason with you to be kind... :|

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Yap..my predictiom is the same like yours. Daddy Kim might will abondon KA again while she is in the hospital and make KT decide to be parting with his dad for good.

I really hope KT and KA will left that old man alone in that big house. NO, I DON'T WANT THAT OLD MAN DIE, not until he learns his lesson.

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~wahhhhhhh my co-teacher here was still in episode 7, and believe it or not, she WAS screaming... wahhhhhhhhhhhhh.. don't wanna spoil her, though.. hehehhehe goodluck, girl :P ..

and gotta say goodbye to everyone too.. hehehhe.. going home time..tomorrow again, Heirlings!!!



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Dear God drama, i want to back to the reality for a few hours because i need to sleep and recharge my energy for tommorow. So, would you mind to make a deal with KES nuna about this drama ? A deal with no siblings between my ship before i send her to broken land. And also god, you can take daddy kim as your toy, since he has no longer a friend in that drama. Amen :)

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This scene in the preview broke what little was left of my heart T_________________T He looks just looks so broken and lost ...You can see that his life has now become completely dark because he lost the one person that was his only light.He's just so broken inside.What really kills me is that he is in so much pain and can't stop and that he's so desperately begging and pleading his brother to save him ...to help him put him away from his misery :(  =((  :((

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