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[Drama 2013] Incarnation of Money 돈의 화신

Guest nozomikizumi

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@ssen68 Glad to see you here, also, even though we can't really chat. I see you, @GaeinaLee and @alekaonu from time to time, but I haven't seen sorcy in a really long time. 

EDIT: Good ideea, @alekaonuIt's not about IOM


I'm eagerly waiting for LSG's drama. I love seeing that guy getting better and better (when I think I really disliked him in Brilliant Legacy...) I guess I'll also watch Lee Dong Wook in Heaven's Order. God, I don't really watch saeguks. What's gotten into me? And, I think... All About My Love? Not sure about his one, though. I should stop, or somebody will remind me that I'm on IOM's thread. Right! and the one with Han Ga In's husband. I never remember that guy's name. he difference between now and when I started watching dramas is that now I can leave a drama midway without any signs of remorse. In the beginning I felt that I HAD to finish whatever I'd started.

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Since I'm gonna talk about other dramas, so it will be in a spoiler :)

I'm watching Incarnation of Money, obviously

:D, Hundred Years Inheritance, Iris 2, Cruel Palace or Palace of Flowers, Nine Times Time Travel. The last two names are very new drama. Cruel Palace is another weekend drama. Story is quite interesting. The female lead is Kim Hyun Joo, i like her too. I have never seen her playing a villain character thats what made me start watching Cruel Palace. She will be an evil concubine

Now back to IOM :). I still miss seeing KJH and YEH in LTM. But somehow I also like to see him with Hwang Jung Eum. Hopefully when they finally kissed, HJE is not going to stay still like a statue. I started to like her from Fullhouse 2 and like her more in this drama. Now have to wait for 6 days before the next episode. Lee Chan Don aka Lee Kang Seok aja-aja hwaitting!!!

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Short recap of Ep 18  

I missed some scenes due to buffering.

Madam Bok arrives in the building where Cha don went together with the gentleman of Jingogae, but they did not see each other. Se kwang greets Madam Bok. Inside the room of the hotel where
Prosecutor Hwon and Madam Bok were to meet at 7 pm and Se Kwang also arranged to meet there with Cha Don and the Jingogae gentleman, Se Kwang chats with Hwon Kyuk
After learning that Ji Hoo's father is a member of the four influential members of the literary club he invited Ji hoo and her prosecutor boss together with Hwon Kyuk for drinks. Se Kwang leaves the room, Ji Hoo, already drunk follows him outside, she almost falls, Se kwang catches her.
He lays her on his bed. She wokes up the next morning, she sees him lying on the couch. She stares at him thinking he's asleep, as she was about to leave, he grabs her hand. They had breakfast at a restaurant.
cha don is thinking of strategies with manager yang and sec.hong and gives them directions. madam bok and prosecutor hwon arrive together at the literary club. ji hoo introduces her father to JI who is pleased to meet him. the mayor and se kwang face each other again and talk.
the three prosecutors who all have political ambitions are all present. Cha don is also in the room
inside a hotel room, cha don manager yang and sec. hong are watching se kwang and prosecutor hwon arguing in another room. They have placed a hidden camera, but se kwang is cautious about
these things. se kwang must have sensed that they are being bugged and asks prosecutor hwon to talk outside near the river. they have an argument, hwon hits se kwang, his lips bleed, se kwang pins hwon to the ground and plans to hit him too cha don receives a call from
madam bok. they talk about JI. hwon kyuk is about to kiss ji but she stops him by covering
her mouth. she closes her eyes and was getting prepared to be kissed when cha don suddenly steps in. the two guys talk while ji waits in the car cha don takes ji away and hwon kyuk is left standing on the street. cha don and ji are then seen inside the same bar where cha don got drunk before. they talk, ji leaves, but she sees cha don really getting drunk and she seems to ask herself if he is
getting affected already. se kwang is thinking of ji hoo's dad, so he asks ji hoo to meet him at a bar, he holds her cheek as if to kiss her.(buffering...don't know if he really got to kiss her)
cha don and manager yang help out se kwang with some boxes, while the gentleman of jingogae talks to him on the phone. prosecutor hwon and reporter go talk inside his office. se kwang and reporter go meet inside the elevator and talk. cha don visits angelina, she cries upon seeing him and hugs him.
they discuss things and she hands to cha don the picture of herself and her son which was shown in the previous episode cha don leaves the prison with the picture in his hand. prosecutor hwon is made to listen to a woman's tape recorded voice over the phone by cha don. cha don talks to him on the
phone at a train station as if setting a deal. the gentleman of jingogae still wearing his white suit meets
with two men over dinner at a restaurant, as he was coming out of the comfort room after washing his hands he sees madam bok and ji about to enter the building and panics, cha don gets mad at him. madam bok and ji are seen at the video cam as they are ringing the door bell, the gentleman hides in cha don's bathroom. cha don finally asks the gentleman to come out and meet madam and JI.madam was surprised to see him. prosecutor hwon and se kwang are inside an elevator when hwon receives a phone call from cha don, se kwang remembers something cha don told him about hwon and he starts getting suspicious of him. cha don and prosecutor hwon meet near the river and cha don hands over what looks like a usb flash drive (probably a copy of the woman's voice recording he made hwon to listen to) cha don smiles as prosecutor hwon drives away he then immediately calls se kwang who rushes out of his office. The cliffhanger, Cha Don smiles as the two men are about to meet.

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Hi, hi @hannahmiriam, @ssen68 and @alekaonu... Just came back and logged in. How are you all? I saw you mentioned that Chingzy's closed down, since when? Ohhh, I hope she's alright and can overcome the disappointment watching her friendly corner was shut down. Now, I'll read @hannahmiriam and @alekaonu and other recappers' post while DL-ing. ^^

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Guest Morwena

 Oh, poor Ji Hoo, I am so so sorry for her, even though I had a feeling that something like this was going to happen......  =((  Thank you so so much @pechumori, @alekaonu and @Hannahmiriam for your short recaps, I've enjoyed each and one of them. :) >:D

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said: It was very sad to watch Madame Bok getting lost and disoriented. It is very difficult for the family as well as the individual when older citizens get lost. Something similar happened to this uncle we knew. He went for his usual morning walk and got completely disoriented and lost. He stopped people on the street and asked them to take him home. A passerby took him to a police station. Meanwhile his family wondering why he didnt come back from his walk were searching for him. Thinking that perhaps he had been hit by a car, went to all the nearby hospital asking if there was any elderly gentlemen who had been admitted. Finally after hours, they went to the police station where they found him. After that, they always made sure that the uncle had a cell phone with him and they also placed a sheet of paper in his shirt which contained contact numbers....

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said: so this is what i understood from the epi......without the subs, mind you....correct me if i am wrong.......jae in's dad was a musician his nickname was gentleman of jingogae......boss bok took that name to create a strong persona for her loan shark business.......cha don tells her about his revenge and wants her help by using her power to lure se kwang and kwan jae kyu....both of whom want to enter politics......meanwhile prosecutor jeon ji hoo has a respected person for a father....someone who se kwang can use for his political aspirations i assume.....so when ji hoo confesses her love for se kwang.......he'll have a readymade backer for his entry in future father in law.....now cha don had wanted to use jae in's dad to entrap him but smart se kwang wanted to catch kwon in his deception, so he suggested the same place where boss bok was meeting kwon on cha don's request to offer to support him.......

if i missed something or got something totally wrong....please feel free to correct me......i can understand just a bit of the lang.....need subs...

so excited for epi 18...can't wait......

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Guest Morwena

@pechumori: I know, SK is getting more and more brazen. How can he do this to Ji Hoo, she is so pure and naive, and she loves him since forever..... this "relationship" has the sole purpose of getting SK what he wants, and Ji Hoo will inevitably get hurt and with a broken heart in the process..... 

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Since no one else mentioned it I will, when BR left to go to America wasn't she pregnant? I think the son is SK he just think the man she was living with in America is the dad. The kid may think it too since that is who he living with. It was mentioned that Angelina only got 3 years, that's true but there is a catch. CD convinced her to serve it in a mental hospital prison. The same as his mom, the problem with that is they can hold her indefinitely because she will now have to cured of her mental illness before she can be released. He did the same thing to her that SK did to his mom. They convince them to go this route because their release is determined by their mental stability not a court sentence. Which means you could be out in months as well as years and years. After all you can't let a violent crazy person loose on society just because they served 3 years.
JI's father, I believe that an absent parent can make you desire to know them and to understand why they left I don't know if I would be able to play the dutiful child to someone who abandoned me for their own selfish reasons. Even is you are broke and can't help to support your child that has nothing to do with you knowing and spending time with your child, and forget about the wife you left behind.

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i don't understand : who's the father of the son of Angelina ?? what's the story of the father of JI : it seems that JI didn't knew him ,but in episode 18 : i think that JI now know that CD didn't betrayed her mother at least and she begin to think that CD has some feelings to her !!!

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