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Guest vanessa123






[NOTE] "Take Care of Us, Captain" Clara's wicked character gets jealous


Clara revealed her jealousy at Ji Jin-hee and Koo Hye-seon's relationship.

On the latest episode of SBS drama "Take Care of Us, Captain", aired on February 22nd, Mi-joo (Clara/Lee Seong-min) realized there was a relationship between Yoon-seong (Ji Jin-hee) and Da-jin (Koo Hye-seon) and got jealous.

Mi-joo knew Yoon-seong was seeing someone but when she found out that it was Da-jin, she became very jealous. She was mad and said to herself, "I can't believe I was beaten by Han Da-jin".

However, Yoon-seong didn't know what Mi-joo was thinking and showed all his affection for Da-jin in the office.

He couldn't hide his feelings as he looked at her with loving eye and smiled widely at her. Mi-joo asked Ji-won "Is your relationship with pilot Kim Yoon-seong special?" Ji-won had once lied to her. Mi-joo continued, "It's not in progress now. The past is just the past. Now you stay out of this. You are not the one to protect Kim Yoon-seong".

Mi-joo's obsession with Yoon-seong was frightening. He thought about getting rid of Ji-won first and not Da-jin. She revealed her wicked side as she went on, "Was it fun playing around with me? You can't protect Kim Yoon-seong but I can. Protect him or get lost".

Those who have seen the episode say, "I wonder what she's going to do to Da-jin", "There's no way Yoon-seong and Da-jin's relationship was going to be that steady" and more.

Source : news.nate.com/view/20...

"Take Care of Us, Captain" Clara's wicked character gets jealous

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Guest eunhye05

Hey guys, here's the recap for episode 16. Captions were slow or froze so once again there may be errors in this. hehe. :) Anways, 4 more episodes to go. What will happen?! I still think the episodes are dragging out right now.  I cant really see the connection of some scenes. Maybe sue can shed light to them or the subs. It really needs to build on more of the romance. :) Aigoo!

- MJ and CJW are discussing the whole situation. She's planning to sabotage the CK-DJ relationship by bringing out the secret isn't she? 

- MJ asks DJ to meet up with her and DJ senses something is up.

- CK and DJ. They are now having lunch/dinner together. It seems that u know me well captain but i dont know much about u. i met Hong director. Why? Nothing much, we just talked about random things. Was there any other things u talked about? are u serious? 

- Another flight. A drunk passenger barfed in the toilet and well poor poor stewardesses have to clean it up. Eww. (thats one sad part of their job)

- DS is sulking over DJ again. poor guy. 

- CK drops DJ home. (What do goodbye kiss?)  He watches her go off and walk in though. 

- Aunt, DJ and Fluffy are now having dinner.  I think FLuffy tells her sister she wants to go to DS? They buy stuff to bring to DS. DS is so cute trying to hide his mess in his pad before they arrive. 

- Later that night DS drops them home. He carries Fluffy out of the car, hands her over to DJ and they have a quick discussion outside. How did u play with her at her school. She's so in love with you. DS:it was the same as the way i treated you. He asks her if CK told her anything...then he takes it back and says its nothing. u dont know him as much as I know him. what is it? there is something. its cold get going.

- DJ tucks Fluffy into bed. She says I think they've just invited CK/PA to her recital. :) DJ says lets send him a invitation..and they draw with DJ's galaxy note. (I want that gadget!) CK smiles after receiving the cute drawing of a penguin and a note. 

- Aww DJ and CK go on a cake making date?  Is it for Fluffy? hmmm... they go to Fluffy's school and catch DS there playing with Fluffy. Awkward....CK and DS stare at each other. 

-  Both men are trying to win the attention of FLuffy. haha. Now inside the class...DJ and fluffy are playing and she notices both men outside through the window engaged in a serious conversation. DJ arrives and they stop their spat. Then Fluffy calls out to her sister.  

- CK is back on his couch contemplating. DJ is in the kitchen. She opens the cake they made. Its cute. She smiles at it.

- Ajusshi finds DJ cooking in the kitchen. She makes...? stew? soup? 

- DJ is now hanging out with her friends gyming then burgers. She makes them stuff themselves silly with burgers... i wonder what they said. Were they teasing her? 

- DJ is sitting/reading and CK arrives and sits next to her. He smells her and asks her if she ate something? well he's smelling her breathe and she's embarassed. haha. Their closeness of course sets MJ observing in the distance on fire. hehe

- New day again for the crew and pilots. Some big troop with uniforms are the passengers. Looks like there will be turbulence up ahead. Is it foggy!?  They're kind of panicking in the cockpit by the looks of it. 

- CJW has found another person to be nice too. IS this guy afraid or something? Hmm...she flashes back to CK. We have the sad background music again. This is supposedly a touching scene again i guess. Why? What's happening? CLose ur eyes and thinkg about being in the most comfortable place with the person u love. (She flashes to CK) The captain is in charge of the plane please trust him. how can i trust him i dont even know him. if u cant then please trust me.

- Oh No! Because of turbulence CK is getting all fidgety. He recalls his accident. DJ notices him being a bit uneasy. I trust you. I'll try trusting your decision. 

- Why arent the crew seated with seatbelts? isnt that protocol during turbulence.....and BAM! CJW gets hit by a runaway trolley food cart after it was on it's way to hitting a young girl. She saved the girl by taking the hit. Everyone applauds her for her heroism. (See...seriously she's not the bad guy. :) )

- YangMal and MechanicAjussi are in the kitchen. Didnt catch their discussion

- Back to DJ and CK in the cockpit. DJ calls up the the ATC and talks to DS who's very happy to hear her voice.

- We notice a moment with President. What's his plan now.

- MJ calls HDJ after they land. I bet to fish for more info on their relationship? or to tell her about CK? is she reprimanding DJ?  --- again no captions so can't tell u what went on here.

- DJ is at the bus stop thinking and CK arrives and she gets in. She's thinking about stuff. He notices this. He brings her home. He has her sit on the couch. She wants to help him but he doesn't want her to go near the kitchen. Cute. He made dinner for them. He made Salad. She doesnt look impressed. But there's dates in the salad. She digs into it. They really are on a date. Awww. Now they're watching a scene (what movie is that?) so their on his couch...(they seriously need to sit closer) She reflects on the scene. he's sort of affected my her statement. (what seriously? no skinship?) HE stays seated on the couch thinking...thinking...thinking... -- I'm really sorry guys but I didnt catch the captions for this one. However, it was something she said during the movie that got him all worked up.

- Next day in the mail room.. he's by her mailbox he stares at her name... She's in the meantime prepping in the locker. This atmosphere is weird. Its as if something is about to happen. 

- CJW, DJ and DS kind of receive a phone call. If DJ doesnt forgive me, please take good care of her.  CJW and DS both also know of CK's intentions and are all worked up and in a frenzy.

- I think CK set up a meeting with DJ to tell her all about what happened. She's thinks its just a date meeting. She's happy and oblivious to the drama that's about to happen. He's serious. CUT!


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Hello and thanks eunhye! You are doing a great job and we really appreciate it. I just saw the epi15 and I think I have to watch it again to see if I need to fill in anything. keke

I also saw the tail end of the epi16 just now....You know. something about this drama...what I love about it is that the main lead--CapK--although he appeared perfect in the beginning--we find that it is his defense for having made a tragic mistake 7 years ago...this drama really needs good analysis as we watch it---just my feeling~~ what happens with the passengers are getting closer and closer to the heart of the matter....It would also have been a great novel...both CapK and CJW--with all their perfectionism--they are holding up a great fear of messing up again...I have so much sympathy for them now...Sympathy for human frailty---I think we often do not give it enough respect...this drama is dealing with it...I love it!!

Here's the recap guys. sorry if it has some errors. im uber hungry so ill get back to this in a bit.

Hmm...there was something lacking in this episode... did the romance kinda slow down again? 

Made it on time...

- We start with the confrontation scene between CK and DS.

- CK goes back inside and starts reflecting on what DS said. CJW rushes to CK all in a panic state hoping to get to him. He wont open up though.

- DS then goes to the bating cages and pulls a EunBI (those who watched the musical can relate) He just hits ball after ball and thinks of DJ.

- CK still continues reflecting on his couch. He gets a message from DJ. < > She texts nearly every minute (haha--HDJ has fallen hard for the Cap!): What are you doing, Cap? Are you busy? You are not even answering me. ㅠㅠ Cap. are you sleeping? I guess you are sleeping ㅠㅠ

- DJ is constantly texting him and waiting for him to reply. She takes out her fab cam and stares at pics of CK. SHe cut up his pic and placed it in her wallet. :) :) :) 

- CK pics DJ up the next day. How are u? is there something on my face? You are looking at me too much today. Ah, you must have missed me! CapK says that must be it. did u miss me? i think so. You are weird today. Yesterday's text message...tell me first...?? DJ wants more communicating with each other..she wants him to tell her if he went home OK and to respond to her texts..CapK lies and says that he saw her text this morning. DJ too quickly accepts his explanation--she cannot see any other alternative since she has fallen too much at this point. CapK apologizes to DJ. DJ says she will only let him off the hook this time.

- We are now at the famous vending machine. Crew see CK and DJ. They comment how then see them together all the time now. CK/DJ says their house is in the same direction. DS arrives...the crew comments on how its hard to see him around now... then CK and DJ leaves. Head stewardess comments that DS does not look good today. DS says CapK looks worse than he does. DS specifically says hello to DJ only and asks DJ if she would like to have coffee and she says she has to go in to get ready for a flight.

- DS at the ATC After DJ and CapK leaves, headstewardess says she wants to buy him coffee but DS says he quit coffee. (hahaha) DS is concentrating only on work. His female staff admires him for it.

- Crew are talking amongst themselves...The headstewardess the bully leader warns the two nice stewardess not to be so loyal to CJW. They agree on the surface.

- Crew goes to CJW who's sitting on the couch thinking. Most likely thinking about last night~~ The two nice attendants tell CJW that they believe in her and that they felt worried for the way the other attendants have been treating her. CJW keeps up her stiff upper lilp and say she is sorry for looking like she is worried.

- CJW goes to CK. She wants to talk. They talk about stopping the rumour? <Captions: If people find out about it u wont be able to stay in Wings Air or Korea. Im telling u for ur own good. I trust u.> Yes~(I guess the Mire Airline kept the tragedy under cover?? Since it was the wife of the pilot that died and the other passengers are OK?? The legal and professional impllications were all buried??) CJW knows that DS went to see CapK yesterday. CJW tells CapK never to reveal what happened--it will ruin his career. CJW must really love CapK!!  When CJW and Hong MJ talk briefly, Hong warns CJW to make sure she does everything to protect CapK...I really don't know what she wants from CJW?? Not yet at least... DJ's male friend is interested in DJ's female friend....he gives her a gift of water mist for the dry cockpit. But it is not certain how the female friend feels about the guy.

- DJ and her co-pilot friend are talking in the mail room. There's sorta an awkward pause when CK walks in. hihi. DJ tries a wave. DJ does not want CapK to give any hint about their relationship to her friend. They are flying together today. Again, Both DJ and her friend not not reveal their love life to each other.

-  At the cockpit DJ and CK are sorta serious. CK is serious. DJ says: I don't like how u and DS are awkward. You are weird today. You are staring at me too much..... 

Do you trust me? Can I? Ok then Ill trust u.DJ tells CapK that she and DS are just friends. But Capk says that DS is not just a friend...he tells her that it may actually hurt DS more if she stays friendly to DS. But DJ says that she just does not want the tension between DS and CapK. But CapK says that there is nothing that he can do about the situation. (He put the responsibility on DJ! Well,,,I don't think she will start treating DS badly--she loves DS's friendship!--Also--the irony is that CapK is doing the same thing to DJ in a way. Like DS says, CapK is letting the relationshiop with DJ develop even though he has a big secret. CapK is unable or slow to see the double meaning in what he tells DJ??)

- Erm.... inflight the headstewardess catches a couple together. she recognizes the guy. I think he dated her or something.She gave her love to him and let him borrow her money. 

They have a plan. They kidnap the guy and we hear the head stewardess b*tchslap him. I think he prob was her ex or something. hahaha. These girls a funny. They try to make the guy suffer by feeding him stuff and making him drink juice. I think that makes the swelling more painful? Or to have the gf notice how they're giving him special treatment. Hahahahah! Anyways...his gf catches on that there's something off... I think CJW catches them planing something and drinks the Orange juice (one of their plans?) 

- CJW confronts them. Something about dont let ur feelings get in the way. The loyal attendant speaks up to CJW about what is happening. CJW drinks the concoction that was meant for the cheating bf--they supposedly put diarrhea meds in the drink. But we later find out that the male attendant gave vitamins instead of the meds.

- FLuffy is playing Doctor with her toy penguin. Mechanic AJusshi arrives and plays with her. A very drunk DS is outside the house calling for HDJ. Ajusshi brings him in.  He collapse on the floor and cries. poor boy. Fluffy is now playing doctor with him. Are u sick oppa? is there something wrong?Where are u hurting? Im not sure doctor.u dont have fever and im sure its not cold. Fluffy- is it here? here? DS: pointing to his chest: it hurts so much here...awww.

He's crying. She gives him a lollipop. Hopefully fluffy makes it to become a doctor one day. :) Poor DS :(

DS has fallen so hard for DJ too....

At the cockpit,,,DJ acknowledges and tells CapK that he is looking at her too much today. DJ also asks CapK if CapK has definitely and clearly broken with CJW. That there is no remaining anything between the two of them. She says she stresses over it. CapK responds by asking DJ if she believes in him. She asks if she can? We see CapK nodding. DJ smiles and says: then, she will trust him. But CapK does not look happy----they are not regular young people who are in love for the first time in their lives...too many baggages...

- Turkey! (i think)The Flying Couple are in Turkey I think. DJ is at the restroom and she's freshening up. (why not dress her up drama gods? huh!? :( huhu. although if she was dressed she wouldnt really be DJ) DJ on her way out notices a sign that asking for donations for an earthquake relief fund. She of cors beign DJ donates with a kind heart. The director gives us a lead/example through pix of what the two little passenger girls went through----the post traumatic stress of greatest "turbulence" ever=earth quake. This is also a lead into the "turbulence" of 7 years ago...and another lead into or understanding of what CapK must have gone through. We later find out that CapK really suffers from post traumatic stress of that fateful tragedy 7 years ago. The head manager of flight attendants 7 years ago no longer is a flight attendnat...but a manager of a duty-free shop on the ground. I wonder if she also suffers from post traumatic stress of 7 years ago that she no longer flies but stays on land??  

- DJ and CK start off their date. Kebabs galore! 

<Captain u dont have any memory here with someone else right? I do. Captain Han and I. This is so big. ..doesnt this kind of chicken bbq suppose to be on a wooden stick? Thank you..What is this? its a holy fruit for the muslims. this is like the oasis in the desert or also can be a main meal.like vitamins. Small fruit is important to many people. its so sweet> They're eating and talking about "Dates" Hmmm... is it because they're on a Date? ahahha -- i expected more from this scene. boo! haha Thanks eunhye! I did not get that word connection until you mentioned. I wonder if the Koreans in Korea would get that!! hehe. DJ says that the menu is so expensive. She also tells CapK to order for her by saying that she "trusts" him...The director seems to be having a ball giving the viewers so many double meanings and juxtapositions---!! Great!

- Flight is now boarding. CK and DJ are seated next to each other. CK lent DJ his head pillow.They slowly find themselves facing each other. Light shines and CK tries to block it. They're so close (please closer....) DJ now wakes up and sees CK sleeping close to her..facing him. (If only we had like her or him lean on each other. am i asking too much. haha) The scene where CapK shields DJ from the blinding sunlight was very touching and sweet. I know what you mean by the "romance slowing down" bet DJ and CapK. I think DJ is working hard to make the relationship going and he told her that he wants to go slow in the relationship for "safe landing". But CapK is very ambivalent about moving ahead with the relationship as we all know. I think he cares about DJ--but I am not sure how "pure" it is...not like DS's love for DJ---or is it?? Very confusing still....

- We see two siblings who boarded the plane earlier. One sibling got scared of a scene she watched of an earthquake and ran out...her unnie went chasing her. They find her. DJ tries to brighten up their mood. Lets smile. Where are ur parents? We dont have parents...so these two are orphans too..they cry to each other. little one tells her unnie not to cry. We learn that the earthquake killed their parents i think. :( The kids will be taken care of by their aunt or grandma. DJ cheers them up complete with a fist bump! They thank her. 

She can relate of course to the siblings so we see DJ in the cockpit crying...looks like CK offers her his hankerchief. CapK jokingly asks DJ what did she meddle into this time. But DJ tells him that this is not meddling. She says there is just so much hurt in this world. But CapK tells her that she needs to leave the tears behind before coming into cockpit as tears will hamper the view. He tells her that if a captain is shaken, the plane becomes shaken. They both say it together and laugh.

- Ajusshi is in an airplane tire area....he gets a call from someone. Yang MalJa with a favor. She does not treat ajjussi nicely!!..??? I think he tells DS to go to fluffy's school.

- DS goes to Fluffy's school...awww... now he's being the daddy figure with his storytelling. I think he's talking about Guillevers travels. Fluffy's tried asks who he is. Fluffy says he's her brother. (Aww not only are u in the friendzone DS...ur also in the sibling zone. poor dear)  I love the part where DS is telling the story of how Guliver is tied down and that every single one of his hair is tied down and acts it out--keke. That little boy is Minho--PS's bf-!! keke.

- Fluffy is so cute with her hair. She's so cute!!!! DS walks her home. They're singing. Awwww.. Now i want him for DJ too! He'll make a perfect daddy too. DJ comes up behind them. Fluffy tells her that DS came and it was so much fun.  They walk home singing together. CK witnesses this entire scene.... :S I wonder if he's rethinking his relationship with DJ. Obviously he knows DS is less complicated that him. So sad and sorry for CapK here....(I like that actor JJH chose to play this tortured soul, CapK--a lead character who has so much baggage~~most of the main leads in Korean dramas are usually so perfect and without much faults---know what I mean??)

- DS drops the girls home. Fluffy good night. You too Oppa! DJ invites him in for hot tea as it is cold outside. He declines. Maybe he is trying to deal with his feelings about DJ by putting more distance bet himself and DJ?? Also, we see that DJ is not going to put distance bet herself and DS just because CapK told her that she is hurting DS more by being friendly to him. I like that about DJ--she has been clear to DS from the beginning. DS knows it too...two adults can deal with it no matter how painful..they need each other!

- President of Wings meets with Pres of Mirae. He gets the flight recorder plus the summary of what happened. @_@  Pres. Hong says that he is very clean when it comes to dealing with such matters. The other president tells him to make sure the story does not leak out. If it does, he wants Hong to make sure that his name (Mire's president) remains clean. I have a feeling it is going to explode like a nuclear bomb---???!!!!

- DJ and CK are back in the mail room... DJ shows him her pic of him in her wallet. You dont have a pic like this in your wallet do you?  Team Leader.....is snooping around...he sees this... wonders... 

if someone finds out please dont include me. I'll trust u. (This line must be from the meeting between Pres Hong and the Mire Pres or associate.)

- Theres a scene with DJs friends again. 

- Team leader reports to MJ about CK and DJ.HE thinks there's something going on between them. She doesnt believe him - i think? awkward weird laugh. 

- We see DJ and CK in the study room. DJ is doing something with her phone. Is that the galaxy note? She sends him a selca pic of herself after she scribbles something on it. hahaha. They're laughing. MJ notices this and is affected. She's now laughing to herself in her office....then.....throws her coffee and everything on her desk! wow! crazy lady! DJ must be wanting CapK to have a pix of her in his wallet. She is totally becoming a girl friend!! keke..She sends a pix of herself kissing and writes "nuclear bomb" on the pix. She must know that he has her named "nuclear bomb" on his cell phone. keke

- MJ meets up with CJW. Yes she knows everything. She says something about past is past. Is there a kind of threat happening here?

-  CJW is shocked. MJ has some evil face on! MJ is angry with CJW for playing with her. She wants CJW to step aside because she can no longer "protect" CapK. She keeps on using the word "protect" but I have no idea what Hong MJ has in mind about CapK. I think CapK may blow up like a bomb since Pres Hong has the black box and is about to destroy him and HongMJ, father like daughter, is also about to plan something evil for being rejected. Although we do not exactly know what happened that Pres Hong threw CapK back to orphanage long ago..that is still another mystery...Somehow, whatever may be PresHong's sickness that wants to destroy CapK seems very similar to MJ's sick jealousy that also want to destroy CapK. I thought MJ would be different from her father....director and writer are very good at confusing the viewers until the last minute?? I hope they write it out smoothly with good sense....BOF had a wonderful ending--everything was ironed out very nicely...I hope that same thing for PCAP!!

There was also a very nice scene bet CJW and her crew. When she drinks the drink intended for the cheating bf of head stewardess. CJW says that she does not want her crew to act out due to personal feelings. When head stewardess cuts her off...CJW very bravely says that she has been suffering for 7 years or maybe will be for life because she acted on her personal feelings and that she does not want the same thing on her crew. The difference bet CJW and CapK----CJW is able to use herself as an example to do good to others and trying very hard to let it eat her up.....CapK never had that chance---he still has to live with a secret....both situations are hard..but somehow I feel more sympathy for CapK because of what is coming.....ㅠㅠ

Next week looks interesting. I couldnt catch much but it happened so fast.DS and CK are both at fluffy's school. 

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Thank you so much, Sue and Eunhye05. Now I have to rewatch it to see if I like this episode better. The dialogue is one of the strong points of this drama. I hope the writer does not disappoint us in the next 4 episodes as we head towards the end. The leads are just awesome in their acting. JJH blew me away with his range.

 I am so mad with the people who were demanding and rude to the subbers at Viki. Now the subs are on hold and we have to wait until the subbers come back . The subbers  volunteer their time from their busy lives, so us, non-korean can enjoy the drama.  Thank you subbers, we will wait patiently ....

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks again..I am watching epi16 as I am adding to your recaps--so it will take a while.

Hey guys, here's the recap for episode 16. Captions were slow or froze so once again there may be errors in this. hehe. :) Anways, 4 more episodes to go. What will happen?! I still think the episodes are dragging out right now.  I cant really see the connection of some scenes. Maybe sue can shed light to them or the subs. It really needs to build on more of the romance. :) Aigoo!

- MJ and CJW are discussing the whole situation. She's planning to sabotage the CK-DJ relationship by bringing out the secret isn't she? We still do not know for sure what MJ's intention is with CapK. But MJ is very angry with CJW for playing with her and letting her believe that CJW and CapK are still a couple. She tells CJW to drop out. She says CJW can no longer protect CapK. Now it is up to her only. She will decide whether to protect him or to destroy him. CJW begs her to leave him alone that she will take whole responsibility. She tells MJ that CapK is everything to her. But MJ is even more angry by telling CJW that she knows very well that now HDJ is in that place. I am beginning to think that CJW is like a guadian angel for both CapK and HDJ--she was hoping to keep them apart to spare both the truth but now that she knows that she cannot do anything about the feelings bet HDJ and CapK, she tells CapK not to tell HDJ the truth again to protect them from the truth?? MJ is scary!! Like her father!!

- MJ asks DJ to meet up with her and DJ senses something is up.

MJ is playing an angel to DJ--she says DJ is one of the very few female pilots and wonders if everything is going well.  Can she do anything to help her. Is anybody bothing her?? DJ is totally confused. MJ never would have thought that DJ and CapK would be a pair as she witnessed CapK call DJ bottom of the bottom and even kick her and take off her ranking stripes in front of MJ! In the previous epi, MJ was very angry that CapK chose DJ over her and feels very insulted.

- CK and DJ. They are now having lunch/dinner together. It seems that u know me well captain b ut i dont know much about u. i met Hong director. Why? Nothing much, we just talked about random things. Was there any other things u talked about? are u serious?

At first DJ says that she does not have much appetite for cafeteria food as she had such a wonderful meal in Turkey. Then CapK says that DJ has to reduce fast food intake. DJ is amazed that CapK seems to know her so well since she had fast good the day before also. Then DJ talks about what you mentioned, eunhye. She talks about her meeting with MJ. I nearly forgot that DJ saw MJ and CapK and MJ's father and CapK being slapped by MJ's father. Remember? DJ says that now she wants to know more about CapK. That is very true!! DJ must be wondering if CapK is a playboy with so many women in his past...keke~

DJ point blank asks CapK to tell her about himself...like how he grew up and what did he overcome to become such a respected pilot, etc. But then DJ says that she is most curious about how he met CJW and what is the relationship betw him and MJ and why his Pres Hong treating him that way,etc. She says if he does not want to talk about it, it is OK~she feels like a picky inquisitor..CapK tells her that he will soon tell her but he wants her to wait a bit. DJ tells CapK that it is not that she wants all the details...she rather he skips what may make her upset. She says she gets jealous too. I am a woman, you know? (keke--I just love HDJ!!)

- Another flight. A drunk passenger barfed in the toilet and well poor poor stewardesses have to clean it up. Eww. (thats one sad part of their job)

Inchun to Shanghai flight. Most people want chicken dish...it was funny that one passenger clucked like chicken to want chicken~keke. That passenger was disgusting and wanted lots of beers at once. Attendant says that people can get drunk 3x faster up in the air (wow, I did not know that.) But the drunk tells her that he has 3x higher tolerance for alcohol~~ did you see where that drunk wiped himself and then where he threw that tissue?? yuk! yuk! yuk! This drama really tells the trials and tribulations of working in the plane!! The flight attendants say that depending on the flight route, people want more of something than others. People going to China seek chicken the most. People going to Germany seek beer the most. etc France wants wine....sometime they have to open 3 boxes of wine. Head attendant complains that her wrist was in pain from opening up 3 boxes of wine...am I a fligt attendant or a wine opener.

DJ and CapK are talking in cockpit...love their conversation in the cockpit. DJ says the weather is so good. CapK agrees. DJ says can our relationship continue to be as good as the weather? Can we? When CapK does not answer, DJ asks again. (DJ just does not let anything hang in the air! keke) CapK says of course in such a way that does not make DJ feel all that relieved. (Poor CapK!)

- DS is sulking over DJ again. poor guy.  

Woah! it appears that YangMalJa and DS's father have become very close...he tells her that she has to boil the meat very long to make the soup thick like their love--yeeeeek! keke-----and then he gives her kiss on the phone! Poor ajjussi!! I think DJ and DS are going to be related! keke His father wants to give him love advice..he says DS should say what is on his mind--DS says no matter how many times he knocks on the door, there is no response...But his father tells him that he will soon tell him the love know-how! Yangmal calls him again. She must be working at the grill shop.

- CK drops DJ home. (What do goodbye kiss?)  He watches her go off and walk in though.

I have seen many Korean dramas where the couple seems very platonic...but in this drama,,,I feel like it is intentional...CapK cannot or feels very restrained from expressing his passion as he did in the elevator. He is very much hesitating....he does not know what to do..I think it is killilng him!! Don't you think??

- Aunt, DJ and Fluffy are now having dinner.  I think FLuffy tells her sister she wants to go to DS? They buy stuff to bring to DS. DS is so cute trying to hide his mess in his pad before they arrive. DS's father sent over healthy food of some sort to feed the family. DJ is tired from work but her aunt tells her to go and buy some milk so that PS has her milk in the morning. PS wants to go with DJ. When DJ says no because PS may catch a cold, PS whips out her mask! As they are walking back home, they stand in front of CapK's home. DJ really wants to go and see CapK. She says CapK really likes milk also. But PS is the one who does not want to go---fickle is the loyalty of kids?? PS says that the milk is hers. DJ says then let us go and rob CapK of his milk. PS says CapK needs his milk too. Then DJ says should we just go and visit CapK? But PS smiles up at her sister and then we see that DJ and PS are at 300-won ajjussi or DS. keke

- Later that night DS drops them home. He carries Fluffy out of the car, hands her over to DJ and they have a quick discussion outside. How did u play with her at her school. She's so in love with you. DS:it was the same as the way i treated you. He asks her if CK told her anything...then he takes it back and says its nothing. u dont know him as much as I know him. what is it? there is something. its cold get going.

- DJ tucks Fluffy into bed. She says I think they've just invited CK/PA to her recital. :) DJ says lets send him a invitation..and they draw with DJ's galaxy note. (I want that gadget!) CK smiles after receiving the cute drawing of a penguin and a note. PS asks if she should also invite CapK to her recital. So, he is her second invitee!! When PS fell for CapK, DJ did too. I wonder if PS falling for DS means anything for the future??

- Aww DJ and CK go on a cake making date?  Is it for Fluffy? hmmm... they go to Fluffy's school and catch DS there playing with Fluffy. Awkward....CK and DS stare at each other. We find out that PS invited DS first at his house to her recital. DJ did not know that. She is now uncomfortable since both DS and CapK will be there. DS takes PS first to practice for the recital. DJ says she has to stay home to take care of thiings and will meet them at school. It appears that mechanic ajjussi is at work and her aunt went hiking with DS's father early in the morning. Alone, DJ worries about DS and CapK being in the same place together. She can't figure out a solution so she just gives up on the problem. CapK picks up DJ early saying they have a place to go first. Making cake for PS. They must have made two cakes~one for school kids and one for PS alone.

-  Both men are trying to win the attention of FLuffy. haha. Now inside the class...DJ and fluffy are playing and she notices both men outside through the window engaged in a serious conversation. DJ arrives and they stop their spat. Then Fluffy calls out to her sister. DS tells CapK to stop paying for the debt by doing this type of things. He says the more and more CapK tries to repay the debt, the more hurt DJ will become. He wants CapK to stop repaying his debt now. CapK tells him that he will take care of it as he sees fit and he does not want DS to tell him what to do. (So far, CapK has not denied that he is "repaying the debt". So I am still a bit suspicious of CapK's true intention for DJ.) DS again tells CapK to stop his repaying as of right now. That is the only  thing he can do now if  he truly cares for DJ. But CapK says that there are other ways. He plans to tell her the truth and seek her forgiveness. But DS angrily tells him not to do that..he will only hurt her. CapK tells DS that he will tell her the truth and wait for her forgiveness whether it would take one year or 5 years and then he wants to continue to see DJ properly. But DS says that it is not something that can be easily forgiven just by waiting. DS again tells CapK to stop now and that would be the way to truly repay DJ. He says that only person who truly is for DJ is him. But CapK tells him that DJ chose him not DS. DJ comes out and says how can they be like this at PS's recital. They both apologize. So, DS still believes that he has a chance with DJ....IF he told DJ the truth, it could have been easier for him to "get" DJ but I guess he truly cares for DJ!!

- CK is back on his couch contemplating. DJ is in the kitchen. She opens the cake they made. Its cute. She smiles at it.

- Ajusshi finds DJ cooking in the kitchen. She makes...? stew? soup? DJ is making breakfast because YangMal is too tired and sick from her hike the day before. Ajjussi says Malja was making too much deal out of going hiking when she has never gone hiking before. But he is so happy that DJ is making breakfast. DJ tells him not to expect too much. Ajjussi looks at her seriously and says that he is not expecting a lot. (hahahaha!!)  They way DJ looks as she tastes her own cooking,,,,I guess ajjussi is correct! hahaha

- DJ is now hanging out with her friends gyming then burgers. She makes them stuff themselves silly with burgers... i wonder what they said. Were they teasing her? Female friend is making DJ do push ups in order to get a get a test question. It is a method that she developed. Exercise and study at the same time. The male friend praises the female's method and how mature she is becoming. The female asks if the male wants the challenge also and he refuses as it is too hard. I think the female friend isays that she does not have to do the challenge because she is the teacher. DJ says she knew her friend was going to be like that. But DJ does not want to do the challenge again as she is too hungry (I think??) and she says she will treat her friends. They go to the fast food! keke They are upset that DJ took them to fast food. That is breakfast. Her female friend thinks that DJ is eating too much because of her stress...she was teasing...but given DJ's expression...her female friend asks if it is real (Her female friend sort of knows about the rumor about DJ being stuck between two men--DS and CapK) Now female friend thinks that DJ has made up her mind between the two men. When the male friend wants to know who it is..and the female friend tries to tell the male friend,,,DJ stuffs them with burgers.

The nosy team leader sees CapK and says that he looks good as if he is in bloom. Are you dating? CapK denies. But team lea dder says his face says otherwise. He tells on MJ saying that men knows men and CapK is definitely dating. MJ acts a bit like a pouting child and stamps her foot and says that she also knows enoug about that.

- DJ is sitting/reading and CK arrives and sits next to her. He smells her and asks her if she ate something? well he's smelling her breathe and she's embarassed. haha. Their closeness of course sets MJ observing in the distance on fire. hehe CapK comments that she is studying and DJ says that to become the best captain, she has to study hard. He tells her that she also has to act and behave. She says yes. Then he sniffs her and asks her if she had fast food again. She covers her mouth and denies...that is cute...keke..CapK says she smells more now that she is waving her hand...she moves away and says why are you doing this...MJ looks on with vengeance!

- New day again for the crew and pilots. Some big troop with uniforms are the passengers. Looks like there will be turbulence up ahead. Is it foggy!?  They're kind of panicking in the cockpit by the looks of it.

- CJW has found another person to be nice too. IS this guy afraid or something? yes--fear of flying-- but he is trying to be manly about it  One flight attendant is complaining about the group of athletes who would be eating a lot and would be very noisy. CJW tells her to keep a strict mindset of being there for the passengers...just because there is a curtain does not mean she can say whatever about the passengers. Flight attendants are still dis-sing CJW the manager.

Hmm...she flashes back to CK. We have the sad background music again. This is supposedly a touching scene again i guess. Why? What's happening? CLose ur eyes and thinkg about being in the most comfortable place with the person u love. (She flashes to CK) The captain is in charge of the plane please trust him. how can i trust him i dont even know him. if u cant then please trust me.

- Oh No! Because of turbulence CK is getting all fidgety. He recalls his accident. DJ notices him being a bit uneasy. I trust you. I'll try trusting your decision.

- Why arent the crew seated with seatbelts? isnt that protocol during turbulence.....and BAM! CJW gets hit by a runaway trolley food cart after it was on it's way to hitting a young girl. She saved the girl by taking the hit. Everyone applauds her for her heroism. (See...seriously sh e's not the bad guy. :) )

This is where I started seeing epi 16 this morning. CapK tells DJ that the cloud looks suspicious. He thinks turbulence is coming. But DJ thinks this is not that much of a turbulence. Doesn't he thinks so? He tells her to get tense because turbulence means you never know what to expect. DJ thinks it is no big deal and looks at CapK suspiciously that he is over-reacting. The athlete passenger is also worried about the turbulence and is worried.  CJW tries to help the passenger by saying that this type of turbulence is normal at times. But she calls the cockpit and HDJ says that everything is OK and to just take care of the passengers and she says it is OK to serve the passengers. But CapK gets angry saying that it is not DJ's judment to make. DJ tells Capk that she has the right to make such a judgment and to be able to tell the attendants her decision as well. But, CapK asks her who is in charge at cockpit. So DJ calls back the attendants. But CapK says at the last moment that he will try to trust HDJ's judment. (I am a bit undecided about CapK's decision at this time...did he really do the right thing? To me, the turbulence seems big and she should not have allowed serving of the passengers at this point. Did CapK lose his head because of love or because he cannot trust himself in this type of situation where he is overcome with fear?? Just like that athlete who cannot relax like his teamates during such a turbulence?? The other athlets are actually saying Daebok and kind of enjoying the plane action...I guess no judgment is perfect? What happened with the cart is just a mistake of the attendant? Nobody can predict what would happen? But I still kind of think that HDJ was too rash with her judgment?? Maybe because she also wanted to tell CJW who is the boss?? ~~sorry for ramblling on...)

The athlete is having a hard time with turbulence...so CJW goes to him. But he tells her to go away because his younger athletes are looking. She tells him that she also has difficulty with flying even though she has been doing it for a long time. She wants to try to teach him her method for relaxing in such a times...she tells him to go to a peaceful or safe place and to be with person he trusts the most. She has her place with CapK when she was sick. So sad...Athlete says that it is not helping him. Then she says to trust the Captain operating the plane because he is one pilot whom she trusts the most. But he retorts by saying how can he believe in someone he does not know. (this is so realistic..I know exactly what that passenger is going through...ke) Then she says believe in me..my name is CJW and she is the cabin manager. But he says that he does not know. Finally CJW says that she believes in the passenger himself to pull through. (Wow!! this is so realistic because there is no magical solution to such a situation! But her last comment for him to believe in himself to pull through is the best one yet!! He really has to trust himself to deal with whatever may come--like CapK also has to do that as well with his dilemma.) CapK is getting nervous and having flashbacks about his past trauma. HDJ thinks that now turbulence is OK. But CapK tells HDJ to check on the weather again. But it is getting more turbulent and CJW tells everyone to put seat belt on and stop the serving of the passengers...CJW is the only one who made the right judgment in this incident!! Then the heroic incident happens with CJW saving the little girl!! I wish the cockpit hears about this incident soon!!) The athlete says that now he believes in her, CJW. Now the rest of the crew staff has a renewed respect for CJW. Go girl!!

- YangMal and MechanicAjussi are in the kitchen. Didnt catch their discussion Ajjussi wonders if Yangmal now has a job at the meat store for DS's father. She says she just helped DS's father a little bit. He expresses anger at DS's father who pulls YangMal out so often from the house. She says it is because Ajjussi is here. Then he says does he think I am just a babysitter? Then YangMal gets really mad at him for implying that it is too much for him to watch PS and she vows she will never asks him to help her again and bangs out of the kitchen...(It is still confusing who YangMal really loves either...maybe just her music?? Only 4 more epi left and we have so much confusion and question marks up in the air...tension is building up!)

- Back to DJ and CK in the cockpit. DJ calls up the the ATC and talks to DS who's very happy to hear her voice. CapK checks with the attendants for any damages. He says passengers are OK and CJW gives him a signal to not to reveal anything....So, cockpit does not know...Wings Air going from JeJoo to Inchun. They both say they are having some tight muscle prob due to the turbulence. CapK agrees. HDJ asks CapK about his over-reaction to turbulence and whether he had a bad incident with it in the past--perhaps someone got hurt through turbulence?? HDJ said in the cafeteria that she wants to know CapK more...so she is asking the question to learn more about him but it is hitting CapK at the sore spots. He does not answer her but asks her to check the altitude. DS was worried about DJ's flight. He knows about the turbulence. He is relieve that HDJ is safely returning. It appears that pilots did not leave their seat until they made the round trip! CJW thanks the pilots for having a good flight through the turbulence.

CapK is somewhat receptive to her compliment but HDJ still seems uncomfortable with CJW speaking with her...

- We notice a moment with President. What's his plan now. I could not understand him clearly but he called someone to says something about news--I wonder if he is going to report it on the news. He says now CapKim is finished. But he looks at pix of his wife and he remebers what she said...Honey, please bring back YunSeung. He is so little, how could he have done anything wrong? There was a look of softness on his face for a split second. His wife says: Please I am begging you for the last time. (Perhaps there is some relationship between MJ's mother's death with CapK without CapK knowing about it??)

- MJ calls HDJ after they land. I bet to fish for more info on their relationship? or to tell her about CK? is she reprimanding DJ?  --- again no captions so can't tell u what went on here. MJ seems to be trying to put DJ only on domestic flights. DJ is protesting politely by saying that she wants to go to other countries to learn more and to experience more. MJ insists that her body will be less stressed with domestic flights and that she also has s child to look after--her sister...DJ wants to know how MJ knows about her so much. MJ just tells her that she is suppose to know about her staff. She points out that HDJ could be a flight risk as she has a small sickly child to worry about and to go into cockpit with such worries could be dangerous to Wings Air. HDJ insists that right now she has lot to learn. But MJ tells DJ that Wings Air is in the process of talking about HDJ's case right now and MJ was only trying to come up with ways to make things easier for her. But HDJ wants to know if they can stop discussing about her. MJ insists that DJ give her good reason to stop the discussion about her. DJ hesitates and say that she has a dream. But MJ stops her and ask her if it is OK for Wings Air to take risks just for her dreams. MJ tells DJ that that is not sufficient reason to stop the discussion of her case. (Boy! I guess Korean laws are different...that would be ground for unfair treatment of employees' rights in a company in America!! Why didn't HDJ say that she has support of her aunt and ajjussi and DS??) Poor DJ!!

- DJ is at the bus stop thinking and CK arrives and she gets in. She's thinking about stuff. He notices this. He brings her home. He has her sit on the couch. She wants to help him but he doesn't want her to go near the kitchen. Cute. He made dinner for them. He made Salad. She doesnt look impressed. Kekeke CapK is trying to detox DJ from all the fast food that she has been eating. But she feels that she has to eat meat to relieve stress. But she is touched by the "dates". But there's dates in the salad. She digs into it. They really are on a date. Awww. Now they're watching a scene (what movie is that?) so their on his couch...(they seriously need to sit closer) She reflects on the scene. he's sort of affected my her statement. (what seriously? no skinship?) HE stays seated on the couch thinking...thinking...thinking... -- I'm really sorry guys but I didnt catch the captions for this one. However, it was something she said during the movie that got him all worked up. Inside the car,  CapK asks if anything is wrong but she does not say. This is still like DJ not to reveal her personal trouble...she has too much pride. He takes her to his place. She says it is too late but he insists that she comes in...She complains that it is taking so long and that she is too hungry. When he brings out the food, she asks if this is it. He tells her that eating light is the best. But she says eating a lot is best for stress. But he tells her to release her stress on him instead. (that is sweet!) But DJ says that if it does not taste good, he will go flying or something like that. But he just tells her to open the bowl. Just a salad ----she pouts out aloud why there is only green grassy stuff. But he serves her a bowl with DATES--he brought it home from TURKEY because she liked it so much. (I wonder if such dates do not exist in Korea? I remember dried and flaky type of dates in Korea not the type from Turkey??)  DJ is at first disappointed that it is just "green grass" and says that she needs meat to deal with stress. After eating dates, she says she feels like stress is leaving her. She only wants to eat dates but he tells her that she has to eat greens too. I am glad to see that DJ leaned on CapK's shoulder as she is watching the movie. The movie is about a man who accidentally killed his lover's mother and he is keeping the secret from her. Then DJ tells CapK that she hates men like that who keeps secrets from someone he loves. She feels that he should come right out and tell her the truth and deal with it and asks for forgiveness and move on from there. That is why CapK is again very stressed and frozen.

- CJW, DJ and DS kind of receive a phone call. If DJ doesnt forgive me, please take good care of her.  CJW and  DS both also know of CK's intentions and are all worked up and in a frenzy.

- I think CK set up a meeting with DJ to tell her all about what happened. She's thinks its just a date meeting. She's happy and oblivious to the drama that's about to happen. He's serious. CUT! That is correct. He tells DJ that he has to confess a truth to her. DJ seems very happy. Perhaps she is thinking that he will tell her about his past like she asked him in the cafeteria. Or she is expecting a love confession?? He told CJW that he can no longer bear it. He feels that the solution is to wait for forgiveness like CJW is doing. She tells him that he should not tell her. But he hangs up on her. He tells DS that if DJ does not forgive him, he wants her to protect and stand by HDJ. DS also yells at him that he cannot tell DJ and runs to find them. (What do you guys think about the fact that CapK called up DS and CJW that he is about to reveal the truth to HDJ?? At first I thought he was not being "manly" by doing that. But then I thought it very nice to do so...it told me that he must be so scared about the moment of truth and that is so human! He also realized that the truth may terribly hurt DJ and she would need support of a friend like DS to take her home or protect her after the nuclear bomb hits DJ! He also tells CJW because he may need a friend after he tells the truth??----Gosh! What and how is HDJ going to react? Is he really going to tell the truth?? Would CJW and DS block him from doing it?? Where is he going to tell HDJ the truth?? Not in the middle of the airport?? But maybe that is the best location?? keke...OMG...we have to wait until next week!!! So sad!!!


Thanks again!!

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Guest vanessa123

"I'm asking Captain 'cartoon birth, inspiring fun, enriching clearly shown GHS


[TV news reports songseungeun] SBS TV sumokgeuk 'I'm asking Captain' Captain's sober Ji Jin-hee, the first officer GHS cheonbangjichuk cartoon was born.

Manchester United to writers of this series yijjanggwa square 'I'm asking Captain' (Lee, Jae - Yeon Screenplay, direction judongmin) broadcast an imaginative and unique creativity for Thun, based on the parody of the TV monitor, the characteristics of people born utmost animated characters gwiyomi sikimyeo is loved by netizens.

In addition, penguins, polar, called Mr. Yun, Seong (Ji Jin-hee), a real penguin cloths, chopped (GHS), predecessor to the guhyeseonui 'Boys Over Flowers' wig capping gujunpyoui cuteness and witty as clearly shown as ambassador to secure more fans has raised expectations for the next inning the back door.

"I'm asking Captain 'broadcast Toon and facing the netizens are,"' I'm asking Captain 'and comic Bonnie Yun, Seong and chopped doubled adorable "" character really cute jackpot "" Kwan real drama in the Penguin Coats should not do, "said appeal, and is Toon TV drama will be available at home.

Currently, SBS 'I'm asking Captain' as well as the 'white-collar chohanji' TV 'toon to broadcast various programs are evaluated in a bold attempt yeonjaehae. And thanks broadcasting Toon gun swept over ten thousand views each home has become popular to the corner.

Photo = SBS

Songseungeun reporter sse@tvreport.co.kr

SOURCE: http://news.nate.com

"I'm asking Captain 'cartoon birth, inspiring fun, enriching clearly shown GHS

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Guest vanessa123

Hi my friends!!! how are u?? ... me?? with lot and lots of hott!!! in my contry is summer!!! B)

thanks a lot for all the info my dears!! cheerko ans eunhye05!!!

here i have and found this pics!!


you can see more pics HERE

LOVE FOR ALL!! :wub:

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks for all your posts!!

I saw this page in DC posted by ■xㅇ=ㅡ■x


It says there is voting going on now asking if GHS is acting well as a pilot. 35 percent feels she is acting well and 65 % says otherwise.

Onlly problem is that DC gives no information where to find that voting site!!

Please if anyone from DC is here!! Please give us the LINK to that voting site so that we can support GHS!!!


I wish I can post in DC but I tried and cannot get into it. so sad!!!

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Thanks for all your posts!!

I saw this page in DC posted by ■xㅇ=ㅡ■x


It says there is voting going on now asking if GHS is acting well as a pilot. 35 percent feels she is acting well and 65 % says otherwise.

Onlly problem is that DC gives no information where to find that voting site!!

Please if anyone from DC is here!! Please give us the LINK to that voting site so that we can support GHS!!!


I wish I can post in DC but I tried and cannot get into it. so sad!!!

Oh my.! The antis are at it again. Why have such a poll if it is not to take another jab at GHS. They never let up. My  poor GHS.

Sunnies, if there is anyone out there who has a way of getting into DC to vote for her, please let us know.  I guess we may have to ignore it.  Or if there is anyone out there who can organize a similar poll outside Korea, we could counter that with this one.  I have been reading mainly good things about GHS acting at other sites. I am sure we will get lots of positive votes.

 GHS fighting!

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Thanks for all your posts!!

I saw this page in DC posted by ■xㅇ=ㅡ■x


It says there is voting going on now asking if GHS is acting well as a pilot. 35 percent feels she is acting well and 65 % says otherwise.

Onlly problem is that DC gives no information where to find that voting site!!

Please if anyone from DC is here!! Please give us the LINK to that voting site so that we can support GHS!!!


I wish I can post in DC but I tried and cannot get into it. so sad!!!

Hello Cheerko! Your input together with eunhye05's recaps are now considered a staple at the PCAP thread! Thanks for your efforts...daebak chigus...really great! I appreciate all your hard work guys! Actually, especially now since the english subs at Viki ecountered minor glitches due to the main sub editor going on vacay. I don't blame her, she's doing everything pro bono (err very much like you) and her internet connection sucks so everybody needs to buck it and wait...patiently.blush.gif

Regarding what you read at the DC thread...I guess I'm of the mindset to just take it all in stride. Besides, the polling is absurd how can you gauge an actress' acting by just one role? It's like they are just taking pot shots at GHS now and it's pathetic. It would be a different matter if they turned vicious.

I remember another Kpop celebrity who was a victim of severe cyber bullying from anti fans - Tablo or Lee Seon Woong is an American Korean who studied at, get this, Stanford U. He is considered a trailblazer in Kpop because he brought in ghetto hip hop and rap via his group Epik High. Koreans, who were so enamoured with the western culture, quickly embraced him and pretty soon he had a cult following. I don't know if you're familiar with the drama Ms. Ripley, anyway that drama is actually a depiction of what happened to a korean celebrity accused of diploma forgery. Ok, they accused Tablo of lying in his resume and that he did not actually attend at SU. The poor guy was hounded out of Korea by vicious anti fans, he developed severe psychological distress and he feared for his family's safety. Tablo fought back. Later on Tablo did prove them wrong and now he is back at Korea with a vengeance...his new album shot straight to no. 1 in 2011. So what happened to the antis? They were unmasked...their head was actually a 50 y/o lawyer from Chicago who turned out to be a frustrated Kpop artist wanna be hahaha! After the Tablo incident, Korea has passed on laws against cyber bullying and I believe they are now creating new laws against it.

Answering back with a retaliatory response would only feed them. Antis thrive on attention, the more attention they get, the more they become alive. Ignore them and they'd just bleet out of boredom. See, they are actually trolls who just want to be a nuisance, they just want to cause havoc and their intention is to get a rise out of people. I guess we should never lower ourselves to their level.  Cheer up sunnies, the poll is useless...hehehe just my two cents. Err DC is a big deal? Kindly enlighten me hehehe.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


DC members are talking that PCAP may not air next Wed...

I am not sure what is happening...

They are saying that after the 16th epi...the screen showed that it will be aired next Thurs...they are hoping it will be shown twice next THur..or are they trying to cut it short due to low rating??

Oh NO!!! Say it isn't so!!

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Good Morning Sunnies :)

wow so much info I really appreciate it :)

@drmjs hello chingu how are you ?

@sue and eunhye thanks for all the effort with PCAP thread I really appreciate it.

I really cant say anything about PCAP right now i 3 weeks behind so busy with work and school sorry guys no MV either :(

@meow and vanessa thanks for all the updates with GHS I really appreciate love both your blogs :)

Have a great night/day sunnies and happy weekend :)

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


I did not know there was PCAP soompi~~

I have hard time roving around soompi and finding things....it is like a whole new world....keke

Thanks so much for all of your hard work!

drmjs!! I think you are right...Thanks!


GHS tweet update!

카페 왼쪽 벽면에 그리던 벽화는 미완성으로 남았는데요. 앞으로도 계속 미완성일겁니다. 하지만 결국. 또 그것이 완성이기도 하지요. 삶처럼.

9:59 AM - 24 Feb 12 via twtkr for iPhone ·

Towards the left side of the cafe is my incomplete wall painting. It will remain incomplete from now on. But then, ultimately, that can be seen as complete as well. Like life.

(I believe Korean colleges start on March 1st. GHS will get busy as a student! Fighting GHS...I hope that yushinkoo of DC find many tweets and cyworld notes about GHS from GHS's peers at school....keke Good Luck!)

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Hello Sunnies! Thanks for all your posts.  :wub:

I wish all GHS antis will go away. Do they have their own network that they are able to penetrate & spread bad stuff about her that fast? These people frustrates me. I wish I was super rich, I will buy GHS her own network & film production. lol!!!.. I wonder why YG entertainment can't help promote PCAP or any of her projects? Sometimes I wonder if GHS still belongs to YG?...but of course she is.:wub:  

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DC members are talking that PCAP may not air next Wed...

I am not sure what is happening...

They are saying that after the 16th epi...the screen showed that it will be aired next Thurs...they are hoping it will be shown twice next THur..or are they trying to cut it short due to low rating??

Oh NO!!! Say it isn't so!!

I hope they will not do what they did to The Musical. Postpone it and cut an episode ,the ending was chopped up. It does seem like SBS is promoting Rooftop Prince these days. Maybe that's all they care about. Ratings! Wild Romance just finished. That might help with the ratings.

@drmjs Always enjoy your input. I do fear for GHS acting career. The antis are pretty persistent in wanting to end it. All those unjustified criticisms, rumours about her retirement, trying to damage her image by false scandal,etc. The netizens in Korea are very powerful. Unfortunately actors/ actresses image are important. It affect the roles and endorsements you get. Like you said, look at Tablo case. He had to fight back, now Song Hye Kyo, too fighting back. I hope there are still many good people who do not pay attention to those crap. I wish GHS fans will be more vocal in Korea in support of GHS and drown out those antis. I pray for strength for GHS.  GHS fighting!

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