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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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@coastalbreeze, I nearly choked on my food reading your post on my phone. :)) :))
My co-workers were like, "Are you alright?"  I covered it up by coughing loudly. Haha.

So I realized something in one of my delusional moments...I seem to be having so many of those lately. :))
Early January of this year, Chaewon said she wants to have a boyfriend.
Current interview, she said she wants to be in a relationship.

I don't know, it must be the writer in me but I see a huge difference in the choice of words.
Boyfriend = hoping for a guy, as in wants fall in love
In a relationship = already have a guy in mind and wants take it a step further
Am I right, Chaewonnie? Did you hear that SJK? She doesn't want just any bf, she wants a relationship (with you). ;))

Okay, it's time to do a delusional spin ala Maria...


Oh dear, I'm dizzy and looooosing it. I need intervention. =))

EDIT: Confession -- it's not just ChaeKi that's making me spin-happy today...

My true luvs is coming out of the military!!!

Binnie!!! Binnie!!! Will be back tomorrow!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


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Guest charmingtail

really going to be busy with RL esp hubby is coming back overseas and long holiday ahead but still I cant help but talk abt our lovely couple chaeki.

PS: pls pardon my bad grammars and spellings because I am always typing too fast and really no time to proof read my post at all =p...its good as long as everybody get my story =p

Was giggling by myself thinking of their rom com today while going to work, but I really got no time to write it well so its like just the summary written based on their interviews etc

story:Scene 1SJK: (looking at MCW) She is beautiful but too cold and proud as well.  

MCW: (thinking mode)* "WHOA" ...looking at the script. I have to practice more, I always have problem bringing out the emotions and acting naturally with long sentences. =(* I am not smiling a lot on set as pre-amnesiac EG is not suppose to be that happy-go-lucky, I need time to warm up to my char especially during the initial stage and....... sigh.....I cant shed emotion immediately too after filming. SO....... will he think that I am cold and proud? Should I joke a bit? (thinking and blinking her big round eyes) 

Scene 2 AomoriOn bridge before the KissSJK: My hands are really cold.......why am I feeling nervous. Its nothing special, just the usual work. I have done this many times and I can do it again...........MCW: my tummy is feeling so much knots....Is his ears red? He seem to have sensitive ears....but weather is kinda warm now.....Hm....I really need to concentrate
That night in bedSJK (tossing and turning in his bed): I need to turn on the aircon, its kinda warm in here.MCW (smiling to herself and recalling how his kiss make her knees go weak): He is really quite a good kisser....
they became more awkward after Aomori Kiss
Scene 3After Press conferenceMCW: we really cant go on like this, its going to affect our actingso she said to SJK: let's drop our formalities........

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class="headline" style="font-size: 24px; font-weight: normal; margin: 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; line-height: 1.21em; font-family: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;"Actress Moon Chae Won finds 'Nice Guy' to be full of challengesMoon Chae Won

KBS 2TV drama 'Nice Guy' finished its run this past November, and I had the honor of interviewing actress Moon Chae Won who played the leading role of Seo Eun Ki.

She revealed that it was only 2 weeks after the drama had ended before she felt the burden lifted from her shoulders. She said, "It (the drama) left a deep impression on me because I love it really much and the feeling was really strong. It took half a year to film all 20 episodes, so it's difficult for me to forget this experience in a short period of time. This happy and thrilling challenge was an adventure."

# Choosing the role

Moon Chae Won really portrayed the icy cold personality of Seo Eun Ki in one instance and the innocent Seo Eun Ki in another after she lost her memory. Seo Eun Ki was also a woman who would die for love and Moon Chae Won really brought out the essence of this difficult role thanks to her solid acting ability. Moon Chae Won was able to project deadly stares from her eyes but still possess a sense of loneliness in them. Is there anyone else other than Moon Chae Won who can do this perfectly?

Moon Chae Won said, "I will only pick roles that satisfy what I am looking for, and being afraid is only something that I would consider later on. I hope to take on challenging roles, and not roles that are within my comfort zone, or something that I had attempted before, or something that I would be good at. If I only act in roles that I am familiar with, what joy is there left? Of course, there would be failures if you take on a challenge and venture into the unknown, but if it succeeds, it will be mine. It would be a lie if I said that I am not afraid. But I just try hard and be courageous, so I choose to become Eun Ki."

# Making it your own role

Moon Chae Won decided on 'The Princess' Man' because it was a romance drama. But the decision to act in 'Nice Guy' was because of the attraction to the role of Eun Ki. Thus while she was really passionate about her role, it wasn't easy for her to portray it. She said, "Eun Ki was a cold-hearted person at the beginning who doesn't smile. But this was not the reason for me choosing this drama. I wanted to act as a 29 year old woman who has never had a first kiss experience, and feelings of love, loneliness, and pain. But I never acted such a role before and I couldn't remember my lines. The lines were really long, and I need a long time to rehearse them. I was already really nervous because I had Japanese lines in the beginning, and I would even rehearse the Japanese lines in my dreams."

It was not just the lines. Moon Chae Won also added little actions like putting her hands in her pocket, putting her hands at the back like a soldier while getting lectured by her father, or turning her sight away after finishing a conversation, and other minute details. She said, "After I conclude what I want to say, I would use my eyes to put down the other party, while prior to finishing my lines, I would give the other party a feeling of 'I don't really care who you are'. This was a way to not let the other party see through your emotions and avoid interaction. At the beginning, Eun Ki would be looking elsewhere while conversing, but later on, she would look at the other party straight in the eye. The latter Eun Ki will keep looking at the party in the eyes, and that was the transformation of Eun Ki right before your eyes."

Eun Ki rarely pays much attention to her outfits, and often just wears t-shirts and jeans while sporting long straight hair, giving an impression of a cold hearted princess. This wasn't in the script, but Moon Chae Won gave the role flavor by applying these little details. She said, "Eun Ki was like that in the beginning, but she changed to a cuter self towards the end. Ma Roo really fell in love with Eun Ki after she lost her memory, and thus she learnt to doll herself up. Because we were in the midst of filming, there wasn't much time and it was difficult to change in just a day. Moreover, I really liked the cold and aloof side of Eun Ki even though she appeared for just 9 episodes, and I find it a real pity when I had to let her go. But there really wasn't much time for me to fret over that. I had to ditch the vicious Eun Ki for an adorable one, but it was an interesting yet difficult task for me."

# Talking about the ending in 'Nice Guy'

In the ending for 'Nice Guy', Ma Roo and Eun Ki ended up together 7 years later and lived happily ever after together. The scene where Ma Roo who suffered a memory loss after his brain operation, took out a ring that he had prepared for Eun Ki 7 years ago, left many viewers speculating. Moon Chae Won revealed that she was really satisfied with the end. She expressed, "This proves that Ma Roo was the only man in the world, and that Eun Ki became the only woman in the woman. The both of them only begun their normal love relationship in their 30s, and to see them live happily ever after makes me happy. I really have to thank the screenwriter for the happy ending with a little twist."

Moon Chae Won felt the the ending was a good one, and she expressed her thoughts on filming the happy scene at Tongyeong 7 years later, "I hope to give people a feeling like 'Full House', and that you can still appear as bubbly as ever even if you are over 30, and that Ma Roo never lost his memory. But does Eun Ki know that? It left a deep impression on everyone because of the many questions without definite answers. The screenwriter was really serious about the writing because she loved the drama, so I really have to thank her."

Finally Moon Chae Won revealed an interesting story behind Eun Ki's bakery, "The director had texted me asking me what name should the bakery have. I decided on EunMaru Bakery, because that's what the viewers called us (EunMaru couple). The director later called it Silver Top (which literally means EunMaru in Korean), and it sounded really nice."

Credit: YahooPhilippines

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Cross posting this great translation by our fairy godmother @Kgrl >:D<

Kgrl said

Moon Chae Won: "Innocent Man's Seo Eun Gi was a risk and challenge."

Credit: StarNews & Xiao Xi @ MCW Baidu Tieba

English translation by Kgrl @ MCW Soompi thread


“What do I do? Miss him…I miss Kang Maru so so much!”  A love declaration uttered in tears, in perfect harmony of a woman who, for the first time in her life had a reason to live, triggered silent tears from audiences in front of the TV.  The one who made viewers cry hot tears is none other than lead actress Moon Chae Won (26). On Nov. 15 of KBS2TV’s  The Innocent Man (script Lee Kyung Hee, PD Kim Jin Won) she portrayed Seo Eun Gi who possessed dual personalities of destruction and purity, attracting many audiences.

MCW had previously portrayed innocent Se Ryung of KBS2TV’s The Princess’s Man and garnered much love from male audiences, in addition the sageuk version of Romeo and Juliet fulfilled the many dreams of female hearts.  For MCW, who has always given audiences the image of a princess, The Innocent Man became the platform to transform from her previous image.

In The Innocent Man, MCW went so far as to “change from head to toe from previous onscreen images, tried to absorb the character Seo Eun Gi into a part of MCW, even thought to equate Seo Eun Gi = Moon Chae Won.” After MCW gets amnesia, she exhibited a completely different personality, in essence playing two roles. Through The Innocent Man, MCW has moved another monumental step on her journey to being a great actress.

MCW said that immediately after her drama wrapped up filming, she visited her brother who was serving in the army. After months of being Seo Eun Gi, she can finally release a breath of relief.  You can also see on MCW’s face a relaxed and easygoing aura.

“Innocent Man was filming until the last day of broadcast, the After Party was also held all night, was so tired that I didn’t have much energy but still participated until the end, because the drama had finished filming, so that kind of anxiety/stress was gone.”


For MCW, The Innocent Man was a “challenge and risk”

MCW gave a passionate portrayal of SEG in The Innocent Man, and frankly revealed why she chose this drama and SEG, how the worried opinions around her became her motivation to take a challenge and risk.

“When choosing scripts, the most important factors to look for are unique plots and characters; if there is one of two that is very striking, then I’ll choose to act in it. Similarly, was completely captivated with the role SEG in The Innocent Man, immediately wanted to act in this drama. The story has not changed much from the original drama synopsis, but there was one characteristic that immediately caught my attention and wanted to risk it to try and challenge this role; ‘since young, and against her will, she was raised by her father to become the heir to an empire.’”

MCW said the most difficult part of the drama was in the beginning when she had to use extremely malicious words and frigid actions, letting all those around the character’s life difficult. After the amnesia, the character became the most innocent and sweet girl.

“When filming first began, due to me not having had experience in this type of role, there were some areas that felt tough to portray, [ I’ve] never really spoken malicious words, so I had to practice many times. After EG got amnesia, she became a very lovable character. Though EG had amnesia, I did not. So there were some shadows of the previous EG, which was something I had not considered, it was truly pretty difficult.”

Through the drama The Princess’s Man and the movie Bow: The Ultimate Weapon MCW’s sageuk image was deeply ingrained in people’s hearts. Yet this time, she broke through the demure and innocent image in her sageuks. For an actor, this is not easily accomplished, but MCW succeeded in doing so, does she feel satisfied for being able to do so?

“Actually, [i’ve] only participated in two sageuk productions, acted in more modern works, but my sageuk image was more memorable to audiences, so I also had thoughts of ‘ah, I’m more suitable to play in sageuks.’ But in reality, sageuks aren’t easy to film because I live in modern times, so it’s more comfortable to participate in modern dramas. If in the future, I were to chance upon good roles, will still act in sageuks.”

SJK in the eyes of MCW? “Spent a lot of time before dropping honorifics/formal speech”

In The Innocent Man, SEG was too vicious to Kang Ma Roo (Song Joong Ki), after she regained her memory she gave up her love and chose revenge, but because of her revenge her heart ached, similar to portraying two different roles, did MCW felt it was arduous?

“In order to play such a contrasting character, in the beginning of filming I wouldn’t smile, but in the later half I would smile every day, and because of this it might have led to misunderstandings, but it truly isn’t reflective of my intentions, at the time I also wanted to smile more, and chat with others more, but for someone who still lacks in their acting like me, I had to maintain that kind of emotion/feel. I was in that state prior to the start of filming.”

When SJK saw MCW’s script, he would ask “what are you learning?”, becoming an interesting/joking matter on set. SJK have on various interviews mentioned how startled he was after seeing MCW’s script, also praising her for her earnest hardworking attitude behind the scenes. MCW also gave her explanation.

“Joong Ki Oppa, after he saw my script, praised me many times. I personally treasure my scripts very much, in ’08 when I worked with Ryu Seung Ryong in Painter of the Wind, I saw his script, which was filled with markings under every line and detailed analysis of the script, I had thought it was Geun Young’s, afterwards I’ve also learned to treasure my scripts. Ryu Seung Ryong sunbae-nim doesn’t know this.”

MCW said that to be able to chat comfortably with SJK took a lot of time. It takes her about two years before she can say she really knows somebody, this is her philosophy of life.

“I filmed with Joong Ki Oppa for 6 months, know he is a very honest, sincere, and a person who isn’t fake, or to add another description would be a very consistent actor [celebrity]. In the drama, we were supposed to be lovers, so we should’ve gotten close and dropped honorifics, but it took us a while to do so. In the beginning of filming, we would address each other according to the script, and revert to honorifics after filming [scenes]. It was around September, when The Innocent Man conducted its press conference that I said to Oppa: ‘From now on let’s not be formal anymore.’ And that’s when we dropped the honorifics.”


MCW was also distraught over Innocent Man’s ending

As The Innocent Man ending came nearer, more attention was drawn to how the drama would end. Due to Writer Lee Kyung Hee’s many sad endings in her works such as I’m Sorry I Loved You and A Love To Kill, audiences were anxiously curious to see if The Innocent Man would follow the same type of ending. MCW admitted to also thinking about whether it would be a sad ending.

“Writer Lee’s many previous works were sad endings, the cast didn’t get together to discuss what type of ending it would be, but I personally did think ‘will someone die? If someone were to die, how many? Will I die? Will Ma Roo die? Will both of us die together?’ If the ending was different, I had to reflect a different portrayal, was quite distraught, but even so, most of the cast wanted a happy ending, after episode 17 and 18 were broadcasted, received news that it would most likely be a happy ending, at the time truly was very happy. “

MCW has become very close friends with her co-star Moon Geun Young and Han Hyo Joo from her previous collaborations, her same-age friends have also given her supportive texts regarding her performance. Despite a hectic schedule, MGY and HHJ was able to give her much emotional support and mentoring during this time.

want to thank them both sincerely that in my work I can have such good relations. MGY, for me, is an acting sunbae who can be a great assessor [of my acting], truly thankful to her. Previously in my movie The Bow’s premiere, HHJ came, but due to my drama filming I could not attend her movie premiere. After NG ended, I called HJ regarding her movie Band-Aid [Love 911], and she said “I have a premiere screening in Kyungheedae, is it far, are you busy?” I promised her I would definitely go, told my company to not arrange any schedule for the day of Dec. 11, that I would be attending HJ’s movie premiere."

Without much fanfare, MCW has reached her mid-20s and also of a ripe age for romantic relationships. The ardent love story in The Innocent Man has received much love from audiences. We’re curious to know if in real life MCW would also choose such a love?

“With age come changes, so how perceive and value love has also changed. During filming, I really like the passion and ardent way love is described, but once I’ve stepped out of the production, [my] views of love are not that intense, would reject that kind of love, a simple ordinary love is more beautiful.”

We don’t know after The Innocent Man, with what kind of role MCW will meet audiences, but one thing is for sure, it will be an entirely new image for the viewers.

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guys, sorry for reposted this


 i definitely don't understand what they are saying 8-}, but still kept patience to watch it and waited for cheaki's speeches 


but notice at 4:10, CW called JK like "joong ki ......... ssi"what's that? why did she call him like that?MCW ssi, since you called him like that, it's been your false to make my heart jumping around  ;)


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Ah, I've been gone from Toast land long enough.. backtracking again. Hope I don't miss anything, I'm a lousy reader kkk..meanwhile..
@yeishaOh wait, Maria~~~ I'll join youbrb-singing-about-my-feelings_870.gif
and for the other reason

Kyaaaaa Hyun Bin Oppa~ I can't believe it's two years already. They even rerun Secret Garden in 3D in Korea to welcome him.. Ah~~~ Hyun Bin come back! I've goosebumps here. too excited!

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yawzers said: Anyeong new poster in Chaeki land

I really enjoy reading everyone's insight and perspective of our Chaeki couple. Specially the really delusional ones makes my heart pitter-patter :x

All I can say is that even if they are not a couple now they definitely enjoyed each others company specially flirting which each other. <:-P

Chae Won is so funny with her reason on the "one hot pack" so therefore they had no choice. She did have a choice to just hand the hotpack to SJK and he can put the hotpack on his neck ;;) ..but hey what's the fun in that..Chae Won putting it on SJK is 1000000x better for flirting purposes :\"> and for us delusional Chaeki fans :))

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@populovehyun *hugssssssss back*

I'm soooooo happy!!!!!!
so. very. happy. :x

Can you imagine the shower scenes? :P I mean, I adore SJK but I've never fancied him. I guess it's because he's younger than me.
Hyun Bin, on the other hand, I LUV THIS MAN. :x


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Guest charmingtail

I wrote the rom com after just bits and pieces of their interviews but after really reading her interview above....I almost felt that my delusional rom com is real..... =O
“In order to play such a contrasting character, in the beginning of filming I wouldn’t smile, but in the later half I would smile every day, and because of this it might have led to misunderstandings, but it truly isn’t reflective of my intentions, at the time I also wanted to smile more, and chat with others more, but for someone who still lacks in their acting like me, I had to maintain that kind of emotion/feel. I was in that state prior to the start of filming.”
That's when SJK initially thot she was proud and cold
Yet the Aomori kiss is one of their most memorable scenes.......emotions are stirred before familiarity with each otherI remember in one of her interviews. She said she will be happy if she can remember 3 memorable scenes from each of her work...but she is so happy because they are many memorable scenes for her in NG. After she spent some time to think.....she listed the Aomori kiss as one of them (imagine picking that among many many memorable scenes)....
I filmed with Joong Ki Oppa for 6 months, know he is a very honest, sincere, and a person who isn’t fake, or to add another description would be a very consistent actor [celebrity]. In the drama, we were supposed to be lovers, so we should’ve gotten close and dropped honorifics, but it took us a while to do so. In the beginning of filming, we would address each other according to the script, and revert to honorifics after filming [scenes]. It was around September, when The Innocent Man conducted its press conference that I said to Oppa: ‘From now on let’s not be formal anymore.’ And that’s when we dropped the honorifics.”
MCW is rather reserved with stranger, coupled with the fact she needs to act as a non-smiling EG initially....they must have been really awkward with each other initially. hahaha...but the I wonder whether the unforgettable Aomori kiss which they both liked also contribute or worsen their awkwardness....=P
But I feel more comfortable acting with people around my age.  We can bounce ideas off of each other alot, like "how do we make this scene more interesting?" etc.  It's harder to do those kind of things with seniors (talking casually/friendly), so working with JK oppa really fun and I'm feeling grateful.""I have alot of lines with JK oppa. "Who can memorize the lines better?", there will be situations like that (laugh).  But even when oppa's really tired and dozes off in between filming, he can memorize his lines before the actual filming. 
but MCW (like SEG the verbal gal) breaks the barrier after press conference "Oppa let drop the formalities" .......and thats when we saw how close they become...the kind of trust and comfort level she has for SJK.......and she starts to really enjoy filming and exchanging acting pointers with him, challenging each other as to who can memorise better.........and thats also when SJK starts to know MCW is not a cold and proud woman...........she is not someone he can simply say to media "MCW is mine" =p
so I make sense or I am delusional again? hahaha :))

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Ah! Thanks for all the goodies burning toasts! <3:x
Let's all have a toast! >:D<To Chaeki & our fam! (:
PS. This may totally have no link at all , BUTJoong Ki said that he likes a woman who has 'sense' , & then drumroll guys!Chae Wonnie says she likes a man with a 'sense' of repsonsibility !!=))
I'm just being delusional , please don't mind me :$MUAH BURNING TOASTS! :*

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@yeisha and @kgrl,

I know!!! That's the effect of ChaeKi and their feeble attempt to deceive us: you laugh, and then you choke or spit your food while at it. It's just... omo... too hard to digest. :-P

Sorry... I should stop this now. It's just so much fun to ship them!!! And they're so cute and irresisible, acting so proud and rational in their interviews!

Good night, Burning Toasts! And may the truth prevail... (don't take me too seriously. I'm specially delusional at this time of night). :-)

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Looking at all those interviews that we have here ... those excuses they gave were pretty much reliable and believable to the public but not to us Chaeki-ers. Snowing + Only-one-hot-pack-available = The best excuses that MCW can offer. Chae Won's somehow putting her heart on her sleeve. Not that obvious anyway.... :D :D :D :D 

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Guest aneem181

few days before , 
 i dreamt about Chaeki !!  :\">

but , it was not related with NG , but amazingly I was dreaming i watched wolf boyyy ! 
and and... the wolf boy fell in love with a chaebeol lonely girl  ,  ( i know you can guess who's that GIRL )  ;;)

the wolf boy abandoned his should be-girl in the hospital when he saw the chaebeol lonely girl.
 he suddenly approached the lonely girl and *drumrolls ..... 
 up to you to decide what happens next ? DELUSIONAL mode on !  :D  :x

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giaonguyen said:





guys, sorry for reposted this


 i definitely don't understand what they are saying 8-}, but still kept patience to watch it and waited for cheaki's speeches 


but notice at 4:10, CW called JK like "joong ki ......... ssi"what's that? why did she call him like that?MCW ssi, since you called him like that, it's been your false to make my heart jumping around  ;)


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Good morning Burning Toasts!!!
It's 8:15 am already here and I forgot!!!

Ahem-ahem... here I go:

"I pledge allegiance to my Ship,
and to the Delusional States of ChaeKi Land
and to the awesome couple for which it stands:
one happy-go-lucky group,
with love and happiness for all (and for ChaeKi and their white van)"

PS: This is said with a light and loving heart, and not meant to offend anyone... I respect all countries and nationalities...!!! Love and Peace!

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Guest charmingtail

Moon2Won said: Cross-posting my post on the Nice Guy thread as requested by @Kgrl  :)
Come on you two. Are you trying to kill us here with your adorableness? I seriously can't take it anymore. I love how with Chaewon, Joong Ki starts off by being playful, confident, and flirty like he is with his other co-stars, and basically the Joong Ki we all know and love. However, within seconds, he ends up being a shy, awkward, and giddy boy around her. It's like he can't help, but lose himself with her, and Chaewon brings at an endearing side of him. The boy is enamored by Chaewon's natural cuteness. 
SONG JOONG KI'S TRANSFORMATION AROUND CHAEWON (That's right...it's a report)(Dedicated to the Naughites..THANKS for all the laughs. Whatever the episodes may bring, the journey was AMAZING)
Smooth Joong Ki oppaimage TRANSFORMS INTO  image
EXHIBIT B: Patting Head BTS
He starts off teasing her about her eating habits on set, and about how she ate all his meat (Which HE gave her! ), but he can't help but laugh at her cuteness.image into this   image into THIS image
Her cuteness is too much to handle.image
EXHIBIT C: Tripping Joong Ki oppa (The boys is tripping..literally.)image image
EXHIBIT D: *GULP, GULP* The heat pack is not the only thing that's warming him up =))image
EXHIBIT E: Fanboying over ChaewonI mean within seconds of Chaewon's name being mentioned..the boys is gushing :ximage
EXHIBIT F: NAUGHTY Joong Ki and Chaewon (Awkwardly teasing each other) The way he teases her is so adorable. He starts off innocently teasing her, and then can't help but get shy in the process. I mean if you watch the video carefully, as he is calling her name (her attention), he is all nervous and shy even before the joke starts. Reminds me of how in high school, my friends and I would plan out how the whole conversation would go with our respective crushes. Flirtiness and playfulness was THE KEY. We would seriously type scripts, and then try to pass it off as a natural conversation. It always went horribly LOL.  You can tell that JoongKi planned this in his head.

SJK: Chaewon, don't you think it'd be better if I don't wear pants and just wear the apron?

MCW: *laughs*

SJK: *laughs*

SJK: No pants and like "I am a man of the morning" feel... Only the apron *laughs* Then... *turns his cute butt towards MCW*

MCW: *slaps that a$s*



EXHIBIT G: Surprise Backhug Catches Him off-guard

The food is not the only thing that's "hot"


Exhibit H: FLIRTIEST INTERACTION EVER! This is such a boyfriend-girlfriend thing. Breathing on each other all flirty while practicing the dialogues? Yeah the scene DEFINITELY didn't call for that. LOOK at his adorable face. It's plain and simple...the BOY IS IN LOVE.image
imageCredit: ZarraJaeEXHIBIT I: Flowers for her BirthdayIt's so cute..he can't even look into her eyes as he is giving her the flowers. And it's so freaking adorable how he immediately walks away.  OMG shy Joongki is the cutest Joongki so far.
image  image   image
DISCLAIMER: This was typed by a delusional Chaeki fan, who has not gotten sleep for the past two days because she can't leave the best forum EVER. Please excuse my delusional Chaeki heart. BUT with the evidence I have compiled..there is NO DENYING IT. To the non-believers..
File:You're Wrong, I'm Right.gif
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