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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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Hey guys!!! It's been a long time since I post here right? It's great to see that this thread still moving litle by little. I might have a long rant and complaint to make regarding Chae Won's attendance to Running Man. I'm sorry to post something like this to our thread but I feel really hurt reading people's harsh comments towards our Chae Won and I don't have anyone to talk to this about but only to you all.
As we all know, Chae Won was on running man right after being a long time her absence in the variety world. When I watched the running man I was very happy because she already have that courage to come out. Unfortunately, reading people's comment on the comment section really makes me hurt. I know they have their own opinion but I think they are too harsh. They calling Chae Won annoying, and some comparing her with another guest. More worst some said she was disgusting. This is so harsh. 
Kekekeke... I think this is all... I just want to outpour my feelings and I feel much better right now. I just hope that just like in the Princess's Man era where at first she got criticised by netizens and still manage to show to everyone she is capable, I really hope that in the variety world, she will be also like that. Thank you all. 

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@mooncw hello there chingu! let me give you a warm hug! >:D< honestly, I also got affected by those harsh comments. But I was reminded that we really cannot control people's opinion, more so, their freedom to speak their mind. 
Let's just continue to hope for the success of her projects (and for the announcement of her relationship with JK hahaha delulu!) :))

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Guest sugarsmmk

Hello guys im a newbie here.

Have been watching NG since the very first time they aired but just found this page recently. And i hae been lurking on this page since several days ago. Eventhough i hae my final exam on the line but i keep lurking on this page and even read fanfic that u guys posted here lol. Cant help but being more delulu. I enjoy ur posts guys.

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@sugarsmmk welcome welcome chingu! >:D< >:D< >:D< it's good to know that the Chaeki virus is still infecting people! haha! Thanks for reading the ffs too! :D
@giaonguyen well said! I couldn't agree more. You're right, it's a matter of perspective. Let's just to continue to look at the bright side and focus on the good things. Like what you said, let haters gonna hate, but we shouldn't be like that. Cheers! :D :D
By the way, I found the time (and inspiration) to update my ff Hidden. You may want to read it through these links!
Enjoy! :D

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@sugarsmmk welcome to our ship! Keep burning for our otp ChaeKi! ;)

@giaonguyen‌ very nice words! I couldn't agree more! Haters are everywhere, that's part of life but as long as we ignore and prove them wrong then life is easier right? Just focus on what is positive and be happy! Life is too short so spend it wisely and be happy! People may judge her that easy but we as her fans must believe in her and support her no matter what. Let's pray for her this 2015. May her projects do well! Fighting MCW!

Love y'all @Toasts! :x

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Hey, guys! I watched that episode of RM where CW was a guest too and I was so happy that KS and her are still in contact! :D

LOL. If we assume that she's with JK, of course he'd consider her a "family", right? ;)) I mean, sure, it can also be due to them being close during the NG days but this is still a positive statement since it could mean that she and JK might still have a good relationship. It'll be awkward between KS and CW if they don't.

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Guest scent99

LKS still have communication with MCW after a long time since Nice Guy, LKS is JoongKi's bestfriend. so it means Joongki still have communication also with MCW wooo. I really like their chemistry hope both have guesting in RM after Joongki's military service

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Guest villanuevarona991_at_yahoo.com.ph_stv

due of Papal Visit so all signals are weaken for his safety so i couldnt get the link of mcw gives out another delusional statement !!! chaeki feels that made my heart burst!!!

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