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Is this song too sad?


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Is this song too sad?


I mean it’s okay to have sad songs.


But is it too sad, like depressing sad?  I wrote this song about my Dad, who passed away a few years ago.  I sang on it and played all the instruments, recorded into my Roland 16-track hard disk recorder..  Plus making this video allowed me to have a way to have the photos of my Dad online for all eternity....well at least until the human race destroys itself anyways. Yes, that's me with long hair in one of the photos.


Here's the link:


What do you think?


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  • 2 weeks later...

antares said: MakahaMusic said: antares said: MakahaMusic said: antares said: MakahaMusic said: antares said: MakahaMusic said:

Is this song too sad?


I mean it’s okay to have sad songs.


But is it too sad, like depressing sad?  I wrote this song about my Dad, who passed away a few years ago.

Here's the link:

What do you think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

antares said: MakahaMusic said: antares said: MakahaMusic said: antares said: MakahaMusic said: antares said: MakahaMusic said: antares said: MakahaMusic said:

Is this song too sad?


I mean it’s okay to have sad songs.


But is it too sad, like depressing sad?  I wrote this song about my Dad, who passed away a few years ago.

Here's the link:

What do you think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

there is no such thing as a too sad song.though there will be some negative feedback from ppl who have never gone through the kind of things you have, there will be so many more that have gone through the same thing. i have gone through my mom's passing and this song really pulls at my heartstrings but it's great, really.

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  • 3 weeks later...

jieun96 said: there is no such thing as a too sad song.though there will be some negative feedback from ppl who have never gone through the kind of things you have, there will be so many more that have gone through the same thing. i have gone through my mom's passing and this song really pulls at my heartstrings but it's great, really.

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  • 1 month later...

I have another song that I wrote about my Dad.  I took one line from this song and put it in the song/music video in post #1.  I guess I'm ripping off myself, but I guess it's legal because I wrote both songs, right?  LOL  But hey, the song in post #1 is better with that line I think, but some people have liked this one better:



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