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[Drama 2013] Incarnation of Money 돈의 화신

Guest nozomikizumi

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@krgirl87, if you look closely at her face, she is wearing the fat suit for the face,
her body is a little hard to gauge because of her wedding gown,  She is shown with
longer hair so that means the two episodes would be dealing with events that would
happen in several years.

@Morwena, yes those selcas of Do Ji Han looked great. I will be posting more about
him tomorrow. Me too, I'm going to miss you all because I know you'll be moving to
other threads. Hope I bump into you in the near future. :)

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wow they make her fat again, this is so funny! yeah also that means ıt will take a time maybe year or 2 year for marriage! (actually ıts a normal process for real life couples) also that means probably this scene gonna be at the end of the episode; at final scene! I'm sure ıts gonna be so funny moment I feel wedding kiss gonna be repeat of their first kiss but this time he will respond it but I dont like the idea about CD kissing JI's fat plastic face again! gave them good confession moment and normal kiss please!  ;)

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Guest Morwena

@pechumori: I am not leaving this thread, I will always lurk around and hope to get to chat with some of you again. :-)But it would be lovely to encounter you on other threads as well! >:D<Now let's change the subject, I'm getting really sad. So, who's ready for tonight's episode? :D

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I'm ready!!!

Today I could watch live stream! yeyyy..., I dont know Korean but I'm sure our friends gonna make good live recaps but If there is good scenes that I can understand without listening, I really like to share my online opinions!

last half hour to last 2 episode........  :D

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Ugh. Idk what had happened prior me logged in, but this is what I watched so far:
SK went to his dad graveyard and tell him that he is elected (or still candidate?)  as Seoul Major.SK went to meet Angelina and tell her that he has taken care of the issue with CD and release her, take her away with him. Angelina face is stunned and confused yet follow him.Madam Bok is entertained by GJ who play sax for her in a rooftop house then Madam Bok suddenly hit him, seems she recognizes him. Uncle PD and JI arrives to calm her when she ask about the situation.CD meets with Deputy Prosecutor General and discuss something when ex ProsGen Kwon arrives and  plan to hits CD due he killed his son. CD said something about SK involvement.Angelina goes to someplace (Idk where) and next scene is she makes a phone call to her son from a house SK prepare for her.

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SK meets with the reporter and ex ProsGen Kwon in a restaurant.  Later. SK is interviewed by the reporter of his election.Madam Bok meets with the politicians who get her support over the years and get riles up of the situation, then they apologize to her.
JH meets with reporters who inform her about something (sorry voice is breaking up)
SK is congratulates by JH dad and the party members who back him up.CD meets SK in his party place where all the reporters are there to cover the official election decision.Ex ProsGen Kwon meets with JH dad and talk, when JI and uncle PD come to meet them.

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Yayy~!!Dir Yoon confesses that SK is the mastermind of the chaos to take YSCU down and cut CD power.
Ex ProsGen Kwon get angry to SK. SK talks over the mic to CD and Dir Yoon in panic which caused CD to glance back at Dir Yoon who looks scared first but then turn firm stare.JI is interview by reporters in some place.CD talk to DepProsGen (who now is the ProsGen to replace Kwon) and discuss about SK case.JH meets with CD to ask why CD make a case over her beloved sunbae, SK.CD explains briefly to her that makes JH having flashback of a piece of paper she found earlier.JH runs back to the drawer where she puts the paper away and hoping that she is mistaken. Unfortunately, she is not. She can't believe it.SK is in custody when JH visit him and ask him about the feud he has with CD.

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JH shown SK a piece of paper which is an evidence (of bribery?) to the case SK face right now SK gets riled up and deny it. CD is confiscating all documents from SK place.JH walks in a park where she meets with CD and having beer together.. -- Ahh, misery  loves company indeed.. ^^CD updates JH about SK case and mention something about CCTV.......
The End

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My connection is not very good today @Morwena. Some scenes were missed.
Hi @GaeinaLee, the new look of KJH makes it hard for me to concentrate on the story. :x  
recaps of ep 23

The first scene I saw was Kwon sitting at the back of the car who seems to be blaming Se Kwang for the release of Cha Don. The reporter is with them too.

Next scene, I saw Cha Don and his new hairstyle inside a car talking with Manager Yang and Sec.Hong

Madam Bok is talking to Jae In and Uncle Pal and they live in a smaller house now.

Angelina went into a bank vault and got something out of a safety deposit box.
I think she stayed in a hotel afterwards. Someone knocked on her door...

Cha don was talking with Chief Prosecutor Sang Deuk when Kwon opens the door and
sees Cha Don inside. Thinking Cha Don is the one who killed his son, Kwon grabs Cha Don by the collar.

Se Kwang is being interviewed by the media while Ji Hoo watches him with a smile when
in comes Cha Don! He is saying some things while the cameras kept clicking and then he was handcuffed by Cha Don, Ji Hoo's dad shakes his head at what he heard. Jae In, Uncle Pal and Madam Bok saw the whole incident on TV.

Tables are now turned as Cha Don is the one interrogating Se Kwang. They stood in the hallway and Manager Yang walks in with the Director of Yellow Sea who earlier confessed about the true murderer

Cha Don interrogates the director of Yellow Sea while Se Kwang watches on the other side. Se Kwang grabs the microphone and shouts at the witness

Then all of a sudden.... bad connection!!! NOOO!!!.. I did not even see the cliffhanger :((

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Why is tonight's episode not as thrilling as last week? Major shake up happen tho'.. but still, less suspensy. Ugh, seems I keep complaining about this since last episode.. Perhaps it because I didn't watch it from the beginning and with very little knowledge of Korean, or is it because no more Hyuk to gush over? Hmmm...
I still need to get familiar with CD new hairdo (his normal style) after 22 eps watching his weird hairdo that become his trademark..^^Oh, PD-nim, why don't you show more lovey dovey CD-JI or the development of their romance? 

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I saw the preview! ısnt ıt weird? they give a preview for final episode! they generally dont do it at k-dramas and the preview look like there will be more! but they also give promo of the new drama which will start next week! weird!! Are they using wait and see card?

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