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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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I read on DC yesterday that Park Bo Young's cyworld bg music was "when i turn at the alley" featuring gummy.

I've heard about this too and I've checked PBY's cyworld playlist and GHS's song is there :D !! It's nice to see celebrities appreciate HS's songs from the album. First, Dana from CSJH now it's Park Bo Young! I love her too she's adorable and I've just realised she was in HS eoni's past shows like "The King and I" and "Strongest Chil Woo" (cameo but it's still cool!) I remember watching old clip from their "The King and I" days and they seem really close like a "eoni-dongseng relationship" it's very cute!

PBY's cyworld


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Guest susAmerica

thanks for all the HS' updates everyone~~ :lol: HS eoni looks gorgeous in last night's jp fanmeeting! On the weekend I heard the news about Tablo & Kang Hye Jung's plans to be wedded next month and they are expecting a baby due next year...I wonder if HS will be going to Tablo's wedding since they are good friends afterall, :Dslek thanks for sharing the cyworld BGM playlist of Dana from CSJH she definitely has great taste in music! haha!! Ahhh!! I really want to see a vid or fancam of HS singing "골목을 돌면" from the fanmeeting because that song is just beautiful! It also makes me wonder if YG has plans on making an MV for one of HS's songs from her album most likely for " 골목을 돌면"...I hope they do! :D:P



I don't know if it's just me but the audio of the vid seems out of sync. I've checked the one ying5387isme uploaded and there's also something wrong with the audio ><

minjee,, thank you for getting the hanadan bts 22. too bad that the audio and the pix did not match. but GHS and LMH's conversation BTS was adorable. Also notice around @1:24 KHJ dozing during the wedding scene of Joonpyo and Jaekyung. poor overworked actors :(

JP and JD conversation: this is the scene where both are watching the stars and JP tells JD that he loves her.

GHS:(I cannot see the pix so I cannot match her word to pix at all) @2:36 This way, no, this way,,,,(maybe this is where they are practicing how to kiss from their sitting position.)

(wow GHS also looks so tired and looks as if she is dozing as filming or practicing the lines with LMH.)

JP: Oh, shi, do you think I am kind of mollusk or something? (Maybe LMH feels abused by GHS as she is directing him about how to turn his face to kiss?? Cannot tell)

(Over the loud Japanese narrator, I still hear JP and JD faintly arguing together about this way or that way, etc.

LMH is making funny comments about GHS' nose,,can't hear well..then I think he called her nose "a drinker's nose" and GHs laughs and says that she has not heard that in a while. hahaha)

**I think reporter asked LMH about kissing GHS.

LMH: (addressing GHS, I guess) he is asking again what it is like (about kissing)

GHS: uhh..

LMH: now, it is no big deal.

GHS: how come? why?

LMH: (snickering) this is the 4th time. just another task...no feeling...

GHS: how is it 4th?

LMH: Of course, this is our 4th one. one at the road, one at the moutain house, at the swing and now. So this is the 4th time. see?

(GHS is saying hmm while listening to LMH talk. It is so funny, The way they talk and argue and laugh almost seems like there is no boundary from BOF the drama to their real life interaction. hahaha and they are saying all these in front of the reporter/cameraman too!)

GHS: (I think talking to the cameraman as she is now using honrofics) What are you doing?? (GHS is laughing. I cannot tell what is happening as there is no match for audio with pix)

GHS:@3:45 (GHS says a phrase that I cannot clarify or understand but there is a Japanese word on the screen??? Bella, can you ask your grandmother??)

GHS: Ohh, you like Jandi so. (LMH giggles.)

Then the audio changes to actual BOF drama audio where JP asks JD if he know what his dream is and JD says to go star watching with your son and JP says JD is too simple minded. (ene of that clip) AFter that, it is self-explanatory.

(I must say, LMH and GHS regular conversation on the set is just like the characters that they are playing--so funny, so cute and they don't seem to care what others like the cameraman may think!! hahaha. Of course, we do not have as much access to GHS' conversation with the other F4 actors at all so hard to compare. I could understand GHS' belief that the quality of drama can largely depend on how well actors get along on the set.)

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Guest susAmerica

Thank you for the pix of GHS on ad for the Somang: Somang is telling the history of GHS as the main female model for their products. It started around 2007 when GHS was the Queen in <King and I> and now GHS has been their model going on 3 years. It is so that peoople immediately associate GHS with Somang. They are looking forward to her CF work with the new male model for the next two years, Yoon Sang Hyun. :)(I love their CF so far. GHS in her CF for Somang and TLJ are so different and so good. She really can play diverse roles so well. I wonder if she and Yoon Sang Hyun may also do a duet for the Somang CF. Yoon is also a very good singer.)

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Guest pinkdaisies

found a clip, not sure if it has been shared. it's an old one where they filmed in new caledonia for BOF. hye sun was asking for rice again. :)

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minjee,, thank you for getting the hanadan bts 22. too bad that the audio and the pix did not match. but GHS and LMH's conversation BTS was adorable. Also notice around @1:24 KHJ dozing during the wedding scene of Joonpyo and Jaekyung. poor overworked actors :(

JP and JD conversation: this is the scene where both are watching the stars and JP tells JD that he loves her.

GHS:(I cannot see the pix so I cannot match her word to pix at all) @2:36 This way, no, this way,,,,(maybe this is where they are practicing how to kiss from their sitting position.)

(wow GHS also looks so tired and looks as if she is dozing as filming or practicing the lines with LMH.)

JP: Oh, shi, do you think I am kind of mollusk or something? (Maybe LMH feels abused by GHS as she is directing him about how to turn his face to kiss?? Cannot tell)

(Over the loud Japanese narrator, I still hear JP and JD faintly arguing together about this way or that way, etc.

LMH is making funny comments about GHS' nose,,can't hear well..then I think he called her nose "a drinker's nose" and GHs laughs and says that she has not heard that in a while. hahaha)

**I think reporter asked LMH about kissing GHS.

LMH: (addressing GHS, I guess) he is asking again what it is like (about kissing)

GHS: uhh..

LMH: now, it is no big deal.

GHS: how come? why?

LMH: (snickering) this is the 4th time. just another task...no feeling...

GHS: how so?

LMH: Of course, this is our 4th one. one at the road, one at the moutain house, at the swing and now. So this is the 4th time. see?

(GHS is saying hmm while listening to LMH talk. It is so funny, The way they talk and argue and laugh almost seems like there is no boundary from BOF the drama to their real life interaction. hahaha and they are saying all these in front of the reporter/cameraman too!)

GHS: (I think talking to the cameraman as she is now using honrofics) What are you doing?? (GHS is laughing. I cannot tell what is happening as there is no match for audio with pix)

GHS:@3:45 (GHS says a phrase that I cannot clarify or understand but there is a Japanese word on the screen??? Bella, can you ask your grandmother??)

GHS: Ohh, you like Jandi so. (LMH giggles.)

Then the audio changes to actual BOF drama audio where JP asks JD if he know what his dream is and JD says to go star watching with your son and JP says JD is too simple minded. (ene of that clip) AFter that, it is self-explanatory.

(I must say, LMH and GHS regular conversation on the set is just like the characters that they are playing--so funny, so cute and they don't seem to care what others like the cameraman may think!! hahaha. Of course, we do not have as much access to GHS' conversation with the other F4 actors at all so hard to compare. I could understand GHS' belief that the quality of drama can largely depend on how well actors get along on the set.)

I just asked my grandmother at the 3:45 mark and on the screen it said: (someone?) doesn't like the joking around. My grandmother thinks it might be the PD who is not pleased with all the joking around.

Sue- this video is taken down and I went by this one as this is the same one but the voices sync up. Thanks to the poster (pink fairy?)on the Joondi thread who posted it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EE_1T1y81wc

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based on chinese forum, one of the poster knows japanese.There was one part where the kissing was problematic as what susamerica say " this way, that way" PD said: " minho nose is too big. Mino say:"big nose" after that hyesun repeated what he says.

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Guest susAmerica

DC inside: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhye...4640&page=2

Found the article in DCinside:


More bit of news from Japan FM:

HEADLINE: '꽃남' 일본 동창회! 구혜선 여신 포스에 '1만 일본팬 턱 빠질라..'

HEADLINE: "BOF reunion in Japan! GHS godess pose: 10,000 Japanese fans' jaws may drop...."

스포츠 연예팀 (csnews@csnews.co.kr) 2009-09-07 12:08:00

Reported by SPORTS Entertainment Team on Sept. 7th, 2009

(I am just highligting interesing parts.. hopefully not too much repetition:)

지난 5일과 6일 이틀간 퍼시픽요코하마 국립대홀에서 열린 드라마 '꽃보나남자'의 프리미엄 이벤트에 일본팬 1만여 명이 응집해 열광의 도가니 탕을 만들었다.

10,000 people gather at Yokohama creating a frenzied melting pot...

첫날 행사 '신화그룹 주최 파티'에는 F4의 이민호 김현중 김준 임주환 김소은 등이 무대에 올랐으며, 둘째 날 '신화학원 학원제'에는 김범이 가세해 F4 멤버 전원과 구혜선이 모처럼 한자리에 모였다. 특히 이날 구혜선은 갓 왕림한 '여신' 포스를 풍기며 좌중을 압도했다.

On 5th: F4 plus Im joo hwan and Kim so eun. On 6th: F4 and especially GHS's fresh appearance in godess pose overwhelmed the fans.

이민호는 "큰 사고를 당해 반년이나 일을 못 하다가 운명의 구준표 역을 맡아 진심으로 고맙다"면서 "친구와 같은 사람을 좋아한다면 사랑보다 우정을 선택하겠다"고 말했다.

LMH: "I am just so grateful to have gotten the role of Goo Joon Pyo, a role of a fateful good fortune, after being unable to work for 6 months from a serious accident....If I like same person as my friend, I would choose friendship over love."

김현중은 "윤지후보다 더 재미있는 남자"라고 소개하며 심한 감기 몸살에도 SS501 멤버들과 함께 멋진 퍼포먼스를 선보이며, '제발 잘해줘' '고맙다' 등 2곡을 솔로로 선보여 팬들을 열광시켰다.

KHJ: "I am much more interesting a man than Yoon Ji Hoo" as his introduction. Even with his cold, he performed beautifully with SS501, "Please be good to me" and two more solo songs. (I am not sure if this was on the 5th or the 6th or both?? He had to have done same thing on both days as different fans must have come for the 6th day event!).

현재 방영중인 '드림'의 촬영 스케줄 때문에 6일 오후 일본에 도착한 김범은 "오늘 바로 한국에 돌아가 드라마 촬영에 합류한다"며 "일본 공식 팬클럽 베가(Vega)가 다음달 1일 오픈하며 11월8일 팬 미팅, 그리고 12월에도 이벤트를 예정하고 있어 다시 찾아뵙고 열심히 활동 하겠다"고 아쉬움을 달랬다.

Kim Bum came to FM in the afternoon of 6th and had to return to Korean that day as he was in the middle of filming his new drama, <DREAM>. He mentions that Japan fan club called VEGA is opening on the first of next month, fan meeting on the Nov.8th and planning an event in December. So he will be back to Japan but regret that he had to leave so soon.

구혜선은 자신이 작곡한 거미의 곡 '골목을 돌면'을 불러 가창력을 선보였으며, 음악과 미술 등 최근 폭넓은 활동에 대해 "영화는 종합예술이다. 그래서 꼭 영화를 만들어내 보고 싶다"며 "일본에서도 내가 만든 영화가 개봉되길 기원한다"고 포부를 밝혔다.

GHS beautifully sang her own compostion sang by Gummy, "if I turn at the end of the alley". She spoke of her current activities and called movie as a comprehensive art and hoped that after she definitely make a movie, she can also have an opening in Japan.

한편 '꽃남 프리미엄 이벤트'는 당초 6일 하루만 열기로 했었으나, 입장권 매진과 팬들의 열연한 요청에 따라 5일 긴급 추가돼 이틀 일정으로 개최됐다. (사진-연합뉴스)

Although BOF premier event was suppose to be held only for one day on the 6th, the demand was so great that they had to open one additional day.

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Guest susAmerica

Does anyone know if hyesun is back in KOREA? theres no news...*sigh* maybe tomorrow?...hmmm

If I remembered correctly she would have an event w/ ISAO?

hello pink fairy,

I checked the Daum Cafe today. There is no official news that she returned. However, I saw a statement in DCHyesun--a fan saying,"Oh, Koo is back!" and her entry is below, 9/8/2009. However, the way she posted, she is not sure exactly when she returned to Korea or if she really did--there is no evidence like newspaper link or vid link. So it may not be very reliable.

For Your Information:


쿠 입국했네~~ [14] 쿠바라기 2009/09/08

According to Radio Heaven when both GHS and Isao Sasaki guested, Isao Sasaki-sang did not know for sure if the Free Master Class and mini-concert would actually occur on the 8th as reported. He himself received no reports---it depends on the applicants who want to be given one-day lesson. Let us watch out for the Sept 8th news/fan accts and see if the Master class does occur.

I found 2 more articles in cafe Daum. However, most of their contents are repetition from the past so I will just point out few things:

[취재기] 올림픽공원 우리금융아트홀(올림픽역도경기장)&구혜선, 함께 첫 발을 내딛다

Headline: Olympic Finance Art Hall and GHS make their first step together!


2009-09-07 16:44:32

김수연 기자 newstage@hanmail.net Reporter Kim Soo Yun of Newstage on 9/7/09

[공연문화의 부드러운 외침 ⓒ 뉴스테이지 www.newstage.co.kr]

According to this article, what is NEW is that the art hall where GHS had her first concert on Sept 5th , 2009 with Isao Sasaki, Gummy and other musicians was also the very first OPENING day of Olympic Finance Art Hall. This means that the Olympic Park Commission thought it appropriate to start the HISTORY of its new building with the very first concert by our amazing GHS! They say that their first event with GHS was a great success and they hope to have more and various events to share with the public!

FYI: 구혜선이 중학생시절 작곡했다는 ‘Rain’과 ‘향기’는 그녀가 직접 피아노를 연주하며 곡에 대한 애정을 보여줬다. 구혜선은 두 곡의 연주가 끝난 뒤 “오늘 이 음악회를 통해 여러분의 가슴에 작은 무지개를 선물하고 싶다”는 인사를 전했다.

Also under this article, did you know that the two songs called, <RAIN> and <PERFUME> are written by GHS when she was in mere junior high school? NOT even a highschooler but a JUNIOR high schooler! Supposedly after she played these two songs, she told her audience that she hopes to deliver to their hearts small gifts of rainbows through her concert.

(I just realized that pink fairy gave this link below in the previous page)

http://media.daum.net/entertain/others/view.html? cateid=100030&newsid=20090907143204939&p=yonhap

작곡집 낸 구혜선 "사실은 영화 위한 준비"

Headline: "GHS's new CD: "I did it all for a movie that I want to make." (It is actually an OST for her movie to come!)

연합뉴스 | 입력 2009.09.07 14:32 ~~posted on 9/7/09

(A video clip is included in this particular news article: I think we saw them in soompi thread)

< 영상취재, 편집: 정재현 > ssgm00@yna.co.kr ~~~edited by Jung Jae Hyun of Yun Hap News

(aside: you know how GHS made an analogy of making a movie to mixing many ingredients in order to make a delicious BiBimBap salad? It just made me crack up because GHS said in Japan FM that the only similarity for her and Jandi is that they both like to eat!! GHS likes food so she even made an analogy with food! Well, I love BiBimBap too~~it is a delicious and appropriate analogy!!!)

According to the article above, FYI, GHS made a strong proposal to YG President Yang and her parents so that she can start the work on making her music CD. (I wonder why to her parents??)

FYI: The same time that GHS issued her first music CD, titled <BREATH>, Isao Sasaki issued his 10th New Age music CD, titled <THE WAY WE WERE>. As we know, Isao Sasaki arranged two songs composed by GHS: "If I turn at the end of the alley" and " Various Good-byes" ('골목을 돌면'과 '별별이별'). Among the songs in Isao Sasaki's new CD is his arrangement of GHS's music "Various Good-Byes". Isao Sasaki thinks that GHS has a very unique musical sensibility or concept and that he is very impressed by her after getting to know her. Of course, GHS has been a Isao Sasaki's fan since childhood and she still cannot believe she has worked with her childhood hero. She also looks up to her President Yang of YG Entertainment for who he is as a person and how he lives his life.(Isn't that something??!!)

FYI: Gummy and GHS are part of YG and have helped and supported each other over the years. GHS made an illustration for her album jacket and Gummy sang GHS's song at the concert and for CD and Gummy also visited and supported GHS's last art exhibit in Jully. (I guess they are close and I guess YG encourages his people to support each other and get along with each other??)

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Guest susAmerica

Original post on page 303 based on trater's links to press conference of GHS and Isao Sasaki:

090904 Goo Hye Sun& Isao Sasaki Over The Rainbow Press Conference News



090904 Goo Hye Sun& Isao Sasaki Over The Rainbow Press Conference TV Dally News


090904 Goo Hye Sun& Isao Sasaki Over The Rainbow Press Conference News 2


090904 Goo Hye Sun& Isao Sasaki Over The Rainbow Press Conference News 3


090904 Goo Hye Sun& Isao Sasaki Over The Rainbow Press Conference News 4


090904 Goo Hye Sun& Isao Sasaki Over The Rainbow Press Conference News 5


090904 Goo Hye Sun& Isao Sasaki Over The Rainbow Press Conference News 6


At page 303, I could not translate what Isao Sasaki said in clip #3 but thanks to pink fairy's new link, I will add it below in color GREEN. pink fairy's link is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHf-G3vU8pw

Thanks trater for all the clips of GHS and Isao Sasaki press conf. Webby, I agree with everything you say! Yes, in clip #2, she did say that the next thing that she would really like to do is to be a great mom. She does not consider being a good mom as a challenge but something she would really like to do. (I do not think she wants to wait until over 30 to get married like many actresses seem to do at this time in Korea. Do you?) She also says in the clip that, in real life, she gets scared about many things. (ADD:I thought it kind of interesting that she did not say she would like to get married first then become a mom. Don't you think so? Not too long ago, around April after BOF ended, GHS was spreading her wish to be married asap and that she did not care who he is as long as she is deeply in love with the guy--she did not care whether he is a pauper or had smelly feet or did not take showers...Remember? I wonder what it may mean? Maybe nothing or maybe something? Just thought it interesting. I guess her mind is also on her work.)

Regarding the press clips, sometimes I could not understand or hear well due to so much background noise and the camera clicking. Especially I could not understand or hear the translator for Isao Sasaki so I am skipping him here. Loved the Fusion Chopstick in clip #3. Very unique and cute! Since she said that she will be putting that piece in her next CD, I am definitely looking forward to more good work from her and Isao Sasaki.

EDIT: Isao Sasaki on GHS: "I may be her senior in terms of music, however, I would give her my ideas to arrange her music and she is the one who made those ideas come alive in her music. Working in that way and completing the project gave me great satisfaction as well." (In another report also somewhere in this thread, he said that he is impressed by GHS and that her musical sensibility is unique.)

In clip #4, she thanks Isao Sasaki for influencing her (she has loved his music since she was little) and she also thanks her YG president for his influence in her life, especially how deligently he lives his life. ( I liked her comment here about President Yang. I know they did not see or understand each other's music but they respected each other.) Regarding her dream to be a professional singer, she says it is dwindling. She sees so many singers and idol groups who are so far advanced and so good that she no longer wants to challenge herself in that area.

In clip #5, she feels very embarrassed when people comment that she is multitalented and good at everything. She does not see it that way. Actually she says that she is not good at many things and there isn't any one thing that she is super good at either. Although what she has produced may sound like too many things, actually, everything she did belongs in one group or one category. She loves the "little things" that she does (she is calling composing, writing and drawing as "little things") and she likes to mix them up like delicious "bibimbap" (a delicious Korean-style salad with mixed vegetables,sometimes meat, rice and spicy sauce) and turn them into a story or movie. Her love for "these little things" also helped her in acting as well.

In clip #6: Although people may think that she has produced her novel, drawings and compositions within a short time, actually, they took her about 10 years. Somehow at her age 26 (Korean age), everything that she has poured her heart into came into fruiition at once. It is an amazing timing for her. She also reminds people that she has experienced much heartaches of multiple rejections for her work from the experts over the years. People are not aware of that fact. However, most importantly she continued on because she really likes what she does.

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trater, thanks for the pix.

are they from the sept 8th master class? :)

No, Sue...they are from the Sept 5th (concert Over The Rainbow) when she dressed like Dara (2NE1)

Here are some more pics of the Art Hall ...sorry i cant find pics of HS, hope someone in Snow Julie will upload more








and another fan account from blog daum, can u have look? maybe u can find some new info in there

,첨부터 숨죽이며 애틋한 마음으로 봤습니다.

피아노연주곡이기 때문에 다소 따분하거나 중간에 졸리울수도(쿠의얘기)있는데도 프로그램구성이 짜임새가 있었고요,무대가 웅장?하지는 않지만 예뿌고 음악회의 분위기를잘 살린 아름다운 무대였습니다(사진촬영은 금지)중앙에 액자형의 스크린이 있었고요,그앞에 작은 오케스트라석이 있었고...메인무대가 되는 피아노는 객석편에서 좌측에 위치 돼 있었습니다...

맨첨 시작은 쿠의 발자취인 어릴때부터의 사진...얼짱때사진,논스톱 부터 꽃보다남자(첫등교시 아자!하는씬과 그네키스씬)까지의 쿠의 기록과 같은 사진이 스크린을 채웠습니다..객석에선 중간중간 탄성이 나왔고요,,화면사라짐과 동시에 피아노앞의 쿠와 여자첼리스트와의 연주(향기..레인)가 나왔는데 쿠의 긴장함을 전 느꼈어요..그러나 넘 진지하고 열심인 쿠의 연주에 우리모두 숨죽여 들었답니다..그러면서 스크린에선 연주곡에 대한 짧은 설명과 아름다운 풍경,쿠의 탱고,그림등이 아우러져 연주내내 눈과 귀가 즐거웠답니다...아!! 쿠는 진정여신이었습니다.긴머리의 크림빛원피스를 입은 피아노 앞의 쿠는 정말 여신이었습니다...저러케 아름다워도 돼?^^스크린에 나타난 아름다운 쿠모습과 건반위의 길고 긴 하얀손..상상 되시죠?^^

그다음이 최인영씨의 밤비소리 사랑의꿈 쿠의 연주완 달리 정말 전문가답게 아주 섬세하면서 다이나믹했어요..ㅋㅋ 남자의 손이 아름답다는 건 첨 느꼈습니다..정말 멋있었어요..전 레인을 조아하는데 오늘은 밤비소리 들을땐 감동~~오키스트라의 반주와 또 허밍하는 여가수까지 나와 들려준 밤비소리는 듣는 내내 가슴벅찬 감동이었어요...밤비소리..쿠가 중학교때 작곡한거 맞아?^^대단한 울쿠^^

그다음이 오늘의 압권인 사사키씨의 정말 아름답고 포스가 느껴지는 연주는 뭉클하게까지 ...그분은 정말 아름다운 연주가셨어요..겸손함과 성실하심과 쿠를 사랑스러워 하는 모습이 묻어나는 표정등 갠적으로 감사하기까지 했답니다.작은체구이지만 연주때는 정말 크게 느껴지는 진정한 아티스트였습니다..쿠가 일본까지 가서 연주곡 보여드리고(스크린에도 나옴)러브콜한걸 알겠드라고요...참 사사키씨 연주때 쿠의 유쾌한도우미가 나왔는데 꽤 길게 본건 처음이었어요...

다음이 청바지에 청색조끼입고 부천영화제때 쓴모자 같음... 경쾌한 모습의 쿠가 무대중앙에 나와 제가 갠적으로 조아하는 장영희교수의 살아온기적 살아갈기적중 한부분을 읽어주며 예전의 낭독의 발견과 같은 분위기도 연출 했고요...

그리고 거미씨...포스가 느껴지는 가창력..공연장의 분위기를 파워풀하게 단번에 바꿔버리는 카리스마가 느껴져졌어요..사사키씨의 반주의 골목을 돌면도 넘 좋았지만요 오늘 본인이 직접 피아노 치면서 김범수의 보고싶다를 부를땐 소름이 쫙~~증말 노래잘하고 쿠가 말했듯이 노래는 가수가 해야된다는 말..ㅋㅋ 빙고^^ ..그리고 거미의 쿠에 대한 애정어린 말할떈 코끝이 찡ㅠㅠ "구혜선은 슬픔이 많은 친구같다..그림에서도 음악에서도 슬픔이 보이고 안스러울때도 많지만...슬픔도 아름답게 승화시킬줄 아는 친구"...가슴에 와 닿았답니다..그러면서 "쿠를 많이 사랑해달라"는 말도 잊지않고...정말 이뿐 친구죠?..노래만 잘하는 거민줄 알았는데 말도 마음도 참 이뿐 친구더군요..오늘 부터 카수 거미 사랑 한다..ㅋㅋㅋ 더불어 본인도 곧 새론 앨범이 나온다고 홍보해 우리가 웃었답니다..참으로 여유가 있는 거미를 봤습니다^^

다음으로 쿠의 말을 빌리자면 끝나면 집에 갈 차림이라며 2NE1 같이(딱붙는 청바지에 주황색이 든 반팔의 긴티샤쓰) 입었다고 하면서 사사키씨를 다시 무대중앙으로 통역을 통해 잠시 대담(한국에 대한 소감,곡...) 이때 쿠의 질문이 나와야할 화면이 늦게 나오자 다음 질문이 안나오네요 라며 ...재치있게 넘기고 비교적 솔직하게 대담을 이끌어가면서 관객들을 웃게 만들곤 했습니다.

마지막으로 사사키씨의 연주곡(특히 Sky walker를 들을땐 피아노 선율이 이러케도 아름다울수 있다는걸 느꼈답니다)이 끝나고 쿠가 무대중앙으로 깡충깡충 뛰어서 사사키씨의 옆에 앉아 옹달샘 젓가락행진곡등 동요를 귀엽게 연주하는 모습은 정말 부녀가 피아노앞에 나란히 앉아 즐기는거 같아 넘 보기 좋았습니다.관객들의 큰박수를 받고 퇴장..계속되는 박수에 짠~ 하고 나와줄 줄 알았는데,,, 스크린에서의 쿠(최근 일본에 간 장면. 도토루점에 들어가는 장면에선 다들 웃음...그리고 사사키씨와만남..혼자 거니는 쿠)를 보는것으로 만족해야 했습니다

ㅋㅋㅋ 이상은 저의 후기라기 보다는 못가신 쿠팬들을 위해 쿠의 음악회를 보여드리고 싶은 맘으로 허접하지만 열심히 적었습니다..눈으로 읽으시면서 맘으로 음악회를 봐주시기 바랍니다..길고 긴글 읽으시느라 힘드셨쬬..캄솨합니다^^

쿠가 이뿌기도 하고 재능도 있어서 좋은게 아니라..매사에 진심이 느껴지고(인사동전시회때나 이번 음악회서도..)순수하면서도 성실한자세로 본인이 하고 싶어하는 일에 열정적으로 하는 모습에서 어린나이지만 제자신 다시 돌아보게 하는 아주 개념찬 쿠이기에..정말 무한한애정으로 앞으로도 계속 쿠를 응원하렵니다..

입구에 들어서면 천장과 가까이 있는 벽면..고개를 들고 봐야할 정도로 높이 걸린 포스터...^^

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