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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Hello everyone, (and welcome to me, I just registered :P) I just watched the first episode of The Heirs tonight. I like it so far, but one thing kind of rubbed me the wrong way: The portrayal of Americans.From the wild kids on the beach to the woman-abusing white dude, and those other white dudes that were harassing the poor waitress.. I am very very worried now people actually in South Korea will think we are even more stupid.I just want to put a disclaimer out there: While a good portion of Americans are wild and crazy (to put it in a light-hearted way)...okay let's face it, a lot of our citizens are idiots, but most of America is NOT like that at all.I'm hoping they will show a better side in the upcoming episodes, if not then I can't do anything about it but hope South Koreans won't hate us >.<
I also want to applaud all the cast members who spoke english. English is a very difficult language to pronounce. Can't wait for more of this drama!

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@Stuartjmz Oh I know and that's fine...but my concern is will they know it's just a stereotype and entertainment or will they think that's actually really who we are?I don't want them hating us based on the portrayal in a drama :(

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@Stuartjmz I guess you're right. I mean, I am absolutely in love with Korea. The music, the traditions, the food, the language,..I can go on and on. I am even learning Hangul and hope to go there someday. It just got me thinking if it's worth it, if it's worth learning about a culture that dislikes you based on your nationality because of how they've seen your nationality portrayed in their media. I know here the media does the same thing to other nations and I hate it when they do that, because I love the whole world <3
On another note, what do you think the actors and crew thought while they were there? I mean, since they were the ones putting the series together, I really do hope Lee Min Ho, Park Shin Hye, etc. don't think of us that way either. I'm sure they see us in a different light since they were actually there in Cali. At least I hope they do anyway. 

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Guest kchung06

After waiting to watch this drama, I now think I have no interest . I am an American and I do enjoy k-dramas, however the portrayal of a typical American is so askew . It left a bitter taste in my mouth . If our culture and people are looked down on after this episode you can count me out . So much for heirs I-)

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My own Essay for Heirs Episode 1 Review :P

The 14-minutes long trailer has definitely spoiler-ed me more than I thought. There is less “feel” to the first episode after I watched it. That said I’m applauding to all of the actors that have appeared. Yes, including J or Jay by Aaron Groben. I think he did alright and he is still new to the acting business, yes? No? I believe the problem lies in the reason that he is acting against Lee Min-ho.

Lee Min-ho employed un-exaggerated acting with minimal use of body movement. His acting style is that he can exude his emotions with just his eyes and/or the use of facial expression. His character even though at times may seem cheerful but really, he is the “quiet and thinking” type while Jay is the out-there-bubbly-why-think-just-do-it-kind of guy. Thus, Aaron’s wild and big body movement make his acting even more so exaggerated beside Lee Min-ho.

I’m not upset with the use of stunt double for the surfer but it would be nice if it can be filmed in a way that I am unable to tell between him and Lee Min-ho, LOL. It was weird that one moment I am swooning at Kim Tan and next I am all, “Eh?! Who is that?” =))

Choi Young-Do (Kim Woo Bin):
Wow. Badass. Me like! I never doubted Woo Bin’s ability as a badass character anyway so yeah, no complaint there! :P I also adore his “Annyeong sister”. He is, how to say, looks dangerous and has a murderer streak in him kind of badass (?).

Hahaha ~ okay, I cannot hate this dude yet.

Cha Eun Sang (Park Shin Hye):
I pity Eun Sang and I feel for her. I think PSH did really well to showcase her frustration of her poor life and she makes your heart wrenched for her when you see her interactions with her mother. :(( She has a lot of pride which I worry it may not be good for her for the upcoming episode because pride cannot put food on the table or it might just get her into more hell-hole. However, her pride echoes mine and I wish to see her fight to for a better life! At the moment, I just hope she would be a kickass character throughout and not a damsel in distress; even if she is going to be one, please be a kickass damsel in distress who can also protect her loved ones.

More in spoiler tags to create the illusion of a short essay ;))

This is my first PSH’s drama and all this bug-eyed or deer-in-the-headlight talk about her acting has gotten me to take a closer look at her in HD :D and my conclusion is – the girl has big eyes so it’s not the typical bug-eyed! She did the bug-eyed at the required/right scenes 1) shock to hear mum is giving all her money to sister 2) Kim Tan’s “It’s okay baby”.

Yoon Chan Young (Kang Min Hyuk) and Lee Bo Na (Krystal):

Chan Young must have a very good temper because I don’t think I have the patience (as a guy) when it comes to  dealing with Miss Jealousy. That said, I do understand her insecurity with Eun Sang & Chan Young’s friendship. I like that she isn’t stuck up enough to look down on Chan Young’s not-so-rich family background. So far, Bo Na has not warmed up to me since her first appearance is portrayed as what seems like an unreasonable, high-maintenance rich girl who bosses her boyfriend around. I just hope her heart does not waver when Kim Tan return, because then I won’t like her so much for poor Chan Young’s sake. Hmph. Please do not go there, Kim Eun Sook!

Chan Young is probably the only one in Heirs that has a good, healthy relationship with his parent(s)! That's good to see, it can be tiring to keep seeing all these teenagers rebel against their parents throughout 20 episodes. Hmm...

Yoo Ra Hael (Kim Ji Won):
I am so far more fond of her character than Lee Bo Na. I cannot explain why, yet. Even though she is another messed-up-arrogant b* in the making but it seems like she has a reason behind her bad behavior; just like her step-brother.

Like step-brother like step-sister. I thought her “Hey brother!” was equally badass too. Boy I am impressed of her show off on Japanese, LOL! I wouldn’t say she spoke without an accent but it is fluent and at the right pace than some actors attempting to speak Japanese.

Park Hee Nam (Kim Min Kyung):
Lady Choi! I miss you! She is a great actress and her screen presence is very strong. She gets to me emotionally straight away with her acting, whether it is watching her bowing down, serving Kim Tan’s mother - Han Ki Ae (Kim Sung Ryung) or her interactions with Eun Sang. I am so glad she is doing the voiceover too because even the way she voiceover her dialogues weigh your heart down.

I was temporarily rejoicing for a moment when I saw her LC-ing Park Shin Hye. Hahahahahahahahaha! Faithlings would know what I am talking about. Kim Min Kyung played Lee Min-ho’s aunt in Faith and she would occasionally whack him in there; no one dares to do that to the General Choi Young but.... his aunt =)) so we Faithlings calls this as LC-ing. :))
I’ll need to make a gif of Kim Min Kyung LC-ing Park Shin Hye. LOL!

Kim Won (Choi Jin Hyuk):
Ishhh~ your screen time is seriously short but at least not as short as Kim Sung Ryung’s. I can’t hate this man yet even though I know what is coming at the almond farm. He has family issues he needs to get over with. Mother died at age 5, I doubt second wife treats him well and he gained a little brother who might steal everything from him. From his character description and of what his father has said, he probably thought he was never loved.

Han Ki Ae (Kim Sung Ryung):
A typical mistress on TV. A sad one I might add as the servants also despised her. There should be more to her character than what we saw so I can’t say much. She must have loved the man enough to stay around, what with her good looks, why should she suffer being a non-existence wife if she does not love the man?

Kim Tan (Lee Min-ho):
I left him to the last because I cannot be insightful when my shallow side desperately wants him to know - Dude, you look awesome being wet and topless. =)) =)) =))

Hmm ok, I am unsure if Kim Tan is doing well in his studies to rebel a little against Kim Won or he is just writing a diary? I guess I shall find out when we arrived at the University of Redlands scene.

I like the café scene where he locks his gaze at Eun Sang while Eun Sang has hers on Eun Seok. He did not exude a lot of emotions but you can tell, Kim Tan is intrigue and curious about this Asian girl standing in front of his window. He was so into it that he only broke off the gazing-her-till-he-makes-a-hole-in-her when Eun Seok slams the coffee pot down. Then again, kudos to Lee Min-ho at the scene when Eun Sang cries her heart out in front of her opened luggage – that sparkling tears you see in his eyes, the boy has gone all soft and aches for her too as he observes as a by-stander.

I noticed Min-ho’s hair is shorter and iis fairer in the hospital scene, so I concluded that it must have been shot in Korea, LOL! I loved the stern look Kim Tan shot Eun Sang and said, “Ara…” It is alternative version of “Just keep quiet”. It gives me déjà vu of uri Choi Young. :P

Kim Tan, a complicated character? I don’t know. He seems to be as menace as Choi Young Do back then, or worse, but I cannot see it in this episode. To me, he puts on a mask when he is with his friends thus he looks lonely even though he is supposed to be “having fun”. I like that he takes time-off to think, this shows his character isn’t shallow and he might actually have an IQ higher than Young Do, which is also why he has been exiled. He might possess the brain and ability to run Empire Group. I need to get to know this boy a little better. At the moment, he seems like a softie who conceals himself in the playboy-happy-go-lucky-I-do-drugs outer shell.

Last but not least, everyone has been commenting on their English, especially LMH as he spoke the most therefore he gets criticize the worse. Asian languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean do not have “R” in their alphabet (or vice versa for Jap) so they are easily stumped by English words that contain “L” and “R”.

May I please ask everyone to put yourself in their shoes and imagine yourself being thrown into a foreign country, which you have never spoken that language in your country, and please tell me if you can speak fluently without getting tongue-tied and carrying an accent? If one expects him to speak fluently with an American accent then SBS might as well dub his voice over because in reality, he cannot possibly achieve that in a short period of time. As an Asian myself, I can frankly say that Caucasians carry a heavy accent / speak slower too when they speak Asian languages. A lot of them cannot tell between the 4 tones of Chinese phonetics and they actually sound monotonous if you asked them to pronounce the 4 tones.

I think it is borderline on bashing when I read certain poster(s) in here mentioning about this actress’ English is… but that actor’s Engrish is… please refrain from being double standard. I say this because I have seen it elsewhere and can see it in this forum - As fans of the supported star(s), May we please respect each other & others' biases, and not turn on each other on purpose? :)

You have asked me what my thoughts on LMH’s English? I think he has practiced and tried really hard to get them all right. In my opinion I think he tried too hard to say them all and pronounce it correctly that it came out unnatural and slower (the scene with J in his room). It was challenging because his dialogues have "calling, already, always, plane, anniversary etc"... the Ls and the Rs.

But all other lines are fine, delivered with a strong accent but Koreans / Japanese / Chinese are not required to speak English in their daily life when they are in their country. Therefore, same applies to Kim Tan. He probably did not need to speak a word of English until he was exiled to US at 15 and we all know from his character description that he is hardly the geek in school, thus, it would be foolish to expect him to burp out a good England, no?

I was here last night and jumped 230+ new posts to avoid spoilers :)) and then went to bed. Glad to see you drooling over LMH, KWB and etc =)) =)) =)) Are you and @Anomalous happy to finally see some shower scenes we missed out on in Faith? :))

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@kchung06 Yes. That's was my concern as well (scroll up and you'll see). Every country has it's stereotypical entertainment (I actually think America is really really bad about it) and because of it, I think many of our citizens can be ignorant based on what they've seen. As @stuartjmz pointed out, turnabout is fairplay. I just do not wish for any hate on anyone that's all. Maybe I'm just a very compassionate person for all human beings so I'm more sensitive about it. Idk.And as I said before I really hope the cast and crew who made this drama do not think that way of us. The last thing I would want to find out is the Lee Min Ho or Park Shin Hye think Americans are crazy. But as I said...they were the ones actually in the country, california to be more specific, filming it and they might know from staying there that the people here are not normally like that..

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That scene in the coffeshop of him watching her watching her sister was very well shot. The angles and emotions so well done.It was a very strong scene one acted beautifully by all three. I like that Eun Sang curses and says stuff she is no pushover and I sure hope her character does not become one when she falls in love that would ruin it for me.

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Lee Minho and Park Shinhye look like a real couple
pl.jpg A couple photo of Lee Minho and Park Shinhye has been gaining attention. Park Shinhye uploaded a picture on her Twitter on the 10th with the words “What will happen between these two? The charming Kim Tan and the slovenly Cha Eunsang.” The picture shows the two looking comfortable together with their faces close together while looking at the camera with slight smiles. The big eyes of the two gained attention. 
Lee Minho and Park Shinhye are currently starring in the new SBS drama ‘Heirs’ playing the characters of Kim Tan, a conglomerate heir, and Cha Eunsang, an heir to poverty.

Netizens wrote “The two match well together”, “Upload the other two pictures please”, “They are a strong visual couple”, “I am watching the drama well”, and “The picture shines
 because of the two of them.” Source: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LS2D&mid=shm&sid1=106&sid2=221&oid=038&aid=0002426173

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britta said: @kchung06 Yes. That's was my concern as well (scroll up and you'll see). Every country has it's stereotypical entertainment (I actually think America is really really bad about it) and because of it, I think many of our citizens can be ignorant based on what they've seen. As @stuartjmz pointed out, turnabout is fairplay. I just do not wish for any hate on anyone that's all. Maybe I'm just a very compassionate person for all human beings so I'm more sensitive about it. Idk.And as I said before I really hope the cast and crew who made this drama do not think that way of us. The last thing I would want to find out is the Lee Min Ho or Park Shin Hye think Americans are crazy. But as I said...they were the ones actually in the country, california to be more specific, filming it and they might know from staying there that the people here are not normally like that..

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