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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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I have a question about the kiss guys. Did y;all notice this part?

What did KT/LMH say to ES/PSH, then she looked like she slightly nodded yes to whatever he whispered  


I just want to know what he said, cause



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Guest didienazrin

funtimes said: You guys are so funny.  I come to this site and all I see are comments and studying angles and such about the kiss!  LOL!  Even if I want to keep a pure mind, you guys probably "dirtified" (did I just make up a word?) it.

Okay, back to my musings:

I loved episode 16 because all the relationships were really laid out: KT-KW-Daddy Kim-KA-Chairwoman Jung, KA-ES's mom, KW-HJ, KT-ES, ES-YD, YD-KT, YD-MS, ES-CY-BN, and even HS-RH.

KT-KW-Daddy Kim all battle it out and we see who still wields the most power.  I always thought that KT was fighting a losing battle since he is still so young, but seeing it played out was very hard to see.  I had no doubts that ES was still going to leave, but it didn't make her leaving any less hard to witness.  I think it was her telling KT that she will wait for him at home that really killed me because we knew that she would be long gone by then.  I don't blame her for leaving either.  She is still my favorite character so far because she is realistic and she lives accordingly.  She knew that KT cannot win his father and seeing that family fall apart really cuts through your own heart.  No matter how KT tries to reassure her that it's not her fault, she did play a part in all that went down.  His father went on the attack because of her presence in his life.  It was slowly carried out ever since the beginning and climaxed with her forced departure.  How can you fight against power and money?

This is the first episode I don't know what will come next.  With 4 episodes left, how can KT and KW fight Daddy Kim for him to change his mind or even to grow stronger?  They both still have a ways to go.  I hope with ES's departure, KT will be more focused in his battle just like how he threatened YD at the golf course.  No more distractions.  He lost a battle, but he hasn't lost the war yet.  Now that he experienced what the battle is like, he can strategize and not let it happen again.  He always kept himself uninterested in the corporate battles and even family battles that I felt like he was very unprepared.  KW at least saw his aunts and uncles fight it all out growing up so he understands the dirty plays and machinations that can happen.  I'm sure KT was somewhat aware, but you have to be fully aware of all possible moves to counter the attack and strike to win.

I felt a little cheated with not having a birthday celebration for ES, because it during the 2 weeks they had together.  I wanted to see a little more happy and cute moments between them.  I feel like the only happy moment was the part where they bought the couple shoes and that was it.  Even the kiss wasn't really a "happy" moment.  He was pleading for her to not disappear.  The chairman gave her 2 weeks and at the family dinner, the shareholders meeting for dismissal of the president was also in 2 weeks.  Daddy Kim timed it all really well, didn't he?  I think even if ES wavered and didn't want to leave, Daddy Kim would've had someone watching her move anyway and would've forced her to go.  Daddy Kim has a eye everywhere.  

The whole goodbye with YD was very sad as well.  He could tell that something was going to happen and that she was probably going to disappear.  How she told him to let her be just be a passerby and gave him advice on how to treat the next girl he likes was :'(.  He lost another important person in his life.  She was slowly teaching him that violence and bullying don't solve problems.  My random drama watching hope is that wherever ES went (whether it is to Buenos Aires or not (my guess is not)), she will coincidentally meet YD's mom. ES can still go abroad because it only took her 3 days to get her passport in episode 1.   Only in drama world can that happen.  I don't think we have time for KT and YD to go look for her together.

I must say HS and RH are the most random pairs in this drama.  I found it funny that RH's plan backfired on her and made her uncomfortable instead.  I'm thinking that might've been her first kiss and that's why she was self-conscious and awkward.  You don't really get over something like that easily.

Some last random thoughts:
-During the kiss scene, I was also thinking how I hope PSH will not catch LMH's cold if he was still sick.
-If ES is really gone and off the screen for a bit, I hope PSH gets some nice needed rest.  Unless YD stopped her from leaving and if there isn't a time jump, I wonder in what manner she will grace our screen again.
-Chan Young is so cute as a little kid!
-I love BN's nonsensical remarks throughout the drama.  I should make a list!
-Finally Secretary Yoon is making a stand and choosing a side.
-MS cracks me up!  He is also a very caring friend. :)
-I hope KW now understands how much he hurt KT. That scene where KT told him that he loved KW and Daddy for the 18 years, but now, it has ended and all he has left is ES, that cut my heart. :'(  Makes the ending even harder to watch. :(
-I cannot watch ES and KT's crying scene at the end without crying. :'(
-I'm fighting myself.  I want to watch the preview and I don't want to watch the preview when it comes out!  I like not knowing, but also hate it!  I think I won't be able to resist it.  Haha. ;)

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i am wondering how do they hold off the feeling of their characters? i mean how can they separate the actor and the character this time. the story is so passionate.

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oh god..@vill85 sweetie..i already start making the MV it's with a song called Hush Hush for Avril Lavigne and the first line of the song is " I didn't mean to kiss you You didn't mean to fall in love...."  and gosh i'm melting with HS's smile ..

i don't know why but i'm always into the unexpected couple who came from no where all of the sudden and make me squeeeeeeeeee like a crazy..

even if they didn't happen i loved that "thing" that they had ..even if it was just for a moment ..beside KT ..RC never felt anything for anyone..and now she is feeling embarrassed ..even though she tried to act like her strong self..but who blames her when she start to tremble while looking at HS's smile..

anyway, i will make sure to finish this MV as soon as possible then i will post it here and mention you so you can see it ..

lots of love and hugs to you ..<3

@Shajoona, I'm so happy to read your post a few hours after ep 16 aired. I think your spazzing on that part also mirrored mine. Haha! :))

Yeah, I also didn't expect them to be that way but it was such a delightful surprise. And kinda refreshing considering all the heartbreaks and depressing scenes lately between KT-ES.

I am currently watching epi 1-16 again to see if writernim gave us a hint somewhere about this.

They honestly both appear in only very few scenes that it is impossible to predict something's gonna happen between them. Their interactions are only in Ep 8, 10, 11, 15 and 16. But I'm loving the latest development and I can't wait to see more. :x :\">

Tag me when you post about the MV because this thread runs so fast, I might get lost looking for it. :))

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Look who I found!!! Cha Eun Sang was at some event in Joonggu, Seoul yesterday. Kim Tan, go get your giiiiirl.
Still posing/smiling even without Kim Tan! -.-
That dude behind her looks like one of Evil daddy's body guards lolz.

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Guest pinkytooth

After re-watching epi 16, a question popped up in my mind.


The question is what exactly happened to ES? What ES think that make her leave Tan?


Unlike Tan who always speak up what he has in mind, ES keep everything in her heart. We can not get ES thought easily. Everything hidden inside her mind. Even almost 70% of her expressions in epi 16 was forced. Not coming from her heart..

So, I’m replaying some scenes and try to figure out what she has in mind.

Scene where Tan’s dad called ES into his room still blur and incomplete.

The conversation (monologue from Tan’s dad) that has been revealed :

“ If you break up with Tan immediately, I will let you go wherever you want. To any province, America, England, France. Wherever you want.

But if you think you can’t break up with him even if you die, then there is another choice you have.  I will give you 15 days. During this time, you can meet Tan as much as you want. But when you break up with him after the 15 days, you will go where I want you to go. It won't be in Korea. Nor will it be in the US, England, or France. It will be different from those places.

You can pick whichever of the two you would like. But sure thing is that this ticket is the only thing that will let you go up the stairs to the second floor to Tan who is locked up in that room.”


ES ticket destination was Buenos Aires, Argentina. She might be answered the second choice. Not break with him in 15 days but get exiled wherever Tan’s dad want (except Korea, US, England, France)

But, wait! It hasn’t take 15 days for her to go. She only stay for 2 days and nights before leaving Tan.

So, her leaving might be not related with Tan’s dad options. The possibilities that I can think of are..

  1. ES doesn’t want to follow Tan’s dad decision. She might be poor but she has pride.  She leave by her own will wherever and whenever she want to go.
  2. Tan’s dad quicken her leaving because Tan’s rebelious actions got into his nerves and make him forcefully kicked ES and her mom out of the country wherever he want.

However, I can not be sure with ES answer because the fact is ES answer has not been revealed. One thing for sure ES answer made Tan’s dad furious. Because he yelled at ES like this (as the flashback sound when ES looking at the couple shoes infront of the shop) :

“ It was my mistake thinking a smart girl like you would realize. I forgot once again that the ones that grew up with nothing have no decency. How could an 18 year old's love be this fearless and shameless?!

Because of you, Tan lost Rachel, his family, and became a laughing stock to the world. How far do you plan on ruining Tan?”

From her expression when recalling that statement, I can see she really think about what Tan’s dad words. Some senses in her telling her that Tan’s dad is right. She is ruining Tan’s life and future.

She also in deep thought when RH read her essay infront of the class.

“Daisy is Gatsby's green light. While looking at the green light, shining through the fog, that he can't touch, Gatsby puts his hope in his life, but Daisy was not the hope for Gatsby, she was poison. In the end, Gatsby starts loving Daisy and in order to be with the one he loves, he lost his own life.”

RH intentionally trying to hit ES and Tan with her task. And unknowingly strike two girls. Both ES and HJ seems arrowed by her essay.

I think at that moment ES also agree. She is the poison for Tan life.


Thinking the way ES might thinking.. She is poisoning and ruining Tan’s life.

Every aggressive steps Tan’s take to make her stay (asked YD escourting her when he’s not around, took her passport away, gave her an apartment) might be convincing her more that Tan ruined because of her. She just fake up her expressions to calm him down.

If ES really think that way it is make sense she’s leaving by her own will. The reason is simple to prevent Tan from damaging himself further. She knows for sure Tan’s dad is able to torture Tan more further and Tan can do nothing about it.


But the possibility of Tan’s dad forced her to go as soon as he wants is still  valid. This is Tan and Tan’s dad conversantion after the shareholder meeting :

Tan : What did you do to hyung?

Tan’s dad : I just gave him a slight humiliation. Not just your older brother, I did that to you as well.

Tan : What are you saying?

Tan’s dad : I am talking about Eunsang, the girl who you hid. She left Korea an hour ago. Don't forget about today. Because of the sword that you wielded, you lost that kid today.


ES understands Tan. She knows Tan powerless. He has gut but no gun.

What Tan actually has to win against his dad? Shares? Money? None of them belong to him. His dad can take it any minute.


ES loves Tan. Tan want to protect him in any way he can because he loves him. So do ES.

ES to Tan in episode 13 : “I just don’t get your world of corporater and stock shares. Is there really no way for me to protect you?”

The only way she can think to protect him is not staying, but leaving.


I’m hooked up by KW soft expression to Tan after the shareholder meeting.

KW : Don't feel secure. That girl that you're hiding, how long do you think it'll take before Father finds her?

Tan : I know. I'm sure he will find her very soon. but I don't care. I'm just trying to show him. The past 18 years, I loved Father and you to death, but that love has ended. And the only thing that's left to me is that one girl. So that's why no matter who I am, what I was born with, whatever my age is, I don't care about those things. I will use everything I have to protect that girl. So it's a warning to never put you hands on her.


KW soft expression actually not a touched feeling for Tan’s braveness. KW is actually worry for him and ES.

Tan knows his dad will find ES. But he don’t care. He just trying to show him. He don’t care about his illegitimate status, his age but he will use everything he has to protect ES.

Man, Tan seems so thoughtless. He just want to  challenge his dad in a war when he actually has nothing to win the war (he is young, his illegitimate status clearly harm him, his shares and money actually belong to his dad).

KW indeed smarter than Tan . He is being indifferent to HJ and refuse to fight face to face with his dad for HJ is his way to protect HJ.

KW knows being frontal seeing her fighting for her only harm her more and more.

The facts that KW silently shut down the article for HJ, keep calling HJ and decided to see HJ at his weakest point showing us that he is truly loves HJ.

He just protecting HJ in different way with Tan.

Heirs has many hidden meanings... We can’t see some of it clearly, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

Just a very subjective random deep thought of mine and sorry for the long post.  

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